Osip Mandelstam. Return history

Today, the Kultura channel will show the film "The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive. The Story of Sonya Bogatyreva". The author of the film is Elena Yakovich, a famous director, co-author of the wonderful Walks with Brodsky. Under the cut - an introductory speech by Yakovich herself and the announcement of "The Book Thief".

On Friday, January 15, on the day of Mandelstam's 125th birthday, at 9:05 pm, Kultura will show my film The Secret of Mandelstam's Archive. Sonya Bogatyreva's Story. In her memoirs, Nadezhda Mandelstam said that even during the first search and the first arrest of her husband, she understood the main task of her life: to save, preserve his unpublished poems. In the case of Mandelstam, the preservation of his archive resolved the question of the physical existence of the poems he wrote in the thirties. This is an absolutely amazing story about how in the desk drawer of a Moscow house from the 46th to the 57th year, that is, “all the dangerous years of the post-war period”, a “cherished folder” with unpublished late poems by Mandelstam was hidden, thanks to which we today we have the opportunity to read his "Voronezh Notebooks" and "New Poems". This is a story about the guardians of culture - the two Bernstein brothers. The elder brother Sergei Bernstein, an outstanding linguist of the "Silver Age", the founder of Russian audio archiving in the twenties recorded Mandelstam, Blok, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, Andrei Bely, Yesenin, Khodasevich, Gumilyov on wax rollers, and although the collection, as is customary in our unfortunate country , was taken away from him and left to die in a damp basement, some of the rollers still survived, and now we can hear their voices. The younger brother Ignatius Bernstein, the writer Alexander Ivich, at the risk of his life, kept Khodasevich's papers and Mandelstam's poems in the drawer of his desk. All this is told in the film by Sofia Ignatievna Bogatyreva, their daughter and niece, and also the guardian of culture. Today she lives in Denver, and I learned about her from Asya Druyanova, for which many thanks to her. The film features the voices of Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, Lidia Chukovskaya.

These days there will be a lot of interesting things dedicated to Osip Mandelstam. If for some reason you still haven't thrown your TV away, The Book Thief recommends. On January 15 at 21:05, the Kultura TV channel will show the film “The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive. The story of Sonya Bogatyreva. This is the story of how Mandelstam's later poems were saved. From 1946 to 1957, the folder with the manuscripts was kept in the desk drawer of the well-known children's writer Aleksandr Ivich (pseudonym of Ignatiy Bershtein). The archive miraculously survived even after Bershtein was declared "enemy No. 1 in children's literature", bailiffs came to the house and sealed the very box in which, in addition to Mandelstam's papers, the manuscripts of Khodasevich and Kuzmin were kept. On August 9, 1954, Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelstam transferred the rights to dispose of Mandelstam's texts stored in the house to Bernstein's daughter Sonya Bogatyreva. She believed that of all those present, only this girl would live to see the publication. Nevertheless, the poet's widow herself managed to hold the volume she had collected in her hands. Sofya Bogatyreva became a professor at the American University in Denver, in the film she will tell the story of saving manuscripts and present unique documents and recordings of reading poetry by Mandelstam himself, made in the 1920s. The author of the film is Elena Yakovich, winner of the TEFI award for the film Walking with Brodsky. The film was created with the assistance of the Russian Jewish Congress. Do not miss.

What events will the country celebrate the anniversary of the poet

Text: Anastasia Skorondaeva, Susanna Alperina/RG
Photo: Olesya Kurpyaeva / RG

It seems that the Year of Literature smoothly flowed not into the Year of Cinema, but into the Year of Mandelstam.

January 15 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Osip Emilievich. Many interesting events are timed to this date.

The main event will be an evening called "My time is not limited yet ...", which will be held on Friday, January 15, at the Central House of Writers. As part of it, a special cancellation of a postal envelope issued by Marka ITC specially for the anniversary of Osip Mandelstam will take place. The head of Rospechat and the chairman of the Mandelstam Society will address the guests with a welcoming speech. Artists Igor Zolotovitsky, Evgeny Kindinov and others will perform in a special mini-performance staged. In addition, at the evening it will be possible to buy books related to the life and work of the poet.

And in the afternoon, a traditional literary rally at the memorial plaque is planned. Immediately after, a round table “Poet and memory: perpetuating the memory of Osip Mandelstam” will be held, dedicated not only to the 125th anniversary of the poet’s birth, but also to the 25th anniversary of the Mandelstam Society.

In the evening January 15 the TV channel will present the premiere of the documentary film “The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive. The story of Sonya Bogatyreva.

A single archive of Mandelstam has not been preserved. Documents were confiscated during arrests, lost in numerous places of residence of the poet. As is known, Osip Mandelstam's unpublished poems were saved by his wife, Nadezhda Mandelstam. The fate of the “cherished folder”, which from 1946 to 1957 was hidden in the desk drawer of Ignat Bernstein, is told in the documentary by his daughter Sofya Bogatyreva.
The channel will also show the evening "Dedicated to Osip Mandelstam ...", which was recorded at the Moscow International House of Music. Actors, Olga Lerman and Anatoly Bely will read Mandelstam's poems and prose, as well as excerpts from memoirs, the story "Sherry Brandy", which is based on a semi-legendary story about the dying poet Osip Mandelstam.
the day before, January 14, on Thursday, a festival will be held, where poems and songs based on poems by Osip Mandelstam, as well as dedications to the poet written by Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova, Bella Akhmadulina and others will be performed.

January 16 at the House of Russian Diaspora named after A. Solzhenitsyn, a round table "World Mandelstamian: Translations and Reception" will be held. Today, Mandelstam's works have been translated or are being translated into more than 35 languages ​​of the world. The analysis of this rich accumulated experience, including comparative, will be devoted to a round table in which both translators and researchers of this problem will take part: Pavel Nerler (Russia - Germany), Adam Pomorsky (Poland), Andrew Reynolds (USA), George Kubatyan (Armenia), Stefano Garzonio (Italy), (Holland).

Well, in the evening of the same Saturday, Channel One will present the film. The picture was released at the end of October 2015, but the television premiere of the film, whose title was based on the first lines from the famous poem of the poet, can be seen for the first time on the first button in 23:00 .

There was practically no documentary chronicle depicting the poet, so director Roma Liberov and the film crew began to look for other means of expression: animation, design, computer graphics, puppet theater, art installations... The film was shot in different places - from Venice to Vladivostok... about the life of Osip Mandelstam and his poems are read by such actors as Viktor Sukhorukov, Miriam Sekhon, Inna Churikova, Chulpan Khamatova, Alexander Feklistov, Evgeny Steblov, Daniil Shcheblanov, Vladimir Mishukov, artists, Theater Art Studios and others. The following worked on the film: animators - Nina Bisyarina, Pavel Yermolov, puppet scenes helped to make the Kukfo Theater (St. Petersburg), artist - Alena Lisina and others. The title musical composition was performed by the famous rapper Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC). Kirill Pirogov worked on the cross-cutting musical theme.

On Sunday, January 17, the author's bus tour of Leonid Vidgof "Mandelstam's Moscow" will take place. The place and time of the meeting is 10 am at the monument to Cyril and Methodius, which is near the Kitai-Gorod metro station. For more accurate information, please visit www.vidgof.com

BUT January 19 in the bookstore "Moscow" on Vozdvizhenka will be a lecture by Oleg Lekmanov "Overcome with innate rhythm!" (how Osip Mandelstam read his poems) and the presentation of his new book Osip Mandelstam: Stolen Air. Biography”, published in the “Edition of Elena Shubina”.

The capital will also host an open city about the poetry of Osip Mandelstam. The unique open action “Handmade: handwritten books of contemporary poets”, which was initiated and organized by and. The auction will sell well-known modern poets, which are made in the form of a colorful book, a very small volume, usually no more than two dozen pages, with a signature and illustrations. You ask, what does Mandelstam have to do with it? The collected funds will go to the benefit of the non-state museum of O. E. Mandelstam in Fryazino.

And last but not least, - in - in "" - an exhibition in honor of the poet has already been opened, which has become the crown of many years of work on the study of the life and work of the poet. It is inadmissible to miss it, many documents are presented here for the first time.

The cinema-conference hall of the Yeltsin Center on January 15 was full. On this day, the birthday of one of the brightest, original and gifted poets of the 20th century, Osip Mandelstam, was celebrated here.

It was a creative evening (held by the Presidential Center of B.N. Yeltsin together with the Yekaterinburg branch of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Memorial society), at which the public was presented with a project to install a memorial plaque in memory of the stay of Osip and Nadezhda Mandelstam in Sverdlovsk, where they stayed for road to exile in Cherdyn. A unique documentary film directed by Elena Yakovich “The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive. The Story of Sonya Bogatyreva” (2016), and, of course, poetry was read.

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Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam. Dina Sorokina

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

Dina Sorokina, Director of the Museum B.N. Yeltsin:

– The idea of ​​holding Mandelstam’s evening arose shortly before the new year, then the holidays began, and many people left. Nevertheless, I am very glad that, having notified everyone a week before the event, we gathered a full hall, both for readings and for the screening of the film by Elena Yakovich. Everything went great, there was a warm and friendly atmosphere in the hall, sometimes it seemed that the spirit of Osip Emilievich was with us. We are grateful to all our guests and speakers who not only read Mandelstam's poems, but also shared their memories, emotions, impressions, personal memorable moments. After the evening, we additionally met with the author of the memorial plaque dedicated to Mandelstam, artist and sculptor Nikolai Predein, compared sketches and options. I think that by the end of the year the memorial plaque will be installed, and we will continue the tradition of holding such poetry evenings. Last year we celebrated Brodsky's day, Pushkin's day.

Film by Elena Yakovich “The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive. The Story of Sonya Bogatyreva is not just a story about the intricacies of the fate of the Mandelstam archive, which is saved by the family of the main character of the film. This seems to be the story of the salvation of poetry as such, which sprouts despite the "asphalt rink" of history, despite the underestimation of society and sometimes contrary to the natural sense of self-preservation of those who undertake to preserve and preserve it.

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Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam. Elena Yakovich

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

- Osip Mandelstam is the favorite poet of Joseph Brodsky. There is a photograph where Brodsky is standing under the image of Mandelstam, this is the 90s, and they are surprisingly similar, although they were not similar in life. Apparently, they have something in common. When I was working on the film, I read many poems by Osip Mandelstam and I consider him perhaps the greatest poet of the Silver Age. In addition, he is an ardent poet, to whom it is impossible to remain indifferent.

I did not make a film about Mandelstam - I made a film about those who saved his work in the 1930s. Manuscripts, of course, do not burn, but in order for them not to burn, someone needs to save them. Not only the fate of people in the last century, but also the fate of their manuscripts sometimes developed tragically. Mandelstam was very careless with his drafts, he practically did not keep them, and did not immediately understand that it was necessary to do this. And then Mandelstam disappeared. And no one knew if he was gone from the world of the living or just out of sight. His wife Nadezhda Yakovlevna kept and saved his manuscripts throughout her life. My film is about people thanks to whom we can read Voronezh and other poems of the poet. If the heroes of the film had not hidden them, risking their lives, in their Moscow apartment, it is not known what would have been preserved. These people were the famous philologist Sergei Bernstein, his brother Ignatius Bernstein and the daughter of Ignatius Bernstein, who was able to tell everything. But with the round date - the 125th anniversary of Mandelstam - it just coincided.

How did the idea for the film come about?

As is often the case, by accident. Sofya Bogatyreva (Bernstein), who lives in Denver, turned out to be a close friend of my other close friend, who told me a lot about her, but I did not immediately understand what exactly was being said. And then I heard her. It turned out that two archives were stored in one apartment. And I realized that I need to go to Denver and record material. In general, the film is a two-part film - “The Secret of the Mandelstam Archive” and “The Secret of the Khodasevich Archive”.

– Your film is a non-commercial film. Why did you take it on?

“I generally don’t make commercial films. I came to the channel "Culture", told about my idea, and it was supported.

– In 2017, 1937 and 1917 are remembered in Russia. What do these dates mean to you?

– For me, 2017 is the centenary of 1917 and the revolution. For me, this is a significant year, I am very afraid of it. As one famous writer said, it seems that God is tired of inventing plots ... Sometimes a lot of things repeat themselves.

– This is not your first visit to the Yeltsin Center. How do you see him as a director?

I was here last May. And today, when I crossed the threshold, it seemed to me that he settled down even more, at the entrance he meets a Christmas tree. Despite the evening, many nice people with children come. So this is the center of life not only in Yekaterinburg, we all come here with joy. My film is about the preservation of culture and memory, and the Yeltsin Center is also about the preservation of culture and memory, only they relate to recent history.

- What is your attitude to the installation of a memorial plaque to Mandelstam in Yekaterinburg?

- I think the more memorial plaques to Mandelstam in different cities, the better. He does not even have a grave, his memory is a collection of works.

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

The film by Elena Yakovich is actually built on the main character's monologue. Sonya Bogatyreva remembers Nadezhda Mandelstam, who was a frequent visitor to her parents' house. Remembers Mikhail Zoshchenko. Remember Joseph Brodsky. He remembers the professors who were the color of Soviet philology. For her, they are family members or just good friends. And for the audience in the hall, the story of Sonya Bogatyryova, whom Nadezhda Mandelstam first gave the nickname “hare girl”, and then entrusted the archive of her late husband, is a discovery akin to reading a new, unknown chapter in the history of literature of the twentieth century.

Sonya Bogatyreva, the heroine of the film:

“Osip Emilievich and Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelstam, when they returned from Voronezh, received a short respite. They did not have the right to visit Moscow, and settled in Kalinin (with the light hand of Isaac Babel, who said “Go to Kalinin, Erdman is there” - A.M.). It was not far from Moscow, it was possible to come to the city, but it was dangerous to stay there overnight, because this could be a reason for Mandelstam to be sent into exile again. Once my parents took them in for the night, and Nadezhda Yakovlevna later mentioned that a tiny hare girl jumped in the house. It was me in early childhood. And my mother told me that Osip Emilievich played with me. It was the end of 1937 - the beginning of 1938, then he was arrested and never returned.

When Joseph Brodsky visited our house, he asked: “Which room did Mandelstam spend the night in?” I said: "In the one where you will spend the night." He was pleased. The appearance of Nadezhda Mandelstam in our house after the war was impossible to forget. It was 1946, I was not 14 years old. She was the first person who addressed me as you. And she also knocked me out, saying: "I studied Russian literature in bed."

All this happened after the newspapers in August 1946 published a decree on the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad. I can’t forget how my father read this decree aloud… We lived in a half-ruined house, but there was a feeling of a breath of freedom. Everything seemed to change. But it was given to understand that nothing had changed.

One day my father took me to Leningrad and said: "Now I will call Misha Zoshchenko." For me it sounded like he said: "I'll call Pushkin." And I screamed: “Take me with you!” Zoshchenko asked me the question: “What grade are you in?”, and then, when we were leaving, he asked again: “What grade are you in?” I remember that he was an unusually sad man.

Nadezhda Mandelstam knew all of Mandelstam's poetry and prose by heart. It was the only vault she could trust. She managed to collect almost all of Mandelstam's manuscripts in Tashkent during the evacuation. By the way, she lived with Anna Akhmatova. And she rewrote her manuscript of Poems Without a Hero. Strange things began in Tashkent: when Akhmatova and Mandelstam returned home, they began to find cigarette butts with bright lipstick in the ashtray. They seemed to show that they were interested. And when they discovered traces of visits, Nadezhda Yakovlevna did not dare to keep the Mandelstam archive with her, but she could not leave the evacuation either, because she needed a pass to return to Moscow. And so, when on May 15, 1944, Akhmatova left Tashkent, Nadezhda Yakovlevna sent an archive with her ...

An acquaintance of Akhmatova, who kept the manuscripts, became afraid to keep them. And then the folder was again with Nadezhda Mandelstam. However, she was afraid to go to Tashkent with a folder and ran to Sergei Bernstein, her father's older brother and the founder of sound archiving. He listened to her and silently took the folder. Soon the folder was in our house and lay in the third drawer of the desk. It wasn't supposed to be opened, but of course I broke that rule. There was a significant part of Mandelstam's archive, unpublished poems, 58 autographs, Moscow and Voronezh. They have been with us for 11 years. And that's the first time I heard the word "publication". Nadezhda Yakovlevna told my father: “You and I won’t have to live to see the publication. And here she is (pokes her finger at me) - she will live. Then a pause - can survive. And then she said in a solemn tone that she wanted to appoint me the guardian and heiress of Mandelstam's poetic work. Nevertheless, miracles do happen: Nadezhda Mandelstam lived to see the first collection in the poet's library, wrote her own books.

Osip Emilievich Mandelstam

Mandelstam was born in 1891 in Warsaw, in 1897 the family moved to St. Petersburg. He studies a lot - at the Sorbonne, Heidelberg and St. Petersburg universities. Attends classes with Vyacheslav Ivanov. He is friends with Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilyov, knows Alexander Blok, Marina Tsvetaeva and Boris Pasternak. Finds himself among the acmeists. In 1913 he published the first book "Stone". In 1933, he does what Boris Pasternak equated to suicide: he writes a poem dedicated to Joseph Stalin - “We live without feeling the country under us.” And then begins Mandelstam's painful exile journey, the first station of this journey is the same Cherdyn, to which the Mandelstam couple travels through Sverdlovsk ...

In 1938, after long ordeals, Osip Mandelstam passed away in a transit camp. Buried in a common grave.

“Oh butterfly, oh Muslim woman, All in a cut shroud, - A life-and-death woman, So big - this one!

With a big mustache kusava

Went headlong into burnous.

About the flag unfolded shroud,

Fold your wings - I'm afraid!

Mandelstam set the tone for a whole trend of contemporary poetry of the 20th century, primarily for his direct creative successor Joseph Brodsky, whose poems are sometimes subtly similar to Mandelstam's both in size and intonation. Especially on the lyrics in which Mandelstam had a dialogue with antiquity.

"Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails.

I read the list of ships to the middle:

This long brood, this crane train,

That over Hellas once rose.

Like a crane wedge in foreign borders -

Divine foam on the heads of kings -

Where are you sailing? Whenever not Elena,

What is Troy to you alone, Achaean men?

Both the sea and Homer - everything is moved by love.

Who should I listen to? And here Homer is silent,

And the black sea, ornate, rustles

And with a heavy roar comes to the headboard.

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Day of Osip Mandelstam. Evgeny Roizman

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

Today, Mandelstam remains that unconquered Everest of poetry and philological experiment, which our contemporaries look exclusively from the bottom up with their heads thrown back.

The floor goes to the guests and participants of the Mandelstam's poetry evening.

Evgeny Roizman, head of Yekaterinburg:

- For me, Mandelstam is one of the best Russian poets, who possessed absolute pitch, impeccable taste and the gift of foresight, which is inherent in real poets. He formulated the purpose of poetry, looked at the phenomenon of Russian poetry from the inside and managed to express it. And I am very glad that the artist and sculptor Nikolai Predein made a memorial plaque, that we will have a memorial plaque at the station.

- But at the same time, it is still difficult to say that Mandelstam and Yekaterinburg are closely connected?

- They are connected only by the fact that when Mandelstam was taken by stage through Sverdlovsk, he spent almost a day at our station. And when Mandelstam was taken to the camp in Vladivostok, there was no direct stage from Moscow, and therefore he was sent through a transfer, ours or Chelyabinsk. So it's possible he passed through ours.

- Did Mandelstam's work influence you as a poet?

– Of course, as well as any modern poet. Mandelstam has the lines:

“Meaning is vanity, and the word is only noise,

When phonetics is the servant of the seraphim.

Based on this idea of ​​phonetics, many poets then tried to do something. In general, I thought a lot about this, I have articles on this topic. I think that the essence of Russian poetry is the Mandelstam complex. This is when a person knows that he should not speak, but he cannot but do this and speaks. Although he knows what it will lead to.

- Is it fearlessness?

- No, this is when, on the contrary, a person is very scared, he becomes numb with fear, but cannot help doing this. This is both the weakness and the vulnerability of Russian poetry.

- Like in Mandelstam's poem "I shudder from the cold, I want to be numb"?

- Yes, Mandelstam managed to say all this.

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Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam. Evgeny Kasimov

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

Evgeny Kasimov, poet, writer, chairman of the Yekaterinburg branch of the Writers' Union of Russia:

- When the Mandelstams were in Sverdlovsk, these were tragic days for them. They went to Cherdyn, and waited here for transfer to the train to Solikamsk. The memorial plaque to Mandelstam is a great idea, an artistic act and a gesture addressed to our contemporaries. We must not remain unconscious, we must not forget what happened and how. Nikolai Predein prepared a brilliant sketch of the memorial plaque. I'm sure her appearance is appropriate.

- Speaking of the harsh Ural region: I have heard the opinion that the bearers of culture in our region allegedly did not complain, that many cultural figures ended up here in connection with exiles or for other not very pleasant reasons. Is it so?

- No not like this. My wife's relatives, for example, were friends with the tenor Kozlovsky, with Lemeshev. Artists, singers, artists, and poets have always been loved in Sverdlovsk. Of course, the Urals was also a place of shipment. As the poet Eremenko wrote:

“Probably, God thought in heaven

The earth is like a transit prison.

But, again, memory is the most important thing.

- What role did Mandelstam play in your life?

I don't know if he played it to the end. He tuned my inner ear, inner strings, and I began to hear real poetry.

- Do you have any favorite lines of Mandelstam?

“I love everything about true poetry. I can read the lines dedicated to Mandelstam by the poet Alexander Eremenko:

"I drank with Mandelstam on the Kursk Bulge,

Shells exploded and mines

He clenched the iron mug in his fist

And wept with Marina's flowers.

And to us Pasternak, sliding along the trench,

He said, crawling on his belly,

"Oh, who has strewn you, field,

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

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Day of Osip Mandelstam

Photo by Lyubov Kabalinova

Igor Sakhnovsky, writer:

- I am one of those who signed for the installation of a memorial plaque to Mandelstam. In my student years, having read, so to speak, about Mandelstam's visit to Sverdlovsk, I told my friends under what circumstances he ended up here. A commemorative plaque is a wonderful idea that Yekaterinburg simply must implement.

For me, the significance of Mandelstam is decisive. This is my favorite author, whom I consider the most brilliant author of the twentieth century. This is a person who influenced my development, taught me important things in literature, language and poetry. I have been reading it all my life and it never gets old for me. And it doesn't get read. One of my favorite poems, which Anna Akhmatova called the pinnacle of lyrical poetry of the 20th century, is a poem written in Voronezh and dedicated to Natalia Shtempel, “Clumsing awkwardly on empty ground”:

“Involuntarily crouching to the empty ground, She walks with uneven sweet gait - slightly ahead of her Girlfriend, fast and youthful-weather. She is attracted by the cramped freedom of Inspiring lack, And, perhaps, a clear conjecture In her gait wants to linger - About the fact that this spring weather For us is the foremother of the coffin vault, And it will forever begin.

Leonid Bykov, literary critic, professor of Ural Federal University, Doctor of Philology:

- At the beginning of the evening, it was said that Mandelstam is a classic. But today Mandelstam is more alive than all the living, we have not really read him yet. Anna Akhmatova once said that Mandelstam would then become a people's poet when the entire population of Russia became intelligentsia. Mandelstam said his word - now it's up to us, we must grow up to it. In fact, all today's accomplished poets have a Mandelstam inoculation. And it is stronger than even the echo of Pasternak, or Yesenin, or Mayakovsky. There is a feeling that Mandelstam is a poet for the elite. However, different poets are needed. The Mandelstam gene is given to both writers and readers for the future. Mandelstam is a poet who is dissolved in poetry. It is no coincidence that he once said that acmeism is a yearning for world culture. He absorbed this world culture into himself, he felt organically and freely in it. And sometimes it seems that for him communication with ancient and medieval authors was more to his liking than with his contemporaries.

- How do you feel about the idea of ​​installing a memorial plaque to Mandelstam?

– The deeper and fuller the memory, the healthier the people, nation, society. In the memoirs of Nadezhda Mandelstam there is a line "Sverdlovsk is a serious station." Everyone who was exiled to Kolyma or Siberia in the 19th century, and then in the 20th century, did not pass this city. Also in her memoirs it is said that she and her husband spent the whole day here next to the Red Army soldiers, who did not even allow them to move and did not pay attention to them. And let it be late, but thanks to the memorial sign, we will begin to pay this attention - and this will not only be a sign of the poet's memory, but also a sign of that time, which should never happen again.

- It turns out that Mandelstam partly repeated the path of the Decembrists, who also went through the Urals to Siberia?

- By the way, Mandelstam has a poem "Decembrist". For him, the precepts of the Decembrists were important, since he grew up in an environment where there was a very acute sense of guilt of the intelligentsia before the people. But the Decembrists are immortalized on Dekabristov Street, there is a monument there, but there is no Mandelstam Street yet.

- What are your favorite lines of Mandelstam?

"Golden honey stream from the bottle flowed

So viscous and long that the hostess managed to say:

Here, in sad Taurida, where fate has brought us,

We don’t get bored at all,” she glanced over her shoulder.

Everywhere Bacchus services, as if alone in the world

Watchman and dogs - you go, you will not notice anyone.

Like heavy barrels, calm days roll by:

After tea we went out into a huge brown garden,

Like eyelashes, dark curtains are lowered on the windows.

We went past the white columns to see the grapes,

Where sleepy mountains are poured with airy glass.

I said: grapes, like an old battle, live,

Where curly horsemen fight in curly order:

In rocky Tauris, the science of Hellas - and now

Golden tithes are noble, rusty beds.

Well, in the room as white as a spinning wheel, there is silence.

Smells like vinegar and paint and fresh wine from the cellar

Do you remember, in a Greek house: beloved by all the wife, -

Not Elena - different - how long did she embroider?

Golden Fleece, where are you, Golden Fleece?

The heavy waves of the sea roared all the way.

And, having left the ship, which worked the canvas in the seas,

Odysseus returned, full of space and time...

The secret of the Mandelstam archive. Sonya Bogatyreva's story
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In her memoirs, Nadezhda Mandelstam said that even during the first search and the first arrest of her husband, she understood the main task of her life: to save, preserve his unpublished poems. In the case of Mandelstam, the preservation of his archive resolved the question of the physical existence of the poems he wrote in the 1930s. About the fate of the "cherished folder", which from 1946 to 1957, that is, "all the dangerous years of the post-war period", was hidden in their Moscow house, in the desk drawer of Ignatius Bernstein, tells his daughter Sofia Bogatyreva.

Documentary film (Russia, 2016).
Director: Elena Yakovich

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