KGB and UFO secret documents. Legends of UFO and KGB

With changing political priorities, many documents from the secret archives KGB are now in the public domain. But how can they be trusted? Any state security officer will confirm: business papers are rarely declassified in their original form.

They are preliminarily “cleaned out”, removing information that this department does not want to make public for one reason or another. And yet, such documents can give researchers interesting information - in particular, about the problems of aliens and UFOs, which were also dealt with by our special services.

Double standarts

For many years, the USSR had a dual policy regarding unidentified flying objects.

The population was explained that UFOs do not exist, this is hostile propaganda. Enthusiasts who distributed samizdat materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated with accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.

Felix Yurievich Siegel, Soviet mathematician, astronomer and ufologist

At the same time, many UFO eyewitnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully stored and systematized in the KGB archives. That is, the department itself fully admitted that such facilities exist and may even threaten the country's security.

An interesting story related to the activities of one of the founders of Russian ufology Felix Siegel(1920-1988). In November 1967, his appearance on television marked the beginning of a massive collection of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary evidence came to the address of the scientific group he created at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. But it was not possible to study them - the group was disbanded, and all its materials were transferred to the KGB.

"Blue Folder"

Igor Sinitsyn, an assistant to the head of the KGB Andropov, in an interview with the Observer magazine, spoke about how he saw a dossier on the topic of the UFO phenomenon in his boss's office. It happened in 1977 - after the appearance of an incomprehensible huge object in the sky over Petrozavodsk.

Sinitsyn's duties included monitoring publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of an article from the Stern magazine about the incident in Petrozavodsk.

The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and invited Sinitsyn to familiarize himself with its contents. The folder contained reports from counterintelligence officers about encounters with UFOs. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the military-industrial commission of the USSR A.P. Kirilenko. He left the papers with him.

After a short time, on the orders of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges each serviceman to report all cases of UFO sightings. The most interesting information fell into the Blue Folder.

In 1991, at the request of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union UFO Association, the Blue Folder was placed at her disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, explanatory notes, reports on encounters with unidentified objects.

Failed to hit

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over the missile weapons depots, located northeast of the city of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Region. The numbers of military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but notes of the security officer who reported on this situation were left. The servicemen of the transmitting center observed three objects, and the servicemen of the liquidation base - one.

UFOs were discs with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, moved silently, sometimes descending and hovering above the ground. The fighter called by the command (the number of the flight unit is also smeared with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left him.

Reports from Captain Chernikov, Warrant Officer Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the object emitted signals resembling a flashlight.

Other Blue Folder documents describe a 1984 UFO encounter over Turkmenistan. The air defense system noticed a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters and heading towards the state border. He did not respond to inquiries. Two fighters were raised into the air, but all attempts to shoot down the UFO failed. Moreover, when they began to shoot at the object, it dropped sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighters to fire at it.

There are several dozen such cases in the Blue Folder. These testimonies point to two indisputable facts: firstly, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in collecting and systematizing information regarding unidentified flying objects.

Letters from another planet

But the KGB would not be itself without secrets and hoaxes. Western researchers consider the so-called Ummite letters to be one of them. In the 1960s and 1970s, in Spain (and partly in France), letters were sent to different people in different languages. The senders seemed to be the inhabitants of the planet Ummo, inhabited by intelligent inhabitants who arrived on Earth.

The total number of letters was more than 260, their volume exceeded one thousand typewritten sheets. Each page of these documents was marked with a special lilac icon.

In the messages, the "Ummites" described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 on three spaceships, six of them, including two women, they explore and analyze our lives.

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that their creators were members of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the planet Ummo described in the letters is very similar to communism promoted in the USSR. The "Ummites" did not hide their sympathy for politicians of the Marxist direction. Their views on the arms race echoed exactly the classic themes of Soviet propaganda.

But the main thing is that legal communist parties already existed in all European countries, and in Spain the dictator Franco ruled and the communists were banned. Franco died in 1975, the Christian Democrats came to power in the country, the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Did the Ummites achieve the desired goal?

The USSR had its own alien?

In the West, the topic of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin shot down by the USSR air defense and the study of the corpse of the humanoid that controlled it, which was comprehensively studied at the Semashko Institute, is periodically raised. A UFO was shot down in 1968 in the Urals, near the town of Berezniki. Now everyone interested in ufology knows that this fact is nothing more than a hoax.

However, a number of magazine and television interviews on this topic were given in the USA by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer and showed his ID on television.

His words are confirmed by an article from the Vecherniy Sverdlovsk newspaper dated November 29, 1968. In it, witnesses claimed that before their eyes some kind of shiny disk fell onto a steep snowy slope. Then the military arrived at the scene and carefully combed the area.

Klimchenkov claims that the operation to detect UFOs was codenamed "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that it was not human.

A still from a video allegedly showing an autopsy of an alien by KGB doctors

How reliable is this information? Neither the Blue Folder nor any other published KGB documents say anything about her. But many of the documents shown by Klimchenkov give the impression of being genuine. For example, the order of the USSR Minister of Defense A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that KGB officers be present at all stages of UFO detection.

Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, promptly came to the disposal of the head of the scientific department of the KGB, Colonel A. Grigoriev. In the shown documents, the scientific institution where the anatomical autopsy of the humanoid was carried out is named, and the names of the doctors are Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unknown reasons, they all died on the same day, exactly one week after the completion of the autopsy.

All three were real luminaries of science - and the KGB, with all its power, would hardly have cracked down on the first people of domestic medicine. Therefore, the death of doctors still raises questions.

Some foreign journalists claim that the leak of information about the activities of the former KGB was deliberate. But for what purpose? In response to a similar story about a UFO capture and humanoid autopsy in the US? As you know, in 1995, many American media accused the CIA of hiding this fact for many years, but the official authorities announced that there was no UFO capture.

Perhaps the mercenary interests of the former employees of the once formidable department played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide the fact that documents and video materials about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.

The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends. And separating the truth from controlled disinformation is extremely difficult. In addition, the existence of UFOs still affects the interests of state security - and therefore, some documents are unlikely to be published.


magazine "Secrets of the XX century" №33 2016

  • KGB and UFO
  • Polygon Kapustin Yar and UFO
  • Three mystical secrets from declassified KGB archives

On November 5, 1972, a month after the death of the writer Ivan Efremov, his apartment was suddenly searched. Chekists inspect the house thoroughly, they even have a metal detector with them. The official reason for the visit is that a criminal case has been opened on the fact of the obscure death of a popular science fiction writer, the author of The Andromeda Nebula. In fact, they are checking his connection with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is suspected that Efremov himself is an alien from outer space. At the same time, closed programs for the study of UFOs and people with non-standard abilities are being created in the State Security Committee.

A few years before these events, the picture "The Andromeda Nebula" was released. Starring Soviet stars Viya Artmane, Lyudmila Chursina and Nikolai Kryukov. Before the era of computer special effects is still more than a dozen years old, but the video sequence of the film is impressive. For example, on the table at the head of the space stations "Gift of the Wind" is an object very similar to a modern laptop, and the principle of operation is the same. Notice such details and the Soviet secret services.

"Several factors converged here. One of them was the paranoid spy mania in the KGB system in the early 70s. This was true. Moreover, then, in the early 70s, a special KGB directive was issued to the central apparatus and local authorities about the intensified search for illegal enemy agents. It seemed to them that there were these illegal agents all around, ”says historian Nikita Petrov.

The writer Efremov will also be suspected of espionage. Nikita Petrov once opened this story. When the archive materials of the KGB fell into his hands, he was shocked. It turned out that a few years after the launch of a man into space, the Chekists were waiting for aliens to visit the earth.

"An interesting author, what was Ivan Efremov, of course, attracts the attention of not only the public, but also the authorities. People always want to ask how he invents all this, how does he do it all? And many, especially those inclined to conspiracy theories, come to the conclusion "What does it mean to invent? Or maybe he knows all this? Or maybe he's from other worlds, from other planets?" Petrov says.

Then why do the Chekists begin checking Efremov only after his death? What are the KGB afraid of? Once the writer was already summoned to the Lubyanka. This happened immediately after the release of his novel "The Hour of the Bull" in the late 60s. Andropov himself then conducted a conversation with him. In the work of Efremov, he saw a satire on the existing regime. At that moment, they did not dare to come to the apartment of the science fiction writer with a search.

"Otherwise, it would look like arbitrariness, and Efremov is a fairly well-known writer - there would be noise in Moscow, they would talk about it in the West - that the KGB breaks into the writer just like that with a search. Who could afford it? And after death they thought that everyone it will somehow come off more or less quietly and imperceptibly, although after this search, of course, Moscow was full of rumors," Petrov notes.

There are clear instructions from the KGB on what grounds to open a case. Of course, there is no point about an alien agent among them. Therefore, the Chekists have to resort to a trick with the suspicious death of Efremov. In this case, they have access to the apartment, documents and relatives of the writer. But a year later, there will be nothing to report to the authorities. Was this whole story just someone's attempt to curry favor? Or is it the result of many years of work of the special services with the unknown?

"This is just a grain of sand in the sea of ​​events that take place primarily in the sphere of state security agencies (now it is the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs). These stories - they are not told. They are only told there, after 50 years. But there are a lot of them," he said. Dmitry Fonarev, President of the Russian National Association of Bodyguards.

Dmitry Fonarev (former bodyguard of President Gorbachev) is a veteran of the 9th Directorate of the KGB, which provided security for the first persons of the state. He admits that people with non-standard abilities are always under the control of the Chekists.

“Somewhere in the 1970s and 1980s, intelligence officers began to encounter quite serious manifestations of threats in an unusual form. That is, when people went out of windows, they died as if for no reason, sudden death. And, in general, then, interest in these things - he never disappeared, "says Fonarev.

Fonarev himself also encountered a paranormal phenomenon. Since then, he has studied the work of his colleagues in this field. On that day, the guys from his group were on duty. And it was like this: it was 1989 in the yard. The Kremlin is going to the First Congress of People's Deputies. Security, as it should be at a government event, at the highest level. At the last post at the entrance to the hall, a man in civilian clothes calmly checks everyone's documents. It is necessary to show the pass and passport here, however, as in the two previous posts. One person who suddenly appears nearby and goes to the podium, the security officer stubbornly does not notice. And only when the unknown begins to rush between the front rows in search of a place, pays attention to him.

“Well, this kind of ordinary, one might say, a hard worker. He says: “But I don’t have a place.” They ask him: “How is there no place? Come on, come here, give me the documents." He says: "I have no documents." - "How are there no documents?" He is already near the podium. , crazy, you never know, right? At the headquarters they began to figure it out: “Who are you?” - “I am such-and-such” (there is a surname and a name). - “How did you get there?” - “Well, how? Went - and hit. "The man passed three posts. Three posts! How? No one knows. That is, that he was missed at three posts - well, this is impossible. I myself stood at these posts, and I perfectly imagine what it is, " - says Fonarev.

How do the KGB deal with a man who was able to infiltrate the Kremlin? In the absence of corpus delicti, he is released. This story is chalked up to inattention. But in 2001, it is repeated, only in the United States at the inauguration of President George W. Bush. CNN's Invisible Man story makes a splash. It is also shown in Russia, but after the first news release, it is taken off the air.

"Then it turned out that yes, a person is such and such (this was not his first case, he did the same at Clinton's inauguration). But how? He says:" I can become invisible for protection. "And when a person says to people" invisible, "everyone remembers Wells" The Invisible Man "and says:" Guys, well ... "But with all this they are not seen. They are not seen! And this is what we are facing," says Dmitry Fonarev.

An expert on the history of special services, Valery Malevanny, claims that security officers became interested in non-traditional technologies immediately after the revolution. Under the OGPU of the USSR, a secret laboratory is being opened, in which drugs are being developed to influence the psyche of those arrested and to eliminate objectionable people. Further more.

“Today we know that Stalin, having come to power in 1927, is laying the foundations for an even deeper study of these paranormal phenomena. He surrounds himself with psychics. , numerologists). And without Natalia Lvova, Stalin did not dare to solve almost a single issue. We know that in 1939 Beria brought Messing to Stalin. And without Messing, Stalin also did not even try to solve some practical issue, "says Malevanny.

According to some reports, Messing is just a cover for real Kremlin oracles. So, under Lubyanka, there have been intelligence schools for many years, where psychic children are selected. Until the mid-1950s, this program was led by the physiologist Leonid Vasiliev, a student of the famous professor Chizhevsky, who studied the influence of the Sun and the Moon on people, crowds, and technology.

What results can the KGB achieve? The first official and most famous psychics in Russia are Allan Chumak and Anatoly Kashpirovsky. During the years of perestroika, television broadcasts their sessions live. Chumak claims that his abilities were studied in a secret scientific laboratory in Furmanny Lane in the center of Moscow. What kind of experiments were carried out on him?

“They made such a small thermostat that reacted to temperature and to cosmic noises. That is, if an iron was placed on this thermostat, then for some time it did not react at all to a hot iron. That is, it was insulated quite well. Well, you can - try, raise the temperature, lower the temperature, maybe somehow suppress cosmic noises, do something else to make it clear that the device is inanimate, which cannot be inspired by anything, reacts to your influence, "said psychic Allan Chumak.

According to Chumak, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB used his services more than once. The psychic was even strongly recommended to become a secret employee of the Committee, promising an apartment and the rank of lieutenant colonel. But he refused.

The most high-profile crime that Chumak reveals is connected with the case of Medunov, a friend of Brezhnev. There is a struggle for power between Andropov and Shchelokov, the Minister of the Interior. Chekists are hitting the first secretary of the Krasnodar regional party committee Medunov, thereby pointing out the missteps of the police.

“Great thefts were uncovered there. And they arrested someone, they didn’t arrest someone. This was done by the KGB and the police, of course. But they couldn’t find one person. They didn’t know where he was - in the country, whether he went abroad, escaped. And a man from the KGB approached me with a question about where this man is. You know, I had a state inside me that I can find him. This state is very similar to what happens when suddenly there is a desire to write poem, music. This is the inner creative state that makes it possible to get involved in this situation, "says Chumak.

Having laid out huge maps of Moscow and the Soviet Union on the floor at home, Chumak feels nothing for several minutes. The Chekist looks disappointed.

“But here, on the map of the Moscow region, several settlements were highlighted, where he seemed to be based, it happens where you can look for him, etc. Suddenly, the understanding came that this person would be in the Volokolamsk highway area on a certain street tomorrow (I don’t remember right now , which street). Not the exact time, but somewhere, there, in the evening. But it turned out to be enough for him to be taken the very next day on this street," Chumak tells this story.

Who else among the psychics works for the Kremlin and how have they changed the life of the country? It turns out that the capture of the most famous spy in Soviet history, Dmitry Polyakov, is also the merit of psychics.

“In 1985, there were failures throughout Western Europe (from 80 to 85). 27 of our agents, the best, “moles”, failed there. And the “mole” costs about 10 million in preparation. The question arose: "Who? Is there a traitor?" Big "mole". Where is he?" Malevanny says.

It takes three years for Soviet counterintelligence to recruit CIA Russian chief Aldrich Ames, who points to several GRU generals as potential traitors. He was not personally acquainted with the spy, and general information is not enough for accusations. Then the Chekists decide to resort to the help of psychics.

“It was just a shock when psychics and the KGB showed counterintelligence officers to Major General Polyakov, who had worked for the CIA for 25 years and had already retired. He was an ideological opponent of the Soviet regime. He did not work for money - this is the worst thing. the military tribunal sentenced him to death. The value of this agent was determined by the President of America, who came to Gorbachev then and asked to change it for one to ten. Gorbachev, despite all his democracy, said: "We have already shot this general." Although he was still alive ", - says Malevanny.

If the reason for the attention to psychics is obvious, then where does the secret KGB UFO program begin? As it turns out, the cause was an accident with aircraft number 1 in 1978. The pilot of the aircraft took the liberty of reporting that an unidentified flying object actively interfered with the landing approach at Vnukovo Airport.

"A coincidence. At the moment when he had already read the report, a man who oversaw the border troops of the KGB of the USSR came into his office and who, just a few days before, the border detachment from Leningrad had shown approximately a similar report. Andropov decided that it was a coincidence too much,” says Alexander Maksimov, an employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation (1995-1998).

According to Alexander Maksimov, it was from that moment on that the military, nuclear power plant dispatchers, ship captains were required to report any strange objects in their visibility zone. Valuable information becomes what used to be passed from mouth to mouth and often not reflected in reports due to fear of being misunderstood and fired.

"And the base gradually began to accumulate. There were quite a lot of funds, efforts and involved brains. And in more than 95 percent of cases like this they were explained from the point of view of physics by the influence of natural environments and so on. But still, 5 percent at the moment remain inexplicable from the point of view of modern technology and science," Maksimov explained.

This secret database was requested at the end of 1991 by the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich. Once in an interview, he mentioned that he had observed unidentified objects in orbit. I could not reveal the details - I was bound by a non-disclosure agreement.

It is known that at one time the creator of Soviet rocket and space technology, Sergei Korolev, was also interested in UFOs. This task was given to him by Stalin.

“People seem to have begun to notice more and more, look into the sky and notice some strange objects, lights, which, accordingly, appeared in different parts of the Soviet Union. Perhaps this situation was very worried even by the State Security Committee, since this was part of his personal duty," says Vladimir Vasiliev, a leading researcher at the Institute for the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The authoritative designer had to determine whether these objects threatened the security of the USSR, how they could be eliminated, and whether they were weapons of the enemy. The scientist (and this happened in 1947) is locked in one of the Kremlin's offices for three days, having previously laid the table with boxes with the latest intelligence and reports of incidents. When Korolev appears before the leader again, his verdict will be comforting: "The objects do not pose a threat. Their origin is unknown, but it is definitely extraterrestrial."

The project that arose or began to take shape from the beginning of the 80s was subsequently called the Blue Folder of the State Security Committee. Perhaps this was also connected with the analogy that in America, since about 1948, the US Air Force has been carrying out the Blue Book project, the meaning of which was precisely that all information from primary observers was collected in a passive mode.

"Blue folder" and receives Pavel Popovich. Why does the KGB go for it - provide secret information? Vladimir Vasilyev, a leading specialist at the Institute for the United States and Canada, says that only one case from that folder can be called suspicious. But, perhaps, the State Security Committee did not provide all the information?

“Yes, there was one moment. These were observations of exactly 1982, when incomprehensible lights fell into the field of view of the IL-62, which, in my opinion, flew from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He observed the lights through a luminous object that flickered. And, accordingly, there the pilots saw this object, as if luminous, and even saw the emission of rays. They asked for the controller. And the controller told them that there was no one nearby. But after three or four days, it turned out when examining the aircraft that it had engine blades The turbines were in very poor condition, that is, one could say that they were in such a critical condition that they had to overhaul the engine," Vasiliev said.

The authorities continue to allocate money for special programs of the KGB - both after perestroika and after the collapse of the USSR. In 1993, the deputies were indignant at unreasonable spending from the state budget. The Chekists quickly calm them down: they say, this is not connected with UFOs. They do the same in the USA. The US government is in favor of funding similar programs in their country. At the same time, Washington benefits from the fact that the press is still obsessed with flying saucers. Local intelligence agencies regularly throw facts about UFOs into the media.

Information about UFO activity zones in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg regularly appears in Russia. But apart from ufologists, she is of no interest to anyone. The authorities are puzzled by new problems. To solve them, even a secret military unit 10003 is being created.

"Military unit 10003 is a formation that is unique in its essence, because a military unit is not a fence with barbed wire, with rockets and with all sorts of antennas. Institutes were involved, laboratories were created, experiments were carried out. Why? 1975, the Americans have already opened their programs Bluebird and Stargate. Already at this level, it was clear that the confrontations were moving into the "sphere of psi" (we call it that). We had to understand what was happening," Dmitry Fonarev notes.

What was this secret military unit really doing? And why will it be closed with a scandal in 2003?

According to Valery Malevanny, it was a top secret facility that trained military space operators. "That is, military people were trained there to search for submarines, for example, to clear fields. Extrasensory. From a distance. I personally saw in Africa, in Angola, how military space operators cleared mines, led special forces through military fields. No need for sappers. Here he is walks, puts out his hand, and he sees this minefield. For him, a minefield is not a trap, but a clear map. That is, these are specially trained people, "says the historian.

However, Valery Malevanny admits that if then the military officers were told about superpowers, no one would have stepped into the minefield. They are told that new equipment has appeared in the USSR - microsensors that recognize explosives.

About 120 institutes were involved in this project. However, in the 9th Directorate of the KGB, they do not dare to completely trust the military psychics - the seers do not pass the test.

"In the so-called mass events, we had to understand who has weapons and who does not. That's a simple question, right? And when they turned to colleagues, to the Second Main Directorate and to intelligence officers, they said: "Yes, we there is such a person. "We made 10 visits, and the person himself wanted - he took a gun, he wanted - no. From nine cases it was guessed whether he was with a gun or not. But when they asked a specialist if he could do it in a crowd, he says no. Accordingly, he immediately lost interest, "says Fonarev.

As the Chekists assure, there were never any psychics and parapsychologists under the Soviet rulers. Although Stalin kept fortune-tellers near him, he was afraid of them. So, there is a curious version that the twins of the leader of the peoples appeared precisely because of the fear of psychics. Malevanny notes that Stalin firmly believed that it was possible to penetrate into the human brain. For this, he specifically had five special doubles of his in order to deceive the enemy.

The fashion for clairvoyants and oriental gurus appears back in the time of Khrushchev. According to some reports, the most capable psychics in those years were encouraged to travel to India to improve their skills. Sometimes yogis themselves come to Moscow to exchange experiences. A boom in everything paranormal will begin during the years of perestroika, when many enterprising individuals suddenly feel the gift.

"Those sessions that I conducted on television - they launched a colossal research process, you know. In all countries of the world, well, in highly developed countries of the world, studies are being conducted on interaction with inanimate nature, with water. They are trying to understand what it is," Chumak notes.

Which of the psychics then became a member of the Kremlin? Who are the bodyguards of the first president hiding from TV cameras? And why does the healer Juna receive the rank of colonel general?

"The Soviet government, which built its system of party education on the foundations of materialism, is actually losing, because materialism does not work in the minds of citizens. They immediately slide into all sorts of metaphysical and other explanations of the world, instead of looking at all this clearly and clear," explains historian Nikita Petrov.

Photo: TASS/Alexander Sentsov, Alexander Chumichev

On the sidelines of the Kremlin, they also wanted new explanations for everything that was happening in the world. Boris Yeltsin surpassed his predecessors in this. According to some reports, he buys all the films with Vanga's predictions and starts a full-time astrologer - Georgy Rogozin. Behind his back they call him none other than "Nostradamus in uniform" and "Merlin". His prophecies often come true. Rogozin is even appointed first deputy head of the presidential security service. But, perhaps, the healer Juna stands above all.

On November 5, 1996, President Yeltsin undergoes heart surgery. Few believed that he would survive - his condition is critical. The best American cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey was called to help Moscow specialists. But the life of a VIP patient may have been saved by Juna.

"Medics from all over the world come to him and say:" He will die. "Then Juna and the military space operator of the GRU, Colonel Savenkov, they take the soul out of the body into space to a height of 100 km and keep it there for eight hours, while Yeltsin's body goes operation. As soon as the operation was over, psychics of the special services returned his soul back to its place. It was for this experiment that Juna was awarded the rank of colonel general of the medical service, "says Malevanny.

Physicist Rostislav Polishchuk, a member of the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience, is a longtime opponent of all psychics and healers. In his opinion, none of them is ready to go into serious research, and all the declared miracles are unfounded.

"Russia survived a catastrophe - the collapse of the previous ideological attitude, faith in the teachings of communism, where there were great ideals. Well, each attitude has a finite resource. Well, at this time, when people lose such support, the primitive structures of primitive consciousness are activated. And a significant part of our people falls to the pre-Christian level, to the level of primitive magic, to the level of sorcerers. So the facts are firmly established things, and what contradicts them is already pseudoscience that opposes them, because we need to defend the intellectual health of our health, "- Polischuk says.

It was the commission on pseudoscience that achieved the closure of special unit 10003. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences do not recognize the results of military scientists. How then to be with the facts of healing, the impact on people at a distance?

“You know, there is a very powerful factor in the form of an attitude. The attitude, roughly speaking, is everything. Here, in primitive times, a sorcerer who violated a taboo says: “You will die. You will live". And if a person is told that if he does this and that, his attitude changes, he mobilizes his forces himself. If he says: "I can" - he can, if he says : "I can't" - he can't. And he capitulates. And as long as a person has spiritual strength, he resists and fights, "Polishchuk explains.

Nevertheless, intelligence experts assure that both in the West and in Russia, work in the field of the unidentified is still being carried out, but not advertised so as not to cause panic or excitement. However, it is likely that the high level of secrecy of these departments and programs is just a myth, and successes are highly embellished in science fiction novels and Hollywood blockbusters.

“We don’t know of a single example when hypnotists achieved any obvious success in the course of the investigation conducted by the KGB. Or where are those psychics who would help find, or help investigate the missing, or help investigate a lot of crimes? After all, how many of these crimes, even within the framework of the KGB, not completed, not investigated, well, just because it was impossible to detect something," Petrov believes.

What then to be done with the facts that provoked the emergence of special programs in the bowels of the KGB?

“I don’t just believe, I just saw how it is done. That is, phantom, so to speak, formations, how you can work through them. These are unique things. And to say that “ah, these are KGB fantasies!” .. "But there are facts that are not intended for you, because this is a genie in a bottle. You open it, and then things start to happen that won't seem enough to you. And as long as your loved ones, relatives will not jump out of the windows in front of your eyes, you will never you won’t understand why it’s done, how it’s done, which scientists? And what sciences study it? It is studied by military scientists, a very narrow circle, "said Fonarev.

In many ways, the developments of the KGB made it possible after the collapse of the Soviet Union to calm the people and, possibly, avoid mass casualties during the storming of the White House and Ostankino in Moscow. Healing sessions, which were held live or in stadiums, were a tool of the secret services. With their help, the authorities were able to take control of the situation and ensure peace in the country.

The change in political priorities led to various events, among which was the partial declassification of information by the KGB. Previously, this organization was always the first to know about everything. According to some reports, representatives of the KGB have long established contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. How reliable is this information?

Any employee of the state security agencies will confirm that the information is declassified far from being in its original form. The law does not prohibit changing it, removing the excess and supplementing with something. The declassified documentation is preliminarily “cleaned”, eliminating data that humanity should not know. It's no secret that among the classified information of the KGB there are many facts about UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations. It turns out that this question has long been of interest to the "powerful of this world." This means that there is some truth in the theories about UFOs.

The KGB is a state security committee that functioned from 1954 to 1991. This organization carried out foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operational and investigative functions, guarded the state border of the Soviet Union.

Policy of "double standards"

For several decades, the policy of "double standards" operated in the Soviet Union. The government of the USSR treated UFOs differently: ordinary people were put into the heads of the information that no UFO existed. Despite this, they were constantly engaged in the search for aliens and flying unidentified vehicles, creating special bodies for this. When people claimed to have seen “flying saucers,” they were told that these were NATO devices, with the help of which the NATO leadership was monitoring the USSR.

There were no ufologists and other enthusiasts in those days. Anyone who dared to claim that UFOs existed was intimidated and accused of anti-Soviet agitation. In parallel with this, representatives of the KGB caught eyewitnesses, after which they demanded affidavits from them, which were then collected in folders and carefully hidden from prying eyes. Why be so interested in UFOs while claiming they don't exist?

Felix Siegel, the founder of Ufology, made a statement on television in November 1967 that he sincerely believes in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This event was the beginning of a massive collection of information about alien inhabitants. After Siegel created the scientific group of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, written eyewitness accounts began to come to him in huge numbers. Unfortunately, his group was closed almost immediately, and all the information he collected was classified.

The blue folder knows the answers to all questions regarding UFOs

I. Sinitsyn once worked in the KGB as an assistant to Yu. Andropov, the head of the aforementioned organization. One day, in his boss's office, he saw a blue folder that changed his life. It happened in 1977 after a UFO appeared in the sky over Petrozavodsk. Sinitsyn, in turn, was engaged in research and translation of foreign press. After the incident described above, he brought the boss a translated article that he found in the American edition of Stern. It described an incident in Petrozavodsk, so Sinitsyn had no right not to pay attention to it.

The head of the KGB carefully studied the article, after which he took a blue folder from the table, quite weighty and thick, and invited Sinitsyn to familiarize himself with its contents. The folder contained reports of the military, who had ever "lucky" to see UFOs and aliens. Andropov developed a program that required every soldier to report any contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization and UFOs. In the blue folder he put the most interesting, unusual and, most importantly, realistic cases.

Contents of some of the papers that were in the blue folder

On July 28, 1989, unidentified flying discs were seen over a military equipment depot, which was located near Kapustin Yar, in the Astrakhan region. Then the employees of the transmitting center noticed 3 UFOs in the sky, and those who were at the base at that moment saw only one disk-shaped object. The diameter of these objects varied from 4 to 5 meters. All of them moved absolutely silently, shone brightly, had a convex hemisphere at the top. The servicemen called for a fighter jet, but it did not even manage to get close to the objects that were constantly moving away from it. Of course, they also failed to shoot down. The UFO was observed by Captain Chernikov, Warrant Officer Voloshin, Private Tishaev and other military men. They all said that sometimes the objects produced bright flashes, reminiscent of photographic flashes. Perhaps this is how they communicated with each other, or tried to convey something to eyewitnesses.

In 1984, on the territory of Turkmenistan, there was a contact with an alien flying machine, which was also documented. The air defense system recorded an object in the form of a ball, which slowly moved along the coast of the Caspian Sea. He flew at a relatively low altitude, which was no more than 2 thousand meters. Since the object did not respond to requests, it was decided to send a couple of fighters to it. When they started shooting at the UFO, the object abruptly reduced its height to one hundred meters, after which it also rose sharply and disappeared.

There are many similar incidents in the blue folder. Most of them are similar to each other. Some deserve special attention. To date, all the documentation of the above folder is stored in the UFO Committee of Ros. Geographic community.

Sometimes the air defense system shot down unidentified aircraft

From time to time, the media raises the topic of a UFO that was once shot down by the air defense system of the Soviet Union. The plate was not only shot down, but aliens were also found in it, who were sent for diverse examinations. By the way, this happened in 1968 near the settlement of Berezniki, which is located on the territory of the Urals. In modern times, this information is considered completely false.

Everything would be fine, but recently an interview with a certain P. Klimchenkov appeared on the Internet, who claimed that he had been a KGB officer in the past and knew the truth about the downed "plate" in 1968. Moreover, he showed his identity on the air, which confirmed the authenticity of his words. Klimchenkov said that in 1968 they really shot down an alien ship and really removed a humanoid from it. The operation of detecting and capturing UFOs was called "Myth". The found humanoid was indeed opened, but this was not filmed. The photos of the autopsy process were fake, but the incident itself was true. According to Klimchenkov, after the autopsy, doctors confirmed that the creature was not human.

The activities of the KGB and similar organizations have long been overgrown with rumors and fairy tales. It is almost impossible to dispel them, even if you use file declassification for this. It is also very difficult to separate the true information from the false. We can only say one thing: UFOs continue to be of interest to representatives of state security.

15.09.2016 10.05.2017 - admin

With the change in political priorities, many documents from the secret archives of the KGB are now in the public domain. But how can they be trusted? Any state security officer will confirm: business papers are rarely declassified in their original form.

They are preliminarily “cleaned out”, removing information that this department does not want to make public for one reason or another. And yet, such documents can give researchers interesting information - in particular, about the problems of aliens and UFOs, which were also dealt with by our special services.

Double standarts

For many years, the USSR had a dual policy regarding unidentified flying objects.

The population was explained that UFOs do not exist, this is hostile propaganda. Enthusiasts who distributed samizdat materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated with accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.

At the same time, many UFO eyewitnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully stored and systematized in the KGB archives. That is, the department itself fully admitted that such facilities exist and may even threaten the country's security.

An interesting story is connected with the activities of one of the founders of Russian ufology, Felix Siegel (1920-1988). In November 1967, his appearance on television marked the beginning of a massive collection of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary evidence came to the address of the scientific group he created at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. But it was not possible to study them - the group was disbanded, and all its materials were transferred to the KGB.

"Blue Folder"

Igor Sinitsyn, an assistant to the head of the KGB Andropov, in an interview with the Observer magazine, spoke about how he saw a dossier on the topic of the UFO phenomenon in his boss's office. It happened in 1977 - after the appearance of an incomprehensible huge object in the sky over Petrozavodsk.

Sinitsyn's duties included monitoring publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of an article from the Stern magazine about the incident in Petrozavodsk.

The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and invited Sinitsyn to familiarize himself with its contents. The folder contained reports from counterintelligence officers about encounters with UFOs. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the military-industrial commission of the USSR A.P. Kirilenko. He left the papers with him.

After a short time, on the orders of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges each serviceman to report all cases of UFO sightings. The most interesting information fell into the Blue Folder.

In 1991, at the request of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union UFO Association, the Blue Folder was placed at her disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, explanatory notes, reports on encounters with unidentified objects.

Failed to hit

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over the missile weapons depots, located northeast of the city of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Region. The numbers of military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but notes of the security officer who reported on this situation were left. The servicemen of the transmitting center observed three objects, and the servicemen of the liquidation base - one.

UFOs were discs with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, moved silently, sometimes descending and hovering above the ground. The fighter called by the command (the number of the flight unit is also smeared with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left him.

Reports from Captain Chernikov, Warrant Officer Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the object emitted signals resembling a flashlight.

Other Blue Folder documents describe a 1984 UFO encounter over Turkmenistan. The air defense system noticed a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters and heading towards the state border. He did not respond to inquiries. Two fighters were raised into the air, but all attempts to shoot down the UFO failed. Moreover, when they began to shoot at the object, it dropped sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighters to fire at it.

There are several dozen such cases in the Blue Folder. These testimonies point to two indisputable facts: firstly, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in collecting and systematizing information regarding unidentified flying objects.

Letters from another planet

But the KGB would not be itself without secrets and hoaxes. Western researchers consider the so-called Ummite letters to be one of them. In the 1960s and 1970s, in Spain (and partly in France), letters were sent to different people in different languages. The senders seemed to be the inhabitants of the planet Ummo, inhabited by intelligent inhabitants who arrived on Earth.

The total number of letters was more than 260, their volume exceeded one thousand typewritten sheets. Each page of these documents was marked with a special lilac icon.

In the messages, the "Ummites" described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 on three spaceships, six of them, including two women, they explore and analyze our lives.

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that their creators were members of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the planet Ummo described in the letters is very similar to communism promoted in the USSR. The "Ummites" did not hide their sympathy for politicians of the Marxist direction. Their views on the arms race echoed exactly the classic themes of Soviet propaganda.

But the main thing is that legal communist parties already existed in all European countries, and in Spain the dictator Franco ruled and the communists were banned. Franco died in 1975, the Christian Democrats came to power in the country, the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Did the Ummites achieve the desired goal?

The USSR had its own alien?

In the West, the topic of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin shot down by the USSR air defense and the study of the corpse of the humanoid that controlled it, which was comprehensively studied at the Semashko Institute, is periodically raised. A UFO was shot down in 1968 in the Urals, near the town of Berezniki. Now everyone interested in ufology knows that this fact is nothing more than a hoax.

However, a number of magazine and television interviews on this topic were given in the USA by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer and showed his ID on television.

His words are confirmed by an article from the Vecherniy Sverdlovsk newspaper dated November 29, 1968. In it, witnesses claimed that before their eyes some kind of shiny disk fell onto a steep snowy slope. Then the military arrived at the scene and carefully combed the area.

Klimchenkov claims that the operation to detect UFOs was codenamed "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that it was not human.

How reliable is this information? Neither the Blue Folder nor any other published KGB documents say anything about her. But many of the documents shown by Klimchenkov give the impression of being genuine. For example, the order of the USSR Minister of Defense A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that KGB officers be present at all stages of UFO detection.

Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, promptly came to the disposal of the head of the scientific department of the KGB, Colonel A. Grigoriev. In the shown documents, the scientific institution where the anatomical autopsy of the humanoid was carried out is named, and the names of the doctors are Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unknown reasons, they all died on the same day, exactly one week after the completion of the autopsy.

All three were real luminaries of science - and the KGB, with all its power, would hardly have cracked down on the first people of domestic medicine. Therefore, the death of doctors still raises questions.

Some foreign journalists claim that the leak of information about the activities of the former KGB was deliberate. But for what purpose? In response to a similar story about a UFO capture and humanoid autopsy in the US? As you know, in 1995, many American media accused the CIA of concealing this fact for many years, but the authorities announced that there had been no capture.

Perhaps the mercenary interests of the former employees of the once formidable department played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide the fact that documents and video materials about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.

The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends. And separating the truth from controlled disinformation is extremely difficult. In addition, the existence of UFOs still affects the interests of state security - and therefore, some documents are unlikely to be published.

With changing political priorities, many documents from the secret archives KGB are now in the public domain. But how can they be trusted? Any state security officer will confirm: business papers are rarely declassified in their original form.

They are preliminarily “cleaned out”, removing information that this department does not want to make public for one reason or another. Nevertheless, such documents can give researchers interesting information - in particular, about the problems of aliens and UFOs, which were also dealt with by our special services.

Double standarts

For many years, the USSR had a dual policy regarding unidentified flying objects.

The population was explained that UFOs do not exist, this is hostile propaganda. Enthusiasts who distributed samizdat materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated with accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.

Felix Yurievich Siegel, Soviet mathematician, astronomer and ufologist

At the same time, many UFO eyewitnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully stored and systematized in the KGB archives. That is, the department itself fully admitted that such facilities exist and may even threaten the country's security.

An interesting story related to the activities of one of the founders of Russian ufology Felix Siegel(1920-1988). In November 1967, his appearance on television marked the beginning of a massive collection of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary evidence came to the address of the scientific group he created at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. But it was not possible to study them - the group was disbanded, and all its materials were transferred to the KGB.

"Blue Folder"

Igor Sinitsyn, an assistant to the head of the KGB Andropov, in an interview with the Observer magazine, spoke about how he saw a dossier on the topic of the UFO phenomenon in his boss's office. It happened in 1977 - after the appearance of an incomprehensible huge object in the sky over Petrozavodsk.

Sinitsyn's duties included monitoring publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of an article from the Stern magazine about the incident in Petrozavodsk.

The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and invited Sinitsyn to familiarize himself with its contents. The folder contained reports from counterintelligence officers about encounters with UFOs. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the military-industrial commission of the USSR A.P. Kirilenko. He left the papers with him.

After a short time, on the orders of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges each serviceman to report all cases of UFO sightings. The most interesting information fell into the Blue Folder.

In 1991, at the request of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union UFO Association, the Blue Folder was placed at her disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, explanatory notes, reports on encounters with unidentified objects.

Failed to hit

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over the missile weapons depots, located northeast of the city of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Region. The numbers of military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but notes of the security officer who reported on this situation were left. The servicemen of the transmitting center observed three objects, and the servicemen of the liquidation base - one.

UFOs were discs with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, moved silently, sometimes descending and hovering above the ground. The fighter called by the command (the number of the flight unit is also smeared with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left him.

Reports from Captain Chernikov, Warrant Officer Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the object emitted signals resembling a flashlight.

Other Blue Folder documents describe a 1984 UFO encounter over Turkmenistan. The air defense system noticed a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters and heading towards the state border. He did not respond to inquiries. Two fighters were raised into the air, but all attempts to shoot down the UFO failed. Moreover, when they started shooting at the object, it dropped sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighters to fire at it.

There are several dozen such cases in the Blue Folder. These testimonies point to two indisputable facts: firstly, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in collecting and systematizing information regarding unidentified flying objects.

Letters from another planet

But the KGB would not be itself without secrets and hoaxes. Western researchers consider the so-called Ummite letters to be one of them. In the 1960s and 1970s, in Spain (and partly in France), letters were sent to different people in different languages. The senders seemed to be the inhabitants of the planet Ummo, inhabited by intelligent inhabitants who arrived on Earth.

The total number of letters was more than 260, their volume exceeded one thousand typewritten sheets. Each page of these documents was marked with a special lilac icon.

In the messages, the "Ummites" described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 on three spaceships, six of them, including two women, they explore and analyze our lives.

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that their creators were members of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the planet Ummo described in the letters is very similar to communism promoted in the USSR. The "Ummites" did not hide their sympathy for politicians of the Marxist direction. Their views on the arms race echoed exactly the classic themes of Soviet propaganda.

But the main thing is that legal communist parties already existed in all European countries, and in Spain the dictator Franco ruled and the communists were banned. Franco died in 1975, the Christian Democrats came to power in the country, the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Did the Ummites achieve the desired goal?

The USSR had its own alien?

In the West, the topic of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin shot down by the USSR air defense and the study of the corpse of the humanoid that controlled it, which was comprehensively studied at the Semashko Institute, is periodically raised. A UFO was shot down in 1968 in the Urals - near the city of Berezniki. Now everyone interested in ufology knows that this fact is nothing more than a hoax.

However, a number of magazine and television interviews on this topic were given in the USA by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer and showed his ID on television.

His words are confirmed by an article from the Vecherniy Sverdlovsk newspaper dated November 29, 1968. In it, witnesses claimed that before their eyes some kind of shiny disk fell onto a steep snowy slope. Then the military arrived at the scene and carefully combed the area.

Klimchenkov claims that the operation to detect UFOs was codenamed "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that it was not human.

A still from a video allegedly showing an autopsy of an alien by KGB doctors

How reliable is this information? Neither the Blue Folder nor any other published KGB documents say anything about her. But many of the documents shown by Klimchenkov give the impression of being genuine. For example, the order of the USSR Minister of Defense A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that KGB officers be present at all stages of UFO detection.

Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, promptly came to the disposal of the head of the scientific department of the KGB, Colonel A. Grigoriev. In the shown documents, the scientific institution where the anatomical autopsy of the humanoid was carried out is named, and the names of the doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unknown reasons, they all died on the same day, exactly one week after the completion of the autopsy.

All three were real luminaries of science - and the KGB, with all its power, would hardly have cracked down on the first people of domestic medicine. Therefore, the death of doctors still raises questions.

Some foreign journalists claim that the leak of information about the activities of the former KGB was deliberate. But for what purpose? In response to a similar story about a UFO capture and humanoid autopsy in the US? As you know, in 1995, many American media accused the CIA of hiding this fact for many years, but the official authorities announced that there was no UFO capture.

Perhaps the mercenary interests of the former employees of the once formidable department played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide the fact that documents and video materials about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.

The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends. And separating the truth from controlled disinformation is extremely difficult. In addition, the existence of UFOs still affects the interests of state security - and therefore, some documents are unlikely to be published.


magazine "Secrets of the XX century" №33 2016

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