Time for social science exam. How much time stands out for the exam

The author of Anna Malkova.
This article will not replace the preparation for the exam on or with a tutor. But you will learn how to properly distribute time on the profile exam in mathematics to get maximum points.

Of course, you were seen in the collections to prepare for the exam recommendations to start with the most simple tasks, and then move to difficult. Previously, such a recommendation was also in the demoment of the profile exam in mathematics. Now she was removed. Why?

If you came to the exam, I'm not knowing anything at all, then yes, you need to choose the simplest tasks from the option, where you at least do something. But then it is better to immediately choose the basic ege in mathematics and not to suffer.

And if you want to pass a profile mathematics for 100 points? Or at least 80-90?

Remember: if you go to a high score, the first 12 tasks of the profile exam in mathematics you need to decide for half an hour. That's right and without mistakes. And have time to postpone the answers to the EGE form. It is achieved only by training.

I will check the answers and transferred to the EGE form immediately in order not to return to them 100 times.

And after 12 tasks with a brief response are resolved, we go to the difficult tasks of the profile exam in mathematics. And these are tasks from 13 to 19.

The strategy is important here. If you are the whole grade 11 (and better than the tenth) were engaged in courses of the exam or with a tutor, you can easily solve three more tasks:

№ 13 - equation,
№15 - inequality.
And №17 is economic.
This is an algebra. It turns out from everyone. If before the exam 2 months, you want to take a profile exam in mathematics to a high score, but do not decide these tasks - urgently on express preparation courses for the exam! Because tutors for 2 months before the exam will hardly be free time for you.

On the solution of these three tasks on algebra - an hour. During this time, it is necessary to have time and solve them, and check (for example, to substitute the found roots into the equation), and make a decision on the finish.

Now you have about two and a half hours and 4 complex tasks. And if you have already decided right all the previous ones, you scored about 70-75 points. Excellent! Now the most interesting!

We look at 4 complex tasks of the profile exam in mathematics.

This is the task of 14 - stereometry.

Task 16 - geometry on the plane.

We talked in detail about each of these tasks, when they wrote about the structure of the profile exam in mathematics.

What to do on the exam?
It is necessary to look at these 4 complex tasks - stereometer, geometry, parameters and non-standard - an experienced look. If you have done all year on the courses of the exam or with a good tutor, then one of these tasks will definitely seem familiar to you and simple. You remember exactly how to solve it! We take and do. We decide, check, we decorate the cleanstik. Then - next. Follow the time: two and a half hours on 4 complex tasks are quite enough. It is important not to "hang"! If you have 10 minutes there are no ideas by decision - go to the next.

The most "expensive" of these tasks are numbers 18 and 19. They are estimated at 4 primary points each, and these 4 primary are recalculated in 8-9 test. So if you decide three of the four complex tasks on the profile exam in mathematics - you are champion!

Good luck to you on the exam in mathematics!

Tell your friends!

Not only the schoolchildren of our country are familiar with the concept of the exam, but also their parents. Everyone knows that this is centrally organized by a single state exam in one day and at the same time for all secondary educational institutions of our state. Such an exam plays the role and prom, and introductory for universities.

Its features are:

  • application of the tasks of the same type;
  • unified Examination System of Examination Works.

The results of the state examination are recorded in the relevant document - certificate, or, as it is customary called in the people, certificate. From it you can find out how many points, and for what subjects received a graduate. Also, anyone can re-recall a single state examination in subsequent years.

EGE rules in 2018

For several years, the official information portal "EGE.RU" has been operating, at which anyone can familiarize themselves with the following information:

  • what is a single state examination;
  • what are the rules for its implementation;
  • how many subjects are required;
  • there is news related to the exam, in the country and regions.

In addition, there is a lot of useful information on the portal and for the participants of the state examination, and for applicants to universities.

One of the important points in preparing for a single state examination is familiarizing with the rules of its holding in 2018, which violate extremely undesirable. They include such highlights:

  1. Where and how many participants pass exams - in specially equipped for this centers, the beginning of the tests are assigned for all one - at 10.00.
  2. Is it forbidden to leave the audience during the testing of the test - it is possible to enter the responsible person, and only for a good reason (at this time, the participant's job is surrendered to the observer, which makes the appropriate mark in it).
  3. How to fill out the examination form correctly - all records are performed by a handle with helium paste of black (for example, in the forms, an example of writing numbers and letters), starting to fill the response field from the first cell.
  4. How to correct the mistakes made - it is forbidden to paint the field corrector or eraser, for fixes, a special field is provided for fixes.
  5. Whether the documents are needed to certify the participant's personality - a certificate document is mandatory (most often it is a passport).
  6. What can be used during the State Exchange - rules, calculators, transporters, reference materials (on tests in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, foreign languages).
  7. Whether the state examination is provided upon receipt of a low result - since last year it can be done on mandatory subjects.

If there are observers or organizers, violations of the exam rules are noticed, the violator will be asked to stop performing tasks and retire. In this case, the appropriate entry is made in the report of the State Examination and in the participant's examination form.

Innovations in the exam-2018

This year, the Ministry of Education decided to change some rules for passing a single state examination:

  1. An increased number of attempts to re-pass tests for the main subjects (Russian language and mathematics) - up to 3 times a year, which depends on the desire of the participant itself.
  2. From kimov on history, social studies, geography, computer science and ICT, questions are excluded that require a unambiguous choice of the right answer (this has already been done in 2015 with tasks on two mandatory subjects).
  3. The story is not surrendered in the form of test questions, but in the form of an essay on the appropriate topic.
  4. The universities themselves can increase the passing points for admission, which should not be lower than the number of points established officially in the region.

Such an update of the Rules in 2018, according to psychologists, will reduce the psychological burden on participants in state exams.

Items and tasks for EGE-2018

Often graduates of schools of our country ask the question: how many mandatory objects are made on the exam in 2018? Experts answer: two - mathematics and Russian. Physics and foreign language this year have not yet been introduced as mandatory, they can be selected so far at will. In addition to the four listed, chemistry, informatics and ICTs are offered for delivery, biology, history, geography, social studies, literature (these items are not obligatory).

Tasks for government tests are called KIM (control measuring materials). With their demoments for all 11 subjects for 2018, it is possible to find the official website of the EG http://www.e.edu.ru/ru/main/demovers/. But at the same time, it should be considered: only demovariators are collected here (since 2009)! They are familiarizing in nature so that the wishing could understand the structure of tasks (that is, there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe form of questions, their level of complexity, about the correctness of written responses).

The results of the EGE-2018 and the timing of their action

Relevant for students of secondary educational institutions today, issues relating to the results of single exams are relevant.

Information on the officially established minimum ranges of the USE points for admission to universities of our state is provided on the website "Eger" http://www.ege.edu.ru/ru/university sites-colleges/min_points_for/. Here you can check the preliminary results of the tests.

As for the timing of the certificate with the results of state examinations for admission, this period is 4 years (this rule was introduced in 2013). It is easy to calculate: the results of the exam for 2018 are valid until 2022, for 2019 - until 2023, and in 2020 - up to 2024. After this period, the need for a single state examination will again arise. It should be remembered that the time of action takes into account the month of testing, that is, if you have passed them in May and June 2018, then in July 2022 the results will be invalid.

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"There is a detailed information on the 2018 Admission Campaign. Here you can learn about the passing points, competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of vacant places, as well as the minimum points that needed to gain to receive it. The database of universities is constantly increasing!

New service from the site. Now pass the exam will be easier. The project was created with the participation of specialists of a number of state universities and experts in the field of EGE.

In the "Reception of 2019" using the service "", you can learn about the most important dates related to admission to the university.

"". Now, you have the opportunity to directly communicate with the adoptive commissions of universities and ask them questions you are interested in. Answers will be posted not only on the site, but also will come to you personally in the mail that you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

Olympics in details are a new version of the section "" with an indication of the Olympics list for the current school year, their levels, references to the sites of the organizers.

The section has earned a new service "Remind about the event" with which applicants have the ability to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

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How much will the exam lasts, and that it will be possible to take

Project of the order "On approval of the timing and a single schedule for a single state exam, its duration for each general educational subject, a list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed at a single state exam in separate general education subjects in 2012" published on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science. In previous years, the function to determine the organizational moments of the EEE belonged to Rosobrnadzor, but this year the ministry first took these powers.

According to the document, eleventh graders will begin to take the exam elder from the second half of April.20 - Russian, April 23 - foreign languages, geography, chemistry and history, April 26 - mathematics. And if last year the early period ended already at the end of April, then in this several exams falls on the May holidays. On May 2, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), biology, social studies, literature, as well as physics are scheduled for schedule. On May 4, it was announced a reserve for all general educational subjects for those who are for good reasons ("disease or other circumstances confirmed by documeno") could not pass the exam in the last time. And also for those who had two declared exams in one day.

The main wave of the EGE will be held in the usual time limit and traditionally starts from the end of May. On May 28, on the schedule of informatics and ICT, biology and history, May 31 - Mathematics, June 4 - foreign languages \u200b\u200band chemistry, June 8 - Russian, June 13 - Geography and literature, June 16 - social studies and physics. For those who have missed their day for good reason, as well as for those whose results were canceled by the State Examination Commission, there are four reserve days in stock - from 18 to 21 June.

For those who received a two-Russian language or mathematics (as before, only these items can be rented in the current school year) there are five reserve days to repeat the attempt: June 20 - Russian, June 21 - Mathematics, July 9 - Russian Language, July 12 - Mathematics, and July 21 - Russian language and mathematics.

An additional period when you can pass the exams only if there is a valid reason, confirmed by the document, falls at the beginning of July. July 9 - Russian, Chemistry, Informatics and ICT, July 12 - Mathematics, Geography and Foreign Languages, July 16 - Social Studies, Literature and Physics, July 19 - Biology and History, July 21 - Reserve Day.

As in previous years, all exams begin at exactly 10.00 local time. But in terms of their duration there are small but significant changes. In particular, the time of delivery of a foreign language was increased: if it took 160 minutes earlier for this exam, then this year the timing increased for 20 minutes and the time of passing the exam is exactly 3 hours.

For other items, the time frames did not move. The duration of the exam in mathematics, physics, literature, computer science and ICT is 4 hours, in history, social studies - 3.5 hours, in Russian, biology, geography, chemistry - 3 hours.

A list of additional devices that are allowed to rush into a series of exams, also not changed. As in the past year, only a ruler is allowed on the exam in mathematics, on the physics exam - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator, in chemistry - only an unprogrammed calculator, and in geography, a ruler, transport and an unprogrammed calculator.

Recall that the minimum threshold of the scam points in mathematics and the Russian language this year was named before the start of the school year (usually it happened after the exam). In the Russian language, the minimum border of 36 test points from 100 is defined, and in mathematics - 24 points. "The information before the start of the new school year will facilitate the guys preparatory activities for exams," the head of Rosobrnadzor Lyubov Glebova explained such changes in the current practice.

Distribution of time on the exam

You prepared for several months or a whole year to the final stage of the school, and now

it is time to show the preparation results. You worry, and it is normal!

The main thing is that the excitement does not prevent you from showing all your knowledge.

With yourself for the exam, in addition to the passport, handles, etc., take the chocolate (better bitter, if you like it) and water at your discretion.

Exams last from 180 minutes to 235 minutes. An eleven-graded brain works fruitfully about 60 minutes, it is explained by the length of lessons (45 minutes and another 15-20 minutes from the reserve). Then the activity of the brain goes to the decline, and most often it is no longer possible to recover until a complete working condition. Your brain is accustomed to work for 45-50 minutes, and work in this pace, enough break for 5-8 minutes, so as not to give your brain to "boil".

We divide the entire exam for stages work-rest, approximate time of one such cycle of 60 minutes.

Based on his forces, determine how many points you "go". I will give an example on the exam in mathematics: if you want about 100 points, then the whole part in you need to solve 40-50 minutes, otherwise you have a trite not enough time (one 19 task most often has to paint pages per one and a half, only process The record will take 20-30 minutes of your time).

If you want to get 60-70 points, it is better to more carefully and carefully solve those tasks to which you are preparing.

First cycle (work-leisure)

Task to perform 70-100% of part V. During the "rest", be sure to drink water and eat chocolate - this beautiful doping will include reserve forces in your brain. Sit, go for recreation, do not rush to return to the class.

Second cycle

The task is to finish solving part in, solve the tasks of the part with which they were preparing. If the time remains, it's better to go to "relax" early.

Third cycle

We remove all the leaflets on which part of the B, and we decide again (especially all the calculations of the column, etc.), without visiting its first decision, after the answers and fill the answer form No. 1. The remaining time is checking the tasks from C, which decided, and write them into the answer form No. 2.

Fourth cycle

If you adhered to the work-stay system, the brain must be tired, but still workers. There is a task to get points at least somewhere: one letter in №16 or №19. If the time remains little, it is better to write all your thoughts at once in the blank, the points are not reduced by the dirt.

Another problem with which you may encounter is stuffy audiences. Request (demand) Open window, doors. If the room is badly ventilated, after 2-3 hours from the beginning of the exam, there will be a "steam".

Approximately so you must solve the task time if you "go" by 70 - 100 points.

Table taken from the site "RTU EGE"

Output: Eleven years in school taught your brain to work for 45 minutes with small breaks for rest - use it. There will be nothing good if you decide before "the stop", because when the brain "overheats", the rest 5-10 minutes will not be enough. Dose work, distribute your time and do not be afraid to ask you to leave, no one in the right to refuse. Think positively, remember that if there is a difficult task, then after it will be simple - all the options are balanced, success on the exam!

For graduates of schools. It should be handed over to those who plan to enter universities to the most promising specialties, such as information security, automation and management, nanotechnology, system analysis and management, rocket complexes and cosmonautics, nuclear physics and technologies and many others.

Familiarize yourself with the general examination of the exam and proceed. Changes compared with last year in the new version of Kim Ege 2019 practically no. The only thing that disappeared fragments of programs written in the SI language were disappeared: they were replaced by fragments written in C ++. And from the task number 25 removed the opportunity to write an algorithm in a natural language as an answer.

Evaluation of the ege

Last year, in order to pass the exam on computer science at least a triple, it was enough to gain 42 primary scores. They were given, for example, for correctly performed the first 9 tasks of the test.

As will be in 2019, it is still unknown: it is necessary to wait for an official order from the Rosobrnadzor for the compliance of primary and test points. Most likely it will appear in December. Given that the maximum primary score for the entire test remained the same, the minimum score will not change. We are focusing while these tables:

The structure of the test EGE

Computer science is the longest exam (as much lasts the exam in mathematics and literature), the duration is 4 hours.

In 2019, the test consists of two parts, including 27 tasks.

  • Part 1: 23 tasks (1-23) with a brief answer, which is a number, sequence of letters or numbers.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (24-27) with a detailed response, the complete task solution is written on the answer form 2.

All tasks are somehow connected with the computer, but on the exam use them to write a program in the tasks of the group C is not permitted. In addition, the tasks do not require complex mathematical calculations and the calculator is also not allowed.

Preparation for the USE

  • Pass the tests of the EGE online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests in their complexity and structure are identical to the real exams carried out in the appropriate years.
  • Download demo options for information on computer science, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for the EGE by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). In the same FIII, all official EGE official options are being developed.
    The tasks you will like will most likely meet the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demonstration, along the same subject or simply with other numbers.

Common digits of the EGE

Year Min. score Middle score Quantity Did not pass,% Number of
exam, min.
2009 36
2010 41 62,74 62 652 7,2 90 240
2011 40 59,74 51 180 9,8 31 240
2012 40 60,3 61 453 11,1 315 240
2013 40 63,1 58 851 8,6 563 240
2014 40 57,1 235
2015 40 53,6 235
2016 40 235
2017 40 235
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