Competitive presentation "For children about fire safety rules" for primary school students. Presentation on the topic spring fires do not download Fire danger in the spring presentation

Purpose: formation of students' knowledge about fire safety.
1. Create conditions for children to consciously study the basic rules of safe behavior in an entertaining way;
2. To give generalized theoretical knowledge that will help children in dangerous and difficult life situations make the right decision;
3. Carry out the correction of students' behavior through the analysis of actions.

Educator. In the lessons of the heading “Where danger lies in wait for us”, we begin our acquaintance with the “fire safety rules”. Ivan Tsarevich from the animated film "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" came to visit us today.

Educator. Fires are very dangerous. In a fire, things, an apartment, a house can burn, people can die. To prevent this, you need to know the rules of fire safety.
. Can I play with matches, candles and lighters? (No. Matches are one of the causes of the fire.)
. Can gas or electric stoves be left unattended? (You can't. It could cause a fire. It's life-threatening.)
. Is it possible to use a microwave oven, a toaster, an iron, an electric kettle, other electric heating devices without adults? (No. You need to ask adults to turn on or off electrical appliances.)
. Is it possible to leave unattended electrical appliances, electric lamps, electric heaters? (No, you can't, it could cause a fire.)
Educator. Well done, children!

Educator. Children, let's repeat the rules of how to act in case of a fire if there are no adults nearby.
. What's the fire department number? (01.)
. Is it possible to extinguish burning electrical appliances with water? (No. Water passes current through itself.)
. Can windows be opened during a fire? (No. The fire will flare up more.)
. The main rule in any danger? (Don't panic, don't lose your temper.)
. Is it possible to hide under the bed, in the closet, under the bathroom? (No. You need to try to escape from the apartment.)
. Can you stay in a smoky room? (No. You need to cover your nose and mouth with a wet rag and move along the wall to leave the room.)
. Can I use the elevator in case of fire? (No. He may pass out.)
. Do I need to inform my neighbors about the fire? (Yes. They will call the fire department.)
Educator. Remember, children, one more rule: while waiting for the arrival of firefighters, remain calm. When the firemen arrive, follow all their instructions. Guys, in order to consolidate our new knowledge, we will play an interesting game "Tell me a word."
Didactic game "Tell me a word."
Game progress.
The teacher, together with the children, stands around, passes the red ball to the child, who must complete the line of poetry.
Where people are careless with fire
There will rise in the sky a ball,
There will always threaten us
Evil... (fire)
One two three four.
Who has a fire in ... (apartment)
Smoke rose suddenly.
Who did not turn off ... (iron)
The red light flickered.
Who with matches ... (played)
The table and cabinet burned down at the same time.
Who dried clothes over ... (gas)
The flame jumped into the foliage.
Who burned at home ... (grass)
Who threw it into the fire
Unfamiliar ... (objects)
Remember every citizen:
This number…(01)
I saw smoke - do not yawn.
And firefighters ... (call)

Sections: life safety fundamentals


learners should know:

  • damage to the environment when burning dead wood,
  • causes and consequences of spring fires,
  • legal regulations restricting the burning of herbaceous vegetation,

students must learn:

  • assess a dangerous situation in the event of a fire due to a fire and make the best decision to overcome it;

Equipment: attributes of the court (bench, tribune, referee's gown, gavel, etc.), computer, slide projector, screen.

Preliminary work: preparation leaflets under the slogan "Save the awakening nature from fire!". The game is accompanied by a presentation ( Application ).


I. Organizational part

II. Introductory talk by the teacher. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

- The topic of today's lesson concerns spring fires (arson of dry grass) and we will conduct it in the form of a business game. The action takes place in the courtroom.

III. Role-playing game "Judgment of the spring fire"

Secretary: Ladies and gentlemen! All rise, the court is in session!

Secretary: Please sit down. Court is open!

Judge: Today, the case of an attempt on the environment is being heard. Defendant - Spring fell. Enter the defendant! (Introduce Spring fell). The word for the accusation is given to Mr. Prosecutor.

Prosecutor. Dear Court! You will hear many testimonies today, and I would like you to be considerate of all so that you can make a fair decision. We are dealing with a very insidious criminal - Spring Fall.
Fire has long been a friend of man. The power of fire is great. But if this power is handled unwisely and carelessly, then fire can become a terrible, insidious enemy. This year, spring begins as favorable for spring fires. Relatively little snowy winters and early prolonged warmth do their job. If this weather persists, last year's dry grass burns like gunpowder, and the fire spreads, burning all life on the way. To start a fire, a carelessly thrown burning match or an unextinguished cigarette butt is enough. But most often the cause of a spring fire is deliberate arson.
Today we bring to your judgment the problem of the spring fell. And in the end, they must make a decision: to be or not to be spring grass burning.

Judge. Mr. Spring has fallen, you admit your guilt.

Spring fell. No, I don't. After my arrival, the Earth becomes cleaner, freed from excess, and soon green grass comes out together, and its sight pleases the eye.

Judge. The floor is given to the prosecution witness, Mr. Ecologist.

Ecologist. Grass fires are one of the most important sources of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Under natural conditions - when dry grass does not burn at all or burns extremely rarely - the organic matter of dying plants or their parts accumulates on the soil surface. There it goes through a complex cycle of transformations, partial decomposition, mixing with the upper layers of the mineral soil (due to the activity of numerous soil animals), and is gradually transformed into long-lasting organic
connections. The soil has been accumulating this organic matter for thousands of years, excluding it from the atmospheric circulation. If fires become too frequent, then carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere not only due to the combustion of fresh dry grass, but also due to the partial burnout of dead organic matter historically accumulated in the soil. This means that the so-called "greenhouse effect" is aggravated, leading to adverse changes and sharper fluctuations in the climate of our planet.
Environmental studies have shown that spring fires lead to a noticeable decrease in soil fertility! With such arson, mineral substances are washed out of the earth faster and it is more difficult for it to resist water and wind erosion. In addition, these fires upset the balance in ecological systems - they kill all insects, as well as the seeds and buds of many plant species.
A fire often destroys thickets of shrubs, and because of this, erosion soon develops on the slopes, ravines grow. And, starting on the slope, erosion will sooner or later come to arable land. This means the loss of fertile land, the cost of erosion control. And plus to that - damage and drying up of springs and streams, shallowing of rivers. Of course, all these losses will not come immediately, in a few years. But after all, we took this land not for a while, but forever ... Even if they happen in 10 years, these losses will affect us or our children.
Setting fire to last year's dry grass along roads, on the edges of forests, in fields and meadows, many people do not even suspect that spring fires are an environmental disaster.
As you know, during spring fires, the process of burning vegetation is accompanied by the release of not only carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but also the remains of fertilizers and pesticides. In areas contaminated with radionuclides, radioactive substances enter the air with fire and smoke. When grass is burned along roads, air pollution with heavy metals occurs. All this leads to air pollution at the level of human and animal respiration.
Moreover, in accordance with Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"(Art. 42), "when operating agricultural facilities, the requirements in the field of environmental protection must be observed".
In accordance with Land Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 42) owners of land plots and persons who are not owners of land plots, " when using land plots, they are obliged to comply with the requirements of urban planning regulations, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire and other rules, regulations".
Particularly strict restrictions are imposed on nature management in the habitats of animal and plant species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Yes, in accordance with Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" (Article 60)" ... Activities leading to a reduction in the number of these plants, animals and other organisms and worsening their habitat are prohibited.".
Spring fires are ecological wildness, harmful and dangerous!

Judge. The word is given to the lawyer of the accused.

Advocate. I am ready to argue with Mr. Ecologist. Pal improves the properties of the herbage and increases the fertility of the soil. "Connoisseurs" say that when the old dry grass burns out, the young one grows much better. The main reason for burning grass is that it warms up the soil and enriches it with ash from the burnt grass.

Judge. The floor is given to the witness for the prosecution, Mr. Botanik.

Botanist. I want to prove to Mr. Lawyer the opposite. The fact is that for some reason there was an opinion that after the spring fell, grass grows better, although this is absolutely not the case. In fact, the effect of faster grass growth as a result of burning is apparent: dry grass simply hides young green shoots at first, and unburnt areas appear gray - while green grass is clearly visible in blackened burnt areas. The soil from a runaway grass fire warms up very slightly, but at the same time, the buds and grass seeds located on the surface or near the surface are destroyed, so that the final effect of such “warming up” turns out to be zero, and sometimes even negative. As for fertilizing the soil with ash, a grass fire does not add anything new: the mineral nutrients contained in the ash would still get into the soil when dry grass decomposes (and in summer, in warm weather, it decomposes very quickly). During a fire, nitrogen volatilizes, which means that the soils lose nitrogenous fertilizers, and the fertilizers of phosphorus, potassium and various microelements necessary for plant growth are faster washed out of the ash by rain than if dead plants, gradually rotting, gave the soil accumulated nutrients.
The species composition of the herbage during a fire is greatly depleted: the seeds of annual plants burn in the fire and only some perennial species survive. And perennial grasses, deprived of seed renewal and subjected to high temperatures, gradually become more and more rare and stunted. Largely because of the burns, mouse peas, carnations, popovnik and other plant species disappeared from the herbage. At the same time, the stability of the natural environment in relation to harmful external influences decreases, since this stability is ensured by the diversity of organisms inhabiting this ecosystem, and especially plants. Pal impoverishes the soil. In scorched areas, the moisture accumulated in the soil is lost faster.
Where the fires have passed, forbs will not soon appear, as more hardy weeds will capture the scorched territory. During the fall, first of all, young tree seedlings suffer: their bark easily burns. It fell especially dangerous during the wind: hot air currents at a great distance destroy young shoots ...
Remember how important it is to mulch the ground from direct sunlight, how important it is to keep moisture in the ground for seeds and the emergence of young sprouts. How much labor is spent on growing the surface humus layer of the Earth, on which the life of plants, the Earth itself and, of course, crops depend, billions of microorganisms and living beings work in it. Direct sunlight dries up the earth and leads to the death of microorganisms. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the fertile layer of the earth with grass, compost, sawdust. Similarly, the earth in nature needs mulching and protection. If the land is nutritious, it is easier for flowers, cultivated plants to grow, and on scorched land for “resistant” weeds. In order to grow beauty, so that flowers bloom in the garden, we take care of them, nourish them. So it is in nature: the more dry herbs left, the more nutritious the earth.
Look, friends, at the places of former fires in your yards, on lawns, in the forest. These are dead patches of land, nothing grows on them for a long time. Fire killed life.
There is no dry grass. It is quickly and amicably processed by earthworms, turning it into the most valuable fertilizer, introducing it into the depths of the soil to the roots of plants, and at the same time making the soil loose and alive. Last year's dry grass is not garbage, but priceless food, a house, shelter, living conditions created by nature itself.
In recent years, hundreds of hectares of forests have begun to burn out. Great damage has been done to forestry, and the forest is our wealth, this is our nature, this is our Motherland, these are mushrooms and berries, medicinal plants.
In addition, the Fire Safety Rules in the forests of the Russian Federation, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 1993 No. 886, established that enterprises, organizations, institutions, other legal entities and citizens " it is forbidden to burn grass in forest clearings, clearings, meadows and stubble in fields. That is, a direct ban on holding fires is introduced.
Previously, only enemies burned their native land, but why are we burning it, who are we to her? Compatriots, do you feel: the farther, the brighter - unacceptable for life, negative, if there is no conscious struggle with it, becomes familiar and is perceived as the norm of life?

Judge. Sir, Spring has fallen, what can you say in your defense.

Spring fall. Mr. Botanist convinced me that I am harming the plant world. But do not forget, and let gardeners say “Thank you” to me, that I kill harmful insects and their larvae, which reduce, and sometimes completely destroy their future crop.

Judge. The floor is given to the witness for the prosecution, Mr. Zoologist.

Zoologist. I do not agree with Messrs. Advocate and Spring Pal. We must also think about how many lives are ruined by spring fires, these are millions of insects, a huge number of animals and birds that die along with their nests and offspring. Insects, their larvae and eggs perish in the fire. Butterflies, bumblebees and other insects that pollinate flowers of plants are becoming less and less. Fire does not spare frogs, lizards, hedgehogs and other small animals. Special damage is done by the fires to the nesting and broods of birds.
For many animals, a fire is a disaster. It destroys the habitats of birds and animals - not forever, only for a while, but it often falls on the critical spring period. Particularly severe harm to animals is inflicted in the event of a spread of fell over a large area. It is very dangerous to fall if there is a pond or lake with reed beds nearby. After all, many birds breed here, and the strength and speed of the spread of fire in dry reeds is quite high. Often even adult birds do not have time to escape.
Last year's grass is a living home for a very large number of insects and animals, such as frogs, mice, lizards. For some reason, they think that only pests of plants hibernate in the grass and leaves. Where do beneficial insects live then? They all live under the protection of grass, and during the fall, especially when there is an annular fire, rarely any of them manage to escape from the fire.
Our legislation has issued laws that to some extent affect the problems of the survival of the animal world when grass is burned.
First of all, this Article 28 of the Federal Law "On the Animal World", according to which " burning of vegetation is prohibited, ... without taking measures to guarantee the prevention of diseases and death of wildlife, as well as deterioration of their habitat". In accordance with article 24 of this law, actions that can lead to the death, reduction in numbers or habitat disturbance of objects of the animal world listed in the Red Books are not allowed".

Judge. Mister Spring has fallen, you can prove otherwise.

Spring fall. No.

Judge. The floor is given to the prosecution witness, Mr. Pozharny.

Firefighter. Grass fire is easy to start, but where it will stop is impossible to predict. Often fallen is the cause of forest and peat fires. Finally, fire brigade visits to put out fires and fires caused by them are money taken out of the pockets of the population.
You all remember the fire that broke out in our village on April 3, 2008 in the horticultural society "Mechta" due to the spring fire. As a result, five country houses burned down completely. Look at these pictures (photos of the consequences of the fire in Bezvodny are shown on the slide). They terrify us. For the same reason, on April 5, 2008, two fires occurred at once in the horticultural society "Vodnik" and "Sputnik".
The fire runs from the fields and roadside areas into the forest. A very big problem is burning peat bogs. There are cases when they burn all year round and even in winter it is impossible to put them out.
Every year in Russia, as a result of arson of dry grass, thousands of houses and summer cottages burn down, historical and cultural monuments, ancient wooden buildings often suffer. Local power transmission and communication lines, which are still mainly laid with wooden poles, are traditional victims of grass fires - the poles burnt from below fall, breaking the wires and leaving entire villages and towns without electricity and communications. At the same time, often the inhabitants of these villages and towns themselves, or guests who have got out of the city to enjoy the coming spring, are often arsonists of dry grass. In the conditions of the already poor life of most Russian villages and villages, the damage caused to the national economy by grass fires looks very impressive.
I want to remind everyone: what to do if a fire suddenly breaks out due to the burning of dry grass? A fire usually happens unexpectedly, and therefore it is very important not to get confused in such a situation. Panic is a bad helper in a difficult situation.
First of all, you need to call adults for help, if they are nearby. If the source of fire is small, then it can be extinguished in the following ways: with water, a fire extinguisher, covered with sand or earth, put out the fire with a shovel (or some other tool). If you see that you cannot cope with the fire and it spreads further, then you must urgently leave the place of ignition, help the younger ones get away from the fire. In case of strong smoke, it is necessary to move, covering the nose with a wet handkerchief. Having got out of the fire, you need to report a fire by calling "01".
Spring fires are ecological wildness, harmful and dangerous! So let's not arrange fires ourselves and explain the harm and danger of this occupation to other people!

Judge. The floor is given to the witness for the prosecution, Mr. Medic.

Medic. I would like to add to the above. Carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, soot, hydrocarbons released during the burning of dry grass have a harmful effect on our health.
Less obvious, but no less important, the cause of death due to burning dry grass is that the smoke from grass fires is very harmful to health, and simply dangerous to the lives of people suffering from respiratory diseases. The impact of smoke from grass fires on human health and life has not yet been sufficiently studied, but even the available information shows that deaths as a result of exposure to grass smoke are not at all uncommon. According to the World Health Organization, exposure to smoke from such fires (mainly particulate matter with a diameter of up to 2.5 microns, easily dispersed in the atmosphere) causes a range of different diseases, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and child growth. mortality.

Judge (refers to the Spring Pale): Sir, Spring has fallen, after all the above evidence, are you ready to admit your guilt?

Spring fall. I admit. I promise that I will not come to you again, provided that you abide by the following rules:

1. Responsibly treat nature protection, at least at the household level: do not set fire to dry grass and plant residues, do not burn garbage in your areas, but collect and take it out in the prescribed manner.
2. Be extremely careful with fire, when going out into nature, strictly follow the fire safety rules.
3. Strengthen fire safety control, inform citizens that fires are prohibited. In the event of a fire, notify the fire brigade by calling 01.
4. To provide all possible assistance to the green squads in preventing spring fires. If we take up the solution of this problem as a united front, then it is possible to expect positive changes in the minds of our citizens.

Judge . The floor is given to Mr. Prosecutor.

Prosecutor. I want to remind everyone of the responsibility that those responsible for carrying out fires (arson of grass) can be held to:

Administrative responsibility established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (CAO).

  • Article 8.29. Destruction of animal habitats.
  • Article 8.32. Violation of fire safety rules in forests.
  • Article 8.33. Violation of the rules for the protection of the habitat or migration routes of animals.
  • Article 8.35. Destruction of rare and endangered species of animals or plants.
  • Article 8.39. Violation of the rules for the protection and use of natural resources in specially protected natural areas.

Criminal liability established by the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code does not contain articles providing for direct criminal liability for holding fires. However, some articles of the Criminal Code can also be applied in the case of fires if they have led to serious consequences for the protection of the environment.

  • Article 246
  • Article 259. Destruction of critical habitats for organisms listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
  • Article 261. Destruction or damage to forests.
  • Article 262. Violation of the regime of specially protected natural territories and natural objects.

Civil Liability is to compensate for the harm caused as a result of any action or inaction. In this case, we are talking about causing harm to the environment as a result of burning.
I ask the court, when considering the verdict, to take into account all the above arguments and make a fair decision.

Secretary: The court retires for deliberation.

Checking homework. While the court is conferring among the listeners of the court session, a leaflet contest is being held under the slogan “Save the awakening nature from fire!”

Secretary: All rise, the court is in session!

Judge. After hearing the case, the court found Vesenniy guilty:

  • in a deliberate attempt on the life and health of a person, his future;
  • in environmental pollution;
  • in the destruction of certain species of animals or plants:
  • in violation of the human right to live in a clean environment;
  • in creating a fire hazard

and sentences him to life-long eviction from the planet Earth, and I ask the participants in our meeting to think about what they can offer so that the Spring Fall does not visit us anymore.

IV. Summarizing

V. Homework

Teacher: So guys, we all did a good job today, and let the court's decision be our homework.

The school took measures to prevent emergencies and practice actions in case of an emergency.

Particular attention was paid to the danger of fires, the danger of setting fire to grass in vegetable gardens, in the city.

At class hours, life safety lessons, the guys themselves presented their projects, presentations about the danger of fires. The teacher showed how to use a fire extinguisher. The guys told what improvised means can be used in case of fire, where to call. Everyone was handed out memos with phones and a warning about the danger of fires.

Projects with videos on fire prevention were presented at the school-wide assembly line. The guys talked about how it is very dangerous to set fire to dry grass, showed examples of fires in the forest and in the villages, when even houses burned down.

The leaders and participants of the project "We are against the fire" made special signs with the inscriptions: “Do not burn dry grass”, “Do not leave the fire uncontrolled”, “Do not let the fire” and hung in the microdistrict “Molodyozhny”, along the alley of the left bank.

Project manager, student 5 "B" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"


To acquaint children with the rules of fire safety;

Prevent children from playing with fire.


To teach children to quickly assess a dangerous situation, make the best decision to overcome it;

Build a sense of self-preservation;

Promote the work of firefighters;

To acquaint children with the history of the fire service in Russia and the Kuban;

Encourage children to take care of personal and public property.






(department of individual education)

Lesson presentation

on the basics of fire safety on the topic:

"Fire safety.

Rescue Service 01"

Prepared by: primary school teacher

Mitroshina Marina Vladimirovna

Syzran 2013

Lesson plan:

I. Introduction

1. Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Fire is a longtime friend of man

2. Evil fire

3. Causes of fires

4. Why is fire dangerous?

8. Fires in the Kuban

III. Lesson summary

1. Actions in case of fire

IV. Practical part


To acquaint children with the rules of fire safety;

Prevent children from playing with fire.


To teach children to quickly assess a dangerous situation, make the best decision to overcome it;

Build a sense of self-preservation;

Promote the work of firefighters;

To acquaint children with the history of the fire service in Russia and the Kuban;

Encourage children to take care of personal and public property.


TCO: computer, interactive whiteboard, projector;

Exhibition of books on the topic of the lesson.


Presentation (Annex 1);

Reminders for students (Appendix 2).

During the classes

I. Introduction

1. Organizational moment

2. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson

slide 1

We must firmly remember -

Fire does not start by itself!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Today we will talk about a very important and relevant topic for all of us.

Guess the riddle:

“The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry at everyone. He eats firewood out of anger, for an hour, maybe two. You don’t touch him with your hand, he bites the whole palm. ”


Formulate the topic of the lesson.

We will get acquainted with the basics of fire safety, the causes of fires, learn how to follow fire safety rules and act correctly in case of a fire.

II. Main part

  1. Fire is man's best friend

slide 2

Fire is man's best friend. It does a lot of good things with it.

2. Evil fire

slide 3

But sometimes it happens that fire turns from a true friend into a merciless enemy, destroying everything in its path.

The power of fire is great - very great. It takes millions of human lives, wipes out both big cities and small villages. Today, about five and a half million fires occur on our planet every year. Every 5 seconds - a new fire. Businesses and hospitals, trains and planes, forests, fields and houses are burning. And the result is huge losses. And most importantly, tens of thousands of human victims, including children.

3. Causes of fires


Often people get hurt in a fire, so they call an ambulance. Doctors examine patients on the spot or immediately take them to the hospital.

slide 5

Guess the riddle: Oh, these little sisters are dangerous ... (matches)

Let's look at an excerpt from Aunt Owl's Lessons. slide 6.

Slide 7

Do not play, my friend, with a match,

Remember, she is small

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

To younger brothers and sisters,

Preschoolers are told:

“Remember well that matches

Not a toy for kids!”

(B. Mirotvortsev)

4. Why is fire dangerous?

Slide 8

What can be called one of the most terrible and dangerous disasters?
- How dangerous is a fire?
- What causes a fire?

Let's define fire safety rules:

  • Do not play around with matches and lighters at home.
  • When leaving a room or house, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.
  • Do not dry laundry over the stove.
  • In no case do not light fireworks, candles or sparklers at home (and in general it is better to do this only with adults).

You brought books about the fire today. Let's take a look at our exhibition. Name literary works on our topic. (browsing books)

5. Description of fires in literary works

Slide 9

From what works are the following lines taken?

The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea

Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!

Korney Chukovsky


Slide 10

With crackling, clicking and thunder.

There was a fire over the new house,

Looks around,

Waving red sleeve.

Samuil Marshak


6. Physical game: "Fire safety rules"

slide 11
We say in chorus where we are talking about you:
"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Who, smelling the smell of burning,

Reporting a fire?

Which of you, smelling the smoke,

Which one of you is naughty with fire

Morning, evening and afternoon?

Who, smelling gas in the apartment,

Call on "04"?

Who doesn't light fires

And others do not allow?

7. Rules of conduct in case of fire

slide 12

What if the fire did break out?

Here are the rules of conduct in case of fire.

  • If the fire is small, you can try to immediately put it out by throwing a thick cloth over it, a blanket, or pouring a pot of water. BUT REMEMBER: DO NOT use water to extinguish electrical appliances, as well as gasoline, kerosene and oil.
  • If the fire does not immediately go out, immediately run away from home to a safe place. And only after that call the fire department onIf you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call 01 and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help from the window.


  • In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people die from smoke in a fire. If you feel like you are out of breath, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. If possible, breathe through a wet cloth.
  • In the event of a fire at the entrance, never take the elevator. It might turn off and you'll suffocate.
  • phone "01" or ask the neighbors about it.

Every citizen knows this number "01".
If To you will come in trouble - call soon there.
And if there is no phone - call people from the balcony.

Where else, besides the premises, can a fire occur?

8. Fires in the Kuban

Slide 14

Summer and autumn fires in the fields destroy the results of the hard work of grain growers

9. History of the fire service in Russia and the Kuban

slide 15

When a fire breaks out, firefighters come to the rescue. Firefighters are dressed in special fireproof suits, and a helmet protects their heads. They arrive in a special fire truck, which is equipped with a high ladder, a water tank and a hose.

slide 16

The work of people who have chosen the profession of a firefighter is dangerous and difficult. Firefighters have been heroes at all times. They have always been distinguished by love for their profession, courage, dedication, readiness to help.

Slide 17

While waiting for the arrival of firefighters, try to remain calm: you will definitely be rescued.

Slide 18

Fire service in Russia

On April 17 (according to the new style - April 30), 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree "On the City Deanery", which laid the foundation for the creation of the first Russian fire service. The document established a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow, laid the foundations for professional fire protection, introduced constant duty, and fire patrols were given the right to punish residents of the capital for violations of the rules for handling fire.

Slide 19

fire towers

Fire towers in Russian cities were actively built from the beginning of the 19th century, after the decree of Alexander I was issued “On the addition of duties from the inhabitants of Moscow to appoint firemen and on the establishment of a fire brigade in this” (May 31, 1804). As a rule, towers crowned two-three-story buildings of police stations, in which fire departments were organized. In addition to sentinel service, towers were used for signaling - leather signal balls hung on the tower during the day or lanterns at night notified neighboring fire departments of the size and location of the fire.

Slide 20

The fire brigade in Yekaterinodar was established on May 30, 1825.
There is a fire department in our city.

slide 21

Today, the State Fire Service (SFS) is a powerful operational service within the Russian Emergencies Ministry, with qualified personnel and modern equipment.

10. Consolidation of educational material

In order to consolidate the educational material, let's look at an excerpt from "Aunt Owl's Lessons" and answer questions.

Slides 22-28

  1. What is the telephone number for reporting a fire?
  2. What must be hung on the wall at school?

Pictures with drawings on the topic of fire;

Evacuation plan;

Portraits of firefighters;


  1. Which of these items is missing from the fire shield?



Fire extinguisher;


  1. What to do if a fire starts?
  • roar;
  • call "01";
  • close in the closet;
  • run away.
  1. What should I do if the fat in the pan catches fire while cooking on a gas stove?

Fill the pan with water;

Take her out of the kitchen;

Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid;

Run away.

  1. What to do if smoke comes out of the TV?

Fill the TV with water;

Pull the plug from the socket and throw a damp blanket over the TV;

Run away to another room.

III. Lesson summary

Now the bell will ring from class. And we will imagine that 3 bells rang. What does it mean?

1 student

Three calls are flying around the school,

Quickly arguing with a bird.

Place of construction

We know without a doubt!

2 student

And the paths of movement too -

Training will help us!

If something happens suddenly

It should all work out.

3 student

Since in the exercises

This is not entertainment!

This is not the time to play hide-and-seek

4 student

Drop all things and notebooks -

Suddenly a dangerous turn?

After all, it is about life.

IV. Practical part

Slide 29

Steps to take in the event of a school fire:

  • line up in pairs;
  • follow the teacher
  • do not panic yourself and calm your comrades;
  • wait on the school grounds for further instructions from the teacher.

At the end of the lesson, leave the classroom and follow the evacuation path from the school in case of fire.Children receive memos and leave the classroom along the evacuation route.


To save the life of himself and his loved ones, each person must know

basic rules of conduct in case of fire:

1. If you smell smoke, call immediately 01 .

2. If possible, leave the premises by closing windows and doors; if not, go to the balcony, or stand near the window.

3. If the fire is small, try to deal with it yourself: water, sand, a fire extinguisher, any dense cloth, soil from flower pots.

4. With a little smoke in the entrance, move to the exit on all fours, crawling, holding on to the walls, while, if possible, cover the respiratory organs with a cloth, if not, hold your breath for as long as possible.


1. Go out into a heavily smoky corridor, entrance, because the smoke is very toxic, and hot air can burn the lungs.

2. Break and open windows in a burning room, because. with access to fresh air, the fire will flare up even more.

3. Use the elevator during a fire.

4. Go down the flight of stairs, hold on to the railing - they often lead to a dead end.

5. Jump from windows. Every second jump from 3 floors and above is fatal.

6. Pass through a burning room, if you are not sure that you can slip through it in a few seconds.


Fire is a friend

Fire is the enemy

LESSON TOPIC: Fire safety

Careless handling of fire - matches, fire; Violation of fire safety rules during the operation of furnaces; Domestic gas leakage; Careless handling of pyrotechnic products (crackers, firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks, etc.)

Do not indulge at home with matches, lighters. This is one of the causes of fires. Do not leave unattended electrical appliances turned on, especially irons, heaters, TVs, lamps, etc. When leaving home, do not forget to turn them off.

Don't forget to turn off the gas stove. If you smell gas, do not light matches or turn on the lights. Ventilate the apartment immediately. Do not dry laundry over the stove. It may catch fire. Light fireworks, candles, sparklers away from the Christmas tree, preferably outside the house.

Never touch the metal parts of the oven with bare hands. You may receive a serious burn. Do not touch the stove damper without the permission of adults. If it is closed prematurely, carbon monoxide will accumulate in the house, and you can suffocate. Do not open the oven door. A hot ember or spark can jump out from there and cause a fire.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Questions: 1. Shines, but burns. 2 and 3. Means of extinguishing fire. 4. An appliance that, if left on, could cause a fire. 5. How water is supplied in case of fire. 6. The signal emitted by the fire truck. 7. Where do they get water to extinguish the fire. 8. The main means for fighting fire. Flame Foam Sand Iron Hose Siren

Presentations on the topic Fire (fire) safety for schoolchildren, Rules for actions in case of fire at school for class hours. Published: 0. August 8 2. The life of a child is priceless, but the mobility, prank, gullibility and curiosity of children of different ages sometimes entail terrible consequences. Nothing is so ruthless in relation to human life as an insidious fire.

Presentation on theme: "Fear Like Fire! Download Area Warns: Uncontrolled Grass Burning Can Lead to Sad Natural Causes of Spring Grass Fires Don't look that small. Burning enriches the soil with ash: * Fire does not add anything new: Spring burns are especially dangerous in habitats that are rare and under. Download a free presentation on the topic "* Spring and autumn. Spring Burns of Dry Grass and Ignition of Grass in Spring is called Spring Burns.The season of mass grass burns lasts no more than three to four weeks - so.

This is the death of children and adults, the loss of property, the fear and grief of those who are faced with such a tragedy. The task of the teacher is to spend a class hour with the students on the topic “Fire Safety” and study in each class with the students the actions in case of a fire at school, at home, in any other place. The presentation "Fire Safety" and a number of other materials that can be downloaded from our website for free will give children information about the destructive power of the fire element. Slides filled with facts and figures, real photos and vivid pictures tell true stories that took place in someone's life cut short by fires. Fire safety presentations urge everyone to be more attentive to their lives. The harmless prank with matches and the beauty of flames is the first step to trouble.

  • After viewing more than one presentation for children about the rules of conduct when. Spring fires are a huge disaster for any region. Presentation on the topic Fire is a friend and enemy of man, download for a class hour.
  • This topic is relevant, because. at the present time the obscenity can be heard At school, the students do not hesitate to swear. Scenario and presentation of the extra-curricular event "Spring fires - the cause of fires" for grades 5-6.

For some reason, the topic of fire safety rules and fire at school is still given so little study time. But the material that is on the site and can be downloaded for free is convenient to use not only in the classroom, but also in other lessons, in the classroom.

Competition "Presentation for the lesson" Lesson using an electronic textbook Interactive conversation on the topic "Why do they set fire to the grass every spring?" Pupils: Setting fire to the grass in spring is called spring burning. The season of mass grass burns lasts no more than three or four.

The development of class hours about firefighters and fire safety will tell children how to behave if a fire suddenly breaks out when adults are not around. After watching more than one presentation for children about the rules of behavior in case of fire, everyone will be able to remember the number of the rescue service, what to do in case of a fire at school, at home, in a public place, where the consequences are terrible because of the fuss and panic.

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