Fairy tale "The adventures of a grain of wheat. Bean seed - Russian folk tale The story of the bean seed read

There lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, and the hen, you know, says to yourself:
- Petya, don't rush. Petya, don't rush.
Once a cockerel was pecking at bean seeds, and in a hurry he choked.
He choked, did not breathe, did not hear, as if the dead were lying.
The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouting:
- Oh, hostess, let's quickly grease the cockerel's neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The hostess says:
- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I'll beat the butter.
The chicken rushed to the cow:
- Cow, my dear, give milk as soon as possible, the hostess will knock butter out of milk, I will smear the cockerel neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh grass.
The chicken runs to the owner:
-Master! Master! Give the cow fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will knock butter out of the milk, I will grease the cockerel's neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe.
The hen rushed with all its might to the blacksmith:
- Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the owner a good scythe as soon as possible. The owner will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will grease the neck of the cockerel: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe,

the owner gave the cow fresh grass,

cow gave milk
the hostess knocked down the butter, gave the butter to the hen.

The chicken smeared the neck of the cockerel. The bean seed slipped through.
The cockerel jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs:
- Ku-ka-river!

Russian folktale

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Bean seed"

The main form of existence of a folklore work, which is a fairy tale, is oral. Each narrator adds his own nuances to the narrative, changes the story he once heard in his own way. That is why every folklore text has so many different variations. Oral folk art in the age of information technology has acquired a new way of existence: now it is transmitted not only “by word of mouth”, but also downloaded across the Internet. Such a convenient way of existence does not exclude the basic principles of the existence of folklore; it is still told and modified in different ways with each new storyteller. The Russian folk tale "The Bean Seed" is no exception. There are a fairly large number of variants of this tale, characters change from text to text, new details appear, and the title is slightly transformed. The text of the tale is very conducive to such modifications, its plot is simple, based on constant repetition with the addition of new moments, it is easy to remember and retell. What is the tale about?

Plot and characters

The main idea of ​​the story

Understanding the moral of the story is not difficult. In the tale of the rooster choking on a bean seed, there are two points that need to be brought to the attention of a child who is reading or listening to the story. First, you need to be careful when eating and take your time in the process of eating. But this is not the most important thing. The main moral emphasis of this instructive story is the selfless behavior of the hen, who overcame so many obstacles to help the cockerel. It is this lesson that the little listener of the fairy tale needs to learn: if the goal is noble, especially as in this case - helping a loved one, then you must try to destroy all the obstacles on the way to achieving it, and you should never despair and lose heart.

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There lived a cockerel and a hen. A cockerel rummaged and dug a bean.

Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat the bean seed!

Ko-ko-ko, cockerel, eat yourself!

The cockerel ate a grain and choked. Called the chicken

Go, chicken, to the river, ask for some water to drink.

The chicken ran to the river:

River, river, give me some water: the cockerel choked on a bean seed!

River says:

Go to the sticky, ask for a leaflet, then I'll give you some water.

The chicken ran to the sticky tree:

Sticky, sticky, give me a leaf! I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Lipka says:

Go to the girl, ask for a thread.

The chicken ran

Girl, girl, give me a thread! I’ll take the thread to sticky, sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The girl replies:

Go to the combers, ask for a comb, then I'll give you a thread.

The hen ran to the combers:

Combers, combers, give me a comb! I will take the comb to the girl, the girl will give the thread, I will take the thread to sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The combers say:

Go to the Kalashnikovs, let them give us rolls.

The chicken ran to the Kalashnikovs:

Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov, give kalach! I’ll take the rolls to the combers, the combers will give the comb, I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give a thread, I’ll take the thread to sticky, sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Kalashnikov says:

Go to the woodcutters, let them give us firewood.

The hen went to the lumberjacks:

Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give me firewood! I’ll take the wood to the kalashnikovs, the kalashniks will give the rolls, I’ll take the rolls to the combers, the combers will give the comb, I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give a thread, I’ll take the thread to sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The lumberjacks gave the hen firewood.

The chicken took the firewood to the Kalashnikovs, the Kalashnikovs gave her rolls, the rolls gave it to the combers, the combers gave her a comb, they took the comb to the girl, the girl gave her a thread, she took the thread to sticky, the sticky gave a leaf, took the leaf to the river, the river gave water.

The cockerel got drunk, and a grain slipped through.

Cockerel crowed.

When I used to read a fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", for some reason, with my adult brain, for a long time I could not understand what kind of tricks these were: the cockerel is bad, he is suffocating, dying, you can say, and everyone to whom the chicken turns for help, instead of helping, they drive her to fulfill their petty desires. And why write a fairy tale about it? What is the meaning of such a tale? And only recently, having listened to the speaker's introduction before the audio production, I realized: why, they simply had no other choice! They persecuted her not because they wanted to, but because they could not help in any other way! And the tale about how the cockerel choked on a bean seed is actually about mutual assistance! Remember this and don't be as blind as me! 🙂

Cockerel and bean seed

There lived a cockerel and a hen.

The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, and the hen, you know, says to yourself:

"Petya, don't be in a hurry!" Petya, don't rush!

Once a cockerel was pecking at bean seeds, and in a hurry he choked. He choked, did not breathe, did not hear, as if the dead were lying.

The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouting:

- Oh, hostess, give butter as soon as possible, grease the cockerel's neck: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The hostess says:

- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I'll beat the butter.

The chicken rushed to the cow:

- Cow, dove, give me some milk! The hostess will churn butter out of milk, I will smear the neck of the cockerel with butter: the cockerel has choked on a bean seed.

- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh grass.

The chicken runs to the owner:

- Master, master! Hurry, give the cow fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will knock butter out of the milk, I will smear the neck of the cockerel with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The owner says to her:

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe.

The hen rushed with all its might to the blacksmith:

“Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the master a good scythe!” The owner will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will grease the neck of the cockerel: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The cockerel was rummaging around in the yard and found a bean seed. I wanted to swallow, but choked. He choked and fell, and lies, does not breathe! The hen saw, ran up to him and asked:

— Ko-ko-ko! Cockerel, cockerel, why are you lying, not breathing?

The rooster answers:

- Bobby choked ... Go to the cow, ask for butter - to swallow the bobok ...

The chicken ran to the cow:

— Ko-ko-ko! Cow-cow, give me butter - the cockerel is lying, not breathing, choking on his bean!

cow says:

- Mu-u, go to the mowers, ask for hay!

The chicken ran to the mowers:

— Ko-ko-ko! Mowers, mowers, give me hay! Hay for the cow, the cow will give me butter, the butter for a rooster. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!

Kosari says:

- Go to the oven, ask for rolls!

The chicken ran to the oven:

— Ko-ko-ko! Pecheya-pecheya, give me rolls! Kalachi - mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - to a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!

Pechea says:

- Go to the lumberjacks! Firewood ask!

The chicken ran to the woodcutters:

— Ko-ko-ko! Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give me firewood! Firewood - baker, baker will give kalachi, kalachi - to mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - to a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!

- Go to the blacksmith, ask for an ax, there is nothing to chop with!

The hen ran to the blacksmith:

— Ko-ko-ko! Blacksmith, blacksmith, give me an ax, an ax - to the woodcutters, woodcutters will give firewood, firewood - a baker, a baker will give kalachi, kalachi - mowers, mowers will give hay, hay - a cow, a cow will give butter, butter - a cockerel. The cockerel is lying, not breathing, he choked on his bob!

“Go into the woods, light some coals,” says the blacksmith.

The hen went into the forest, lit the coals, brought the coals to the blacksmith. The blacksmith gave an axe. She brought an ax to the woodcutters, the woodcutters gave firewood. She brought firewood for the oven, the baker gave rolls. The hen brought the kalachi to the mowers, the mowers gave hay. She brought hay to the cow, the cow gave butter.

Brought chicken butter cockerel. The cockerel swallowed the oil and swallowed the bean. He jumped up and sang.

Russian folk tales

Summary of the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk":

Tale about hurried cockerel who choked on a bean seed and how the chicken had to save him, turning to the mistress for butter, to the cow for milk, to the owner for grass and to the scythe for scythe. As a result, when this whole long chain was completed and the chicken received oil, she greased the cockerel's neck and bean seed slipped. This Russian folktale as if hinting to us that we should not rush and be distracted while eating.

The tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" - read:

Well, there were a cockerel and a hen.
The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, but you know the hen
- Petya, don't hurry! Petya, don't rush!
Once a cockerel was pecking at bean seeds, but in a hurry and
choked. Choking, not breathing, not hearing, as if
dead lies.
The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouting:
- Oh, hostess, give me butter, a cockerel's neck
lubricate: a cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The hostess says:
- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I'll knock
The chicken rushed to the cow:
- Cow, dove, give me some milk! From milk
the hostess will bring down the oil, I will grease the cockerel with oil
neck: a cockerel choked on a bean seed.
- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh
The chicken runs to the owner:
- Master, master! Give the cow some fresh grass,
the cow will give milk, the hostess will knock down from the milk
oil, I will smear the neck of the cockerel with oil: choked
cockerel with a bean seed.
The owner says to her:
- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe.
The hen rushed with all its might to the blacksmith:
- Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the owner a good scythe! Master
will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, hostess
give me butter, I will grease the cockerel's neck: choked
cockerel with a bean seed.
The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow
fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess knocked
butter, gave the butter to the chicken.
The chicken smeared the neck of the cockerel. bean seed
slipped. The cockerel jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs:
- Ku-ka-re-ku!

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