Meaning Caton Jr in the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. Mark Portions Caton Jr

Caton junior (or uritic) (95-46 BC. E.) - In DR. Rome Republican, an opponent Caesar, a supporter of Gneja Pompei. After the victory of Caesar at 46 at the Tapse above Pompey's adherents, she committed suicide. Kakaton Jr. (uritic) Mark Portions (Marcus Porcius Cato Minor) (95, Rome - April 8, 46 BC. E., Titus), Roman politician, Judicial speech The philosopher, famous for its justice and incorruptibility. Surprise of Katon early lost his parents, brought up with her sister and brother in his uncle's house, a famous politician Libya Druza. I compiled science extremely slowly, but once herself, remembered for life. As a child, I found the quality of an uncompromising fighter for justice. From an early youth, having received the San Priests of God Apollo, led a moderate, almost ascetic lifestyle. Bosoy often came to the forum, dressed in a naked body, which contrasted with the unlimited luxury in the clothes of Roman magistrates. At 72 he participated in the war against the slaves headed by Spartak, in which he distinguished himself by the ability to obey and courage, which combined with a subtle calculation. Then, in the post of military tribune, he served in Macedonia under the command of Pretor's rubric. Despite the post of tribune, Caton and here led more than a modest lifestyle. Dressed like a simple soldier, in the campaigns on a par with simple legion meters, went on foot, was distinguished by the justice and wiseness of decisions, which caused deep respect and the dedication of his warriors. Returning at the end of the service in Rome, he acted with trials and was engaged in philosophy. Despite the simplicity and idleness, his speeches quickly gained popularity, which is distinguished by the sincerity and justice of judgments. The tremendous was afraid how to attract a Caton to the number of judges, so refuse to him in this, since his absence among judges was perceived by the Romans as the fear of the defendant to lose the unrighteous cause. Party feat in 65, taking the position of the quest, he spent the cleaning of scribes in bribery. As Plutarch writes (Caton, 18), "he convinced the Romans, which refraining from injustice, the state could be rich." Be that as it may, having aroused the position of the quest, he left the treasury purified from the rogues, and the treasury of the Roman people - full money. In 62, having achieved the posts of the Plebea Tribune, promoted the consul cicero in the punishment of participants in the conspiracy of the cylinder, for the first time publicly performing in the Senate against the young Caesar who defended the conspirators. He also performed against Pompey, seeing in both threatening the Roman state device. Caesar and Pompei, acting in direct bribing and violence, opposed Katon, seeing the main threat of his power in it. Dangerous, they also considered his friendship with another brilliant political speaker - Cicero. Through His Miller, Plebee Tribune Publishing Coldia, they sent Katon with the Embassy to the island of Cyprus, and in his absence, the condemnation and expulsion of Cicero. Without receiving a single warrior from Clood, Caton, nevertheless, brilliantly coped with the entrusted mission, the defeat of Cypriots and the residents of Byzantium without the use of force. In Rome, he delivered a huge amount of money exceeding even those sums that were delivered during the triumphant military victories. Continuing the struggle against Pompey and Caesar, Caton in 56 fought in vain for the post of Pretor, having received it only in 54. In this position, he convinced the Senate to take a decision on the provision of posts after the elections to the court of jurors with all candidates who hated posts, in order to eradicate the voter bribery. With the beginning of the Civil War, Caton in the sign of mourning in the republic stopped cutting a beard and go to bed on a fellow bed. Having noticed Pompey as a smaller evil for the state, he went to him on Sicily, and then to Rhodes. The reasonable councils of Katon Pompei left without attention, he was afraid to entrust him and the command of the army, as he knew that, loyal justice, Caton in the event of Victory Pompei would not be a reliable support in the struggle for the sole power. After the defeat with Fararsal and the death of Pompey in 48, Caton went to North Africa to the help of Pompey Scipion's supporter, taking on the organization in the city of the Troops of the troops. After the defeat of scipi appearance, when the Caesar approaches the duck, Caton, not wanting to surrender to the mercy of the winner and survive the death of the republic, April 8, 46 pierce himself with a sword in the chest and after a while, after some time, hesitated. Plutarch says that Caesar, having learned about the death of Katon, exclaimed: "Oh, Caton, hate your death, because you hated salvation from me!". Literature: Utchenko S. L. Idean-political struggle in Rome on the eve of Falls of the Republic. M., 1952. Power. Comparative lives. M., 1964. T. 3. P. 29-74.Salusists. On the conspiracy of the cylinder // Works. M., 1981. P. 5-39.Brunt P. A. Italian Manpower 225 BC - AD 14. Oxford, 1971.l. L. Cofanov Katon (CATO) Senior (234-149 BC. E.) - Roman writer. Consul in 195. An irreconcilable enemy of Carthage, a champion of Starrime Morals. The treatise of the Katon "On Agriculture" has been preserved.

  • - 1. Mark Portions Jr. - politics. Worker dr. Rome, active and most follow. Defender Rep. orders, great-grandfather portion of the Katon senior. K. - participant of the suppression of the uprising of Spartacus ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - 1. Mark Portions K. Senior - Roman politician and writer, leaving from riders. Was the first Roman historian who wrote in Latin ...
  • - Rome. societies, a figure, writer, speaker ...

    Antique world. Dictionary dictionary

  • - CATO, see Porcii, portions, ...

    Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities

  • - In the first case, the younger, Roman politician, a judicial speaker, a philosopher, known for its justice and integrity, Republican, the opponent of Caesar, a supporter of Gneta Pompei ...

    World Lem - Dictionary and Travel Guide

  • - Mark Portions Caton Censor; Marcus Porcius Cato Censorius, 234-149. BC E., Roman politician, speaker and writer ...

    Encyclopedia ancient writers

  • - Roman gramman and poet, r. about 90 G. to R. XP; He was the freedman, engaged in training noble young poetry ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - branch of the ancient Roman kind of Port Cyss. Most well-known representatives: K. Senior Mark Portions, Roman writer, founder of the Roman literary prose and statesman ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Caton Jr. Mark Portions, in ancient Rome Republican, the opponent of Caesar, a supporter of Gneja Pompei. After the victory of Caesar at 46 when taps over adherents, Pompey committed suicide ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - The man of strict rules of the Katon Corn - to portray, Katon want to hear Wed. Well, now they are free! Climb on the wall, Corolt \u200b\u200bCatonov ... Nekrasov. Recent time. 4. Wed. Porcius Cato Major - Censor. See Cook ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - Under this name, the collection of Latin sayings preserved, which preserved no later than IV century. AD Those who love the spouse, the wife will never love. The day that has expired without loss, you must write to profit ...
  • - Caton Dionysius Estimated by the Collection of Latin Twoest. Aphorisms, quotes Sweet doctrine fruit brings from bitter root. Generously darii only when you know what kind of good ...

    Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

  • - State Avestigator, Caesar's opponent time depletes the power of any tyranny. Caesar One of all is taken for the sober coup ...

    Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

  • - Ancient Roman commander, speaker, writer and statesman Mark Portions Senior, reports by the ancient Greek historian Plutarch, was distinctness and honesty, because of what ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - Kommersant is stringent rules. Lovel. And to cake - depict, Oh wanting to hear. Cf. Well, now they are notger! Lѣzut at Stunt, Corchat OS ... Nekrasov. Recent time. 4. Wed. Porcius Cato Major - Censor. See Cook ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - The common name is direct, honest, albeit a rigorous person, on behalf of the famous Roman citizen ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

"Caton Jr." in books

Chapter IV. Catat

From the book Scypion African Author Bobrovnikova Tatyana Andreevna

Chapter IV. Caton what seemed necessary to me, you were not happy at all, and what you call you with life, I call


From book laws of success Author

Caton Mark Portions Czanzoriy Caton (senior) (234-149 BC. E.) - Roman politician, speaker, lawyer, writer and commander, an irreconcilable enemy of Carthagene. The work ends, but a well-performed work will not disappear. Add joy to concerns. Life with his wife is not easy business, but

Mark Portions Caton (Junior)

From the book Treasure of Antique Wisdom by Marinina A. V.

Mark Portions Caton (Jr.) 95-46 BC E.DroVnerymsky politician, representative of the Senate Aristocracy, a supporter of the Senate Republic. Enemy Julia Caesar. When there is a reason to complain to each other, it should be gone from it gradually, and rather unleash


From the book comparative life position by Plutarch

Caton 1. The beginning of his loud glory of Katon is obliged by the greatness of the Katon of the younger, a person whose moral height gave him great fame among the Romans and the highest power, as he was told in his life level. After the death of parents Caton with brother


From the book, the story of Rome (with illustrations) Author Kovalev Sergey Ivanovich


From the book Roman history in faces Author Osterman Lev Abramovich

Caton The spread of the wakha cult was able to prevent this way. But the desire for carnal pleasures, vanity and taste for luxury, everyone flourished in the "Higher Society" of the Eternal City. His example, but on his own, by no means an exquisite level followed the common.


From the book of the story of Rome Author Kovalev Sergey Ivanovich

Caton The first Roman story, written by prose and in Latin, belongs to the brand portion of Katon senior, or censor (234- 149). Caton was a native of G. Tiscule. A rich landseller, senator who passed the entire staircase of the magistracy from the questor to the censor, he was famous

Caton Jr. (Mark Portions Caton (Junior))

From the book Aphorisms by Yermishin Oleg.

Caton Jr. (Mark Portions Caton (Jr.)) (95-46 BC) State Avestigator, Opponent Caesar Time (...) Flows through all Tiragian. Title One of all is taken for the state coup sober. The factors offered the Supreme Supervision of Elections Order


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (K) by Brocgauz F. A.

Caton Katon (M. Porcius Cato), commonly called, unlike K., Contemporary Julia Caesar, Seniors (Major) and also nicknamed at Roman Censor Writers (Sensorius, Censor) - is one of the largest figures of ancient Rome, and as a statesman and how


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (ka) author BSE


From the book Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and expressions Author Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Caton Ancient Roman commander, speaker, writer and statesman Caton Mark Portions Senior (234-149 BC), according to the ancient Greek historian Plutarch (approx. 45- Ok. 127), differed by adamance and honesty, because of what There are many enemies. Pliny senior

Mark Portions Caton (Junior)

From the book Worldwide History in the sayings and quotes Author

Mark Portions Caton (Jr.) (Marcus Porcius Cato Minor, 95-46 BC. E.), Roman State Affairs, the opponent Caesar73 Does the laws need to seek protection from Pompey, and Pompeiu in laws. In response to the offer to entrust Pompey Supreme Supervision of Elections consuls (approx. 53 BC. er) (Plutarch,

Caton Jr. (95-46 BC) Roman State Affairs, Opponent Caesar

From the book of thought, aphorisms and jokes of famous men Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Caton Jr. (95-46 BC) Roman statesman, Caesar's opponent The arrogance is stronger there, where protection is weaker. * * * The time depletes the power of any tyranny. * * * Do not vow and not donate prayers provide us with the help of gods; Being in carelessness and idleness, begging gods

Caton Jr.

From the book of thought and saying the ancients, indicating the source Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Caton younger time (...) depletes the power of any tyranny. (Plutarch. "Caton (Jr.)", 58) (128, p.256) Caesar One of all is taken for the state coup sober. (Svetoniy. "Divine Julius", 53) (138, p.35) Some offered the Supreme Supervision of the election to entrust Pompeiu,


From the book of the Formula of Success. Desktop Book of the leader to achieve a vertex Author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

Caton Mark Portions Czanzoriy Caton (senior) (234-149 BC) - Roman politician, speaker, lawyer, writer and commander, an irreconcilable enemy of Carthage. * * * The work ends, but a well-fulfilled work will not disappear. Add joy to concerns. Life with his wife is not easy business, but

Caton junior (or uritic) (95-46 BC. E.) - In DR. Rome Republican, an opponent Caesar, a supporter of Gneja Pompei. After the victory of Caesar at 46 at the Tapse above Pompey's adherents, she committed suicide. Kakaton Jr. (uritic) Mark Portions (Marcus Porcius Cato Minor) (95, Rome - April 8, 46 BC. E., Titus), Roman politician, Judicial speech The philosopher, famous for its justice and incorruptibility. Surprise of Katon early lost his parents, brought up with her sister and brother in his uncle's house, a famous politician Libya Druza. I compiled science extremely slowly, but once herself, remembered for life. As a child, I found the quality of an uncompromising fighter for justice. From an early youth, having received the San Priests of God Apollo, led a moderate, almost ascetic lifestyle. Bosoy often came to the forum, dressed in a naked body, which contrasted with the unlimited luxury in the clothes of Roman magistrates. At 72 he participated in the war against the slaves headed by Spartak, in which he distinguished himself by the ability to obey and courage, which combined with a subtle calculation. Then, in the post of military tribune, he served in Macedonia under the command of Pretor's rubric. Despite the post of tribune, Caton and here led more than a modest lifestyle. Dressed like a simple soldier, in the campaigns on a par with simple legion meters, went on foot, was distinguished by the justice and wiseness of decisions, which caused deep respect and the dedication of his warriors. Returning at the end of the service in Rome, he acted with trials and was engaged in philosophy. Despite the simplicity and idleness, his speeches quickly gained popularity, which is distinguished by the sincerity and justice of judgments. The tremendous was afraid how to attract a Caton to the number of judges, so refuse to him in this, since his absence among judges was perceived by the Romans as the fear of the defendant to lose the unrighteous cause. Party feat in 65, taking the position of the quest, he spent the cleaning of scribes in bribery. As Plutarch writes (Caton, 18), "he convinced the Romans, which refraining from injustice, the state could be rich." Be that as it may, having aroused the position of the quest, he left the treasury purified from the rogues, and the treasury of the Roman people - full money. In 62, having achieved the posts of the Plebea Tribune, promoted the consul cicero in the punishment of participants in the conspiracy of the cylinder, for the first time publicly performing in the Senate against the young Caesar who defended the conspirators. He also performed against Pompey, seeing in both threatening the Roman state device. Caesar and Pompei, acting in direct bribing and violence, opposed Katon, seeing the main threat of his power in it. Dangerous, they also considered his friendship with another brilliant political speaker - Cicero. Through His Miller, Plebee Tribune Publishing Coldia, they sent Katon with the Embassy to the island of Cyprus, and in his absence, the condemnation and expulsion of Cicero. Without receiving a single warrior from Clood, Caton, nevertheless, brilliantly coped with the entrusted mission, the defeat of Cypriots and the residents of Byzantium without the use of force. In Rome, he delivered a huge amount of money exceeding even those sums that were delivered during the triumphant military victories. Continuing the struggle against Pompey and Caesar, Caton in 56 fought in vain for the post of Pretor, having received it only in 54. In this position, he convinced the Senate to take a decision on the provision of posts after the elections to the court of jurors with all candidates who hated posts, in order to eradicate the voter bribery. With the beginning of the Civil War, Caton in the sign of mourning in the republic stopped cutting a beard and go to bed on a fellow bed. Having noticed Pompey as a smaller evil for the state, he went to him on Sicily, and then to Rhodes. The reasonable councils of Katon Pompei left without attention, he was afraid to entrust him and the command of the army, as he knew that, loyal justice, Caton in the event of Victory Pompei would not be a reliable support in the struggle for the sole power. After the defeat with Fararsal and the death of Pompey in 48, Caton went to North Africa to the help of Pompey Scipion's supporter, taking on the organization in the city of the Troops of the troops. After the defeat of scipi appearance, when the Caesar approaches the duck, Caton, not wanting to surrender to the mercy of the winner and survive the death of the republic, April 8, 46 pierce himself with a sword in the chest and after a while, after some time, hesitated. Plutarch says that Caesar, having learned about the death of Katon, exclaimed: "Oh, Caton, hateful to me your death, because you hated me to save from me!".

Mark Portions Katon (known as well as Jr or Uriti; Lat. Marcus Porcius Cato (Minor / Uticensis); 95 year BC e. - April 46 to n. er) - Ancient Roman politician, great-grandfather brand portion of the Senior Katon (censor). Leat in 67 BC e., Military tribune in 67-66 BC. e., Quester in 64 BC. e., Plebee Tribune in 62 BC. e., Quester with the authority of the propretor in 58-56 to n. e., Pretor in 54 BC. e.

He remained the informal political and ideological leader of the majority in the Roman Senate from the late 60s to N. e. And until the Civil War of Pompey and Caesar. For contemporaries, it was most famous as a sample of strict morals, a supporter of republican ideas, the leader of the aristocracy in the Senate, the principal opponent of Caesar and the prominent philosopher Stoic. After suicide in a deposited cesar, the duck has become a symbol of defenders of the republican system.


Origin, childhood and youth

Mark Portions Caton was born in 95 BC. e., although in rare cases as the date of birth is called 97 years. Caton was the son of Mark. The portion of Katon Salonian and Libya Druza for which it was a second marriage. Katon had a consolidated brother Quint Serving Chapeon and three sisters - a portion (native), the service of the chain, Prima and service of the chain of the second (consolidated). There is also the assumption that the service younger was the niece of Katon. The first husband of Libya was Quint Serving Zipion. According to the father's line, Caton belonged to the plebeians, which allowed him to subsequently take the position of Plebey Tribune, although a number of his preferences on the maternal line belonged to the patricians.

Katon's father died between 95 and 91 years before. e., already be elected prebad for the next year (Lat. Praetor Designatus). Caton also lost her mother early (she died around 92 to n. Er), and then he was killed and sheltered children uncle on the maternal line Mark Libya friends, a well-known reformer politician. Currently it is believed that the further activity of Katon imposed a strong imprint of the loss of parents. In particular, its intransigent opposition to Caesar's attempts to establish tyranny is sometimes due to the characteristics of the character, which appeared due to the lack of a strong dominant figure of the Father during the formation of the personality.

The biographer of Katon Plutarch reports that in childhood Mark studied well, but slowly, and also doubted everything that was said to his teacher Sardonon. About 81 years old Caton, watching the arrangements, offered to kill the omnipotent at that time Dictator Sulla, although Katoes experienced civil wars primarily thanks to a favorable attitude on his part. Already in childhood, Mark stand out among the peers by following the strict norms of morality and won popularity (at least, such a picture appears in the image of Plutarch - the only source according to the childhood of Katon). It is assumed that he understood from childhood, which is obliged to respect for himself not with family connections, but by hardness of character, and in the future followed on this path.

Carier start

In his youth, Caton became the priest of Apollo. In 72, he distinguished himself in the suppression of Spartak's uprising. By doing a volunteer in the army of Lucia Gelia People, where his consolidated brother was a tribune, Mark won well with exemplary obedience and courage. His behavior was emphasized against the background of the undisciplinedness and the style of the majority of soldiers. Gelly repeatedly wanted to reward Mark, but he refused every time and stated that he did not accomplish anything outstanding, for which, according to the remark of Plutarch, he "since that time he asked the eccentric."

Around 67 was a legacy, in 67-66, the Military Tribune in Macedonia. During the elections, the tribunov, Caton was the only one who strictly followed the new law on ban on the use of slave-nomenclator services, and became the only person who himself kept the names of all oncoming. On the way to Macedonia, Katon was accompanied by 15 slaves, two freedmen and four friends. Antique authors point out that such a retinue was perceived by contemporaries as very small. After the end of the authority in Macedonia, Mark made a familiarized trip over the East (it is significantly aware of the visit to the Majual Asian provinces and Syria to Caton). He also, most likely, visited the Pergham library and its rector of the Athenian, a connoisseur of stoic philosophy. He committed his journey very modestly, and if there was no place in the city in the city, the city authorities sometimes refused to give him an overnight stay, not believe that in front of them - the greatness of the censor censor. Already then, Caton glanced with an highly moral person, and he met with honorably and asked him to take care of his wife and children in Rome Rome Pompei Magn - one of the most influential people of that time. After a welcoming reception, the Eastern cities have become in front of the Caton in search of his location, although the residents of Antioch ignored his arrival to the meeting with Pompei.

The content of the article

Caton, Mark Portions(Marcus Porcius Cato). In Roman history, the most famous two figures that worn by this name are. Caton Senior, He is Caton Cenzor (234 - Ok. 148 BC), politician, commander and writer, most famous for the severity of morals and commitment to the idea of \u200b\u200bfinal destruction of Carthage. He has to Praded Katon younger, or Katon duck (95-46 BC), an aristocrat, famous for the staic virtues and a symbol of a lost republican business in the civil war.

Caton senior.

Caton Senior was born in a tussle in the Albanian mountains southeast of Rome, where his family owned the estate. In the post of military tribune, he participated in the 2nd Punic War, fought, in particular, in the battle of the metavra (207 BC). In 204 BC Caton became a questor, i.e. An official in finance, and in this capacity accompanied the Great Communion. Publication of Cornelia Scipion of African during the invasion of the Romans in Africa. Caton's scrupulousness in monetary issues annoyed Scipion. From this trip, Caton brought to Rome Annia, who was destined to become a great poet.

With the support of Lucius Valery Flacca, a representative of an ancient Roman nobility who owned the estate near the estate of Katon, Caton moved to Rome, where he put his speatrical talents to the service to his patron and at the same time began to assemble his own adherents to start climbing traditional for Roman nobility Steps of power. In 199 BC He was elected Edil, in 198 BC, being a pretext, ruled Sardinia, where he fought with usury. In 195 BC Caton became an consul (the greatest success for Homo Novus, letters. "New Man", i.e. "Ijob") and in this position went to Spain, where he had to suppress the uprising, with which he had done excellently. As Caton, Caton stayed in Spain for another year and organized the new province of neighbor here. Upon return, he was awarded triumph, after which he successfully fought in 191-189 BC. In Greece against the king Syria Antioch III, while under the start of the Acylness of Glabrion.

In subsequent years, Caton often began the prosecution of various misconduct (Greeks and Romans who did not know the institute of public prosecutors, it was considered a debt of every citizen). So, a certain commander demanded triumph for battles, which, according to Katon, was not at all, the other, being a proconsul, showed senseless cruelty to the residents of the province. Caton was also the main critical criticism of Scypion of African and his brother Lucia on how they ordered military prey. In his criticism, Caton succeeded: Lucius was almost convicted, and Scipio himself retired from affairs.

In 184 BC Caton was elected a censor along with his political patron Valery Flacc. The competition was extremely tough at that time, since a number of famous applicants claimed to the position, and some of them did not want to give up a "starway" whose ancestors had never occupied high positions in Rome. Caton (no one mentions his colleague) showed himself in this position so that he deserved a nickname censor. He subjected the list of senators with a merciless revision, eliminating seven unworthy from it. Also, he also revised the estate of riders. A law was published, limiting the cost of luxury (Romans, as well as the Greeks, believed in the effectiveness of such decisions). In addition, censors have been building a number of public buildings and laid new roads, which felt the urgent need. In particular, a huge amount of 1000 talents in terms of 1000 talents was spent on urban sewer.

Most of the whole Caton is known for the role he played in the fate of Carthagene. Having been there as an ambassador to 153 BC, Caton was struck by the growing wealth of the city and the potential threat to which this old enemy of Rome could have done again. The assumption that Caton and other landowners wanted to destroy the Carthage for the sake of monopoly in wine and oil trading, not too convincing. Perhaps Caton was afraid, as if Carthage did not get into the hands of the energetic king of Numidia Masinissa, who in this case would have become an opponent of Rome. Be that as it may, now Caton completed each of his speech in the Senate with the words: "What to other things, I believe that Carthage should be destroyed" ("Ceterum Censeo Carthaginem Esse Delendam"). It is believed that it was on his initiative that the Romans began the 3rd Punic War (149-146 BC), completed by the destruction of Carthage.

Katon's biography is a typical biography of the Roman aristocrat of his era. Caton moved to Rome, because here in front of him a wider field of activity was opened, but his essay Start (Not preserved) It was devoted to the history of Italy than Rome rather than Rome. There is no need to oppose the Caton Szpipion by African, as some authors do, who depict Caton with the reactionary and the fan of the antiquity, headed by movement, hostile to Scypion, the progressive admirers of Greek culture. In fact, Caton himself looked into the future, he persistently learned all the best in Greek civilization, no matter how the then Greek policy was pretended. After thirty (and not at all in old age, as some sources report) Caton learned Greek. Treatise About farming (preserved), a textbook on profitable management, compiled in Greek samples, and even the few surviving fragments of Katon's speeches (Cicero had more than 150 of his speeches) reveal that he learned something from Greek rhetoric. The new courthouse, the Basilica, which Caton erected, being a censor, again reveals a Greek influence. We can well rely on the opinion of the Romans of the following generations, which saw a decent admiration in Katon, but a completely familiar type of Roman.

Caton urty.

Hermitage Career of the Katon of the Senior, who is often referred to as Katon Duck - Challenge historians, for in the era of tricks and compromises, he managed to remain an impeccable honest person. In all his actions, Caton was guided by the principles of stoic philosophy, annoying these colleagues who believed that as practical politicians responsible for the course of affairs, they could not afford such luxury. "He says as if he lives in the state of Plato," Cicero contemporated his contemporary, and not among Romula scum "(the Roman electorate is meant).

In 67-66 BC Caton held the position of military tribune in Macedonia. He was then a questor (probably in 64 BC). In 63 BC A famous cylinder conspiracy was revealed against the Roman state. The attempt of conspirators failed primarily due to the courage and energy of the Ciseron Consul. During the debate, as far as the sentences of senators, shown in participation in the conspiracy, Julius Caesar opposed the death penalty, hinting veiled at possible revenge. But the top took an uncompromising Caton, which insisted on the maximum severity, and the conspirators were executed. Licenings of Muren Licini, elected by the consul for the next 62 BC, was appealed to bribe the voters, and Caton tried to remove him upon a court. Cicero, who believed that Muren was needed by the state as a consul, in a joking form managed to convince judges in the frivolousness of the accusations (this question was preserved). With its principled position, Caton to some extent contributed to the emergence of the "first triumvirate" (Caesar Union, Crassa and Pompey), in 60 BC. actually came to power in Rome. In 59 BC Its as an unchanged leader of the opposition was removed from Rome, sending to attach Cyprus. Returning to 56 BC, Caton continued to fight a triumvirate. Now he changed tactics. Deciding that only Pompei can save Rome from the dictatorship, he supported him in the elections to the consuls at 52 BC. Katon himself put out his clouds for the next time, he suffered a failure. When in 49 BC. Caesar began active actions on the seizure of power, Caton immediately joined the pompei responded to him. In 48 BC Pompey was broken, and the Katon with the residues of the army managed to cross in Africa, but in the battle of Tapse (46 BC) they were broken. Not wanting to accept the defeat, Caton committed suicide in the city of duck than and the nickname is explained. Caesar regretted, probably sincerely, that Caton did not give him the opportunity to shoot with mercy. Cicero wrote an essay Catatwhich turned the Caton in the eyes of future generations into a unbelief figure - the symbol of the hopeless business of the Republicans. Caesar answered him a polemical Antikathon (Both essays are not preserved).

Caton Jr. (uritic) (full. Mark Portions Katon Jr., Marcus Porcius Cato Minor) (95, Rome - April 8, 46 BC e., Titus), Roman politician, Judicial speech, philosopher, known for its justice and integrity . A convinced republican and an opponent of Caesar, Caton supported Gneja Pompei. After Caesar's victory in 46, in the battle of Tapse on Pompey's adherents, she committed suicide.

Early having lost his parents, he brought up with her sister and brother in his uncle's house, a political figure of Libya Druza. Fashed science slowly, but once herself, remembered for life. As a child, I found the quality of an uncompromising fighter for justice. From an early youth, having received the San Priests of God Apollo, led a moderate, almost ascetic lifestyle. Bosoy often came to the forum, dressed in a naked body, which contrasted with the unlimited luxury in the clothes of Roman magistrates.

At 72 he participated in the war against the slaves headed by Spartak, in which he distinguished himself by the ability to obey and courage, which combined with a subtle calculation. Then, in the post of military tribune, he served in Macedonia under the command of Pretor's rubric. Despite the post of tribune, Caton and here led more than a modest lifestyle. Dressed like a simple soldier, in the campaigns on a par with simple legion meters, went on foot, was distinguished by the justice and wiseness of decisions, which caused deep respect and the dedication of his warriors. Returning at the end of the service in Rome, he acted with trials and was engaged in philosophy. Despite the simplicity and idleness, his speeches quickly gained popularity, which is distinguished by the sincerity and justice of judgments. The tremendous were afraid of how to attract Katon to the number of judges, so refuse to him in this, since his absence among judges was perceived by the Romans as the fear of the defendant to lose the wrongful matter.

In 65, taking the position of the questor, he spent the cleaning of the scribes in bribery. As Plutarch writes (Caton, 18), "he persuaded the Romans, which refraining from injustice, the state may be rich." Be that as it may, having aroused the position of the quest, he left the treasury purified from the rogues, and the treasury of the Roman people - full money. In 62, having achieved the posts of the Plebea Tribune, promoted the consul cicero in the punishment of participants in the conspiracy of the cylinder, for the first time publicly performing in the Senate against the young Caesar who defended the conspirators. He also performed against Pompey, seeing in both threatening the Roman state device.

Caesar and Pompei, acting in direct bribing and violence, opposed Katon, seeing the main threat of his power in it. Dangerous, they also considered his friendship with another brilliant political speaker - Cicero. Through His Miller, Plebee Tribune Publishing Coldia, they sent Katon with the Embassy to the island of Cyprus, and in his absence, the condemnation and expulsion of Cicero. Without receiving a single warrior from Clood, Caton, nevertheless, brilliantly coped with the entrusted mission, the defeat of Cypriots and the residents of Byzantium without the use of force. In Rome, he delivered a huge amount of money exceeding even those sums that were delivered during the triumphant military victories. Continuing the struggle against Pompey and Caesar, Caton in 56 fought in vain for the post of Pretor, having received it only in 54. In this position, he convinced the Senate to take a decision on the provision of posts after the elections to the court of jurors with all candidates who hated posts, in order to eradicate the voter bribery.

With the beginning of the Civil War, Caton in the sign of mourning in the republic stopped cutting a beard and go to bed on a fellow bed. Having noticed Pompey as a smaller evil for the state, he went to him on Sicily, and then to Rhodes. The reasonable councils of Katon Pompei left without attention, he was afraid to entrust him and the command of the army, as he knew that, loyal justice, Caton in the event of Victory Pompei would not be a reliable support in the struggle for the sole power. After the defeat with Fararsal and the death of Pompey in 48, Caton went to North Africa to the help of Pompey Scipion's supporter, taking on the organization in the city of the Troops of the troops. After the defeat of scipi appearance, when the Caesar approaches the duck, Caton, not wanting to surrender to the mercy of the winner and survive the death of the republic, April 8, 46 pierce himself with a sword in the chest and after a while, after some time, hesitated. Plutarch says that Caesar, having learned about the death of Katon, exclaimed: "Oh, Caton, hate your death, because you hated salvation from me!".

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