Essay on my future profession as a nurse. Nurse: what makes this profession special? Why did I choose this nursing profession?

Why do I want to choose a nursing profession?

First of all, I want to help people. When you are in a hospital, you always miss warmth, sympathy, and kind words. A nurse is more with patients than a doctor, and she can comfort the patient.

Secondly, I myself will need it in life. When I have a family, children, I will be able to provide them with the most basic medical care. I will be able to competently care for my parents - after all, they will also soon grow old.

In general, the specialists who are responsible for our lives - doctors - are very important for each of us.

Soulfulness, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of your neighbor, education in responsibility, a sincere understanding of your duty to other people, the awareness that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person find the fullness of existence, i.e. becoming healthy is the moral indicators necessary in my opinion.

She is slightly in the shadow of the attending physician. Half a step away in terms of her status, but this distance shortens the distance between her and the patient. She is a nurse. And in the matter of caring for the patient, she is the main one.

If previously it was believed that a nurse was a doctor’s assistant, now she is a competent, independently working specialist who performs clearly developed functions of caring for a patient. Outside of doctors' offices, she devotes most of her time and attention to patients, preparing them for doctor's appointments, and helping them receive prescribed treatment. The effectiveness of the work of general practitioners largely depends on the qualifications and proper organization of the work of nurses, on their efficiency and human qualities - conscientiousness, accuracy, warmth. Fortunately, there are many wonderful nurses in our hospitals, true devotees of their difficult profession.

True specialists can only grow from people who, at the beginning of their training, have already gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own spirituality; They did not become callous, did not close themselves off from human suffering, but became stronger and more confident in their own abilities, and learned to discipline themselves.

Everything about the nurse should attract the patient, starting with her appearance (fitness, neatness, hairstyle, facial expression). It is completely unacceptable to be addressed as “sick,” as if the patient has lost the right to a first and patronymic name. For a partnership to develop between a nurse and a patient, the patient must feel that you want to help him. Only then does that confidential dialogue arise, during which the nurse learns the information she needs about the patient, the characteristics of his personality, his opinion about the disease, hospitalization, hopes for recovery, plans for the future. During such conversations, the patient's attitude towards relatives, work, and other problems are revealed, and all this information gives the nurse the opportunity to make her nursing diagnosis.

With all this, the nurse must always remember that partnerships with patients should not become familiar: the leading role always remains with her. She sympathizes with the patient, a current called empathy is established between them, i.e. the nurse is able to understand the essence and depth of the patient’s experiences and suffering, but she does not identify herself with his experiences. The patient should always be assured that their conversations are confidential.

Knowing the peculiarities of the patient’s experiences, his personality, the nurse tactfully explains to the patient not only his rights, but also his responsibilities, talks in a form accessible to the patient about the necessary examinations, preparation for them, and the upcoming treatment.

A patient’s refusal of one or another type of examination or treatment should not cause a negative attitude towards him on the part of medical personnel.

The duty of the nurse is to be honest and truthful towards the patient, but conversations about the diagnosis and characteristics of the disease cannot go beyond the scope outlined by the attending physician. This also applies to conversations between nurses and patients’ relatives.

The views of a doctor and a nurse on some features of patient care may not coincide. Then you need to very tactfully discuss controversial issues with your doctor, and if agreement is reached, this will make your work easier. There is no point in discussing such situations with other people or immediately filing complaints with management - this can lead to mutual grievances and an undesirable situation in the team. The right to defend one’s point of view must be combined with high demands on oneself. the ability to admit and correct mistakes discovered independently or by colleagues.

The humanism of the profession creates the basis for protecting the personal dignity of the nurse, her physical integrity, and the right to assistance in the performance of professional duties. By the way, her standard of living should correspond to the status of her profession. Medical workers and nurses, in particular, should not be forced to work under conditions that are unacceptable to them.

There is probably no point in arguing about how necessary, important, and wonderful the nursing profession is.

“Nurses provide essential physiological and emotional support to patients because they are the ones who spend the most time with them.”

“The nurse strives” to understand the patient, listening patiently as he talks about his worries and fears, and seeking to provide emotional support and comfort. And when the patient is about to die, the nurse needs to “help him face death with as little suffering as possible.” and with as much dignity as possible."

"A nurse's job is to provide compassionate patient care. Several years ago, 1,200 professional nurses were asked, 'What is most important to you about being a nurse?' 98 percent of them responded that the most important thing is to provide quality care."

"But along with the joys, the work of a nurse is associated with numerous difficulties. She does not tolerate mistakes! When giving medicine, drawing blood, placing an IV or simply turning a patient over, a nurse must be very careful. You cannot make mistakes - especially in those countries where people like to give lawsuit against health workers Sometimes a nurse finds herself in difficult situations.

The psychotherapeutic role of the nurse is very important, no matter where she works. It is no coincidence that at the beginning, when the institute of nurses was just being created, they were called sisters of mercy, since they cared not only for the body, but also for the soul of the sick.

The art of nursing lies in the harmonious combination of creativity and scientific validity of procedures, manuals, verbal influences and conversations in the process of caring for the patient; in the ability to sometimes protect the patient from the negative thoughts and feelings that overwhelm him, which, as is known, significantly delay recovery. Such protection is important for people of any age, but especially for children and the elderly.

To implement it, the nurse must be ready for empathy, must show kindness, responsiveness, and participation. But in some cases, simply good human qualities are not enough. To apply them professionally, and therefore with a high degree of reliability, you need to master certain elements of medical psychology and psychotherapy.

The psychotherapeutic activity of a nurse at a territorial clinic should first of all be aimed at such a complex pathopsychological complex as the internal picture of the disease, i.e. the patient's understanding of the nature of his disease. The patient's attitude towards his illness may be hypernosognosic or anosognosic in nature; in addition, many transition states are possible.

It should be recognized that the profession of a nurse is especially in demand in life. Given the widespread shortage of nursing staff, girls in white coats are often forced to work more than 14 hours a day, being in constant motion and often without time for a normal lunch.

While on duty, nurses must be constantly on alert, because the duration of recovery and the outcome of the disease largely depend on their experience, skills and abilities: “The salvation of a seriously ill patient depends on whether the nurse is able to timely notice the deterioration of his condition and determine what is causing it ".

It is the psychological and physical stress that nurses constantly experience that causes the percentage of various types of errors and deviations among nurses to be much more common than among representatives of other professions. A nurse's hard work also negatively affects her health. As a result of research, it was found that the life expectancy of nurses is on average 3-5 years less than that of representatives of other professions.

The shortage of nurses is widespread. The work of nurses is a daily feat, since sometimes they have to shoulder two or three rates on their fragile shoulders. They are stimulated only by their love for the profession. So let's say a huge thank you to them for this.

What qualities should a nurse have: “First of all, hard work. Purity, external and internal, modesty. Be able to sympathize with someone else's grief. The nurse must behave in such a way that the patient can trust her completely, without being embarrassed by any manipulation or procedure. At work, she must be able to forget about herself, about her household worries and problems, and always be near the sick. In the healing process, in my opinion, all links are equally important, and if the doctor’s job is to treat pathology, then the nurse’s job is to help the patient psychologically cope with the disease.”

The costs of working as a nurse are the most severe consequence of working in mentally traumatic circumstances (great responsibility, constant stress and communication with seriously ill patients) - the syndrome of emotional deficit and emotional burnout.

This is when you no longer have the strength to sympathize, and everything is done automatically. The role of the nurse in the hospital hierarchy has increased; she is now the chief assistant to the physician. And not only in terms of patient care, but also in mastering numerous new medical equipment. The nurse must prepare the operating room, the place of work of the doctor and the patient for the procedure, monitor the operation of the equipment, etc. Moreover, you must always improve your knowledge, because new techniques are constantly being introduced in surgery, the requirements are increasing, and at the same time, the daily proximity of human pain is difficult, sometimes there is simply no strength left. Not everyone stays in this profession.

List of used literature

  1. Nurse.
  2. 10,000 tips for a nurse to care for patients.
  3. Awake! 11.2000. Articles "Nurses - Why do we need them?", "The important role of nurses." Framework "Nursing qualifications" p.8, "Fundamentals of healthcare" p.9, "Appreciative doctor" p.11.
  4. Elena Kukushkina. Newspaper "Rybinskiy Izvestia" Issue: 05.23.06 Nurse: this is the job.

Chemekova Ekaterina

Purpose of the work: to get to know the nursing profession better and draw an appropriate conclusion in professional self-determination.




“My future profession is a nurse.”

Completed by: 9th grade student

Chemekova Ekaterina

Head: Elena Chernova


GBOU "Novotoryalskaya boarding school"


1. Introduction.

2. Main part.

  1. The history of the nursing profession.
  2. Functional responsibilities of a nurse.
  3. Qualities required for a future nurse.
  4. Education. Place of work.
  5. My decision when choosing a profession.
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Information sources.
  3. Application.


There are many different professions in the world,

But there is a special one.

It is given only from God,

And she has a special price.

I study in the 9th grade at the Novotoryal boarding school. Very soon I will have to face the problem of choosing a profession. My future will depend on how I do it, what path I choose.

I decided to connect my life with medicine and become a nurse. The main value in any society is a healthy person. Giving people health is important, it is more relevant than ever. It is the nurse who will support a person in the most difficult moment and give him hope for recovery. The very word “sister” radiates warmth and sounds homely. Being needed by people is what attracts me to this profession. I want to learn more about the nursing profession. This work, I believe, will help me in professional self-determination.

Purpose of the work: to get to know the nursing profession better and draw an appropriate conclusion in professional self-determination.

The tasks that I have set for myself:

1. Get to know your intended profession.

2. Determine your readiness for this profession.

3. Outline a professional plan and prospects.

There are many different professions in the world. And to make it easier to navigate in this world, they were conditionally divided into 5 groups depending on the relationship between a person and the object of action (i.e. with whom or what a person of a certain profession works). We classify the profession of “nurse” as a “person-to-person” group. It was this group, when studying my abilities, that most suited my personality. (Appendix No. 1)

2.1 History of the emergence of the nursing profession.

Communities of women caregivers, were created in many cities of Western Europe since the 11th century. They were called differently then:

In Russia there was a Catholic community"Elizabethan" , named after Countess Elizabeth of Thuringia, who at her own expense built a hospital and an orphanage for foundlings and orphans;

In France there was a community of “Ioanites” , who showed themselves especially selflessly during the plague epidemic in 1348.

But then it was not a profession, rather a voluntary manifestation of humanity. The first school to conducttraining of nurses and nurses, was discovered in 1617 by Louise de Marillac. And by the middle of the 19th century, there were about 16 thousand sisters of mercy in Western Europe.

The founder of modernnursing And first professional nurseThe Englishwoman Florence Nightingall (1820-1910) is considered to be the first to create a nursing service consisting of 38 people who cared for wounded Allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War. In 1860, using donations, Florence opened a school for training nurses.

Among the first nurses to go to the front were the Moscow sisters of mercy.St. Nicholas Monastery. They went to the front voluntarily and in an organized manner.Crimean War to provide assistance to wounded soldiers.

During this war, for the first time in history, sisters of mercy (fromHoly Cross community , established by the Grand DuchessElena Pavlovna). These women underwent specialized training to work directly in the ranks of the active army.Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov , a famous doctor, carried out leadership and organizational activities in the formation of a new social institution.

In 1863 an order was issuedMinister of War of the Russian Empire on the introduction, by agreement with the Holy Cross community, of permanent nursing care for patients in military hospitals. This year can be considered the year of birth of the nursing profession in Russia.

2.2 Functional responsibilities of a nurse.

By its nature, the work of a nurse is “executive”, i.e. she carries out the doctor’s orders, but in importance she is no less important than the activities of the doctor himself. She is much more present than a doctor with a patient; she can be the first to come to the rescue if his health and condition worsen. Women usually work as nurses, but in medical institutions you can also meet male doctors. Brothers who also cope well with the responsibilities of carrying out medical prescriptions, caring for and monitoring the sick.

Nurses have as many specialties as there are branches in medicine, even more.

The district nurse works together with the district therapist. She is the owner of the office, where she prepares everything for outpatient appointments, keeps a file of people under dispensary observation, and fills out various medical documentation. The work of a district nurse is especially responsible when serving patients at home. She comes to visit the patient, find out about his well-being, carry out the doctor’s orders, and help the patient’s relatives in caring for him.

Nurse of special departments.

The nature of her work largely depends on the specialty of the doctor she helps. Therefore, to work in a particular department, nurses are trained in specialization courses. So, an eye nurse needs to have an understanding of the structure of the eye and its diseases, methods of prevention and treatment. She must be able to administer eye drops, determine visual acuity and assist the doctor in selecting glasses, and measure intraocular pressure.

The nurse in the ear, nose and throat office has to determine hearing acuity and rinse the external auditory canal.

In the surgical room, the nurse, together with the surgeon, treats wounds, makes dressings, and participates in minor operations. She prepares sterile material, instruments, monitors the quality of instruments.

The working conditions of nurses in the department are different. They work 12 hours, with a day off after the day shift and 2 days after the night shift. A tent nurse oversees an average of 20–30 patients. She looks after them, monitors their condition, helps nurses and relatives feed them, distributes medicines, takes temperatures, and gives injections.

2.3 Qualities required by a future nurse.

The name of this profession already speaks about what basic character traits should be inherent in this medical worker. “Sister” means a loved one who is always ready to help.Mercy and sympathy for the pain of others is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This is necessarily accompanied by attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility and hard work.
Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, and ward nurses), good memory, and the desire for professional growth. Good health and stamina.
Allergies to certain drugs can be an obstacle to work. For example, an operating room nurse cannot assist in an operation if the
s disinfectants make her cough. But the nursing profession has such a wide field of activity that you can simply move to another job.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • disgust;
  • irresponsibility;
  • inattention;
  • selfishness;
  • cruelty;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • intolerance;
  • absent-mindedness.

2.4 Education. Place of work.

Of course, with so many responsibilities of a nurse, professional education is simply necessary. You can get it at a specialized medical college (school). To master the nursing profession, you need good knowledge in the field of medicine and psychology, as well as in such subjects as biology, botany, anatomy, and chemistry.

If, some time after graduating from this educational institution, you feel that you are capable of more, you have the opportunity to satisfy your ambitions. Some medical schools offer higher education for nurses. It all depends on your determination. Can you complete this maxi?- program - you will get the opportunity to work in a large clinic as an organizer of nursing services, a chief or senior nurse, head of a nursing department, or teach at a medical school.

Can a nurse make a career? Well, you can hardly count on breathtaking career growth, but there are some options.
There are several career options for a nurse. For example, while working in one position, improve your qualifications. This is rewarded with a salary increase.
If the administration appreciates your experience and ability to get along with people, you can get the position of head nurse of a department or even an entire medical institution.
Well, and, finally, continuing education at a medical institute. After receiving a university diploma, you will become a doctor.

In our republic, the profession of a nurse can be obtained at the State Budgetary Medical Institution of the Russian Medical Academy of Secondary Education "Yoshkar-Olinsky Medical College", which is located on the street. Proletarskaya, 68, as well as its branch in the city of Volzhsk.

Based on basic general education (9th grade):

Nursing, qualification nurse, basic level - duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

On the basis of secondary general education, primary vocational education, secondary or higher vocational education (grade 11):

· nursing, qualification nurse, basic level - duration of training - 2 years 10 months.

Nurse is a profession in demand. Nurses work in hospitals, hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, private clinics and offices, military units, children's institutions, and sanatoriums. We can safely say that a girl who chooses this profession will not be left without work.

2.6 My decision when choosing a profession.

I dreamed of becoming a nurse since childhood. As a weak child, I often stayed in hospitals, and also strengthened my health in sanatoriums and there were always people in white coats next to me. My favorite childhood game was the hospital game. When I came to the boarding school, I met the nurse at our first-aid post, Svetlana Anatolyevna, and became her frequent guest. I liked watching how she worked, how she interacted with patients: she listened carefully and patiently to all the children’s complaints, calmed them down with gentle words, discreetly gave injections, and treated wounds. I had a great desire to learn this and also ease the pain of other people.

Adults, teachers and educators, having learned about my desire to become a nurse, decided to help me. My mother also supported my choice of profession.

To understand whether this profession is right for you, you need to try yourself in it. Svetlana Anatolyevna taught me some simple medical operations: measuring blood pressure, checking a person’s body temperature, measuring height and weight. And the teachers entrusted me with conducting information hours on a healthy lifestyle. It was very interesting to me. I realized that I liked this profession.

But not everything is so easy in this profession. I learned about the difficulties of this profession, namely intense night shifts, physical and emotional overload, and the possibility of contracting a dangerous disease during a meeting with the nurse of the district hospital, Elena Nikitievna Shabalina, who attended the next lesson of the “Your Life. Your choice". Her story made me wonder if I could always be ready to come to the aid of a patient and selflessly carry out my difficult work in any conditions.After weighing all the pros and cons, I decided not to give up on my dream.

My next step, bringing me closer to my childhood dream - to become a nurse, was my visit to Yoshkar - Olinsky Medical College. It took place on Open Day. We, future applicants, were given a lot of attention: we were given a tour of the educational institution, introduced to the teachers, and introduced to the admission rules. I felt a strong desire to continue my education here. Knowledge of chemistry and biology is very important for doctors, and these are my favorite subjects at school, so I chose them for final exams and study them intensively.

Having studied the material about the nursing profession, and getting to know it better during practical classes, I did the following: conclusions: Despite the long history of origin and today, a nurse is one of the most popular professions. Only those who give genuine pleasure to helping others, have the ability to compassion, to empathize with a person’s misfortune will become a truly successful specialist.

The profession of a nurse is my dream profession. A person must remain true to his dreams. Therefore, after finishing 9th grade, I decided to enter medical college and continue my studies at the Faculty of Nursing.


Completing the work “My Future Profession” helped me establish my abilities and taught me how to independently search and collect information. She made me think about my future fate. I think that I can correctly navigate the use of my powers, the search for what may be the only, main thing that will contain the meaning of my life. While working on the project, I learned a lot about the nursing profession, I think it suits me. There are new professions that have been born recently, and there are old ones that are becoming a thing of the past. And there are eternal professions that are not influenced by either time or fashion. It is impossible to do without them in the modern world, and today is unthinkable without them. This is the profession of a nurse!

Appendix No. 1

Protocol of the results of the N. Hall test (modified by Rezapkina) “Emotional intelligence”: - self-esteem of adolescents

Source – Rezapkina G.V. Me and my profession. – M.: Genesis, 2004.

Components of emotional intelligence

Self-awareness (points)

Self-control (points)

Self-motivation (points)


Interaction skills (points)


Level of emotional intelligence

Chemekova Katya (6th grade)


Chemekova Katya (9th grade)


Conclusion. The dynamics of the development of emotional intelligence parameters in student Ekaterina Chemekova indicates (in the context of 3 years) an increase in self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, and interaction skills. The general level of emotional intelligence of Ekaterina Chemekova in 9th grade rose to a high level.

Protocol of the results of the sociometric study.

5th grade – 05/3/2012




















Antropov D.

Baynova Yu.

Gorokhova T.

Zykov S.

Kutuzov V.

Pryanikova A.

Rusanov K.

Sadovin S.


Fedotov A.

Chemekova K.

Chemekova N.

Chendemerov A.

Saliy K.

Chernyaev A.

Chumarov S.

Malakhov V.

Aganina A.

6 4 11 5 8 6 3 3 5 4 12 5 6 2 11 3 8 4

Conclusion: according to the results of a sociometric study in 5th grade, it was revealed that Katya Chemekova is a leader. Further results almost completely repeated this protocol.

Phillips School Anxiety Test Report.

Date of examination - November 15, 2012.


Child's full name

Sum of points

General anxiety at school


Chemekova Katya

6th grade


Chemekova Katya

9th grade


Conclusion: the level of school anxiety in student Ekaterina Chemekova over the course of three years has undergone positive dynamics of development, dropping to “low”. The latter indicates the formation of “self-awareness”, real self-esteem, and sustainable educational success.

The girl is successful and self-sufficient in many areas of school life.

Information sources:

  1. "World of Professions" ed. Young guard.
  2. Ru. Wikipedia/org/wiki –Nurse
  3. Working papers. Ru.professja- meditsinskaja/ sestra - Functional and job responsibilities of a nurse
  4. photo nurse

Nursing is a specialty whose importance cannot be overestimated. Essentially, no doctor will be able to cope with his duties if he does not have such an assistant. Taking this into account, we can safely say that a nurse is indispensable in any clinic or hospital.

However, how much do we know about the duties that this employee performs? What kind of difficulties do they sometimes have to face? And what prospects await a girl who has chosen the path of a nurse?

General information about the profession

The nurse is first and foremost the doctor's right hand. Her main task is to follow the instructions of the doctor to whom she is assigned. This could be collecting tests, installing an IV, providing bed linen to the patient, and so on. That is, by and large, the role of the nurse is auxiliary.

But despite this, she is an important member of the staff of any medical institution. After all, the nurse takes on the lion's share of the work, thereby relieving the doctors. And they, in turn, will be able to devote more time to more important tasks: diagnosing diseases, prescribing a course of treatment, therapy, and so on.

How to become a nurse?

The duties of a nurse require appropriate education. You can get it at a medical college or school. The training takes from 3 to 4 years, depending on the chosen institution.

During this time, students will learn all the skills necessary to work in this specialty. In particular, they will study Latin (which is indispensable when writing recipes), methods of first aid, the basics of therapy, rules for using medicinal drugs, and so on.

Statutory classification of nurses

When discussing this profession, one cannot ignore the fact that there is a classification of nurses. And, despite the fact that the education required is the same, the range of responsibilities is different for everyone.

So, what types of nurses are there?

  • Chief nurse is the only position that requires a higher education. Its main task is control. It is this employee who makes adjustments to the work of middle and junior medical staff.
  • Senior nurse is a position assigned to each head of the department. The main function is to maintain order in the territory entrusted to it by managing its own subordinates.
  • A guard nurse is a specialist who makes sure that patients strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions: take medications, follow bed rest or diet.
  • Procedural nurse. She is the one responsible for the injections and IVs prescribed by the doctor. In addition, she collects samples and takes them to the laboratory.
  • The operating room nurse is the surgeon's right hand. She prepares the operating room before the operation, checks that everything is in place, and brings all the necessary instruments. In the future, she follows all the instructions that the surgeon gives her: give a scalpel, a clamp or, say, a tampon.
  • A community nurse is a specialist assigned to a specific doctor. Most often, this position involves paperwork: filling out cards, working with documents, keeping records, and so on.
  • The junior nurse is the lowest level of the hierarchy. Her responsibilities include caring for the sick and following orders from senior colleagues.

Required qualities

So, the duties of a nurse cannot be called too complex, especially when compared with the work of doctors. However, you should not underestimate them, because the health of another person is at stake.

Therefore, the future specialist must have the following personal qualities:

  • good memory in order to remember many terms and names of medications;
  • responsibility, because, as mentioned earlier, any mistake can cost a person his life;
  • speed of reaction in order to make the right decision at a critical moment;
  • compassion, because without it she will not be able to provide the sick with the care they need;
  • strong nerves and psyche, since in medicine you will have to deal with many things, including unpleasant ones.

What will you have to do at work?

Each medical institution has its own instructions (job description) for nurses. This document contains a complete list of all responsibilities of this employee, and upon taking up the position, he is required to familiarize himself with it. It is simply not possible to describe all possible requirements listed in this document, as they may vary depending on institutional policies.

However, here are a few examples:

  1. First of all, the nurse monitors the condition of the patients. He takes tests, inquires about their well-being and takes them to treatment procedures.
  2. Any nurse follows the instructions of doctors, especially if they relate to working with patients.
  3. This employee is also responsible for a number of procedures related to the treatment of the patient. So, nurses administer intravenous drips, give injections, conduct physical therapy, and give dosages of medications.
  4. In addition, nurses often work with hospital documentation. For example, they fill out patient cards, keep records of hospital equipment, submit documents for discharge, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

If we talk about the advantages, then first of all we need to note the high demand in the labor market. Almost every specialist can count on a free place in their city.

However, there are also disadvantages. In particular, low wages and lack of career growth. Even with all your desire, you simply won’t be able to rise above the position of head nurse.

Katya, nurse

The story that nursing is a sexy profession is a stereotype with which I completely disagree.

We get terribly tired at our post: distributing medicines, caring for the sick, filling out documents and a thousand other things are tiring. You forget about sexuality after the second night shift. I don't understand what men like about this. At work, nurses get so tired that at best they forget about cosmetics, and at worst, the razor becomes entertainment once a month, so as not to turn into a Yeti. The question is also about the robe - this is a uniform that smells of medical alcohol, bleach and other nasty things - if a man likes this, then he is either crazy or an alcoholic.

By the way, the attention of men in our hospital is rare, which proves the stereotypical opinion about a nurse's costume. My colleagues and I receive compliments or sweets only on holidays, or for some service from women who come to visit their husbands.

Irina, nurse

Our uniform is noticeably different from the sex shop uniform, which is quite frank and provocative. There are two versions in my wardrobe, but for some reason the work uniform is in greater demand among my man than the one from the sex shop.

According to him, in a robe I look like a strict, serious lady who I want to seduce and tear my clothes into pieces, which is what he does. I've already bought a new robe 5 or 6 times, but I like it. As for the sexual image, he sees in me a girl of easy virtue who does not cause disgust, there is no incentive to seduce what has already been seduced.

The urge to dress your beloved as a nurse may be caused by the fact that men like everything inaccessible, and our profession is full of seriousness and precision. So they get a little piece of inaccessibility with the help of a suit, but this is my personal opinion. I believe that men choose a companion in whom they will be confident, and all games with ladies of easy virtue are childish pranks that will not go beyond sex.

Elena, nurse

I remember one incident, I was still a trainee then, though. After a day of work, I didn’t change my clothes and came home in a dressing gown. The young man, after looking at me for a long time in the “image,” wordlessly grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the bedroom. Honestly, at that moment I was very scared, it wasn’t like him. Darling got so excited that he forgot about condoms and entered me without a “cover.” We had sex for quite a long time, they forbade me to take off my robe.

I remembered this sex for a long time, because in addition to sexual satisfaction, I also received a child in addition. But I don’t regret it: they proposed to me, I gave birth to a daughter, became a nurse, and the robe now often appears in our intimate life. I feel sad for those men whose girlfriends are against such experiences. We need to reincarnate and please each other.

Sasha, nurse

I don't think a nurse's uniform is sexy unless it's the kind that men see in porn movies all the time. Most likely, such viewings gave rise to the desire to sleep with the nurse, as in the film.

Having worked as a medical worker for a long time, I have heard and seen many stories. From personal experience I can say that pretty nurses have definitely had sex in uniform once or twice. I'm not an exception. Young single dads often come to see me, they smile sweetly, flirt and try to get to know each other outside the hospital. I liked one of them terribly and I gave up, despite my strict disposition.

One day he looked at me during the evening shift, when I was getting ready to go home. We drank a cup of tea and started talking, but then something happened and the man threw me onto the table. At that moment it didn’t matter whether we were at home or at work. I won’t lie - I liked it to bits, but the pleasure was interrupted by a colleague who came in to give me the keys to the office. It’s funny and sad, because the sex had to end, but I will never forget the red face of the nurse who came in, as well as the incident itself.

Galya, flight attendant

Let me start with the fact that you will not find a flight attendant with a bad figure and an ugly face. Not everyone, of course, is as sexy as they are imagined to be, but they are 100% cute, so by their nature they cannot repel men. A uniform is just an addition to a beautiful girl, which awakens a certain fetish, because we are still at the top. I don’t think anyone would turn down sex on a flight, with a lady they may never see again.

I haven’t had sex in uniform, but I constantly fight off annoying passengers. They will either try to pinch your butt or say all sorts of obscenities. There was a case when I was offered money for sex. I have never experienced such disgust in my life. Flight attendants are doing serious business, they are ruining their health and personal lives, for what? Definitely not to be picked off like a cheap prostitute.

A suit is a suit, and the profession should not be trivialized, no matter how sexy it may be.

Evgeniya, waiter

I've heard about the costumes of nurses, flight attendants and police officers, but for officers to be attributed to sexuality - this is the first time. If only we are classified as maids.

At work, you often have to be rude to drunk and “brave” visitors. You understand that when a man drinks, the alpha guy who is knee-deep in the sea wakes up in him. They shout, whistle at you, and the narrow-minded people use the boring: “Kitty-kitty-kitty.” Believe me, at this moment we don’t look like a sex object at all, just look at the distorted face from what we heard. And in general, it seems to me that you have to be crazy to see something sexy in a waitress’s costume, because many of us are under 18, and louts over 40 are pestering us.

I like the image of the waitress - great! Dress up your women and have fun, and don’t distract us at work. If you liked it, it’s better to leave a good tip instead of telling vulgar things.

Stanislav Slovikovsky, art director

A nurse from the category of any other service personnel. Part of the sexy image is that taking care of you is part of her profession. Honey. worker - this is clearly not fun galloping through the forest, but still you are lying in bed next to a caring girl. This image, in my opinion, is too hackneyed, so on Halloween I ask you not to come dressed as a nurse, I’m bored.

I am not a supporter of Freud's interpretations, I do not agree with the constant reference to childhood. Trying to find the mystery in a behavior model based on childhood experiences is not close to me.

Stewardesses are more interesting because their profession historically developed in such a way that when airlines opened in the 40s and 50s, quite rich people flew. Therefore, sexy girls were specially selected, their photographs were placed on all advertising posters. Basically they told you: “You are flying with these girls.” That is, this is an inherently sexual profession, unlike a nurse. Perhaps she became in demand because the client is helpless, and the sister wants to please him.

Andrey Kon, sex journalist

The nurse costume is one of the best-selling costumes in sex shops. The innocent white color, neckline and miniskirt look very erotic. Why is the image of a nurse so popular in male fantasies? I think one of the reasons is that she has access to a man's body. If a pretty nurse in a short robe gives you an injection in the butt, a certain erotic overtone arises. With a slight hint of BDSM. And this is then imprinted in the subconscious.

But if you remember the role-playing images that men love - the flight attendant, the maid and the nurse - then it seems that the stronger sex, in principle, is aroused by the girls who serve them. That is, those who give men the opportunity to dominate.

If we dig even deeper, perhaps the popularity of the image of a nurse is associated with fears of injections and other medical procedures. And sexualization can act as a defense and a way of coping for men.

Alexander Tsarikov, showman

I have always believed that play underlies all our actions: decision-making, life choices and sexual preferences. It so happened that playing at someone else and having sex with replacing a real partner with his fantasy image has always appealed to men (and, let’s face it, to women). The chosen costumes themselves speak volumes about cultural codes and their breaking, religious, political and other preferences. In Catholic countries (Spain, Latin American countries) there is a passion for sexual play on priestly and monastic images. In the southern American States, a popular model that grows out of the era of racial segregation and the slave-owning past is the white farmer's daughter and the Afro gangbang. Some costumes come into our fantasies from childhood. All these doctors-teachers-mothers.

One of the reasons, perhaps the main ones, why women in uniform turn on men is latent homosexuality, because the uniform is the clothing of masculinity, the uniform makes people same-sex. The second reason, perhaps, is that the form is a visible embodiment of the state’s violence over our desires (violence as a philosophical category of coercion), and here with a young lady dressed as a prosecutor, a police officer, it’s an opportunity to find yourself in a position of power and coerce, dominate, dominate.

I like Japanese animation. That's why I choose a Japanese school uniform, something from the Sailor Moon cartoon - a short tartan and a sailor suit - it's fire!

Alexey Vilkov, sexologist

The stronger sex is predisposed to diversity. After marriage, a large number of men gradually notice a decrease in sexual interest in their partner. To diversify his sexual fantasies and sensations, he offers his wife one or another game (they can come up with it together) to restore fading feelings in a couple. It’s good when both halves are inclined to discuss pressing problems and be creative in their intimate life.

Why did I choose the profession of nurse? It all started in childhood. My mother is also a doctor, there were always gloves, syringes, masks, gowns, etc. at home. I used to think that this profession was characterized only by giving injections, placing IVs and filling out documents. I did this on my toys, and sometimes even on my parents, for fun, of course. This is where it all started. I finished school and entered medical college. In practice, I realized that the profession of a nurse requires not only skills, but first of all the soul must lie in it! I believe that it is a soul like mine that is kind. It’s not for nothing that nurses used to be called nurses. A nurse is kindness, responsibility, and attentiveness to every patient. We must be ready to help both patients and our colleagues. Both to friends and relatives, and to complete strangers on the street.
I really like my profession - nurse.

Why did I choose the profession of nurse? It all started in childhood. My mother is also a doctor, there were always gloves, syringes, masks, gowns, etc. at home. I used to think that this profession was characterized only by giving injections, placing IVs and filling out documents. I did this on my toys, and sometimes even on my parents, for fun, of course. This is where it all started. I finished school and entered medical college. In practice, I realized that the profession of a nurse requires not only skills, but first of all the soul must lie in it! I believe that it is a soul like mine that is kind. It’s not for nothing that nurses used to be called nurses. A nurse is kindness, responsibility, and attentiveness to every patient. We must be ready to help both patients and our colleagues. Both to friends and relatives, and to complete strangers on the street. I really like my profession - nurse.

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Results (English) 1:

Why did I choose the profession of nurse? It all started in childhood. My mother is also a doctor, there were always gloves, syringes, masks, gowns, etc. at home. I used to think that this profession was characterized only by giving injections, placing IVs and filling out documents. I did this on my toys, and sometimes even on my parents, for fun, of course. This is where it all started. I finished school and entered medical college. In practice, I realized that the profession of a nurse requires not only skills, but first of all the soul must lie in it! I believe that it is a soul like mine that is kind. It’s not for nothing that nurses used to be called nurses. A nurse is kindness, responsibility, and attentiveness to every patient. We must be ready to help both patients and our colleagues. Both to friends and relatives, and to complete strangers on the street. I really like my profession - a nurse.

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