When served in the army of 1.5 years. Year in the army

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For young people, the arrival of spring is the beginning of a draft campaign. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question: what duration will be the service life in 2017-2018. Especially since the information occurs periodically that the term of military service will be increased.

In 2008, the president of Russia was announced a decree in which changes in military service were envisaged. Among them are in the first place: a decrease in the deadlines of the urgent service to one year. This decree is valid today. Exceptions are envisaged only for employees under the contract, they have two years.

To date, the Ministry of Defense creates all the conditions for increasing the preparation of employees of the urgent service and to increase the attractiveness of the contract service.

Documents establishing service life

In Russia, there are a number of documents in which the service period of service in the army is prescribed. The constitution of the Russian Federation begins this list, according to it, the conscript can choose between an urgent service and alternative, and the time spent in the service will be accrued to the insurance experience. The alternative service takes place in state-owned enterprises and is paid. The list of professions that are available for a recruitment is listed by the Ministry of Labor.

The order that increases the service life of up to 1 year 8 months for this day is not signed. In September, a new program devoted to alternative service came into force. It participates in equal state and for the first time commercial universities. The possibility of choosing alternative service students. They have the opportunity to spend 450 hours at the military department. It provides for the passage of service in the field for 90 days, to acquire practical service skills. In addition, the student has the right to choose a military specialty independently. At the end of the alternative service, a military is issued.

Is it true that they will increase the service life of up to 1 year and 8 months from the fall

Such rumors periodically pop up, after which their refutation occurs. It is not entirely clear why this happens, because none of the officials voiced it. All this happens with regular frequency before the next set of the army.

To understand what specifically the term of military service in the army at the moment, it is not necessary to believe unverified sources, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the official documents:

  1. FZ No. 53 of 28.03.98, this law is constantly changing and complemented. The last amendment was produced in July 2016.
  2. Presidential Decree No. 1237 of 09/16/99. which is also periodically complemented. The last amendment was made on 04.08.2016.
  3. Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service.

All of these official documents are registered military service. Of course, no one forbids listening to the opinions of various public people, but it is necessary to do it just for general development, and not to create a panic. If during the performance or in the text there is no reference to the official document, then this information, not tested and nobody, will not be checked. Then no need to believe this source disappears, because the service life of military service in the army has not changed for six years and it will not be mounted for the next two years. So hearing once again information about the extension of the service life in the army, it is better to open an order for military service in the Armed Forces of Russia.

The development of contemporaries has become one of the main tasks of the country. For the future 2017, a large number of reforms are scheduled. The most important task is to re-equipment the army, equipping it with advanced, modern equipment and weapons.

For 2017, it is planned to receive new, modern techniques of domestic production. It should be completed in the coming years. In addition, the standards of military training will be changed. Changing the format will make training soldiers much efficient and high-quality.

In order for the country's defense capability at a high level, it is necessary to carry out all planned reforms and to increase the service life of up to 1 year and 8 months there is no need.

The reform of the army passes the rapid pace, this result is already visible now. Wage was raised. What gave their results, young people went to serve in the army, and the competition in the school institutions became big.

The fact that reforms go to the army are successfully confirmed by the fact that in 2016 a large number of young people expressed a desire to voluntarily serve in the Russian army. Improving the role of a serviceman in the life of the country, improving its welfare and security during the passage of service, all this makes the service attractive, which leads to a decrease in the number of decompositionists from the service in the army.

Thus, it became clear that in 2017-2018, the term of military service in the army will not change in no way into the army, not to a smaller, but will remain only one year.

Video: whether the service life increases to 1 year and 8 months and how much it is now

Every year any recruit, going to the draft board, thinks about how many now serve in the army. Before each next appeal, persistent rumors are spreading about changing the duration of the service. But such statements are not based on the law. The service life is determined according to the Constitution of Russia and legislative acts. There is no reason yet to say that it is planned to change the service life.

According to the application of the Supreme Commander V.V. Putin during the straight line, the duration of service in 2017-2018 will not change. Also, at the request of the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergey Shoigu, which was in 2012, no changes in the appeal periods are planned.

How much are now

According to the legislation, the service in the army in 2017 in Russia continues 1 year. Based on the ministry of defense, the number of "conspicities" in 2018 will be 15% of the total number of all servicemen. Regarding the duration of service in the army in 2018, no changes are foreseen.
But it is also worth noting that the urgent call service has alternatives:

  1. Commission alternatively.
  2. Complete preparation within the military department of the university.
  3. Immediately sign the contract and go to serve in the troops already a contract service.

Passage of service in alternative form (AGS)

Optional service in the form of labor useful for society. The term of this type of service is 1.7 years. The right to take advantage of this type of service have citizens who have achieved a call age. The basis for submitting an application for the desire of the passage is the contradiction of its beliefs and religion, as well as such right have few people who adhere to the traditional lifestyle that is not consistent with the military duty.

In determining the place of passage of AGS, the education of the conscript is taken into account, its medical diagnoses and its marital status. Most often, passing such a service, work in hospitals, boarding schools, in the mail, workers at factories and libraries. Also, such military personnel may continue training on correspondence and evening training forms, in parallel with the passage of AGS.

Find out: How much served in the royal army, which earlier was the service life

Military Department

The military department at the university makes it possible to obtain military training in parallel direct learning. Training to all sentences of military service runs simultaneously with the main student. The training course within the military department takes about 450 hours.

In addition to the ability to replace the urgent service on a call, a military department's student is awarded the title of an order officer at the end of the university, as well as the opportunity to master the skills of a military specialty at the chosen direction. But it is worth considering that not every university provides the possibility of training at the military department. It is necessary to take a very serious approach to the selection of educational institutions and to training in the military department.

The military department is a serious place where they can deduct for failure to commemorate or absenteeism. In this case, in the army, it will still have to go after receiving a specialty in the university. Also, if the educational institution does not offer training at the military department, it will have to be sent to serve after graduation at the university.

Signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense

Since 2017, it was possible to obtain the right to pass a contract for a contract without a mandatory passage of the term service.

The duration of service in this case is 2 years. This service option can be completely replaced by the urgent service for a call for 1 year.
What advantages have a contract service:

  • The conscript concludes a contract with the Ministry of Defense that he voluntarily goes to serve under the contract. The conscript comes to work with the appropriate salary and benefits. But the salary is beginning to pay at the expiration of the probationary period of 3 months. How much do the service pay depends on the specific part.
  • Certain reliances in accommodation and life of the contract service. Less limited movement. It has the right to live beyond the territory of the military unit.
  • Use of benefits provided by the Ministry of Defense for military personnel. Visiting medical institutions.
  • Mortgage programs. The servicemen are provided with a living space with the possibility of paying mortgages on a preferential program. Such servicemen pay contributions for housing at the expense of the state. It is only necessary to consider that not all servicemen fall under this program, but only having certain titles, as well as completed military educational institutions.

Find out: What regulates the Terminal Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The disadvantages of such a service include a great risk, as they can send anywhere where military conflicts are held. In some military units, poor accommodation conditions for contract soldiers.

What changes in the service life were until 2017

Starting from the moment Russia became a separate state, the service life in the army began to change. Since 1993, in the Ground Forces served 1.5 years and 2 years in the sea fleet. But in 1994, during the Chechen conflict, there was a need to increase the number of recruits. However, the military registration and enlistment offices failed to score the required amount, so the service life in 1996 was increased to 2 years. In 1998, a new law on military duty, signed by B. Helzin, was published.

The reform of the Russian army is the thing that has recently been discussed, perhaps, with much more accurate, rather than reforms in other industries. Obviously, the resonant resignation of the Minister of Defense of Anatoly Serdyukov, at the same time as a manifestation of billiona frauds in the country's military department, was rooted to the process of reforming the army. The post of Minister, as is known, took Sergey Shoigu, who has been inherited not only the scandalous corruption thickets in the Ministry of Defense, but also the unfinished reform that needs either in effectively continuing and spectacular completion, or in revising some of its positions that are seen, to put it mildly, several dubious.

One of the reformal positions that are constantly exposed to sharp criticism is to reduce the term of the army service to 12 months. Such a decision was made in early 2008 after a sufficiently prolonged confrontation between those who have talked for such a decline, and between those who were clearly not delighted with this idea. The fact is that the idea itself, which later became one of the foundations of the new approach to military service as part of the reform of the Russian army, had, as often, good goals. The authors of the idea to whom, by the way, were the first persons of the state, stated that this service life would allow to attract a suitable number of young people to fulfill its constitutional debt. The idea of \u200b\u200breducing the term of military service for the call relied on the need to reduce the number of decorationists, let's say so, good intentions. Like, if someone does not want to serve in the ranks of the Russian army for 2 years, considering such a term too long, the state is ready to go on fairly solid concessions and reduce the duration of the service is smoothly twice. The intentions, of course, are good, but only everyone knows where the road disappeared by such intentions is usually leading. The statistical indicators published by GWP (the main military prosecutor's office) published eloquently: if in 2007 (before the introduction of innovation related to a decrease in service life), the army of shovels numbered about 130-140 thousand people, then in the present (2012) number of those Who "runs" from the military registration and enlistment office reached 235 thousand. In other words, the increase in the number of deconents amounted to about 100 thousand people over the past 5 years! The figure is truly impressive, and saying that the change in the length of the term of finding a young man in troops in the status of a conscript is not correlated with the attractiveness of the service for the so-called deconents.
It turns out that the main task of lowering the service life for conscripts was not fulfilled (at least at the current stage of the implementation of the program for the reform of the army).

Let's not forget that the reduction in the duration of the service for those soldiers who had or have the status of conscripts, implied a phased transition to an increase in the percentage of contractors in the troops. For the full acquisition of the army, the contracting servicemen was called the figure, which constitutes about 430 thousand military personnel. To date, the number of servicemen undergoing service under the contract in the Russian army does not exceed 200 thousand people (less than 47%). It turns out that the second way of reducing the service life for conscripts does not work fully.

What is the matter? Where did the army in the modernization mechanism occurred? Not touching the corruption components that have recently stuffed in the work of the Ministry of Defense, one of the main reasons for the emergence of difficulties with the acquisition of army units can be noted. And this reason is demography. Today, young people who were born no later than 1994 are called to the army. In 1994, according to Rosstat, 1,408 million people were born in the Russian Federation. However, this indicator cannot be called a demographic bottom. The fact is that this level fell up to 1999, and it was in 1999 a record low birth rate in Russia was recorded - 1.214 million people. It turns out that at least five more years, the Russian army will sense explicit negative manifestations of the demographic crisis of the 90s. And if the army will feel these manifestations on themselves with all its own, sorry, skin, then to cope with the need for constant rotation of the call composition every year it is unlikely to be possible. It would be possible in the case when the idea was worked with a multiple increase in the number of servicemen undergoing a contract service. But just here with a complete set of contracting contracts today even more problems than with the complete set of their conscripts.

There are those who initiated the draft law on the decline in service life in the army, did not calculate the likelihood of a significant impact of demographic changes to Russia for a complete set of armed forces. If so, then it looks more like our banal "maybe" when the desired is given for valid. Like, yes, we knew perfectly that with the birth rate in the 90s there was trouble, but just wanted as better ...

As a result, such carelessness today brings the first negative fruits. In many units, the recovery level does not reach 60% of the norm. Moreover, such a state of affairs is not only in parts of the Ministry of Defense, but also in parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the border troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and in other departments that conduct a recruitment based on conscripts (contract soldiers, by the way, too). An interesting trend is observed: the closer the military unit is located to the federal center, the more problems for its commanders arises with the recruitment of individual divisions by contractors. The reason here is in the level of funding, because in many regions of Russia, the level of monetary content of the sergeant-contract service center in 20-25 thousand rubles can be called quite acceptable, but in the same Moscow, not every young man will have a desire to sign a contract on the specified conditions. Solve the problem with the help of military personnel, which can be called domestic migrants (for example, came from Yelet or Saratov to sign a contract in Moscow), not just. Compensation alone alone for the rental of Moscow housing can pour for the budget of the military unit in a penny ...

But the one-time service life at one time was justified by the fact that now, they say, our soldiers will be delivered from the need to fulfill economic work. Like, if someone has doubts that for the year you can master military equipment and all military wisdoms, these doubts should be driven by both hands by both hands, because now the soldiers will make outsources for the soldiers. That is, civil servants, who will wash for a soldier and barracks, and potatoes will think, and even the BTR with a tank is replete. Like, now for the year of service, conscripts will learn more than those who at one time served 2-3 years, because the year will go exclusively on tactical, firing and other military training without "spraying" for cleaning the territory, making equipment in a fleet and Cheating vegetable stores. It would seem that also the benefit that should be made from modern conscripts - conscripts of prepared and effective fighters. But, as always, it was smooth on paper ...

Outsourcing takes place to be only in exemplary parts, where journalists are often invited quite often. However, in most Russian military units, the soldiers designed for annual service continue to devote to the most "dirty" work, from which they allegedly exempted on paper, much longer than military training.

It tells the ordinary stock (Spring 2011) Nikiforov R. (19 years), demobilized in May 2012.

The service was held in one of the military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Tver region. For all the time of service in the military unit, civilian personnel observed only in the dining room (cooks and assistants of cooks). At the same time cleaning the territories, park-economic works are carried out exclusively by the soldiers-conscripts. In the daily routine of the day (except for the weekend) there were records on classes with military equipment and, studying their material part, but in fact these classes were conducted extremely rarely. Yes, most soldiers did not particularly and sought to study the methods of fighting and other military wisdoms.

It tells the ordinary stock (Spring 2011) Penkov A. (23 years), demobilized in May 2012.

The service began in the training center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow in Moscow 3792 (commander - Colonel Viktor Derkach). Personal composition was engaged in patrolling the Moscow Metro, the streets of the capital. Civilian staff in C / h worked in the kitchen, where he occasionally directed assistants from among the conscripts. Cleaning, work on the maintenance of equipment, the repair of the premises was carried out by conscript servicemen. To say that we daily engaged in tactical training and exercises with weapons, the features of working with suspicious personalities in the subway or on the streets of the city, I can not. Feed well. On a new form for explosions only heard ...

These are two small examples that Russian army structures (and this is not only the divisions of the RF RF) are at best in transition, when not all military units receive decent financing for the use of outsourcing companies that would have to release the time to the ordinary composition. on professional military training. After all, it is possible to say how much pleases that the Ministry of Internal Affairs separately, and Mo separately, and that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it seems like under the army reform does not quite fall. But in this case, this is a deep error, because Russian security is safety not only from the external enemy. The war in the North Caucasus demonstrated that the units of any power structures should be prepared at any time to solve the task set before them. And here it would already be strange to begin to divide the recruits on those who need combat training during the passage of the service more, and who is less ...

So it turns out that the designated benefit of the annual service is clearly not becoming a blessing in terms of the combat capability of the army itself, the effectiveness of all its structures and divisions. Moreover, the service life of the call at the level of 12 months leads commanders of military units to the constant need to break her head over those who will be, forgive, to stuck the resulting group of recruits on the "demob". After all, it often happens and so that it is necessary to "optimize" options for work, but, speaking easier, to expand the terms of the responsibilities of each of the servicemen in the conditions of total subcontracting personnel. And from their pockets to pay outsourcing firms for bringing out the garbage or cleaned the places from snow, not everyone will also want.
In general, the year of service for the recruitment itself is, of course, it is not bad, but so far the Russian reality itself, unfortunately (or fortunately, for whom it is), opposes it. After all, and in this case, most often written at the top of the scenario on snow-white paper is not able to cover all the nuances of the army service. Paper, it will all erase everything, but in reality everything is far from so rosy, as described in the plans to modernize the country's defense capability.

That is why today the ideas are increasingly appearing that it is time to increase the service life at least up to 1.5 years (if 1.5 years will decide something in the conditions of negative demographic echo 90s). Only now, even if we assume that our leaders will decide on the increase to the existing temporary framework of the service even six months, it can cause a huge resonance in society. After all, it is reduced - this is one thing, but to increase - completely different. The solution will be extremely unpopular among the overwhelming majority of the population, which, by and large, is unlikely to take the personnel submissions by contractors and non-compliance with the outsourcing regime for troops. That is why the state is unlikely to want to talk about returning to the "old" service life, which is already confirmed by the messages from the Kremlin. No one wants to go to such a resonant decision, even if all the reasons for the need to make such a decision to decompose on the shelves and force the pre-exams to memorize them before bedtime.

In general, many understand that it is necessary to improve the service life for the call for the army itself, but it is also necessary to drive such an idea to the legislative framework and I want to drive, and my mother does not tell ...

Year in the army - what is he? What happens to the soldier for these 365 days? What is he going and what is preparing for?

Today I want to tell you about what is the year in the army for a service person upon call. Of course, the sequence of events described in this article is not true for everyone. It is a specific case for me and my comrades on the educational battalion of younger specialists using WDV and EBO.

But I assure you that after communication with many comrades, friends and acquaintances, who have already served or serve now, described in this article, the sequence is as close as possible to the truth. To what we pass in 1 year in the army in fact.

Right now about what we have already passed, what we are doing now, and what awaits us ahead.

KMB or course of a young fighter

When I learned about the meaning of this concept for the first time in my life, I had such a picture before my eyes.

Won there, left away - it's me!

I am with all the ammunition, weapon, bulletproof and at full equipment running for 10/20/30 km along with your comrades. We run around the fields, jump over the obstacles, the moon under the barbed wire in the rain. Clothes on us are dirty like pigs in the pen and so on ... In general, everything is in American films about the sea cats.

Probably, I even prepared partially to this. But it was exactly until the moment that did not know that in the army there is a quiet hour, and in the dining room give 2 dishes to choose from. After that, my expectations from the army changed significantly. Including about KMB.

I never believed at all that he would have. However, this course I had to go through my friends.

In my case, he lasted 5 weeks. Someone has less, someone else. The maximum term of the young fighter was at my colleagues, who were called upon second June.

The whole chip is that KMB goes to the oath. We had an oath on August 1. Therefore, some KMB was not 1, and 2 months.

So what is this course of a young fighter now?

Honestly, everything is not exactly the way I expected. We did not have any marchs or something like.

Our KMB consisted of the following elements:

  • Drill.

Where without her. The basis of army life - classes on the construction system. It is like a raznaya traction for bodybuilders. All free time in the first month was paid precisely. And right. We still did not know how to walk. But the practice creates wonders!

  • Crack of tired.

By the way. For those who do not know. Charters in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation more than one. A lot more! That is why in our KMB a separate attention was given to acquaintance and the analysis of individual chapters of the Charters. Of the Principal, Building, Disciplinary and Others.

  • Promotional disciplines.

As I spoke in one of my articles, we have learned on the third day of service. And even on the second.

  • Shooting.

My favorite day for the first month. It was unreal cool! Shot from AK-74. I got a fighting machine and 6 cartridges. Of the 60 possible points knocked out 56. Waiting for the next shooting, to understand whether this figure was accident ...

In general, something else is no longer remembering. Study took most of the time. So it was before the oath, and after taking the oath, our lives changed somewhat.


Someone calls "textbook" just that period when we had KMB - the first month of service to the oath. Perhaps it is. But I can not call the current service period otherwise. All due to the fact that now studying even more!

Couples go every day, except Sunday, from 09.00 to 16.30 minimum. With a break for lunch, of course. But still!

This is a real language in the literal sense of the word. Zaravaya became less than less, and instead of the statutes, we now read each other's books with verses of foreign poets in the evenings.

All due to the fact that someone has been inquired during the day, and this heard the responsible officer.

Yesterday, by the way, it was. As many as they who guessed in turn, read in front of the entire mouth of 3 verses. With such an intonation, so sincere! You would hear it ...

In addition to more studies, there was more "working". Guys are now actively used in the dining room, in warehouses, on individual objects of the institute and in general on trifles. For example, paint the places. Lesson is responsible. It seems simple, but takes all day.

As officers told us: "While you did not take the oath, we can not require anything to demand anything. But how to take ... "

So it turns out. Now the soldiers here make up free labor.


I tell you. This is a real university, school and army together. All in one. Exams will be for each discipline in the region of the end of October - early November 2015. Until November 5, I think 3 of the 4th mouth will surrender all exams. And after all we are waiting ...

High school graduation

This event is more like the oath. At least by the fact that it takes place on the Big Place and in the presence of parents.

Only instead of the sacred words of the oath we will receive diplomas about the development of the specialty, and some will get the epaulets of younger sergeants.

For example, as he passed half a year ago.


Literally the next day after the graduation, the distribution of the troops will begin.

The scheme is about the same as I described in my article about the first day in the army with the "purchase" of recruits in the part. Only here buyers will come to our part and take to them from here. Otherwise, everything is also.

Immediately after the distribution, or even during it, recruits will come to our part. From the very first day of their arrival, we will all become and the real one will begin. Only not the one you thought about, but the real, described in my article.

Service in the army

Here on this point I have little information yet. There are only a few familiar who have already lost to loss in troops. They say that the whole day is spent on the "working".

That is, paint, repair, clean, clean, build. What just do not. After all, we soldiers. We must be able to ...

Military part B. Red village It is considered to be top for our guys. It is actively pianating and officers, and sergeants, and the servicemen themselves. They want everything there. But when I ask what to do there, and how it is good, I do not get an argued answer.

One of my good friend-colleague once said that there is an opportunity in that part to serve on the checkpoint. Type guard. And what, good place, in my opinion. You are sitting calmly, you look at the camera. Or even more into a computer with the Internet. Coffee / tea / water. All you need for happiness to a soldier!

I still know some information on the military unit 40 km from Moscow. Called 2nd Guards Taman Motor Soldering Division. If you do not go into details, then "Guards" means that her soldiers, at one time, distinguished themselves in battles for their homeland for the better.

As for the service there, I got a good impression about it. I even consider it an elite part.

The impression was based on communicating with three officers from there. Everything is not at all like us.

I would say that we have a kindergarten here compared to what happens there. They have real raises for alarm. With running, conclusion of equipment and so on. This event takes half the night, and not 1 hour, as we were here.

Plus, 29 people have taken out of this division, 29 people. They say that there is better than here. Better is a tensile concept, of course.

Here, for example, I like it! ;-)

By the way about me. The last item about the distribution will not affect me as it will affect my friends. They will run into different parts of the country, in various types and types of troops.

And I will stay here to continue my service until Dembel. And you know what? I'm glad to him!

Of course, everything has its pros and cons. But here for myself I found more advantages than was able to find for service in the troops.

However, there are still a few weeks before the distribution. Therefore, you can think everything.

By the way, my predecessor himself expressed a desire and left for distribution to the troops, no matter how they asked my commanders to stay here. And on the second day sent SMS to my boss with the text: "I did it in vain."

Pretty instructive story, do you think so? But he took the place of one who rushed there by all their might!

That happens in our lives. Friends, I once again want to remind one of the laws of our life, which I understood precisely thanks to the army: "All that is done is all for the better!"

I wish you every day better than the previous one, to the soon!

Young people-citizens of the Russian Federation are gained to the urgent service twice a year - in the autumn and spring appeal. Consider the features of the autumn call in 2020, including the timing of the call and service life.

Dates of autumn call

In matters related to the army and a call to the army, the cornerstone is such a concept as a call date. And this is quite justified, because to carry out a medical board in the military registration and enlistment office, it is possible to send to the military part of the young man only within these deadlines. During the day later or during the day earlier, such events / actions are illegal.

When does the autumn call in the army of 2020 begins?

Many adult young people are afraid of the dates of the fall of the autumn call campaign, for example, in view of the fact that those who have not received after school to the Institute / University and who did not make a deferment from the army to study young people should be designed precisely in this period that starts at this date. When does the autumn appeal begins in 2020? The beginning of the autumn call in Russia remained unchanged, and will take place in the same way as in 2019, that is, October 1. It is from this day to the end of the call, the military commissariats have the right to hold a medical commission, identify the shelf life of young people to the service, send guys to military units.

When does the autumn appeal ends?

Everyone knows that on December 31, all citizens of the Russian Federation meet New Year - a big holiday. And recruits are waiting for this day with a special look. For young people of the draft age, this day is a holiday for another one - the autumn appeal of 2020 ends on this day. Accordingly, if before December 31, the young man was not taken to the army, he can relax for several months - before the start of the next spring call.

Exceptions in the dates of the autumn call

Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation provide for exceptions in the dates of the autumn call for some groups of the inhabitants of our country. Let's deal with what citizens fall under these exceptions.

First, these are people living in the territories of the Far North. The list of such territories is established by a special official document. For these citizens, the autumn appeal in 2020 begins a month later, compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, on November 1, and ends as in other areas of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the young men living in villages engaged in sowing or harvesting are falling for minor exceptions. But the fact of this participation should be officially confirmed, for example, in the form of an employment document (contract / employment record).

Thirdly, young educational workers in connection with the beginning of the next school year are not subject to calling to the autumn call campaign. These young men should appear in the military enlistment office in May-June, when the spring appeal to the army begins.

Autumn Call of 2020, the service life of conscripts

The service life of young people designed to the autumn appeal in 2020 remains unchanged - 12 months (1 year), despite the many rumors on this topic (in particular, an increase in service life up to 1.8 years in 2020).

Innovations in the autumn appeal 2020

There will be no significant innovations in the autumn appeal. There is still a set in scientific companies of graduates of senior institutions / universities. It's not so easy to get into these companies, since it can be said from experience that they are invited to the interview completely randomly. In total, 289 young people are served in these divisions in these units (0.2% of all conscripts). Competition is serious - about 25 people in place - however, the service in the scientific company is significantly different from the "normal" service service.

Is it true that in the autumn appeal 2020, the service life will increase to 1.8 years?

Today there are many rumors about increasing service life in the army in 2020 to 1 year and 8 months (1.8 years). There is also information and service life of 18 months. Young people are looking for an official order that assigns the service life of recruits in 1 year 8 months. At the same time, no one comes into the eyes of information about such an official document. Still, is it true that service life will be 1.8 years or will remain equal to 12 months. To deal with this question, it is necessary to understand the principles of the operation of regulatory documents of Russia.

The fact is that no official order can contradict the federal law, and in the case of such a contradiction - the order is not recognized as valid. First, no order for the service life in the autumn appeal of 2020 does not exist. Secondly, the service life in the army is established by federal law regulating military service in the Russian Federation, namely Article 38, part 1, sub-clause "D", which says that for young people designed to the army in 2008 and later, The service life is 12 months (1 year). This period can change only in the case of amendments to this federal law. In 2020, there will be no such amendments / changes, therefore deadlines will not change. Information on the service life of 1.8 years is false in relation to both autumn, and spring appeals.

We hope you have found an answer to the question when the autumn appeal to the army in 2020 begins. We also reviewed the timing / innovation of the autumn call, the service life and exception for some categories of Russians.

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