German Democratic Republic (GDR). German Democratic Republic In what year was the formation of the GDR

The former Nazi Germany was divided into several. Austria left the empire. Alsace and Lorraine returned to French rule. Czechoslovakia got back the Sudetenland. Statehood was restored in Luxembourg.

Part of the territory of Poland, annexed by the Germans in 1939, returned to its composition. The eastern part of Prussia was divided between the USSR and Poland.

The rest of Germany was divided by the Allies into four zones of occupation, which were controlled by Soviet, British, American and military authorities. The countries that took part in the occupation of German lands agreed to pursue a coordinated policy, the main principles of which were the denazification and demilitarization of the former German Empire.

Education Germany

A few years later, in 1949, on the territory of the American, British and French zones of occupation, the FRG was proclaimed - the Federal Republic of Germany, which became Bonn. Western politicians thus planned to create in this part of Germany a state built on a capitalist model, which could become a springboard for a possible war with the communist regime.

The Americans did a lot for the new bourgeois German state. Thanks to this support, Germany quickly began to turn into an economically developed power. In the 1950s, there was even talk of the "German economic miracle."

The country needed cheap labor, the main source of which was Türkiye.

How did the German Democratic Republic come about?

The response to the creation of the FRG was the proclamation of the constitution of another German republic - the GDR. This happened in October 1949, five months after the formation of the Federal Republic of Germany. In this way, the Soviet state decided to resist the aggressive intentions of the former allies and create a kind of stronghold of socialism in Western Europe.

The constitution of the German Democratic Republic proclaimed democratic freedoms to its citizens. This document also consolidated the leading role of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. For a long time, the Soviet Union provided political and economic assistance to the government of the GDR.

However, in terms of industrial growth rates, the GDR, which embarked on the socialist path of development, lagged significantly behind its western neighbor. But this did not prevent East Germany from becoming a developed industrial country, where agriculture also developed intensively. After a series of turbulent democratic transformations in the GDR, the unity of the German nation was restored; on October 3, 1990, the FRG and the GDR became a single state.

In 1949, four years after the end of the Second World War, two German states were formed: in the east the German Democratic Republic, GDR, and the FRG, the Federal Republic of Germany in the west. Although each had its own government, they were not completely independent. In the GDR, policy was dictated by the Soviet Union, while the FRG was influenced by Great Britain, France, and the United States.

In March 1952, the USSR proposed to the United States, Great Britain and France to peacefully resolve the German issue: the GDR and the FRG should again be united into one independent state and made politically neutral. But the members of the Western Union were against such a plan. They wanted the FRG to belong to the West. They believed that a neutral Germany would fall under the influence of the Soviet Union. The then liberal-conservative government was also strongly in favor of an alliance with the West.

After 1952, the differences between the two Germanys intensified. In 1956, countries acquired their own armies. The GDR became a member of the Warsaw Union, and the FRG joined NATO.

While economic problems in the GDR grew like a snowball, business in the FRG developed and prospered. The standard of living in the two countries differed strikingly. This was the first reason why thousands of East Germans fled to West Germany. In the end, the GDR closed its borders and introduced armed control over them. In 1961, the last stone was laid on the wall that divided the two Germanys.

During the Cold War years, from 1952 to 1969, the two German states were in contact only through trade. In June 1953, East Berlin and other cities in East Germany rioted against the communist dictatorship and economy, but Soviet tanks calmed the popular unrest. In Germany, the majority of citizens were satisfied with the government's policy. However, here too, in the 1960s, a wave of protests and student demonstrations against capitalism and too close ties with the United States swept through.

The first political negotiations between the two countries began in 1969. This was the so-called "Ostpolitik" of the then Chancellor Willy Brandt and his government of Social Democrats and Liberals. In 1972, the GDR and the FRG signed an agreement on the foundations of relations. The agreement improved political and economic contacts between the two countries. More and more West Germans were able to visit their relatives in the GDR, but few East Germans were allowed to travel west.

In the autumn of 1989, Hungary opened its Austrian borders, thus giving the citizens of the GDR the opportunity to flee to western Germany. Many have left their country this way. Others fled to the German embassy in Warsaw and Prague and remained there until they received permission to enter the Western Republic.

Soon mass demonstrations broke out in Leipzig, Dresden and other eastern cities. At first, it was only about free travel to the countries of the West and especially West Germany, free elections and a free economy. But soon calls for the unification of the two Germanys sounded louder and louder. Opposition factions sprang up, and a few weeks later the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) resigned.

The process of unification of Germany, which lasts in 1989-90 in the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, is called by the Germans die Wende (Wende). It includes four main periods:

  1. Peaceful Revolution, a time of mass protests and demonstrations (on Mondays) against the political system of the GDR and for human rights. This period lasted throughout the fall of 1989.
  2. The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 and the press conference of the Politburo, where Günter Schabowski announced the opening of checkpoints (border crossings)
  3. The transition of the GDR to democracy, which in March 1990 led to the first and only democratic elections to the People's Chamber.
  4. The process of German reunification with the signing of the Unification Treaty in August 1990, the Treaty of the Final Settlement with regard to Germany in September and finally the annexation of five German states to the FRG.

The German Democratic Republic, or GDR for short, is a country located in the Center of Europe and marked on maps for exactly 41 years. This is the westernmost country of the socialist camp that existed at that time, formed in 1949 and became part of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990.

German Democratic Republic

In the north, the border of the GDR ran along the Baltic Sea, on land it bordered on the FRG, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Its area was 108 thousand square kilometers. The population was 17 million people. The capital of the country was East Berlin. The entire territory of the GDR was divided into 15 districts. In the center of the country was the territory of West Berlin.

Location of the GDR

On a small territory of the GDR there was a sea, mountains and plains. The north was washed by the Baltic Sea, which forms several bays and shallow lagoons. They are connected to the sea by straits. She owned the islands, the largest of them - Rügen, Usedom and Pel. There are many rivers in the country. The largest are the Oder, Elbe, their tributaries Havel, Spree, Saale, as well as the Main - a tributary of the Rhine. Of the many lakes, the largest are Müritz, Schweriner See, Plauer See.

In the south, the country was framed by low mountains, significantly cut by rivers: from the west, the Harz, from the south-west, the Thuringian Forest, from the south, the Ore Mountains with the highest peak Fichtelberg (1212 meters). The north of the territory of the GDR was located on the Central European Plain, to the south lay the plain of the Macklenburg Lake District. South of Berlin stretches a strip of sandy plains.

East Berlin

It has been restored almost completely. The city was divided into occupation zones. After the creation of the FRG, its eastern part became part of the GDR, and the western part was an enclave surrounded on all sides by the territory of East Germany. According to the constitution of Berlin (Western), the land on which it was located belonged to the Federal Republic of Germany. The capital of the GDR was a major center of science and culture of the country.

The Academies of Sciences and Arts, many higher educational institutions were located here. Concert halls and theaters hosted outstanding musicians and artists from all over the world. Many parks and alleys served as decoration for the capital of the GDR. Sports facilities were erected in the city: stadiums, swimming pools, courts, competition grounds. The most famous park for the inhabitants of the USSR was Treptow Park, in which a monument to the liberator soldier was erected.

Big cities

The majority of the country's population was urban dwellers. In a small country, there were several cities with a population of more than half a million people. The large cities of the former German Democratic Republic, as a rule, had a rather ancient history. These are the cultural and economic centers of the country. The largest cities include Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig. The cities of East Germany were badly destroyed. But Berlin suffered the most, where the fighting went literally for every house.

The largest cities were located in the south of the country: Karl-Marx-Stadt (Meissen), Dresden and Leipzig. Every city in the GDR was famous for something. Rostock, located in northern Germany, is a modern port city. The world-famous porcelain was produced in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Meissen). In Jena, there was the famous Carl Zeiss factory, which produced lenses, including for telescopes, famous binoculars and microscopes were produced here. This city was also famous for its universities and scientific institutions. This is a city of students. Schiller and Goethe once lived in Weimar.

Karl-Marx-Stadt (1953-1990)

This city, founded in the 12th century in the land of Saxony, now bears its original name - Chemnitz. It is the center of textile engineering and textile industry, machine tool building and mechanical engineering. The city was completely destroyed by British and American bombers and rebuilt after the war. There are small islands of old buildings left.


The city of Leipzig, located in Saxony, before the unification of the GDR and the FRG was one of the largest cities in the German Democratic Republic. 32 kilometers away is another major German city - Halle, which is located in Saxony-Anhalt. Together, the two cities form an urban agglomeration with a population of 1,100,000 people.

The city has long been the cultural and scientific center of Central Germany. It is known for its universities as well as fairs. Leipzig is one of the most developed industrial regions in East Germany. Since the late Middle Ages, Leipzig has been a recognized center of printing and bookselling in Germany.

The greatest composer Johann Sebastian Bach lived and worked in this city, as well as the famous Felix Mendelssohn. The city is still famous for its musical traditions. Since ancient times, Leipzig has been a major trading center; until the last war, the famous fur trades were held here.


The pearl among German cities is Dresden. The Germans themselves call it Florence on the Elbe, as there are many baroque architectural monuments here. The first mention of it was recorded in 1206. Dresden has always been the capital: since 1485 - the Margraviate of Meissen, since 1547 - the Electorate of Saxony.

It is located on the Elbe River. The border with the Czech Republic passes 40 kilometers from it. It is the administrative center of Saxony. Its population is about 600,000 inhabitants.

The city suffered greatly from the bombing of US and British aircraft. Up to 30,000 residents and refugees perished, most of them elderly, women and children. During the bombardment, the castle-residence, the Zwinger complex, and the Semperoper were badly destroyed. Almost the entire historical center lay in ruins.

In order to restore architectural monuments, after the war, all the surviving parts of the buildings were dismantled, rewritten, numbered and taken out of the city. Everything that could not be restored was cleared away.

The old city was a flat area on which most of the monuments were gradually restored. The government of the GDR came up with a proposal to revive the old city, which lasted almost forty years. For residents, new quarters and avenues were built around the old city.

Coat of arms of the GDR

Like any country, the GDR had its own coat of arms, described in Chapter 1 of the constitution. The coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic consisted of a golden hammer superimposed on each other, embodying the working class, and a compass, personifying the intelligentsia. They were surrounded by a golden wreath of wheat, representing the peasantry, intertwined with ribbons of the national flag.

Flag of the GDR

The flag of the German Democratic Republic was an elongated panel consisting of four equal width stripes painted in the national colors of Germany: black, red and gold. In the middle of the flag was the coat of arms of the GDR, which distinguished it from the flag of the FRG.

Prerequisites for the formation of the GDR

The history of the GDR covers a very short period of time, but it is still being studied with great attention by German scientists. The country was in strict isolation from the FRG and the entire Western world. After the surrender of Germany in May 1945, there were occupation zones, there were four of them, since the former state ceased to exist. All power in the country, with all management functions, formally passed to the military administrations.

The transitional period was complicated by the fact that Germany, especially its eastern part, where the German resistance was desperate, lay in ruins. The barbaric bombardments of the British and American aircraft aimed to intimidate the civilian population of the cities that were liberated by the Soviet army, to turn them into a heap of ruins.

In addition, there was no agreement between the former allies regarding the vision of the future of the country, which subsequently led to the creation of two countries - the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

Basic Principles for the Reconstruction of Germany

Even at the Yalta Conference, the main principles for the restoration of Germany were considered, which were later fully agreed upon and approved at the conference in Potsdam by the victorious countries: the USSR, Great Britain and the USA. They were also approved by the countries that participated in the war against Germany, in particular France, and contained the following provisions:

  • Complete destruction of the totalitarian state.
  • Complete ban on the NSDAP and all organizations associated with it.
  • The complete liquidation of the punitive organizations of the Reich, such as the SA, SS, SD services, as they were recognized as criminal.
  • The army was completely liquidated.
  • Racial and political laws were abolished.
  • Gradual and consistent implementation of denazification, demilitarization and democratization.

The decision of the German question, which included a peace treaty, was entrusted to the Council of Ministers of the victorious countries. On June 5, 1945, the victorious states promulgated the Declaration of the Defeat of Germany, according to which the country was divided into four occupation zones controlled by the administrations of Great Britain (the largest zone), the USSR, the USA and France. The capital of Germany, Berlin, was also divided into zones. The decision of all issues was entrusted to the Control Council, it included representatives of the victorious countries.

Party of Germany

In Germany, in order to restore statehood, the formation of new political parties that would be democratic in nature was allowed. In the eastern sector, emphasis was placed on the revival of the Communist and Social Democratic Party of Germany, which soon merged into the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (1946). Its goal was to build a socialist state. It was the ruling party in the German Democratic Republic.

In the western sectors, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) party formed in June 1945 became the main political force. In 1946, the CSU (Christian-Social Union) was formed in Bavaria according to this principle. Their basic principle is a democratic republic based on market economy based on the rights of private property.

Political confrontations on the issue of the post-war structure of Germany between the USSR and the rest of the coalition countries were so serious that their further aggravation would lead either to a split of the state or to a new war.

Formation of the German Democratic Republic

In December 1946, Great Britain and the United States, ignoring numerous proposals from the USSR, announced the merger of their two zones. She was abbreviated as "Bizonia". This was preceded by the refusal of the Soviet administration to supply agricultural products to the western zones. In response to this, transit shipments of equipment exported from factories and plants in East Germany and located in the Ruhr region to the USSR zone were stopped.

At the beginning of April 1949, France also joined the Bizonia, as a result of which Trizonia was formed, from which the Federal Republic of Germany was subsequently formed. Thus, the Western powers, having entered into an agreement with the big German bourgeoisie, created a new state. In response to this, at the end of 1949, the German Democratic Republic was created. Berlin, or rather its Soviet zone, became its center and capital.

The People's Council was temporarily reorganized into the People's Chamber, which adopted the Constitution of the GDR, which passed a nationwide discussion. 09/11/1949 the first president of the GDR was elected. It was the legendary Wilhelm Pick. At the same time, the government of the GDR was temporarily created, headed by O. Grotewohl. The military administration of the USSR transferred all functions of governing the country to the government of the GDR.

The Soviet Union did not want the division of Germany. They were repeatedly made proposals for the unification and development of the country in accordance with the Potsdam decisions, but they were regularly rejected by Great Britain and the United States. Even after the division of Germany into two countries, Stalin made proposals for the unification of the GDR and the FRG, provided that the decisions of the Potsdam Conference were observed and that Germany was not drawn into any political and military blocs. But the Western states refused to do so, ignoring Potsdam's decisions.

The political system of the GDR

The form of government of the country was based on the principle of people's democracy, in which a bicameral parliament operated. The state system of the country was considered to be bourgeois-democratic, in which socialist transformations took place. The German Democratic Republic included the lands of the former Germany of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The lower (people's) chamber was elected by universal secret ballot. The upper chamber was called the Land Chamber, the executive body was the government, which consisted of the prime minister and ministers. It was formed by appointment, which was carried out by the largest faction of the People's Chamber.

The administrative-territorial division consisted of lands, consisting of districts, divided into communities. The functions of the legislature were carried out by the Landtags, the executive bodies were the governments of the lands.

The People's Chamber - the highest body of the state - consisted of 500 deputies, who were elected by the people by secret ballot for a term of 4 years. It was represented by all parties and public organizations. The People's Chamber, acting on the basis of laws, made the most important decisions on the development of the country, dealt with relations between organizations, observing the rules for cooperation between citizens, state organizations and associations; adopted the main law - the Constitution and other laws of the country.

Economy of the GDR

After the partition of Germany, the economic situation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) was very difficult. This part of Germany was very badly destroyed. The equipment of plants and factories was taken to the western sectors of Germany. The GDR was simply cut off from the historical raw material bases, most of which were in the FRG. There was a lack of such natural resources as ore and coal. There were few specialists: engineers, executives who left for the FRG, frightened by the propaganda about the cruel reprisal of Russians.

With the help of the Union and other countries of the commonwealth, the economy of the GDR gradually began to gain momentum. Businesses were restored. It was believed that centralized leadership and a planned economy served as a deterrent to the development of the economy. It should be taken into account that the restoration of the country took place in isolation from the western part of Germany, in an atmosphere of tough confrontation between the two countries, open provocations.

Historically, the eastern regions of Germany were mostly agricultural, and in its western part, rich in coal and deposits of metal ores, heavy industry, metallurgy and engineering were concentrated.

Without the financial and material assistance of the Soviet Union, it would have been impossible to achieve an early restoration of industry. For the losses suffered by the USSR during the war years, the GDR paid him reparation payments. Since 1950, their volume has been halved, and in 1954 the USSR refused to receive them.

Foreign policy situation

The construction of the Berlin Wall by the German Democratic Republic became a symbol of the intransigence of the two blocs. The eastern and western blocs of Germany were building up their military forces, provocations from the western bloc became more frequent. It came to open sabotage and arson. The propaganda machine worked at full power, using economic and political difficulties. Germany, like many Western European countries, did not recognize the GDR. The peak of the aggravation of relations occurred in the early 1960s.

The so-called "German crisis" also arose thanks to West Berlin, which, legally being the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, was located in the very center of the GDR. The border between the two zones was conditional. As a result of the confrontation between the NATO blocs and the Warsaw bloc countries, the SED Politburo decides to build a border around West Berlin, which was a reinforced concrete wall 106 km long and 3.6 m high and a metal mesh fence 66 km long. She stood from August 1961 until November 1989.

After the merger of the GDR and the FRG, the wall was demolished, only a small section remained, which became the Berlin Wall memorial. In October 1990, the GDR became part of the FRG. The history of the German Democratic Republic, which existed for 41 years, is intensively studied and researched by scientists of modern Germany.

Despite the propaganda discrediting of this country, scientists are well aware that it gave Western Germany a lot. In a number of parameters, she surpassed her Western brother. Yes, the joy of reunification was genuine for the Germans, but it is not worth belittling the importance of the GDR, one of the most developed countries in Europe, and many in modern Germany understand this very well.

GDR, a state in Central Europe in 1949-1990, on the territory of the modern lands of Brand-den-burg, Meck-len-burg-Pe-red-ny Po-me-ra-niya, Sak-so-niya, Sak-so-niya-An-halt, Ty-rin-giya Fe-de-ra-tiv-noy Res-pub-li-ki Germany.

Sto-li-tsa - Ber-lin (Eastern). Us. OK. 17 million people (1989).

The GDR arose on 10/7/1949 on the territory of the Soviet zone of the ok-ku-pa-tion of Germany as a temporary state. about-ra-zo-va-nie in response to the account-re-g-de-tion in May 1949 on the basis of Amer., Brit. and French zones of ok-ku-pa-tion (see Tri-zo-niya) se-pa-rat-no-go zap.-germ. state-va - Germany (for more details, see the articles of Germany, Berlin crisis, German question 1945-90). In adm. from-no-she-nii since 1949, she de-li-lis on 5 lands, and since 1952 - on 14 ok-ru-gov. Vost. Berlin had the status of a department. adm.-terr. go-no-tsy.

In a li-tich. sys-te-me of the GDR leading the role played by the So-tsia-li-sti-che-sky united party of Germany (SED), formed in 1946 as a result of the merger on the territory of the Owls. zones of the ok-ku-pa-tion of the Kom-mu-ni-sti-che-sky party of Germany (KPG) and the So-tsi-al-de-mo-kra-ti-che-te-tion of the party of Germany (SPD). In the GDR, the dei-st-vo-va-li is also tra-di-ci-on-nye for Germany parties: Christ-sti-an-sco-de-mo-kra-tich. co-yuz Ger-ma-nii, Li-be-ral-no-de-mo-kra-tich. the party of Germany and the newly created data Nat.-demo-kra-tich. par-ty Ger-ma-nii and De-mo-kra-tich. kre-st-yan-sky par-tia of Germany. All the parties were b-e-di-nya-lis in De-mo-kra-tich. block and for-yav-la-whether about appropriation of women-no-sti ideals-lams of so-cia-liz-ma. Parties and mass co-organizations (Ob-e-di-non-nie free German trade unions, Union of free German mo-lo-de-zhi, etc.) are included in the National. front of the GDR.

The highest for-to-but-dates. Or-ga-nome of the GDR would-la Nar. pa-la-ta (400 dep., 1949-63, 1990; 500 dep., 1964-89), from bi-equal-shay way of all-general direct secret you-bo-ditch. The head of the state in 1949-60 was the pre-zi-dent (this position was occupied by the co-chairman of the SED V. Peak). After the death of V. Pi-ka, the post of pre-zi-den-ta was up-divided, the collective head of the state became Nar from bi-paradise. pa-la-toy and under-from-even to her Gos. co-vet, head-of-lying-shih-sya pre-se-da-te-lem (pre-se-da-te-li State co-ve-ta: V. Ulb-richt, 1960-73; V. Shtof, 1973-76; E. Ho-nek-ker, 1976-89; E. Krenz, 1990). The highest or-g-nom is-half-nit. the power was the Council of the mi-ni-str-ditch, someone also from the bi-ral-Xia Nar. pa-la-toy and was under-from-che-ten to her (before-se-da-te-li So-ve-ta mi-ni-st-ditch: O. Gro-te-vol, 1949-64; V. Shtof, 1964-73, 1976-89; H. Zin-der-man, 1973-76; H. Mod-ditch, 1989-90). Nar. pa-la-ta from-bi-ra-la before. National co-ve-ta ob-ro-ny, before. and members of the Ver-hov-no-go court and the general-no-go pro-ku-ro-ra of the GDR.

Nor-small function-tsio-ni-ro-va-nie is strong-but-suffering from the military. dei-st-viy eco-no-mi-ki Vost. Germany, and then the GDR from sa-mo-go to cha-la would-lo os-lie-not-but you-pla-that re-pa-ra-tion in favor of the USSR and Poland. In the na-ru-she-nie re-she-niy of the Berlin (Pot-surrender) conference of 1945 USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nia and France so-rva-li re-pa-rac. at the rates from their own zones, in the re-zul-ta-te of what-th-prak-ti-che-ski, the whole burden of the re-pa-ra-tsy fell on the GDR, from the beginning-but us-tu-fall-shui in eco-no-mich. from-but-she-nii Germany. On December 31, 1953, the amount of re-pa-ra-tions paid by the FRG amounted to 2.1 billion German. ma-rock, while re-pa-ratz. payment of the GDR for the same period of so-hundred-vi-li 99.1 billion German. ma-rock. Do la de mont-ta-zha prom. enterprises and from the number of current production of the GDR reached the beginning. 1950s critical volume-e-mov. Oversized cargo of re-pa-ra-tsy, along with the mistake of the ru-ko-vo-dstva of the SED, led by V. Ulb-rich, who headed for the “us-co-ren-noe-building of social cia-lis-ma”, with-ve-whether to re-re-on-yarn-ing eco-no-mi-ki res-public-li-ki and you- called-open not-to-free-st-to-se-le-niya, something appeared in the course of the events of 17.6.1953. Vol-n-niya, na-chav-shie-sya as for-bass-to-ka of vos-toch-no-Ber-lin-sky build-it. ra-bo-chih against the increase in the norms of you-ra-bot-ki, oh-wa-ti-li b. h. Supporting the USSR, will it help the GDR authorities to play time, re-build their own way, and then self-sto-stand-but in a short time, become-bi-li-zi-ro-vat in the re-pub-li-ke. A “new course” was pro-proclaimed, one of the goals of someone else was to improve the conditions of life in the village (in 1954, the line on the pre-im-im-st-ven-noe development was, nevertheless, to restore the hundred-new-le-na). In order to uk-re-drink the eco-no-mi-ku of the GDR, the USSR and Poland from-ka-za-li from taking from it the rest of the re-pa-ra-tions in the amount of 2.54 billion dollars.

Oka-zy-vaya supporting the pra-vi-tel-st-vo of the GDR, the ru-ko-vo-dstvo of the USSR, one-on-ko, pro-vo-di-lo the course for the restoration of the united-no-go German. state-va. At the Berlin meeting of the mi-ni-st-ditch of foreign-foreign affairs of the four powers in 1954, it again you-st-pi-lo with the ini-tsia-ti-voi of the unity of Germany as mi-ro-lu-bi-vo-go, de-mo-kra-tich. state-va, not teaching-st-vuyu-shche-go in the military. union-zah and block-kah, and out-of-layer pre-lo-same-tion about-ra-zo-vat time. general-German-man-pra-vi-tel-st-in on the basis of-no-ve to-go-in-ryon-no-sti between the GDR and the FRG and lay-lo-live on no-go pro-ve-de-nie free-bod-y-bo-ditch. Created by re-zul-ta-there you-bo-ditch general-German-Nat. co-b-ra-nie should-but you-ra-bo-tat con-sti-tu-tion of the ob-e-di-nen-noy of Germany and for-mi-ro-vat right-vi-tel-st-vo, right-in-mo-no-key-to-chit peace before-go-thief. However, the proposal of the USSR is not in the way of support from the side of the west. powers, on-flocks-vav-shih on the member-st-ve of the b-e-di-nyon-noy of Germany in NATO.

According to the governments of the USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii and France in germ. in-pro-se and after-before-wav-neck in May 1955, the entry of the FRG into NATO, prin-qi-pi-al-but from-me-niv-neck in-en.-po-li-tich. si-tua-tion to the Center. Ev-ro-pe, did it become the cause of the na-chav-she-go-sya re-review of the ru-ko-vo-dstvo of the USSR of the line in the pro-se of the ob-e-di-non-niya of Germany. Su-sche-st-in-va-niyu GDR and raz-me-schen-noy on its ter-ri-to-rii Groups of owls. troops in Germany became the center of the value. element-men-ta in the sys-te-me provides-pe-che-niya with the safety of the USSR on european-rop. on-right-le-ni. So-cia-li-stich. communities. set-swarm-st-in became-lo-ra-smat-ri-vat-sya as before-half-nit. guarantee against the absorption of the GDR, West German. state-vom and development-vi-tiya so-yuz-nich. from-no-she-ny with the USSR. In Aug. 1954 owls. ok-ku-pats. authorities for-ver-shi-whether the process of re-re-da-chi GDR state. su-ve-re-ni-te-ta, in sept. 1955 Owls. So-yuz under-pi-sal with the GDR fun-dam. do-go-thief about os-no-wah from-no-she-ny. Pa-ral-lel-but pro-di-la all-sided in-te-gra-tion of the GDR in eco-no-mich. and in a li-tich. structures-tu-ry co-friend-st-va ev-rop. so-cia-li-stich. state-su-darstvo. In May 1955, the GDR became a member of the Warsaw Org.

Ob-sta-nov-ka around the GDR and int. si-tua-tion in sa-my res-pub-li-ke in the 2nd floor. 1950s pro-long-zh-whether os-ta-vat-sya on-straight-wives-us-mi. On the Za-pa-de, ak-ti-vi-zi-ro-va-li-li-gi, someone-rye would-whether you go-ti on the application of the military. forces in the ot-no-she-nii of the GDR with the aim of its joining-di-non-nia to the FRG. On the me-f-du-nar. are-not the right-vi-tel-st-in of the FRG from the autumn of 1955 on-stop-chi-in the pro-in-di-lo line to the iso-la-tion of the GDR and you-stu-pa-lo with pre-ten-zi-it on a single-but-personal pre-sta-vi-tel-st-in the Germans (see "Hal-shtey-na-dok-tri-na"). Particularly ben-but dangerous situation of the warehouse-dy-va-las on the ter-ri-to-rii of Ber-lin-on. Zap. Ber-lin, on-ho-div-shi-sya under the control-le-ni-em ok-ku-pats. ad-mi-ni-st-ra-tion of the USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii and France and not from-de-len-ny from the GDR state. gra-ni-tsei, fak-ti-che-ski turned into the center of the subversive activity against it, both eco-no-mi-che-sky and in-li-ti-che-sky. Eco-no-mich. in the same way, the GDR because of the open border with the West. Ber-li-nom in 1949-61 so-hundred-vi-li approx. 120 billion ma-rock. Through Zap. Berlin for the same period of the GDR is not-le-gal-but ki-well-lo ok. 1.6 million people It would-whether in the main. kva-li-fi-tsirovannye-ra-bo-chie, in-same-not-ry, doctors-chi, trained honey. per-so-nal, teach-te-la, pro-fess-so-ra, etc., the departure of some-ry serious-ez-but os-lie-nyat func-tsio-ni-ro-va-nie of the entire state-state-ven-no-go me-ha-niz-ma of the GDR.

In an effort to uk-re-drink the security of the GDR and raz-rya-dit ob-sta-nov-ku in the Center. Euro-pe, USSR in Nov-Yab. 1958 you-stepped-drank with ini-chia-ti-howl pre-dos-ta-vit Zap. Ber-li-nu status de-mi-li-ta-ri-call. vol-no-go-ro-yes, i.e., turn it into sa-mo-sto-yat. in a li-tic. edi-ni-tsu, having con-tro-li-rue-muyu and oh-ra-nyae-muyu gra-ni-tsu. In Jan. 1959 Owls. So-yuz presented a project of peace-no-go-go-to-ra with Ger-ma-ni-she, someone could be under-pi-san of the FRG and the GDR or their kon-fe-de-ra-qi-ey. However, on the proposal of the USSR, again, there is no support from the side of the USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii and France. 8/13/1961 according to the re-ko-men-da-tion So-ve-shcha-niya sec-re-ta-rey com-mu-ni-stich. and ra-bo-chih parties of the countries of Warsaw-to-go-to-go-ra (3-5.8.1961) the right-of-the-tel-st-vo of the GDR in one-but-one-ron-it in a row introduced the regime of the state. gra-ni-tsy in from-but-she-nii Zap. Ber-li-na and pri-stu-pi-lo to the us-tanov-ke in-gra-nich-nyh for-gra-zh-de-ny (see Berlin wall).

The construction of the Berlin Wall for the hundred-vi-lo right-wing circles of the FRG re-re-watch their course as in Germany. in-pro-se, and in from-but-she-ni-yah with so-cia-li-stich. countries of Europe. After Aug. 1961 GDR in-lu-chi-la possibility from-no-si-tel-but calm-no-go development and internal. con-co-li-da-tion. Uk-re-p-le-niu in the same way the GDR s-so-st-in-shaft its Do-go-thief about friendship, mutually-mo-by-help and co-work-no-che-st-ve with the USSR (12.6. fact-ditch ev-rop. security. By 1970, the eco-no-mi-ka of the GDR according to the main. for-ka-for-te-lyam pre-ascended the level of prom. production from Germany in 1936, although its number on-se-le-niya was only 1/4 on-se-le-tion of the former. rei-ha. In 1968, there was a new con-sti-tu-tion, some-paradise op-re-de-li-la of the GDR as a “so-cia-li-sti-che-go-su-dar-st-in-a-mets-koy-na-tion” and for-cre-pi-la ru-ko-vo-dya-ing role of the SED in the state and society. Oct. 1974, in the text of the Constitution, it was out-of-the-se-but clarification about the presence in the GDR of “social-cia-li-sti-che-sky German-nation”.

The coming to power in Germany in 1969 of the great-vi-tel-st-va V. Brandt, having embarked on the path of ure-gu-li-ro-va-nia from no-she-ny with so-cia-li-stich. countries-on-mi (see “New Eastern-precise-on-li-ti-ka”), sti-mu-li-ro-val in-te-p-le-nie so-vet-sko-zapad-but-german-skikh from-no-she-ny. In May 1971, E. Ho-necker was elected to the post of 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the SED, someone spoke for the norm-ma-li-for-tion from the GDR with the FRG and for the pro-ve-de-nie eco-no-mich. and so-ci-al-nyh reforms in order to uk-re-p-le-niya so-cia-lis-ma in the GDR.

From the beginning 1970s the government of the GDR on-cha-lo develop a dialogue with the leadership of the FRG, which led to sub-pi-sa-nia in December. 1972 to-go-vo-ra about os-no-wah from-but-she-ny me-zh-du two-go-su-dar-st-va-mi. Following this, the GDR would have recognized the app. der-zha-va-mi, and in sept. 1973 admission to the UN. Means. us-pe-hov res-pub-li-ka did-bi-las in eco-no-mich. and so-qi-al-noy spheres. Among the countries - members of the CMEA, its industry and with. x-dos-tig-whether the highest in-ka-for-te-lei pro-duk-tiv-no-sti, as well as sa-my you-with-coy step-pe-no on-uch.-tech-nich. development in the non-en-n sector; in the GDR there was the sa-my you-so-cue among so-cia-li-stich. countries the level of demand per capita per se-le-tion. By-ka-for-te-lyam prom. development in the 1970s The GDR came out on the 10th place in the world. One-on-one, no matter what it means. progress, in terms of living standards, no to con. 1980s The GDR is still serious, but from-hundred-va-la from the FRG, which is not-ha-tiv-but from-ra-zh-elk on-line-ni-yah on-se-le-nia.

In the us-lo-vi-yah times-a-row-ki me-f-du-nar. on-stretch-women-but-sti in the 1970s and 80s. the right-wing circles of the FRG pursued a policy of “out of change through rapprochement” with respect to the GDR, making the main. an accent on the race-shi-re-eco-nomic, cultural and “human-ve-che-con-tacts” with the GDR without recognizing its full-value state. With us-ta-nov-le-nii di-plo-ma-tich. from-no-she-ny of the GDR and the FRG about-me-were not in-salt-st-va-mi, as it is in the world of practice-ti-ke, but in a hundred-yan-us-mi before-sta-vi-tel-st-va-mi with di-plo-ma-tich. hundred-tu-catfish. Gra-f-yes-not the GDR, in the west-germ. ter-ri-to-riyu, as before, without any conditions, could you become a citizen of the FRG, be called to serve in the bun-des-ver, etc. g”, sum-ma-something to con. 1980s with-la-la 100 marks of the FRG for each member of the family, including infants. Active an-ti-so-cia-li-stich. pro-pa-gan-du and cri-ti-ku in-li-ti-ki ru-ko-vo-dstva of the GDR we-whether radio and te-le-vi-de-nie of the FRG, re-da-chi-something p-no-ma-lis practically-ti-che-ski on the entire territory of the GDR. Li-tich. circles of the FRG under-der-zh-wa-whether any manifestations of op-po-zi-qi-on-no-sti among the citizens of the GDR and, in a way, their flight from the res-pub-li-ki.

In the conditions-lo-vi-yah ost-ro-go ideo-logic. pro-tivo-bor-st-va, in the center of something-ro-go on-ho-di-las pro-ble-ma ka-che-st-va of life and de-mo-kra-tich. freedom, ru-ko-vo-dstvo of the GDR tried to reg-la-men-ti-ro-vat “che-lo-ve-che-con-so-you” me-zh-du two-go-su-dar-st-va-mi po-tyom og-ra-ni-che-niya po-ez-doc gra-zh-dan GDR in Germany, os-sche-st-in-la-lo with help or-ga-new state. security-no-sti (“shta-zi”) enhanced control over the mood-of-mi on-se-le-niya, pre-follow-to-va-lo deya-te-lei op-po-zi-tion. All this is just usi-li-va-lo on-ras-tav-shui from the beginning. 1980s internal tension in the re-pub-li-ke.

Pe-re-build-ku in the USSR more-shin-st-in-the-se-le-niya of the GDR met-ti-lo with the soul-shev-le-ni-em, in-de-zh-de on the fact that it will help-to-be-st-in-vat dis-shi-re-niyu de-mo-kra-tich. freedom in the GDR and the removal of og-ra-no-che-ny on trips to the FRG. One-to-ru-ko-vo-dstvo res-pub-li-ki is not-ga-tiv-but from-not-to-processes-sam, once-in-ra-chi-vav-shim-sya in Owls. Soyu-ze, ras-smat-ri-vaya them as dangerous for de la so-cia-lis-ma, and from-ka-for-elk to take the path of pro-ve-de-re-forms. By the autumn of 1989, the situation in the GDR had become Cri-ti-che-sky. On-cha-moose run-in-to-se-le-niya res-pub-li-ki through the opening of the pra-vi-tel-st-vom of Hungary gra-ni-tsu with Av-st-ri-it and on the territory of the embassies of the FRG in the east-european-rop. countries In the cities of the GDR, there were pro-ho-di-whether mass-co-de-mon-st-ra-tion pro-tests. Trying to sta-bi-li-zi-ro-vat about-sta-nov-ku, ru-ko-vo-dstvo SED 10/18/1989 declared-i-vi-lo about os-bo-zh-de-nii E. Ho-nek-ke-ra from all for-no-may-my they owe-no-stay. But E. Krenz, who replaced Ho-nek-ke-ra, could not spa-sti in the same way. 11/9/1989 in the conditions of adm. not-raz-be-ri-khi pro-isosh-lo-re-established-a-new-le-tion of free-bod-no-go-re-movement through the border of the GDR with the Federal Republic of Germany and control-but-pro-pu-sk-ny points of the Berlin Wall. Cri-sis in-li-tich. sis-te-we re-grew in the crisis state-va. On December 1, 1989, the clause on the leadership of the SED was removed from the Constitution of the GDR. 12/7/1989 the real power in the re-public-ke-re-went to the creation-dan-no-mu according to the ini-tsia-ti-ve Evan-ge-lich. church-vi Krug-lo-mu-lu, in some-rum, in a moat, well, would the old parties, the mass organizations of the GDR and the new non-for-mal-nye-li-tich be represented. or-ga-ni-za-tion. On the co-hundred-yav-shih-sya 18.3.1990 par-la-ment-skih you-bo-ra SED, re-name-no-van-naya in the Party de-mo-kra-tich. so-cia-lis-ma, in-ter-pe-la in-ra-same-nie. Qua-li-fi-cir. pain-shin-st-in Nar. pa-la-te in-lu-chi-whether side-ron-no-ki enters the GDR into the FRG. Re-she-ni-em but-in-go par-la-men-ta was up-divided by the State. council of the GDR, and its functions are re-da-ny Pre-zi-diu-mu Nar. pa-la-you. Head of Koa-persons. pr-vi-tel-st-va was elected the leader of christ-sti-an-sky de-mo-kra-tov of the GDR L. de Meziers. The new pra-vi-tel-st-in of the GDR ob-i-vi-lo ut-ra-tiv-shi-mi si-lu for-ko-us, for-kre-p-lyav-shie social cia-li-stich. state set-up-st-in the GDR, entered-pi-lo into the re-go-in-ry with the ru-ko-vo-dstvo of the Federal Republic of Germany on the conditions of the amalgamation of two states and on 18.5.1990 sign-sa-lo with him the state. do-go-thief about va-lyut-nom, eco-no-mich. and so-qi-al-nom soyu-ze. Para-ral-lel-but there were re-re-go-vo-ry of the governments of the FRG and the GDR with the USSR, the USA, We-li-ko-bri-ta-ni-she and France on pro-ble-mums connected with the volume of Germany. Ru-ko-vo-dstvo of the USSR, led by M. S. Gor-ba-che-vym, practically-ti-che-ski from sa-mo-go to-cha-la co-gla-si with li-to-vi-da-qi-ee of the GDR and a member of the German organization in NATO. According to own ini-tsia-ti-ve it is in a hundred-vi-lo question about you-in-de from the territory of the GDR owls. in-in-go con-tin-gen-ta (since the middle of 1989 he had the Western group of troops) and he was obliged to carry out this withdrawal in a short time - in those 4 years.

1/7/1990 entered into action state. do-go-thief about the union of the GDR with the FRG. On the territory of the GDR, the West German began to act. eco-no-mich. right, and the payment medium became the brand of Germany. 8/31/1990 pra-vi-tel-st-va of two german. go-su-darstv under-pi-sa-li do-go-thief about ob-e-di-non-nii. 9/12/1990 in Mo-sk-ve before-hundred-vi-te-li-six-states (Germany and East Germany, as well as the USSR, USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii and France) in-sta-vi-whether their sub-pi-si under “Do-go-vo-rum about windows-cha-tel-nom ure-gu-li-ro-va-nii in from-but-she-ni Ger- ma-nii, in co-ot-vet-st-vii with someone-eye-der-zha-you - be-di-tel-ni-tsy in the 2nd world-howl-howl-do-not declare about the pre-better-of-their rights and from-vet-st-ven-no-sti in from-but-she-nii Ber-li-on and Ger-ma-nii as a whole "and pre-dos-ta-vi-li ob- e-di-nyon-noy Ger-ma-nii "complete su-ve-re-ni-tet over their internal-ren-ni-mi and external-ni-mi de-la-mi." On 10/3/1990, the agreement on the amalgamation of the GDR and the FRG entered into force, the western-but-Ber-lin-s-po-li-tion took under the oh-ra-well rights. uch-re-zh-de-tion of the GDR in the East. Ber-li-not. The GDR as a state-in pre-kra-ti-la its su-sche-st-in-va-nie. A plebis-qi-ta on this question was not held either in the GDR or in the FRG.

Additional literature:

Is-to-ria of the German De-mo-kra-ti-che-Res-pub-li-ki. 1949-1979. M., 1979;

Geschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. B., 1984;

Socialism of the national colors of the GDR. M., 1989;

Bahrmann H., Links C. Chronik der Wende. B., 1994-1995. Bd 1-2;

Lehmann H. G. Deutschland-Chronik 1945-1995. Bonn, 1996;

Modrow H. Ich wollte ein neues Deutschland. B., 1998.


In the Pre-zi-diu-me Obye-di-ni-tel-no-go (Uch-re-di-tel-no-go) congress of the SED.Ber-lin. 21. 4.1946. On the left - V. Peak, on the right - O. Gro-te-vol. BDT archive;

June 17, 1953 in Vost. Ber-li-not. BDT archive;

A para-rad of combat workers-bo-chih-dru-zhin in the East. Ber-li-not. Aug-August 1961. BDT archive;

Flag of the German Democratic Republic. BDT archive;

Berlin. Pa-no-ra-ma Alek-san-der-platz. BRE archive.

The years 1945-1948 became a thorough preparation, which led to the split of Germany and the appearance on the map of Europe of two countries formed instead of it - the FRG and the GDR. The decoding of the names of states is interesting in itself and serves as a good illustration of their different social vector.

Postwar Germany

After the end of World War II, Germany was divided between two occupation camps. The eastern part of this country was occupied by the troops of the Soviet Army, the western part was occupied by the allies. The western sector was gradually consolidated, the territories were divided into historical lands, which were managed by local self-government bodies. In December 1946, a decision was made to unite the British and American occupation zones - the so-called. bison. It became possible to create a single body of land management. This is how the Economic Council was created - a selective body authorized to make economic and financial decisions.

Background of the split

First of all, these decisions concerned the implementation of the "Marshall Plan" - a large-scale American financial project aimed at restoring the economies of European countries destroyed during the war. The "Marshall Plan" contributed to the separation of the eastern zone of occupation, since the government of the USSR did not accept the proposed assistance. Subsequently, the different visions of the future of Germany by the allies and the USSR led to a split in the country and predetermined the formation of the FRG and the GDR.

Education Germany

Western zones needed full unification and official state status. In 1948, consultations were held between the Western Allied countries. The meeting resulted in the idea of ​​creating a West German state. In the same year, the French occupation zone joined Bizonia - thus the so-called Trizonia was formed. In the western lands, a monetary reform was carried out with the introduction of their own monetary unit into circulation. The military governors of the united lands proclaimed the principles and conditions for the creation of a new state, with particular emphasis on its federalism. In May 1949, the preparation and discussion of its Constitution ended. The state was named Germany. The decoding of the name sounds like Germany. Thus, the proposals of the land self-government bodies were taken into account, and the republican principles of governing the country were outlined.

Geographically, the new country was located on 3/4 of the land occupied by the former Germany. Germany had its capital - the city of Bonn. The governments of the anti-Hitler coalition, through their governors, exercised control over the observance of the rights and norms of the constitutional system, controlled its foreign policy, and had the right to interfere in all spheres of the economic and scientific activities of the state. Over time, the status of the lands was revised in favor of greater independence of the lands of Germany.

Formation of the GDR

The process of creating a state also went on in the eastern German lands occupied by the troops of the Soviet Union. The controlling body in the east was SVAG - the Soviet military administration. Under the control of the SVAG, local self-government bodies, the lantdags, were created. Marshal Zhukov was appointed commander-in-chief of the SVAG, and in fact - the owner of East Germany. Elections to the new authorities were held according to the laws of the USSR, that is, on a class basis. By a special order of February 25, 1947, the Prussian state was liquidated. Its territory was divided among the new lands. Part of the territory was ceded to the newly formed Kaliningrad region, all the settlements of the former Prussia were Russified and renamed, and the territory was settled by Russian settlers.

Officially, the SVAG maintained military control over the territory of East Germany. Administrative control was carried out by the central committee of the SED, which was completely controlled by the military administration. The first step was the nationalization of enterprises and lands, the confiscation of property and its distribution on a socialist basis. In the process of redistribution, an administrative apparatus was formed, which assumed the functions of state control. In December 1947, the German People's Congress began to function. In theory, the Congress was supposed to unite the interests of West and East Germans, but in fact its influence on the western lands was negligible. After the isolation of the western lands, the NOC began to perform the functions of the parliament exclusively in the eastern territories. The Second National Congress, formed in March 1948, carried out the main activities related to the upcoming Constitution of the nascent country. By special order, the issue of the German mark was carried out - thus, five German lands located in the zone of Soviet occupation switched to a single monetary unit. In May 1949 the Socialist Constitution was adopted and the Inter-Party Socio-Political National Front was formed. The preparation of the eastern lands for the formation of a new state was completed. On October 7, 1949, at a meeting of the German Supreme Council, it was announced the creation of a new body of supreme state power, which was called the Provisional People's Chamber. In fact, this day can be considered the date of birth of a new state created in opposition to the FRG. Deciphering the name of the new state in East Germany - the German Democratic Republic, East Berlin became the capital of the GDR. The status was negotiated separately. For many years, the ancient one was divided into two parts by the Berlin Wall.

Development of Germany

The development of such countries as the FRG and the GDR was carried out according to different economic systems. The "Marshall Plan" and the effective economic policy of Ludwig Erhrad made it possible to quickly raise the economy in West Germany. Big GDP growth was announced Guest workers coming from the Middle East provided an influx of cheap labor. In the 1950s, the ruling CDU party passed a number of important laws. Among them - a ban on the activities of the Communist Party, the elimination of all the consequences of Nazi activities, a ban on certain professions. In 1955, the Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO.

Development of the GDR

The self-government bodies of the GDR, which were in charge of the administration of the German lands, ceased to exist in 1956, when a decision was made to liquidate local self-government bodies. The lands began to be called districts, and the district councils began to represent the executive branch. At the same time, the personality cult of advanced communist ideologists began to be implanted. The policy of sovietization and nationalization led to the fact that the process of restoring the post-war country was greatly delayed, especially against the backdrop of the economic successes of the FRG.

Settlement of relations between the GDR and the FRG

Deciphering the contradictions between the two fragments of one state gradually normalized relations between countries. In 1973, the Treaty entered into force. He regulated relations between the FRG and the GDR. In November of the same year, the FRG recognized the GDR as an independent state, and the countries established diplomatic relations. The idea of ​​creating a single German nation was introduced into the Constitution of the GDR.

End of the GDR

In 1989, a powerful New Forum political movement emerged in the GDR, which provoked a series of indignations and demonstrations in all major cities of East Germany. As a result of the resignation of the government, one of the activists of the "New Norum" G. Gizi became the chairman of the SED. The mass rally held on November 4, 1989 in Berlin, at which the demands for freedom of speech, assembly and expression of will were proclaimed, had already been agreed with the authorities. The answer was a law allowing citizens of the GDR to cross without good reason. This decision caused Germany to divide the capital for many years.

In 1990, the Christian Democratic Union came to power in the GDR, which immediately began to consult with the government of the FRG on the issue of uniting countries and creating a single state. On September 12, an agreement was signed in Moscow between representatives of the former allies of the anti-Hitler coalition on the final settlement of the German question.

The unification of the FRG and the GDR would have been impossible without the introduction of a single currency. An important step in this process was the recognition of the German mark of Germany as a common currency throughout Germany. On August 23, 1990, the People's Chamber of the GDR decided to annex the eastern lands to the FRG. After that, a number of transformations were carried out that eliminated the socialist institutions of power and reorganized state bodies according to the West German model. On October 3, the army and navy of the GDR were abolished, and instead of them, the Bundesmarine and the Bundeswehr, the armed forces of the FRG, were deployed in the eastern territories. The deciphering of the names is based on the word "bundes", which means "federal". The official recognition of the eastern lands as part of the FRG was secured by the adoption of new subjects of state law by the Constitutions.

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