Test “South America. Geography test on the topic: “South America Geography test South America

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Development of test tasks in geography in grade 7 on the topic: "South America"

The development of test tasks was prepared by: Natalya Petrovna, geography teacher, Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8, St. Nikolaevskaya, Krasnodar Territory, email: [email protected]

Test on the topic: South America.

Option I

A) Drake

B) Magellanic

B) Panamanian

D) Peruvian.

2. What is the area of ​​South America among the continents?

3. Who discovered America in 1492?

A) Humboldt

B) Columbus

B) Amerigo Vespucci

D) Magellan.

A) Aconcagua

B) Cotopaxi volcano

B) Illampa

D) Everest

5. South America can be classified in terms of climate as:

A) the hottest continent

B) the wettest continent

B) the driest continent

D) the coldest continent.

6. Desert in western South America

A) Gobi B) Atacama C) Death Valley D) Sahara.

A) Orinoco

B) Amazon

B) Parana

D) Ucayali

8. In America they call it Selva

A) equatorial forests

B) deserts

D) highlands.

9. South America has no borders with:

A) North America

B) Australia.

B) Antarctica

D) Tierra del Fuego.

10. The sea that washes South America in the north:

A) Caribbean

B) Sargasso

B) Mediterranean

D) Tasmanovo.

Test on the topic South America: option II.

1.The ocean that washes South America in the east:

B) Atlantic

B) Indian

D) Arctic.

2. He studied the nature of South America

A) Columbus

B) Humboldt

B) Magellan

D) Przhevalsky.

3. The Andes belong to:

A) the longest mountains

B) the highest mountains

B) the widest mountains

D) the most destroyed mountains.

4. Highest waterfall:

A) Iguazu

B) Niagara

D) Victoria.

5. In what natural zone do ceiba, orchids, melon and chocolate trees grow?

A) selva

B) llanos

B) campos

6. In which hemispheres is South America located?

A) northern, southern and western

B) northern, southern and eastern

B) southern, eastern, western

D) Northern, eastern and western.

7. The highest mountain lake:

A) Athabasca

B) Morokaibo

B) Titicaca

8. The steppe zone in South America is called

A) campos

B) selva

D) llanos.

9. In South America, completely in the Northern Hemisphere is:

A) Guiana Plateau

B) Amazonian lowland

B) La Plata lowland

D) Brazilian plateau.

10. Andes are translated from Indian as

A) stone belt

B) copper mountains

B) snowy mountains

d) high mountains

Test on the topic South America: III option.

1. Which strait separates South America from the island of Tierra del Fuego?

A) Drake

B) Magellanic

B) Panamanian

D) Peruvian.

2. Where are the largest copper deposits in South America?

A) in the Andes

B) in the Amazonian lowland

B) On the La Platte lowland

D) in the Orinoco Lowland

3. Why is navigation difficult in the middle and lower reaches of the Orinoco River?

A) the river is very deep

B) very fast current.

C) the river has a sharp decline during the dry period

D) in winter the river is frozen.

4. Which natural area has the following characteristics? Soil: red-yellow ferrallite, vegetation: hevea, cocoa, lianas; animals: tapirs, sloths, peccaries, parrots, hummingbirds.

A) savannas

B) selva

D) semi-desert.

5. What are the descendants from marriages between whites and Indians called?

A) mestizos

B) mulattoes

D) Negroids

6. Which city is the capital of Peru?

B) Rio de Janeiro

B) Buenos Aires

D) Santiago

7. Which country is located on the Atlantic coast?

B) Brazil

B) Ecuador

8. Which islands are located in the Caribbean Sea in the north of South America?

A) Tierra del Fuego

B) Falkland

B) Lesser Antilles

D) Galapagos

9. The first European to visit the western coast of South America was:

A) A. Vespucci

B) F. Drake

D) F. Magellan.

10. There is a lake in the Andes:

A) Athabasca

B) Maracaibo

D) Titicaca

Test on the topic South America IV option.

1. In what century was the Panama Canal dug?

2. The area of ​​the continent is:

A) 20 million km2

B) 18 million km2

B) 17 million km2

D) 25 million km2

3. In what year did Columbus discover America?

4. The Andes Mountains are the most:

A) tall

B) long

B) wide

D) low.

5. South America can be classified according to its climate as:

A) the hottest continent

B) the wettest continent

B) the driest continent

D) the coldest continent

6.The width of the Amazon River bed at the mouth is equal to

7. Largest lake by area:

A) Athabasca

B) Morokaibo

B) Titicaca

8. What are the equatorial rainforests called in South America?

B) shroud

B) selva

D) campos

9. When did the first people appear on the mainland?

A) 20 million years ago

B) 15-17 thousand years ago

B) 6 thousand years ago

D) 2 million years ago

10. Descendants from Indians and blacks are called

A) mestizos

B) mulattoes

Test on the topic: South America V option.

1. The population of South America is:

B) Suriname

D) Guiana.

3. The largest birds of prey nest in the Andes. Which?

A) hawk

B) condor

D) gyrfalcon.

4. The steppes in South America are called

B) prairie

B) savanna

D) selva.

5. Angel Falls is the most

A) low

B) high

B) wide

D) beautiful

6. Which continent is South America similar in climate to?

A) Eurasia

B) Africa

B) Australia

D) North America.

7. Which scientist established the centers of ancient centers of agriculture?

A) H. Columbus

B) N. Vavilov

B) Magellan

D) N. Rubtsov.

A) the Atlantic Ocean

B) Pacific Ocean

B) the Caribbean Sea

D) Indian Ocean.

9. Andes are translated from Indian as

A) diamond mountains

B) copper mountains

B) golden mountains

d) mountain belt.

10. Which city is the capital of Peru?

B) Brasilia

D) Santiago

Test on the topic: South America VI option

1. Which city is the capital of Peru?

A) Brasilia

B) Rio de Janeiro

D) Santiago

2. What is the name of the coast of Peru?

A) sierra

A) Argentina

B) Brasilia

B) Ecuador

4. The semi-desert zone is called

A) sierra

B) patagonia

D) selva.

5. Largest lake by area:

A) Titicaca

B) Morokaibo

B) Iguazu

D) Victoria

6. The width of the Amazon River bed in the middle reaches is equal to

7. South America can be classified according to its climate as:

A) the hottest continent

B) the wettest continent

B) the driest continent

D) the coldest continent.

8. In the east, South America is washed

A) the Atlantic Ocean

B) the Caribbean Sea

B) the Pacific Ocean

D) Southern Ocean.

9. Who created the first geological map of South America?

A) Vavilov

B) Humboldt

B) Vespucci

D) Columbus.

10. The area of ​​the continent is:

A) 20 million km2

B) 32 million km2

B) 18 million km2

D) 17 million km2

Test on the topic: South America VII option

1. In what part of the world is South America not located?

A) northern

B) eastern

B) western

2. Which ocean has a greater influence on the continent, shaping its climate?

B) Atlantic

D) Indian

3. Who discovered the Sargasso Sea?

A) A. Vespucci

B) H. Columbus

B) Magellan

D) Vavilov.

4. On which river does Victoria regia with 2-meter leaves grow?

A) Parana

B) Amazon

B) Orinoco

D) Topajos.

5. Iguazu Falls is located on the river

A) Parana

B) Orinoco

B) Amazon

D) Madeira.

6. The largest rodent on Earth lives in the jungle. Which?

B) capybara

B) sloth

D) anteater.

7. The spectacled bear lives in:

B) selva

B) on the Brazilian plateau

8. Blacks and mulattoes live mostly

A) in the east

B) in the Andes

D) in the north.

9. The borders of modern states developed in

10. Mate it

A) palm tree

B) animal

B) Paraguayan tea

D) a tool used by the Indians.

Test on the topic: South America VIII option

1. In what century was the Panama Canal dug?

2. Which strait separates South America from Antarctica?

A) Magellanic

B) Beringov

B) Drake

D) English Channel

3. Titicaca is translated from the Indian language as

A) copper lake

B) tin field

B) Lake of the Indians

D) lead rock.

4. The second largest country on the mainland

B) Brazil

B) Argentina

D) Ecuador.

5. How many states does Brazil consist of?

6. Rhea ostrich and anteater live

A) in the village

B) in savannas

B) in the Andes

D) in Patagonia

7. Which lake is located in the north of the mainland?

A) Titicaca

B) Morokaibo

B) Angel

8. In terms of the structural features of the earth’s crust, South America is most similar

A) with Africa

B) with Australia

B) with Antarctica.

9. The Andes Mountains were formed during folding

A) ancient

B) average

10. Most of the Amazonian lowland is occupied by

A) selva

B) llanos

B) campos

Test on the topic: South America IX option.

1. The richest species composition of the vegetation of humid forests is explained by

A) constancy of climatic conditions

B) the position of the continent in the Southern Hemisphere

C) a lot of heat and moisture throughout the year.

2. The Amazon River is at its highest when summer arrives.

A) in the northern hemisphere

B) in the southern hemisphere.

3. The location of the uplift of the foundation of the South American platform corresponds to

A) Brazilian plateau

B) Amazonian lowland.

4. Much of South America receives moisture from the ocean.

A) Quiet

B) Atlantic

B) Indian

5. Lama lives in

B) selva

D) shroud

6. Descendants from the marriage of a European and a black man are called

A) mestizos

B) mulattoes

7. Which strait separates South America from Antarctica

A) Magellanic

B) Drake

B) Beringov

8. What is the name of the desert in the south of the mainland?

B) Atacama

B) Sugar

D) Victoria.

9. The highest waterfall

A) Iguazu

B) Victoria

B) Angel

10. Which continent is closest to South America?

A) Antarctica

B) Eurasia

B) North America

D) Australia.

Part A.

1. In what year was South America discovered?

a) in 1498 b) in 1698 c) in 1492 d) 1452

2. Which strait separates South America from Antarctica?

a) Bass b) Drake c) Magellan d) Bering

3. Which ocean has the greatest influence on shaping the climate of South America?

a) Pacific b) Indian c) Atlantic d) Arctic

4. Which part of the continent of South America is flat?

a) northern b) southern c) western d) eastern

5. Which waterfall on the mainland is the tallest in the world?

a) Angel b) Niagara c) Iguazu d) Victoria

6. Is the world's largest alpine lake located in the Andes?

7. Which plain is the largest?

a) Amazonian lowland b) Orinoco lowland c) La Plata lowland d) Brazilian plateau

8. Which river in South America is the deepest?

a) Orinoco b) Parana c) Amazon d) Rio Negro

9. Which natural area of ​​South America has the best preserved fauna?

10. Which statement correctly characterizes the climate of South America?

11. What is the highest point in South America?

a) Illampu b) Ruiz c) Acongagua d) Chimborazo

12. Which scientist during his expeditions to the mainland in 1923-1933. established the geographical centers of ancient centers of agriculture and the origin of some cultivated plants?

a) M.P. Lazarev b) N.I. Vavilov c) A. Humbolt d) G.I. Langsdorf

13 . How many species of tiny hummingbirds are there on the mainland of South America?

a) 321 b) 258 c)698 d)500

14. What are the descendants of marriages between Europeans and blacks called?

a) mulattoes b) mestizos c) sambo d) creoles

a) Colombia b) Venezuela c) Peru d) Brasilia

16. Which city has the international organization UNESCO declared a cultural heritage site of humanity?

a) Peru b) Chile c) Colombia d) Brasilia

Part B.

    Arrange the landforms of South America in order of their placement from south to south

A) Amaz lowland

B) Brazilian plateau

B) Guiana plateau

D) La Plaska lowland

2. Establish a correspondence between a natural area and an animal characteristic of this natural area.

A) moist evergreen equatorial forests 1) rhea ostrich

B) savannah 2) orangutan

B) steppes 3) Pampas deer

D) semi-desert 4) tapir

5) whiskey

3.What is selva, patagonia, pampa?

Part C.

    Determine the type of climate from the climatogram and characterize this climate.

Final test on the topic “South America”


a) A. Humboldt b) N.M. Albov c) H. Columbus d) N.I. Vavilov

2. Which canal separates South America from North America?

a) Panamanian b)Eri c) Suez d) Tsar's

3. Which winds bring the most precipitation to South America?

a) trade winds b) western c) monsoons d) breezes

4. Which part of the South American continent is mountainous?

a) northern b) western c) eastern d) southern

5.Which mainland waterfall is the widest in the world?

a) Angel b) Victoria c) Iguazu d) Niagara

6. The highest mountain lake in South America and the world?

a) Air North b) Patus c) Maracaibo d) Titicaca

7. Does the relief correspond to the elevated areas of the South American Platform?

a) Amazonian lowland b) Orinoco lowland c) La Plata lowland d) Guiana plateau

8. Which river in South America is longer than the Volga?

a) Orinoco b) Iguazu c) Parana d) Amazon

9. Which natural area of ​​South America has the least preserved fauna?

a) steppe b) savanna c) semi-desert d) equatorial forests

10.Which statement correctly characterizes the climate of South America?

a) the hottest b) the driest c) the wettest d) the coldest

11. When is the Amazon River high?

a) in winter b) in autumn c) in summer d) throughout the year

12. At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, one of the first scientific explorers of South America made an expedition to study nature?

a) H. Columbus b) A. Humboldt c) A. Vespucci d) G. Langsdorff

13. What is the name of the savannas of the Brazilian plateau?

a) campos b) llanos c) pampa d) selva

14. What are the descendants of marriages between Indians and blacks called?

a) mulattoes b) mestizos c) Quechua d) sambo

15. What is the largest country in South America by area?

a) Colombia b) Brasilia c) Peru d) Colombia

16.Which World Heritage Island belongs to Chile?

a) Madagascar b) Greenland c) Easter d) Wrangel

Part B.

1. Distribute the states of South America in increasing order of the area of ​​their territories.

A) Argentina

B) Brasilia

B) Peru

D) Suriname

2. Establish a correspondence between a natural area and a plant characteristic of this natural area.

A) moist evergreen equatorial forests 1) kebracho

B) savannas 2) velvichia

C) steppe 3 wild millet

D) semi-desert 4) ceiba

5) cactus

3. What is Patagonia, Ceiba, Selva.

Part C.

1. Determine the type of climate from the climatogram and characterize this climate.


option 1

Part A.

































Part B.


2. A-4, B-3, B-3, G-5

3.Selva - forests of South America

Patagonia - semi-deserts of South America

Pampa - South American steppe

Part C.

Equatorial climate. Average annual rainfall is between 2000 and 3000 mm, and high temperatures throughout the year.

option 2

Part A.

































Part B.


2. A-4, B-1, B-3, G-5

3. Patagonia - semi-deserts of South America

Selva - forests of South America

Ceiba - cotton tree of South America

Part C.

Subequatorial climate. The annual precipitation exceeds 2000 mm.

The average monthly temperature rises to +28... +30°C.

Instructions for implementation

Duration of work: 45 minutes. The test consists of 10 tasks of different difficulty levels: with the choice of one correct answer (1,2,3,4,5), to establish sequence and correspondence (7,10) and to identify a geographical object (6). Tasks 7 and 8 require an additional detailed answer. Task 11 is aimed at testing knowledge of nomenclature.

Evaluation criteria:

18 - 20 points - “5”

14 - 17 points - “4”

10 - 13 points - “3”

less than 10 points - “2”

Good luck!!!

Test on the topic "South America"

Option 1

Which sea washes the coast of South America? (1 point)




Solve the puzzle. Identify the representative of the plant world of South America.

The discoverer of America is... (1 point)

Amerigo Vespucci

Ferdinand Magellan

Christopher Columbus

Francis Drake

What is llanos? (1 point)

temperate steppe zone

tropical steppes - savanna

area with insufficient moisture

equatorial rainforests

Descendants from marriages of Indians with Negroids (1 point)

Identify the geographical feature by description and write the name. (1 point)

This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Consists of 275 waterfalls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. In 2011, according to the results of a global competition, the waterfalls were recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

List the continents in order from largest to smallest. (1 point)



South America

Identify the representative of the animal world of South America from the picture. (2 points)

Explain what is special about this animal?

Solve the crossword puzzle. (4 points)

The highest peak in South America.

On a tributary of this river is the tallest waterfall in the world.

Lake-estuary in northern South America.

The tallest waterfall in the world.

The deepest river in the world.

The largest and highest mountain lake in South America.

Select the extra geographic feature. Justify your answer.

Establish a correspondence: the extreme points of the continent - their coordinates - the side of the horizon. (4 points)

Cabo Branco

40S 810w.d.


530S 710 W.


120s.sh. 710w.d.



70S 340w.d.


Identify numbered geographic features. (3 points)


island ______________

river _______________

lake ______________

river _______________


mountains _______________

lake ______________

river _______________

Answers to the test "South America"


Option 1


B (balsa)

The largest rodent in the world





Aconcagua - object of orography

Caribbean Sea

Tierra del Fuego Island

San Francisco River

Lake Titicaca

Parana River

Guiana Plateau

Andes Mountains

Lake Maracaibo

Ucayali River

Evaluation criteria:

18 - 20 points - “5”

14 - 17 points - “4”

10 - 13 points - “3”

less than 10 points - “2”

Geography test, 7th grade

Topic: South America

    Which canal separates South America from North America

A) Suez B) Panama

    Name the mountains located on the mainland of South America.

A) Cordillera B) Andes C) Atlas

    Which statement(s) about South America is(are) true?

A) This is the driest continent on Earth

B) This is the wettest continent on Earth and not as hot as Africa.

C) The northern part of the continent is located in a temperate climate zone.

D) In ​​general, the climate of South America creates favorable conditions for year-round plant growth.

    Name the deepest river in South America.

A) Amazon B) Orinoco C) Parana D) Limpopo

5. Name the largest alpine lake in the world, which is located in South America.

A) Titicaca B) Maracaibo C) Air D) Chad

6. Pampa in South America is called...

A) taiga B) altitudinal zone C) steppe D) desert

7. The first people on the mainland were...

A) Europeans B) Indians C) Asians D) Portuguese

8. Which statement is not true about South America?

A) The mainland is relatively sparsely populated. About 280 million people live here.

B) Descendants from marriages of Europeans and blacks are called mulattoes, and Indians and blacks are called sambo.

C) Now in South America there live representatives of only 2 races of humanity - Caucasoid and Negroid.

9. Which statement about Brazil is true?

A) Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area and population.

B) Brazil is one of the undeveloped and poor countries in South America.

C) The nature of the territory of Brazil is monotonous and scarce.

10. Which South American country are we talking about:“The nature of the country is unusually diverse and contrasting. The Andes rise next to the Pacific Ocean, fertile valleys are adjacent to snow-capped mountains, next to the deserts are the endless fields of the Amazon. According to natural conditions, the country is divided into 3 parts: The coast is called Costa, behind the coastline there is a wall of the Andes. This part of the country is called the Sierra. The eastern part of the country - Selva - is occupied by endless forests. The country has 2 official languages ​​– Spanish and Quechua.”

A) Peru B) Chile C) Argentina D) Brazil.

7th grade

Final test

South America

1 option

  1. South America was discovered...

A) H. Columbus

B) a. Vespucci

B) J. Cook

D) A. Humboldt

2. South America is washed by:

a) three oceans and three seas

b) two oceans and one sea

c) two seas and two oceans

d) three seas and two oceans

3. Mainland South America is located in the following climate zones:

a) Antarctic

b) subtropical northern

c) moderate

d) subarctic

e) subtropical southern

e) tropical

g) equatorial

h) subequatorial

4. How many hemispheres of the Earth does South America cover?

A) one

B) two

At three o'clok

D) four

5. According to the relief features, the territory of South America can be divided into...

a) northern and southern parts

b) flat-mountain East and high-mountain West

c) western, central and eastern parts

d) northern, central and southern parts

6. The most extensive plateaus are located ...

a) in the south of the mainland

b) in the west of the mainland

c) in the east of the mainland

d) in the north and east of the mainland

7. The world's largest deposits of copper ores, as well as molybdenum, tin, silver and other polymetals were formed as a result of the intrusion of magma into sedimentary rocks...

a) on the north coast

b) on the plateaus of the east

c) in depressions and deflections of the platform

d) in the Andes

8. The temperate climate zone is developing...

a) in the southern part of the mainland

b) in most of the north of the mainland

c) in the southern and central parts of the continent

d) in the northern and central parts of the continent

9. Most of South America is located...

a) in the equatorial climate zone

b) in the subequatorial climate zone

c) in the tropical climate zone

d) in a temperate climate zone

10. Over most of the continent, average monthly temperatures vary...

a) from +20 0 to + 28 0

b) from +4 0 to +8 - +10 0

c) from +10 - +12 0 to +27 - +28 0

d) from -2-4 0 to +15- +20 0

11. Over most of the continent, the amount of precipitation per year is...

A) from 2,000 to 3,000 mm

B) from 1,000 to 2,000 mm

B) from 500 to 1,000 mm

D) from 250 to 500 mm

12. The density of the river network, the fullness of rivers and the regime of rivers determines...

a) geographical location of the mainland

b) features of the continental topography

c) the large extent of the continent from North to South, from West to East.

d) distribution of precipitation on the mainland

e) distribution of climatic zones on the continent

13. The tallest waterfall in the world...

a) Victoria on the river. Zambezi

b) Iguazu on one of the tributaries of the Parana

c) Angel on one of the tributaries of the river. Orinoco

d) Niagara

14. The largest alpine lake in the world is...

a) Taganyinka

b) Maracaibo

c) Titicaca

d) Nyasa

15. How many natural zones are there on the mainland?

A) 10

B) 9

AT 8

D) 6

16. Define a natural area by the following features of natural components:

Humid subtropical climate. Fertile reddish-black soils. Herbs, among which feather grass, wild millet, etc. predominate.

17. Establish a correspondence between the positions indicated by numbers and letters

18. The majority of the population of South America speaks...

a) Portuguese

b) the language of the Quechua, Aymara, etc. peoples.

c) Spanish

d) Argentine language

19. The largest countries by area lie within the lowland east

a) Brazil

b) Colombia

c) Venezuela

d) Argentina

20. They have access to the oceans...

a) all countries of South America

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