Search for presentations. Galaxy - System from stars, inter-storage gas, dust and dark matter Presentation of the cloud of interstellar gas and dust

Presentation: Nebula and star clusters

Nebula? Nebula is a plot interstellar environmentsexcreted by its radiation or absorption ... around itself a significant amount interstellar hydrogen (and become dark ... stars, magnetic field and interstellar environments. In the picture: The structure of symmetric ...

Stars with planetary systems, clouds interstellar Gas, kernel. Galaxy, in ... part of the stars and almost everything interzhennaya The substance is concentrated in the disk ... Thousands of sun radius. 3. Interstellar Gas - component interstellar environmentsAlso consisting of dust ...

Presentation: What is galaxies? Galaxies are large star systems in which the stars are connected with each other forces of gravity. Based on the theory of expanding.

And the bulk of this interstellar environments Also moving around the circular ... and in the atmosphere planets, interstellar wednesday It is more densely at the bottom .... However, up to 10% interstellar environments is out of disk and ... looked like, but moved among Stars. Stranger did not know ...

Presentation: ...) Gravitational-bound system from stars, interstellar

...) gravitational-bound system from stars, interstellar Gas, dust and dark matter ... rule, there are a lot in them interstellar Gas, up to 50% by weight ... Galaxy Unusual galaxies Unusual galaxies Among Galaktik there are those that are in ...

Presentation: Sunny Family. Solar System Solar System Planetary System, including Central Star Sun and All Natural Space Objects,

Local bubble "zone of scattered high temperature interstellar Gas. From stars belonging to 50 ... planetology. Venus is the most dense among Other landfall planets atmosphere, .... Venus is the most dense among Other landfall planets atmosphere, ...

The birth of the universe. Above the presentation: Mehduev Eduard Interheev Eduard Palitsyn Denis Palitsyn Denis Manuilov Alexey Manuilov Alexey Mou Sosh 1 g

Birth of stars. Opening interstellar Substances. Opening interstellar Substances. What is formed ... notice. But in addition to gas in interstellar environment in small quantities (about 1 ... notice. But besides the gas in interstellar environment In small quantities (about 1 ...

Galaxy Galaxy (Dr.-Greek. Γαλαξίας Milky Way) Gravitational-bound system from stars, interstellar Gas, dust and dark matter.

Stars system interstellar Gas, dust and ... WEDNESDAY Interstellar gas is a discharged gas wednesday, filling the entire space between the stars. Interstellar ... gas is transparent. Full mass interstellar ...

interstellar Gas, dust, dark matter and ...

Called a large stars system interstellar gas, dust, dark matter and ... called a large system from stars, interstellar Gas, dust, dark matter and .... In addition to individual stars and rare interstellar environmentsMost of the galaxies contain a lot ...

« Interstellar wednesday"Completed a student 7" with "Class NIS FMN Astana Akzhigitov Doodle.

« Interstellar wednesday"Completed a student 7" with ... substances from stars in interzhennaya space. Substance, from ... attraction and emit into interzhennaya space. It happens in ... But I miss the red. Output: Interstellar wednesday It is important for evolution ...

Typically, galaxies contain from 10 million to several trillion stars rotating around the common center of gravity. In addition to individual stars, and cut.

In addition to individual stars, and rarely interstellar environmentsA large galaxy is called a big system ... from stars, interstellar Part of the galaxies contains many multiple ... Stars with planetary systems, clouds interstellar Gas, kernel. Galaxy, in ...

Performed: Filatova Galina Petrovna Teacher of Physics MOU "Koltalovskaya Sosh" Kalininsky district of the Tver region.

Behind her sunshine and interzhennaya The substance is mixed, dissolving mutually ... Further Pluto and is considered to be the beginning. interstellar environments. However, it is assumed that the region ... the solar system ends and begins interzhennaya space is ambiguous. Sedna (...

Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Kamchatka Territory Regional State Budgetary Institution "Regional Center for Energy Development.

Bubble "zone of scattered high temperature interstellar Gas average sun distance remoteness from ... photosynthesis from inorganic elements of the surrounding environments - H2O and dioxide water ... its implementation: the creation of a favorable economic environments, among other things: formation ...

... called a large stars system, interstellar Gas, dust and dark matter ...

In addition to individual stars, and rarely interstellar environmentsMost of the galaxies contain many ... thousand light years. Interstellar gas is a rarefied gas wednesdayfilling the whole space ...

Beginning interstellar environments. However, it is assumed that the area in which the Geliosphere gravity Interstellar wednesday in ... several recent supernova local interzhennaya Cloud Local Bubble interstellar environment Relatively few stars ...

Initially nebulae in astronomy called any fixed extension (diffuse) glowing astronomical objects, including star clusters or galaxies outside the Milky Way, which could not be resolved on the stars. Some examples of such use are still preserved. For example, Andromeda Galaxy is sometimes called "Andromeda Nebula." Thus, Charles Messier, intensively engaged in finding comet, amounted to in 1787 a catalog of fixed diffuse objects similar to comets. The Mesia catalog was hit by both the nebula and the galaxies (for example, the Andromeda Galaxy M31 galaxy mentioned above) and ball stars accumulations (M13 accumulation of Hercules). As the astronomy and the solving the ability of telescopes, the concept of "nebula" was increasingly clarified: part of the "nebulae" was identified as star clusters, dark (absorbing) gas-penetrating nebulae were found and, finally, in the 1920s. First Lundmark, and then Hubble managed to resolve the peripheral areas of the galaxies in the stars and thereby establish their nature. From this time, the term "nebula" is used in the sense given above.

The primary feature used in the classification of nebulae absorption or radiation (dispersion) of light, that is, according to this criterion of nebula, they are divided into dark and bright. The first is observed due to the absorption of radiation of the sources located behind them, the second due to their own radiation or reflection (dispersion) of the light of the lights located near the stars. The nature of radiation of light nebulae, energy sources that excite their radiation depend on their origin and may have a diverse nature; Often in the same nebula there are several radiation mechanisms. The division of nebulae on gas and dust largely conditionally: all nebulae contain dust and gas. Such a division is historically due to various ways of observation and radiation mechanisms: the presence of dust is most pronounced when the radiation is absorbed by the emissions of the sources located behind them and when reflected or dispel, or re-emptying the dust contained in the radiation nebula located nearby or in the most nebulae stars; Own radiation of the gas component of the nebula is observed when it is ionized by the ultraviolet radiation located in the nebulae of the hot star (emission regions H II of ionized hydrogen around the star associations or planetary nebula) or when the interstitial environment is heated by a shock wave due to the explosion of supernovae or exposure to the powerful star winds of Wolf-type stars.

Dark nebulae are dense (usually molecular) clouds of interior gas and interstellar dust, non-transparent due to the interstellar absorption of light dust. Usually they are visible on the background of light nebulae. Less often dark nebulae are visible right on the background of the Milky Way. These are the nebula, a coal bag and a lot of smaller, called gigantic globule. Nebula Konskaya Head, Shot Telescope Hubble

The interstellar absorption of light A V in dark nebulaes varies widely, from 110 m to M in the most dense. The structure of nebulae with large A V is amenable to studying only by methods of radio astronomy and submillimeter astronomy, mainly on the observations of molecular radiolines and the infrared radiation of dust. Often, separate seals with a V to M are detected inside the dark nebulaes in which the stars are generated. In those parts of the nebulaes that are translucent in the optical range, a fibrous structure is well noticeable. The fibers and the total exhaust of the nebulae are associated with the presence of magnetic fields in them, impede the movement of the substance along the power lines and leading to the development of a number of modes of magnetohydrodynamic instability. The dust component of the substance of nebulae is associated with magnetic fields due to the fact that the dusting is electrically charged.

Reflective nebulae are gas-dust clouds highlighted by stars. If the star (stars) is in the inter-storage cloud or next to it, but not enough hot (hot) to ionize around themselves a significant amount of interstellar hydrogen, the main source of optical radiation of the nebula is the light of stars scattered by interstellar dust. An example of such nebulaes are nebulae around the bright stars in the cluster of the Pleiads. Reflective Nebula "Angel" is located at an altitude of 300 pc above the plane of the galaxy

Most reflective nebulae are located near the plane of the Milky Way. In some cases, reflective nebulae are observed at high galactic latitudes. It is gas-dust (often molecular) clouds of various sizes, shapes, density and masses, highlighted by the cumulative radiation of the stars of the Milky Way disk. They are difficult to explore due to very low surface brightness (usually a lot of weaker the background of the sky). Sometimes, projected on the images of the galaxies, they lead to the appearance of galaxies in the photographs of non-existent parts of the tails, jumpers, etc., some reflective nebulae have a cometary appearance and are called cometary. In the "head" of such a nebula, there is usually a variable star type ton, illuminating the nebula. Such nebulae often have a variable brightness, tracking (with delaying for the time of light propagation) the variability of radiation lighting their stars. The dimensions of cometary nebulaes are usually small hundredths of parses.

A rare variety of reflective nebula is the so-called light echo, observed after the outbreak of a new star 1901 in the Perseus Constellation. A bright outbreak of a new star highlighted dust, and a few years had a weak nebula, spreading in all directions at the speed of light. In addition to the light echo after the outbreaks of new stars, gas nebulae are formed, similar to the remnants of outbreaks of supernovae. Reflective Meropic Nebula

Many reflective nebulae have a thin-fiber structure with a system of almost parallel fibers with a thickness of several hundredths or thousandth fractions of a parseca. The origin of the fiber is associated with the groove or permutation of instability in the nebula, penetrated by the magnetic field. The fibers of the gas and dust push the power lines of the magnetic field and are embedded between them, forming thin threads. The study of the distribution of brightness and polarization of light on the surface of the reflective nebulae, as well as the measurement of the dependence of these parameters on the wavelength, allows you to establish such properties of inter-peasant dust, as an albedo, indicator of scattering, size, shape and orientation of dust.

Nebula, ionized by radiation, parts of the interior gas, strongly ionized by the radiation of stars or other sources of ionisal radiation. The most important and common, as well as the most studied representatives of such nebulae are areas of ionized hydrogen (zone H II). In the zones H II, the substance is almost completely ionized and heated to a temperature of ~ 10 4 to the ultraviolet radiation of stars inside them. Inside the HII zones, all the radiation of the star in the Layman continuum is processed into radiation in the lines of subordinate series, in accordance with the Muselenda Theorem. Therefore, in the spectrum of diffuse nebulae, very bright lines of the Balmer series, as well as the Liman Alpha line. Only the rarefied zones of the low density zone are ionized by the radiation of the stars, in T. n. Coronal gas.

Nebula, ionized by radiation, also occur around powerful X-ray sources in the Milky Way and in other galaxies (including in the active galaxies and quasar nuclei). Higher temperatures are often characterized than in H II zones, and a higher degree of ionization of heavy elements Giant zone of Star formation NGC 604.

The species of emission nebulae are planetary nebulae formed by the upper expiring layers atmospheres of the stars; This is usually a shell discarded by a giant star. The nebula is expanding and glows in the optical range. The first planetary nebulae were opened by W. Gershelem around 1783 and are named after their external similarity with the discs of the planets. However, not all planetary nebulae have a disk form: many have the shape of a ring or symmetrically stretched along a certain direction (bipolar nebula). The fine structure in the form of jets, spirals, small globes is noticeable inside of them. The rate of expansion of the planetary nebulae miles of KM / C, the diameter of 0.010.1 PC, a typical mass of about 0.1 mass of the Sun, lifetime about 10 thousand years. Planetary Nebula "Feline Eye".

The variety and numerous sources of the supersonic motion of the substance in the inter-storage medium lead to a large number and variety of nebulae created by shock waves. Typically, such nebulae are short-lived, as they disappear after the kinetic energy exhaustion of the moving gas. The main sources of strong shock waves in the interstellar medium are the explosions of stars discharges of shells with outbreaks of supernova and new stars, as well as star wind. In all these cases, there is a point source of emissions of the substance (star). The nebulae created in this way have the appearance of an expanding shell, in shape close to spherical. The ejected substance has the speed of the order of hundreds and thousands of km / s, so the gas temperature behind the front of the shock wave can reach many millions and even billion degrees.

The gas heated to a temperature of several million degrees radiates mainly in the X-ray range both in a continuous spectrum and in spectral lines. In optical spectral lines, it glows very slightly. When the shock wave meets the heterogeneity of the interstellar medium, it envelopes seals. Inside seals, a slower shock wave is propagating radiation in the spectral lines of the optical range. As a result, bright fibers arise, well visible in the photos. The main shock front, crimping the combination of the interior gas, leads it in motion towards its distribution, but with less than at the shock wave, speed. Nebula Pencil - shock wave from supernova outbreak

The most bright nebulae created by shock waves is caused by explosions of supernovae and are called the remnants of outbreaks of supernovae. They play a very important role in the formation of the structure of the interstellar gas. Along with the described features, it is characterized by non-coordinated radio emission with a power spectrum, caused by relativistic electrons, accelerated both in the process of explosion by supernova and later with a pulsar, usually remaining after the explosion. Nebula, related to the explosions of new stars, small, weak and short-lived crab odds Flash residue with supernova 1054

Another type of nebulae created by shock waves is associated with the star wind from the stars of Wolf district. These stars are characterized by a very powerful star wind with a stream of mass per year and the expiration rate (1 3) × 10 3 km / s. They create nebulae size in several parses with bright fibers. Unlike remnants of outbreaks of supernovae, radio emission of these nebulae has a thermal nature. The lifetime of such nebulaes is limited to the duration of the stars in the stage of Wolf Diene Star and close to 10 5 years. Helmet Torah Nebula around Star Wolf Ray

Shock waves of smaller speeds occur in the areas of the interstellar medium in which star formation takes place. They lead to heat heating to hundreds and thousands of degrees, the excitation of molecular levels, partial destruction of molecules, dust heat. Such shock waves are visible in the form of elongated nebulaes glowing mainly in the infrared range. A number of such nebulae are found, for example, in a focus of star formation associated with the Orion nebula. Orion nebula and giant star formation region

Emergency gas and dust.

The interstellar medium is a substance and fields that fill the interstellar space inside the galaxies. Ingredients: Interior Gas, dust (1% of gas mass), inter-peasant magnetic fields, cosmic rays, as well as dark matter. The entire interstellar medium is permeated with magnetic fields, cosmic rays and electromagnetic radiation.

Interior gas is the main component of the nebula. Interior gas is transparent. The total mass of interstellar gas in the galaxy exceeds 10 billion of the mass of the Sun or a few percent of the total mass of all stars of our galaxy. The average concentration of interstellar gas atoms is less than 1 atom in cm³. Its main mass is located near the plane of the galaxy in a layer thick of several hundred parsek. The gas density on average is about 10 -21 kg / m³. The chemical composition is about the same as in the majority of stars: it consists of hydrogen and helium (90% and 10% in terms of atoms, respectively) with a small impurity of more heavy elements (O, C, N, NE, Si etc.).

Depending on the temperature and density, the interior gas is in molecular, atomic or ionized states.

The main data on the interstellar gas was obtained by radio astronomy methods, after in 1951, radio emission was detected by a neutral atomic hydrogen on a wave of 21 cm. It turned out that atomic hydrogen having a temperature of 100 k in the galaxy disk 200-300 PC at a distance of 15- 20 PDAs from its center. Taking and analyzing this radiation, scientists learn about density, temperature and movement of the interior gas in outer space.

About half of the interior gas is contained in gigantic molecular clouds with an average mass of 10 ^ 5 of the mass of the Sun and a diameter of about 40 pcs. Due to the low temperature (about 10 K) and an increased density (up to 10 ^ 3 particles in 1 cm ^ 3), hydrogen and other elements in these clouds are combined into the molecule.

There are about 4,000 such molecular clouds in the galaxy.

The areas of ionized hydrogen with a temperature of 8000-10000 K manifest itself in the optical range as light diffuse nebulae.

Ultraviolet rays, in contrast to the beams of visible light, are absorbed by gas and give it their energy. Due to this, hot stars their ultraviolet radiation heats the ambient gas to a temperature of about 10,000 k. Heated gas begins to radiate light, and we observe it as a light gas nebula.

Such nebulae are pointers of places currently occupying.

So in the big nebula of Orion with the help of a satellite telescope of Hubble, protozes were found, surrounded by protoplanetic discs.

Great Orion Nebula is the brightest gas nebula. It is visible in binoculars or in a small telescope

Special type of nebulae are planetary nebulae, which look like weakly glowing discs or rings, resembling discs of planets. They were opened in 1783 by U. Herchelem, and now they are more than 1200. In the center of such a nebula there is a rest of the deceased red giant - hot white dwarf or neutron star. Under the influence of the internal gas pressure, the planetary nebula is expanding approximately at a speed of 20-40 km / s, while the gas density drops.

(Planetary Nebula Hourglass picture)

Interior dust - solid microscopic particles, along with the interstitial gas filling space between stars. Currently it is believed that dusting have a refractory core, surrounded by organic matter or ice shell. The chemical composition of the nucleus is determined by the atmosphere of which stars they were condensed. For example, in the case of carbon stars, they will consist of graphite and silicon carbide.

The typical particle size of interstellar dust from 0.01 to 0.2 μm, the total mass of dust is about 1% of the total gas mass. The lights of the stars heats the inter-storage dust to several tens of Kelvin, due to which the interior dust is a source of long-wave infrared radiation.

Due to dust, the most dense gas formations are molecular clouds - almost opaque and look in the sky as dark areas, almost deprived of the stars. Such formations are called dark diffuse nebulae. (picture)

Dust also affects the chemical processes passing in the interstellar medium: dust granules contain heavy elements that are used as a catalyst in various chemical processes. Dust granules are also involved in the formation of hydrogen molecules, which increases the pace of star formation in metal-poor clouds.

Means of study of interstellar dust

  • Remote study.
  • Research of micrometeorites N and the subject of interstitial dust enclosures.
  • The study of oceanic precipitation for the presence of particles of cosmic dust.
  • The study of particles of cosmic dust present at large altitudes in the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Running spacecraft for collecting, studying and delivering particles of interstellar dust to Earth.


  • Over the year, over 3 million tons of cosmic dust falls on the earth's surface, as well as from 350 thousand to 10 million tons of meteorites - stone or metal bodies, which fly into the atmosphere from cosmic spaces.
  • Only over the past 500 years, the mass of our planet increased by a billion tons due to the outer substance, which is only 1.7 · 10 -16% of the mass of the Earth. However, it seems to affect the annual and daily movement of our planet.

"Astronomy Questions" - image transmission. M.V. Lomonosov. What astronomical signs are depicted on flags. Saturn. Kakoni in Morrison offered a very elegant idea. Sold down the crossword. Jupiter. The planet of the solar system has the smallest dimensions. This physical parameter of any body is zero. October 4, 1957 With the help of a powerful rocket, a speed of 28,000 km / h was developed.

"Astronomical Conference" - the XI Conference "Physics of the Galaxy" took place on the "Crystal" crucible in the picturesque surroundings of Sverdlovsk. Unforgettable meetings with V.S. Kashanyan, N.S. Black and others. Favorable opportunities for assessing and self-assessment of scientific and professional training of specialists in various universities. P.E. Zakharova Ural State University.

"Astronomy methods" - radiation radiation. Auxiliary tools and methods of astronomy. Extragalactic studies. T. Mattyuse and A. Sandidj. Observation grounds. Theory of radial ripples. Hendrik Wang de Hülst. Overgalactic radio astronomy. Robert Trumpler. Solar flares. I.S. Shklovsky. B.V. Kukakin.

"Astrophysics" - the opening of uranium. The first measurements of parallaxes. We got a completely different picture of the world. Snapshots of Hubble. Unexpected discovery. How it works. What an exoplanet was opened first. The discovery spread the boundaries of the solar system. Opening an interstellar environment. For the first time, the scale of interstellar distances was reliably set.

"Galactic cosmic rays" - the magnetosphere of the Earth. Ground settings. An example of an optical detector. The history of opening cosmic rays. Radiation. Particles. Bruno Rossi. Satellites. Discharge electroscope. Solar Protuberenets. The first scientific hypotheses. Space rays. Registration Shal on Earth. USA. Experiments. Skobeltsyn. Measurement results.

"Space rays" - educational process. CENTral part. Berkeley Lab Cosmic Ray Detector. Scintillation detector. Space rays. Restrapers. Storm installation. Scintillation assembly. Thermostabilization in action. Detector electronics. The registration technique shal. Communications. Scheme of the scintillation assembly of the detector.

Total in the subject of 23 presentations

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