How to open a solution for injection. How to open an ampoule at home

To make an injection or extract a cosmetic product, you must first open the ampoule. And difficulties may arise already at this stage. To avoid them, learn the important rules of such a seemingly simple manipulation.

How to open ampoules correctly?

How to quickly and correctly open an ampoule with medicine? If the drug is imported, then most likely you will have a container with a dot or a mark in your hands, and such a sign is applied in the thinnest section of the glass. That is, it is in this place that you need to make a break. First, it is better to wipe the ampoule with alcohol, then wrap it with a paper towel or disc, and only then break off the upper narrow part in one sharp movement. Then you can use the content.

If there is no mark on the ampoule, but the kit includes a special file designed for opening, then you need to use it. In one hand (preferably in the left, if the right one is working), take the container, and with the other hand, control the nail file. Start sawing the glass with confident movements. As soon as you see a clear notch formed during the sawing process, you can open the container. To do this, also use a napkin or cotton pad.

If you are using a serum or other cosmetic product, then there may not be any notches or nail files in the kit. But you can quite do without marks and additional devices, using improvised ones. So, it is most convenient to use a nail file, but it should be metal and thin. If one is not available, then take a penknife or a small kitchen knife, but proceed with extreme care so as not to cut yourself. And before manipulation, any of the items must be disinfected!

How to store the opened ampoule?

How long can an open ampoule be kept? It all depends on its content. So, complex multicomponent medicines, as a rule, cannot be stored, so it is best to choose the appropriate volume and use it completely at one time, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to ensure tightness and sterility. And some substances are destroyed or change their properties and structure when interacting with oxygen. And if you use a non-sterile, expired or modified drug, you can not only negate its effectiveness, but also cause harm to health or even endanger life.

If you use a cosmetic product or use a drug for other purposes other than injectable, such as ingestion, adding to cosmetics, or making masks for the face and body, then storage is allowed, but it has several rules.

  • First, close the container. To do this, the hole can be sealed with a plaster or tape, but you should not cover it with cotton wool, since the villi can get into the solution, which is undesirable.
  • Secondly, it is best to remove the ampoule in the refrigerator, and warm it to room temperature before use.
  • And thirdly, before storage, carefully read the instructions. In any case, do not use the drug after more than three days.

Tip: You can use a syringe for storage, as this container is airtight and sterile inside. Open the ampoule, draw its contents into a syringe and put it in the refrigerator. It is also better to stick a piece of paper with the date of opening the container so as not to exceed the expiration date.

  1. Calculate your strength and do not squeeze the ampoule very hard so as not to accidentally crush it, otherwise the fragments will fall inside or cut your hands.
  2. All manipulations are best done with rubber gloves that will protect you from cuts. And if you use disposable ones, they will ensure sterility and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from your hands into the preparation.
  3. Before opening the ampoule, shake it or gently tap the top several times with your finger so that the contents slide down.
  4. The direction of the break is important. It is better to open the ampoule in the direction away from you, and not towards you.
  5. It is best to open the ampoule, that is, to break off the upper part with your working hand, while the other should securely hold the container.
  6. To avoid contamination due to accidental splashing of the product, as well as the spread of possible fragments, it is best to hold the ampoule over some kind of container, table or sink, depending on where you are performing the autopsy.
  7. Before opening, carefully examine the ampoule from all sides to find out if there is a mark on its neck. The dot or strip may be small and inconspicuous, so it's best to be careful.
  8. Hold the container securely so that its contents do not accidentally spill.

Now you can quickly open the ampoule in any conditions and save its contents.

Even if there are no skills to perform injections and injections on your own, you often have to open ampoules with medicines for a variety of needs. Injuries and cuts often occur, and in order to avoid them, you need to know how to open an ampoule with and without a dot.

In general, manufacturers place special nail files in most of the packages with glass bottles, with which it is customary to make several reciprocating movements in the narrowest part of the container, and then it remains only to break the top of the glass with a sharp but gentle movement and open the ampoule. Experienced doctors make it easy even without the use of paper or cloth to protect their hands.

How to open an ampoule with a dot?

If a glass vial has a dot in the widest part of the neck, of any color, then this means that it can be opened without a special device. The bezel applied by the manufacturer to the narrowest part of the neck will also confirm the guess. It is along this line that the ampoule should be broken. Cover the top with a handkerchief or paper, take the vial in one hand, and grab the top with the fingers of the other, trying to focus on the rim with the largest of them, and sharply open the bottle.

Those who are interested in how to open the ampoule without a break point are advised to use something sharp - a knife or a nail file. Having made several notches on the neck in the narrowest place, perform all the same actions that were described above. Now it is clear how you can open the ampoule without a nail file with a dot, and even if it is missing. But the vial of powder does not even need to be opened. It is enough to pick up the corner of the metal cover with something and pierce the rubber stopper with a needle. Of course, this is advisable to do in the case when you need to mix the contents of the ampoule with a liquid substance with a powder in another glass container.

First of all, it is necessary to open the ampoule correctly. There are two types of ampoules according to the opening method:

  • traditional, which require a notch on the neck;
  • with a dot at the point where the glass cone was broken.

First you need to determine the type of ampoule. This is usually not written on the packaging. But a cursory glance at a glass flask is enough to understand whether it belongs to the traditional ones or not.

The dot can be black, red, or another color. If it is not on the neck, then to open it you need a special nail file, which is hidden under the top cover of the package. Such a nail file has the shape of a circle with a cut segment, the edges of which are coated with an abrasive material.

The ampoule opening sequence includes the following steps:

1) sawing is done with abrasive edges on one side of the neck;

2) without undue effort, it is carried out 3-4 times with a nail file along the selected side of the ampoule;

3) then it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad or ball in an antiseptic;

4) with one hand, the base of the cone with the medicine is held, and the thumb and forefinger of the second hand grasp the protrusion of the ampoule;

5) in order not to injure fingers, cotton wool is used;

6) a break is made by a sharp movement of the hand in the direction opposite to the one where there is a file.

This is the correct sequence for opening a medical ampoule. However, the nail file can be lost. Then a nail file from a cosmetic set or a piece of sandpaper will serve as a replacement for it. Be sure to wipe the place of the file with alcohol or another antiseptic to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into the preparation.

Some manufacturers make more progressive solutions - with a marker. In this case, the opening process is simplified and includes the following steps:

  • the cone marker is directed towards itself;
  • the ampoule opens with a slight movement of the hand away from you.

In this case, it is not necessary to use cotton wool, since the risk of injury is minimal.

Then the drug is drawn into the syringe, air is released and an injection is made into the muscle. The injection site is disinfected beforehand. The solution is injected smoothly, after which the needle is removed, and a cotton ball is applied in its place.

Sterile drugs for injection are usually available in ampoules - hermetically sealed glass vessels. In order to draw the medicine into the syringe, it is necessary to open the ampoule by breaking its upper tip. Usually, for these purposes, a special nail file is included with the ampoules, but what if it is not there?

How to open an ampoule without a nail file? If you got a set of ampoules without a nail file, the first thing you need to figure out is which type of ampoules you got. There are ampoules, for the opening of which a nail file is not required at all. On the neck of such an ampoule there should be a mark in the form of a dot or a rim, indicating a break line. The glass from which the ampoule is made is thinner in this place, so the tip should break off without difficulty.

To open such an ampoule, the first step is to disinfect it in the place of the fracture. First, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol, and then with dry sterile cotton so that the ampoule is not slippery. After that, grasp the top of the ampoule with sterile cotton wool and, with light pressure, break it off in the direction away from you.

Labeled ampoules should be opened with a slight movement, so no additional tools (such as pliers) need to be used. When opening the ampoule by “power” methods, there is a high risk of crushing the glass, as a result, the sterility of the drug will be violated, and you may be injured by fragments.

If there is no mark on the ampoule, a special nail file (ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier) ​​is needed to open it. With the help of this nail file, a file is made on the ampoule, along which its top is broken off.

In the event that a nail file is missing (say, you bought one or two ampoules of medicine at a pharmacy instead of a whole package, and they didn’t give you a nail file), you can try to file the ampoule with the help of improvised tools.

A metal nail file is best suited for these purposes. Disinfect the nail file with alcohol, press it against the neck of the ampoule at a 45-degree angle and carefully file the ampoule in a circle. Choose the place of the notch so that it is convenient to break off the tip, but at the same time it should not be too low.

After that, you need to repeat the same steps as when opening the ampoule with a label: disinfect and carefully break off the tip along the notch line in the direction away from you, clasping it with a cotton swab or napkin.

You can also use a kitchen knife to open the ampoule, although it is worse for this purpose than a nail file. With a sharp knife (of course, previously disinfected), make several cuts in different directions at the intended fracture site, and then proceed according to the standard scheme.

Acting with "artisanal" methods, it is better to wrap the ampoule with a cloth or a thin towel instead of cotton: this will help to better protect yourself from fragments if the ampoule does burst. As in the case of labeled ampoules, pliers, tongs and other household tools cannot be used to open the ampoule.

After breaking off the tip of the ampoule, be sure to make sure that glass fragments do not get inside. Lower the needle of the syringe into the opened ampoule and draw up the medicine by pulling the plunger. Make sure that the cut of the needle is always completely immersed in the solution, otherwise air bubbles will enter the syringe along with the medicine, which can provoke the appearance of an infiltrate (seal) at the injection site. Before making an injection, the needle must be replaced, as it could become dull on the walls of the ampoule.

The most important thing when opening an ampoule with a preparation (especially with improvised means) is not to rush and be careful, then you will certainly succeed.

An attack of headache (tooth, stomach) pain. A cure for it has long been invented - an ampoule with an analgesic, a syringe - and in 10 minutes life will again be filled with meaning. But when trying to extract the drug, we may expect an unpleasant surprise prepared by native pharmaceutical enterprises - it is not so easy to open an ampoule. A few minutes of desperate struggle, cursing the one who invented all this, the crack of breaking glass, the treatment of cut limbs with an antiseptic - and the road to a painless existence is free. A situation familiar to almost everyone. These unpleasant moments can be avoided if you know how to open the ampoule.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several types of glass packaging for injectables, which are opened in different ways.

History of the ampoule And it all started in the 19th century. The opinions of historians regarding the inventor of the ampoule differ. Some believe that the Russian pharmacist A.V. Pel became the progenitor of the container. Western experts give the palm to the Frenchman Stanislav Limousin. But the fact is that in the 80s of the last century, a glass vessel with a narrow elongated neck and a wide base was invented, designed to store a sterile drug. The name of the container comes from the Greek word "amphora" - a vessel. Until now, domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers produce injectable forms in ampoules, painfully reminiscent of a 130-year-old "old woman".

Glass ampoule without notch To successfully open a glass ampoule, it is necessary, armed with knowledge, to apply strength and sleight of hand. A conscientious manufacturer must complete the package with the preparation with a scarifier or a knife for ampoules. In this case, the buyer is lucky, and the algorithm of actions is standard:

  • shake the ampoule;
  • using a scarifier, file the neck of the ampoule, choosing the optimal distance from the top;
  • wipe the place of the incision with alcohol;
  • wrap the neck with cotton wool or a napkin and, in the “away from you” position, break off the filed tip of the ampoule.

If only disappointment awaits when trying to find an ampoule knife, then the situation becomes more complicated. To resolve it, you can, firstly, ask the pharmacist to find a scarifier in a different package.

Secondly, as an abrasive agent for opening the ampoule, use a nail file, after wiping it with alcohol.

Well, for those who are not looking for easy ways - the third, most cruel option is to wrap the container with the treasured medicine with cotton wool and break off its top, relying on chance. If, as a result of the efforts expended, the glass fragments did not get inside the container and did not scatter throughout the room, the first barrier was overcome. It remains to open the ampoule without spilling the medicine and the blood of the future patient. If you succeeded, you can consider yourself a virtuoso.

Glass ampoule with notch According to European standards, ampoules must have a colored ring or break point. The glass at the break point is much thinner, and it is not difficult to open an ampoule with a dot. Having treated the ampoule with an antiseptic and armed with a napkin, you need to press on the notch and carefully break off the neck of the ampoule - that's the whole algorithm.

Dry powder bottle Some drugs are not stable when dissolved and are available in powder form. Once you've become the proud owner of a bottle of dry powder, the task of opening it and extracting the medicine can turn into a puzzle.

First, a solvent is needed. Most often it is water for injection, anesthetic solution or isotonic solution. Sometimes manufacturers release it complete with the main drug. Otherwise, the solvent is purchased separately.

Secondly, you need a syringe.

Well, the process itself:

  • it is necessary to draw the required volume of solvent into the syringe (for clarification, read the instructions for the preparation);
  • remove the cap from the bottle (it can be metal, it is cut off with scissors or a knife, and plastic);
  • under the top cover, find the bottom, rubber one, which you should not forget to wipe with alcohol;
  • piercing the rubber cap with a syringe needle, inject the solvent into the vial;
  • shake the vial thoroughly, make sure that all the drug has dissolved;
  • draw the solution with the same syringe;
  • change the needle on the syringe to a new, sterile one.

And get well!


Take what you need ampoule with medicine. Be sure to check the expiration date, as expired drugs are extremely dangerous to health. Lightly tap the ampoule several times with your finger. This is necessary so that the medicine moves from the tip of the flask to the bottom.

Take out a special nail file, which is usually included in the kit, and file the tip of the ampoule from all sides. If you bought medicine without a box, try using a regular nail file. In the most extreme case, you can use an ordinary kitchen knife.

Wrap ampoule with a cloth napkin, this is necessary so that during further actions you do not accidentally cut yourself. Break off the tip of the ampoule by pressing hard on it with your thumb.

Dip in ampoule syringe needle so that its section is completely immersed in the liquid and begin to gradually draw up the medicine. As soon as you see that there is little left, tilt ampoule horizontally, turn the needle upside down and press it against the glass as much as possible. These actions will allow you to collect the drug with a minimum amount of air bubbles. Before you inject, do not forget to change the needle.

Many manufacturers of imported medicines produce ampoules that do not need to be filed. They can be distinguished by the presence of a special groove. To open such ampoule, it is enough to wrap its tip with a cloth and press harder on it. Just make sure that the break point is at the top and not at the bottom.

If the medicine is not intended for injections, but for internal use, then in no case do not pour or take the drug immediately from the ampoule, as small fragments may remain in it. Draw liquid through a syringe and carefully pour into a clean container. If necessary (if this does not contradict the instructions), the medicine can be diluted or washed down with water.

In ampoules, a liquid preparation for injection is sold, and in vials - a powder medicine. To dilute the powder in the bottle, buy a special solvent. Check with your doctor first which solvent is suitable for the prescribed drug. The contents of the ampoule, as a rule, do not need to be diluted.


1. Carefully inspect the glass ampoule, read the name of the drug, the expiration date and the amount of the drug.

2. Shake the ampoule with medicine so that the liquid falls down and with a special nail file, which you will find in the box with ampoules, file the “neck” around the circumference. There are ampoules that do not need to be filed. If there is a mark in the form of a dot on the neck, then pushing away from you, open the ampoule.

3. With cotton wool moistened with alcohol, break off the sawn tip of the ampoule away from you.

4. Lower the needle into the ampoule and, pulling the plunger of the syringe, slowly draw up the medicine.

If you do not have an ampoule, but a vial (an open type of ampoule), then proceed as follows.

1. Bend off the cap on the bottle with a metal object.

2. Syringe the solvent for injection.

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  • how to open an ampoule

Sodium caffeine benzoate is a synthetic drug derived from the caffeine found in tea leaves, coffee seeds, and kola nuts. It is produced in the form of tablets and a 20% solution in ampoules.

What are the health benefits of caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases mental and physical performance, reduces the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, speeds up and intensifies heart contractions. In addition, it has a vasodilating effect, increases blood pressure, enhances urination and secretory activity of the digestive organs.

When is caffeine indicated?

Caffeine is indicated for use in diseases accompanied by depression of the functions of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, to increase physical and mental tone, and to combat bedwetting. The diseases of the first group include infectious diseases, migraine, drug poisoning, etc.

Caffeine is taken 2-3 times a day, 0.2 g each. The maximum single dose is 0.5 g, the daily dose is 1.5 g. If necessary, the drug is administered as an injection.

The use of caffeine-sodium benzoate may be accompanied by insomnia, palpitations, tremors, tinnitus, shortness of breath and vomiting. These side effects are rare.

Contraindications to the use of caffeine

Caffeine is contraindicated for use with increased excitability, severe hypertension or atherosclerosis, insomnia. It should not be used in severe cardiovascular diseases, glaucoma and in old age (over 70 years). During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used subject to the recommendations.

It should be borne in mind that with the systematic abuse of caffeine, drug dependence may develop.

Use of caffeine ampoules in the fight against cellulite

To combat cellulite, caffeine ampoules are used as part of masks and body wraps. Caffeine has a positive effect on the skin, moisturizing it, stimulating the breakdown of fatty deposits, shrinking pores, and improving local blood and lymph flow. The drug also helps to increase muscle tone, improve skin firmness and elasticity.

To get rid of cellulite, it is necessary to use caffeine ampoules in combination with other active ingredients - for example, menthol, comfort, rutin, seaweed. Such creams and gels improve blood circulation, tissue metabolism, stimulate the outflow of excess fluid and ultimately contribute to weight loss.

Wraps with caffeine

Caffeine-sodium benzoate ampoules can be used for body wraps. Applying cosmetics to the skin and wrapping it with cling film creates a greenhouse effect, due to which normal blood circulation in skin cells is restored, sweating improves, and harmful microelements are removed. Before wrapping, the skin must be cleaned, for which you can use a coffee grounds scrub.

Mix a teaspoon of any base cream with 4 ampoules of caffeine and Kapsikam ointment. Apply to problem areas, wrap with cling film. Keep the film on for 3 hours, do not eat or drink during this time. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can do exercises or dance. The result will be noticeable after 10 procedures.

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The disease sometimes creeps up unexpectedly. Oral administration of the drug is less effective than intravenous or intramuscular injections. After all, the speed of active substances in the blood is high. It is not always possible to go to the hospital to give an injection. In this case, it is important to know how to carry out the manipulation yourself. And the first stage is important - to open the ampoule correctly.

Follow a simple algorithm when opening the ampoule:

  1. Read the instructions, pay attention to the expiration date of the drug.
  2. Inspect the ampoule for integrity. Shake her, because it is important that the medicine sinks to the bottom.
  3. Next, soak a cotton swab in alcohol and open the ampoule. Wrap the medicine container in a tissue to prevent cuts. Using light pressure, break off the narrow end of the ampoule.
  4. Draw up the solution with a syringe and needle. It is advisable to change the injection needle.
The easiest way to open an ampoule with a notch. This place looks like a ring of a different color or shade. Clean the container with alcohol or any other antiseptic. Often such injections are completed with a nail file. Then cut the fracture with it. Attach a napkin, press on the notch and break the narrowed part of the ampoule.

The situation is a little more complicated with ampoules without a notch. When buying a medicine, it is impossible to predict whether a vial with or without a notch will come across. Moreover, they are not marked in any way. In this case:

  • Take a nail file. And file it at the transition point of the wide part to the narrow one.
  • Or use a knife to score the narrow end.
  • If these tools are not at hand, try to break the upper part by pressing with your thumb. Be careful, this method is risky as the ampoule breaks easily.

Opening an ampoule with a dry powder inside has its own characteristics. Purchase a diluent with this medicine. However, it is worth consulting a specialist about his choice. This is how lidocaine, novocaine, etc. are prescribed. Often preparations in the annotation contain information about compatibility with solvents.

Open the ampoule like this:

  1. Take a needle with a syringe, treat with an antiseptic and draw solvent with it.
  2. First, open the cap of the dry powder ampoule. Wipe the rubber cap of the jar with an antiseptic. Poke it with a needle and inject the solvent inside the ampoule.
  3. Shake the container well to get a homogenized solution.
  4. Change the needle and dial it for subcutaneous injection.

When you give injections to yourself or loved ones, follow simple rules to secure manipulation:

  • Insert the needle into the ampoule so that its section is completely immersed in the solution.
  • Do not touch the bottom of the ampoule with the tip of the needle if you are not going to change it. Since it dulls it, which causes pain when injected under the skin.
  • It is still desirable to change the needle after taking the medicine into the syringe. Opt for thinner needles for direct insertion under the skin.
  • If there are air bubbles in the syringe, they should be disposed of so that there are no bumps and bruises. Tap the syringe with your fingernail, lightly press the plunger to release air.

Learning how to give injections on your own is convenient. After all, at any time you may need help. The skill of opening ampoules quickly develops.

Sometimes it is necessary to inject at home. This may be an injection of vitamins, anti-anxiety drugs, or as prescribed by a doctor. It is not always possible to go to the clinic, where they know exactly how to open the ampoule and inject the drug. But how to protect yourself from mistakes and not harm by giving an injection at home?

How to open the ampoule correctly?

First of all, it is necessary to open the ampoule correctly. There are two types of ampoules according to the opening method:

  • traditional, which require a notch on the neck;
  • with a dot at the point where the glass cone was broken.

First you need to determine the type of ampoule. This is usually not written on the packaging. But a cursory glance at a glass flask is enough to understand whether it belongs to the traditional ones or not.

The dot can be black, red, or another color. If it is not on the neck, then to open it you need a special nail file, which is hidden under the top cover of the package. Such a nail file has the shape of a circle with a cut segment, the edges of which are coated with an abrasive material.

The ampoule opening sequence includes the following steps:

1) sawing is done with abrasive edges on one side of the neck;

2) without undue effort, it is carried out 3-4 times with a nail file along the selected side of the ampoule;

3) then it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad or ball in an antiseptic;

4) with one hand, the base of the cone with the medicine is held, and the thumb and forefinger of the second hand grasp the protrusion of the ampoule;

5) in order not to injure fingers, cotton wool is used;

6) a break is made by a sharp movement of the hand in the direction opposite to the one where there is a file.

This is the correct sequence for opening a medical ampoule. However, the nail file can be lost. Then a nail file from a cosmetic set or a piece of sandpaper will serve as a replacement for it. Be sure to wipe the place of the file with alcohol or another antiseptic to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into the preparation.

We open the ampoule with a dot

Some manufacturers make more progressive solutions - with a marker. In this case, the opening process is simplified and includes the following steps:

  • the cone marker is directed towards itself;
  • the ampoule opens with a slight movement of the hand away from you.

In this case, it is not necessary to use cotton wool, since the risk of injury is minimal.

Then the drug is drawn into the syringe, air is released and an injection is made into the muscle. The injection site is disinfected beforehand. The solution is injected smoothly, after which the needle is removed, and a cotton ball is applied in its place.

1. Carefully inspect the ampoule, read the name of the medicine, its quantity and expiration date. 2. Shake the ampoule so that the medicine goes down, and file at the transition point from the narrow to the wide part (the nail file is in the medicine box). 3. With a special nail file for ampoules, file the “neck” of the ampoule well around the circumference. 4. With a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, wipe the ampoule and break off the tip away from you (better wrap the ampoule with a paper towel or cotton swab- so you protect yourself from accidental cuts). 5. Lower the needle with the syringe into the ampoule, pull the plunger towards you and draw up the medicine.

Please note that when taking medicine from an ampoule or vial, when the needle comes into contact with the walls of the vessel (and / or its bottom), the tip of the needle may “wrap”, and thus the needle becomes blunt.
For this reason, in medicine it is considered correct to use two needles for injection: one - to collect the drug, the second - to directly inject.
The second reason for the need for two needles is the rules of asepsis. With many manipulations with the needle, especially when it comes into contact with the cap of the vial, etc., the sterility of the needle is violated and thus the likelihood of complications after the injection increases.

The ingress of air into the body with an intramuscular injection is not terrible, but not desirable.

With intramuscular injection, the air remaining in the syringe can enter either the muscle / intercellular space or the vessel (capillary). An air bubble trapped in a capillary can block it, and this vessel will die. In a more severe case (and with a large volume of air), when air enters the muscle, a so-called "air infiltrate" (bump, seal) can form - with all the usual symptoms and consequences of an infiltrate. It's annoying, but not dangerous either.
In our opinion, it is still better to carry out injections according to the instructions, and "knock out" air bubbles from the syringe before introducing the drug into the body.

Sterile drugs for injection are usually available in ampoules - hermetically sealed glass vessels. In order to draw the medicine into the syringe, it is necessary to open the ampoule by breaking its upper tip. Usually, for these purposes, a special nail file is included with the ampoules, but what if it is not there?

If you got a set of ampoules without a nail file, the first thing you need to figure out is which type of ampoules you got. There are ampoules, for the opening of which a nail file is not required at all. On the neck of such an ampoule should be present dot or circle label, denoting the break line. The glass from which the ampoule is made is thinner in this place, so the tip should break off without difficulty.

To open such an ampoule, the first step is to disinfect it in the place of the fracture. First, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol, and then with dry sterile cotton so that the ampoule is not slippery. After that, clasp the top of the ampoule with sterile cotton and break off with light pressure away from you.

Labeled ampoules must be opened with a slight movement, so no additional tools (such as pliers) need to be used. When opening the ampoule by “power” methods, there is a high risk of crushing the glass, as a result, the sterility of the drug will be violated, and you may be injured by fragments.

If there is no label on the ampoule, you need to open it special nail file(ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier). With the help of this nail file, a file is made on the ampoule, along which its top is broken off.

In case if nail file missing(say, you bought one or two ampoules of medicine at a pharmacy instead of a whole package, and they didn’t give you a nail file), you can try to file the ampoule with the help of improvised tools.

Best suited for these purposes metal nail file. Disinfect the nail file with alcohol, press it against the neck of the ampoule at a 45-degree angle and carefully file the ampoule in a circle. Choose the place of the notch so that it is convenient to break off the tip, but at the same time it should not be too low.

After that, you need to repeat the same steps as when opening the ampoule with a label: disinfect and carefully break off the tip along the notch line in the direction away from you, clasping it with a cotton swab or napkin.

You can also use a kitchen knife to open the ampoule, although it is worse for this purpose than a nail file. With a sharp knife (of course, previously disinfected), make several cuts in different directions at the intended fracture site, and then proceed according to the standard scheme.

Acting by "artisanal" methods, it is better instead of cotton wrap the ampoule with a cloth or a thin towel: this will help to better protect yourself from fragments if the ampoule does burst. As in the case of labeled ampoules, pliers, tongs and other household tools cannot be used to open the ampoule.

Having broken off the tip of the ampoule, by all means make sure there are no broken glass inside. Lower the needle of the syringe into the opened ampoule and draw up the medicine by pulling the plunger. Make sure that the cut of the needle is always completely immersed in the solution, otherwise air bubbles will enter the syringe along with the medicine, which can provoke the appearance of an infiltrate () at the injection site. Before making an injection, the needle must be replaced, as it could become dull on the walls of the ampoule.

The most important thing when opening an ampoule with a preparation (especially with improvised means) is don't rush and be careful, then you will certainly succeed.

An ampoule is a sealed glass container designed to store liquid and powder medicines. Since its main feature is tightness, it should be assumed that it is sealed on all sides and it is sometimes very difficult to get to its contents.

So, let's consider methods that give an answer to the question: "How to open an ampoule without harming yourself and others?" In addition, we will figure out what they are and why they are needed.

How to open a vial of liquid medicine

As a rule, all glass containers for medicines are divided into 2 types: completely glass and those with a metal lid. In order to open the first variety, you must sequentially perform the following operations:

  1. Read the name of the medicine, special attention should be paid to its expiration date.
  2. The container must be shaken so that the medicine all falls down and does not spill during depressurization.
  3. If the kit for the ampoule includes an object for filing (as a rule, this is an emery stick), it must be worked around the circumference in the narrowest part of the container, at the transition point of the neck to the ampoule itself.
  4. Take a piece of cotton wool or a paper napkin and break the neck away from you in order to avoid possible damage when the glass is crushed.
  5. Open the ampoule.

In the event that the necessary nail file is not included with it, it can be replaced with such improvised means as or

How to open a dry powder ampoule

If, upon purchasing a box with the drug, you find that the medicine is a dry powder, and the cap of the ampoule is iron, then in order to open it, you must do the following:

What else are ampoules

Recently, drug manufacturers have come up with the safe opening of ampoules without the help of foreign objects. In this case, there is no glass on the neck at the point of transition to the bubble itself, and the top can simply be broken off. But there are also unique ampoules that are sealed with aluminum, and sometimes it is not so easy to open them yourself. For example, this is how mexidol is packaged in ampoules. This drug is used to improve the blood supply to the brain, reduce the total level of cholesterol in the vessels, and is also used as first aid for drug or alcohol intoxication, epilepsy and convulsions.

As a rule, such ampoules are sold only to medical institutions, and after use, their number is taken into account. It also happens with all sealed packages containing narcotic substances.

Thus, the answer to the question was found in the article: “How to open an ampoule?” You should not use any other methods if they threaten the health of others and carry the possibility of changing the composition of the drug.

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