Thousand devils. What was famous for the legendary pirate black beard

England is known not only with its great caperats, but also with their great pirates. One of them is Edward Tichmore famous as pirate black beard. Titch was born in Bristol in 1680 and acted in the Caribbean from 1714 to 1718, just in the era. Edward's childhood, judging by various assumptions, was not the most favorable. Already in his 12 years, the guy entered the service in a military fleet, there he gained a valuable experience, which in the future, as he knows, has favorably affected his pirated career.

Historians do not exclude the possibility of the participation of Edward Tiche in the war for the Spanish legacy as a privatir. After signing the world, Tich did not have the desire to throw a favorite occupation and came to the team of the Pirate of Benjamin Hornigold. Soon Edward Tich got his own vessel, the famous "Revenge of Queen Anne" now is now famous. Many people are interested, why Pirate gave his flagship such an extravagant name, here is one assumption that answers this question: the second name of the War of Spanish inheritance is the war of Queen Anna. The relationship between the name of the ship and the name of the war is obvious.

Even in the team of Hornigold, Edward Tich had a reputation as a ruthless pirate, so he captured most of her prey without a single cannon volley, it was worth only to raise his flag, as the sacrifice immediately surrendered. The black beard rummed that, perhaps, once this method of "earnings" and will be legal. I think lawyers would agree with him, because in such a situation there is simply no composition of the crime.

In 1717, the Governor of Baham was declared war to all pirates. Colleague on the craft of Edward Ticha, Benjamine Hornigold, took an amnesty and left his deeds. Edward act in a similar way was not intended, he alone headed the "revenge of Queen Anna", raised the black flag over the vessel and henceforth began to be called as a black beard pirate.

At first, the production was modest, the weather soon began to deteriorate, and the ship was required to inspect. Repair on a desert island did not provide opportunities, so the pirate black beard went to radical measures. He asked for a pardon from the governor of the city of Bat, repented of his atrocities and promised to never engage more. The governor was childish naive, he not only pardoned Edward Ticha and his team, but also allowed to leave the pirates all the loose. After the winter is over, and the ship was put into full combat readiness, the pirates again took up the old. After a small pause of their first prey, the ship was the ship, while still an unknown pirate. Titch, under the pretext of cooperation, circulated around the finger of Bonnet and at a convenient time for himself carried his ship, which, however, he immediately returned, but without a single penny, of course.

Soon the squadron of Edward Tiche went down to 4 ships and approximately 400 people of the crew. It seems everything went well, but the syphilis epidemic on the ships of the black beard forced the pirates to block Charlestown, trying to get medicine in this way. At local citizens, Tich fiercely demanded all the necessary medicines, which two days later were transferred to the pirate. Residents cost little blood, because Edward Tich could simply plunder and burn the city. Why he did this noble way - unknown.

The more production I got, the less the pirate is a black beard I wanted to share it with a lot of scorched team. He came up with a rather unusual way to reduce the number of the crew. Two of their ship, including the flagship, he planted a stranded, overloading all the worn to the small remaining vessel. The main part of the team had to ascend to the shore as a result. So Edward Tich retained everything loose and significantly reduced the number of his team, thereby increasing its share.

After Tich decides to visit his "old friend", Governor Eden to the city of Bat. Surprisingly, but this time the governor meets Ticch with open arms and even looks like a wife's Flibuster. For a while, pirates settle and indulge in all the elements of worldly life. To visit, a very famous pirate Charles Wein will visit Tych. Two Flibistra rolled such a fell that poor residents, from standing exclamations, could not fall asleep.

But the fun life lasted for a long time, because they were far away from the pirate not all the governors. Alexander Sportovud - Governor of Virginia, from the old members of the team of Edward Tiche receives the news of the unreasonable sweated treasures of the black beard and equipped on His capture of Lieutenant Robert Mainard. Fatal for Ticch The meeting occurred on November 22, 1718. A boarding battle took place between Mainage and Tich, during which the great pirate black beard was killed. But before the mouth, Titch proudly suffered as much as 5 the bullets and around 20 Cheerful wounds. Despite this, Mainard was waiting for disappointment, no treasure in the hold could not be discovered, the expedition did not even pay off.

On the soil of anger and unjustified financial hopes, Mainage ordered to cut off her head and hang her on Bushfritis. Flibistra body was thrown into the sea. It is rumbled that it went to the bottom only after it made a couple of circles around the ship.

He received his nickname Edward Tich for a thick black beard, in which, according to rumors, in front of each fight he interpreted the last minute, who make it in full swing, like the devil himself, from hell, mercy and mercy from which did not have to wait.

It is worth knowing this:

Edward Tech (Eng. Edward Teach) on the nickname "Black Beard" (BlackBeard) - the famous English pirate, operating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean in 1716-1718. Born presumably in 1680 in Bristol or London. The real name remained unknown. According to one of his versions, he was called John, on the other - Edward Drammond (Eng. Edward Drummond). About childhood and youth is also nothing known. There is a hypothesis that he was an instructor in the English Fleet before the piracy classes, which says the nickname-pseudonym "Tich" (from the English team to teach). But in most of the original sources, his pseudonym is indicated as "TOTCH", which is not strange, given the characteristic appearance of the "black beard" (English. Thatch is a dense chapelur).

Tich served as a prototype for the image of Flint's pirate in Roman R. Stevenson "Treasure Island". It will be quite interesting to say a few words about his beard and his terrible person who played the last role in the fact that Captain considered one of the most terrible villains in these places. Plutarch and other historians have long noticed that many great Romans received their nicknames from some special adoption on their faces. So, Mark Tullya received the name Cicero from the Latin word "cicer", the ugly wart, which "decorated" the nose of the famous speaker. Titch got a nickname black beard because of his lush beard, which almost completely covered his face. This beard was Iscin-black; The owner allowed her to grow, where he swallows; She closed his whole chest and climbed the face to the very eyes.

Captain had a habit of bragging a beard in pigtails with ribbons and wrapping them around the ears. In the days of battles, he usually wore something like a scarf, which was thrown on his shoulders with three pairs of pistols in cases like a spoof. He tied under his hat two burning wicks, which drowned on the right and to the left of his face. All this together with his eyes, whose look from nature was wild and cruel, made it so terrible that it was impossible to imagine that even more terrible fun live in hell.

His temper and habits were to become his barbarous appearance. Among the pirate society, the one who has committed the greatest number of crimes was considered with some envy as a person outstanding, extraordinary; If, besides, he stand out among others by some skill and was full of courage, it was definitely a big man. Titch for all pirated laws approached the role of the leader; He had, though, some whims, such extravagant, that he sometimes seemed to be the whole devil. Once at sea, being a little drunk, he suggested: "Let's arrange hell here for yourself and see who will stand longer." After these wild words, he descended in her three or three pirates, closed all the hatches and exits to the upper deck and set up a few barrels standing here with gray and other flammable materials. He silently demolished the torment, exposing his life and the life of other people, until the pirates shout in one vote, so that they were released from this "hell," after which he was recognized as the most brave.

At the beginning of his pirate career, TIC made many marine raids with Jamaica Corsairs during the last war against the French. And although he always highlighted his faintness in battles, he never managed to get a team position until the end of 1716, when, becoming a pirate, he received from Captain Hornigold the command of the captured slut.

In early 1717, Tich and Hornigold were departed from New Providence Islands, holding a course for American mainland. On the way, they captured Bark, who was walking under the top of the Captain Türbar from the Bermuda Islands from one hundred and twenty kegs with flour and with a shipboat. Pirates took only wine from Bark and let go. Then they managed to capture the ship loaded in Mader for South Carolina, they took from this ship rich prey. After bringing their floating funds on the coast of Virginia, the pirates went back to the West Indian Islands.

The north of a 24-degree latitude, they gave themselves the French ship who was walking from Guinea to Martinique. Freeding from the ship was very rich, among other things there was a fair amount of golden sand and precious stones. After the section of the production of Tich became the captain of this ship with the consent of Hornigold, who returned to the New Providence Island, where with the arrival of the Governor Rogers obeyed the authorities and was not executed in accordance with the royal decree on pardon.

Edward Tich. (Antique engraving)

Meanwhile, Tich armed his new forty ship by cannons and called him "Queen Anne's Revenge" (revenge of Queen Anna). To confess, for historians, such a name of the ship sounds very mysterious. In addition, contemporaries Tiche testify that he often called himself "Avenger of the Spanish Seas". For whom he revenge on the British? For the executed Queen Anna, the second wife of King Henry VIII? And thus hinted that he is the carrier of the old English surname of Bolein? The French historian Jean Merier nominated the assumption that his real name was Edward Damond. Perhaps it is so may not, while this is another white stain in history.

For "Vesti", Tich went to ride in the vicinity of Saint Vincent Island, where he captured the large English shopping ship, which was commanded by Christof Taylor. Pirates removed from this ship everything that could need them, and disembarking the crew to the island, set fire to the ship.

The defense writes that in a few days the Tich met the Skarborough Soul Ship, with whom he entered into battle. The battle lasted a few hours and good luck began to be prone to tick. In time, realizing that in the open battle they will lose, the captain "Scarborough" decided to take advantage of the speed of his shuttle. He stopped the fight and, lifting all the sails, turned to Barbados, to the place of his parking lot. Tangibly inferior to "Scarborough" in speed, the ship Tich stopped the harassment and headed towards Spanish America. Unfortunately, nor in the ship's journal, nor in the letters of a trait about the collision with Skarborough, nothing reports, so the accuracy of this information lies entirely on the conscience of the defio.

In December-January, 1718, by adding the crew (now on board "Vesti" there were about three hundred thugs), tich, cruising at St. Kitts and Crab Islands, captured several British sluts. And at the end of January arrived in the Bay of Bay, to the city of Bat (North Carolina). Sly Captain understood that this town (at that time his population was a little more than 8 thousand people) is a magnificent refuge for ships coming from the Atlantic to Pomliko Bay, and the fighting colonists agreed to pay for a pirate prey more than professional buyers on the bugs .

In March 1718, having fallen into the Honduras Bay, Tych stumbled upon a pirate gate "Revenge" with ten guns under the command of Major Styd Bonnet. Titch caught up the gate and, making sure after some time in the inexperience of Bonnet in the maritime, instructed the command of S. Richards. At the same time, he took Major on board his ship, saying that he was "not intended for difficulties and worries such a craft and what will be better to part with him and live in his pleasure on such a ship, like this where Major can always follow With my habits, without loading yourself with excessive concerns. "

Soon, the pirates entered the waters of the Honduras Bay and armature near the lowland shores. While they were here at anchor, Bark appeared in the sea. Richards quickly overwhelmed the ropes at his gate and rushed after him in the chase. But Bark, noticing the black flag of Richards, lowered his flag and walked right under the stern of the captain of Captain Tich. Bark was called "Adventure," belonged to the English pirate David Harrot and arrived in these waters with Jamaica. All his crew was taken aboard a large ship, and Israel Hands, a senior officer from the ship Tich, with several of his comrades was appointed commander of a new trophy.

On April 9, the pirates left the Honduras Bay. Now they sent their sails towards one of the bays, where they found a ship and four slut, three of which belonged to Jonathan Bernarde from Jamaica, and the other - Captain James. The ship was from Boston, called "Protestant Caesar" and was under the command of Captain Viara. Tich raised his black flags and gave one volley from the gun; In response to this captain Vior and his entire crew quickly left the ship and got to the shore on the yalik. Titch and his people set fire to the Caesar Protestant, preliminarily delimicing it. They acted like this because the ship came from Boston, where many of their comrades were hanged for piracy; Meanwhile, three gaters belonging to Bernard were returned to him.

From here, the pirates took a course on Big Cayman, a small island of about thirty Lee to the west of Jamaica, where they captured a small barq; From here, their path lay on the Bahamas, and then, finally, they went to Carolina, capturing a brigantine and two gate on the road.

Joint breakdown teams Ticch and Wain. (Antique engraving)

In May 1718, Charleston was blocked in May 1718, the city in South Carolina, where he stayed at the exit from the strait, capturing immediately the ship under the command under the command of Robert Clark, departed to London 1500 pounds in coins and another cargo, as well as Several wealthy passengers. The next day, the pirates captured another ship leaving Charleston, as well as two long boats who wanted to enter the strait, and a brigantine, having fourteen blacks on board. All of these condocent operations, passing in sight of the city, caught up such fear of civilians and plunged them into even greater despair, given that, shortly before the events described, another famous Pirate Vane had already inflicted a similar visit. The port was eight ships, ready to lift the sails, but no one dared to go out to meet the pirates from fear to get into their hands. Shopping vessels were in the same position, fearing for their cargo; It can be said that trade in these places was completely stopped. Additional misfortune delivered to residents of the city that they were forced to undergo a war against the natives, from which they all were exhausted, and now, when that war has just hardly have been completed, new enemies appeared - robbers who came to ruin their seas.

From the governor of Charleston Tich demanded that he would give a medical aid kit and some medicines, a total of less than 400 pounds. When the boat with Messengers Tiche turned over, delaying the fulfillment of the conditions for five days, the captives came to despair. In the end, they still returned home. Tych let go of the ship and prisoners, without causing them any harm. Charlestonians wondered why Tich was satisfied with such a small redemption. It is not clear why he demanded medicines that could well get in Bat. Some historians claim that Sailors Tiche need mercury to treat syphilis.

From Charleston, Tich went to North Carolina. Passing through the Strait of Topsel (now the Bafort Strait), and the "Revenge of Queen Anna", and the "adventure" sat down. It seems that TEC is deliberately destroyed ships, so as not to share production. Several dozen sailors rebelled, and they were thrown to the mel. Tick \u200b\u200bhimself on his unnamed slut sailed from forty sailors and almost all the troubled good.

In June 1718, TIC made a new maritime expedition, sending his sail to the Bermuda Islands. On the way, he met two or three English ships, from which he took only provisions and some other things you need. But when he was near Bermud, he met two French ships floating on Martinique, one of which was loaded with sugar and cocoa, and the other is empty. TIC ordered the crew of the first to surrender and move on board the second, after which he brought the ship with a cargo to North Carolina.

In Bat, Tiche met benevolently. As soon as they arrived at the place, Tich and four robbers from his detachment went to visit the governor; They all swore that they found this ship in the sea, at which there was not a single person; In response to these statements, the decision was made to "consider this ship of successful prey". The governor received his share in the form of sixty sugar boxes, and a certain Mr. Knight, who was his secretary and tax collector in the province, received twenty boxes; The rest was divided between pirates. Governor Eden "Forgave" his pirated actions. Vice Admiralty secured the ship behind him. Titch bought himself a house of macasho from the house of the governor and put his ship at the southern tip of the island of the stroke. He married the sixteen-year-old Daughter of the planter, his generously treated the local nobility, and he gratefully arranged for them techniques.

In English, the conclusion of marriages is carried out in the presence of priests, but in these parts the church features the magistrate: therefore the marriage ceremony of the pirate and his chosen was held by the governor. It is known for certain that it was the fourteenth wife Tich and that he had twenty-six wives.

It should be said that according to the testimony of contemporaries, the tich was, as is customary to speak, a sexual pervert. The life he led with his wives was extremely extraordinary. He stayed with his wife for the whole night, and the next morning he had the habit to invite five or six companions to himself and in his presence forced the poor girl to satisfy them all in turn. In addition to his own wives, this animal often enjoyed the "services" of wives of their prisoners and friendly planters (judging by the descriptions, the latter differed little from the prisoners, unless they were connected).

Titch against the background of his ship.
Titch feared not without reason that the deception would be revealed sooner or later; The ship could be recognized by someone who will approach this shore. Therefore, he appealed to the governor, telling him that this big ship had holes in several places and that he can go to the bottom at any time, and there is a danger that, sunk, he will block the exit from the bay. Under this fictional pretext, Tich received the permission of the governor to take the ship to the river and burn it there, which was immediately done. The upper part of the ship burned over the water, like a bright flower, and the keel was immersed in the water: so pirates got rid of fear to be devoted to the court for deception.

Captain Titch, spent three or four in Bat: Sometimes he was anchored in the bays, sometimes he went to the sea to run from one island to another and trade with the oncoming gaters, which he gave part of the production from his ship in exchange for food , (Of course, if he was in a good mood, it happened more often that he took himself everything that came across him on the way, without asking for the permission, quite confident that no one would dare to ask him a fee). Several times he went deep into the shore, where the day and night was entertained with the owners of plantations. Titch was well adopted among them; days happened when he was very kind with them, gave them rum and sugar in exchange for what could receive from their plantation; But as for those monstrous "liberties", which he and his friends allowed themselves to their wives and daughters, I can't be sure that the pirates paid for this real price.

The hosts of the sluts who flooded there and back along the river, so often became victims of robbery and violence from the black beard, which began to look for ways to stop this chaos. They were convinced that the governor of North Carolina, who had to establish order in this area in their opinion, would not pay any attention to their complaints and that while they would not find help elsewhere, a black beard would continue their robbery. Then the legisters secretly turned to the Governor of Virginia with persistent requests to send significant military forces to grab or destroy pirates. The governor led the negotiations with the captains of two Military ships "Pearl" and "Lima", which for ten months stood in the port, but, according to a unclear reason, did not agree.

Then it was decided that the governor would hire two small gate, to complete them with members of the crews of warships, and will provide the command to Robert Maynard, the first officer "Pearls". Crates were equipped in a large number of all sorts of ammunition and small weapons, but no cannon weapons had.

The governor also gathered the Council on which it was decided to publish a proclamation, which provided for the payment of awards to someone who can grab or kill the pirate during the year. Below I cite its literal content:
« On behalf of the governor of Her Majesty and the Commander-in-Chief of the Colony and the province of Virginia. Promotion, promising awards to those who capture or kill pirates.

This act of the Council in Williamsburg dated November 11 in the fifth year of its Majesty's reign, called the "act of promoting pirates", is specified, among other provisions, it is stipulated that any person who during the period of November 14, 1718 to November 14, 1719 between 33rd and 39th degrees of northern latitude and in the area extending for a hundred Levie from the continental border of Virginia, including Virginia province, including North Carolina, grab or in the case of resistance kill the pirate on the sea or on land in such a way that for the governor and council It will be obvious that the pirate is really killed, the following awards from the public treasury and from the hands of the treasurer of this colony: for Edward Tits, who is nimble in the people of Captain Tych or a black beard - 100 pounds sterling; for each pirate communcing a large warship or a gate - 40 pounds; For each lieutenant, a senior officer, a senior Unter-Officer, Master or Carpenter - 20 pounds; For each younger officer - 15 pounds; For each sailor, taken aboard the similar large warship or gate, - 10 pounds.

The same awards will be issued for each pirate, which will be captured by some large warship or a slut belonging to this colony or North Carolina, according to the qualifications and positions of this pirate.

That is why to inspire those who are glad to serve her majesty and this colony, take part in such a fair and honorable business, as the extermination of the part of the people, which can be rightly called the enemy of the human race, I found it right among other documents with the permission and consent of the Council Publish this proclamation: I declare this paper that the above-mentioned awards will be paid exactly for money in circulation on the territory of Virginia, according to the size established by the current act.

And I order beyond that this proclamation was published by all sheriffs and their representatives, as well as all the priests and preachers of churches and the chassions.

Compiled in the meeting room of the Council in Williamsburg on November 24, 1718, in the fifth year of Her Majesty's Board.
A. Spotswood. "

Flag of Pirate

A few days earlier, on November 17, 1718, Lieutenant Robert Meinard went swimming, and on November 21, he arrived at the small island of the window, where he found Pirates. This expedition held in strict secret and was carried out by a military officer with all necessary caution for this; He arrested all the ships, who met on his way to prevent the Tits get a warning from them and at the same time receive information about the location of the hidden pirate. But, despite all the precautions, the black beard was notified by the provincial governor himself about the plans, plotted against him.

The black beard often listened to such threats, but never seen them to be carried out, therefore, this time he did not give the values \u200b\u200bto the warnings of the governor, while he did not see the slut, with a decisive view suitable for his islet. As soon as he understood the reality of the danger over him, he brought his ship into a state of war readiness, and, although his crew was only twenty-five people, he spread everywhere that he was on board the forty sewing robbers. Giving all the necessary instructions for the battle, he spent the night, sipping wine with the owner of the trading gate.

During this feast, since everyone knew that tomorrow they would be attacked by enemy sluts, someone asked Captain, whether his wife knows where his money is hidden, because anything can happen during the battle. The captain replied "Only I and the Devil know this place and the last one who will remain alive will take everything." Later pirates from his detachment, which were captured as a result of the battle, told the story, completely incredible: when entering the sea, in order to engage in the sea, they noticed among the crew of an unusual person who walked around the deck for several days, then descended in the trum And no one knew where he appeared from; Then the stranger disappeared shortly before the ship was crashed. Pirates believed that it was the devil himself.

Meanwhile, the morning came on November 22, 1718. Lieutenant Mainard arose, because in this place there was a lot of chalks and he could not approach the night closer at night; But the next day he raised anchor and, putting a tear of the depths in front of the Sluts ahead, finally arrived at the distance shot from the gun, who did not make himself wait. In response to this, Mainiard raised the royal flag and ordered to raise all the sails and attach to the oars to rush forward to the island. The black beard in turn chopped the ropes and did everything possible to avoid the caporoda, leading a long-lasting filter from guns. Meinard, who did not have guns on board, not ceasing shot from her musket, while most of his people were struggling to the oars.

The tichal gate was stranded soon, but since Mainard's ship had a large sediment than a pirate ship, the lieutenant could not come to him. Therefore, nothing remained, how to quit an anchor at a distance less than the distance of the shot from the enemy cannon, with the intention to relieve his ship to be able to go on the board. To this end, he ordered to throw all the ballast into the sea and pump out all the water, which could be stumbled in the hold, after which he rushed at all sails to the pirate ship.

Tych, seeing that the enemy was already on the way, decided to go to the trick. He asked Mainard, who he and where he came from. What Lieutenant replied: "You can see our flags that we are not pirates." Black beard, trying to play on the nobility of Mainiard, asked him to transfer it to the jail and swim to him so that he could consider it closer to whom it deals with. Mainard replied that he could not rely on the illy, but would arrive on board his gate as soon as possible. What a black beard, having accepted a glass of liqueur, shouted in response that let the devil take him to him if he spare the enemy or himself would ask for mercy. Meinard replied: "I'm not waiting for you to mercy, and you will not wait for it too." The trick failed.

So far, these "friendly" negotiations, a strong wave and the beginning of the tide removed the Black Beard's Slut from Meli and he again rushed to the open sea, seeking to leave Mainard. The royal ship tried to catch up with pirates. When he approached Already close, the pirate ship fired on him from all his guns of the cabinet, which led to great losses among the crew of the lieutenant. Maynard had twenty people of the dead and wounded and nine people on his board - on another gate. And since the sea came to the sea, he was forced to use only oars to prevent the pirate ship hide.

The lieutenant forced all his people to descend in her three of fear, no matter how one of such a volley did not put the end of the entire expedition and did not destroy his ship completely. He stayed alone on the top deck, besides the steering, which tried to hide as far as possible. Those who were in the hold received the order to keep the gun and saber and climb the deck at the first team. The ladders prepared the ladders. As soon as the Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain, the pirates threw a few homemade grenades on his deck: bottles filled with gunpowder, iron slices, lead and other components that made incredible destruction on the ship, attaching the crew to extremely confused; Fortunately, the grenades were not harmful to people. The main part of the Lieutenant team was, as mentioned in the hold, so a black beard, without seeing anyone on the deck, shrouded in smoke, turned to his people: "All our enemies died with an exception, perhaps three or four. We destroy them into pieces and relieve their corpses into the sea. "

Immediately after such a short speech, under the cover of thick smoke from one of the bottles, he jumped onto the deck of the Lieutenant Mainard's deck, which noticed the unnecessary guests only when smoke scattered a little. Nevertheless, he managed to file a signal to those who were in the hold, and after once they jumped into a deck and attacked the pirates with all the courage, which one could expect from them in a similar situation. The black beard and the lieutenant shot each other from the pistols, and the pirate was wounded. Then they began to fight the sabers; Unfortunately, Mainard saber broke, he retreated a little to recharge his gun, and at that time would certainly be puzzled by the huge Palash Tich if one of the people of Lieutenant did not have time to discharge her gun in the neck of the pirate in time; It saved Mainard, which was separated only by a light scratch on the hand of hand.

Mainard fight with TICH.
The fight was hot, the sea had flushed from the blood around the closed ships. Meinard, who had only twelve people around himself, fought, as a lion, against Tich, surrounded by fourteen pirates. The black beard received another bullet from the lieutenant pistol. Nevertheless, he continued to fight with a mad rage, despite his twenty-five wounds (such an eyewitness argued), five of which were obtained from firearms, until he fell to death at that moment when he was recharged his pistol. Most pirates were also killed; The survivors, almost all wounded, asked for mercy, which extended their lives only for a short time. The second royal gate at the same time attacked the pirates left on board the Ticha's ship, and they also asked for mercy.

So killed Captain Tich. There was a legend, according to which the defective Tich's corpse, scaled into the water for a long time circled around the Mainard ship and did not sneak ...

Perhaps someone will say that Mainiard and his people would suffer less losses if they were on board a warship equipped with guns. Unfortunately, they were forced to take advantage of slot weapons, as it was impossible to approach large or heavy ships to the place where the pirates were hidden.

The lieutenant ordered to cut off the head of the black beard and put it on the end of the bushrite of his slut, after which he headed to Bath, where he wanted to cure his wounded. On the black beard, letters and other papers were found on the black beard, which discovered the agreement concluded between the pirate, the governor Eden, his secretary and some merchants from New York. It is safe to believe that Captain Titch in the event of a loss of any hope of saving all these papers, so that they do not get into the hands of his enemies.

Tich's head on Bushfritis of the Mainard Slut. (Antique engraving)

As soon as Lieutenant Meinard arrived in Bat, he took sixty-making sugar and twenty boxes from the governor's shops - from Knight's stores, which were part of mining from a French ship captured by pirates. There was a loud scandal, the documents were transferred to the court as evidence of a cuery. After such a shameful exposure of Knight lived for a long time, since the fear of appear before the court and respond to the law for his act dumped him into bed with a terrible fever, from which he died after a while.

When all the wounds were heard, Lieutenant Mayanard substituted the wind of the Sails to join the warships standing on the Saint Jacques River in Virginia; On the Bushfritis of his gate, the head was still braided the head of the black beard, and on board were fifteen prisoners, thirteen of which were later hanged.

Judging by some documents, one of the prisoners named Samuel Odell was captured at night preceding the battle, on board a trading gate. This unfortunate man paid for his new place of stay for his new place, since he received about seventy wounds during the strict fourth, it would harderly believe in such a number of wounds, but the documents are so interpreted). The second prisoner, who avoided the gallows, was already known to us the Israel Hands, the senior officer from the ship Tich and one time the captain of the captured Barka, while the big ship "Revenge Queen Anna" has not failed near the Topcell's Little Island.

Hands did not participate in Boe, but was captured in Bat. Shortly before that, he was greatly crumpled by TICH. This happened as follows: At night, when a black beard was drunk in the company with Handsman, Lotsmana and another pirate, he had unnoticed two guns out of his pocket, charged them and put them. Pirate noticed these actions of the captain and considered for the best off the "funny" company; He climbed to the upper deck, leaving Hands and Lotsmana with the captain. At that moment, a black beard, having sacked a candle, shot two pistols, although no one had given him the slightest reason for such an act. Hands was wounded in his knee and remained rude for life; Lotsman got off just fright. When black beards were asked what the reason for this is his act, he replied: "If I will not kill someone from his people from time to time, they will forget who I really are."

So, Hands was also seized and sentenced to the gallows; But at the time when the execution had to be carried out, the ship arrived with the Royal Decree, which guaranteed the pardon of those pirates, which will obey the orders of the authorities and stop robbery. Hands received pardon.

Recently, American underwater archaeologists found at the bottom of a small bay at the mouth of James River in North Carolina, Edward Ticha. If this is true, then this is a ship called "Revenge of the Queen Anna", surrounded by the captain by Mainard.

So, almost after 270 years, the tiche ship is found under the meter layer of Slah. He led the expedition Wilde Ressing. For more than half a year he managed to hide his find from the press, rightly fearing that scuba-love lovers and treasure seekers, and simply lovers of Pirate souvenirs would instantly abandon not only the contents of the tricks, but also the ship itself. Finally, when the press and television reported Nakhodka Ressing at the bottom of the bay in North Carolina, crowds of tourists on cars and boats climbed off all the coast. You can understand their interest: According to the last archival data, his navigator Billy Bons was a real face that Stevenson described in his novel, and most importantly, he was the author of the famous Pirate Song "Dead Man's Chest" about fifteen pirates landed without water and Provisions on a tiny island.

According to the remorse, the Tich's ship is pretty enough from time to time, but is completely subject to restoration, if it is carefully lifted to the surface and subjected to careful conservation. It will require great expenses, but as they say, "the game is worth the candle" due to the fact that people of our time are not indifferent to history.

Inspection of a 18-meter vessel underwater archaeologists showed that many of all sorts of objects and utensils were preserved in the holds, which represents a large archaeological value, like: dishes, a great multitude of bottles from the Roma, sabers curves, pistols with an expensive notch, copper sectance, many guns And still all signs of hot boarding battle ...

Rensing categorically denied the rumors about the inconspicuous treasures, looted by a cunning tich, existing allegedly on the ship, nevertheless he noted that the exact location of the ship holds in secret.

"Historians are well known," said Ressing, "that Tich reliably hid a bad jewelry and money on the uninhabited island of Amelia, and the witnesses removed what was for a pirate who had a monstrous physical force, not very difficult. Judging by the preserved old engravings, Tich always had a good musket, a long cortk and many pistols in special leather pockets. He owned all this set of weapons. "

Members of the Resting Expedition are confident that when the Tich's ship will be raised, restored and becomes a museum exhibit, he will attract many tourists, because the Glory of Tits and his literary double - Captain Flint.

And I have something else to remind about the topic, here you read or here you know who ? . And here again

Full information on the topic "What was called a black beard ship" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

In 1717 there are quite a lot sailors Lost the charity of Queen Britain. For the royal fleet, they were not needed, but with time Britain regretted it. These people knew the marine business well, in less than two years they became pirates century. At one time, served under the signs of the Queen of England, Edward Tich Began his career under the top of Captain Hornigold. Soon, TIC has already had its own crew.

Edward Tich Born in 1680 in the city of Bristol. For those who walked around the seas with him, he was captain, for those who came across on the way - pirate "black beard" He was not from those people who are easy to meet and forget. Nature did not adopted Edward Tiche Physical Data: With an increase in 190 cm, it weighed almost 120 kilograms, and one could inspire fear to anyone alone. His legendary beard reached him - to the belt. In a fight, he did not know fatigue and easily wrapped in his boarding saber, when everyone else had fallen without his strength. Pistols were his favorite toy. Usually he plugged seven-eight pistols for the belt, but it was a deterrence.

« Black beard " Different from the rest of the naval pirates with the mind and cunning, and he also knew where the feature of cruelty was. Most of all, he wanted to remember him. He was not interested in money and power. Sea Pirate "Black Beard" really suggested horror at sea. Neither of ships from the Caribbean The Eastern Coast of America did not leave the field of view of Corsar. Sea pirates captured about forty sailing ships. Edward Tich became the most famous pirate of the distant seas. It is not surprising that the authorities led his searches to destroy.

Pirates century - First of all sailors. These were representatives of different layers of society: noble origin and bottom. W. sea pirates There was a code. The captain was chosen by the whole team. It should be a strong spirit, fair and lucky. If a captain Pirates I did not succeed, the rebellion could easily be blocked. As soon as life at the sea acquired the meaning for the sailor, life on land lost all interest to him.

Pirate ship « Black beard"There was a single-way slut, unlike other Corsairs. These sailing ships are very manemyna and high-speed, especially when it was necessary to pursue the sacrifice, the skill of shipping was manifested here. As soon as the goal was overtaken, the pirates captured the vessel in two ways: with the help of conviction or coarse force. The weapons were resorted if necessary. Pirates fought for tobacco, paints, sugar, spices, which were rich in the Caribbean. Separated goods Sea pirates could sell less rich colonies.

Pirate Edward Tich He knew about the constant threats of the inside. After all, among his crew, there were people who were particularly disturbed. Therefore, he invented various tricks on this. One of them was a visit to "Baths", where instead of a couple was smoke from burning coal. Who dropped out of this who remained with him, got everything. Probably, sea pirate « Black beard " It was necessary to be in hell, since almost everyone left smithal.

Once " Black beard " met on the sea route threema french vessel "La Concorde". On pirated standards attack such ship It was madness. However, for such a person, as Edward Tich no rules existed. And he threw Kush. One successfully captured ship has drawn another. Pirate "Black Beard" wanted to know about him in any waters. An intimidation tactics brought their fruits. Despite its formal reputation " Black beard"I knew that it was often better not to kill. Pirate ship "La Concorde" was renamed Queen Anne`s Revenge . Has never been captured by such ship Devi loss. Reputation Caribbean Pirate "Black beard" has increased dramatically. Then several more ships were captured, which descended the flag after the first warning shot.

At this time, Virginia governor announced a war piracy and prepared a seizure operation pirate ship Edward Tiche. Captain Edward Tich entered into collusion with the governor of North Carolina. The sea pirate was supposed to supply the mined goods in the province, instead of the governor of Carolina using the channels received forgiveness for Edward Tits from the King of Great Britain and was no longer considered a pirate. The cunning pirate came up with a new way of scatching at the sea - distributed the legend that he met sailing ships on which there was no crew. According to maritime laws ship Fully belonged to him. Pirate Edward Tic called his commerce.

However, even the most well-thought-out plans slept surprises. Governor of Virginia various ways tried to find out where pirate ship Edward Tiche. And he succeeded. " Black beard " I understood that his days were considered, and he allowed to leave the ship to those who did not appreciate the risk of more than life. Water in which were sea piratesThey knew better than anyone.

The fleet of His Majesty king England in the composition of two sluts "Ranger."And" Adventure"Found pirates in Ocracoke Bay on November 22, 1718. Captain Edward Tich knew that the lightning attack would apply some losses of the gaters and he will have time to take other methods of marine fighting. King's ships stranded. Pirate ship It came close to them and the boarding began. Pirates were courageously fought. Captain died in battle Edward Tich. His last words were: "You will definitely remember on the pages of history." Sea pirates They fell in unequal battle - their enemies had Musketes. On the body of the Caribbean pirate "Black beard" There have been five bullets and twenty crushing injuries. But there were also the survivors who regretted that they were survived, they were tortured. The governor wanted to know where the treasures of the Caribbean Pirate "Black Beard" are located. They all finished their days at the gallows. After several years, piracy has come an end. But the story of O. sea pirate Edward Tiche on the nicknamed "black beard" remained in the memory of sailors and to the present day.


History is a memory of short moments.

Real Name of Black Beard

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6 stories about the most terrible and famous pirate in history - black beard

The black beard described by the contemporaries almost as the generation of hell was an English pirate who lived at the beginning of the 18th century. In addition to the sharp mind and outstanding courage, the pirate owned the art of creating a "right image" - his appearance himself was so terrifying that he gave rise to terrible legends and forced bold sailors to shake from fear when mentioning his name. It is known that before attacking a black beard in his hair wax philitis and got along with them - and then he was an enemy in the clubs of smoke and the blazing flame, as if the devil himself from the underworld.

1. Real name Black beard - Edward Drammond

True, in history, the famous pirate entered as Edward Tich (from the English word TEACH - to "train"). About childhood and adolescence of the pirate is not exactly known. Some historians say that he was born in one of the poorest quarters of London, others - that his homeland was Jamaica, and the parents were wealthy people.

In his youth, Edward joined the captain of Benjamin Hornigold and fought in Britain's war with France on the side, of course, Britain. The team had the official permission of the British monarch on the seizure and looting of French courts. The earliest mention of the Black Beard is the archives of the ship magazine on this ship, where the young, brave, strong and enterprising Edward quickly retired to Botatman.

But the war ended. Neither money, nor glory, nor career growth, did not receive a guy, because it was just a boatswain, and in those days, marine laws were extremely simple: half of the prey - the captain, a third of the balance - the crown, and the rest shared equally between all team members . But Captain Hornigold presented the ship's future pirate, previously selected from the French in battle. Edward could engage in trade, but instead scored his own team and became a pirate. He equipped the ship with 40 military cannons and went to the sea.

2. Black beard became a pirate because nothing else was able

Piracy appeared hardly if the first ships were launched on the water. However, it was legalized much later, in the period after the crusades, because the Muslim rulers had on Europeans of the solid sizes of the tooth, and there was no other way to revenge. The seizure of ships and slaves among the "incorrect" was in every way encouraged. Europeans quickly adopted this "useful" enemies.

All that was needed by an enterprising sea wolf is to get a license for rabzh. Anna, Queen of Great Britain, issued such licenses to everyone. Part of the prey had to give the crown, but the team still received its own, since the true size of "income" was easily hidden. The "black beard" had the experience of marine battles, but the experience of peaceful trade was not at all. Add a romantic halo to this - victory over enemies, blood rivers and remote marine fraternity. So, when the war ended, Tich, who had his own ship, did not want to stop. He was respected for snarling, leadership qualities, courage and a sharp mind, so to gain the team of seavals and the part-time of the thugs did not constitute. In addition, after the war, the license for piracy was stopped, and then Azart and risk leaning entered into the game - no matter how paradoxically, the sailors were walking with even greater hunting.

There may be psychological reasons that influenced the choice of the life path of the honest Bottchman Edward Drammond, for example, the habit of impunity and the experience of bloody battles. In addition, the appearance of Tich was suitable - a high height, the face of the marine winds, an exhaust black chapelur and a common speech, abundant by strong expressions.

3. Pirate ship "Black beard" was called "Revenge of Queen Anna"

By the time the "black beard" began to firm at sea, the Queen Anna has already died. In addition, England, despite the losses in the war and the Naval Military Mirny Union of France and Spain, remained an influential power and had many colonies, in particular, the country got rich lands in North America - Acadia (current state of Maine), Hudson Valley and extensive territory in Canada. So the queen Anne was avenged, in general, nothing for.

Some historians believe that Tich called his ship in honor of another Anna - the nobility from the family of Boleyn, unfairly executed by his husband Henry eighth over a half century before the birth of the "black beard". The version is interesting, but the tich was, apparently, the man is practical, the actions of it pursued quite specific goals, so it simply could not succumb to sentimentality.

The most interesting version seems the version of the writer and historian Alex Safira: Tich could thus pretend that the concept does not have about the end of the war and still committing legal actions with the permission of his queen and for the benefit of their country. The fact is that the news to the North American colonies came slowly - to tell American settlers about the state of affairs in England, it was necessary to twist the Atlantic Ocean, confronted in the way of storms and attacks of Corsaars. The successor of Anna on the throne was a man - Georg first - but orders for several years after her death were still out of the face "her", and not "His Majesty". And the British colonists did not love the Spaniards and the French and called the fighting "Queen Anna's war." By calling his ship exactly, and not otherwise, TIC received the appearance of the legality of the robberies and the sympathy of the colonists (and therefore could count on cooperation).

By the way, when not "knowing" the death of the queen was already impossible, Tich did not raise the traditional "funny Roger's cheerful" over his ship, but used his own flag - on the black field, hourglass was depicted and a skeleton piercing a dart-scarlet heart. Depressingly, right?

4. "Black beard" was not at all such a villain as it should think

Turn to the facts. From some documents it follows that a black beard, who has been horror on honest foreign merchants, was not a bloodthirsty maniac. For example, in 1717, at the very beginning of his career, he seized the ship sailing from Bermud, took the cargo from the sailors and let go of the team together with the Waisture. Nobody died in this skirmka.

Later, the pirates under the leadership of Tiche attacked back on several merchant ships. They always took the cargo, but did not touch the team. In the end, Titch captured the frigate "Concord" - this was his famous "revenge of Queen Anna", subsequently re-equipped to the flibistra vessel. The team landed on the island of Becia in the Grenadines and left them boats and food.

According to documents and evidence of eyewitnesses, a black beard, a bastard and scoundrel, always tried to avoid bloodshed. If the ships surrendered without a fight, the pirates took the cargo and part of the provision (less often ships) and released.

One day, the black beard captured the ship with high-ranking officials, captured them, and interested persons sent a request to redeem. He asked not gold, spices or silk, but just a chest with medicines. Requirements were fulfilled, but the boat with redemption turned over. When it became known, they immediately collected and sent the second, but the time was lost. However, the pirates of the prisoners were not killed, and with understanding waited for a redemption, albeit a few days later than they were expected, and then everyone was released.

But this is true only with regard to those who have not resist. If the opponents risked to take the battle, they were killed, and their ship was burned. And in your own team, Tich did not tremble disobedience: those who tried to go against him or raised the sailors to the rebellion, went to the feed fish.

There is evidence that the black beard was extremely eccentric in a drunken ugon. For example, once, because of the petty quarrel, he was nailed in his knee of his friend and allily handras, as a result of which he remained disabled for his life. Another time he decided to show the team that after death he was waiting for hell - a match of sailors in the hold and speech. Some got burns, others suffocated.

5. For the head of the black beard, a reward in 100 English pounds was appointed

The black beard was rapid on the sea for more than five years. It may seem that it is not so long, but the profession of the pirate is associated with many risks - the persecution of the authorities, the steep temper of sailors, the sea storm finally. And the black beard was, firstly, almost invincible, and secondly - the elusive. He caused a significant harm to the economy, and the authorities of the state of South Carolina indulged him: there is evidence that the contract was concluded with the governor: the pirate was received by a stable market for a loaded, and the governor is considerable baryrs in their own pocket. Moreover, a pirated captain was able to acquire in personal property in the state of land, married and healed as a decent person. True, for a while - soon he came out again in the sea, captured huge prey and arranged a grand holiday for his own expense, on which more than two hundred pirates were walked for almost a week. The authorities swallowed and this, and then TIC began to build their own fort.

It must be said that by that time he was somewhat lazy - it stopped to go out in the open sea, and the mainland preferentially in the inner waters, river polls and bays. The merchants, tired of tyranny and closing the governor's eyes, turned to neighbor - Vice-Governor of Virginia Province Alexander Spotswood. He tried to intimidate the Tiche, but it did not lead to anything. Stopwood intervention in the affairs of the neighboring state could not be considered legitimate, and orders to bypass his immediate superiors, Governor of Virginia George Hamilton, could not give away.

One way or another, Stopwood somehow managed to negotiate with the Lieutenant of the Royal Fleet Mainard. On November 22, several ships under the leadership of Maineard came out in the sea, met with Tychka and ... quite easily won the battle. After they were executed, absolutely all pirates from the Tich team. The victory is even more surprised due to the fact that Maynard for some reason for years before going into the sea forgotten to his ships of the gun, the pirates on board were heavy long-range guns.

Before the fight, Mainage ordered most of the team to go down in her, in order to avoid the consequences of the volley. The black beard realized that there was no guns, he saw that on the deck remained only with a dozen sailors, and abomeded the board. And from the hold, five more dozen people suddenly came out. Pirates for some reason were confused, and Mainard's soldiers coped with them without much losses. The same, according to evidence, one took the battle and was shot from the guns.

6. Legends say that black beard hid a huge treasure, which until no one managed to find

For a pirate, for her career robbed more fifty shopping ships, a black beard lived modestly. Neither his house nor the land nor, nor the other property struck special luxury - so, the ownership of the landowner of the middle arm. Due to the abdinity of the abducted good good could not - however, disappeared. There is a legend that the inconspicable treasures of the captain of the pirates are hidden in some place, on a certain "island of treasure" (it was about him, Stevenson his novel wrote). This theory, although romantic, is not reinforced. Titch was a public figure, all the time was in sight and hide money on the island so that none of the team or the closest associates would carry, he had no opportunity. So, most likely, the pirate, being a man with a slightly, simply put all his money "in the case" - perhaps, gave loans, I sold something to the dealers, something hid in trusted persons.

After the death of the black beard of his house and the island, where he was especially common, were investigated by treasures along and across. Nobody found anything.

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Caribbean P. ira

Nowadays, these times are called " golden century piracy" The powerful British Empire was torn to the goats and intrigues, but for those who gave such a name, it was the times of a completely different life.

The master of the seas was Britain, but the sea rules corsary. Ships piratesthere were a danger to merchants, for all whom they called the representative of the Blue Blood London, Turkey and France. The secluded bays of the countless Islands of the Caribbean served as a reliable shelter ships pirates. One of these shelters is the isssau is the base of the pirate, whose name caused fear - "

In 1717 there are quite a lot sailorslost the charity of Queen Britain. For the royal fleet, they were not needed, but with time Britain regretted it. These people knew the marine business well, in less than two years they became pirates century. At one time, served under the signs of the Queen of England, Edward Tich Began his career under the top of Captain Hornigold. Soon, TIC has already had its own crew.

Edward Tich Born in 1680 in the city of Bristol. For those who walked around the seas with him, he was captain, for those who came across on the way - pirate "black beard" He was not from those people who are easy to meet and forget. Nature did not adopted Edward Tiche Physical Data: With an increase in 190 cm, it weighed almost 120 kilograms, and one could inspire fear to anyone alone. His legendary beard reached him - to the belt. In a fight, he did not know fatigue and easily wrapped in his boarding saber, when everyone else had fallen without his strength. Pistols were his favorite toy. Usually he plugged seven-eight pistols for the belt, but it was a deterrence.

sea Pirate Edward Tich

"Different from the rest of the naval pirates with the mind and cunning, and he also knew where the feature of cruelty was. Most of all, he wanted to remember him. He was not interested in money and power. Sea Pirate "Black Beard" really suggested horror at sea. Neither of ships from the Caribbeanthe Eastern Coast of America did not leave the field of view of Corsar. Sea pirates captured about forty sailing ships. Edward Tich became the most famous pirate of the distant seas. It is not surprising that the authorities led his searches to destroy.

thus looked caribbean in the XVII century

Pirates century - First of all sailors. These were representatives of different layers of society: noble origin and bottom. W. sea pirates There was a code. The captain was chosen by the whole team. It should be a strong spirit, fair and lucky. If a captain Pirates I did not succeed, the rebellion could easily be blocked. As soon as life at the sea acquired the meaning for the sailor, life on land lost all interest to him.


flag of Pirate "Black Beard"

Pirate ship « Black beard"There was a single-way slut, unlike other Corsairs. These sailing ships are very manemyna and high-speed, especially when it was necessary to pursue the sacrifice, the skill of shipping was manifested here. As soon as the goal was overtaken, the pirates captured the vessel in two ways: with the help of conviction or coarse force. The weapons were resorted if necessary. Pirates fought for tobacco, paints, sugar, spices, which were rich in the Caribbean. Separated goods Sea pirates could sell less rich colonies.

Pirate Edward Tich He knew about the constant threats of the inside. After all, among his crew, there were people who were particularly disturbed. Therefore, he invented various tricks on this. One of them was a visit to "Baths", where instead of a couple was smoke from burning coal. Who dropped out of this who remained with him, got everything. Probably, sea pirate "It had to be in hell, since almost everyone left smithal.

ocracoke Bay

Once " Black beard " met on the sea route threema french vessel "La Concorde". On pirated standards attack such shipit was madness. However, for such a person, as Edward Tich no rules existed. And he threw Kush. One successfully captured ship has drawn another. Pirate "Black Beard" wanted to know about him in any waters. An intimidation tactics brought their fruits. Despite his terrible reputation "" knew that it was often better not to kill. Pirate ship "La Concorde" was renamed Queen Anne`s Revenge . Has never been captured by such shipdevi loss. Reputation Caribbean Pirate "Black beard" has increased dramatically. Then several more ships were captured, which descended the flag after the first warning shot.

sailing ship "La Concorde" became a pirate ship and got the name "Queen Anne`s Revenge"

Specifications of the sailing vessel "Queen Anne`s Revenge":

Length - 49 m;
Width - 7.6 m;

Displacement - 200 tons;

Crew - 125 people;
Ordiy - 20;

the pirate "Black beard" premonish for nothing

ocracoke Bay

At this time, Virginia governor announced a war piracy and prepared a seizure operation pirate ship Edward Tiche. Captain Edward Tich entered into collusion with the governor of North Carolina. The sea pirate was supposed to supply the mined goods in the province, instead of the governor of Carolina using the channels received forgiveness for Edward Tits from the King of Great Britain and was no longer considered a pirate. The cunning pirate came up with a new way of scattering the sea - distributed the legend that he met, at which there was no crew. According to maritime laws shipfully belonged to him. Pirate Edward Tic called his commerce.

pirates fight in battle

However, even the most well-thought-out plans slept surprises. Governor of Virginia various ways tried to find out where pirate shipEdward Tiche. And he succeeded. "I understood that his days were considered, and he allowed to leave the ship to those who did not appreciate the risk of more than life. Water in which they were, they knew better than anyone.

The fleet of His Majesty king England in the composition of two sluts "Ranger."And" Adventure"Found pirates in Ocracoke Bay on November 22, 1718. Captain Edward Tich knew that the lightning attack would apply some losses of the gaters and he will have time to take other methods of marine fighting. King stranded. Pirate ship It came close to them and the boarding began. Pirates were courageously fought. Captain died in battle Edward Tich. His last words were: "You will definitely remember on the pages of history." Sea pirates They fell in unequal battle - their enemies had Musketes. On the body of the Caribbean pirate counted five bullets and twenty crusted injuries. But there were also the survivors who regretted that they were survived, they were tortured. The governor wanted to know where the treasures of the Caribbean Pirate "Black Beard" are located. They all finished their days at the gallows. After several years, piracy has come an end. But the story of O. sea pirate Edward Tiche on the nicknamed "black beard" remained in the memory of sailors and to the present day.

There was no pirate in the world capable of competing in popularity with this person.

Pirate career legendar Edward TicheThe black beard is more famous under the nickname, ranked only five years. For such a short time on the scale of human life, he managed to become the most famous pirate in history. Tich served as a prototype of the captain Flinta From the novel Stevenson "Treasure Island". What did Tich do this to find such immortal glory?

Another noble killer

Black beard, like most bright historical characters, an extremely contradictory figure. According to one source, he was a cruel and merciless gentleman, in other - he had the glory of a noble robber who had exquisite manners and was tacty and causing everyone, including with the victims of his crimes.

Not described by a single case when Tich and his team would kill the unarmed prisoner or would not appeal with hostages. This indirectly confirms the version of the nobility of the black beard.

Titch was born in 1680 in the port city of Bristol, located on the south-west coast of England. About his childhood knows little. According to one source, he was an orphan, according to another - illegitimate and unwanted child. There is also a version that he is the son of rich parents, despicable a full and satisfied life, which has been inherited, and escaped from his home. Childhood he ended up, did not have time to begin. At the age of 12, the boy was as a jungle on the military fleet warship.

Edward became a brave soldier and served the British crown faithfully for more than 20 years. He has repeatedly showed heroism in the Queen War AnnaLittle from 1702 to 1713 in North America. Then England shared the spheres of influence on the continent with France and Spain, who united their efforts.

On both sides, the Indian tribes were fought. Even when the warring parties agreed, dividing among themselves North American lands and distributing control over tribes, 33-year-old trades refused to fold the weapon. He joined the pirate team Benjamin Hornigold And continued to rob and destroy the French and Spanish ships.

Soon he took possession of his own ship and called him "revenge of Queen Anna," saying in such a way that the war was not over for his team. The fame of black beard spread far beyond the Caribbean, where he trampled with his team. His name was horrified by navigators. He willingly enjoyed the sea villain and not only did not refuted rumors about his cruelty, but also heated them.

The fear served as a tool for enrichment. Even superior to the size and number of the team, ships in horror handed over without a fight on the mercy of the pirate. Titch robbed them, not shedding blood drops, and if noble and rich passengers were discovered on board, they took them to the hostage and let go in exchange for expensive redemption. As a result, no one of the hostages were caused by even the most minimum physical damage.

On one fear, the authority of black beard was built and among his team members. He never showed cruelty towards the guilty sailors, but all his subordinates, which had about three hundred people, trembled before their famous captain.

Roger against Rogers

In 1717, a bright and charismatic was to the post of governor of the Bahamas islands Woods Rogers. He declared a merciless war with piracy. Former leader and mentor Tits Hornigold surrendered to the grace of the British authorities and received the promised royal amnesty, turning from the pirate in a peaceful navigator.

The black beard give up to give up and was not at all was going to throw his craft. He raised a black flag over the "revenge of the Queen Anna", thus declaring himself out of law. The flag was depicted the devil holding an hourglass in one hand, and in another - a spear aimed at the human heart. By this he hinted on the fact that the life of a person is a momentous, and the death of irreversible.

Later, a skull with crossed bones came to change, which was called "Merry Roger" in honor of the Bahamas governor, who decided to put an end to piracy.

Black beard shortly opposed the system. Under its original flag, he passed only a year. In 1718, Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood announced a reward for the head of the robber in the amount of a hundred English pounds - huge money at that time. A large naval detachment on two ships under the command of Lieutenant was sent to the pirate Robert Meinard.

Edward Ticha caught surprise in his lair at the mouth of the focus. Most pirates were in dismissal. At the disposal of Tich was only 60 people. The enemy forces exceeded them several times. The black beard tried to leave at his disposal at his disposal the "Adventure" gate, but Mayanard overtook him.

The cruel battle was tied, as a result of which Tich and Maynard came together in a saber battle. Mainiard killed and beheaded the famous pirate. His head he hung on his shy's nose. Thirteen pirates captured in battle live, were delivered to the port of Williamsburg, located on the territory of the current New York. They were convicted and sentenced to hanging. This ended the story of the most famous in the history of the pirate.

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