Kazan National Research Technological University. Kazan National Research Technological University

Kazan State Technological University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (KSTU) is one of the largest universities in Russia. Opened in accordance with the decision of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 23, 1930 on the basis of the chemical departments of the Kazan Polytechnic Institute and Kazan University. The chemical departments of the university were the link that firmly connected the institute with the remarkable past and traditions of the Kazan School of Chemistry, and had a huge impact on its further development.

Initially, the university was called "Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (KHTI) named after. A.M. Butlerov”, April 1, 1935 he was named after S.M. Kirov. The modern name - Kazan State Technological University was assigned by order of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 11, 1992. The university is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences (1970), Professor (1973), full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Sergey DIAKONOV. The uniqueness of education at KSTU lies in the fact that on the basis of the university a university complex was created according to the model of a single legal entity. This makes it possible to most effectively train modern personnel, to optimally combine fundamental and applied research, to carry out major scientific and technical developments and provide their personnel support, and to actively participate in solving regional problems.

The university has a number of institutes, faculties and specialties that exist only in a few universities in Russia. For example, the Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology and the Institute of Food Technologies, a number of specialties in the defense profile, food production technology, life safety, rational use of natural resources, etc.
Over the long years of reforming society and the education system in Russia, there has been a radical change in priorities in obtaining higher education. The problem of training engineers capable of solving complex modern problems at a high professional level, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the processes of differentiation and integration of production caused by it, is becoming more and more urgent.
Awareness of this problem requires a well-thought-out policy in accordance with the interests of the employment sector, the participation of the employer in determining the need for a particular specialty, which contributes to the successful employment and entry into the labor activity of every young specialist.

The practice of recent years shows a steady increase in the number of vacancies for specialists of KSTU graduates. Vacancies are mainly provided by enterprises of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. The range of enterprises and organizations is very wide: public and private, research institutes and factories, trading companies, etc. Specialists of the university are in special demand in the field of:
- plastics processing technologies;
- synthetic rubber technologies;
- technologies of varnishes, paints and coatings;
- biotechnology;
- automated information processing and control systems;
- information systems;
- food production equipment;
- design;
- engineering ecology of the defense complex.

In order to promote the employment of university graduates, the KSTU Student Employment Center was created. The main task of the Center is to promote the employment of students and the employment of university graduates. A program to promote employment, vocational guidance, development of vocational education and social adaptation of graduates of the Kazan State Technological University has been developed and is being implemented. As of the beginning of 2005, 27,684 people studied at the university. About 400 graduates annually receive a diploma with honors. Depending on the specialty, the competition for admission to the university reaches 20 people per place. Among the graduates of the university are the outstanding teachings of Peter Kirpichnikov, Fedor Madyakin, Georgy Klimenko, Viktor Kafarov, Gabdulfart Valeev, Alexei Sidorov, Yuri Klyachkin and others.

Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU, formerly KSTU) is one of the oldest universities in the capital of Tatarstan. Its history began with the formation in 1890 of the Kazan United Industrial School. In 1919, this educational institution was transformed into the Kazan Polytechnic Institute, and in 1930, on the basis of the Chemical Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute and the Chemical Faculty of the Kazan State University, the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (KCTI) was established. In 1992, KHTI them. Kirov received a new status - a university and became known as Kazan State Technological University (KSTU).

In 2010, the category of national research university was established for KSTU. Since 2011, the university has been called Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU).

KNITU is 14 educational and research institutes (including the State Institute for the Design of Chemical Industrial Enterprises "", Kazan Research Institute of Special Purpose Rubbers ""), 2 branches - Bugulminsky (Republic of Tatarstan) and Volzhsky (Republic of Mari El), ; about 100 directions and specialties of training, full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education; graduation of bachelors, engineers, masters, training of specialists on a bilingual basis (Russian and Tatar); more than 27 thousand students from Russia and foreign countries, about 900 graduate students and applicants and 100 doctoral students; more than 300 professors and doctors of sciences; budget in the amount of 1.4 billion rubles; faculty of military training; seven higher schools working for different sectors of the economy and regions of the country; authoritative scientific schools of chemists, mechanics, teachers.

KNRTU maintains creative and business contacts with more than 24 universities, research centers and international educational institutions from 13 countries of the world, it has become the third Russian university admitted to the Eurasian Pacific Network of Universities (UNINET).

Scientific activity is represented by recognized scientific schools conducting research in priority areas of science and technology. For the production of pilot batches of products, the development of technologies and the commercialization of developments with the participation of students, graduate students and doctoral students, a research and production park has been created, including business incubators, innovative testing grounds, and a technology transfer center. With the active participation of KSTU, the republic won the federal competition for high-tech technology parks, a high-tech technology park "" in the field of chemistry and petrochemistry was created. The university is in second place in Russia in terms of extrabudgetary funding of scientific developments after Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

KNRTU is the leading university in the petrochemical educational cluster and the educational cluster of light industry in the region, integrating primary, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activities of the Republic of Tatarstan in these areas.

Achievements of KNRTU in recent years have been awarded with the State Prizes of Russia and Tatarstan in the field of science and technology. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, KNRTU ranks 10th among 159 technical universities in the country. In 2010, by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, KNRTU received the status of a national research university and became the only university in the chemical and technological profile in the Association of Leading Russian Universities. On September 20, 2010, the Technological University, one of 14 universities in Russia and the only university in Tatarstan, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Russian Foundation for the Development of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (the Skolkovo Foundation). This opens up new prospects for innovative development not only of KNRTU, but of the entire republic.

At present, the university has everything necessary for the implementation of a full innovation cycle: an integrated system of continuous education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and design activities, a network of own production facilities. KNRTU is an active participant in innovative transformations on the scale of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. The prospects of KNRTU are connected with the training of world-class professionals, increased integration into the international educational space and the commercialization of innovative developments of university scientists.

: 55°47′09.37″ N sh. 49°08′42.38″ E d. /  55.785937° N sh. 49.145107° E d.(G) (O) (I) 55.785937 , 49.145107

Kazan National Research Technological University(tat. Kazan milli tiksherenü technology universities, Qazan ilkülәm tikşerenü texnologiə universitetı) originates from Kazan United Industrial School, opened in 1897 . In 1919, the Kazan Industrial School was transformed into Kazan Polytechnic Institute. May 13, 1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry Kazan Polytechnic Institute and Faculty of Chemistry Kazan State University was created Kazan Chemical Institute, which since June 23, 1930 is called Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute. A. M. Butlerova, and from April 23, 1935 to December 1992 - Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute. S. M. Kirova (KHTI).

More than 27 thousand students study at KNRTU. According to the results of the rating of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2008, the university takes 11th place out of 160 technical and technological universities. More than 1100 teachers, 175 doctors of sciences, professors, 612 candidates of sciences, associate professors work in KNRTU. Rector - Dyakonov German Sergeevich.

University structure

Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology (IHTI) (Department of Engineering, former 1st faculty)

  • Faculty of Energy-Saturated Materials and Products (FEMI)
  • Faculty of Ecological Technological Information Security (FETIB)

Institute of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (IHNM) ( 2nd and 3rd faculties)

  • Faculty of Mechanics (MF)
  • Faculty of Power Engineering and Technological Equipment (FEMTO)

Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology (INHN) ( 4th and 6th faculties)

  • Faculty of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies (FNNT)
  • Faculty of Oil and Petrochemistry (FNNH)
  • Faculty of Chemical Technology (FCT)

Institute of Polymers (IP) (former 5th faculty)

  • Faculty of technology and processing of rubbers and elastomers (FTPKE)
  • Faculty of Technology, Processing and Certification of Plastics and Composites (FTPSK)

Institute of Technology for Light Industry, Fashion and Design (ITLPMD) (former 7th faculty)

  • Faculty of Light Industry and Fashion Technologies (FTLPM)
  • Faculty of Design and Software Engineering (FDPI)

During its existence, the university has graduated more than 74 thousand specialists. Its graduates work in all corners of Russia and abroad. Many of them are senior officials of ministries and departments, higher educational and scientific institutions, hold responsible positions in state and public bodies, are general directors and chief specialists of the largest enterprises in Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The University is rightly proud of its students, among them Academician V. V. Kafarov, Corresponding Members of the USSR Academy of Sciences P. A. Kirpichnikov, S. R. Rafikov, I. V. Torgov, B. M. Mikhailov, Yu. S. Klyachkin , laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR L. M. Beikin, S. G. Bogatyrev, R. S. Gainutdinov, S. N. Kosolapov, V. G. Shatsillo, G. K. Klimenko , A. I. Sidorov, V. A. Shishkin, A. G. Liakumovich, A. D. Nikolaeva, Kh.E. Harlampidi, V.F. Sopin, A.F. Makhotkin and many others. Within the walls of the university, prominent scientists, honored scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, full members and corresponding members of the academies of sciences of Tatarstan and Russia work, which contribute to the growth of the prestige of existing and the emergence of new scientific schools: N. S. Akhmetov, R. A. Nugaev, R. S. Saifullin, F. P. Madyakin, V. P. Barabanov, S. G. Dyakonov, F. A. Garifullin, V. A. Ivanov, V. A. Maksimov, A. A. Kirsanov, A. L. Salagaev.

The university sacredly keeps the memory of its outstanding scientists. A museum of the history of KSTU was opened in the city, memorials were created for academician A.E. Arbuzov, corresponding member of the Artillery Academy of Sciences B.L. Kondratsky, professor G.Kh. Kamay, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR P. A. Kirpichnikov, memorial plaques were installed and monographs were published on the life and work of prominent scientists - teachers of the university.

Public life

SSA KNRTU is a self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of students united on the basis of common interests to achieve common goals, aimed at solving issues of the life of student youth, developing their social activity and supporting social initiatives.



Kazan National Research Technological University traces its history back to 1890 - from the founding of the Kazan Combined Industrial School. Modern KNRTU is one of the largest research and educational centers in Russia. It trains specialists in technical and technological profiles, in the field of IT, economics, management, in a number of humanitarian specialties.

In 1890, the United Industrial School was opened in Kazan. After a century of work, the school was transformed into the Kazan National Research Technological University.

Today KNRTU is a leader in the training of chemical engineers and chemical technology specialists. This is the largest educational center in the Russian Federation, which has 14 educational and research institutes, dozens of scientific centers and laboratories, a research and production park, 3 branches, the Kazan Technological College, as well as a boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry.

In 2014, the university went beyond the borders of the country: a representative office of KNRTU was opened in Vietnam.

Among the partners of KNRTU are the largest regional and federal companies. Among them are such leaders of the Russian economy as Gazprom, Sibur, Aeroflot, Tatneft, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez and many others. The university organizes industrial practice for students, implements joint scientific research. Many graduates subsequently link their careers with these enterprises.

Much attention is paid to the development of cooperation with international organizations. The university is an associate member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, a member of the Eurasian Pacific Network of Universities. Partnerships connect KNRTU with 136 universities, international educational institutions and companies from 37 countries of the world.

University students participate in research work, make their own projects and developments, and connect them with practice. Competitions of scholarships, grants, academic mobility programs are held annually.

Outside of studies, students manifest themselves in sports, volunteering and social activities. Dozens of sports events are held, sports clubs work, the Student Football Team "Technological University" operates, and the team of KNRTU cheerleaders will teach how to properly support the team spirit of athletes.

The Headquarters of student labor groups is working, which takes an active part in the events organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism, the Republican Youth Labor Exchange. During the work of the Headquarters of the enterprise in the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, thousands of students were employed. You can choose any type of activity: these are construction and pedagogical teams, teams of conductors and other areas of activity.

For applicants, KNRTU organizes scientific and scientific-creative competitions, olympiads and conferences. Everyone can express themselves and participate in them.

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