Node abstract in the older group with a presentation on the topic: Traveling in the past clock. "Familiarization of preschoolers with social reality through the objects of the man-made world

Slide 2.

Introduction Part 1. Life of mysterious Maya Chapter 1. Good mistake Chapter 2. For the first time in Palenka Chapter 3. Traveling with chapters Chapter 4. Chichen-ItsA Chapter 5. Fall Mayapan Chapter 6. Agriculture Part 2. Mathematics and Writing Part 3. Application Calendar

Slide 3.


Why not america? It turns out that a highly developed civilization lived in America to Columbus! Where did they come from, the question arises. "Where where, from where ... from camel!" - can say some. Well, no! No one will bearing such an appeal! Here, imagine that the first, for example, Maya found Europe, and not Spain America. If they were so told us about us, would you like? Yes, yes, you who want to follow this example! "From camel"! Nightmare! Yes, yes, yes ... However, with Polynesia - a very strange story. But, maybe, it is - how did Heeerdal tour believed - America and Polynesia? ... maybe very much! Maybe explore? And decided - yes!

Slide 4.

2. A bit of history Theme 1. The ancient and modern Aztec Indians in the directory about them says: Aztecs (Astanh, Naia) - Indian people in Mexico; 1.2 million people. (1992). Aztec language. Believers - Catholics. Until the XVI century On the territory of modern Mexico, there was a state of Aztec with the capital in Tenochtitlan. Aztecs created a civilization destroyed by Spanish conquerors in the XVI century.

Slide 5.

Introduction A bit of history

Maya That's what I saw when I was opened by the Directory: Maya (Yukatey) - Indian people in Mexico, Guatemala (Yucatan) and Belize. Only 700 thousand people, incl. In Mexico, 670 thousand people. (1992). A language of the Mayan Maya-Kiche family branches. Believers - Catholics. The ancestors of Maya are the creators of one of America's oldest civilizations (associated with Olmek culture), which existed in the territory of the southeast Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala.

Slide 6.


Topic 2. O Maja More Internal Wars Yes! There were such, and not enough! Here, for example, in the new kingdom, Shii and Itza dynasty were, so Shiy such an uprising arranged against his enemies! In 1441, this uprising strongly weakened the new kingdom even before he was challenged the Spaniards. And Itsy had a serious past. But all the three of them were friends: Chichen-Itsa (Rules of the genus Iza), Usman or Ushmal (Shiy Dynasty) and Mayanp (after betrayal, destroyed friendship, after the fall of Chichen-Itsi, the family of Itza managed from slaves to turn into the vice-kings of Mayapan). In the course of the battles Shi and Izi fell Mayanpan, which the last rules.

Slide 7.

Major Resettlement What happened? So far, no one has given a response to this question. It's a pity! However, after all, Maya moved. Imagine that in one day all the inhabitants of the whole state have left their homes, palaces, cities? That's it! Now almost everyone will say that it is impossible. Maybe they were kicked hunger, maybe the war. We do not know this, it is a mystery to us. The fall of civilization was a wonderful civilization! Highly developed! For example, in mathematics, calendar, astronomy, they even surpassed us! But Spain turned out to be easier for fire and a sword to destroy "barbarians".

Slide 8.

3. Preparing for the journey We must learn languages! Languages \u200b\u200bof Aztecs, Maya, Toltec, Olmekov and others. Of course, it is very simple. It is necessary to sit in a special chair, connect all sensors, and turn on. A few minutes later you will talk in a given language, like a native! Yes, and of course, you need to remember: the white person has all these civilizations - God! But, after all, it is better to take a hat-invisible hat with you - it's good that I flew to other planets of excuses, there are no such land with fire with fire!

Slide 9.

Part 1. Life of mysterious Maya

Chapter 1. Good error Well, yes! And you still ask how we will explore! Well, how else, except by car! What? We do not have a car time?! Still as it is! Already ... Whether the 90s, or even the 100th years already! What century? XXI! 2090-2110 ... I do not remember exactly. But the car was already in 2080 - for sure! Here on her and go. She can transfer us to you at any time (from the past!) And in any place. We capture the minimizer ... We put all the necessary things there - food, transport, and everything else ... It contains, fit - what falls into the minimizer, it will decrease! Well, here and gathered. Now - in the past!

3 Purpose: Formation of ideas about the history of the creation of the objective world. Tasks: - Teach children to see objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in their development (past, present, future of the subject); - develop the ability to consider the surrounding items in relationships and interdependencies ("Man - subject", "Child is the subject"); - expand the horizon of the child; - develop the ability to predict the future of items; - to educate in children careful attitude to the subjects of the surrounding world.

15 The most effective methods and techniques of heuristic, cognitive conversations; observations; viewing pictures, illustrations, TSO; Teacher's story; Reading artistic, cognitive literature; Creating special gaming problem situations. elementary analysis; modeling and design method; method of issues; Repetition method (direct use of knowledge in a similar situation); solution of logical tasks; Experiments and experiments.



22 item is the developing environment of the laboratory "Accidentation", where children conduct experiments and experiments with materials to familiarize themselves with their properties; The "Masterilka" conversion center, where the assembled natural, cast material, fabric, paper, visual materials: plasticine, wire, glue. Here, children can independently make crafts, buildings, compositions, toys. "Salok" is cognitive literature, visual material for the accumulation of experience; "Gotek" - didactic games, selected in accordance with age according to various sections.

30 Work with the parents' folder's parents: "My girlfriend is a toy," "Teach, playing!", "Proverbs about work." Individual consultations: - "What toys are needed by children," - "Organizing and holding didactic games with children," - "What makes hard work?". Parental meetings: - "Developing Sub World", "Development of the Creativity of the Child", "Round Table at the end of the year." Participation in project activities: - "Creating costumes - tailoring of Russian sundresses," "My dad is a soldier," "Day of Geniya - crazy hands." The creation of mini museums: - "Dolls of our grandmothers", "past lighting devices", "unusual candles and candlesticks", "aircraft", "machines".

31 MBDOU "Kindergarten 46" "Crystal Shoe" Perm region, Krasnokamsk, ul. Sadovaya, 6 Phone: 8 (34273) Email address:

Borisova Elena Aleksandrovna
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten" Alenushka "Village Apraksino"

Node "Travel in the past clock" is designed for children of senior preschool age. During the Node, children travel to the past, where they get acquainted with the clocks that served people in the distant past. Find out about water, fiery, floral, hourglass. During the Node, children make their own water watches from a plastic bottle.

Abstract of directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic: "Travel in the past watches"

Educational Region "Socially Communicative Development"
Purpose. Fastening knowledge about various types of hours, the principle of their work and role in a person's life.
Software tasks. To acquaint with the history of the occurrence of hours, their varieties. Develop research interest, curiosity, creative imagination. Learn to make the simplest water clock. 4) to educate the purposefulness, the ability to interact with peers. 5) Develop Motoric Hands, Eyemer. Improve the sense of time and ability to regulate their activities in time. Briefing the need for a healthy lifestyle, health-saving behavior. Remove psycho-emotional stress in the process of educational activities. Reduce fatigue, static voltage, optic voltage when performing tasks. Observe the hygienic conditions for viewing the material using the multimedia installation.
Material. Telegram, a variety of watches (floral, sand, water, fiery, mechanical, electronic, quartz), presentation "History of the clock", plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters, water capacity, markers, envelope for drawings, paper sheets for drawing, Color pencils, fizminutka (presentation), Song "Watches" Author Oleg Anofriev.
Visual, verbal, practical.
Visual techniques: (Demonstration of hours, slides, display of water watches, observation, sample show, showing action)
Practical techniques: (exercise (imitative), modeling the manufacture of water hours)
Slible techniques: (story, commenting on visual material, conversations (ethical and informative), explanation, search questions, pedagogical assessment)
Gaming exercises and tasks: (riddling riddles, didactic game, imaginary situation)

Integration: Cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Activation of the dictionary.
Vessel, capacitance, clock: water, floral, fiery, fireplace.

Preliminary work.
Conversations: "What hours were long ago", "What are we doing at different times?", "What happens if the clock will go differently?", "I have a clock at home", "My grandmother's watch". Drawing hours. Measurement of fizminutka "And the clock goes, go ...". Reading fiction: Anofrey "Tik,", Berestov "Frequently six". Consider the encyclopedia "How things work (about clock)", Stepanov "Time". Working with parents: Drawing together with children of ancient clock (for the exhibition), recommendations for learning children to learn time on alarm clock, prepare stories about water, floral, hourglass with children, make a flower watches layout. Please bring interesting exhibits for the Time Museum.

The course of educational activities.

The educator reports to children that Gnome Tick must come to them and teach to determine the time by the clock, but something he is late.
(A telegram comes to the group from Gnoma Tick-so but).
Dear Guys!
In my magic country "Time" there was a trouble. A strong hurricane flew and broke all the clock. Now we can not determine the time. I can't come to you. And I wanted to tell you what the first hours were and how they changed in our time.

Educator. What happens if all hours break? (Everywhere would be late, came to the store, and it is closed, etc.)
Educator. Guys, and we can do something for the gnome.
Children. Help. Offer your answers.
Educator But how do we now find out what hours were before?
The educator brings children to go on a trip to the past hours.
Educator. - How do we get into the past?
(Children offer their answers: to build a time car, a flying plate, spacecraft, etc.)
Educator. And where else can I see objects from the past? Where are they exhibiting?
Children. In the museum.
Educator. Children, our group opens an interesting exhibition. And what items on it are exhibited, you will learn, guessing the riddle.
We do not sleep day,
We do not sleep at night,
Day and night
Knock, knock.
Children. Clock.
Educator. I invite you to visit the clock exhibition in the museum. What are the rules of behavior exist for visitors to the museum?
(Children take a group where the exhibition of hours is decorated)
Educator. Children, look at the clock. What are they similar to each other?
Children. At the watch there are numbers, arrows.
Educator. But not always the clock had arrows. Today we will travel to the past watches. I will tell you the story of the appearance of watches, what they were before. But I will have helpers: Katya, Danil, Polina. They prepared interesting stories for you.
The past is all that was
No power in the world
Everything back will not return
Time only goes forward.
Educator. Children, what does a rooster do in the museum?
(Children's responses)
Educator. Look at the screen. (Children fit the screen) (Photo with the image of the rooster is projected on the screen)
Low-way, people learned the time for a living clock. These watches walk in the yard, clap the wings and, take off on the fence, shout: "Ku - Ka - Reta!" What are these clocks called?
Children. Cock.
Educator. What cockerel? (Naked, Gorough, Merry, etc.)
Educator. The clock is a comfortable clock? Why?
(They could not take with them, it was possible to get up on them, etc.)
Educator. Also a long time ago, people have noticed that one flowers are revealed in
At one time, for example, in the morning, and the other day, in the evening. And invented to make floral clock. (Photo with the image of floral watches is projected onto the screen)
We will tell us Katya.
(Children sit around Kati)
Educator. But the person could not use such a clock. Why?
(They "worked" only in sunny weather, afternoon, in warm season)
And the clock go, go: tick-so, tick-like, (walking in place)
In the house who knows how?
This is a pendulum in the clock,
Each beat (sloping left-right.)
And in the clock sits cuckoo,
She has its own hut. (Children sit in a deep cried.)
Bringing the bird time
Again hide behind the door, (squats.)
The arrows move in a circle.
Do not touch each other. (Rotation of the torso right.)
We will turn with you
Against the clock arrow. (Rotation to the body to the left.)
And the clock goes, go, (walking in place.)
Sometimes suddenly behind. (Slow down the pace of walking.)
And it happens that we are in a hurry,
Like to escape! (Running in place.)
If they are not started,
Then they completely get up. (Children stop.)

(Children sit on the chairs)
Educator. At the same time, people came up with a water clock that reported time and night, and in a gloomy day. (Picture of water clock is projected on the screen)
Polina will tell us about the water clock.
Educator. I suggest you make such a watch.
(An explanation for the manufacture of hours)
(Children are broken into groups and fit the tables with cooked equipment)
Practical work is the manufacture of water watches.
Cut the bottle into two parts in half. The upper part is a part with a neck and a lid. The lower part is the "bowl" - the water tank. In the screw cap of the top of the bottle, you need to make a small hole so that water is slowly poured. Turn over the top of the neck down. And insert it into the lower part. Water will be poured into the bottom of the bottle as a bowl.
Educator. Do you think, are these clock comfortable?
Children. No, since they need to constantly pour water.
Educator. It is not by chance that they have been talking about the time: "How much water flowed!"
Educator. Looks like an hourglass. (The picture is projected with an hourglass image)))
We will tell us about Danil.
(Children sit on the chairs)
Educator. And these watches were comfortable?
(No, they had to constantly turn over)
Educator. And people invented a long time ago a long-time clock. (Picture is projected on the screen with the image of the fiery hours)
Let's go to the carpet, I'll show you this watch.
(Children sit on the floor)
Educator. And these watches were comfortable?
(No, they "worked" only indoors where there is no wind)

Relaxation exercise with respiratory concentration:
"Wake up a candle."

Purpose: Remove mental tension.
To breathe deeply, gaining as much air as much as possible. Then, stretching the lips with a tube, slowly breathe, as if blowing on the candle, while pronounced the sound "y".
(Children sit down)
Educator. As time went. People came up with all new devices for measuring time. Mechanical clock appeared. (A picture of a mechanical clock is projected on the screen) at first they had one arrow. Later a minute arrow appeared. And even later, the second one.
Mechanical hours need to start every day. I forgot to start the clock - they got up. And what hours do not need to start?
Do not need a factory electronic clock. (An electronic clock is projected on the screen) they work on batteries. They even have no arrows - numbers are shined on the screen. Time is shown exact and not capricious
Years passed. Life became meal, people began to take place time. The clock was needed to each person. What hours did not come up with hours.
Didactic game "Let the name of the clock"(Pictures and photos depicting different types of hours are projected onto the screen, it is necessary to give them the name).
Purpose: Develop attention, thinking, perception.
Educator. Our excursion came to an end. And what about the gnome tick-so learns that we were in the museum of hours?
Children. We draw the clocks that we learned about today and send them a teak.
Educator. What hours did you know today? What did you like? What caused difficulties? Why? I will give you special sheets of paper with the gnome seal. After you draw a watch that you learned during our excursion, draw the mood of the gnome, which will be with him after receiving the letter with the drawings.
(Children draw a clock. During the work of children, the teacher is interested in which watches do children draw. Then children are drawing a gnome, his mood. Pictures are folded into an envelope for the gnome.)
Educator. Let's replenish our museum for hours from the past. (Children arrange floral, water, sand, fiery clock in the museum).

Summarizing lesson in the section: "The Gliest Miracle in the World"


in the past

School of Russia

Literary reading

Compiled by: S.V.Pechchenkin,

MKOU "SOSH №44",

miass, Chelyabinsk Region,

You talk more often with her -

You will be smarter.


by car

begins ...

Kiev-Pechersk Monastery

Nestor in his cell

works on the chronicles

Slavs came and sat down on Dnieper

Excerpt from the chronicles

In the "Tale of Bygone Years told about ... Russia and Russian people.

The surname of the first nurse.

The biggest miracle in the world.

The city in which the monument is installed

Ivan Fedorov.

The first chronicle arch was called "Tale of Temporary ...".

The name of the chronicler "Tale of Bygone Years."

Share Crossword. Clear Mouse Choose Task Number - On Screen

the question will appear. Answer it. Check the correctness of the answer by click



by car

continues ...


Ivan Fedorov


by car

ends ...


Proverbs and sayings

  • The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.
  • Standing of the century Book Grow man.
  • The book is like water - the road will try everywhere.
  • A good book brighter the stars shines.
  • The book will help in work, will help out in trouble.

Rules for use of a book

  • Take the book with clean hands.
  • Do not bend a book - the pages fall out from it.
  • Do not put in the book of pencils, diaries or other items. From this there is a binding.
  • Do not read the book while eating.
  • So that the book and the textbook longer serve you, wrap them.

Alone, alone

Dimmed Book Heroes

On the pages of their books.

Awaken to their life!

What do they start from boredom?

All heroes love work!

You, friends, all books in hand,

Let the heroes come to life!



  • When did the first books appear in Russia?
  • Why was the appearance of the first printed book in Russia was a great event?
  • What did you know about Ivan Fedorov?
Time Machine Time Machine Tape tape Ringtone Space Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor in his cell Ancient Slavs Monument I. Fedorov in Moscow paper Books and children
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