Italian verbs with the end of Are. Italian, Italy, independent study of Italian

Italian language is very beautiful! But what is the most interesting, with this apparent Multiple of Italians - their language is also very concise. They even often lower the pronouns (usually omitted, and not "not use" - and so clear what we are talking about). And it is clear only from the verb. They (verbs) can also be very short: VA. = found.

To better remember the conjugation of Italian verbs, fold them into the table not alphabetically, and by themes: "Verbs", "verbs of speech", "modal verbs", etc. The table is attached as an example. You can download the table and print, but you can also check with each version of the verb with handles on your textbooks (remember it better). Or even easier - make your table and make values \u200b\u200bthemselves.

After that, you need to assemble the bank of examples for each word. You do not need to put it in myself in itself, but along the way to study the Italian language, copy the examples and mark the marker in this table, to which words are already there are examples - on a piece of paper and in my head.))

Help of Italian verbs:

Watch table ...

essere. avere. sapere fARE. dare. andare. stare.
be have know-be able to do giving go be to become
iO. sono hO. sO. fACCIO (FO) do. vado (VO) sto
tu. sEI hai. sai. fAI dai vAI stai
egli. e` hA sA fA. dà. vA. sTA.
noi. siamo. abbimo. sappiamo. facciamo. diamo. andiamo. stiamo.
voi siete. avete. sapete. fate. date. andate. state
Essi. sono hanno. sanno. fanno. danno. vanno. stanno.
Modal verbs Speech verbs - 1
volere potere dovere. parlare. dire discutere. esigere.
to want be able to must speak to tell discuss require
iO. voglio. pOSSO. debbo. parlo dico. discuto. esigo.
tu. vuoi. puoi. devi. parli dici. discuti. esigi.
egli. vuole. può. deve. parla dICE discute. esige
noi. vogliamo. possiamo. dobbimo. parliamo. diciamo. discutiamo. esigiamo.
voi volete. potte. dovete. parlate dite. discutete. esigete.
Essi. vogliono. possono. debbono. parlano. dicono. discutono. esigono.
Speech verbs - 2
offriere avvertire. chiedere cedere rispondere spiegare. tacere.
offer warn ask inflow respond explain silent
iO. offro. avverto. chiedo. cedo. rispondo. spiego. taccio.
tu. oFFRI avverti. chiedi. cedi. rispondi. sPIEGHI. taci.
egli. offre. avverte. chiede. cEDE risponde. sPIEGA. tACE.
noi. offriamo. avvertiamo. chiediamo. cediamo. rispondiamo. sPIEGHIAMO. tacciamo.
voi offrite avvertite. chiedete cedete. rispondte. spiegate. tacete
Essi. offrono. avvertono. chiedono. cedono. rispondono. spiegano. tacciono.
Mental verbs-1
credere capire. godere pARERE sentire vedere conoScere
believe understand enjoy seem feel see To be familiar
iO. credo. capisco. godo. pAIO. sento. vedo. conosco.
tu. credi. capisci. godi. pari. senti. vedi. conosci.
egli. crede. capisce. gode. pARE sente vEDE conosce.
noi. crediamo. capiamo. godiamo. paiamo. sentiamo. vediamo. conosciamo.
voi credete. capite godete. parete. sentite vedete. consecete.
Essi. credono. capiscono. godono. pAIONO. sentono. vedono. conoscono.
Mental verbs - 2
pensare. ridere. guardare. piaceree. nascere. vivere morire.
think laugh look like be born live die
iO. penso. rido. guardo. piaccio. nASCO vivo muoio.
tu. pensi. ridi. guardi. piaci. nASCI. vivi. muori.
egli. pensa. ride guarda. pAICE nASCE vive. muore.
noi. pensiamo. ridiamo. guardiamo. piacciamo. nasciamo. viviamo. moriamo.
voi pensate. ridete. guardate. piacete. nascete. vivete. morite.
Essi. pensano. ridono. guardano. piacsiono. nascono. vivono. muoiono.
Mental verbs -3
riuscire. amare. salutare. imparare.
succeed be in love welcome. learn
iO. riesco. aMO. saluto. imparo.
tu. riesci. aMI saluti. impari.
egli. riesce. aMA. saluta. impara.
noi. riusciamo. amiamo. salutiamo. imparamo.
voi riuscite. amate. salutate. imparate.
Essi. riescono. amano. salutano. imparano.
Verbs of position
dolere perdere piangere dormire. leggere. scrivere. sedere
root lose cry sleep to read write sit
iO. dolgo. pERDO piango. dormo. leggo. scrivo siedo (Seggo)
tu. duoli. perdi. piangi. dormi. leggi. scrivi. siedi.
egli. duole. perde. piange. dorme. legge. scrive siede.
noi. doliamo. perdiamo. piangiamo. dormiamo. leggiamo. scriviamo. sediamo.
voi dolete. perdete. piagete. dormite. leggete. scrivete. sedete.
Essi. dolgono. perdono. piangono. dormono. leggono. scrivono. siedono.
Verbs movement — 1
andare. apparire. cadere correre. fuggire. mettere. partire.
go appear fall, fall run run away put it leave
iO. vado (VO)
appaio. cado. corro. fuggo. metto. parto.
tu. vAI appari. cadi. corri. fuggi. metti. parti.
egli. vA. appare. cade corre. fugge. mette parte
noi. andiamo. appariamo. cadiamo. corriamo. fuggiamo. mettiamo. partiamo.
voi andate. apparite. cadete. correte. fuggite. mettete. partite.
Essi. vanno. appaiono. cadono. corrono. fuggono. mettono. partono.
Verbs movement — 2
cercare. porre. salire sEGUIRE venire costruire. crescere.
search put rise to follow to come build grow
iO. cerco. pongo. salgo. sEGUO. vengo. costruisco. cresco.
tu. cerchi. pONI sali. segui. vieni. costruisci. cresci.
egli. cerca. pone sale segue. viene. costruisce. cresce.
noi. cerchiamo. poniamo. saliamo. seguiaimo. veniamo. costruiamo. cresciamo.
voi cercate. ponete. salite sEGUITE. venite. costruite. crescete.
Essi. cERCANO. pongono. salgono. seguono. vengono. costruiscono. crescono.
Verbs movement - 3
dirigere. scegliere cucire. servire. entrare. giocare. uscire.
lead to choose sew serve enter play out
iO. dirigo. sCELGO. cucio. sERVO. entro. gioco. eSCO.
tu. dirigi. scegli. cuci. servi. entri. giochi. eSCI
egli. dirige sceglie. cuce serve. entra gioca. esce.
noi. dirigiamo. scegliamo. cuciamo. sERVIAMO. entriamo. giochiamo. usciamo.
voi ditigete. scegliete. cucite. servite entrate. giocate. uSCite
Essi. dirigono. scelgono. cuciono. servono. entrano. giocano. escono.
Verbs stage
cOMINCIARE. rimanere rompere apriere chiudere finire.
start off stay break open close finish
iO. cOMINCIO. rimango. rOMPO. aPRO. chiudo. finisco.
tu. cominci. rimani. rOMPI apri. chiudi. finisci.
egli. comincia. rimane rOMPE apre. chiude. finisce.
noi. cominciamo. rimaniamo. rompiamo. apriamo. chiudiamo. finiamo.
voi cOMINCIATE. rimanete. rompete. aprite chiudete. finite.
Essi. cOMINCIANO. rimangono. rOMPONO. aprono. chiudono. finiscono.
Food verbs
mangiare. prendere bere. bollire. consumare. valere vestire
there is take drink boil consume cost dress
iO. mangio. pRENDO. bevo. bollo. consumo. valgo. vesto.
tu. mangi. prendi. bevi. bolli. consumi. vali. vesti.
egli. mangia. prende. beve. bolle consuma. vale veste.
noi. mangiamo. prendiamo. beviamo. bolliamo. consumiamo. valiamo. vestiamo.
voi mangiate prendete. bevete. bollite consumate. valete. vestite
Essi. mangiano. prendono. bevono. bollono. consumano. valgono. vestono.

Sometimes discrepancies are found in various sources. In the textbook of the Italian language, the NOI form from PARERE (appear) is indicated as Pariamo, and the above rig

November 22, 2016

In Italian, there is a group of verbs of the III of the Holyness, in the infinitive ending on -Irewho have special ending paradigms in some forms:

  • Verbo: ⊂ Radice⊃ -ire
    ◊ INDICATIVO PRESENTE: (I) IO ⊂⊃ -isco // (You) TU ⊂⊃ -ISCI // (it, it, it) lui, lei, lei ⊂⊃ -isce // (they) Loro, Loro ⊂⊃ -iscono.
    ◊ Congiuntivo Presente: CHE IO ⊂⊃ -ISCA // Che TU ⊂⊃ -ISCA // Che LUI / LEI ⊂⊃ -ISCA // Che Loro ⊂⊃ -IScano
    ◊ Imperativo: (TU) ⊂⊃ -isci // (Lui, Lei, Lei) ⊂⊃ -ISCA // (Loro, Loro) ⊂⊃ -IScano

These verbs are called "Verbie IncoAtivi" - an intersal or excitement. In Italian, this name came from Latin, where there was a Suffix -Sco-, meaning the start of action. The historical name remains, but most verbs do not respond to this semantic requirement.

abolire - cancel, abolish, destroy, refuse
ADERIRE - torture, facilitate, be associated, to grow, join, agree, give up
AFFLUIRE - to train, pour, over. Fix, arrive
aggredire - to attack, over. decisively start (for something)
Agire - act, behave, have an action (about any substance)
ammonire - warn, warning, make a remark
AppeSantire - to aggravate, do more severe, increase (cargo)
Approfondire - deepen, inlert study, explore
Arricchire - enrich, do rich, over. Decorate, enrich, expand (knowledge, horizons, soil)
Arrossire - blush, ashamed
attribuire - assign, book. put (in merit), to change (in guilt)
Avvilire - humiliate, suppress, deposit
Capire - Understand
Colpire - hit, fall, over. hit, touch
compatire - sorry, sympathize, condoles, have condescension, excuse, justify
Concepire - biol. Turn over, over. Find, design
Condire - seasoning (food), over. give (nobility), separate, decorate
Conferire - assign (title), to provide, appoint (to position), award, make a fee, attach (view)
Contribuire - participate, promote, promote
Costruire - build, erect, construct, grams. mat. Build an offer, figure
Custodire - guard, watch, look after a child), to care (for the sick), store, protect, touche. Contain, feed
Definire - accurately determine, characterize, give the definition, allow (question, problem)
Demolire - break, destroy, demolish, over. Spice, criticize
Digerire is to digest, absorb (food), over. understand, endure, overcome
DimagRire - attach slightness, grind full
diminuire - reduce, relax, reduce, decrease
ESAUDIRE - satisfy (request, person)
Esibire - show, show (documents)
Fallire - Error, Wash, do not match, tolerate failure, failure
Favorire - favorable, patronize, promote, present (as a gift)
Ferire - hurt, hit, over. Break up offeure
Finire - end, finish, end, end, perform
Fiorire - blossom, flourish, over. flourish to be covered by mold
Fornire - supply, deliver, supply
Garantire - guarantee, vouch, answer, assure
Gestire - gesticulate, manage, dispose, count the strength
Guarire - heal, cure, get well, get rid, get rid (from illness)
Impalidire - pale, flicker, fill
Impartire - distribute, distribute
Impaurire - scare, suffering
impazzire - go crazy
impedire - interfere with, prevent, prevent
indebolire - relax, relax
Influire - influence, influence, join, fall (about the river)
Ingelosire - excite, cause jealousy
Ingrandire - increase, expand, over. exaggerate
INSERIRE - Turn on (pull into action), invest, insert, attach
Intuire - guess, prejudice
Istituire - establish, base, install, appoint (successor, heir)
IStruire - instruct, teach, aware
Marcire - foam, dig, deter
Partorire - give birth, produce on light, fruit, reversal. produce
Preferire - Prefer, give preference
PROBIRE - to ban, obstruct, interfere
Pulire is to clean, remove (indoors, in affairs), over. polish
Punire - punish
Rabbrividire - shudder, shudder
Rapire - kidnap, take away, carry (about stream, wind), over. save (from anything)
Reagire - react, counteract, resist, chemical. join the reaction
Restituire - return, give
Riferire - transmit, tell, report, convey, attribute, inform
Rifinire - edged, complete, finally finish, finish again
Rifiorire - to the second to bloom, recover (about man), come to mind
Rimbambi - Flose in childhood
Ringiovanire - rejuvenate, pray
Ripulire - to intermittently clean, throw, sink
Ristabilire - restore, watery
Riunire - to join again, attach, unite
Ruggire - roar, lying, grailth (about stomach)
Riverire - honor, read, testify respect
sbalordire - stunning, striking, shock
Sbaidire - Flow, lift, over. Weave, rub
Sbigottire - scare, stunning, bring to confusion, worry
Scalfire - scratch, cut
Scolpire - to carve, cut, hand. Imprint
seppellire - bury, buried, hide, bury (including over.)
SGRANCHIRE - kneading, straightening (limbs)
SMARRIRE - Lose, Wound, Lose
Sostituire - replace, replace
Sparire - disappear, disappear, get lost, hide
Spartire - divide into parts, divide, distribute, distribute
SPEDIRE - send, send, direct
Stabilire - stabilize, install, argue, decide
Stupire - amazing, stunning, hit
Suggerire - suggest (including over.)
Svanire - exhaled, evaporate, disappear, over. disappear, get lost, recur (about memory
Tradire - change, betray, distort the meaning
Trasferire - transfer, move, translate, transmit (property, possession), give up rights
TRASGREDIRE - violate (law, order, right, order ...)
Trasparire - shock, pee, through (including overgrowth.)
ubbidire - obey, obey, subjugate, obey
Unire - to combine, sit, bind, summarize
Usufruire - use, benefit
Zittire - Shoot

This site is devoted to an independent study of Italian from scratch. We will try to make it the most interesting and useful for all who are interested in this beautiful language and, of course, Italy itself.

Interesting about Italian.
History, facts, modernity.
Let's, perhaps, from a couple of words about the modern status of the language, it is obvious that Italian is the official language in Italy, the Vatican (at the same time with Latin), in San Marino, but also in Switzerland (in the Italian part of it, Canton Ticino) and in Several districts in Croatia and Slovenia, where many Italian populations live, part of the inhabitants on Malta island.

Italian dialects - do we understand each other?

In Italy itself and today you can hear many dialects, sometimes it is enough to drive only a few tens of kilometers to face the next one.
In this case, dialects are often so different from each other, which may seem completely different languages. If people from, for example, the northern and central Italian "depthint", they may not even be able to understand each other.
It is especially interesting - some of the dialects have in addition to orally, the internal, Venetian, Milan and Sicilian dialects are also written, are also written.
The latter exists, respectively, on the island of Sicily and so different from other dialects that some researchers allocate it to a separate Sardinian language.
However, in everyday communication and, in particular, large cities you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience, because Today, the dialects speak mainly the elderly in rural areas, the youth uses, uniting all Italians, the right literary language, the tongue of radio and, of course, television.
It is possible to mention that until the end of World War II, the modern Italian was only a written language used by the ruling class, scientists and in administrative institutions, and it was the television that played a large role in the distribution of generally accepted Italian among all the inhabitants.

How it all started, origins

The history of the formation of a modern Italian, such as we all know it, is closely related to the history of Italy and, for sure, not less fascinating.
The origins - in ancient Rome everything was in Roman, universally known as Latin, who at that time was the official state language of the Roman Empire. In the future, Italian and many other languages \u200b\u200bof Europe appeared from Latin, actually.
Therefore, knowing Latin, you will be able to understand what Spaniard says, plus a minus of the Portuguese and can even disassemble the part of the Englishman or French speech.
In 476, the last Roman emperor Romulu-Augusti is rejected by the throne, after the capture of Rome, the leader of the Germans of the Odoacar, this date is considered the end of the Great Roman Empire.
Some are called the end of the "Roman language", however, today the disputes still do not subscribe, because of what the Latin language has lost its relevance, due to the seizure of the Roman Empire by Varvars or it was an easy-to-mind and in what actually They spoke to the end of the Roman Empire.
According to one of the versions, in ancient Rome, by this time, along with Latin, a spoken language was already distributed and it was from this folk language of Rome and the Italian, which we know how the Italian 16th century, in the second version, due to the invasion of the barbarians Latin was mixed with various barbaric languages \u200b\u200band dialects and it was from this synthesis that Italian began.

Birthday - First Mention

The year 960 is considered the birthday of the Italian language. The first document is connected with this "Proto-National Language" - Vulgare, these are court paper associated with the Land Lights of the Benedictine Abbey, the Witnesses used this particular language, so that the readings were understandable as much as possible people, until this point In all official papers, we can only see Latin.
And then there was a gradual distribution in the widespread life of the Vulgare language, which translates as a popular language, which became the prototype of modern Italian.
However, this history does not end, but it only becomes more interesting and the next stage is associated with the Renaissance and with such well-known names like Dante Alighery, F. Petrack, J. Bokacho and others.
to be continued...

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Italian phrasebook

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In Italian, the pronoun in colloquial speech is most often descended.

But if you can omit i / you / is he / she is (pronoun), here's the action (i.e. verb), it is impossible to omit in any way! Therefore, it is extremely important to remember that

the proposal must stand the verb!

It is through it that the meaning of any proposal is passed. It was at the end of the verb that you can understand who exactly he speaks, writes, thinks, rude, slept, eating etc.

In Italian, verbs are divided into 3 groups depending on the end:

The rule of work for everyone is the same.

In infinitive (i.e. verb sounds like t., P. t.Opening t., not i'm buying ayu, they are f ÜT, he discovered eT.) There is a basis and ending (its for each group).

Your task is to remove the end and to the base, add the desired letter / letters depending on the pronouction (on the one that comes in question).

Pronoun lavorare.
capire (with suffix -isc)
IO. lavor + O. prend + O. part + O. cAP + ISC + O
Tu. lavor + I. prend + I. part + I. cAP + ISC + I
LUI / LEI / Lei lavor + A. prend + E. part + E. cAP + ISC + E
Noi. lavor + Iamo. pREND + IAMO. part + Iamo. cAP + IAMO.
Voi lavor + Ate. pREND + ETE. part + Ite cAP + ITE.
Loro. lavor + Ano. pREND + OO. part + Ono. cAP + ISC + ONO

In Italian, there are a lot of verbs with a suffix - iSC. So we showed you in the table how the verb will change not only in the end.

Noi Lavoriamo (Lavorare) in Fabbrica. - We work in the factory.
Loro Prendono (Prendere) Un Giorno di Riposo. - They take one day off.
Laura Parte (Partire) Domani Sera. - Laura leaves tomorrow evening.
TU NON CAPISCI (CAPIRE) Niente. - You do not understand anything.

Of course, it should be noted that in Italian there are verbs that do not hide on the general rule, their forms need to be simply learning, but with this you can cope without any problems when the basic basic principles of working with the language are mounted.

We consider the most important of them in the next lesson.

Just remember that the rule of work with all verbs is the same:
removed the end and added the desired letters!

In this lesson, we will also consider questioning words in Italian. With some, we are already familiar from previous lessons:

For example:

Io Vivo in Italia Da Due Anni - I live in Italy for 2 years.

If we ask a simple question without a questioning word, then we allocate it with intonation:

TU VIVI IN ITALIA? - Do you live in Italy?

If there is a question word or phrase, for example, Da Quanto Tempo (as long), then put it at the beginning of the sentences:

Da Quanto Tempo Vivi in \u200b\u200bItalia? - How long (how much?) Do you live in Italy?

That's all! We just have to do exercises to secure all the material that we talked about in this topic.

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