Check online word per minute reading technique. Checking the reading technique of younger students

Source: Wikipedia

Alexander Selkirk is a Scottish sailor who spent 4 years and 4 months (in 1704-1709) on the uninhabited island of Mas a Tierra (now Robinson Crusoe in the Juan Fernandez archipelago) in the Pacific Ocean, 640 kilometers from the coast of Chile. Served as a prototype of Robinson Crusoe - the literary hero of the novel by Daniel Defoe.

The 27-year-old boatswain of the Sankpore, which was part of the flotilla under the command of William Dampier, set off for the shores of South America in 1704. Hot-tempered and wayward, he constantly came into conflict with the captain of the ship, Stradling. After another quarrel that took place near the island of Mas a Tierra, Selkirk demanded to be dropped off; the captain immediately granted his request. True, later the sailor asked the captain to cancel his order, but he was inexorable, and Selkirk was able to leave the island only after more than four years.

Alexander Selkirk had some things necessary for survival: an ax, a gun, a supply of gunpowder, etc. Suffering from loneliness, Selkirk got used to the island and gradually acquired the necessary survival skills. At first, his diet was meager - he ate shellfish, but over time he got used to it and found feral domestic goats on the island. Once upon a time, people lived here who brought these animals with them, but after they left the island, the goats became wild. He hunted them, thereby adding much-needed meat to his diet. Soon Selkirk tamed them and received milk from them. From vegetable crops, he found wild turnips, cabbages and black peppers, as well as some berries.

Rats were a danger to him, but fortunately for him, wild cats, previously brought by people, also lived on the island. In their company, he could sleep peacefully without fear of rodents.

Selkirk built himself two huts out of pimento officinalis. His gunpowder supplies ran low and he was forced to hunt goats without a gun. While pursuing them, he once became so carried away by his pursuit that he did not notice the cliff from which he fell and lay like that for some time, miraculously surviving.

In order not to forget the English speech, he constantly read the Bible aloud. Not to say that he was a pious person - that's how he heard a human voice. When his clothes began to wear out, he began to use goatskins for them. As the son of a tanner, Selkirk knew well how to dress skins. After his shoes wore out, he did not make himself new ones, because his feet, rough with calluses, allowed him to walk without shoes. He also found old barrel hoops and was able to make something like a knife out of them.

One day, two ships arrived on the island, which turned out to be Spanish, and England and Spain were enemies in those days. Selkirk could have been arrested or even killed, since he was a privateer, and he made the difficult decision for himself to hide from them.

Salvation came to him on February 1, 1709. It was the English ship the Duke, with Captain Woodes Rogers, who named Selkirk the governor of the island.

Simple reading speed tests conducted in schools do not determine the accuracy of skills. Experts in the field of studying speed reading methods have developed a formula by which the correct indicator is calculated.

It is presented as V = (Q/T) x K, where:

reading speed - V;
the number of characters in the text (total volume, can be measured in the number of words or characters) - Q;
time spent reading (most often in minutes) - T;
content comprehension coefficient - K.

The last item is indicated as a percentage and is calculated based on the number of correct answers given by the content of the text.

Based on this, to independently check the speed of reading, you will need a person who will ask questions about the text. However, in modern conditions, various sites have free online tests for reading speed. With their help, you can find out the indicator through special programs and algorithms that will perform the calculations for you and provide the finished result.

Reading speed standards

Different languages ​​have different averages. This is due to the complexity of pronunciation and the length of the words. In Russian, the norms are much lower than in English, but higher than in German. The hardness of pronunciation takes fractions of seconds, which affect the overall result. For our country, the norms for reading speed (to oneself, not aloud) are as follows:

very slow reading speed - up to 150 words per minute (750 characters);
slow - 150-250 (750-1250 characters);
fast - 250-500 (1250-2500 characters);
ultra-fast - 500-1000 (2500-5000 characters);
panoramic reading (PhotoReading) - 1000-1500 (5000-75000 characters).

The last norm is intended for a quick study of books, but does not allow you to fully understand its meaning. Only a few have the technique of panoramic reading. True, the way to master it is quite simple, but it is not easy to understand.

History reference
In the modern world, reading standards are much lower than 15-20 years ago. The global introduction of new technologies has caused a decline in interest in books, which has affected reading skills. From an early age, children prefer watching TV to reading. In recent years, the average has dropped by about 200 characters per minute. Given that the data is taken from people of different ages, the difference in norms among children and adolescents of a certain generation will be much greater.

Records and limits

Today, the highest result for the average person is considered to be a reading speed of up to 6000 characters per minute with a full understanding of the content of the text. However, in the Guinness Book of Records, the record holder is a student from Moscow, whose result reached 60,000 characters per minute.

In an effort to beat low scores, many resort to the so-called "quick look" method. It helps to increase the speed by 3-4 times, but the understanding reduces to 20-30%. As a result, when calculating, the result practically does not change, and the amount of perceived information is reduced to a minimum. It is better to train skills over time for your own self-development, because in the future it will become a useful skill.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hi friends! I am with you again, Yuri Okunev.

Today we will analyze in detail how to count words when checking reading technique. This is important for those who want to test a child's reading technique or develop their own reading ability. Knowing the speed of reading, we can judge the degree of effectiveness of training.

When choosing a text for checking speed, I advise you to first of all take into account the degree of compliance of this text with the level of preparation of the person being checked.

Imagine what will happen if we force a first-grader to read the Great Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina at speed? Brain explosion guaranteed.

The text should not be too primitive if we are testing a high school student, and should not be difficult when testing the reading skills of the youngest.

Criteria for choosing a text for students in grades 1-2:

  • First of all, the content should be new, unfamiliar;
  • Legible font, large enough;
  • Simple short sentences, no adverbial phrases;
  • Lack of dialogues;
  • Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
  • Without drawings;
  • The content should be understandable to the child.

If there is no desire to experiment with the selection of texts, for elementary school you can take allowance of Olga Alexandrova, which contains control texts, comprehension questions, and a reading speed test.

Prepare a stopwatch or hourglass.

Reading test session

Well. We seated the schoolboy, gave the text in hand. Briefly explain that you need to read quickly.

Sounds command "Start!" The child collects his thoughts and begins to read (someone turns on faster, some slower). We mark the time as soon as we hear the first word. I made a mistake - we don’t speak out loud, but we write it down. Then we count the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a primary school student, it will be useful for him to follow the text, leading with his finger or pointer.

We count words

Quickly calculate the number of words read, taking into account the following:

  • Prepositions and conjunctions are also counted;
  • Words that have been transferred are counted as 2 words;
  • Words with a hyphen are also taken as 2 words.

Subtract the number of erroneously read words from the resulting number.

There is no need to panic if today the reading speed is 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. This is normal. This indicator can be affected by both the child's bad mood, fatigue, and the quality of the text. Check the child again, giving him a rest for at least a day.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades

First of all, parents are interested in whether the reading technique of their baby meets generally accepted standards. To answer the question, here is a table.

Don't take these numbers too literally - everyone develops at their own pace. Fanaticism is redundant here.

Perhaps that's all. In conclusion, I will add that it is better to teach a child to read and write with the help of Primer of Nadezhda Zhukova, as well as the methods of Olga and Sergey Fedin "How to teach a child to read". The child will study everything with pleasure, and you will save time.

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And I say goodbye. See you later. Yours, Yuri Okunev.


The leopard is a species of carnivorous mammal of the cat family. In ancient times, it was believed that the leopard is nothing more than a hybrid of a panther and a lion. It was this assumption that resulted in the name of the animal, combining two Greek words: “leon” (which means “lion” in translation) and “pardos” (which means panther in translation).

The leopard is a large cat, but inferior in size to the tiger and lion. The body of the animal is elongated and muscular. The length of the tail of a leopard is more than half the length of its body. The legs of a leopard are strong, but short. The paws are wide and massive, and the head is not large and has a rounded shape. The leopard has small eyes with round pupils. The leopard has no mane, black or white vibrissae reach 110 mm in length. As for the body weight of the leopard and its size, these indicators are related to its geographical area of ​​\u200b\u200bhabitat. Animals that live in forests are smaller and heavier than their counterparts that inhabit open areas of the earth.

The fur of an adult leopard is short and sparse (even in winter), evenly distributed along the entire length of its body. The coat is quite thick and short. The black and yellow hairs on a leopard's body vary in length and thickness.

Each individual leopard has a unique arrangement of spots on the body. This feature is very convenient to use to identify specific animal species. This quality can be compared with the uniqueness of fingerprints on human hands. Researchers often use this feature of leopards to identify individuals of the species they are monitoring in the wild. Leopards themselves use this unique feature as a camouflage when hunting.

Black panthers, also known as melanistic leopards, are found in Southeast Asia. However, the color of the panther's skin is not completely black - spots always appear on it. Due to the black color of the fur, such animals are successfully camouflaged in the forests. Most often, these species are found on the island of Java.

Among leopards there are hybrids - such as leopon. Leopon is a hybrid resulting from crossing a male leopard with a female lion. The existence of the leopon was first officially confirmed in Kolhapur in India at the beginning of the 20th century. The appearance of the leopon is also quite interesting. Its head is shaped more like a lion's. All other parts of the body of the hybrid are more similar to the body of a leopard.

The leopard is a solitary animal, leading a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. These animals can easily adapt to any living conditions. They can live both in forests and mountains, and in deserts. The areas of their individual habitat can vary from 8 to more than 400 km2 - it all depends on the terrain and the availability of food for the animal. The modest size of the leopard does not prevent him from successfully hunting large prey - their victims can sometimes weigh up to 900 kilograms.

Reading speed is tested not only in elementary school. Many learners of speed reading also ask this question. There are special programs that will help you test your reading speed.

Reading speed can be checked using special programs that can be downloaded on the Internet. A person can test his reading speed at any age.

In this article we will talk about how to check the reading speed.

Most people read between 200 and 250 words per minute. Speed ​​reading is effective speed reading without reducing the perception of the text. The essence of the method is to abandon articulation, that is, the internal pronunciation of the words read.

If you are looking for information on how to check your reading speed, then you may be interested in related information:

speed reading- this is a set of text manipulations that can significantly increase the reader's reading speed without a significant loss of understanding of the article read. By the way, it should be borne in mind that there is no clear division between "normal" and "high-speed" methods of perception of information for the reason that many readers use suitable reading techniques for them.

The main features of speed reading

  • Field of view extensions. Special trainings are used (for example, the Schulte table), aimed at increasing the coverage of two or three words, a paragraph with a glance. Thanks to this skill, a reader can capture more information in one fixation of a glance than an untrained one.
  • Formation of the skill of highlighting the main idea of ​​the text, filtering junk information and perceiving only effective and useful information.
  • Elimination, stops, regressions, recurrent eye movements. With the classical method of reading, rereading is common, and this significantly slows down the speed of reading and reduces the coefficient of assimilation of information.
  • Text Suppression- development of a new strategy for the perception of the text: . The average reader has the necessary reading skills. For example, logos are immediately perceived, ("Ford", "Nike", "GM" "Pepsi",). Many familiar words are perceived without sound decoding. At the same time, you should know that little-known words need to be read by decoding them into sound images, that is, to articulate the text.
  • Review Reading. Scanning without focusing on text with a low informative load.
There are many courses, schools, methodologies that teach the skill of fast reading. Most of them are based on the speed reading techniques described above.

Reading speed can be calculated using the formula:


where V- reading speed (signs/min);

Q- number of characters in the text (volume);

T - time spent reading the text, min;

TO - comprehension ratio.

Throughout the entire course of study, when mastering speed reading on your own, you will have to determine the speed of reading using this formula. We advise you to record the results of measuring the speed of reading control texts in each lesson in your approximate plan for mastering the technique of speed reading.

How to determine the amount of text to read

How to determine the amount of readable text? As you already know, we define the amount of text in characters, which is understood as each letter, number, punctuation mark, each space. between words. The control texts that we will offer you in the book are always accompanied by data on their length. But you should be able to determine the volume of any text yourself. It is very easy to do this. Let's give examples.

How to determine the volume of a book or magazine page? The easiest way is the following. At the end of the book, in the so-called imprint, contains information about its volume in the accounting and publishing sheets. Each accounting and publishing sheet contains approximately 40,000 characters. Thus, knowing the volume of the book and the number of pages, you can always calculate the number of characters on one page.

For example, let's take the textbook Tsvetkov L. A. Inorganic Chemistry. - M., 1983. Its volume is 13.1 publishing sheets, the number of pages is 206. The volume of one page:

(13.1x40000) /206=2544 characters.

Similarly, the volume of text is calculated in magazines. The number of characters in a newspaper article is calculated as follows. It is necessary to determine the number of characters in one to three lines and take the arithmetic mean, then count the number of lines and sum up the total. For example, in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in one line, as a rule, 25 characters. Knowing the number of characters, you can calculate the amount of text:

text size = 25 x number of lines.

Not enough these days have information approximately and partially. Requirement contemporary world - a tenacious mind, a good memory, the ability to quickly assimilate and process new information.

Expanding the angle of view

Speed ​​Reading Secrets

Information not passed through internal filters is an empty phrase. Think about what is important in what you read. How will you remember information when you forget it. For example, I know for sure that I will forget the schedule of official institutions, banks, post offices. So I made it a rule to take photos of the institution's schedule and put the photos on the computer. Now the recall process takes place in a couple of clicks.

More emotions while reading! It helps me remember information!

Try to connect the information you read with what you already know. The more you read, the better reader you become. Feed your mind with books.

Reflect in your mind what you read. Pass text through internal filters. Form your own opinion. Speak out and get cuffs and gingerbread. If you are a shy person, then you can veil your opinion with the words "Ah, they think so." "And I read that." If you are told that this is not the correct opinion, then you can laugh together at the "third" from whom you heard the opinion.

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