Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management rating. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management `ninkh`

The university trains economists, managers, sociologists, lawyers, etc. NSUEM implements all levels of education: secondary vocational, higher (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate), as well as a wide range of additional education programs.

The University is actively implementing modern educational technologies: business games, research projects for real business, master classes, open meetings with representatives of the business community, online learning, etc.

NSUEM implements more than a hundred programs of additional education (business education, professional retraining and advanced training, education for schoolchildren, retraining and advanced training of teachers, etc.). NSUEM was one of the first universities in Novosibirsk to introduce the “Specialized MBA” level programs: “MBA – Business Management in Conditions of Change”, “MBA – Financial Management” and “MBA – Human Resources Management”.

The Graduate Employment Assistance Center is one of the most successful similar structures in Russia (one of the top ten).

NSUEM is inscribed in the international educational space by cooperation agreements with many universities in the world. Currently, foreign students from China, Mongolia, the CIS countries, as well as Europe and the Central African region study at the university. In addition, university graduates can receive a Diploma Supplement valid in the 48 countries participating in the Bologna Process.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics is the only university in Novosibirsk that has a full-fledged campus in the city center: five modern educational buildings, a student business incubator, a hostel, a swimming pool, and a sports complex.

The student business incubator is a regional platform for business communications and a center of attraction for entrepreneurial activity. On the basis of the business incubator, master classes and meetings of entrepreneurs, open lectures by businessmen and other events are held.

University pool "Aquarius" was built according to European technology and is one of the most modern in the city.

NSUEM has developed and is implementing a unique technology of extracurricular activities - a system of extracurricular trajectories, within which many events are held - conferences, forums, olympiads, seminars, excursions.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management is the organizer of many events of regional and federal significance: the Open Statistical Congress, the Siberian Banking Forum, the NovoPRsk Communication Forum, the Siberian Personnel Forum, etc.

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NSUEM was founded in 1929 as the Siberian Institute of National Economy (SINH). The university occupied the building in which the Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art now operates. The university was faced with the task of providing the national economy with cadres of economists-organizers. On November 27, Associate Professor Grigory Pavlovich Altaev became the head of the university.

The teaching staff of SINHa consisted of only 10 people. And in 1931, 57 teachers already worked at the institute, of which 4 were professors and 19 associate professors.

In the first academic year, 4 faculties were opened: planning, industry, exchange and distribution of products, economics and organization of agriculture.

There were not enough audiences, classes were held in two shifts. The first enrollment in SINH was small, 126 people.

On May 27, 1931, 2 universities were created on the basis of SINH: the Siberian Planning Institute and the Siberian Institute of Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Union of the USSR (one of the predecessors was the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives).

In 1932, the first one was renamed the Ural-Siberian Planning Institute, and the second one was renamed the Ural-Siberian Trade and Commodity Research Institute. In August 1935, both universities merged into the Ural-Siberian Institute of National Economy, and Yuri Alexandrovich Jordan was appointed the first director.

The educational building was located at Krasny Prospekt 46 and 48.

The institute organized 2 faculties: planning and trade and merchandising. Then the Faculty of National Economic Accounting was opened.

In 1936-1937, most of the teachers and students were suspended from work and study by the OGPU. University students were distributed among the Kuibyshev, Kharkov and Minsk Institutes of Economic Accounting, Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Soviet Trade.

In 1967, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Education Boris Yelyutin, the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINH) was established on the basis of the Novosibirsk branch. The new university was opened on August 1, 1968. The first rector of NINH was V.A. Pervushin.

Classes were held in kindergarten and in rented premises of city schools. The site for a large complex of the institute was allotted in 1968, at the same time the issue of building a hostel was being decided. It was decided to build a typical school building (now - building No. 1). During the construction, a lot of work was done by NINH students. The building was ready in a year.

In 1974, Viktor Nikolaevich Shchukin was appointed rector. He organized a special faculty, which accepted working youth, soldiers who returned from the army to prepare for admission to the institute. During the summer holidays, students went to work on Sakhalin Island, Shikotan.

In 1983 Anatoly Danilovich Korobkin became the rector. One of the main merits of Anatoly Danilovich is the opening of a computer center. Thanks to his efforts, the computer center was organized in the shortest possible time and was one of the best among the universities of the city.

In 1986, the university was headed by Petr Vasilyevich Shemetov. He focused his efforts on the development of the system of pre-university training, the creation of a multi-level education system. Under Petr Vasilyevich, postgraduate studies and an editorial and publishing center were organized.

An important place was occupied by the faculty of pre-university education, which was then transformed into the first Economic Lyceum beyond the Urals.

In 1991, a council for the defense of candidate dissertations was opened. In 1992, the university became one of the experimental universities for the preparation of two-level education: bachelor's and master's programs.

In 1998, Yury Vasilyevich Gusev took the post of rector, who continued the traditions laid down by his predecessors. The material base of the university developed. During this period, a radical reconstruction of the library was carried out.

In January 2001, the first issue of the Our Academy newspaper was published.

More than 12 thousand students study at NSUEM, the number of faculty members is more than 450 people, among them 67 doctors of sciences and 258 candidates of sciences.

NSUEM implements the concept of continuous education. Secondary vocational education is represented by the Faculty of Basic Training, where training is conducted in 9 specialties. The system of higher professional education includes the training of bachelors, specialists, masters and postgraduates. At the university, education is conducted at five faculties: the Faculty of the Public Sector, the Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship, the Faculty of Information Technology, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Basic Training. The structure of the university includes 30 departments. Postgraduate education is conducted within the framework of doctoral studies. There are dissertation councils in the following branches of science: “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”, “Accounting, statistics”, “Economics and management in the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes in industry; services sector)”.

Another step in the multi-level system built at NSUEM is additional education provided at retraining and advanced training courses, as well as at educational centers and schools.

The university is actively introducing modern educational technologies: business games, master classes, project methods. As a result of practice-oriented training, almost 90% of NSUE graduates are employed immediately after graduation. The university is a regional center of postgraduate education: it trains top managers for international MBA programs, etc.

The infrastructure of NSUEM includes 5 educational buildings, a modern swimming pool "Aquarius", a hostel. The total area of ​​NSUEM buildings and structures is about 50 thousand m². The university supports various forms of extracurricular activity of students. There is a student club, dance, theater and vocal studios, a KVN team, a chess club, etc.


University structure

Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship

The Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship appeared as a result of the restructuring of the faculties and departments of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.

The faculty is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Sergei Anatolyevich Filatov.

From an interview with S.A. Filatov "Restructuring: briefly about the future of faculties" (Our Academy newspaper, No. 15 of April 26, 2016)

The process of university restructuring should be perceived not as a whim, but as an urgent need to adequately respond to modern challenges. At our faculty, procedures have already been outlined related to the public discussion of existing educational programs. Our task is to develop completely new programs that would initially take into account the opinions of employers regarding the competencies that our graduates should have. That is, now we have a unique opportunity to create such programs that would really meet the interests of both the university and the end users of our educational product - employers. Already this year, if everything works out, we plan to introduce new profiles in the bachelor's degree program "Economics": "Corporate (financial) analysis", "Corporate planning and budgeting", "Corporate tax consulting" and, possibly, others related to the financial sector.

The immediate plans for the formation of a new faculty include solving personnel problems, taking into account the possibility of attracting employees from various companies in the city as teachers. In general, the specificity of our faculty is a clearly expressed practice orientation. I would even say that this is our main unifying principle. We have always used the potential of teachers with business experience. But if earlier it could be considered as a kind of wish, now practice orientation has become the most important aspect of the competitiveness of the university. And even in the federal state educational standards, the need to involve practicing teachers in the implementation of educational programs is fixed. Now there are new opportunities to solve this problem. For example, the creation of basic departments. We already have a department from VTB24 Bank, but we plan to form other basic departments. Our task is to organize the work of these departments in such a way that they organically fit into the educational process and effectively perform their functions.

The second task in the formation of a new faculty is to more specifically determine the lists of disciplines assigned to a particular department, and thereby finally form the educational program.

Faculty of Public Sector

The Faculty of the Public Sector appeared as a result of the restructuring of the faculties and departments of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.

The faculty is headed by Ph.D. legal Sciences, Associate Professor Andrey Alekseevich Makartsev.

From an interview with A.A. Makartsev "Restructuring: briefly about the future of faculties" (newspaper "Our Academy", No. 15 of April 26, 2016)

Restructuring is a necessary step, designed to lay the foundation for the further development of NSUE. Restructuring involves evolutionary development, which should be based on the best that we already have.

It seems to me an exaggeration to talk about the formation of a new faculty - to one degree or another, its foundation already exists. It is the departments and their employees, on which the effective functioning of any educational institution depends. Now we are faced with the task of more clearly defining the areas of activity of the teaching staff, ensuring the continuity of the new and former faculties. Also, in my opinion, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of new faculties with each other in the field of creating laboratories and centers in which specialists from various fields of knowledge will work, which will allow for a comprehensive analysis of the problems stated by potential customers.

Combining various areas of state activity within the framework of one faculty makes it possible to implement interdisciplinary research, master's and postgraduate programs, which, as an educational product, should be in demand on the market.

In general, any faculty has two main areas of activity. The first is science, which should be directly related to practice. Scientific research should, no matter how loud it may sound, serve the people, the city, the state. It is practice that raises questions that are solved in scientific works.

I also want to note the importance of research work of students. The faculty should have scientific circles, within which the work of our teachers will be considered, so that the guys can discuss emerging issues directly with the authors. This will increase the credibility of scientific activity and replace the "teacher-student" relationship model with a more effective "teacher-wishing to learn" model. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but science plays a threefold role in a modern university. It is both a means of self-realization, and a sphere of communication with students, and a way to earn money.

The second direction of the work of the dean's office is the organization of educational activities, which should not be limited to lectures and seminars. Knowledge must be associated with practice. In this regard, we consider the immediate goal of the faculty to be the development of those profiles that already exist, their adaptation to the requirements of employers. It is also necessary to open new profiles aimed at training specialists for whom there is a need in the market.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is a structural subdivision of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.

The Faculty of Law is headed by Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor Dmitry Alexandrovich Savchenko.

From an interview with D.A. Savchenko "Restructuring: briefly about the future of faculties" (Our Academy newspaper, No. 15 of April 26, 2016)

The Faculty of Law is a relatively new subdivision of NSUE. It was created in 2014 as part of the then restructuring of our university. The results of the work over the past period, it seems to me, confirmed the correctness of the managerial decision taken by the Rector and supported by the Academic Council of NSUEM. Enrollment rates for the first year have increased significantly, and the staff of teachers has strengthened. I hope that student life has become more intense and interesting.

Of course, we are focused on continuing the transformation. The creation of a number of new departments of our faculty will make it possible to make more substantive and targeted training of bachelors in the direction of "Jurisprudence", to better prepare our graduates for the requirements and challenges of the modern labor market. We will refine our curricula taking into account the achievements of modern legal science and the needs of practice. Greater attention will be paid to students' mastery of the competencies necessary to work in the public and business sectors of the economy, to perform the functions of corporate lawyers. We would like a wider interaction of our departments with the departments of economics, information technology and the humanities. From the new academic year, training of students in new legal specialties will begin - "Legal support of national security" and "Law enforcement", training in the specialty "Economic security" will reach a new level. We are ready to start the implementation of the legal master's program and are considering the possibility of organizing programs of secondary specialized education in the field of law.

Faculty of Basic Training

The Faculty of Basic Training appeared as a result of the restructuring of the faculties and departments of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.

The Faculty of Basic Training is headed by Shekhovtsova Lada Viktorovna.

From the material "Restructuring: briefly about the future of the faculties" (newspaper "Our Academy", No. 15 of April 26, 2016)

All applicants who become students after the admission campaign will be enrolled in the Faculty of Basic Training within the areas and specialties selected at the time of application. For two years of study at the faculty, from our point of view, they should receive a foundation that will provide opportunities for a correct and informed choice of a profile. Our task is to enable the children to easily develop their professional knowledge on this foundation. Like other structures of the university, we work to ensure that our graduates are 100% in demand in the labor market.

The faculty will train children of different levels of training. Of course, we understand that another concern is to “erase” the boundary between SVE students and bachelors. For the most comfortable microclimate in the student community, all six departments of our faculty and the SVE center will hold an adaptation for freshmen at the end of August to show all the buildings, talk about the traditions and history of the university, and introduce teachers. I want students to come to a familiar atmosphere on September 1 and to people whose faces they have already seen.

One of our main tasks is to make sure that students of the faculty go to classes with pleasure, so that they are interested in their studies. It is no secret that some students miss classes, and this fact angers teachers. But I always tell my colleagues: if a person went to classes and suddenly stopped, pay attention to the student. Perhaps he is uncomfortable, or he did not understand something, or he is simply not interested in you. When the teacher is passionate about his work and gives 100% in the class, trying to interest the student, I assure you, mutual understanding between the student and the teacher will be achieved.

The organizational structure of the administrative block of the faculty is formed on the principles of efficiency and modernity. It is expected that about 3,000 students will come to study at the Faculty of Basic Training (taking into account the current first year and part-time students). And we will organize our work in such a way that our students would say: “It is interesting to study with us!”. I even want them to be a little sorry to switch to specialized faculties in their third year. We will strive to ensure that studying at our faculty becomes the brightest memory for the students in their entire student life.

Educational process

Classes at NSUEM begin at 8.00 and end at 20.00. In the schedule of each group per day no more than 4 couples. Students attend lectures and seminars. They take place in streaming classrooms, computer labs and specially equipped laboratories.

University students are active participants in both regional, all-Russian and international forums, olympiads, as well as other events, among which are the following:

Extracurricular trajectories

Education at the university is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the first step in a career. Therefore, extracurricular trajectories have been invented at NSUEM. Each of them is a big “supermarket”, where the student will be offered courses, lectures, conferences and olympiads, meetings with interesting people, participation in entrepreneurial and social projects, and much more. The goal of the trajectory is to gain skills in one of the industries.

NSUEM approved 7 extracurricular development trajectories:

  • Leadership and initiatives
  • International connections
  • Analytics, science and innovation
  • Culture and creativity
  • Healthy lifestyle and safety
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Politics and power

Each student can choose any of these trajectories, within which he will be asked to develop his own activity using the resources of the university. The activities of the trajectories involve the implementation of various activities aimed at developing additional professional competencies among university students.

student life

NSUEM is an active participant in international academic and scientific cooperation. The university has concluded about 150 agreements with foreign partners, including foreign universities, international organizations, etc. Since 1991, the university has been actively working with foreign students, maintaining and developing partnerships with educational organizations from the CIS countries, the Federal Republic of Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, the USA, France, the Czech Republic, and the Republic of India.

The main directions of international activity of NSUEM are the development of international interuniversity cooperation, academic mobility, scientific and research projects.

Educational and exchange programs, within the framework of international cooperation:

  • Student exchange programs
  • Language programs
  • Summer schools
  • Double degree programs
  • Joint MBAs
  • Exchange programs for teachers
  • Joint scientific and research projects
  • Joint development of new teaching methods and technologies

International educational programs are a unique opportunity to gain international experience while developing professional skills.

Currently, NSUEM pays great attention to the research activities of both the faculty and students. Its information support becomes one of the priorities of the library. As part of its decision, an annual bibliographic index “Proceedings of NSUEM teachers” is published, an electronic biobibliographic collection “Proceedings of NSUEM scientists” has been created, and a section “To help scientific work” is maintained on the library website.

In September 2015, the NSUEM library was given the status of a scientific one.

Publications of NSUE

Scientific journal "Bulletin of NSUE"

The journal has been published since 2008. In 2011 included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Bulletin of NSUEM is published 4 times a year.

The journal is interdisciplinary in nature and covers topical issues of Russia's national security, the results of theoretical and practical research in the field of finance, management, auditing, accounting and statistics. The journal also presents publications by leading scientists in the field of information technology, sociology, philosophy and jurisprudence.

Editor-in-Chief - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics of NSUEM Glinsky Vladimir Vasilievich.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEU) was founded in 1967 as the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINH). Received university status in 2004.

The mission of the university is to promote the socio-economic development of Siberia through the training of in-demand personnel and participation in solving urgent regional problems.

The purpose of the university: the formation of NSUEM as a leading university in the field of regional development based on the concept of "entrepreneurial university".

The concept of an entrepreneurial university is to focus the university on new sources of funding, initiating new activities, creating new business organizations, and demonstrating entrepreneurial behavior.

  • 74th place in the Round University Ranking-2019 among Russian universities
  • 89th place in the ranking of Russian universities of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber ARES-2019
  • 149th place in the National University Ranking Interfax-2019

In the structure of the university today there are four faculties:

  • Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Faculty of Public Sector
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Basic Training

NSUEM implements all levels of education: secondary vocational, higher (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate), as well as a wide range of additional education programs.

Main areas of training- economics, management, jurisprudence, sociology, economic security, etc.

NSUEM has a dissertation council in the specialties "Finance, money circulation and credit" and "Accounting, statistics".

The university is actively implementing modern educational technologies: business games, research projects for real businesses, master classes, open meetings with representatives of the business community, online learning, and much more.

NSUEM implements more than 100 additional education programs (business education, professional retraining and advanced training, education for schoolchildren, retraining and advanced training of teachers, and others). NSUEM was among the first universities in Novosibirsk to introduce programs of the Specialized MBA level: "MBA - Business Management in the Conditions of Change", "MBA - Financial Management" and "MBA - Personnel Management".

Currently, about 10 thousand students study at the university. The number of teaching staff is 450 people, among them - 67 doctors of sciences and 258 candidates of sciences. NSUEM has 26 academic departments, 3 - basic ones. The university has formed a personnel reserve of teaching practitioners, which includes representatives of the business community and state authorities of the region.

As a result of practice-oriented training, more than 80% of NSUE graduates are employed within six months after graduation, 65% work in their specialty. Alumni Employment Center- one of the most successful similar structures in Russia (included in the top ten).

Graduates of NSUE- well-known politicians, entrepreneurs, business coaches, leading top managers of large companies.

Among university graduates:

  • Tolokonsky Viktor Alexandrovich, Russian statesman, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District (2010-2014);
  • Chabunin Anatoly Mikhailovich, Deputy General Director of PJSC Russian Railways
  • Golovko Vadim Mikhailovich, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District;
  • Tereshkov Dmitry Mikhailovich, General Director of PJSC Siberian Bread Corporation
  • Vorozheikin Vladimir Viktorovich, Vice President of the Central Office of Sberbank of Russia PJSC;
  • Bryukhanov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, Head of the Directorate of VTB Bank for the Novosibirsk Region
  • Zhenov Vladimir Gavrilovich, Chairman of the Board of the Novosibirsk City Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

NSUEM is inscribed in the international educational space by cooperation agreements with more than 150 universities around the world. Currently, foreign students from 20 countries of the world (China, Mongolia, CIS countries, as well as Europe and the Central African region) study at the university. In addition, university graduates can receive a Diploma Supplement valid in the 48 countries participating in the Bologna Process.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics is the only university in Novosibirsk that has a full-fledged campus in the city center: five modern educational buildings, a student business incubator, a hostel, a swimming pool, and a sports complex.

The student business incubator, which began its work in 2016, has become a regional platform for business communications and a center of attraction for entrepreneurial activity. On the basis of the business incubator, master classes and meetings of entrepreneurs, open lectures by businessmen and other events are held. Student startups are selected annually, the best of which get the opportunity to become residents of the University's Business Incubator.

University swimming pool "Aquarius"(opened in 2012) built according to European technology and is one of the most modern in the city.

NSUEM has developed and is implementing a unique technology of extracurricular activities - system of extracurricular trajectories, within the framework of which many events are held - conferences, forums, olympiads, seminars, excursions and much more.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management is the organizer of many events of regional and federal significance: the Open Statistical Congress, the Siberian Banking Forum, the NovoPRsk Communication Forum, the Siberian Personnel Forum and others.

In the facility...

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We will talk about the 2nd building of the National State University of Economics (SPO or FBP, I don’t know exactly how to say it, they didn’t give us a clear explanation)

I am a student of the FBP at NSUEM (the SPO Base, or how to call it more accurately, is not clear, no one can really explain who we are now, who is in charge of us, etc.), I want to express my impressions about my studies a little remaining incognito.

The institution is well fed, clean, tidy, good repair, but at the same time, the level of education, the presentation of material, and the staff are not bad. Moreover, both in the "top" and among ordinary teachers. There are absolutely no differences between ordinary teachers in a suburban school and NSUEM teachers (not all of course, there are good, worthy, real teachers, but there are only a few of them)

To make the situation clear, imagine an institution in which a person responsible for students, information about the state of their family, relations in this family, in surveys related to these topics, tries to somehow tease the student (tku), tries with suggestive, personal , not pleasant questions to somehow piss a person off, and this was noticed not only by me, but by many individuals, otherwise I would not have written this review. At least, it looks like this, it creates such an impression about this person. (This is a minor minus, besides, during the couple, the person showed himself perfectly, the students respect him, so I won’t name him)

I won’t talk much about management either, just keep in mind that there is blat, work not under one’s own name, etc., the pairs of this person can change as you like, with the consent of the students, but just a little, the latter are to blame.

But who I want to mention is the teacher of mathematics, Volkova N.I., who not only teaches the material as uninterestingly as possible (students do not listen to her, and some groups practically do not attend her at all, 5 people go out of 28), so she also openly expresses her dislike for individual students, humiliating them in front of their classmates, "notifying" them that they will not pass the session because they are "not smart enough". Speaking of exaggeration, grades are given according to mood, two works were compared, absolutely identical (in terms of the number of errors and correct solutions), one costs "5", for the other "3", I think to explain with which of the students (current) she has good relationship, not worth it. Elementary does not fulfill its simplest obligation, which says that the teacher is OBLIGED to let the student go to the toilet at least once, at the request of the latter (well, then at the discretion).

Pilipenko S.A. (Story)

A teacher who has a bunch of complexes, trying from the very first days to show himself as something that he is not, constantly tries to hook, distorting surnames, mocking them, names, appearance. He thinks this can go on forever. Wrong. I advise the "tops" to figure it out somehow, otherwise the boys may not be able to stand it.

Economics (No one knows the teacher, now you will understand)

The teacher on the schedule visited us only 2 times, then she was absent for the whole 1 semester. Her principle is "I'm on your schedule, but you're not on my schedule, so I'm purple." The economy goes like this: 2 weeks of it is gone, then 1-2 times a RANDOM teacher will come, give tasks that, by the way, no one knows how to solve, and again there is no 2 weeks of the economy. The circle is closed. The teacher, who seems to be teaching us now, says that we don’t know anything about her, or not, there will be no concessions (For reference, 2 groups are always combined, out of 60 people, no one knows what is needed do)

Shumskaya N.B. (social science)

"Washed" by news, television and other things by 100%. Not a single couple passed without mentioning "Rotten Ukraine, Shameful America, stupid young generation not interested in politics." Often touches parents, saying that they do not care about raising children. He can flunk a student with whom he is "at odds", but on a retake, listen to absolutely the same thing, and put 4 with the words "I would like 5". Possibly a racist or extremist (gave credit to a student after talking about white supremacy).

Malakhova Yu.A. (English language)

The teacher is always sleepy, dissatisfied with everything. She constantly tells us that there are too many of us, and half of them may not go at all, because she doesn’t care. (As other teachers accept three groups, it’s okay, but she breaks down with 18 people)

Leads as clumsily as possible, not interesting, the delivery is terrible. Even our classmate performed better in a pair, at least they listened to him.

I would like the "tops" to take action on these comments. I don’t want to through familiar people in min.arr. deal with such trifles. Thank you for your attention

P.s. This review was copied and redirected from the section of the 2nd building, to Lomonosov 56, because that section is not visited at all

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