Explanatory dictionary of psychology author. Dictionary Terminos

Abstinence is a voluntary volitional refusal of anything, suppressing any deposits over a certain period of time or throughout life.

Abulia is a complete lack of initiative, complete inactivity with the minimum preservation of the circle of automated action.

Authoritarian (domineering, directive) - characteristic of a person as a person or his behavior in relation to other people, emphasizing the tendency to use mainly undemocratic methods of impact on them: pressure, orders, orders, etc.

Aggressiveness (hostility) is the behavior of a person with respect to other people, which is distinguished by the desire to hurt them, harm.

Adaptation is the adaptation of sense organs to the peculiarities of stimulus acting on them with the aim of their best perception and prevention of receptors from excessive overload.

Addiction - dependence, a detrimental habit; Feelable by man obsessive the need for certain activities.

Activity is a concept indicating the ability of living beings to produce spontaneous movements and change under the influence of external or internal stimuli-stimuli.

Accentuation is the allocation of any property or feature against the background of others, its special development.

Altruism - a character of a character that encourages a person's disinterested to come to the aid of people and animals.

Apathy - the state of emotional indifference, indifference and inactivity:

Appercecia is a concept introduced by the German scientist by Libnitsa. Determines the state of the special clarity of consciousness, its concentration on something. In the understanding of another German scientist, V.Vudta, marked some internal force, the guiding course of thought and the course of mental processes.

Aproskia is a complete loss of ability to direct and record attention.

Association is a compound, the relationship of mental phenomena with each other.

Attribution - attributing any directly perceived properties subject, person or phenomenon.

The causal attribution is attributing some explanatory cause to the observed action or a person.

The attraction is an attraction, the attraction of one person to another, accompanied by positive emotions.

Outmaggegia - see self-compliance.

Affect is a short-term, the rapidly flowing state of strong emotional arousal arising from frustration or any other, strongly active for the psyche of the reasons usually associated with the dissatisfaction of very important needs for a person.

Affiliation is a person's need for establishing, preserving and consolidating emotionally positive: friendly, friendly, friendly relations with surrounding people.

Affirmation is a brief phrase containing a verbal formula that, with repeated repetition, fixes the desired image or installation in a person's subconscious, contributing to improving its psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life.

The psychological barrier is an inner obstacle of psychological nature (reluctance, fear, uncertainty, etc.), a preventive person to successfully perform some action. It often occurs in business and personal relationships of people and prevents the establishment of open and trusting relations between them.

The unconscious is the characteristic of the psychological properties, processes and states of a person outside the sphere of its consciousness, but that have the same influence on his behavior, as well as consciousness.

A large group is a significant over the quantitative composition of the social association of people formed on the basis of any abstracted socio-demographic sign: sex, age, nationality, professional affiliation, social or economic situation, etc.

Brad is an abnormal, painful state of a human psyche, accompanied by fantastic images, visions, hallucinations.

Validity - the quality of the method of psychological research, expressed in accordance with this, for studying and evaluating what it was originally intended.

Vera is a person's conviction in anything, not supported by convincing logical arguments or facts.

Verbal - related to sound human speech.

Attention is the state of psychological concentration, concentration on any object.

Inner speech is a special kind of human speech activity directly related to unconscious, automatically proceeding for the translation of thought in word and back.

The suggestion is the unconscious influence of one person on another, causing certain changes in his psychology and behavior.

Ecavitability - the property of living matter coming into the state of excitement under the influence of stimuli and retain its traces for some time.

The will - a property (process, condition) of a person, manifested in his ability to consciously manage his psyche and actions. It is manifested in overcoming obstacles arising in the way of achieving a consciously set goal.

Imagination - the ability to represent the missing or really not existing object, keep it in consciousness and mentally manipulate them.

Perception is the process of receiving and processing by a person of various information entering the brain through the senses. Completed by the formation of the image.

The displacement is one of the protective mechanisms in the psychoanalytic personality theory (see Psychoanalysis). Under the action of V. from the memory of a person is derived from consciousness in the sphere of unconscious information, causing strong unpleasant emotional experiences.

Hallucinations are unrealistic, fantastic images arising from a person during diseases affecting the state of his psyche.

Brilliance - the highest level of development in a person of any abilities that makes it an outstanding personality in the relevant area or field of activity.

The genotype is a set of genes or any qualities received by a person inheritance from their parents.

Hyperbulia - a pathological increase in volitional activity, an increased desire for activities.

Hypnosis - caused by the inspiring temporary disabling of human consciousness or removing conscious control over its own behavior.

Hypolasses - a pathological weakening of volitional activities, desire for activities.

Dreams - fantasies, people's dreams, drawing in his imagination pleasant, desired paintings of the future life.

The group is a set of people allocated on the basis of any one or more, common signs for them.

Group dynamics - the direction of studies in social psychology, which studies the process of the emergence, functioning and development of different groups.

Depersonalization (depersonalization) is the temporary loss by the person of psychological and behavioral features characterizing him as a person.

Depression is a state of mental disorder, depression, characterized by decline and decrease in activity.

Determination - Caused Conditioning.

Activities are a specific type of human activity aimed at creative transformation, improving reality and himself.

Distress is a negative impact of a stressful situation on human activity, up to its complete destruction.

Dominanta is the predominant focus of excitement in a human brain associated with increased attention or relevant need. It is able to strengthen due to attraction of excitations from neighboring areas of the brain. The concept of D. was introduced by A. Thomsky.

The soul is the old used in science before the appearance of the word "psychology" The name of the set of phenomena studied in modern psychology.

Desire - the state of updated, i.e. We began to act, the needs, accompanied by the desire and willingness to make anything concrete for its satisfaction.

The gesture is the movement of man's hands expressing his inner state or indicating any object in the outside world.

Life activity is a set of activity of activity united by the concept of "life" and characteristic of living matter.

Forgetting - the memory process associated with the loss of traces of previous impacts and the possibility of their playback.

Maxus - prerequisites for the development of abilities. May be congenital and acquired during life.

Replacement (sublimation) is one of the protective mechanisms representing a subconscious replacement of one, forbidden or practically not achievable, the goal to another, allowed and more affordable, capable of at least partially satisfy the relevant need.

Infection is a psychological term denoting unconscious transmission from person to a person of any emotions, states, motivations.

Protective mechanisms are a psychoanalytic concept that denotes the combination of unconscious techniques, with the help of which a person, as a person, protects itself from psychological injuries.

Memory is one of the memory processes denoting the introduction of newly incoming information into memory.

A sign is a symbol or object that serves as a substitute for another object.

Meaning (words, concepts) is the content that is investing in this word or the concept of all people who use it.

The zone of potential (nearest) development is the possibility of mental development that opens from a person when providing him with minimal assistance from the part. The concept of Z.P.R. L.S. Vigotsky was introduced.

Identification - identification. In psychology - the establishment of the similarity of one person with another, aimed at recalling and its own development of a person identifiable with him.

Illusions are phenomena perception, imagination and memory that exist only in man's head and not match any real phenomenon or object.

The impulsivity is the character's characteristic feature that manifests itself in his inclination to the fleeting, ill-conceived actions and actions.

Individual - a separate person in the aggregate of all the qualities inherent in him: biological, physical, social, psychological, etc.

Individuality is a peculiar combination of the individual properties of a person who distinguishes it from other people.

An individual activity style is a sustainable combination of features of the performance of different types of activities in the same person.

The initiative is a manifestation of human activity that is not stimulated from the outside and not determined by circumstances independent of it.

Insight (insight, guess) - unexpected for the person himself, sudden finding a solution to any problem over which he has already thought over and persistently.

Instinct is a congenital, low-changed form of behavior that ensures the body's adaptation to the typical conditions of his life.

Intelligent is a man of deep inner culture and independent thinking.

Intellect is a set of human mental abilities and some higher animals, such as man-like monkeys.

Interaction - interaction.

Interest is emotionally painted, increased human attention to any object or phenomenon.

Introvesia is the concern of a person's consciousness to itself; The absorption of their own problems and experiences, accompanied by a weakening of attention to what happens around. I. is one of the basic features.

The introspection is the method of cognition of mental phenomena by self-overestimation of a person, i.e. Attentive study by the person himself what is happening in his mind when solving a different kind of tasks.

Intuition - the ability to quickly find the right solution to the task and navigate in difficult life situations, as well as foresee the course of events.

Infantilism is a manifestation of children's features in the psychology and behavior of an adult.

The subject is a person over which scientific psychological experiences are held.

The climate is socio-psychological - the overall social and psychological characteristics of the state of the small group, especially the human relationships that pretended in it.

Cognitive helplessness is a psychological state or a situation in which an individual, having the necessary knowledge, skills and skills to solve the problem, due to a number of causes of a cognitive nature cannot cope with it.

The team is a highly developed small group of people, the relationship in which is being built on the positive norms of morality. K. has increased efficiency in the work manifested in the form of a supertigid effect.

Communications - contacts, communication, information sharing and the interaction of people with each other.

Compensation - the ability of a person to get rid of the experiences about their own deficiencies by reinforced work on themselves and the development of other positive qualities. The concept of K. was introduced by A. ADler.

The inferiority complex is a complex state of a person associated with the lack of any qualities (abilities, knowledge, skills and skills), accompanied by deep negative emotional experiences on this matter.

Complex of revival is a complex sensory-motor reaction of a baby (about 2-3 months), arising from the perception of a loved one, first of all its mother.

The convergence is to reduce the eye axes of the eye on any object or one point of the auditorium.

The constancy of perception is the property to perceive objects and see them relatively constant largest, form and color in changing physical conditions of perception.

The intrapersonal conflict is the condition of man dissatisfaction with any circumstances of his life associated with the presence of people who have contradictory interests, aspirations, the needs that generate affects and stress.

Interpersonal conflict - a difficult contradiction arising between people and caused by the incompatibility of their views, interests, goals, needs.

Conformity - the non-critical adoption by the person of someone else's wrong opinion, accompanied by an insincere refusal of his own opinion, in the correctness of which a person internally doubts. Such a refusal for conformal behavior is usually motivated by any conjunctural considerations.

Correlation is a mathematical concept indicating a statistical connection that exists between studied phenomena.

The intellectual development coefficient is a numerical indicator of human mental development, obtained as a result of the use of special tests intended for a quantitative assessment of the level of human intelligence development.

The crisis is a state of spiritual disorder caused by a long-term human dissatisfaction with its relationship with the outside world. K. Age often occurs when a person transition from one age group to another.

The lability is the property of nerve processes (nervous system), manifested in the ability to conduct a certain amount of nerve impulses per unit of time. L. also characterizes the rate of occurrence and termination of the nervous process.

Leadership - the behavior of the leader in the small group. Acquisition or loss of leadership powers, implementing their leadership functions.

Personality is a concept denoting a combination of sustainable psychological qualities of a person who makes his individuality.

The control locus is a concept characterizing the localization of the reasons, based on which a person explains his own behavior and the behavior of other people observed. Inner L.K. - This is a search for the causes of behavior in the man itself, and the external L.K. - their localization outside of a person, in its surrounding environment. The concept of L.K. introduced by an American psychologist Y. Lero.

Longitudinal study - a long-term scientific study of the processes of formation, development and changes of any mental or behavioral phenomena.

Love is a higher spiritual sense of a person rich in various emotional experiences, based on noble feelings and high morality and accompanied by readiness to do everything on itself to the well-being of a loved one.

Masochism - self-esteem, self-relief associated with dissatisfaction with himself and the conviction that the causes of life failures are in itself (see Internal Control Local). M. is one of the main concepts used in the typology of social characteristics proposed by the German-American scientist E. From.

A small group is a small population of people, including from 2-3 to 20-30 people engaged in shared affairs and having direct personal contacts with each other.

Mass-like phenomena of psyche - socio-psychological phenomena arising in the masses of people (population, crowd, weight, group, nation, etc.). M.Ya.P. Include rumors, panic, imitation, infection, suggestion, etc.

Mass communication - information transfer tools calculated on the mass audience: print, radio, television, etc.

Melancholic is a person whose behavior is characterized by a slowdest of reactions to existing incentives, as well as speech, mental and motor processes.

Dreams are a person's plans for the future presented in his imagination and implement the most important needs and interests for him.

Mimica is a set of movements of people's parts of a person expressing his condition or attitude towards what he perceives (represents, thinking, recalls, etc.).

Modality is a notion denoting the quality of sensations arising under the action of certain stimuli.

The motive of power is a steady personality trait, expressing the need of one person in possessing power over other people, the desire to dominate, manage, dispose of them.

The motive is an internal stable psychological cause of behavior or a person.

The motive of achieving success is the need to achieve success in various activities, considered as a steady personality line.

The motive avoiding failure is a more or less sustainable striving of a person to avoid failures in those situations of life, where the results of its activities are evaluated by other people. M.I.N. - The line of personality opposite to the motive of achieving success.

Motivation is a dynamic process of internal, psychological and physiological behavior, including its initiation, direction, organization, support.

Motivation is a reasonable justification, the explanation for the person himself, his actions, which does not always correspond to the truth.

Thinking is the psychological process of knowledge associated with the opening of subjectively new knowledge, with solving problems, with the creative transformation of reality.

Observation is a psychological research method designed to directly obtain the necessary information through the senses.

Skill - formed, automatically carried out, which does not require conscious control and special volitional efforts for its implementation.

Visibility-effective thinking is a way of practical solving tasks, involving visual study of the situation and practical actions in it with material objects.

Visibility-shaped thinking is a way to solve problems, which includes observation of the situation and operating with images of its components without practical actions with them.

Reliability is the quality of the scientific method of a study that allows you to obtain the same results when re-or repeatedly use this method.

The intention is a conscious desire, readiness to do something.

The focus of the personality is a concept denoting the combination of the needs and motives of the personality, which determine the main direction of its behavior.

Tension is a state of increased physical or psychological excitation, accompanied by unpleasant internal feelings and requiring discharge.

Mood - the emotional state of a person associated with weakly pronounced positive or negative emotions and existing for a long time.

Research is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills as a result of life experience.

Neuroticism is a human property characterized by its increased excitability, impulsiveness and anxiety.

Negative is a demonstrative counteraction of a person to other people, the unaccepting of the reasonable councils by other people. It is often found in children in the period of age crises.

Neuropsychology is the industry of psychological science, which studies the relationship of mental processes, properties and states with the work of the brain.

Social standards - the rules of conduct that regulate the relationship between people adopted in this society or group.

The image is a generalized picture of the world (objects, phenomena), which develops as a result of processing information about it coming through the senses.

Feedback is the process of obtaining information about the states of communication partner in order to improve communication and achieve the desired result.

Communication is the exchange of information between people, their interaction.

An ordinary consciousness is averaged level of consciousness of the masses of people constituting this society. O.S. It differs from the scientific consciousness by the low authenticity and accuracy of information available in it.

Localization is the process and result of localization of perception images in the outside world - where the source of perceived information is located.

Giftedness - the presence of a person in the human development of abilities.

Waiting is one of the basic concepts of cognitive psychology, which expresses the ability to anticipate the person of future events.

Ontogenesis is the process of individual development of the body or personality.

RAM is a memory form calculated for saving information for a certain time required to perform some action or operation.

Operation - a system of movements associated with the implementation of a particular action aimed at achieving its goal.

COMPLETEMENT - a dialectic and materialistic concept denoting the process and the result of the embodiment in the subjects of human activities that make up material and spiritual culture, its abilities.

The survey is a psychological study method, in the process of using which people are asked questions and on the basis of answers to them judge the psychology of these people.

Personal Questionnaire - Personality Research Method, based on the use of a written or oral system, pre-thought-out issues addressed to a person whose psychological features are subject to study.

Approximate reaction (reflex) - the body's reaction to new incentives, manifested in a common activation, in focusing, in mobilizing forces and resources.

The meaningfulness of perception is the property of human perception to attribute a certain meaning to the perceived object or phenomenon, to denote by its word, to relate to a certain language category.

Deviationing (deviant) behavior - human behavior deviating from established legal or moral standards that violates them.

Reflection is a philosophical and gnoseological concept relating to the theory of knowledge. In accordance with it, all mental processes and human states are considered as reflections in a person's head objective, not dependent on him.

Alienation is a process or result of loss for a person's value or personal meaning of what had previously attracted his attention, it was interesting and important for him.

The feeling is an elementary mental process, which is a subjective reflection of a living creature in the form of mental phenomena of the simplest properties of the surrounding world.

Memory - memorization processes, conservation, reproduction and processing by a person of various information.

Memory genetic - Memory due to the genotype transmitted from generation to generation.

Memory Long-term - memory designed for long-term storage and multiple reproduction of information provided it is saved.

Memory short-term - memory designed for storing information for a short period of time, from several to tens of seconds, until the information contained in it is not used or translated into long-term memory.

Panic is a massoid phenomenon of the psyche, characterized by the emergence of many people who are in contact with each other, feelings of fear, anxiety, as well as disorderly, chaotic movements and ill-conceived actions.

Pantomimika is a system of expressive movements performed using the body.

Primary data is that information about studied phenomena, which is obtained at the beginning of the study and is subject to further processing before it can be done by reliable conclusions about these phenomena.

Primary emotions - genotypically (see genotype) due to the simplest emotional experiences: pleasure, displeasure, pain, fear, anger, etc.

Experiencing is a feeling accompanied by emotions.

Personalization is the process of becoming a person in person (see), acquiring individuality.

Perceptive - related to perception.

Imitation - the conscious or unconscious behavior of a person aimed at reproducing the actions and actions of other people.

Policole behavior is a behavior peculiar to a person of a particular floor in the social role that corresponds to this floor.

Understanding is a psychological state, expressing the correctness of the decision and accompanied by a sense of confidence in the accuracy of perception or interpretation of any event, phenomena, fact.

Act - deliberately performed by man and controlled will action emanating from certain beliefs.

The need is a state of the needs of the body, individual, personality in something necessary for their normal existence.

Practical thinking is a type of thinking aimed at solving practical tasks.

The subject of perception is the property of perception to represent the world is not in the form of individual sensations, but in the form of holistic images relating to perceived subjects.

Prejudice - a steady erroneous opinion, not supported by facts and logic based on faith.

Preciousness is a mental state of a person who occupies an intermediate place between consciousness and unconscious. It is characterized by the presence of a vague awareness of the experienced, but lack of volitional control or the ability to manage.

Presentation is the process and result of reproduction in the form of an image of any object, events, phenomena.

Addictive - termination or reducing the acute response to still continuing an irritability.

The projection is one of the protective mechanisms by which a person gets rid of the experiences about their own deficiencies by attributing them to other people.

Prosocious behavior - human behavior among people, disinterestedly aimed at their blessing.

The psyche is a general concept denoting the totality of all mental phenomena studied in psychology.

Mental processes - processes occurring in the human head and reflected in dynamically changing mental phenomena: sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, speech, etc.

Psychological compatibility of people - the ability of people to find mutual understanding, establish business and personal contacts, cooperate with each other.

Psychotherapy is a complex psychological impact of a doctor for a patient's psyche through a word. The purpose of psychotherapy is to eliminate painful symptoms, a change in attitude towards themselves, its condition and the environment. Psychotherapy in a broad sense covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bcommunication of the doctor and the patient. The doctor of any profile, communicating with the patient, has a psychological impact on him. Chatting with the sick, the doctor seeks to assess his mental state, to understand and find out the reasons for the deterioration of the psychological state of the patient. The basis of all psychotherapeutic techniques make up suggestion and clarification offered in various ratios and sequences.

Irrhantability - the ability of living organisms is biologically advisable (for the purpose of self-preservation and development) to respond to significant environmental impacts for their lives.

Scattered - the inability of attention to concentrate on the facility.

Reaction - the response of the body to some irritant.

Relaxation - relaxation.

The reference group is a group of people, in something attractive to the individual. Group source of individual values, judgments, deeds, norms and rules of behavior.

Referentometry - technique that allows us to find out the degree of importance of each member of the group for his comrades by the community, to identify, on the one hand, the most members are focused on whose community in this community, and on the other, those whose position on this or that matter is practically Everyone is indifferent.

Reflex - the automatic response of the organism on the action of any internal or external stimulus.

Reflection - the ability of a person's consciousness to focus on oneself.

Speech is a system of sound signals used by a person, written signs and symbols for presentation, processing, storage and transmission of information.

Decisitancy is the willingness to proceed to practical actions that have formed the intention to make a certain deed.

Rigidity is the inhibition of thinking, manifested in the difficulty of man's refusal of one day a decision, a method of thinking and actions.

The role is a concept denoting the behavior of a person in a certain life situation that meets the provision occupied by it (for example, the role of the head, subordinate, father, mother, etc.).

Self-actualization is the use, and the development of a person with his deposits, their transformation in the ability. The desire for personal self-improvement. C. As a concept introduced in humanistic psychology.

Self-adequation is a process aimed at suggesting the ideas of ideas, thoughts, feelings that contribute to the elimination of painful phenomena and improving overall well-being.

Self-control - the ability of a person to maintain inner peace of mind, act intelligently and weighed in difficult life situations.

The self-determination of the individual is an independent choice by a person of his life path, goals, values, moral norms, future profession and living conditions.

Self-assessment - a human assessment of his own qualities, advantages and disadvantages.

Self-regulation is the process of managing a person with its own psychological and physiological states, as well as actions.

Self-consciousness - awareness of himself, his own qualities.

Sanguine - type of temperament characterized by energetic, increased performance and speed of reactions.

The properties of the human nervous system are a complex of physical characteristics of the nervous system that determine the processes of occurrence, conducting, switching and stopping the nerve impulses in various departments and parts of the central nervous system.

Sensitive development period - a period in a person's life, providing the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain psychological properties and types of behavior.

Sensitization is an increase in the sensitivity of sense organs under the influence of the impact on them of certain stimuli, in particular those that come to the same time for other senses (for example, an increase in visual acuity under the influence of hearing irritants).

Touch - associated with the work of the senses.

The power of the nervous system is the property of the nervous system to withstand long and large loads.

The symbol is a sign of something having a certain similarity with the object being denoted.

Sympathy is a sense of emotional predisposition to man, increased interest and attraction to him.

Synesthesia - the ability of an irritant addressed to the nature for him to the adapted organ of feelings, at the same time cause an unusual feeling in another sense organ. For example, when you perceive music, some people may have visual sensations.

The tendency is a predisposition to anything.

Vite-logical thinking is a kind of human thinking, where verbal abstraction and logical arguments are acting as a means of solving the problem.

The meaning of the personal - the value that the object, the event, the fact or the word acquire for this person as a result of his personal life experience. The concept of S.L. A. N. Lyontiev was introduced.

Conscience is a concept that denotes the ability of a person to worry, deeply personally perceive and regret the cases of violation by them or other people of moral norms. C. characterizes the identity that has reached a high level of psychological development.

Compatibility - the ability of people to work together, successfully solve problems requiring them consistency of actions and good understanding.

Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection by a person of reality, its representation in the form of summarized images and concepts.

The empathy is the testing of the same feelings and emotions that are characteristic of people nearby (see also empathy).

Rivalry - the desire of a person to the competition with other people, the desire to win over them, win, surpass.

Concentration - the concentration of human attention.

Collaboration is a man's desire to agreed, well-coherent working with people. Readiness to support and assist them. Opposite to rivalry.

Saving is one of the memory processes aimed at keeping information in it.

Socio-psychological training is the theory and practice of a special psychotherapeutic impact on people, designed to improve their communication and adaptation to living conditions.

Social expectations - expected from a person who occupies a certain position, judgment, actions and actions in society, corresponding to his social role.

Social stereotype - distorted social attitudes of a person with respect to people of a certain category that have arisen under the influence of a limited or unilateral life experience with representatives of this social group: national, religious, cultural, etc.

Sociometry is a set of similarly constructed techniques designed to identify and represents in the form of sociograms and a number of special indices of a personal relationship system between members of a small group.

The cohesion of the small group is the psychological characteristics of the unity of members of the small group.

The abilities are the individual features of people, from which the acquisition of their knowledge, skills and skills, as well as the success of the performance of various activities.

The status is the position of a person in the system of intragroup relations, which determines the degree of its authority in the eyes of the remaining participants in the group.

Leadership style is a characteristic of relations that are developing between the leader and the slaves. Methods and means applied by the leader to provide the necessary impact on people depending on it.

The desire is desire and willingness to act in a certain way.

Stress - the state of the mental (emotional) and behavioral disorder associated with the inability of a person is advisable and reasonable to act in the situation.

Subjective - related to person - subject.

The thinking scheme is a system of concepts or logic of reasoning, habitually used by man when meeting with an unfamiliar object or a new task.

Talent is a high level of human abilities to achieve outstanding success in one form of activity.

Creative thinking is a kind of thinking related to the creation or opening of something new.

Temperament is the dynamic characteristics of mental processes and human behavior, manifested in their speed, variability, intensity and other characteristics.

The theory of activity is a psychological theory, considering human mental processes as the types of internal activities originating from an external and having a structure similar to external activities. Etc. Developed by A.N. Lyontiev.

Test is a standardized psychological technique intended for a comparative quantitative assessment in a person studied psychological quality.

Testing - procedure for applying test tests.

Anxiety - the person's property comes to a state of increased concern, feel fear and anxiety in specific social situations.

The conviction is a person's confidence in its rightness, confirmed by the relevant arguments and facts.

Learning is the assignment of the perceived object to the category already known.

The ability - the ability to perform certain actions with good quality and successfully cope with activities that includes these actions.

The conclusion is the process of logical conclusion of a certain position from some reliable statements - parcels.

The level of claims is the maximum success that a person is counting in one or another activity.

Installation is ready, predisposition to certain actions or reactions to specific incentives.

Fatigue is a state of fatigue, accompanied by- (see autism, imagination, dreams, dreams).

The familiar - exaggeratedly relaxed, unleashed, unceremonious.

Phlegmatic - type of human temperament characterized by reduced reactivity, weakly developed, slowed down expressive movements.

Frustration - an emotionally heavy experience of his failure, accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, wrecked hope in achieving a certain desired goal.

Character is a set of personality properties that define typical ways to respond to life circumstances.

Censorship is a psychoanalytic concept denoting the subconscious psychological forces that seek to prevent certain thoughts, feelings, images, desires into consciousness.

Values \u200b\u200bare that a person especially appreciates in life, which he attaches a special, positive life point.

The central nervous system is part of the nervous system, including the head, intermediate and spinal cord.

Central - characteristics of nerve processes occurring at the highest levels of the central nervous system.

The personality feature is a sustainable personality property that determines the behavior characteristic of it and thinking.

Ambigid is a man's desire to successes, designed to increase his authority and recognition from others.

Sensitivity - the ability of the body to memorize and react to the effects of medium that do not have direct biological significance, but causing a psychological response in the form of sensations.

The feeling is the highest, culturally caused by the emotion of a person associated with some social object.

Egocentrism is the concentration of consciousness and the attention of man solely on itself, accompanied by ignoring what is happening around.

Extraversion - the concerns of the consciousness and attention of a person mainly on what happens around him. Extraversion is the opposite of introversion.

Emotions - elementary experiences arising from a person under the influence of the general condition of the body and the process of meeting the urgent needs.

Emotionality - characteristic of the personality manifested in the frequency of various emotions and feelings.

Empathy is the ability of a person to empathize and sympathize with other people, to understanding their internal states.

Efferent - process directed from the inside outward, from the central nervous system to the periphery of the body.

Legal psychology is the industry of psychological science, which studies mental processes, phenomena and states of people participating in perception, following legal norms. In Yu.P. The phenomena associated with the production of inquiry, the court and the correction of convicts are also investigated.

Ambivalence, frustration, rigidity - if you want to express your thoughts not at the level of the fifth grader, you will have to understand the meaning of these words. Katia Shpachuk explains everything available and understandable, and help her in this visual gifs.
1. Frustation

Almost everyone experienced a sense of unrealizations, met obstacles to the achievement of the goals that became an unbearable cargo and the reason for anything not bad. So this is frustration. When everything is tired and nothing happens.

But you should not perceive such a state in the bayonets. The main way to overcome frustration is to realize the moment, accept it, and tolerantly treat. The state of dissatisfaction, mental tension mobilize the human strengths to combat the new challenge.

2. Procrastination

- So, from tomorrow I sit on a diet! No, better from Monday.

Let's finish then when the mood will be. There is still time.

A ..., I will write tomorrow. Not anywhere.

Familiar? This is a procrastination, that is, postponement for later.

The painful state when it is necessary and do not want.

Accompanied by a torment itself for not fulfilled the task. This is the main difference from laziness. Laziness is a pofigistic state, procrastination - experienced. At the same time, a person finds pretexts, the classes are much more interesting than the fulfillment of specific work.

In fact, the process is normal and inherent in most people. But do not abuse. The main way to avoid - motivation and correct prioritization. Time Management comes to the rescue.


In other words, self-surveillance. The method with which a person explores its own psychological inclinations or processes. The first introspection applied Descartes, studying his own spiritual nature.

Despite the popularity of the method in the XIX century, the introspection is considered to be a subjective, idealistic, even unscientific form of psychology.

4. Beheviorism

Beheviorism - the direction in psychology, which is based on not consciousness, and behavior. Man's reaction to an external incentive. Movement, Mimic, gestures - in short, all external signs have become the subject of studying behaviorists.

The founder of the American method John Watson assumed that with the help of careful observation, you can predict, change or form proper behavior.

A lot of experiments were conducted that investigated human behavior. But the next one became the most famous.

In 1971, Philip Zimbardo held an unprecedented psychological experiment, which was called the Stenford prison experiment. Absolutely healthy, mentally stable young people were placed in a conditional prison. Students divided into two groups and distributed tasks: Some had to play the role of warders, other prisoners. Garden inclinations began to manifest themselves with the supervisors, while prisoners were morally depressed and accepting with their fate. After 6 days, the experiment was stopped (instead of two weeks). In the course, it was brought that the situation affects human behavior more than its internal features.

5. Ambivalence

Many scenarios of psychological thrillers are familiar with this concept. So, "ambivalence" is a dual attitude to something. Moreover, this attitude is absolutely polar. For example, love and hatred, sympathy and antipathy, pleasure and displeasure, which is experiencing a person at the same time and in relation to something (someone) one. The term introduced E. Bleiler, who considered the ambivalence of one of the signs of schizophrenia.

According to Freud "Ambivalence" acquires a slightly different meaning. This is the presence of opposing deep motivations, which is based on the attraction to life and death.

6. Insait

Translated from English "Insight" is an insight, the ability to penetrate the essence, insight, sudden finding a solution and so on.

There is a task, the task requires a solution, sometimes the simple, sometimes difficult, sometimes solved quickly, sometimes takes time. Usually in complex, labor-intensive, at first glance, insight comes insight. Something non-standard, sudden, new. Together with the insight, the previous character of action or thinking is changing.

7. Rigidity

In psychology under "rigidity" understand the unaware of a person act not according to plan, fear of unforeseen circumstances. Also, the "rigidity" refers to the unpretentiousness of the abandonment of habits and installations, from the old, in favor of the new and so on.

The rigid man is a hostage of stereotypes, ideas not created by independently, but taken from reliable sources.
They are specific, pedantic, they are annoyed by uncertainty and disadvantaged. Rigid thinking is trite, stamped, uninteresting.

8. Conformism and non-conformism

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority - time to stop and thinking" wrote Mark Twain. Conformism is the key concept of social psychology. It is expressed in changing behavior under the real or imaginary influence of others.

Why is this happening? Because people are afraid when not like everyone else. This is a way out of the comfort zone. This fear will not like it, look stupid, be out of mass.

Conformist is a person who changes his opinion, beliefs, installations, in favor of society in which is located.

Nonconformist - the concept of the opposite of the previous one, that is, a person who defends the view, different from most.

9. Qatarsis

From the ancient Greek word "katharsis" means "cleansing", most often from the sense of guilt. The process of long experience, unrest, which at the peak of development turns into liberation, something maximum positive. It is trapped by a person for various reasons, from the thought of not turned off Iron, etc. It can be said here about the domestic catharsis. There is a problem that reaches your peak, a person suffers, but he doesn't suffer indever. The problem begins to move away, the anger (who has something), comes the moment of forgiveness or awareness.

10. Empathy

Are you experiencing with a person who tells you his story? Do you live with him? Do you support the emotionally person who are listening to? Then you - Empat.

Empathy is an understanding of people's feelings, willingness to provide support.

This is when a person puts himself in place of another, understands and lives his story, but, nevertheless, remaining with his mind. Empathy is the process of feeling and responsive, somewhere emotional.

1. Abstraction - Operation of thinking, which lies in the allocation of essential properties and links of objects when disturbing from insignificant.

2. Agglutination - The method of formation of images of imagination, providing for non-existent in reality a combination of elements of different impressions.

3. Aggression - Strong affective experience of anger, rage, attempts to hurt, trouble with their opponent.

4. Adaptation (sense organs) - Change of sensitivity under the influence of external stimuli.

5. Attribution of responsibility - The phenomenon of interpersonal relations, provides for the imposition of responsibility for the result of activity.

6. Activity - but) as a sign of psyche - Universal characteristics of creatures, actually the dynamics of living beings as a source of support of them vital connections with the outside world; b) as a property of temperament - determined by force with which a person affects the situation and overcomes obstacles to the goal.

7. Accentuation (character) - An individual-typological feature of character is excessive severity, the pointedness of certain character traits.

8. Emphasis - Reception of the formation of images of imagination, which lies in the exaggeration of individual parts of the imaging image in order to cause attention to them.

9. Allegory - Receiving images of imagination, which is to provide an image of the imagination of the portable value.

10. Ambivalence - The phenomenon of the emotional sphere of personality is to combine in a complex sense of elements of polar experiences.

11. Analysis - Operation of thinking, which is to be selected in objects of elements, properties, links, separation of the subject part.

12. Analyzer - Part of the reflex ring without centrifugal sites.

13. Analogy - a) as the formation of formation of imagination images - the process of modeling new images based on their similarities with actually existing; b) as an operation of thinking - determination of substantial resemblance to the correlation of structures, functions, principles and transfer of these signs into a new solution ..

14. Association - Memory mechanism is to establish neurophysiological ties between personality experience elements.

15. Association In contrast - a type of association, in which neurophysiological bonds arise between elements of experience with opposite signs.

16. Association By similarity - a type of association, in which neurophysiological bonds arise between elements of experience, similar to certain signs.

17. Content Associations - A type of association in which neurophysiological bonds arise on the basis of the definition between the elements of the relationship of type "cause and consequence" ratios, "genus and kind", "integer and part".

18. Association on adjacentness - A kind of association, in which neurophysiological bonds arise between the elements of the experience, perceived successively (in time) or simultaneously in one space (adjacent in space).

19. Attribution Kausalny - a person's explanation for the reasons (motifs) of other people's actions.

20. Affect - The form of experiencing emotions, the signs of which are the rapid occurrence, stormy and short-term flow, accompaniment of violations of consciousness, loss of self-control. Caused by acute life situations. The addiction to the affects testifies to an uncompatory, inability to own themselves.

21. Burning - The negative quality of the person's will, characterized by a decrease in the total activity of a person, the misinterpretation, the inability to make efforts to bring things to the end, easy distraction from small reasons, inconsistency, uncertainty, conformity and suggestibility (easily fall under the influence of the surrounding people).

22. Exposure and composure - Village qualities, providing for the ability of a person to force themselves to fulfill a reasonable decision, regardless of obstacles, subordinate their behavior to the interests of achieving the goal, not to be distracted by foreign affairs.

23. Abstraction - involuntary movement of attention, has no direct positive value for activity.

24. Sensations object - The properties of sensations involving the objectivity of the environment to the very objects that are its source.

25. Feelings duration - This is a temporary characteristic of sensations, depends on the duration of the action of the stimulus and its intensity.

26. Feeling - an elementary mental process, which consists in reflecting by the person of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding, as well as the states of the internal organs with the immediate effects of irritants on the senses.

27. Sensation exterceptive - A variety of sensations, the signs of which are the location of the relevant senses on the surface of the body, which reflect the irritants of the outside world. Among them are contact - those that occur with the direct contact of the receptor with an irritant (touch, taste), distant - irritant at a distance from the receptor (vision, hearing).

28. Feeling outwardly internal - a kind of sensations, the signs of which is a correlation by a person of information entering both the extero and in the inter-receptors (taste, temperature).

29. Feeling intensity - This is a quantitative characteristic of sensations, determined by the force of irritant and the condition of the receptor.

30. Feeling interoceptive - A variety of sensations, the signs of which are the location of receptors in the internal organs, reflecting their condition (well-being, hunger, thirst).

31. Vichuttya Prieroiceceptiveni - A variety of sensations, the signs of which are the location of the receptors in the muscles and ligaments, take information about the movement and location of the body.

32. Property mental - system of established, fixed and repetitive signs of mental fact (character quality, temperament, abilities).

33. Will - The mental process of conscious and targeted regulation by the person of its activities and behavior in order to achieve the goals.

34. Recognition - The type of reproduction, implies the mention of the Individual Individual in its re-perception.

35. Deed - A kind of volitional action aimed at achieving a socially significant goal is an act of moral behavior regulated by certain ethical standards.

36. Genius - The highest level of abilities whose manifestation is the opening of the personality of new directions, ways in the field of scientific research, technology, art.

37. Hyperbolization - The process of education of images of imagination, providing for exaggeration or decrease in objects.

38. The game - type of activity, driven by the need of an activity in activity, the purpose of which is the process itself, and not a substantive result; The source of which is the imitation and experience.

39. Group of anti-referential - Social group, the norms of which a person condemns and in his behavior has the opposite.

40. Group Big - Quantitatively limited to the community of people allocated according to certain social characteristics (class, nation, layer), or, real, significant and folded community of people, combined with general activities (a certain organization).

41. The group had - A small community (30-40 people), in which individuals directly in contact with each other, combined with a common goal and tasks, is a prerequisite for their interaction, mutual influence, general rules, processes and interests, interpersonal relations and the duration of their existence.

42. Unformal group - A kind of social group, arises on the initiative of the participants themselves, based on their sympathies.

43. Group of non-reference - Social group that does not affect the identity.

44. Real group - Real association of people in contact with each other.

45. Reference Group - The social group is an exemplary for a given person who is trying to meet its standards.

46. Social group - any more or less sustainable associations of people.

47. Group conditional - Combining people created by the imagination of the researcher in order to analyze them.

48. Group formal (official) - Groups, the emergence and existence of which are governed by official documents (school class, work enterprises).

49. Depression - The mental state is the opposite aggression, it turns out in despair, in a serious experience of hopelessness.

50. Determination of thinking - This is a system of reasons caused by certain mental actions and their sequence.

51. determinism principle - The principle of the study of the psyche, according to which the person's response to external influences depends not only on the characteristics of this influence, but also on the characteristics of the human psyche (interests, experience, education, knowledge, etc.): "External reasons operate through the internal conditions" ( S. L. Rubinstein).

52. Mental actions - The system of intellectual operations of a person aimed at identifying signs of objects that are not directly perceived.

53. Activity - This is an internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person regulated by a conscious target.

54. Multameric activity - The system of complex in the structure of mental processes, managed by the meremic target, is formed in humans based on innate, biological forms of memory.

55. Act - a relatively complete element of activity aimed at solving one current task.

56. Maturation - Manifestation of ontogenesis, determined by the genotype, consisting in the consistent formation of all organism systems.

57. Addition - The process of forming images of imagination, providing for an unusual combination of an image of a really existing subject with elements of other items.

58. Experiment psychological - One of the main research methods of psychology, the specificity of which is the special creation of the conditions under which the expected mental processes arise, acts of human behavior, in repetition to verify the truth of the experimental conclusions, in changing these conditions in order to identify their influence on the processes under study.

59. EXTERIORIZATION - The process of transition to the internal side of activities (internal actions) into external (external influences) occurs when implementing plans.

60. Extraversion - Property of the personality, which indicates its focus on nearby objects, situations, events.

61. Emotions intensity - This is the power characteristic of feelings.

62. Emotions polarity - The phenomenon of the emotional sphere of personality provides for the creation of antonymic steam in the structure of experiences.

63. Emotions Duration - Characteristics of the stability of emotions, the period of their invaluance in time.

64. Emotions Quality (modality) - Specific sentence content.

65. Emotions - mental reflection in the form of a direct passionate experience of the life sense of phenomena and situations caused by the attitude of their objective properties to the needs of the subject.

66. Emotional tone - this is the simplest form of emotions, which has the appearance of vital experiences accompanying the vital effects of taste, temperature, pain and other nature; Reflects the unity of emotions and sensations.

67. Empathy - One of the mechanisms of mutual understanding, which consists in the emotional response to the experiences of another person (sympathy, empathy).

68. Touch standards - mental images containing ideas about sensually perceived properties of objects; Formed in a child from three years.

69. The effect of novelty - The phenomenon in interpersonal perception, which means that the greatest weight has the greatest weight in relation to a familiar person with its evaluation.

70. Effect of Oleo. - The phenomenon in interpersonal perception, which implies the impact of the overall impression of a person to perceive and evaluate its specific actions.

71. The effect of the first impression - Phenomenon in interpersonal perception, which means that the most significant information about it is most significant to evaluate an unfamiliar person.

72. Unity of functional-role expectations - the phenomenon of interpersonal relations is to agree on the ideas of the participants of the social group that each member should do in which sequence; Characteristic for the team.

73. Maxi - The natural basis of abilities, still undeveloped, which manifests itself at the first attempts of person to work.

74. Emotional excitability - The properties of temperament, indicates the rate of occurrence and flow of emotions.

75. Abilities - The identity properties system that meets the requirements of the activity and ensures high achievements in it.

76. Common abilities - Encompose the properties of the individual who meet the requirements of many activities.

77. Reproductive abilities - A variety of abilities that are manifested in the success of mastering knowledge, skills, skills.

78. Sensory abilities - The variety of abilities related to the perception of the human objects and their qualities that make up the basis of mental development; Intensively formed from 3-4 years.

79. Special abilities - A variety of abilities that meet the requirements of individual activities.

80. Creative abilities - A variety of human abilities associated with imagination, which allow you to find original methods and tools for solving problems, create an intention of the game or drawing.

81. Ideal - The form of a person's desire, reflecting her need to act in accordance with the sample chosen for imitation.

82. Identification - One of the mechanisms of mutual understanding, consisting in the approach of itself to another person, in the ability to reveal its point of view.

83. Identification Collectivist - The phenomenon of interpersonal relations, suggests the attitude of the face to others as to itself and to itself as another.

84. Individual - This is a separate representative of the species of living beings, and general, and private, and unique qualities. Common qualities characterize all people without exception, partial - inherent in individual groups of people (professional, age, religious, national, etc.), unique qualities are unique and single, available only in a certain person.

85. Induerminism - The position opposite to the principle of determinism, approves the closed character of the psyche, its complete independence from external conditions, denying that you can learn about the inner world of a person for his behavior; The only possible method is proclaimed self-surveillance or introspection.

86. Individuality - This is a combination of features that distinguish one person from others. This term reflects the unique features of a person. Among which there are biologically conditioned features of the body, and socially determined traits of character.

87. Instinct - This is a system of unconditional reflexes, congenital species behavior of the animal.

88. Interiorization - The process of transition from external to the inner side of the activity is clearly manifested in the ability.

89. Interest "The motive conscious by man is an emotional manifestation of cognitive needs and manifests itself in a desire to learn more about the object of interest, to understand it deeper. The satisfaction of interest does not lead to the disappearance of the need, but on the contrary - to its strengthening, so it is called an unsaturated motive.

90. Introversion - the property of personality, which indicates its concentration in its own inner world.

91. Classification - Operation of thinking is the mental disconnection and subsequent combination of objects, phenomena, events in groups and subgroups according to certain features.

92. Collective - This is a group of united community goals and objectives of people who have reached the system of socio-valuable joint activities of a high level of development (Petrovsky A.V.).

93. Specification - Operation of thinking is to apply generalized knowledge to a specific individual case.

94. Constance - The property of perception consisting in the relative constancy of the image as changes in the conditions of perception.

95. Lateralization - the principle of working the brain, which means the leading role of the left hemisphere; There is only a person and is associated with the allocation of the leading right hand.

96. Latent period - From the moment of exposure to the receptor to the emergence of the feeling.

97. Linguistics - Science, which studies the laws of functioning and developing the language system as a universal phenomenon.

98. Diagnostic methods (tests) - A group of psychological research methods used to find out how many human mental qualities correspond to previously discovered standards and standards.

99. Longitudinal method - One of the two main ways to organize a psychological study (the second method - transverse sections), common in age psychology, involves the study of the dynamics of a certain mental phenomenon in the same specific people or their groups for a long time (several years).

100. Comparative method (age or transverse sections) - One of the two main ways to organize a psychological study, implies the simultaneous study of a certain mental phenomenon in different age groups in order to identify its dynamics.

101. Information methods - A group of methods of psychological research, as a result of which new knowledge receives, the main ones are observations and experiment.

102. Methods of psychology auxiliary - A group of methods of psychological research (questionnaire, conversation, interviews, self-surveillance), which themselves do not differ in sufficient objectivity and are used in addition to observation and experiment.

103. Methods of psychological research - certain ways of collecting scientific psychological facts, which reflect the specifics of mental facts or phenomena and serve as a subject of theoretical analysis.

104. Thinking - This is the process of human cognitive activity characterized by a generalized and mediated reflection of reality.

105. Thinking depth - the property of thinking personality, which lies in the ability to penetrate the essence of complex issues; reveal the causes of phenomena hidden for external signs; Anticipate the possible consequences of events and processes.

106. Thinking flexibility - The property of the thinking personality, which lies in the ability to quickly focus on changing the situation, willingly switch from one way to solve the task of others, use the variable solutions.

107. Thinking speed, intelligence - The property of thinking personality, implies the ability to quickly understand the difficult situation, take the right decision.

108. Thinking criticality and independence - The property of the thinking personality, which is the ability to objectively assess the positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon, without relying on the opinion of other people.

109. Thinking sequence - The property of thinking personality, which lies in the ability to adhere to continuity in reasoning, achieve their compliance of the plan, avoid logical errors.

110. Thinking Sprot. - The property of the thinking personality, which is the ability to cover a wide range of issues, in creative thinking in various areas of knowledge and practice.

111. Language - This is a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication and activities of thinking, a way to express self-consciousness, transmission from generation to generation and storage of information.

112. Speech - This is a form of communication with the help of a language that has developed historically in the process of material conversion activities.

113. Motivation - a system of all types of personality motives (needs, motives, interests, goals, installations, ideals), which regulate the behavior and human activity.

114. Dream - The form of a person's desire, the content of which is the image of the desired future created by the fantasy.

115. Skill - Action, repeated execution of which led to its automation, signs of which are the most rapid execution, no extra movements, minimal psychophysical stress, reduced control while maintaining the quality of execution.

116. Perseverance - the volitional property of the personality, assumes the ability to long-term energy voltage to overcome difficulties on the path to the goal.

117. Mood - The form of experiencing emotions is a general emotional state, the background of the course of mental processes and human behavior (activities occur on a certain emotional background).

118. Unconscious - low level of human psyche; The form of reflection in which a person does not control its behavior, is incomplete oriented over time and space; It is violated.

119. Odarity - A set of abilities that cause particularly successful human activity in one or more areas that allocate it among other people who perform the same activity under the same conditions.

120. Ontogenesis - Formation of the basic structures of the individual's psyche during his life.

121. Operation - A method of performing action in specific conditions.

122. Personality - public individual, object and subject of the historical process (B. Ananev) way of being of a person in society, an individual form of existence and development of social relations (L. Anziferov) The system of properties that the individual acquires in subject activity and communication, which characterizes its inclusion in Public relations (A. Petrovsky) Social property of the individual (B.F. Lomov) Special quality, which acquires an individual in society (A. Leontyev).

123. Memory - A cognitive mental process, consisting in memorizing, preserving and reproducing the individual of his experience.

124. Memory long-term - A variation of memory, which is noted by the long-term preservation of the memorized (months, years) arises from a short-term reproduction of the material.

125. Professional memory - a variation of memory, it is distinguished by the presence of an intercourse target, regulates the memory processes; A person consciously determines what to remember first of all, for what time period, for what purpose and the like.

126. Emotional memory - A type of memory, which is the content of which are experienced by the individual in the past feelings that become an incentive to activities, help to predict the results.

127. Short-term memory - A variation of memory, which is noted by the short-term preservation of the stored material after its one-time playback.

128. Unprompected memory - A variation of memory, which is noted in the absence of the mnemic goal.

129. Small memory - a type of memory, which is the content of which performances (visual, auditory, olfactory, taste, tactile).

130. Memory operational - a variety of memory serving relevant actions, operations; With it, it contains intermediate results, which are forgotten at the end of the activity.

131. Memory motor - A variation of memory, the content of which moves the movements and their systems, serves as the basis of labor and practical skills.

132. Communicate-logical memory - A specifically human type of memory, the content of which is the thoughts in the form of concepts.

133. Conviction - The system of conscious human needs, encourages it to act in accordance with its views, worldview, knowledge.

134. Performance period - Time from the moment of termination of the stimulus before the disappearance of sensations.

135. Personical (personal) theories - psychological theories for which the dedication of the decisive effect of biological or social determinants is characterized; The chief determinant of mental development is considered by the personality itself, its self-separation (E.Shpranger, Pi. Bühler, L. Bletts, IMRE, etc.).

136. Plasticity - a) as a property of psyche - the ability of the psyche to changes, which underlies the mental development; b) as a property of tempo - manifests itself in how easily the person adapts to external influences; Opposite rigidity.

137. River behavior - The production of speech personality in a particular situation, implies awareness of this features of this situation and its role in it.

138. Irritability - a sign of the biological form of reflection, inherent in the whole living, consisting in the ability of the body to respond to biotic stimuli.

139. Biotic stimuli - The effects of the external environment included in the process of metabolism of the body, without which it is impossible for his life.

140. Trains - The prompting of activities, which is not clearly clearly conscious.

141. Concept - Thought or form of thinking, which reflects general, significant and single signs of objects and which is the basis of scientific knowledge (concepts of mathematical, grammatical, physical, etc.).

142. Comparison - It is. The performance of thinking aimed at determining the quality or quantitative difference between the phenomena, the objects of one species.

143. Need - The state of needs, expressing the dependence of the body on the specific conditions of existence and is the source of its activity (S.D. Maksimenko).

144. A train - The prompting of activities, which is based on the need for the object of satisfaction of which personality is not aware.

145. Feeling above - A variety of personality emotions, reflecting the attitude of the personality to the phenomena of social reality and is the result of the formation in conditions of training and education.

146. Aesthetic feeling - A variety of higher feelings, reflecting the identity attitude to the phenomena of the beautiful and ugly.

147. The feeling of intellectual - A variety of higher feelings reflecting the attitude of the personality to cognitive activity.

148. Moral feeling - A variety of higher senses expressing a sustainable attitude of a person to others and to themselves, to public phenomena and norms.

149. Praxichny's feeling - A variety of higher feelings, which are to experience a person of their attitude towards various activities

150. Aspiration These are the motives of the behavior in which the human need is manifested in such conditions of existence and development, are directly absent in this situation, but can be created as a result of activities.

151. Work - type of activity aimed at the production of socially useful products (material or ideal).

152. Passion - the form of the desire, reflects the needs of force majeure; Strong, stable, long feeling.

153. Problem situation - This is a mental state that arises from a person when knowledge acquired by it does not ensure the necessary action; Moves to find new means and ways of action.

154. Design pedagogical - a targeted creative preliminary definition and design of the program for solving pedagogical problems and its further implementation in specific conditions of the educational process.

155. Spatial Localization - The properties of sensations, thanks to which a person reflects not only the quality of the stimulus, but also determines its location in space.

156. Mental process - a system of procedural signs of a mental phenomenon with the allocation of the beginning, intermediate stages, and completion.

157. Psychic - This property of highly organized matter is a special form of reflection by the subject of objective reality (A. Leontyev).

158. Psycholinguistics - The section of psychology, which focuses on the study of speech as an activity to determine its goals, motives, actions, results; Speech in the process of its generation and understanding, that is, the transition from the internal plan to external and vice versa.

159. Psychology - This is a science of facts, patterns and mechanisms of the psyche, as the image created in the brain, based on and with the help of which regulation is carried out that a person has a personal character (A.V. Petrovsky).

160. Psychology of speech - this is a section of general psychology that studies speech ratios with thinking, perception, memory, other mental phenomena; Communication of personality properties with speech features.

161. Psychophysics - The section of psychology, which studies the connection between the properties of sensations and the physical qualities of stimuli.

162. Reactivity - The properties of the temperament, which indicates which force man reacts to the external impact.

163. Reverberation - The concept of physical memory theory, according to which the display of the object is accompanied by circulation of electrochemical bumping in neurons.

164. recupitulation Theory - Theory of the American psychologist Stanley Hall (1846-1924), according to which ontogenesis of psyche includes the abbreviated reproduction of the stages of the historical development of human society.

165. Reconstruction - The process of forming images of imagination, in which a holistic structure is completed by part of the object.

166. Reminiscence - Memory phenomenon, marked with an increase in the volume of reproduced material through a long storage period.

167. Reflex unconditional - These are congenital species reflexes.

168. Reflex conditional - Temporary nervous bonds in the cerebral cortex, which are fixed by repetition.

169. Reflection - One of the mechanisms of mutual understanding, consisting in the awareness of the person how it is perceived by a partner in communication.

170. Level of attractions - Personal education is determined by what purpose among the totality of possible tend to choose the personality - light or heavy.

171. Determination - The volitional quality of the person, consistent with the ability to make the right decisions in a timely manner.

172. rigidity - The properties of temperament (opposite plasticity), which indicates that the individual is difficult to adapt to has inert and sluggish behavior, habits, judgments.

173. Self-awareness - One of the manifestations of consciousness as a branch of himself ("I") from the objective world ("not me") awareness, assessment by the person of himself, his place in the world, his interests, knowledge, experiences, behavior, etc. The self-consciousness has a hierarchically constructed structure From elementary well-being for self-knowledge and higher level - self-relation, which are manifested in self-control and self-regulation of their behavior (KK Platonov).

174. Independence - The volitional quality of the person, which manifests itself in the fact that a person determines his actions on the basis of his beliefs, knowledge, not under pressure from other people.

175. Consciousness - This is the highest integrated form of the psyche, which is under the influence of social and historical conditions in human work and its communication through a language with other people.

176. Worldview - a set of personality beliefs, the formation of which is an important task of learning and education; In general, it is formed by the end of school age.

177. Sensitivity - The properties of the temperament is determined by the smallest power of exposure, which causes a response in humans.

178. Sensitization - change in the sensitivity of the senses under the influence of internal conditions.

179. Sensory isolation - Restriction in the receipt of signals from the external environment to human senses, causes a violation of the necessary balance of information between man and the environment.

180. Symbolization - The process of forming images of imagination, in which the image has an additional value, not necessarily external signs.

181. symptom complex (character factor) - a personality nature structure component formed by the most closely related features of character; Most often in the structure of the character, four symptoms are distinguished.

182. Synesthesia - manifestation of nonspecific sensitivity, when there are sensations from others under the action of an irritant characteristic of one analyzer.

183. Synthesis - One of the main operations of thinking is to combine individual elements of objects, in combining individual parts into a single whole.

184. Systematization - Operation of thinking, which is to highlight the essential and general signs of groups of objects or classes in order to further associate.

185. The ratio of activity and reactivity - The properties of the temperament, which is determined by how much human behavior depends on the situation - obeys it (reactivity), seeks to change it (activity).

186. Communication - A complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities, which provides for the exchange of information, interaction, perception and understanding between its participants.

187. Communication pedagogical - This is a professional communication of the teacher with students at a lesson or outside it, performing certain pedagogical functions and aimed at optimizing training and upbringing.

188. Perception - This is a mental process of reflection in the human brain objects and phenomena as a whole, together all their qualities and properties with the direct effects of irritants for analyzers.

189. Perception of historicity (Apperception) - conditionality of human perception with specific conditions and past experiences, both public and personal.

190. Perception of intertility - The property of perception, according to which a person reflects the value of items, is aware of their functions.

191. Perception of space - A variety of perception, providing perception of form, size, remoteness and direction of objects.

192. Perception of motion - a kind of perception, which involves reflection of the movement of objects; At the same time, the main role is played by visual and kinesthetic analyzers.

193. Perception of integrity - The property of perception, at which the image of the perceived object is one of the whole, despite the fact that it arises as a result of a consistent survey of the subject (Suksection).

194. Perception of Time - A type of perception consisting in determining duration, speed, sequence of phenomena and is provided by the analyzer system.

195. Personality orientation - Moral, ethical characteristics of the individual, which manifests itself in the real sense of social behavior and is determined by the content of dominant motives.

196. Psychological state - a mental fact that exists over a small period of time and is due to the situation (manifestations of will, attention, thinking, feelings).

197. Stereotyping - the phenomenon of interpersonal perception, which is expressed in the transfer of the qualities of a group of people of a separate person belonging to the group, according to the scheme "All honors - disciplined".

198. Stress - The form of experiencing emotions of the personality, the signs of which is the state of the voltage in the threat or overload, which is ambivalently affects the health and activity of the personality: positively (eustess) or negatively (Distress).

199. Character structure - This is an ordered set of character traits in their relationships, thanks to which, knowing one character line, you can envisage others.

200. Judgment - form of thinking, reflecting the relationship between objects or their properties.

201. Talent - A high level of human abilities to certain activities, which manifests itself in originality and novelty of the approach, is accompanied by the achievements of the highest results in this area.

202. Temperament - Characteristics of the individual by its dynamic features: intensity, speed, tempo, rhythm of mental processes and states.

203. telerament Properties - Sustainable individual properties of psyche, determining the dynamics of human mental activity, remain relatively unchanged with different content, activities and form a structure characterizing the type of temperament.

204. Top of reactions - The properties of temperament, manifests itself in the rate of flow of various mental phenomena and characterizes the dynamic side of the mental life of a person.

205. Associative memory theory - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory as the creation of associations, that is, connections between the impressions of the phenomena and objects.

206. Biochemical memory theory - the system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory as memorizing information in the process of biochemical changes in the neurons of the reverse and non-selfotic nature.

207. Theory of memory activities - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory as an activity.

208. Memory theory in Gestaltism - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory as "setting" the whole situation immediately followed by the allocation of parts in it.

209. Physiological memory theory - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory based on the conditional reflex, as the formation of communication between the new and previous impressions.

210. Physical memory theory - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory as an electrochemical process.

211. Theory of memory is chemical - The system of views, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the interpretation of memory of both individual and species. The chemical basis of individual memory in the cell is ribonucleic acid (RNA). The species memory is fixed in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

212. Standardization - The method of formation of Yaywa images, aimed at expressing general features of a group of objects in a specific image.

213. Tropisms - the elemental reaction of the body to the irritant in the form of movements (turning the leaves of plants to the light).

214. Attention - This is the focus and zone of consciousness, which provide for an increase in the level of sensory, intellectual and motor activity of the individual.

215. Caution arbitrary - A kind of attention, which provides conscious focus of attention at the facility with the participation of volitional efforts.

216. Afterplay attention - A type of attention that occurs with arbitrary, while the volitional effort is reduced, interest and emotional passion is growing.

217. Attention selectivity - The property of attention manifested in the concentration of consciousness on a certain area of \u200b\u200breality in distraction from all others.

218. Attention to oscillations - The property of attention involving changes in the level of human concentration at the facility.

219. Attention concentration (intensity) - The property of attention, which is determined by the degree of human concentration at the facility.

220. Attention volume - The property of attention, which is determined by the amount (4-6 units) simultaneously covered by the attention of objects.

221. Attention switching - The property of attention, which ensures a conscious transition from one activity to another, from one object to another.

222. Fault distribution - The property of attention that takes place while fulfilling a person of two or more activities, provided that both activities are familiar, and one of them is at least partially automated.

223. Attention orientation - The property of attention, manifested in the electoral nature, in an arbitrary or involuntary choice of facilities that meet the needs of the subject, the tasks and objectives of its activities.

224. Attention is stability - The property of attention manifested in the duration of focusing on the object.

225. Generalization - Operation of thinking is the mental unification of items according to their joint essential features.

226 Skill - The readiness of a person successfully perform activities based on knowledge and skills.

227. Review - The form of thinking, involving such a connection between thoughts, as a result of which a new judgment follows from several well-known judgments.

228. Deductive Review - A variety of conclusion, in which the properties of the object class are transferred to the properties of a specific representative of this class.

229. Conclusion by analogy - A kind of conclusion based on the transfer of connections that exist between the alone issues in relation to others.

230. Inductive conclusion - A kind of conclusion, in which the properties of some objects from a certain class are distributed to all items of this class.

231. Installation - Personal education, consists in readiness of a person to act in a certain way.

232. Teaching - One of the main activities when a person's actions are sent to a conscious goal to learn certain knowledge, skills, skills, forms of behavior; When the subject acts for the assimilation of a new experience.

233. Imagination - A peculiar form of reflection of objective reality, a mental process, which consists in creating new images by processing the material of perceptions and representations obtained in the previous experience.

234. Imagination arbitrary - A variety of imagination, characterized by creating images in accordance with the goal.

235. Passive imagination - A variety of imagination flowing without setting a goal.

236. Imagination productive (creative) - The type of imagination, providing for the creation of new original images of objects, which a person never perceived; Do not really exist in reality, and their appearance is only assumed.

237. Imagination reproductive (reproducing) - A variety of imagination, in which its images arise from a person based on verbal descriptions of objects, schematic or graphic images.

238. Technical imagination - The type of imagination, which is the creation of spatial relationship images in the form of geometric figures with mental use of them in various combinations.

239. Art imagination - A variety of imagination in which sensual images (visual, auditory, tactile ...) prevail.

240. Philogenesis - The historical development of the psyche from the simplest forms to complex.

241. Frustration - Negative emotional state, accompanied by awareness of the impossibility of achieving the goal.

242. Functional asymmetry - The principle of work of the brain, according to which large hemispheres perform various mental functions.

243. Character - A combination of individual-peculiar mental properties that are manifested in typical methods of activity in typical circumstances and are determined by the attitude of the personality, to these circumstances.

244. Character depth - The dynamic characteristics of the character of the personality expresses the steady inner connection of his traits with the main interests, with the direction of personality.

245. Purpose - The component of the structure of activity, the content of which is the image of the future result.

246. Orientational unity (TsU) - the phenomenon of interpersonal relationships, which is characterized by the approach of the positions of their subjects regarding the goals of activity, how to achieve them, basic values.

247. Sensitivity - a) the body's ability to respond to neutral abiotic effects if they are associated with biotic; b) the ability of sense organs to display objects with greater or less accuracy (or with certain physical parameters).

248. sensitivity upper absolute threshold - The greatest strength of the stimulus, in which the feeling of this species still arises.

249. sensitivity of the lower absolute threshold - The minimum irritation, which, acting on the senses, can cause a feeling.

250. sensitivity is a relative threshold (threshold of distinction) - This is the minimum difference in the strength of two stimuli, which causes a barely noticeable difference in the intensity of sensations.

251. sensitivity of the absolute thresholds - The range of values \u200b\u200bof the force of stimuli, in which these stimuli cause adequate sensations.

Dictionary Terminos

Adaptation (eng. - Adaptation, it. - Adaptuerung) - device tool, organism, personality or group to changed external conditions. Distinguish adaptation: physiological; medical; analyzers (as a change in their sensitivity); socio-psychological (as the interaction of the person or social group with the social environment when inclusive in a new group); Professional (when inclusive in new working conditions).

Adaptability (eng. - Adaptability, it. - Anpassungsvermogen) - ability to adapt.

The adequacy of mental reactions (eng. - Adequitness of Mental Respons, it. - Aquivalenz Der Mental Reizantwort) - Compliance of mental reactions in the value of the incentive.

Adequate stimulus (eng. - Adequate Stimulus, it. - Normalreiz) - a stimulus, to which the sensor body (analyzer) reacts normally.

Actualization (English - Actualization, it. - Artualization) - the transition of a mental phenomenon from potential to the current or less relevant to more relevant. The concept was developed by B.G. Ananya and his students.

Ambivalence (eng. - Ambivalence, it. - Ambivalenz) - Simultaneous existence or incompatible emotions and feelings (laughter and crying, love and hatred, etc.) in person to the same object.

Amnesia (eng. - Amnesia, it. - Amnesie) - no memories due to memory violation; memory loss.

Analyzer (eng. - Analysor, it. - AnalySator) - an organ that provides the formation of sensations and perceptions. The term introduced in 1909 by I.P. Pavlov instead of the outdated "sense body." Each analyzer consists of three parts: peripheral, or perceiving department - receptor (all organs of feelings - eye, ear, etc.), conducting ways and higher nerve centers in the cerebral cortex. The analyzers are distinguished: visual, auditory, olfactory, flavor, tactile, thermal, kinestatic (motor).

Questionnaire (eng. - questionary, it. - FRAGEBOGEN) - one of the methods of psychology: written formulation of issues providing for written responses in a strictly defined form (this questionnaire is different from the questionnaire, where the answers are given in free form)

Anithicipation (eng. - Anticipation, it. - Antizipation) - Human ability to foresee, predict events.

Apperception (English - Apperception, it. - Apperzeption) - manifestation of the selectivity of perception, its dependence on the experience and direction of the individual. The term was introduced by the city of Leibnic.

Association (eng. - Association, it. - Assoziation) - Communication arising under certain conditions between two or more mental formations (sensations, perceptions, motorcase). The main concept of associative psychology (eng. - Association Psy Chology), which makes the dynamics of mental processes using the Association principle. There are association in the similarity, contrast, adjacency (in time or space). This division is proposed by Aristotle. The term is introduced by J. Lockey.

Affect (English - Affect, it. - AFFECT) - the rapidly flowing short-term emotion of an explosive nature, unsound of consciousness. It usually occurs in response to a strong rampor.

Abstraction is a matter of identification of any property of the subject or phenomenon and distraction from all others. The authoritarianism is a person's assistance to the power management of other people, suppressing their initiative, using coercion measures. Aggression-modified destructive behavior that causes moral and / or physical damage to others, causing psychological discomfort. Adaptation of the psychological-protection of a person to new living conditions, to other people and social circumstances. Adaptation of the test - complex research procedures aimed at adapting the test to use in new conditions. For example, adaptation of foreign techniques in relation to the conditions of another social and cultural medium. Character accentuation - variants of the norm, in which certain traits of the nature are excessively amplified. Ambivalence of feelings-contradictory emotional experience associated with a dual attitude towards man, subject, phenomenon. Simultaneous manifestation of sympathy and antipathy, love and hatred, attachment and disgust, adoption and rejection. Amnesia - a memory of memory arising from brain lesions. Analysis - Intelligent operation consisting in the separation of the integer into components or describing signs. Analytical psychology - System of views of the Swiss psychologist K.G. Jung, in which, as in the concept of psychoanalysis 3. Freud, attaches great importance to the unconscious. In addition to the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious is allocated. Anamnesis -sobility of information about the patient, about the conditions of life preceding the disease, about the history of the development of the disease. Currently, A. is used not only in medicine, but also in psychology as a method of studying personality. Apperceptation -Information of the past experience of a person, his interests and personal features on the image of the subject or phenomenon resulting from perception. Asseverness is suitable for man to defend their rights, taking into account the rights of others. Association - Office between thoughts, images in which the emergence of one thought or image causes the appearance of others in memory. Attribution -Pripping by the man of motives of behavior, personal qualities and characteristics of other people on the basis of everyday analysis of their actions and actions. Attitud-wishing on the basis of the experience of a sustainable predisposition, a social installation of a person in relation to people, events, social phenomena. Autogenous training -complex special exercises based on relaxation and self-sufficiency. It can be used by a person to manage its own mental states and behavior. Affect is a short-term, rapidly emerging and rapidly occurring emotional reaction, characterized by motor excitation, significant disorders of consciousness and ability to strongly control actions. Forms of manifestation of affect can be, anger, horror. Affiliation -Production of a person's need for communication, in emotional contacts, the desire to be in the society of other people, to assist members of the group and take their help, interact with others. At the same time, the value for a person is communicating itself, regardless of its goal. B.

Psychological barrier (English - Psychological Barrier, it. - Psychologische Barriere) - a motive that prevents certain action (in particular, to communicate with a certain person or a group of people).

Unconditional reflex, unconditional refraction (English - Unconditional Response, it. - Nightbedingle Reaktion) - Congenital instinctive response to unconditional stimulus (English - Unconditional Stimulus). The main concept of the reflex theory of the psyche developed by I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov.

Biheviorism (English - Behaviorism, it. - Behaviorismus) - the leading direction of the American psychology of the first half of the twentieth century, which is based on the understanding of human behavior (and animals), as a totality of motor and ethical verbal (speech) and emotional responses (reactions ) On the impact (incentives) of the external environment. This provision is expressed by their direct connection according to the "Stimulus - Reaction" scheme. Foreigners of Beheviorism - E. Toridayk and D. Watson

The barrier psychological-missed perception, erroneous opinion, fear, uncertainty, preventing people to successfully fulfill the case. In business and personal relationships, people impede the establishment of open and trusting relations between them. The barrier of semantic-lightsonimation between people caused by the fact that the same action, the word, the phrase is interpreted in different ways. Test battery-group test tasks (subtests) aimed at measuring various sides of a complex mental function or quality and combined into one test. The unconscious-advisability of mental phenomena, not aware of the person, but affecting his behavior. IN

Validity (eng. - Validity, it. - Validital, Gultigkeit) - the degree of compliance of the parameters of the psychological method (questionnaires, surveys, tests) parameters of the estimated activities or function.

Verbalization of consciousness (eng. - Verbal Thinking, it. - Verbal Denken) - the transition of subjective phenomena in the words of external or internal speech. Everything that is verbalized (expressed) is consciously man.

ATTENTION (eng. - Attention, it. - Aufmerksamkeit) - the suction and focus of mental activity on a specific object. There are views of understanding: an empty (passive), arbitrary (active when the selection of the object of attention is consistently carried out, intentionally), afterplay (the volitional component is replaced by interest and exhausted skills). Characteristics of attention: Volume (the number of objects that can be perceived and captured by a person in a relatively short period of time), distribution (the ability to simultaneously hold various objects in the field of consciousness), concentration (the ability to reduce its volume to one object), intensity, orientation, Switching, stability.

Suggestibility (eng. - Suggestibility, it. - Suggestibilitat) - the predisposition of the person to the suggestion.

Suggestion, Suggestion (English - Sussestion, it. - Suggestion) - Ladies to the person, leading either to the appearance of a person, in addition to his will and consciousness, a certain state, feelings, relationships, or to the perfection of a person, an act without thinking and the struggle of the motives. A separate person, group, social layer can be an object of suggestion.

Perception (eng. - Awareness, Perception, it. - Warnehmung, Perzeption) - is peculiar only by a person the simplest form of mental reflection of objective reality in the form of a holistic image. Unlike sensations, perception reflects the object holistic and items.

Impression (eng. - Imptession, it. - Eindruck) - characteristic of the highest animals, and especially a person, a mental phenomenon in which a fuzzy perception is enhanced by emotional color, as a result of which experience prevails over cognition. An impressionability as a personality property is expressed in the predominance of impressions over the cognitive function of perception of the surrounding world.

Validity-Succession of the methodology (test), which characterizes the accuracy of the obtained information about the learned mental phenomenon. Validity shows whether the test is really measured what it measures, and how well he does it. The leading type of activity is a decisive activity that is decisive for mental development in a specific period of human development. Verballess; speech; Specified words. The suggestibility of a person who is manifested in his susceptibility to suggestion, non-critical advantages to other people's impacts. The inspired people relatively easily take advice from others, easily infected with the sentiments and opinions of other people, show a tendency to imitation. A suggestion (Suggestion) -Termble and non-verbal impact on a person, characterized by a decrease in awareness and criticality in the perception by a person that he inspired him. Displacing -Od from protective mechanisms in psychoanalytic personality theory. It manifests itself in involuntary displacement from consciousness unpleasant information for humans, unacceptable thoughts, memories and experiences. They can no longer remember, although they can manifest themselves in human behavior. G.

Gender differences - social and psychological differences between men and women. Gerontopsychology - Associate of age psychology, which studies the psychological aspects of aging, changes in psyche, behavior, activities of people in the elderly and senile age. GestaltTherapy-Operation of psychotherapy, based on the idea that a person in its functioning seeks a holistic development and integration, to the formation of gestalt (integrity) of the personality hypnosis -Shichetic state, similar to SNA, which is characterized by peculiar braking of the brain cortex and the activation of subcortical entities . Caused by special impact of hypnotist or targeted self-sufficiency. It is characterized by increased susceptibility to the psychological effects of hypnotizing and reduced sensitivity to all other effects; It is used as a method of psychotherapeutic effects. Hypopedia-ametic learning during sleep. Hypnotherapy of treatment-based treatment based on a hypnotic suggestion. Group dynamics - Intraward processes characterizing management and leadership; adoption of group decisions, normalization, formation of the functional role structure of the group, cohesion, conflicts; Group pressure and other group compatibility is a social psychological phenomenon that characterizes the effectiveness of the joint activity of people, the possibility of their adaptation to each other. D.

Business Games (English - Practical Play, it. - Geschafsspielen) - Method of modeling various management and development situations for the purpose of learning decision-making.

Depression (eng. - Depression, it. - Depression) - the mental state of severely pronounced with a lack of interest in the surrounding; A dreary mood with the consciousness of one's own nickeliness, with a decrease in the threshold of motive motives, intensity of movements.

Differential psychology (English - Differential Psychology, it. - Differentielle Psychologie) - the industry of psychology, which studies the differences in individuals as their individuality.

Deviant (deviating) behavior - the study deviating from legal or moral standards adopted in society. The main manifestations are crime and immorality delinven (offender) -schelovka, whose deviating behavior in extreme manifestations represents criminal action. Depersonalization is changing self-consciousness associated with the feeling of loss of his "me", the emergence of the effect of alienation from its thoughts, feelings, actions. Depression - Conditions of spiritual disorder, longing, depression, characterized by apathy, passivity, pessimism, reducing the motives and personality activity. Defectology -NUKU, studying clinical and physiological and psychological and pedagogical patterns and the features of the development of abnormal children, the problems of their training and upbringing. The discomfort - the cost, characterized by unpleasant subjective sensations (headache, etc.), is often accompanied by unfavorable psychophysiological shifts. Disposion of preparation, the predisposition of the subject to certain behavior, action, actions. Distress-chanted stressful state that has a negative impact on human activity, his mental and physiological processes. Differential psychology - Psychology student, studying individually and psychological differences between people. Z.

The challenges are the analytical characteristics of the body, the functional characteristics of the nervous system, "the quality of a person, on the basis of which the psychological and unconscious mental phenomenon arise and develops, associated with the desire of a person to eliminate the alarm consciousness, prevent the traumatic personality of experience in the consciousness. Manifests In protective mechanisms. Protective mechanisms - imitation, denoting a set of techniques, with the help of which a person as a person protects itself from psychological injuries. Examples of protective mechanisms are displacement, sublimation, suppression, denial, projection, identification, regression, isolation, rationalization, conversion, etc. . In children, protective mechanisms are observed in a much lesser extent. In preschool and younger school age - this is most often fantasy. Significant other-mail, which is an authority for another person. And

Impriting, Imprinting (eng. - Imprinting, it. - Pragung) - Imprinting in the memory of stimuli, key for some types of instinctive behavior; It is purchased by a person shortly after birth as borrowed from the behavior of parents or other people. The concept and term were introduced in the early 40s of the twentieth century K. Lorenz.

Individual psychology (English - Individual Psychology, it. - IndividualSychologie) - one of three major psychological sciences, along with general psychology and social psychology. The subject of individual psychology is mental phenomena, characteristic of the individual.

Introversion (eng. - Introversion, it. - IntroverZion) - orientation to its inner world;

Introvert (Eng. - Introvert, it. - Introvert) - the type of personality, the focus of which is more determined by the inner world with a pronounced development, memory and imagination. The concept and term have been introduced by K.G. Jung.

Introspection (eng. - introspection, it. - Introzpection) - self-surveillance.

Game therapy-method of psychotherapeutic impact on children and adults using the game. Identification - Observation, likescent in the broadest sense. It is used in various fields of science and practice, for example in criminalistics (pulp, photography and objects, etc.). Psychology is used in different values: 1) recognition, identification of any object; 2) The process of unconscious identification by man himself with another person or group. Identification of the interpersonal personnel preparation of a person to feel, worry, act with respect to the other way as if this was the other he himself. The identity is a man of a person being himself, to preserve his individuality for a long time, to remain loyal. The identity of the social-protection of a person about its belonging to a certain social group (nationality, social class, religion). The hierarchy is a general accepted term that denotes the system of sequentially subordinate elements located in the order of the lowest to the highest (or vice versa). It is used to characterize social, psychological, mathematical, physiological, linguistic, etc. structures. Changed states of consciousness - Consciousness, which are characterized by the absence of control and loss of contact with reality, as well as modified perception of time and space. Individual-timber as a single natural essence or a separate representative of human community. Individual psychology - Model from the directions of deep psychology developed by A. Adler and emanating from the concept of the presence of a complex of inferiority and the desire to overcome it. As the main source of human behavior motivation. The individuality is a susceptibility of the individual psychological characteristics of a person who distinguish him from other people in which his originality and uniqueness is manifested. Individual style of activity (in labor, teaching, sports) -Character for this person, the system of receptions and methods for performing a particular activity that provides greater or less success. It becomes necessary due to individual differences of people and allows you to achieve the same efficiency of activity when it is fulfilled in different ways, receptions. Indifference - neutrality, indifference, indifference. Intellect -Suppiness of human cognitive processes, including perception, memory, imagination, thinking, speech; The relatively stable structure of the mental abilities of the individual. Interactive-importance that takes place between people in the conditions of their social relations. Interesting activity due to the cognitive need of a person. Manifests itself in the emotional painting of the process of knowledge. Interiorization of the process of forming the internal structures of the human psyche through the assimilation of external activities. Personal Personality, which is characterized by the tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of its activities to itself, and not surrounding circumstances. In case of failure, he is more accused of itself, and not other people or surrounding circumstances. Introspection - a person of a person for his own mental life (sensations, feelings, thoughts, etc.); introspection. Intuition -1) The ability of the personality to find ways to the rightful solution to the tasks, orient in difficult life situations, anticipate the course of events without analysis, without logical thinking, substantiation; 2) a kind of thinking, in which individual units of the thinking process are unconsciously; An intuitive solution arises as an internal insight, enlightenment of thought. Infantilism -Production in adults people the features of the psyche, peculiarities of behavior peculiar to children's, youthful age. In children and. It is expressed in the retreat of mental development, in which the child has features characteristic of earlier age. Hypochondria is a psychic condition at which oppression is manifested, painful crimsibility, excessive attention to their health, unreasonable anxiety for it. Often repeated, can lead to the formation of the corresponding character trait. TO

Catharsis (eng. - Catharsis, it. - Katharsis) - cleansing; In psychoanalysis, Z. Freud is one of the methods of psychotherapy. The psychological essence of Qatarsis in the displacement and change of some emotions by others. The concept was introduced by Aristotle in his teaching about the tragedy and music as cleansing the soul from bad after strong experiences.

Psychological categories (English - Psychological Categories, it. - Psychologische Kategorie) - the most common and fundamental concepts of psychological science, reflecting the essential properties and relationship of mental phenomena and processes. Psychological categories are ordered to the following hierarchical staircase: philosophical categories; general scientific concepts; Categories of general psychological; Categories are partly drugs; Categories of psychological sciences.

Categories General Psychological (English - General Psychologyal Categories, it. - Allgemein Psychologische Kategorie) - extremely wide psychological concepts: molds of mental reflection, mental phenomena, consciousness, personality, activity, development of the psyche. At the same time, the categories of generality are ordered to the following hierarchy: the psyche (the main psychological category) is understood through the forms of mental reflection; They are complemented by the needs (as impetus), attention (as an organization) and psychomotoric (as objectification), combined into the category of mental phenomena; Their highest generalization is consciousness; The carrier of him is the personality, manifested in only her inherent in the activity and is the main factor in the development of the psyche on all these hierarchical steps.

Cognitive, cognitive (eng. - Cognitive, it. - Kognitiv) - related to knowledge only on the basis of thinking, through the prism of his own cognitive system.

The constancy of perception (eng. - Perceptual Constancy, it. - WAHRNECHMUNGSKONSTANZ) - the quality of perception to maintain the image compliance with the reflected object, despite the difference in individual sensations included in it.

Confatabulation (English - confability, it. - Konfability) - the illusion of thinking, in which a person believes in his fiction.

Conformity (eng. - Conformity, it. - Konformitat) - assimilation of certain group norms, habits, values; Property "Be as Others", to get into a hard dependency on the group.

Catharsis -Termin ancient Greek philosophy (entered by Aristotle), which denoted the state of the inner cleansing of the soul as a result of experiencing a feeling of anger, fear, joy, compassion at the perception of a tragedy, leading to an emotional discharge. In psychoanalysis - cleansing, mental relief, resulting from a psychotherapeutic effect. It is manifested in the discharge, "respite" of the affect, previously displaced in the subconscious and being the cause of the neurotic conflict, the phenomenon of the liberation of the personality from the injury to her emotions by the story, memories. Clinical psychology-area of \u200b\u200bmedical psychology aimed at solving the diagnostic tasks of clinical practice (psychiatric, neurological, somatic). Composite sections of clinical psychology: pathopsychology, neuropsychology, somatopsychology. Cognitive -Shemical term characterizing cognitive processes. Cognitive dissonance-state of mental discomfort, arising in a situation where logically contradictory knowledge is faced in the consciousness of a person, about the same object, event. A person seeks to get rid of this state and therefore tries to eliminate this contradiction. To do this, it limits the flow of external information if it makes a contradiction in already existing installations, adapts new knowledge to the previously obtained, rebuilds its knowledge and installation relative to the relevant objects and events in such a way that the contradiction between them has been removed. The term was introduced by the American psychologist L. Festinger. Cognitive style-related sustainable individual features of human cognitive activity, which are manifested in cognitive strategies used by them. Communicability -Cobability to easy social contacts, sociability. Compensation is a manicity of a person get rid of experiences about their own deficiencies due to reinforced work on themselves and the development of other positive qualities. The concept was introduced by A. Adler. Compensation of mental functions-to-using underdeveloped or disturbed mental functions by using saved or restructuring partially disturbed functions. The complex of inferiority is a specialness of the experiences and properties of the person, consisting in the person's resistant confidence in their inability to solve the vital problems, insolvency as a person. Complex superiority-aggregate experiences and manifestations of personality consisting in excessive self-confidence. At the same time, a person impress a vain and arrogant subject with an exaggerated opinion about its true possibilities. Constance - properness, invariance. Constant - a permanent conflict - associated phenomenon, which consists in the collision of opposite actions, views, interests, aspirations, plans of various people or opinions. Remote as a difficult contradiction associated with sharp emotional experiences. Conflict External and Controntation between Subjects. The conflict is an internal curl between oppositely directed interests, the needs, human entry. CONFORMA-ASPORTY, adaptability, passive environmental adoption, existing order, dominant opinions, absence of its own position and blind imitation of any sample with the greatest power of pressure, mental coercion. The conformity of the human agendence to change its behavior under the influence of other people in such a way that it corresponds to the opinion of others; The desire to adapt to the requirements of the majority. Confrontation - opposition, opposition, confrontation. Crisis psychological-state of spiritual disorder; caused by human dissatisfaction with himself, its successes and relationships with the surrounding world. Crisis age-related periods of age-related personality development characterized by sharp psychological changes; We naturally arise at a certain age stage and are necessary for the normal course of personal development. L.

The lability is it possible from the basic properties of the nervous system, which characterizes the functional mobility of nerve processes, the speed of their occurrence and termination. Libido - one of the basic concepts of psychoanalysis, meaning sexual energy, which is transformed in the sphere of unconscious in various types of mental activity. According to the theory of 3. Freud, present from the very birth and underlies the development of the personality. The identity of the men with an individual warehouse of character, interests, abilities, as well as other features and qualities. M.

Great Psychological Dictionary. Ed. Meshcheryakova B.G., Zinchenko V.P.

M.: 2003 - 672 p.

This book, many students and teachers call the main psychological book in the country, because a good dictionary is the basis for both theoretical studies and practical work. This book sustained the time check. Before you the latest edition of the famous dictionary.

It has more than 1600 articles and more than 160 domestic authors. The volume of the dictionary compared with the previous publications (`Psychological Dictionary`, 1983, 1996) surveyed twice. The dictionary is built fundamentally in a new way: each article is published in the author's edition; For most terms, English equivalents are indicated. A new cross-reference system has been introduced, so it became possible to find a much larger number of concepts and terms than the number of articles themselves. Many articles, as adopted in the tradition of fundamental dictionaries, have additions written by either editors or attracted authors.

And finally, the main thing - the dictionary adequately reflects the situation in modern domestic and world psychology.

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Table of contents:
Table of contents
Preface. 2.
Personalia. five
List of authors. 6.
List of abbreviations and a list of symbolic designations. 7.
_A_ 9.
_B_ 49.
_В_ 60.
_G_ 85.
_D_ 105.
_E_ 138.
_ _ 139.
_Z_ 143.
_I_ 164.
_K_ 192.
_L_ 228.
_M_ 242.
_N_ 286.
_O_ 302.
_P_ 327.
_R_ 410
_С_ 433.
_T_ 481.
_U_ 501.
_F_ 513.
_X_ 530.
_Ц_ 537.
_H_ 540.
_SH_ 545.
_Name_ 550.
_E_ 550.
_Y_ 571.
_Y_ 573.
Thematic substantial pointer. 574.
General scientific, methodological and philosophical concepts. 574.
Related Humanitarian Sciences (Linguistics, Ethnography, etc.). 575.
Related information and cybernetic sciences. 576.
Related medico biological sciences. 577.
Methods of psychology and other sciences (including statistical methods). 579.
Psychology industry. 582.
Age psychology and developmental psychology. 583.
Zoopsychology, Etology and comparative psychology. 586.
Engineering Psychology, Labor Psychology and Ergonomics. 587.
Medical psychology, pathopsychology (see also neuropsychology, psychotherapy and psychocorrection). 589.
Neuropsychology. 591.
General psychology. 593.
Psychology of sensations and perceptions. 593.
Psychology. 600.
Memory psychology. 601.
Psychology of thinking and imagination. 603.
Psychology of emotions, motivation and will. 605.
Parapsychology. 607.
Pedagogical psychology and psychological education service. 608.
Psychogenetic. 609.
Psycholinguistics and psychosemantics. 610.
Psychology of art, psychology of creativity. 611.
Psychology of consciousness, behavior and personality, differential psychology. 612.
Psychology of management. 615.
Psychometric. 616.
Psychomotoric. 616.
Psychotherapy and psychocorrection. 618.
Psychophysics. 619.
Psychophysiology and psychopharmacology. 620.
Sexology and sexopathology. 622.
Social psychology (including psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships). 624.
Special psychology. 626.
Ethnopsychology. 627.
Legal psychology. 627.
Directions, concepts, approaches and schools of psychology, history of psychology. 627.
Activity approach. 627.
Behavioral psychology. 628.
Gestalt psychology. 628.
Cognitive psychology. 628.
Cultural and historical psychology and psychology of activity. 629.
Psychoanalysis. 629.
Others. 629.
Personalia. 630.

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