At least two hundred grams or grams. Gram or grams - how to? Several grams or grams? How many grams in the dessert spoon

Total found: 133

How is the "more than 70 kilograms" or "more than 70 kilogram in"?

Preferably: More than 70 kilograms.

Question number 302426.

How to write "91 kilograms more" or "91 kilogram in more?"?

Russian reference service response

Right: 91 kilograms more.

Question number 301705.

Hello, tell me, yesterday came for the floor kilograms sausages, pollograms are written in a punk? We have a dispute

Russian reference service response

Right: came for half-kilogramm m sausage. In colloquial speech, it is permissible: ... for half a glogramme m sausage.

Question number 301686.

Hello, tell me, please, as correct: 500 grams or 500 grammo in

Russian reference service response

Both options are correct.

Question number 300792.

Good day! Please tell me, is it true in the text of the documentation to write the word "app" with a capital letter? For example: Check out the diagram in Appendix 2. Or read the diagram in Appendix 2. Thank you.

Russian reference service response

True from the line: in Appendix 2..

Question number 299862.

What declination are the words grandfather, uncle, dad?

Russian reference service response

To the first (in accordance with the school programmor).

Question number 299681.

Hello! Is it anywhere in Cyrillic to write the name of the Telegram application with one "M" - "Telegram" (as "instagram")? Many are written with two, by analogy with "telegram." I do not understand, is it a mistake or not?

Russian reference service response

The name of the application "Telegram" is written with one letter m.

Question number 299239.

Hello, tell me, please, how to write: 5,5 kilogram? Five-headlogram?

Russian reference service response

Written like this: five and a half kilogram.

Question number 298267.

Hello! Tell me, please, what form of completion is correct: reset a couple of kilogram in a couple of kilograms / both are equally allowed. We have already read the answers to different contexts (with numerical, with the word "somewhat"), but in this case it is the context with the word "couple". Thank you in advance!

Russian reference service response

Right: a couple of kilogram in.

Question number 298248.

Hello. Urgently need an answer to the question! Do you need a comma before "taking into account", or here everything is right? The magazine was developed in accordance with the current programmory on the training subject and calendar-thematic planning of lessons in grade 1, taking into account the recommendations of the guidance and methodological letter ...

Russian reference service response

Question number 296635.

Good day! Please tell me which set of rules is now? 12 years ago, when I studied at the university, we only apply to the rules of 1956. Already then got acquainted with the Lopatin reform of 2006, but all this was not accepted then. How are things now? Which source should be addressed? The question arose in connection with the discussion of the variant forms - five kilograms and five kilogram in - in the Lopatin of 2012, these 2 existing options are currently indicated. But is it? Can we rely on this dictionary? Thank you. Olga

Russian reference service response

Question about choosing the end of the Multiplinary Number of Pattern kilogram Not spelling, this is the problem of the grammatical norm. You can read about it in response to question number.

Rules of 1956 and the 2006 rules that you ask are arms of spelling and punctuation laws. Here are their full bibliographic descriptions:

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: app. Acad. Sciences of the USSR, M-Nom Higher. arr. USSR and M-B Enlightened. RSFSR / [the greatest uch. in Sost. accepted S. G. Barhudarov, K. I. Wensky, V. V. Vinogradov, I. S. Istrina, I. A. Kairov, E. I. Kornvsky, S. E. Kryuchkov, S. P. Obnorsky, D . N. Ushakov, A. B. Shapiro, L. V. Shcherba]. - Moscow: Stockedgiz, 1956. - 176 p.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Full academic directory: Approved by the RAS / [Avt. N. S. Vintagina, N. A. Evikova, O. E. Ivanova, S. M. Kuzmina, V. V. Lopatin, L. K. Chelt; Ot. ed. V. V. Lopatin]; Ros. Acad. Science, Depth. Historical Philol. Science, In-t Rus. Yaz. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006. - 478, p. - The directory is a completed edition of the current "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punction" of 1956 - edition after 2006.

The 2006 Code cannot be recognized by reforming our letter, although on those publications that were published in the media in the early 2000s, such a conclusion could be done. But journalists need a sensation, they tend to demonize any situation.

This is what is written in the preface to the 2006 rules: "The main task of this work was the preparation of the full and corresponding to the modern state of the Russian language of the rules of Russian spelling. The current "Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation", officially approved in 1956, were the first general obligatory arrangement of the rules, eliminating a deal in spelling. Exactly half a century passed since their release, numerous allowances and methodological developments were created on their basis. Naturally, during this time, a number of significant passes and inaccuracies have discovered in the wording "Rules".

The incomplete "Rules" of 1956 is largely due to the changes in the language in the very language: many new words and types of words appeared, whose written "rules" is not regulated. For example, in modern language, the units standing on the verge between the word and part of the word were activated; Among them appeared such as mini, Maxi, Video, Audio, Media, Retro And others. In the "Rules" of 1956, it is impossible to find an answer to the question, whether such units are poured with the next part of the word or through a hyphen. Many recommendations are outdated to use uppercase letters. We need clarifications and additions to punctuation rules, reflecting the stylistic diversity and the dynamic of modern speech, especially in mass printing.

Thus, the prepared text of the Russian spelling rules not only reflects the norms recorded in the "Rules" of 1956, but in many cases complements and clarifies them with regard to the modern practice of the letter "(p. 9).

It is necessary to recognize that discrepancies in the recommendations of the 1956 Code and the Code of 2006 are. But they are completely insignificant. Some of them we owe another D. E. Rosental. He did not reproduce the rules of 1956 in his spelling guidelines, and clarified, detailed them and in some cases changed recommendations. All these changes are associated with changes in the language in the very language.

In addition to the rules of rules, spelling dictionaries are fixed by spelling norm. Work on the creation of an academic spelling dictionary was entrusted by the Institute of Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova RAS. There are specialists who conduct permanent research in the field of spelling, study the modern practice of writing, the history of its rationing and develop recommendations for writing words, in our eyes of those belonging to Russian. They are preparing for the publication new editions of the academic spelling dictionary. The most complete of them is at the moment the 4th edition of the "Russian spelling dictionary" (M., 2012). Comply with the recommendations of this dictionary by the data of the spelling resource, which anyone can use on our portal in the "Word Check" section.

Question number 295143.

Good day! How to write correctly, write a mathematical number 18 800.50 grammo in?

Russian reference service response

Eighteen thousand eight hundred and fifty hundredth grams.

Question number 295095.

Hello! Today I found in the training plans of the Master's programs of the Taganrog Institute named after AP. Chekhov (branch of Rinha) such formulation - "Head of Educational Software". It is right?

Russian reference service response

This is not true. Right: r corrector educational program.

Question number 294721.

Tell me how to properly write "four kilograms of oil" or "four kilogram in oil"?

Russian reference service response

The first option is true.

Very often in many culinary recipes indicate the exact amount of the ingredient required for the preparation of the dish. But after all, each mistress in the kitchen has special kitchen scales.

If this technique is missing in your house should not be desirable. You can measure the required amount using tea, dessert or tablespoons.

Note! But it is worth considering that the amount will depend on the component itself. It all depends on the severity and density of the ingredient. Therefore, a cutlery, filled with various components, will weigh differently.

The tablespoon is a cutlery. Its volume is 18 milliliters. This cutlery is used for eating porridge, first dishes or other liquid culinary sizes.

If necessary, weigh one or another product should take into account the density of the ingredient and the "loading" of the cutlery. Weight with a slide and without, will differ from 4 to 6 grams.

The most common ingredients in the kitchen required for the preparation of the dish are sugar, flour and salt. Therefore, measurement measures of these products should be known.

Table: measure measurement.

Table: Measurement measures of others necessary for the preparation of dishes ingredients.

How many grams in the table appliance Without a slide (in gr.) With a slide (in gr.)
Basin 15 20
Izyuma 15 20
Dried mushrooms 10 15
Milk 18 24
Dry milk 20 25
Cream 14 18
Tea 6 11
Citric acid 25 30
Jam 18 24
Protein 15 19
Rice 25 30
Perlovki 25 30
Pshindy cereals 25 30
Wheat Circular 25 30
Wheat flakes 9 15
Corn Circular 25 30
Barbecue 25 30
Crupes sago 20 25
Beans 30 35
Pea 25 30
Sugar powder 25 30
Sunflower oil 25 30
Buckwheat 25 30
Butter 25 30
Seed flax 16 23
Tomato paste 30 35
Bran 4,5 7
Lentils 25 30
Hercules 12 18
Poppy 18 23
Chushkin 48 55
Copper Kaper 65 75
Linen oil 25 30
Cottage cheese 40 47
Corn 20 25
Coffee 20 25
Vinegar 16 21
Cocoa 15 20
Oatmeal 12 18
Liqueur 20 25
Corn flakes 7 13
Mayonnaise 45 50
Ground superstars 15 20
Oatmeal 18 22
Mankey 30 35
Gelatin 15 20
Water 18 23
Soda 29 35
Stachmala 12 15
Sour cream 18 24
Egg powder 16 20
Dry yeast 16 20
Fresh yeast 45 55
Vegetable oil 25 30
Pipe oil 25 30
Margarine melted 20 25
Ground black pepper 12 15
Rye flour 25 30
Walnut hammer nuts 30 35
Ground peanut 25 30
Ground hazelnut 30 35
Ground almond 30 35

Often, many dishes use honey. This is a very allergenic product, therefore it is worth knowing how many grams of honey in a tablespoon in order not to exceed its permissible dose. One spoon contains 30 grams. Honey, provided it is a liquid consistency.

Such tables help in the kitchen. They save women from the need to acquire excess kitchen equipment and the jet of kitchen space. This considerably saves time, physical strength and financial funds of women.

How many grams in a teaspoon: list

A teaspoon - a cutlery used for eating desserts, tea stirring, coffee or other hot drinks. The mass of the table appliance with a slide and without, varies from 3 to 6 grams. The volume of the cutlery - 5 milliliters.

How many grams in a teaspoon of the most commonly used ingredients:

    Water - five.
  • Salts:

    Large grinding is ten.
    Small grinding - eight.

  • Sugar sand - eight.
  • Wheat flour - eight.

Table: Measures of scales of various ingredients in a tea table appliance.

How many grams Without a slide (in gr.) With a slide (in gr.)
Basin 5 8
Izyuma 5 8
Dried mushrooms 4 7
Milk 6 9
Milk dry 5 8
Cream 5 8
Tea 2 5
Citric acid 5 8
Jam 5 8
Protein 5 7
Rice 8 11
Perlovki 8 11
Milled cereals 8 11
Wheat Circular 8 11
Wheat flakes 2 5
Corn Circular 6 9
Barbecue 6 9
Crupes sago 6 9
Beans 11 15
Pea 10 14
Money liquid 10 14
Sugar powder 8 11
Sunflower oil 6 9
Buckwheat 8 11
Butter 6 9
Seed flax 4 7
Chushkin 12 16
Tomato paste 10 14
Bran 1,3 4
Mayonnaise 12 17
Hercules 6 9
Poppy 5 8
Chushkin 12 17
Copper Kaper 15 20
Linen oil 6 9
Cottage cheese 10 15
Corn 8 11
Coffee 8 11
Vinegar 6 9
Cocoa 4 7
Oatmeal 5 8
Liqueur 8 11
Corn flakes 2 5
Ground superstars 6 9
Oatmeal 5 8
Mankey 7 10
Gelatin 5 8
Soda 12 15
Stachmala 6 9
Sour cream 5 8
Egg powder 6 9
Dry yeast 5 8
Fresh yeast 15 18
Vegetable oil 6 9
Cottage cheese 10 15
Pipe oil 6 9
Margarine melted 6 9
Ground black pepper 6 9
Rye flour 5 8
Walnut hammer nuts 10 14
Ground peanut 8 12
Ground hazelnut 10 13
Ground almond 10 14
Rosehip dry 6 9
Fruit juice 5 8
Carnations 3 7
Black pepper pepper 4,5 8

Important! In one tablespoon without a slide, four teaspoons.

How many grams in the dessert spoon

Often, dessert spoons are used in the kitchen. Their volume is 10 milliliters. But measurement measure is not equivalent to their volume.

The weight of the most common products and ingredients in dessert cutlery devices (in gr.):

Bulk products:

  • Food salt - twenty-five.
  • Bulgur - Fifteen.
  • Peas - fifteen.
  • Perlovka - fifteen.
  • Fifteen rice.
  • Couscous - fifteen.
  • Fifteen croups - fifteen.
  • Buckwheat - fifteen.
  • Sugar sand - twenty.
  • Manna Crupes - Fifteen.
  • Flour (corn, rye, wheat) - twenty.
  • Dry milk - nine.


  • Soda - twenty-four.
  • Sugar powder - twenty.
  • Lemon Acid - Fifteen.
  • Dough dough - five.
  • Cocoa powder - fifteen.
  • Ground coffee - thirteen.
  • Mac - twelve.
  • Gelatin is ten.
  • Mustard - nine.

Ingredients viscous consistency:

  • Chushkin - twenty five.
  • Puree - twenty five.
  • Pooked - thirty.
  • Honey Bee - twenty five.
  • Tomato paste - twenty-two.
  • Smetana - twenty.

Ingredients of solid consistency:

  • Beans - fifteen.
  • Tsukata - twenty five.
  • Walnuts - fifteen.
  • Fresh cherry, cranberry, currants - twenty.
  • Raspberries - ten.

Having such a table at hand, the hostess with ease will create an exquisite, unique and original dish even on a multicomponent recipe in its kitchen.

Knowledge measurement measures will help it better navigate in the ratio of volume and mass of all necessary products and ingredients.

    Related records

Live and learn. Not only schoolchildren, but also those who have long graduated from school, are wondering how to write correctly - several grams or grams? Chukovsky's roots in his book "Live as life" recalled that he was angry at first, how many have pronounced this word. But later, I have a new form. What makes us teaches the grammar of the Russian language? What version of writing this word will be correct?

The first rule

Remember the rule from the school program: "If the initial form of the noun male genus ends on a solid consonant, then in the parental case, the multiple number will end to the end of the" s "." For example, there are not enough socks, oranges, tables, tomatoes.

Our "grams" are suitable for this category. "My extra gram" male genus. If there is no end in the initial form, then it means that in the plural number to the question "What?" You can safely write: "There are not enough 500 grams of sausages."

Second rule

And it's all? It would seem so simple. But no. Russian is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Another rule from the school program reads: "In some cases, the names of the 2nd declination with the basis for a solid consonant in the parental case of the plural has a zero ending."

What are these special cases? Remember:

  • pair items: boots - boots, epaulets - pursuit, stockings - stockings;
  • nationality (provided that the word ends on N. or R):british - British, Bulgarians - Bulgarian (but there are exception words: Yakuts - Yakuts, Arabs - Arabs);
  • military units (usually obsolete): a squad of soldiers, Ulan, Gusar, partisans, dragoon. (But there are exceptions in combination with a number: five hussars, dragoons, ulan.)
  • some units of measurement: Watt, Voltaire, Ampere, (but exception words: meters, kilograms, Omov, hectares)

So, our "grams" belong to weight measurement units. So, in the parental case, write "grams" will not be an error. It turns out that both cases will be correct? It would seem that this can be finished. But it is not all.

What else needs to know

It turns out that there is a countable case in Russian, or the counting form of words. And it will, as a rule, applies only to those words that relate to the names of the nouns of the male kind of multiple number, which indicate units of measurement. That is, if it is numerical in front of the unit of measurement, then the countable case with a zero ending is entering into force. For example, eight grams, thirty amps, two hundred volts.


Thus, the complex Russian was pretty simple. Because it doesn't matter how much how to drink for dinner: one hundred grams or grams. Both options have the full right to exist.

Gram or grams? Which of the presented options is better to use in writing and oral speech? The answer to the questioned question you can learn from this article.


The formation of some nouns in the form of a genitive case quite often causes certain difficulties from schoolchildren and quite adult people. That is why there are often questions about how to write correctly: grams or grams, orange or oranges, tomato or tomatoes, kilograms or kilograms, etc.

It should be noted that there are no certain rules for such cases. However, in Russian, there are still some notes that will help you in writing mentioned lexical units.

Features of words

In how to write and pronounce: grams or grams, many doubt. And in order to properly use this word in the text, it is recommended to remember the following features: for most nouns names for nouns, which stand in the initial form and end on a solid consonant (for example, sock, orange, lamps, tomato, and so on.) In the parental case . The numbers are characteristic of the ending -One (for example, socks, oranges, lamps, tomatoes, etc.). However, this peculiar rule acts far from always and does not apply to all lexical units.

Analysis of the word

In connection with all of the foregoing, we decided to analyze the word verifiable and understand how it would be right: grams or grams. This lexical unit refers to the category of names of nouns of male genus, which is quite problematic to put in the MN. numbers. But due to the one ends on a solid consonant, his ending will be -s, that is, gramms. But how to be, for example, with such a familiar expression: "Pour 100 grams!" (or 100 grams)? The answer to this question you will learn a little further.

Exceptions from rules

As mentioned above, the names of the noun MN. The numbers ending with the firm consonant in the parental case have only the ending. However, all rules have their exceptions. Consider them in more detail:

  • If you are dealing with the name of people by nationality, as well as on belonging to any military connection, which are used in the plural and are used in a collective value, the rule described above does not work. This can be seen from the following example: soldiers - soldiers, Bulgarian - Bulgarians, partisans - partisans. By the way, there is a word in the form of a personal case of a PM. The numbers are "man." For example: No Who? - eight people.

  • If the text should be given the name of paired items into the genitive case, then their ending will be zero. We give a visual example: eyes - eyes, shoes - shoes, straps - pursuit, cuffs - cuffs, boots - boots, stockings - stockings. Although there are exceptions here. For example, you should talk and write "socks", not "sock".
  • If in the proposal you are dealing with the name or units of measure, then you should pay special attention to this form as a genitive case. "Gram" and "grams" in this case are equal lexical units. Although experts claim that if this word is used without a "measuring" digit, that is, in an obvious parental case, then only the second option should be used. For example: "How many grams of silver in this product"; "Let's talk in detail about the abolition of grams as a unit of measure"; "Instead of grams, the weight of the goods was measured in kilograms" and so on. If, in front of such a lexical unit, it is worth a clarifying figure, it is recommended to use a word with zero ending. For example: "Pour 100 grams"; "Leave 5-free gigabytes on the flash card 5," to measure 15 Arshin "," weigh 5 kilograms of apples "," Connect 220 volts "," Set the limit of 1000 watts ", etc.

Let's summarize

About gram or grams, we told. But in order to consolidate the material, you should repeat why in one case we write one option, and in the other - the other. The fact is that in Russian there is a countable case, or the so-called counting form. As a rule, it is only available at those names of nouns multiple male genus, which denote units of measurement. And if in front of such a word is something numerical, the countable case is characterized by a zero ending (for example, six grams, twenty amps, three hundred volts, fifty Newton, Ten Arshin, and so on.).

Thus, the phrase "one hundred grams" is a visual example of the counting form. Although explicit parents are often used in such cases. For example: thirty grams, twenty hectares, six Newtons, five kilograms, and so on. Consequently, the lexical combinations of the "one hundred grams", "hundred grams", "many grams" or "fifty grams" are considered completely equal and equivalent.

Even educated people often face difficulties in pronouncing or writing some words and phrases. For example, how will it be right - "gram" or "grams"?

Many are confident that the word "gram" can only be consumed in the phrase "one gram", but when listing "five grams", "six grams", "seven grams" and so on, it is necessary to add the end of Ov. But is it really?

What do the rules of the Russian language say?

This may seem surprising, but in fact correct are both options. In a written phrase or oral speech, you can safely tell both "100 grams" and "100 grams" - neither in any other case the error will not.

What is it connected with?

  • Speaking such phrases as "10 grams", "200 grams" and so on with the addition of the end of "s", we believe that the word here is in the parental case - and, accordingly, requires the use of this end.
  • But we forget about the existence of the so-called countable case. It is used if the example is considered a noun male genus in the singular - and directly in front of it is numerical. In this case, the end of the noun will be zero - that is, the same as in the nominative case.

The phrases of "50 grams", "250 grams", "300 grams" and so on satisfy the following conditions - and therefore it is possible to apply the rules for counting case.

What forms and in what cases are used more often?

As we installed, from the point of view of the rules, both options are correct - and you can say as more convenient. And yet, in some cases, the complete form of the word is often used with the end of "s", and in others - a brief form with zero ending.

  • Usually a brief form is used precisely with the score - when they call a specific number of grams, or grams. For example, "pour one hundred grams", "take five grams of salt", "pour out two hundred grams of sugar."
  • But the complete form with "s" is more often used when it comes to a certain number of grams without specification. For example, "after the holidays added unnecessary kilograms", "there is not enough grams to a kilogram" and so on.

It should be noted that the full form is a more "old" version of the right pronouncement - once to neglect the end of the "s" really was mistaken. However, the Russian language is a living structure that changes and develops, and currently the rule is already irrelevant. Now we are increasingly using the words "grams".

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