Alien Invasion of Earth: When the Hour Comes. Alien invasion, UFO attacks on planes UFO shot down a military plane

UFO invasion in Belgium in 1989. One of the most massive UFO sightings was documented in the period from 1989-1990. The region spans Belgium, France and England, but the most abundant evidence is found in Belgium.

Unidentified flying objects are most often identified with alien aircraft, but do not have conclusive evidence of this. Most of the observed UFOs are fully identified flying objects that cannot be controlled, could not be recognized or identified, due to a number of factors - poor visibility, remoteness, insufficient information, and others.

But there are enough cases of encounters with UFOs in which there is no logical explanation for what they saw and the behavior of unidentified objects does not correspond to any of the officially known terrestrial aircraft.

In such cases, the most incredible assumptions may turn out to be true.

See footage that confirms real UFO photos in Belgium

The so-called "Belgian UFO Wave" or "Belgian UFO Invasion" begins in the autumn of 1989 and continues until the early 1990s.

What to do if you have made contact with aliens?

During this period, more than 13,500 people announced that they had observed low-flying silent black triangles.

More than 2,600 people even detail their sightings, and the strange objects were detected by the Belgian Air Force's radar and, in one case, two military F16 fighter jets were sent in pursuit of unidentified flying objects.

The observed UFOs in Belgium were from a group of so-called "flying triangles".

These are triangular-shaped UFOs that have been observed before these cases in different places of the world and at different times.

Evidence of such UFOs continues to this day. “Belgian UFO wave”, there are dozens of accurate reports from reliable witnesses, including scientists, military and police, that is, people who would be hard pressed to make a mistake in comparing a conventional flying machine with something else.

The SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Life Project seems like a logical program, although it makes too many assumptions based on our terrestrial thinking. Even listening to millions of frequencies known to us is simultaneously infinitesimal in space.

What are the goals of aliens on Earth?

In addition, the project, ultimately aimed at "hunting for UFOs", could not detect anything within the Earth. This causes some astonishment: either people's stories about encountering UFOs are cunning, or alien search projects do not see anything under their noses.

I understand the scientific basis of the question: how, why, and for what they work. On the other hand, a number of well-known scientists are concerned about the search for aliens, worrying about the consequences of visiting the Earth by an extraterrestrial civilization.

But what if the aliens in their advanced UFOs are already on Earth? Here are some interesting stories that supposedly took place in reality.


Probably, aliens do not favor terrestrial cars, apparently they do not like our technology. The venerable Mrs. E. W. Brundrage was driving home in her car when the engine suddenly stopped.

The car stopped, and under the hood, an orange glow brightly lit up. The frightened woman did not even have time to really think about what was happening, as a UFO rotating like a child's top soared above the car.

Horrified, Mrs Brundrage thought about what would happen if a big "fireball" pierced the windshield, was her first frantic thought. Fortunately, the UFO hovered for about two minutes (which seemed like an eternity to the woman), abruptly rushed to the side with a quiet rustle and disappeared. At the same moment the headlights came on and the radio turned on. The woman came to her senses and started the engine.

Mrs. Brundrage started the car and rushed home to report what she had seen. The son believed her from the very first minute. In the morning, the car was carefully examined and no external damage was found. The only problem is a dead battery, and the clock in the cabin was a couple of minutes behind.

The relatives called the police, but they only asked the venerable Mrs. how much she drank the day before, which offended her greatly. The policemen also referred to the version with ball lightning, considering this explanation to be satisfactory.

However, in the evening when the curious incident happened, the weather was most favorable in Florida. By the way, before the strange incident, the woman treated all stories about UFOs with great derision.

On August 9, 1965, two young people - Molly and Michael - were admitted to the hospital in a state of severe nervous shock. Only during the day they were able to clearly tell about the UFO attack: young people were standing on the highway near the hotel, trying to catch a passing car.

Suddenly next to them, flashing red lights and making a loud monotonous buzzing sound. To Michael, the object looked like an airship, and even the hotel guests heard the rumble of flying equipment. After frightening the couple with its appearance, the colorfully luminous object moved away without causing any physical damage to the bystanders.


Another original UFO "joke" is known, when on December 20, 1965, he picked up a fifteen-year-old boy with a pickup truck and threw it far into a snow-covered ditch. The object, according to the recollections of young Bruns, first blocked the pickup truck. As the "strange shiny thing" approached, the car's engine stalled.

The bright apparatus, hovering low above the ground, began to slowly rise into the air. At the same time, according to Bruns, sparks fell from under the bottom of the apparatus, and inside the transparent dome of the dish, he noticed a humanoid figure. Then the pickup began to slowly rise into the air along with the flying saucer.

The westbound truck ended up on the south side of the road. The frightened young man jumped out of the cab and ran about two kilometers to his home without stopping.

Naturally, Bruns' father did not believe in such an incredible story, believing that he simply could not keep the car on the winter road. However, the car was thrown from such a great height that the rescuers who arrived at the scene had difficulty pulling it out of the snow captivity.

Trust in the story of the young man caused the absence of footprints in the snow. The car seemed to actually fly through the air one and a half hundred meters. The journalists, who carefully examined the place, did not find an objective explanation for what happened either.

Alien "car hunters" did not leave even the family trailer alone. In March 1966, he received a strong blow from a black UFO on the roof of the cab and got a dent in his side.

In another case, a UFO attacked the car of nineteen-year-old Roy Lamarck, leaving an impressive mark on the wing and on the hood of the car. And there are many such examples.

On March 20, 1966, a police officer chased the car of two young men who were driving at high speed. Finally, the guys turned to the side of the road. But when the patrol came to the car, he found them on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Young people were able to tell that for a long time they were pursued by an incomprehensible apparatus with a cruciform antenna. He blinded the driver with bright flashes and clearly encouraged to get off the freeway. Moreover, the policeman himself was chasing the car at the height of a three-story building, and would very much like to know what it was.

We, too, would like to know the essence of what is happening. Maybe we are receiving signals from alien civilizations, just not in the form we expect? If an alien civilization appears within the Earth, then there must be a significant goal for this, right?

However, it is unlikely that the purpose of the visit is reduced to far from harmless antics. Or someone similar "entertainment" checks our reactions? As always in the case of UFOs, there are a lot of questions, and a complete lack of intelligible explanations.

Recently, the Russian Defense Minister unexpectedly held military exercises aerospace defense. Isn't it a strange name for a branch of the armed forces for which there is no potential enemy? More precisely, it exists, but is not located on Earth, since these units are designed to fight weapons placed in the orbit of the planet.

At the same time, if we imagine for a second that an aggression of another space civilization will begin on Earth, then it is these troops that will have to protect the population of Russia, fully justifying their name. The only question is, how real is this threat? If we put aside the numerous ufological conspiracy theories that claim that the governments of the largest countries in the world are collaborating with aliens, and look at the obvious facts, it turns out that the alarm is not entirely unfounded.

The simplest analysis of most science fiction films will give an interesting result: earthlings tend to count aliens warlike and aggressive conquerors. The only exceptions are astrophysicists who, with maniacal persistence, send messages about the Earth and its inhabitants into space - both by radio channel and in the form of messages on spacecraft.

At the same time, they do not think at all that their epistles can get to a warlike civilization, which, after reading the text, wants to enslave our planet. The most famous message was sent to the stars back in 1974. Then, during the modernization of the radio telescope in the crater of the Arecibo volcano, a series of powerful radio signals was sent towards the constellation Hercules. More than one and a half thousand consecutive radio pulses contained encoded information about humanity.

It took a long time to decide what code to send information to, as a result, scientists agreed on the method of frequency modulation. As a result, on November 16, 1974, a message was sent to the stars, formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones. The addressee was: the constellation Hercules, the star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project manager Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could be located. A message was sent to the stars, formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones.

The addressee was: constellation Hercules, star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project manager Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could be located. Information about the decimal number system of earthlings, atomic weights of the most important chemical elements, a schematic representation of earthlings, formulas for the main sugars and nucleotides of human DNA, an image of the solar system and a telescope in Arecibo, a diagram of its operation and the diameter of the antenna parabola went to the stars.

Despite the fact that there was no hope for a quick answer, he still came. In August 2001, in one of the wheat fields in England, near a radio telescope, a huge picture was discovered, also consisting of 73 lines, 23 points each. When the picture was photographed from the plane, there was no doubt: it was a copy of Drake's message, which went to the stars 27 years ago.

And pictogram on the field didn't just copy Drake's message, it had significant changes, it wasn't a copy, it was an answer. The alien civilization was not only able to read the message, but also reported its civilization to earthlings in a similar way, which indicates a fairly high level of its development. In the first place, as in the earthly message, was the decimal number system, in the second - the atomic weights of chemical elements, indicating the existence of another biological life.

Comparing this fragment of two messages, researchers I was surprised to find that they differ ... by one element. As for earthlings, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus turned out to be vital for “them”. But another one has been added. The new element is silicon. There are many theories that prove that biological life can be not only on a carbon-hydrogen basis, as on Earth, but also on silicon-hydrogen.

The structure of the molecules in the message was identical to the human one, only the DNA helix itself changed. The growth of a cosmic being, also encrypted in the binary number system, turned out to be much less than ours - only 140 centimeters. The number of unearthly beings was also indicated. It turned out that the number of alien civilizations is at least twice as large as ours.

And finally, the most interesting- an image of the system of planets where the intelligent species is located. The number of objects of an alien star system turned out to be completely identical to our solar system. At the same time, if in the message of the Drake group one planet of the system was singled out - the habitat of the human species, then in the answer three planets were marked in exactly the same way at once.

A year later, a second letter arrived. In a grain field five miles from the first "letter", an information circle appeared that looked like a huge CD-ROM, and next to it was a portrait of the sender. From the field, the head of a strange creature looked at the people, vaguely resembling a lizard with cat's eyes. Almost all ufologists actively involved in the study of alien civilizations had a hand in deciphering this message.

And finally, in the fall of 2002, the first version appeared: “ Beware of those who bring false gifts and break promises. Lots of pain, but not for long... (corrupted text)... It's good there. We resist deception. Channel closed».

You can speculate for a long time about aliens " letters”, but one thing is clear: if the first responding civilization is indifferent to humanity, then the second one may well be aggressive. In addition, it is not known how many other civilizations received a message from Earth.

In order to rectify the situation, a group of American activists decided to raise funds to send information to the stars that depicts earthlings as an evil, militant and unfriendly force. According to the authors of the project, such a message can scare away potential space aggressors. The Your Face in Space project website is raising money to send a satellite to the center of the Galaxy, on the outer cladding of which an image of aggressive men and women will be applied, next to which there will be an image of a bird with a sizzling gaze at a disc-shaped UFO.

Also, according to the authors of the project, images of nunchucks, a guitar, a shotgun, torn jeans, a leather vest, a Viking helmet and, for some reason, a girl in a bikini under the shadow of the American flag, should forever repel the warlike civilizations of space. For greater persuasiveness, photographs of earthlings grimacing maliciously will be placed on the satellite. If you have a desire to become famous throughout the Galaxy, you can transfer any amount to the account of the organizers by attaching a photo of your face twisted in a wild grimace - it will fly into space to scare off potential aggressors.

On the pages of the book, the authors seriously tell how to act in the event of an attack by aliens, and also analyze the possibilities of repelling an attack from outside. Moreover, eminent scientists sent their work not just anywhere, but to the US Department of Defense and NASA. No response was received, but the authors of the book are confident that sooner or later their work will be rewarded.

Analyzing the ability to resist the attack, the authors of the work give a pessimistic forecast, quite rightly believing: while the alien ship is in the air, it is invulnerable, therefore, until the moment of its landing, it is better for people not to provoke the aliens and, if possible, evacuate to inaccessible places. When the alien aggressors set foot directly on Earth, they need to apply the methods of guerrilla warfare.

Today it is difficult to say whether Russia is ready for contact with aliens from other worlds and whether our government is thinking about this topic. At the same time, such preparations have long been in full swing at the UN!

Back in 1959, the Committee for the Peaceful Use of space space. At the same time, a number of scientists are sure that if there is an international body that regulates the relationship between a person and an alien, conflicts can be avoided. And in 2010, the director of the committee, Mazlan Otman, stated that statistically extraterrestrial life is possible!

This remark is not accidental, because scientists are constantly discovering more and more new planets with conditions close to those of the earth, in their ecosystems, it is likely that intelligent life can exist. In this regard, Othman called on the world community to prepare for a meeting with extraterrestrial beings, for example, to develop a law regulating the relationship between man and an alien. For example, in England, scientists from the Royal Society published circulars regulating all aspects of the relationship with extraterrestrial life, believing that this serious issue should be considered in both scientific and government circles.

A few years ago, a book by Travis Taylor and Bob Boen came out in the US with the intriguing title An Introduction to Planetary Defense. On the pages of the book, the authors seriously tell how to act in the event of an attack by aliens, and also analyze the possibilities of repelling an attack from outside.

The UK is gearing up for space invasion, and this is confirmed by the former employee of the Ministry of Defense Nick Pope, an interview with which caused a great resonance. Pope said he had previously worked as a UFO researcher and his country has a full set of tools to suppress aggression from space, if any. The former military man did not specify what these funds were, he only said that their description would be “top secret” for another fifteen years.

Professor of paleobiology at the University of Cambridge Simon Conway Morris, like many of his colleagues around the world, believes that aliens who can theoretically visit Earth will be hostile a priori. According to Morris, aliens are generally identical to humans, so they simply must have the same passion for oppressing newly discovered peoples.

The first to panic were scientists from the SETI research center, which is also engaged in listening to space in order to search for possible radio signals from intelligent beings. At some point, they discovered that objects were approaching the Earth, possibly being alien ships. The information that excited the public consciousness quickly disappeared from the news feeds. However, in a number of developed countries of the world, governments launched a whole campaign to prepare the population for the landing of aliens. The British The Guardian published an article with the shocking title "Aliens can destroy humanity." The newspaper provided links to fairly competent sources, such as NASA reports and reports of a number of serious scientists.

The conclusions reached by the authors of the article disappointing: if desired, the aliens can help us make a technological breakthrough, or they can, if they want, destroy humanity or use it as food. It is interesting to note that the very next day a refutation appeared in the newspaper, and NASA officials said that they were not related to the report on aliens and the dangers associated with them, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

The famous portal also distinguished itself Wikileaks hosting various classified documents. His publications confirmed that there are alien scouts on Earth, and three huge alien ships have passed the orbit of the Sun and are moving towards Earth.

Be that as it may, but so far no expansion of aliens has occurred. Maybe the danger has passed? It is difficult to draw any conclusions and forecasts on this score, there can be many versions. For example, the governments of the largest countries in the world could collude with the envoys of other planets.

But probably, aliens they considered that they were not interested in us either as partners, or even as food, and flew past. Or maybe everything is just beginning, and we will soon hear on television: “Attention, a special message! A spaceship of another civilization has landed on Earth.” How to know?

UFO Invasion of Earth Hidden Truth!

Having become acquainted with prediction of Nostradamus, humanity keeps waiting alien invasion. It is believed that there is a similar prediction in the Holy Scriptures, which confirms the theory that someone unknown to people must descend from heaven, and this meeting is inevitable.

What is said in the prophecy from the Holy Scriptures

The prophet Ezekiel spoke of seeing in his visions creatures, resembling a man, but with wings. It could be about aliens. The prophet claimed that strangers could move quickly in space and broadcast directly from heaven.

Interestingly, the one described by Ezekiel aircraft helped create the Saturn rocket, which brought a team of researchers to the moon. This once again confirms the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and that the prophet spoke the truth.

O alien invasion theologians say. But their point of view is based on the fact that aliens will come when the end of the world comes. It is believed that they will witness the fulfillment of the will of the Antichrist and Jesus Christ. Theologians also believe that these individuals influence the lives of people from afar and have unique abilities.

How exactly will the coming of aliens be carried out

The coming of the aliens will come true before the coming of Jesus. It is supposed to happen at the end of this millennium. In Scripture it is called "a sign."

Some bookmakers have made calculations and found out that to exclude the possibility of having UFO and aliens are not worth it. It's quite real! And a number of English books even indicate how to act when the X hour comes. At the same time, most people come to the conclusion that the aliens will appear in the form of intelligent beings, and not in the form of robots.

Peaceful or military takeover

Despite the fact that humanity has achieved a lot in its development and even learned to reach some parts of the cosmos, its knowledge is still very small. And this is the main problem in the question of whether contact between two advanced civilizations can be peaceful. Are you ready aliens accept a person with a disability?

Most researchers are confident that the contact will be peaceful. After all aliens are highly developed beings who should not solve problems by military means. On the contrary, they are probably concerned that people are developing military technology, instead of taking care of their minds.

Psychics and ufologists also tend to the presented point of view, saying that the fact of meeting with other civilizations is one hundred percent! Moreover, some people have already had contact with aliens, and not only the military, but also the civilian representatives of the Earth survive this contact and feel good.

This is based on the words of the prophet Ezekiel, where he predicted an approaching tornado from the north. In his prophetic dreams, he could contemplate a luminous cloud, in the center of which was an object and four living beings, with wings and human features. The Prophet was so impressed that he even fell to the ground. What he saw left him in awe. He could see how these creatures instantly move in space, and moreover, Ezekiel happened to hear a voice from heaven.

It is generally accepted that this prophecy explains the existence of UFOs today and the future alien invasion of Earth. Renowned engineers and scientists tried to interpret the recorded vision of the prophet into reality. So, for example, back in 1973, J. Blumrich, a NASA engineer, was directly involved in the creation of a unique rocket called Saturn, which delivered a team of researchers and scientists to the Moon. They managed to accurately model the aircraft that the prophet Ezekiel described in his message.

In this they were helped by elements of aerospace technology. As a result, all the details of modern aircraft equipment exactly matched the ancient descriptions, right down to the seat and helicopter engine. The invasion of aliens is also predicted by theologians. But they believe that it will look like a terrible judgment, which will entail the end of the world. In their opinion, numerous popular contacts of mankind with aliens are now connected with these predictions.

One of the fathers of Orthodoxy believes that the presence of a UFO will directly testify to the fulfillment of the predicted Antichrist, his reign for a short time and the coming of Christ Jesus for the second time. According to theologians, this unidentified otherworldly object has the ability to quietly guide the actions and life of a person as a whole. It is also generally accepted that other well-known prophecies spoke of the future invasion of aliens on earth. Increasingly, reference is made to the gospel of Luke, in which this evangelist wrote of "an awesome sight and a great sign."

alien invasion of earth

This period of time will take place before the coming of Jesus and, according to some well-known soothsayers, it will occur already at the end of the current millennium. After all, it is not in vain that one of the American projects for the study of UFOs has the symbolic name "sign".

The fact that such a possibility of an alien invasion still exists is also reported by one of the bookmakers in Britain. At the same time, they believe that this will happen by the end of the current 2015. Directly the representative of this company, Alex Donoghue, gave an interview and said that he himself did not believe in the chances of an alien invasion and considered it a joke. But as it turned out - it is quite real.

This fact was recognized by a representative of a well-known company. After all, this is confirmed by carefully conducted studies, and therefore, as many believe, the possibility of the existence of alien life cannot be ruled out. In the UK, they even published a book in which they detailed a plan of action in case such a non-standard situation arises in humanity.

As you can see, many are truly imbued with this possible problem of the future and are trying in every possible way to secure themselves. Of course, it is easier to do this when there are as many details and explanations as possible. But no one still knows exactly how contact with aliens will take place. Someone believes that it will be in the form of communication not with intelligent beings, but with robots. What explains this vision of the situation?

Peace or military takeover?

Human research and possibilities are extremely limited. Although earthly civilization has achieved a lot. We can launch research aircraft into space without a person on board, create equipment that can reach the star and the outskirts of the galaxy. If a person with disabilities can do it, then even more robots will be able to do the impossible, for example, to observe or make contact.

Another question:

"Can this contact be peaceful on both sides of civilizations?" Many well-known researchers speak with one voice that there will still be not a peaceful, but a military invasion.

It is assumed that invader robots will arrive on earth and fulfill their mission. After all, most of the modern progress is connected precisely with military technologies. And the limitations that civilization experiences are mainly related to space. If these two factors are combined together, then the presence of robots on earth will not sound like science fiction.

Psychic says it's inevitable

Even ufologists talk about it today. Every year at conferences there are similar statements about a possible alien invasion. The famous psychic Richard Atkins loudly declares to the whole world that this probability is almost 100% today.

At the same time, he confirms his information with cases when people were abducted by aliens. Among these cases, both ordinary people and astronauts or the military. According to Atkins, soon all the heads of major countries will stop hiding the truth, which concerns the presence of aliens. This will entail great bloodshed and death of the civilian population caused by natural disasters, behind which the invaders will stand.

If anyone survives, they will suffer the fate of enslavement by the conquistadors. After all, the aliens can be very interested in the availability of the labor force that they need for development. And these are just some of the possible options for how future events will develop. Scientists all over the world are closely continuing research in this area.

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