A short story about conscience. Writing an essay on the topic "conscience"

Conscience is the feeling that a person feels when committing an evil deed. We can feel this feeling when we do a bad deed. Conscience not only shames a person for what he has done, it also warns imperfect evil actions. As soon as a person thinks of meanness, he immediately begins to doubt, argue with himself, and in the end, refuses a bad deed.

In order to better understand what conscience is, let's turn to the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The main character, after a duel with Lensky, begins to feel mental anguish. It becomes scary for him to think that he killed his still young, frivolous friend with his own hands. As a result, Eugene Onegin leaves the city, because his conscience haunts him. Later, he mentions this moment in a letter to Tatyana: “Another thing separated us, / Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.”

We also see that conscience could completely prevent the duel between the main character and Lensky. Onegin already felt that he was doing wrong, he heard the voice of conscience. As evidence, we can read the lines of the novel: "... He blamed himself for many things: / Firstly, he was already wrong, / What about timid, tender love / So carelessly the evening joked ...". Nevertheless, Onegin still fired, seeing Lensky's persistence. And further, when he realized that he had hit and killed his former friend, he walked away with a shudder. A heavy stone lay on his soul, his conscience denounced him.

Often, conscience saves people from committing serious crimes, for which they would have to bear the cost of their whole life, if not physical, then definitely spiritual, which sometimes depresses a person much more. A conscientious person is always the right person. By listening to the voice of conscience, we can understand what is good and what is bad. How to do it and how to do it, and how not to do it.

Thus, we can conclude that conscience is a feeling of a person that is able to protect him from many troubles contained in evil deeds. She is like a compass for the captain of a ship, helping a person to go through the ocean of evil deeds and take the right path.

Option 2

Every person is endowed with many senses. We experience fear, happiness, sadness, delight, and countless other emotions. But conscience, perhaps, occupies one of the first places in importance. However, pangs of conscience overtake not every person. Someone cries and repents because of an insignificant trifle, and someone continues to be sure that he is right, even after committing a serious offense. But there are also people of the "golden mean" who repent to the extent that their deed deserves.

This quality is especially important for prisoners. People who have crossed the line of the law are one of the main reasons that our world is imperfect. But if they manage to come to their senses in time and repent of their sin, then they also become one of the main reasons why humanity still exists. People like to hear that criminals are sorry for what they did. I think because the conscience in them is almost always silent. And, of course, there is nothing more pleasant and desirable than to hear the sincere repentance of those few who realized that they had caused irreparable harm to themselves and society, and there is no punishment in the world sufficient to pay for it.

However, shame and remorse are experienced not only by those whose guilt is proven and obvious to everyone. You and I, ordinary people who meet each other on the streets of any city, day after day, are also capable of suffering pangs of conscience. In my opinion, in this situation, the task of a person is much more difficult: you need not only to admit that the accusations against you are just and what you have done needs to be corrected, you need to blame yourself. And to find the determination in oneself to tell someone else about it, admit one's fault and correct the mistake.

Thus, conscience is an unceasing sense of justice in the human soul. For most of us, it is represented by a voice that is somewhere inside and does not get tired of repeating: "admit it, apologize, fix it." Listening to our conscience, recognizing that its instructions are the only possible way to correction, we will follow the right moral path. After all, conscience is the good side of the human soul, a sense of responsibility for one's behavior before the whole world.

Composition on the topic Conscience

What is conscience? Many people ask this question. But the answer to it is simple and should not cause difficulty.

Conscience is a worm that lives somewhere in a person's soul, waiting for awakening. And when he finally wakes up, he won't seem a little to anyone. Because conscience is the quality that "gnaws" a person from the inside, forcing him to listen to it. She wakes up every time we do something bad. You took a pen from a classmate and did not return it after class? And the conscience is right there. Forgot your promise to a friend? Don't worry, your conscience will surely remind you. Did you say something bad and offensive to someone? Your conscience will help you apologize. She has extensive connections, she knows everything. At the same time, she will torment a person until he understands and corrects his mistakes. She can't just say, "Enough." You cannot get rid of conscience if it already lives in your soul. She will provoke insomnia, hunger, but she will still achieve her goal.

So, we can say that conscience is a kind of regulator of human behavior. She does not allow him to commit a bad deed, to offend someone. And if, after all, something bad happens, conscience makes a person regret it and correct the situation at all costs.

However, no matter how hard one tries, not all people have it. Some negotiate with her in advance, suppress her, thrusting her into the darkest and farthest corner of their souls. And it does help. Such people have no conscience. And they continue to do bad deeds, knowing neither repentance nor compassion.

So where does conscience come from? Nobody knows this. Most likely, it appears depending on the upbringing. If parents from childhood explained to a person what is good and bad, then he will have a conscience. If the upbringing of the child was not engaged, he will grow up shameless and selfish.

Conscience can make a person's life impossible. However, it is thanks to her that people still maintain good relations with each other. That is why everyone should have a conscience. Otherwise, what kind of person is this?

Summing up, we can say that conscience is one of the basic terms of morality, which determines what is "bad" and what is "good". It cannot be suppressed, it cannot be removed from the soul. After all, conscience can help a person, it maintains his purity and light in his heart.

Sample 4

In the carousel of events of modern life, there is not always time to think about the correctness of actions; basically, when making decisions, people are guided by their emotions.

Every person throughout life has to face difficulties, overcome obstacles. Methods for solving problems and overcoming obstacles can vary: someone does everything honestly and openly, while someone “goes over their heads”, betrays friends, deceives.

About a person who does not harm anyone with his methods of achieving goals, does not infringe on someone else's dignity, we can say that he lives according to his conscience. The one who lives according to conscience thinks about others, and not just about himself.

Probably, every person who has acted ugly has to feel an unpleasant feeling - conscience. This feeling helps us analyze our actions and choose the path that will be most ethically acceptable, will not harm other people, and conscience also helps us take into account the mistakes we have made.

A conscientious person will never betray his neighbor, even if someday he makes a mistake, stumbles, he will do everything to prevent this from happening again.

However, not everyone loves this feeling, not everyone likes it. Many people systematically oppress it, each time feeling the conscience is weaker and, in the end, cease to feel it. But by acting according to our conscience, we get the approval of others, we make the world a better place. Also, it is better to accept the gratitude of those around you than to feel the pangs of conscience. Sometimes there is an opportunity to help someone, but at the same time, laziness, I don’t really want to spend energy. There is a choice, or rest, your own leisure, or help to strangers, or relatives. And if you choose egoism, you will feel remorse, but if you do this systematically, the feeling will fade, it may completely disappear. It seems that it is not so bad, but living only for yourself, it is impossible to get the approval of others, positive energy. Choosing the path of conscience, helping others, we make the world a little better, people have positive emotions that are transmitted to a person who acts according to conscience.

Living in good conscience does not mean that the interests of other people are in any case put above your own, but at the same time, it means that you need to help others to the best of your ability, be responsive and friendly. You need to notice your wrong, selfish actions and try to make them as small as possible.

Composition on the topic of living according to conscience. What does it mean?

Every person on earth is endowed with a wide range of feelings: happiness, fear, love, despair. But conscience occupies a special and very significant place.

Conscience is a kind of dialogue between a person and himself, which allows him to determine the vector of his actions. Nobody is born conscientious. This quality is laid down in childhood, mainly through the example of parents, and is strengthened throughout life. But not everyone can keep it and increase it. There are many people in the world who care only about their own interests. They completely forget about such feelings as care and respect. To live according to one's conscience means to be able to look around, to share hardships with others, to find an opportunity in time to give a helping hand to someone who needs it.

In the modern world, one can increasingly hear the opinion that it is much easier for people who are selfish and immoral to live: they adapt faster in changing conditions, achieve their goals faster. However, there is always a downside to the coin. For the sake of their success, they are ready to go over their heads, selling and betraying others. It is foolish to blame such people. After all, in fact, this is a simple self-deception. They do not listen to what conscience is trying to convey and, as a result, smooth all the corners and find a compromise with it, referring to circumstances and finding excuses that most often seem ridiculous.

I believe that people should be more strict with themselves and learn to cope with their own fears. And it's not about the fear of heights or insects, but about the cowardice of admitting mistakes. Many believe that to repent of their act is the lot of weak people. But in fact, they simply cannot cross the step of fear, which rises above conscience and regret.

Despite all that has been said, it is important to understand that there are no ideal people in the world, and life can throw up all sorts of trials that you have to overcome by doing different things, including ugly and unseemly things. There is no need to reproach yourself for the misconduct until the end of your days. We must learn to live with this, asking for forgiveness not only from someone, but also from ourselves.

If a person is decent and prone to good, then, having acted badly, he will try to correct the situation by turning it into something good. It is quite easy to avoid such moments. Just don't do to others what you don't want for yourself. Living by such a rule, it becomes much easier and calmer, and this is how harmony with oneself, society and the world around is achieved.

Grade 9 OGE 15.3

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  • Yablonskaya T.N.

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  • What is the power of the spirit? Deep down, everyone knows the answer to this question. This is what makes you fight, step over difficulties, keep your head up and go forward, no matter what happens.

Olya and Lida went to the forest. They were tired and sat down on the grass to rest and dine.
They took bread, butter, eggs out of the bag. When the girls had eaten, a nightingale sang not far from them. Fascinated by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move.
The nightingale stopped singing. Lida collected the rest of her food and bread crumbs and put them in her bag.
Why are you taking this garbage with you? Olya said. - Throw it in the bushes. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see.
- It's a shame ... in front of the nightingale, - Lida answered quietly.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Ashamed in front of the nightingale

The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, nestled against the fence, sat a small disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and mewed plaintively. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen. A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily called out to the boys:
- Shame on you!
- And what - ashamed? We didn't do anything! the boys were surprised.
- That's bad! the woman replied angrily.

V. Oseeva

Who is the owner?


The big black dog's name was Beetle. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up Zhuk on the street. He had a broken leg. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when Zhuk recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his master. But who was the owner of the Beetle, they could not decide, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.
One day they were walking through the woods. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued again.
“My dog,” Kolya said, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up.
- No, mine, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and dragged tasty pieces for her.
Nobody wanted to give in. The boys quarreled.
- My! My! both shouted.
Suddenly, two huge shepherd dogs jumped out from the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya quickly climbed the tree and shouted to his comrade:
- Save yourself!
But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to Zhuk's aid. The forester ran up to the noise and drove away his shepherd dogs.
- Whose dog? he shouted angrily.
- Mine, - said Kolya.
Vanya was silent.

Yura got on the bus and sat down in the child's seat. After Yura, a military man entered. Yura jumped up:
- Sit down please!
- Sit, sit! I'll sit here.
The military man sat behind Yura. An old woman came up the steps.
Yura wanted to offer her a place, but another boy beat him to it.
“It turned out ugly,” Yura thought, and began to look vigilantly at the door.
A girl entered from the front platform. She was clutching a tightly folded flannelette blanket, from which a lace cap protruded.
Yura jumped up:
- Sit down please!
The girl nodded her head, sat up and, opening the blanket, pulled out a large doll.
The passengers laughed, and Yura blushed.
"I thought she was a woman with a child," he muttered.
The military patted him on the shoulder approvingly.
- Nothing, nothing! The girl needs to give up her seat too! Yes, even a girl with a doll!

Tanya is not surprised by anything. She always says: "That's not surprising!" Even if it's surprising. Yesterday, in front of everyone, I jumped over such a puddle ... No one could jump over, but I jumped over! Everyone was surprised, except Tanya:
- Think! So what? That's not surprising!
I tried my best to surprise her. But he couldn't be surprised. No matter how much I tried.
I hit a sparrow from a slingshot.
He learned to walk on his hands, to whistle with one finger in his mouth.
She saw it all. But she wasn't surprised.
I tried my best. Whatever I did! He climbed trees, walked without a hat in winter ...
She wasn't surprised at all.
And one day I just went out into the yard with a book. Sat down on a bench. And began to read.
I didn't even see Tanya. And she says:
- Marvelous! That would not have thought! He reads!

V. Oseeva



Two boys were standing outside under the clock and talking.
- I did not solve the example, because it was with brackets, - Yura justified himself.
- And I because there were very large numbers, - said Oleg.
- We can solve it together, we still have time!
The clock on the street showed half past one.
- We have half an hour, - said Yura. - During this time, the pilot can carry passengers from one city to another.
- And my uncle, the captain, managed to load the entire crew into the boats in twenty minutes during the shipwreck.
- What - for twenty! .. - Yura said matter-of-factly. “Sometimes five or ten minutes mean a lot. You just need to take into account every minute.
- And here's the case! During one match...
The boys remembered many interesting cases.
- And I know ... - Oleg suddenly stopped and looked at his watch. - Exactly two!
Yura gasped.
- Let's run! - said Yura, - We were late for school!
- What about an example? - scared asked Oleg.
Yura just waved his hand as he ran.

V. Oseeva

On the rink


The day was sunny. Ice glittered. There were few people at the rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched in a comical way, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren tied up their skates and looked at Vitya.
Vitya performed various tricks - either he rode on one leg, or he circled like a top.
- Well done! one of the boys called out to him.
Vitya darted around in a circle, famously turned around and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya was scared.
- I accidentally ... - he said, shaking off the snow from her fur coat. - Hurt?
The girl smiled.
- The knee...
There was laughter from behind.
"They're laughing at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.
- Eka unseen - the knee! Here's a crybaby! he shouted as he passed the schoolchildren.
- Come to us! they called.
Vitya approached them. Hand in hand, all three glided merrily across the ice. And the girl was sitting on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Katya went up to her desk and gasped: the drawer had been pulled out, the new paints were scattered, the brushes were dirty, puddles of brown water were spread on the table.
- Alyoshka! Katya screamed. - Alyoshka! .. - and, covering her face with her hands, she began to cry loudly.
Alyosha stuck his round head through the door. His cheeks and nose were stained with paint.
- I didn't do anything to you! he said quickly.
Katya rushed at him with her fists, but the little brother disappeared behind the door and jumped into the garden through the open window.
- I'll take revenge on you! Katya cried with tears.
Alyosha, like a monkey, climbed up a tree and, hanging from the lower branch, showed his sister his nose.
- I cried! .. Because of some colors, I cried!
You will cry for me too! Katya screamed. - How can you cry!
- Am I going to pay? - Alyosha laughed and began to quickly climb up. "Catch me first!"
Suddenly he stumbled and hung, grabbing a thin branch. The branch cracked and snapped. Alyosha fell.
Katya ran into the garden. She immediately forgot her ruined paints and her quarrel with her brother.
- Alyosha! she screamed. - Alyosha!
The little brother sat on the ground and, blocking his head with his hands, looked at her in fright.
- Get up! Get up!
But Alyosha drew his head into his shoulders and closed his eyes.
- Can not? Katya shouted, feeling Alyosha's knees. - Hold on to me. She put her arm around her brother's shoulders and gently set her on her feet. - Does it hurt you?
Alyosha shook his head and suddenly burst into tears.
- What, you can't stand? - asked Katya.
Alyosha began to cry even louder and clung tightly to his sister.
- I will never touch your paints again ... never ... never ... I will not!

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.
- Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.
Lost breakfast...
- Bad, - said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It's still a long way to lunch!
- Where did you lose it? Misha asked.
- I don't know... - Vitya said quietly and turned away.
- You probably carried it in your pocket, but you need to put it in your bag, - said Misha.
But Volodya did not ask anything. He went up to Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his friend:
- Take it, eat it!

Katya had two green pencils. Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:
- Give me a green pencil!
And Katya says:
- I'll ask my mom.
Both girls come to school the next day. Lena asks:
Did your mom let you?
And Katya sighed and said:
- Mom allowed me, but I didn’t ask my brother.
“Well, ask your brother again,” Lena says.
Katya comes the next day.
- Nu that, allowed brother? - asks Lena.
- My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.
- I'm careful, - says Lena.
“Look,” Katya says, “don’t fix it, don’t press hard and don’t take it in your mouth.” Don't draw too much.
- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.
- This is a lot, - says Katya, and she frowns her eyebrows. And she made a disgusted face.
Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her.
- Well, what are you? Take it!
- Don't, - replies Lena.
In class, the teacher asks:
- Why do you, Lenochka, have blue leaves on the trees?
- There is no green pencil.
- Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?
Lena is silent. And Katya blushed and said:
I gave it to her, but she won't take it.
The teacher looked at both:
You have to give so that you can take.

V. Oseeva

What is impossible, what is impossible


Once my mother said to my father:
- Don't raise your voice!
And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.
Since then, Tanya has never raised her voice. Sometimes she wants to scream, to show off, but she restrains herself with all her might. Still would! Well, if this is impossible for dad, then how can Tanya?
No! What is impossible is impossible!

E. Permyak



A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, only let the kites fly. A kite flies high. Pulls the thread tight. Fun bast tail waving.
Borya thought of making his kite. He had paper. And he cut the shingles. There was not enough bast for the tail and threads on which the snakes were allowed to fly.
Syoma had threads. Whole skein. If he could get a piece of paper and a washcloth on his tail, he would also launch his own kite.
Petya had a bast. He's been saving it for a snake for a long time. Only he lacked thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.
Everyone has everything, and everyone lacks something.
The boys sit on a hillock and mourn. Struggling with his sheet of shingles, he pressed it to his chest, Syoma squeezed his threads into a fist, Petya hides his bast in his bosom.
A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The other guys launched kites into the sky. A kite flies high. Pulls the thread tight. Fun bast tail waving.
Borya, Syoma and Petya could also launch such a kite. Even better. Only they haven’t learned something yet, that’s the trouble.

Volodya stood at the window and looked out into the street, where the big dog Polkan was basking in the sun.
A little Pug ran up to Polkan and began to throw himself at him and bark; grabbed his huge paws, his muzzle with his teeth and, it seemed, was very annoying to a large and gloomy dog.
- Wait a minute, she'll ask you! - said Volodya. - She will teach you a lesson.
But Pug did not stop playing, and Polkan looked at him very favorably.
“You see,” Volodya’s father said, “Polkan is kinder than you. When your little brothers and sisters start playing with you, you will certainly end up nailing them. Polkan, on the other hand, knows that it is a shame for the big and strong to offend the small and weak.

Valya was a coward. She was afraid of mice, frogs, bulls, spiders, caterpillars. That's what they called her - "coward".
Once the guys were playing outside, on a big pile of sand. The boys built a fortress, and Valya and her younger brother Andryusha cooked dinner for the dolls. Valya was not accepted to play in the war - after all, she was a coward, and Andryusha was not good for war, because he could only walk on all fours.
Suddenly, shouts were heard from the direction of the collective farm barn:
- The lokhmach has broken the chain! .. He is running towards us! ..
Everyone turned around.
- Lohmach! Lokhmach! .. Beware, guys! ..
The guys rushed in all directions. Valya ran into the garden and slammed the gate behind her.
Only little Andryusha remained on the heap of sand: you can’t go far on all fours. He lay in a sand fortress and roared with fear, and a formidable enemy went on the attack.
Valya squealed, ran out of the gate, grabbed a scoop in one hand, and a doll's frying pan in the other, and, shielding Andryusha with herself, stood at the gates of the fortress.
A huge feisty dog ​​was rushing across the lawn straight at her. Now his grinning, fanged mouth is already very close. Valya threw a frying pan at him, then a scoop and shouted with all her might:
- Go away!
- Phew! Phew, Lohmach! Here! - It was the watchman who ran across the street in front of Lokhmach.
Hearing a familiar voice, Lokhmach stopped and wagged his tail. The watchman took him by the collar and led him away. The street became quiet. The guys slowly crawled out of their shelters: one descended from the fence, the other crawled out of the ditch ... Everyone approached the sand fortress. Andryusha was sitting and already smiling, wiping his eyes with dirty little fists.
But Valya was crying bitterly.
- What are you? the guys asked. - Lokhmach bit you?
- No, - she answered, - he did not bite ... I was just very scared ...

O. Butsen

Mom's helpers


Olya and Lida were walking in the yard. Olya saw how Petya helps his mother to hang up the linen, and says to her friend:
- And I helped my mother today.
"So do I," Linda replied. - And what did you do?
- She cleaned the table, washed all the dishes, wiped the plates, spoons, forks and put them in the cupboard.
- I cleaned my shoes.
- Mothers? - Olya asked.
- No, theirs.
- Is this helping mom? Olya laughed. - You cleaned them yourself!
- So what? But mom will have less work today, - said Lida.

O. Butsen

Who to be friends with


Nyura moved to a new apartment in another district of the city. It was a pity for her to part with the old school, especially with her friend Valya. Nyura didn't know anyone at the new school. Therefore, in the lessons she did not address anyone and no one addressed her. Nyura kept looking at the teacher, at the schoolchildren, at the class.
Once, at a big break, a classmate Galya came up to her and asked:
Are you friends with anyone yet?
"No," Nora replies.
- And I'm not friends with anyone, - Galya sighed. - Bad girls in our class: Lenka - asked, Vera - cunning, Nadia - a liar, and Irka - a bully.
Galya went through almost all the girls - they all turned out to be bad. She didn't say anything about herself.
“I just don’t know who you can make friends with us?!
- Don't worry, - answered Nyura. - With whom I will make friends, I don't know yet. But I know who I should not be friends with.

R. Fraerman

girl with stone


The school where Anya Mamedova studied stood on the very edge of the city, located at the foot of high mountains.
Anya Mamedova was small, very small even for her eight years old - a Kazakh girl, with black eyes, black pigtails, in which the red ribbon seemed especially bright.
It was difficult for Anya to study, more difficult than for other children, since she did not speak Russian well.
But she wanted to speak Russian well and study better than others, so no one came to the lessons before her.
As soon as the clock hanging on the wall in the teachers' room struck eight, a sonorous voice was heard on the threshold of the school:
- Hello, Marya Ivanovna! Here I come!
So Anna told the teacher.
And whatever the weather outside: whether it was raining, which often descended into the valley from the mountains along a rocky road, whether loose snow fell knee-deep for a short time, whether it was so hot that even birds opened their beaks, the girl’s voice always rang doorstep of the school at one time:
- Hello, Marya Ivanovna! Here I am, Anya Mamedova.

R. Fraerman

girl with stone


But one morning in the valley along the same road along which the rains came from the mountains, a huge cloud descended on the city, all in black tatters, terrible curls, and a hurricane came flying. As if on chains, the air creaked and swayed over the street. At first, the birds were frightened and flew into the nests. Then the dogs huddled under the houses. Young trees bent to the ground, and green, still fragrant leaves fell from them.
The wind was so fierce.
Marya Ivanovna hurried to lock all the doors in the school and close the windows with hooks.
She looked anxiously at her favorite tree growing near the porch. It was a mountain oak, already old, with large leaves sitting firmly on their long cuttings. He alone did not bend under the storm. But even he rang all over and dropped branches to the ground, and the noise of his foliage penetrated even through the walls into the school, where now, except for the teacher, there was no one.
Marya Ivanovna did not expect pupils that day. The street was deserted. Only some daring boy tried to run over it. But the wind knocked him off his feet and carried away his hat, no one knows where.
Suddenly Marya Ivanovna heard a voice under the window. She hurried out onto the porch.
The wind immediately grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her violently against the wall. But when she turned around, she saw a little girl at the porch. She was holding a huge stone in her hands.
- Here I come! - said the girl.
It was Anya Mamedova.
Her face was pale, the wind tore her black pigtails with bright ribbons, but the small figure stood straight and hardly swayed under the storm.
- Why did you bring this heavy stone? Drop it quickly! the teacher shouted.
I took it on purpose so that the wind wouldn't blow me away. I was afraid to be late for school, but the wind did not let me, and I carried this stone for a long time. And so I came - Anya Mamedova. Give me your hand, - said the girl, straining with all her might so as not to let go of her burden.
Then the teacher, struggling with the wind, ran up to Anya Mamedova and hugged her tightly.
And so, embracing, the two of them entered the school, and the stone was carefully placed on the porch.
The hurricane was still noisy.
But the oak, by which they passed, shielded them from the wind, swinging its mighty branches wide over them. He also liked this girl, who brought with her a heavy stone so that she could stand firmly under the storm without bending.
He himself was like that.

We went to look after the calves. And Nina Petrovna, the calf-keeper, told us:
- Don't scare them, please. Do not be angry, do not offend!
We are speaking:
- What are you, Nina Petrovna, do we offend!
“And this,” he says, “can be done by accident. You yourself will not notice how offended ... Here, - he says, - there is an evil, cheerful cow. Or one that is afraid of everything. Or very nervous, restless. Have you noticed?
- Noticed.
- The shepherd takes offense at such cows. But there is no need to be offended, these cows are unfortunate.
- Even the most vigorous - unfortunate?
- Even the most vigorous.
- So she butts!
- And why? If they had raised her tenderly, affectionately, she would have grown up affectionately ... It would never have occurred to her to butt heads!

My dad is a geologist. He is looking for oil in the desert. One day a letter from the expedition came from him. Dad wrote that there are a lot of turtles in the place where he now works, and he caught one for me, a small one.


Even if I didn't like her! I told everyone in the yard what kind of turtle my dad caught and how he feeds her cucumber and bread. I named her Chapa.

In every letter, dad now wrote specifically for me about the turtle:


Yes! I also need to think about a corner for Chapa. We have sand in the yard, but what about the box? ..

Mom said:

I can give you a shoebox.

No, it will be cramped in the box.

I went out into the yard and met Anyuta. And she figured out where to get the box: near the stall where they sell oranges.

We chose a box with a sticker - a stork with an orange in its beak. They put a box in my room, under the window. Mom allowed me to take a plastic bowl, we buried it in the sand along the very edge, poured water, and it turned out like a lake.

While waiting for Chapa, I placed a plastic crocodile, a hare and a fire engine in a box.

Papa wrote:

I would rather, rather see Chapa, see how she takes bread with her beak!


I thought, you're really sad. If, for example, they put me in a box, even in the most spacious one, I would still be so sad! The main thing is that I would know that all the guys in the yard are running around, and I am in the box. No, of course, I will let her out, let her crawl around the apartment. But all the same, for her, our whole apartment will be like a big box. She's used to the desert.

One day my mother said:

Guess what's going to be good tomorrow?

The turtle is coming! I guessed.

You are still shameless, Andryushka! Dad! Dad is coming tomorrow.

Well, yes, dad, - I agreed, - and he will bring a turtle.

In the morning my mother said:

Cottage cheese and milk on the table. Eat, and I'll bake pies.

And she began to bake pies with cabbage.

Finally, the long-awaited call came. Dad's call! Mom and I raced to open the door. Dad was so tanned - just black, only his teeth sparkled. He hugged my mother, then picked me up in his arms and threw me up.

Wow, how you've grown!

Dad, open your suitcase! I demanded. - She will suffocate!

Who? Dad asked.

Like who? Turtle!

Papa said shyly:

Forgive me. I let her go.


You see, - said dad, - just before leaving, I took it out of the box - let it, I think, touch its native land for the last time. He put her on the sand, and how she will let go! Runs from me, only holes in the sand from her feet remain. I could, of course, catch up with her ... But I regretted it. I thought: Andrey will understand me. Don't get angry.

And I didn't get angry. On the contrary, he rejoiced. I would have done exactly the same in my father's place!

S. Baruzdin

Rejected bear


A new film was being shot at the studio. There should have been a scene like this in the movie. A bear climbs into the hut where a man tired from the road sleeps. The man wakes up in a fright. Even more frightened when he sees a man, a bear. He runs out the window. That's all. A trifling scene, for two minutes.

The studio workers needed a bear. In order not to look for a long time, we decided to take a bear from the circus. There was just a program in the city in which a bear trainer performed.

The next morning, the trainer brought the largest bear to the studio.

Don't be afraid of him, - said the trainer. - My Toptygin is completely manual.

In confirmation of his words, the bear good-naturedly licked everyone's hands, willingly ate the cake offered to him, and, having found a bicycle in one of the halls of the studio, deftly rode it.

Indeed, an artist! - the director was delighted. - That's exactly what we need. We'll even film it without a rehearsal!

A part of the hut was built in the studio pavilion - with a window and a door and a bench against the wall. The bear was supposed to enter the door, jump out the window.

The day of filming arrived. Prepared devices. The artist lay down on a bench, pretended to be asleep. The director gave the command. Turned on a bright light. The trainer let the bear in through the open door of the hut. And then the unexpected happened.
Once in a bright light, the bear stood up on its hind legs and began to dance. Then he somersaulted over his head several times and, satisfied, sat down in the middle of the hut.

No! No! Set aside! This will not work! the director shouted. - Why is he dancing and somersaulting? It's a wild bear!

The embarrassed trainer guiltily led the bear behind the scenery. Everyone started over. Team again. Again the artist stretched out on the bench. The bright lights were turned on again.

Mishka, leaning sideways through the half-open door of the hut, saw the bright rays of searchlights, immediately raised his hind legs and walked "on his hands."

Stop! Set aside! - shouted the annoyed director. - Is it really impossible to explain to him somehow that all this is not necessary?

But it was difficult for the bear to explain.

So the whole day passed. And the next one. And one more. And anyway, as soon as the next shooting began and the bear fell under the spotlight, he began to diligently perform the familiar circus numbers.

Finally, the director broke down.

Your bear is not suitable for us, he told the trainer. - You see, he is an artist, and we need a simple, uneducated bear ...

And so the trainer had to take away his “rejected” Toptygin.

But the bear himself, apparently, was very pleased that he had carried out his program so well. Leaving the studio, he politely bowed to everyone: they say, be healthy, friends, until the next performance!

The essay contains references to V. Droganov's story.

Option 1

Conscience is a kind of controller that makes sure that there are as few bad deeds in our life as possible. Conscience haunts if you lied, lost heart, offended someone. It is especially tormenting if it is already impossible to fix what has been done.

Thus, the narrator in the text of V. Droganov did not allow Kolka to take the book, thereby destroying the hope of a classmate that this book could be a birthday present for him.

Conscience revived this incident in the memory of the narrator when it became known about the death of Kolka, and the remorse of this feeling did not let him go for many years.

For some reason, conscience makes itself felt when it is no longer possible to ask for forgiveness. After the death of my grandfather, I remembered many episodes when I was rude and inattentive to him. I remember them with pain, and my conscience haunts me.

Therefore, I share the warning “never regret what you can give”, because in part we are talking here not only about the book that was not given to Kolka, but also about warmth and generosity. The pangs of conscience are very painful.

Option 2

We often hear the expression "to live with a clear conscience." What does it mean? Conscience is like a notebook for recording all your actions, in which the worst, most unpleasant of them show through most clearly and most clearly. To live with a clear conscience means to live without regrets, without an acute desire to correct something from your past.

The conscience of the narrator in the work of V. Droganov is unclean, and he cannot forgive himself for the insult that he inflicted on his innocent classmate Kolka. Why did he put him in his place so abruptly and not allow him to take the book? Why was the reason for hostility towards a classmate only his appearance and his mother standing up for him? The undeservedly offended Kolka, persecuted by the whole class, died in the war, and there is no way to ask for his forgiveness.

Recently, a stranger called out to me on the street. Turns out I dropped my wallet. A man could easily keep it to himself, but did not do this: his conscience did not allow him.

I believe that it is necessary and important for everyone to live according to their conscience, because no one wants to experience its torment.

Option 3

The feeling that does not allow a person to calmly observe evil and injustice, and also does not allow him to forgive his own unworthy behavior is called conscience. It allows you to maintain human qualities in any situation, but if someone goes against her, then his conscience then torments him for a long time. material from the site

It is about her that V. Droganov’s text is about: for decades the narrator cannot forgive himself for the humiliation to which he subjected his classmate, cannot live in peace, remembering how he rudely cut him off, how greedy and did not find the generosity in himself to correct the situation.

Once I played a cruel joke on my classmate: I threw his briefcase out of the window into the snow. The briefcase opened in the snow, and all its contents were soaked through. A classmate got a lot from his parents. When I found out about this, I felt very ashamed. I realized how stupid and cruel my offense was, and I apologized to my classmate. Despite the fact that he forgave me, I still feel pricks of conscience.

Indeed, you should always remember that life is short and you need to live it with dignity, in conscience, so that you don’t feel pain and ashamed of your misdeeds.

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We offer an essay on the topic "Conscience". This question implies serious reflection, which should be based on literary sources.

Where to begin

People always think about what conscience is. The essay-reasoning should include those works of Russian literature, the authors of which paid special attention to this issue. This topic can be offered at the Russian language exam. As arguments, an essay on the topic “Conscience” involves the use of quotes from books.

Composition variant

What is honor and conscience? I want to dedicate this essay to this issue, because I think it is especially relevant today. Not all modern teenagers understand what this concept implies. Conscience, in my opinion, is a quality that involves understanding those actions that are committed by a person. Everyone has this quality, but not everyone realizes its importance. Some people's conscience prevents them from sleeping peacefully at night. After they commit bad deeds, they become uncomfortable, they cannot relax, they try to correct the current situation.

Often it is conscience that makes a teenager change his own behavior, does not even allow him to think about bad intentions. Conscience is a bright and pure feeling, located in the very depths of our soul. It would seem that if everyone has such a feeling, why then are people capable of doing bad deeds? Perhaps they simply do not try to listen to their conscience?

A person cannot voluntarily get rid of conscience, therefore, he is not able to exist without conscience. This is morality, justice, kindness, decency, the ability to listen to oneself, to choose the right path in one's life.

It is important to listen to your inner self in order to live in harmony with your soul. Conscience and honor have recently become empty words. In the modern world, many people do not even think about how their actions will affect other people. These words are heard only in pathos speeches during election campaigns and are forgotten when it comes to the fate of ordinary people.

In his works, Alexander Pushkin talked about conscience, honor, decency. He associated these terms with morality, human dignity. The amazing mental anguish of the protagonist of F. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" is a clear example of how conscience can change a person for the better. I would like to complete my essay on the topic “Conscience” with the example of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Having killed the nasty, malicious old woman, the young man felt terrible pangs of conscience. They testify that Rodion has a pure and bright soul. If it were not for the difficult life circumstances in which he found himself at the time of the commission of this grave crime, Rodion would never have committed such a crime.

Philosophical meaning

The given essay on the topic “Conscience” is based on the novel by F. Dostoevsky, but in Russian literature there are many other works in which one can find discussions about conscience, duty, honesty, decency. For example, when writing graduation essays, high school students often choose Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" as weighty arguments to substantiate their position.


Conscience is an internal assessment, consciousness of the morality of the actions performed, responsibility for one's actions. The beauty of a person is not only in his appearance, but also in the inner harmony of feelings and thoughts. Honor means respect for oneself, one's family and friends. If a person does not notice people around him, tries to satisfy only his own needs, it is difficult to call him an honest, decent, conscientious person.

About conscience

Conscience is a property of a person's personality. Conscience is a sense of truth, an inner voice that is present in every person and is a guide for him.

The problem of the text can be indicated as follows. Conscience dictates to each of us those actions, those norms of behavior that allow us all to get along side by side, without infringing on the living space of another, whether it be a classmate, a classmate at a university, a colleague in a work collective. And throughout our lives we measure our actions, good and bad, with our conscience.

Commenting on this problem, we say the following. We all treat ourselves very well and believe that we deserve the respect of others, that we rightfully deserve it. But at the same time, we are characterized by such traits as selfishness, envy, selfishness. Sometimes we meet the failures of other people with a secret sense of joy. Then our conscience, that is, the feeling of truth, is silent in us. In this case, we are close to an act of dishonor, which can have the most destructive consequences. But everyone should have the courage to say to himself: “Yes, I did not act according to my conscience, and I should be ashamed. What happened cannot be returned, but I will try to correct my mistake, to atone for my guilt before the person whose trust I did not justify.

The position of the author is expressed as follows. People have different destinies, everyone is looking for a place under the sun, and this is natural. But there is a certain line that cannot be crossed in any case, without dropping oneself, without tarnishing one's conscience. This is the line that separates honor from dishonor, the desire to fulfill a given promise from false assurances, diligence and purposefulness from “fluttering” from place to place in search of easy bread. And at the heart of everything good that is in a person lies his conscience, that is, the ability to critically, impartially evaluate himself, his positions and decide what he needs in this life. Success and career (often at any cost) or the opportunity to be called a man of honor and, by and large, sleep peacefully because of his unperturbed conscience.

I agree with the position of the author and confirm its correctness with the first argument. If we turn to the history of our country, we will see that its transformation from an agrarian country with conservative forms of life into a major industrial power became possible thanks to the selfless work of our compatriots who built industrial facilities, explored space, raised virgin lands. These people were guided by conscience and a sense of duty, which was embodied in the words: “If not me, then who?”

The second example, confirming the correctness of the author's position, is given from L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, at the time of searching for success in life, voluntarily goes to war, leaving his pregnant wife in a helpless state under the care of his father, a man with a difficult character. The death of Princess Liza is a consequence of tragic circumstances, including the selfish behavior of her husband. During the funeral of his wife, Prince Andrei understands the depth of his guilt, and this feeling will haunt him for the rest of his life.

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