Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A

A. N. Tupolev Technical University.

Former Kazan Aviation Institute "KAI", and now Kazan National Research Technical University. Tupalev, was founded in March 1932 in accordance with the decision of the people's committee of heavy industry, namely its main department in the field of the aviation industry. Initially, the university was located in the building of the former gymnasium and included two departments, namely: aerodynamic and aircraft construction. Over time, the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering was founded on their basis.

From the very foundation, scientific and research work was actively carried out at the institute, within the framework of which N.G. Chetaev founded the "Scientific School of General Mechanics". Subsequently, he was transferred to Moscow to the post of director of the Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

In the period from 1933 to 1939, in the design bureau of the Kazan Aviation Institute, its specialists created models of single-engine and twin-engine aircraft, on which official records were once set. In the post-war years, the department of jet engines was founded at the institute, which at that time was unique and the only one of its kind among all Soviet universities. One of the first teachers there was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. With the development of the domestic aviation industry, faculties of aviation instrumentation and radio engineering appear in KAI. The latter became the largest in the entire institute in the future.

In 1991, the Faculty of Economics of Finance and Management appeared at the Kazan Aviation Institute. And the very next year it turns into KSTU (Kazan State Technical University). Since then, the university has been rapidly increasing the number of specialties and areas of training for future specialists. The Center for Continuing Education is being created, the Faculty of Humanities is being founded. Subsequently, in 2000, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was also organized, and in 2003, the Faculty of Economics and Law.

To date, the Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupalev includes eight faculties in its structure, which train specialists in a total of 70 specialties. In addition, in 2007, on the basis of the University, the College of Information Technology was organized, and there is also a center (KUIMC) for students with hearing impairments.

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Informatics and Computer Engineering

Economics and Management

Aviation and rocket and space technician

Forms of study


Levels of education


Admission Committee KNRTU-KAI

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of KNITU-KAI

Stas Ivanov 01:21 21.02.2016

I study at IEUiST at the full-time department, and also entered the VSHTM (school of the second higher education) for correspondence, specialty management. I like everything very much, especially the practice, frequent master classes and public speeches by leading economists and marketers. I recommend to everyone. I do not think that it is necessary to overpay money to KFU, education at IEU&ST is even better, an individual approach to each student.

Anonymous review 15:34 01/11/2016

I'm in my second year at IEU&ST. Initially entered the full-time department. In the first 3 months I was already disappointed that I chose him. Couples were repeatedly canceled, some teachers found out that they should teach couples with us after a month. From the second, she transferred to the correspondence department, because. concluded that it was a total waste of money. Yes, and it's no better. Not only was the session promised in October, the schedule has not been drawn up so far, but it's already January! Such a disregard, according to my polls, ...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev-KAI"

Branches of KNRTU-KAI


No. 02096 is valid Indefinitely from 20.04.2016


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for KNRTU-KAI

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 6 points)6 7 7 7 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education68.03 66.84 64.99 61.14 64.94
Average USE score credited to the budget73.51 71.49 68.61 63.78 68.24
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis57.79 59.30 58.60 56.66 60.67
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department52.02 46.41 48.99 45.93 46.31
Number of students9630 9842 9583 9804 10225
full-time department6902 7105 6870 7185 7287
Part-time department170 204 322 426 636
Extramural2558 2533 2391 2193 2302
All data

During 1940-1945. in Kazan, V.P. Glushko worked at a motor-building plant, first heading a special group, and then an design bureau for liquid rocket engines. On his initiative, in 1945, KAI organized the country's first department of rocket engines, among the first teachers who was S.P. Korolev, later - Chief Designer, Academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize.
Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, which until 1992 was called the Kazan Aviation Institute named after A.N. Tupolev, was founded on March 5, 1932 on the basis of the aerodynamic department of KSU.

Initially, the institute consisted of two departments: aerodynamic and aircraft building, on the basis of which the aircraft building faculty was officially opened in 1934 (the first dean was Arkhipov K.A.), the first departments were created that have survived to this day: aerodynamics, higher mathematics, theoretical mechanics, resistance materials, physics and chemistry.
A feature of the education of KSTU-KAI is the combination of traditions inherited from Kazan University, characterized by the depth and fundamental nature of the educational process, with the practical and applied orientation of modern knowledge.
The university is headed by a doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Gennady DEGTYAREV.
The most demanded are the following specialties, which are taught at the university - all specialties of the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, the specialty "Multichannel Telecommunication Systems" of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications; specialties related to the operation of cars, all specialties of the economic and humanitarian faculties.

Meanwhile, due to the crisis in the country's aerospace complex, aviation specialties are in little demand. There is a growing need for specialists in informatics and computer technology, communications, management and service technology.

Employment of graduates is carried out by concluding contracts with specialized enterprises. About 60% of graduates work in their specialty, the remaining 40% find employment quite easily in related fields of engineering, technology or mass communications. Established recruitment agency.
At the moment, about 26 thousand students of various forms of education study at KSTU-KAI. The number of graduates with a red diploma is approximately 15% of the graduation (150-160 people).

The competition for admission to a university ranges from 2 to 12 people per place, depending on the specialty.

Among the outstanding graduates of the university:
Silaev I.S. - First Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;
Gubanov B.I. - chief designer of the Energia-Buran rocket and space system;
Simonov M.P. - General Designer of the Design Bureau named after P.O. Sukhoi, Hero of Russia.
Sadovnikov V.G. - General Director of NPO Votkinsky Zavod - designer of the SS-20 rocket;
Belugin V.I. – Director of the Federal Nuclear Center of Russia;
Matrosov V.M. - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Director of the Institute of Mathematical Modeling;
Alemasov V.E. - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientist in the field of rocket engines.
All the listed persons, as well as other outstanding graduates, are constantly interested in the life of the university and take an active part in solving educational, scientific problems and social issues.

The Kazan Aviation Institute was formed on the basis of the Aerodynamic Department of Kazan State University by the decision of the Main Directorate of the Aviation Industry of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry on March 5, 1932.

At the beginning, the institute consisted of two departments: aerodynamic and aircraft building, on the basis of which the aircraft building faculty was officially opened in 1934 (the first dean was K. A. Arkhipov).

In 1945, the first department of jet engines in the higher education institutions of the country was organized at the institute, and the future academician V.P. Glushko, the founder of the domestic rocket engine building, was invited to head it. Among its first teachers were S.P. Korolev, later the chief designer of the country's rocket and space systems, Professor G.S. Zhiritsky, after whom one of the Moon's craters is named.

In 1951, a new faculty of aviation instrumentation was opened at the institute (the first dean was V.V. Maksimov). In 1952, the Faculty of Aviation Radio Engineering was created, which soon became the largest in the institute (the first dean was V. I. Popovkin).

In the mid-1950s, scientific schools gained full strength and gained all-Union fame: stability of movement, strength of aircraft structures, optimal processes, aircraft engine building, progressive technological processes, etc. Evidence of recognition of their authority was the fact that in 1956 KAI was formed Council for awarding the degree of Doctor of Sciences.

Today KNRTU-KAI is a modern educational and research complex recognized in Russia and abroad, which trains highly qualified personnel for high-tech industries. Over the 85-year history, KNITU-KAI has developed traditions that allow the university to occupy high positions among technical universities in Russia. The material and technical base is being modernized, the educational process is being improved, ties with production are being strengthened, and international cooperation is developing. KNRTU-KAI becomes the center of attraction - a university that corresponds to the best world standards.

The scientific potential of the university is: 7 research institutes, 1 faculty, 45 departments, 11 research and educational centers, 2 colleges, 1 business incubator, 48 research laboratories. More than 3,000 teachers, scientists and engineers work here, including over 120 doctors of sciences and professors, among them 17 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan and the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, more than 700 doctors and candidates of sciences.

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