When there is a bloody moon in a year. Bloody eclipse

Why is the main satellite of the Earth acquires a red color how much the phenomenon lasts and in which part of the planet it can be observed?

The Red Moon in the sky is not the result of a terrible magical rite or conspiracies, but an amazing astronomical phenomenon explaining the usual laws of nature, the movement of cosmic bodies and their influence on each other.

If at this time the sky is clear, then the inhabitants of the Earth see an amazing phenomenon - the satellite of our planet is painted in the crimson red. Interestingly, to witness such an unusual picture of the starry sky is possible without special devices from any point of the planet.

A similar phenomenon occurs not so rarely - it all depends on the location of the moon and its approach to our planet. So in 2014, astronomers recorded four eclipses, and the last residents of the Earth were observed in July 2018. (see for 2019)

Why is the moon red?

Such an unusual color of our planet's satellite is explained by the full lunar eclipse. Defining illumination of their sides by the rays of the sun.

In a bloody night, the moon is approaching the ground for the minimum distance, and in 2019 it will be an almost known minimum. The natural satellite, moving along the ellipse, is approaching, it is removed from the ground - the difference at least about 50 thousand kilometers is.

This explains the huge "size" visible during superluunction (14% more than the usual size). Why does she get red? On this day, the satellite is in a half, and then in the complete shadow of the Earth. Our planet, the sun and the moon at a certain point are in the same line (the land closes the sun's rays, being between the sun and its satellite) and the light does not penetrate the surface of the earth and satellite.

Thus, at that time when the moon lights only the rays that passed through the atmosphere, the spectra of purple and blue remain outside of our gaze, the atmosphere absorbs them. Astrologers allocate complete and private eclipses, determined by the degree of shadow and a half of the Earth and the Sun.

In 2019, only six months after the past longest eclipse, earthlings will be able to observe a new one. About when and how an international holiday appeared, why it is celebrated worldwide and what subjects are symbols.

In the night sky from January 20 to January 21, NASA experts recommend the inhabitants to pay attention to the sky, where an amazing astronomical phenomenon will occur. This year will be superluna - the full moon, accompanied by a similar satellite approach to our planet.

For residents of different parts of our Earth, it will show their character at different times. Moscow residents will observe a bloody eclipse from 6 hours of 34 minutes (the moon is in the West), and the lunar representation will end 8 hours 43 minutes. The phenomenon will reach its apogee at 8:12, when the luminaire will be rapidly approaching the horizon. Thus, this year, the Russians will be able to observe one of the longest eclipses, only one hour less than last year.

Best of all, the bloody moon will see the Russians living in the west of the country, the Far East and the Far North.

Mystical meaning of the bloody moon

Our ancestors believed that heavenly luminaries are the main predictors and an omen, and the red color was considered to be a devilish, bringing misfortunes, troubles and death. That is why peoples are confident in the misfortune, followed by this phenomenon.

Astrologers argue that this year there will be an ordinary bloody eclipse, but the "bloody wolf of superluna", determined by the proximity to the ground, its passage between its satellite and the sun and the so-called "Moon Wolf" (the first full moon of the year). (see for April 2019)

The predictors are confident that this coincidence can lead the death of humanity. American researchers even found confirmation such as applications in the writings of the ancient Incas. They believed that all phenomena associated with earth luminaries predict trouble. Belief is explained by the ancient legend of the people, according to which Jaguar ate the bloody moon and must soon go down to the ground to destroy the Inca. People united and launched hundreds of spears in the sky to snew a predator.

Such and similar fairy tales formed the basis of fears, mystical influences and predictions about the end of the world. Scientists have proven that the red color of the Earth's satellite is one of the thousands of nature phenomena, which has a clear scientific explanation. In the global development plan of mankind, the bloody moon does not affect.

What is dangerous and for whom the lunar eclipse and the bloody-red color of our satellite? These questions should be concerned about people with unstable psyche and meteo-sensitive citizens. Health problems, depression, negative mood can permanently increase, nervous breakdowns are possible, cases of infarction and strokes are rapidly. When is the day and night are equal? Why is this day important in the calendar? How does nature and person react to the equinox? What is especially spring equinox?

The proximity of the moon has a much greater effect, approaching it enhances the impact on the ground, leading to technogenic catastrophes, earthquake, floods and tsunami. History shows that each superluna has different kinds of emergencies associated with nature.


Interestingly, astrologers advise to abandon bad habits during this period. It will give extra forces and incentives to combat them.

This time is ideal not only to combat the negative, but also for new undertakings. It's time to abandon the past life and start writing a new page of your life.

To do this, you must believe, gain patience and confidence.

Will you watch the bloody moon in 2019?

On this day there will be a partial lunar eclipse

In the nearest Monday, after eight o'clock in the evening, Moscow time, residents of the capital can see how the moon partially acquire a burgundy-red shade. In addition to Moscow, an unusual phenomenon can be observed over most of the other Russian regions, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, where the morning will come by that time. According to the specialists of the Moscow Planetarium, the "bloody" moon will be as a result of a private eclipse.

Private, or partial lunar eclipse occurs when a natural satellite does not fully enter the cone "complete" shade, discarded by the earth, and on a part of the moon disk continues to fall sunlight. A complete shadow is called a site of space, which does not fall at which the sunlight does not fall at the time, while the plot is only called the plot from some sunny rays.

Specialists explain that the color of the color of the lunar disk on the burgundy red is a common phenomenon with partial eclipses. It is also noted that the moon will be quite low above the horizon, but the observation of the eclipse into the telescope should not prevent this. You can see the astronomical phenomenon in the interval from 20:24 to 22:19 Moscow time - naturally, provided that there will be no clouds on the sky on this day.

As reported on the official website of the Moscow Mayor, the next lunar eclipse will occur on January 31, 2018 and will be complete, and if the weather conditions are successful, it will be possible to observe most of Russia, except for the Western and South-Western regions.

We will remind, recently reported that on August 21 there will be a solar eclipse, which, according to astronomers, will be the longest in the history of observations. To see him, however, only the inhabitants of some regions of the United States will be able to fully cover thirteen states completely. The nearest complete solar eclipse, which can be observed in Russia, will occur on August 12, 2026, and the previous one took place on March 20, 2015.

From Monday, on March 30, 2020, a restriction of movement in the city is introduced in the capital (home self-insulation mode) for all residents of Moscow regardless of age.

The corresponding decree under the number 34-mind dated 29.03.2020 was signed by the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin on March 29, 2020. The new document makes changes (complements) already published earlier decree number 12 dated 05.03.2020

We tell what can be done, and what is impossible in accordance with the new decree.

Despite the introduced self-insulation mode, in some cases it is possible to leave the house. Let us list these cases below.

In which cases you can leave the house:
* In the event of an emergency medical care.
* In the event of a threat to life or health.
* In the case of following to the place of activity (work), the implementation of which is not prohibited. Earlier we wrote about
* For the purchase of products and goods - to the nearest store.
* In the case of domestic walk - at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the place of residence.
* If necessary, take the garbage to the nearest waste accumulation site.

If you still come out of the house if necessary, a number of rules should be followed.

How to behave outside, in public places and public transport:
* It is necessary to observe the distance (social distance), that is, not to approach other citizens at a distance of less than one and a half meters, with the exception of traveling in a taxi.
* Comply with the prescriptions of special marking on social distance in those places where it is applied.

The action does not apply:
* In cases of honey. Aid.
* On the activities of law enforcement agencies and other bodies whose actions are aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens.
* On the movement of road transport.
* On citizens who are issued special pass.
* In cases of arrival and departure from the city.

To what date, self-insulation regime for all residents of Moscow, introduced from March 3020, will be launched:

In published document not indicated deadlines for the end of the regime of universal self-insulationintroduced from March 30 2020.

This means that the deadlines for the cancellation of the home regime of self-insulation will be reported additionally, after the epidemiological situation improves the area, and the spread of coronavirus infection will be recession.

Most likely, self-insulation regime will last until April 3020. It was before this date that the President of Russia extended the non-working days, as announced during his appeal to the nation on April 2, 2020.

On January 21, Europeans will be able to observe one of the most impressive astronomical phenomena - the "bloody" moon. The red disk will be visible in the night sky within three hours, and next time it will appear only in 2021. This year, the spectacle will be even more exciting, because it coincides with the superluna: the night luminaries will come close to the ground at the minimum distance. The site tells how and where it is best to look at the "bloody" moon.

Scientific explanation

The "bloody" moon is an unusually beautiful astronomical phenomenon that every person should see at least once. For several hours of the moon has a saturated bright red color and looks really fascinating!

There is no mysticism in this event. "Bloody" night luminaire becomes during his eclipse. For this, the earth, the sun and the moon must be lined up in one line. When the lunar disk enters the shadow of the Earth, it still continues to be covered. The sun rays going to the ground are scattered in the atmosphere and reach the moon. Since the red-orange rays are best visible in the earth's atmosphere, then they are displayed on the surface of the moon during an eclipse: from this earthly satellite and it seems red. Already in our time, this phenomenon was unofficially called the "bloody" moon, because the night luminaire always attracted her mysteriousness!

The shade of the lunar disk at each eclipse is different. It can be both bright and pale-red, orange copper. It depends on the state of the earth's atmosphere and the area through which the moon passes.

At the same time, during an eclipse from the shaded part of the moon, the eclipse of the sun of the earth could be seen.

Bloody superluna

The nearest lunar eclipse will take place on January 21. It will last about three and a half hours, and its maximum phase will be 08.16 Moscow time. This year, the eclipse coincides with the so-called "superluna" - during the day when the moon is as close as possible to Earth and will seem more than usual.

In Russia, the best eclipse will be visible from St. Petersburg, Karelia, the Murmansk region, Moscow and cities of the Central Country: Here it will be possible to trace the change in the color of the moon. Residents of Siberia will see the initial phases of the eclipse, and in the northeast will be able to observe his ending.

In any case, it is impossible to miss such an event, because the next time the "bloody" moon will seem in the night sky on May 26, 2021.

How to observe?

To observe the "bloody" moon, no special devices will be required: the red disk will be visible in the dark with a naked eye and starts pale only to 08.40, with dawn. High houses and trees may prevent you from seeing this rare phenomenon, so it is important to find a suitable place without bulky objects. Since the moon is suitable for the maximum close range of Earth - 357 thousand kilometers (the maximum distance is 406 thousand kilometers) - it can even take a picture.

If you can not look at the eclipse of the Sun without special protection for the eyes, then observe the lunar eclipse is completely safe. But Superlynia can cause the exacerbation of diseases in people with mental disorders, but at the same time a healthy person will not harm any harm.

Specialists warn that it is not necessary to try to see the night shone through a telescope: it can be dangerous for the retina of the eye. It is better to just admire the incredible spectacle and make photos of a red disk on the sky.

Mandatory condition for observation of the moon - clear weather. Unfortunately, through the clouds to consider something will be pretty difficult. Those who weather will hinder enjoy the spectacle will be able to see the broadcast of eclipse on the NASA website.

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