Which medical university is easier to get into. What exam subjects do you need to take to enter a medical school

Despite the deplorable situation in the budgetary part of healthcare in Russia, higher medical education (especially obtained in Moscow universities) enjoys stable popularity. , offering applicants training in various specialties of higher medical education, contains six state universities.


If you look at the average passing score of the Unified State Examination in 2011, you can understand that the most prestigious and practically inaccessible for most applicants (and Russia as a whole) is the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In order to become a student of the best dental university in Russia, applicants had to show an average of 84.3 points in the Unified State Examination. It is especially interesting that "Stomat" for the first time managed to overtake the oldest medical one - the First State Moscow Medical University named after I.I. THEM. Sechenov.

Perhaps this situation has developed due to the relatively small number of budget places distributed on a competitive basis - 284 in "Stomat" against 990 in "First Med". But it is worth noting that both the competition and the passing score for the main specialties in First Med were still higher (see tables).

At the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, you can enter three "medical" faculties: dental, medical and clinical psychology. The situation for these faculties was as follows:

Faculty Budget training Paid training
Number of places Competition USE Number of places Competition USE
Dental (day department) 250 15,0 240 125 10,2 214 145 000
Dental (evening department) 100 11,0 198 30 12,3 153 145 000
Therapeutic (day department) 230 20,0 225 80 19,4 225 87 000
Therapeutic (evening department) 180 8,3 172 30 15,5 179 79 000
Clinical Psychology 25 50,4 169 15 25,8 217 75 000

At first glance, the competition for a contract form of education at this time may seem surprisingly high. But the fact is that almost all the places in this area were occupied by "targets".


The name of this university speaks for itself: the first - and therefore the oldest, best and most famous. It is this Moscow university that is the cherished goal of most applicants from all over Russia who dream of getting a quality medical education. Being in 2011 in second place among Moscow medical institutes, "First Med" presented to its applicants, as usual, strict requirements: 83.3 points in the Unified State Examination. In this university in Moscow, you can get a higher medical education in six specialties: "General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Pediatrics", "Medical and Preventive Care", "Clinical Psychology" and "Pharmacy".

Competition and passing scores in the First State Moscow Medical University. THEM. Sechenov in 2011.

Speciality Budget training Paid training
Number of places Competition person/seat USE Number of places Competition person/seat Tuition fee RUB/year
"Medicine" (day department) 349 15,60 255 535 4,43 91 000
"Medicine" (evening department) 80 10,86 181 30 11,23 91 000
"Dentistry" (day department) 68 37,25 242 115 9,06 127 000
"Dentistry" (evening department) 30 12,33 145 20 7,75 127 000
"Pediatrics" 13 173,08 248 15 49,73 75 000
"Clinical psychology" 10 56,90 202 15 15,80 60 000
"Medical and preventive work" 88 17,51 186 15 27,27 65 000
"Pharmacy" (full-time department) 168 12,68 195 35 16,89 75 000
"Pharmacy" (evening department) 25 10,92 115 10 10,30 70 000
"Pharmacy" (correspondence department) 75 2,21 152 25 3,60 71 000

Risen from the ashes:

The competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was quite high - 10.16 people per place. The faculty was recreated in 1992, thus replacing the “First Honey” that separated many years ago. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, training is carried out in two areas: "General Medicine" (35 state-funded places) and "Pharmacy" (15 state-funded places). At the same time, becoming a doctor at Moscow State University is much more difficult than becoming a pharmacist. For admission to the "medical business", applicants needed to score at least 372 points out of 400 possible, while for pharmacy - "only" 336. Note that when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, biology and chemistry is counted, however, applicants must take one entrance examination in chemistry (in writing). For those who passed the exam for a positive assessment, but did not pass the competition, there is an opportunity to get a higher medical education at Moscow State University for a record amount of 271,000 rubles a year.


"Second honey", as the people call RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov, in terms of popularity was far from the second, but almost the last. The average score for admission to the USE is 74.8. Interestingly, the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov gives an opportunity to applicants who are not confident in their abilities to enter the budget and at the same time cannot pay for their education. The fact is that in 1998, the Moscow Government began to finance the training of specialists in the specialties "doctor-therapist" (100 places in the day department and 50 in the evening) and "pediatrician" (100 places in the day department and 50 in the evening). A feature of this faculty is that after graduation, the graduate must work for 3 years in Moscow municipal clinics. Accordingly, the competition for the Moscow faculty is much lower than average.

Faculties, the number of budget places and the cost of education at the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov.


The situation with admission to the medical faculty of the not very prestigious Peoples' Friendship University of Russia looks quite deceptive. Training here is carried out in three areas: "General Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy". At the same time, the passing score for state-funded places at RUDN University turned out to be higher than in many “significant” medical institutes in Moscow:

It is worth noting the incredibly low competition for the contract basis of the RUDN Faculty of Medicine. However, this can be attributed to the unbelievably high cost of education. On the other hand, only RUDN University gives a real chance to get a higher medical education in Moscow, if the results of the Unified State Examination are not encouraging at all.

If we talk about the popularity of specialties, then the TOP-3 consistently includes: "General Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Pediatrics". To get a medical education in Moscow in these areas, the applicant will have to show a really outstanding result. On the reverse side of the list: "Pharmacy", "Clinical Psychology" and "Medical and Preventive Business". However, it is impossible to single out any one “best” or “worst” specialty. It seems quite logical that in "First Med" the highest competition is in the direction of "General Medicine", and in "Stomat" - for the Faculty of Dentistry. So it’s not enough for an applicant to choose the right specialty, it is also necessary to evaluate their possibilities of entering a particular one.

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

It's no secret that medicine has been limping a lot in recent years in our country. There are many reasons for this. For example, poor funding, a weak administrative apparatus, corrupt officials and doctors themselves, lack of necessary equipment and medicines. The faith of the people in state medicine is fading faster and faster. But the health of the nation is supported not only by state finances. One of the issues facing an edge is the quality of personnel.

Demand for the profession

Where do workers, specialists, professionals in their field come from in any sphere of society? From institutes, universities, other institutions for obtaining and advanced training. In most cases, the professionalism and competence of employees are determined precisely by the process and quality of training. Medical institutes in Moscow should raise a new generation of worthy doctors. This profession is in great demand. Not everyone is able to do this kind of work because of the temperament and nervous system, as well as the duration and complexity of training. So, if you decide to join the ranks of doctors, help people, save lives and health, you need to choose a decent medical institute. In this regard, Moscow offers extensive prospects.

Why is it better to study in Moscow

Moscow is the capital of a vast state, a city of great opportunities. Millions of people flock here. She is not always friendly to visitors, and this is precisely the first difficulty. Medical institutes in Moscow imply greater competitiveness of applicants, the selection will be more stringent, and the quality of education will be higher. The capital has no right to dishonor itself with low-quality personnel. And the passage of a difficult life school far from home will only strengthen the character and the desire not to give up. Especially if some stages have already been passed.

Directions of study

Medical institutes in Moscow offer about seven areas of study for future specialists. These include "Medicine" - the main form, the basis for the entire classification of the personnel of any hospital or clinic. The duration of study is six years. "Medical biophysics" means the specialty of a doctor who is able to conduct radiation, ultrasound diagnostics and therapy, conduct examinations with modern electronic devices, and so on. The term of study is also six years. Medical biochemistry and cybernetics, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy - all this is also offered by the first medical institute. Moscow, as the capital, is famous for its higher educational institutions and professorial staff.

Medical institutes in Moscow

Moscow boasts six higher educational institutions that teach various areas of medical science. All of them are known. Education in them is prestigious and has a high value in the further search for work. The most respected Institute of Medical Technology (Moscow) is the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Already by the name it is clear that this institution is under the patronage of the government apparatus. In second place is Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The third one is the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Next - Research Medical University. Pirogov. Fifth - Maimonides State Classical Academy. And the last one is the University of Medicine and Dentistry.

What is needed for admission

For applicants for different specialties, there are different conditions for admission, different passing scores and exams. So for "Biophysics" you will need to pass Russian, physics and biology (chemistry). The passing score of the USE is 35-70. For "Biochemistry" Russian, mathematics and biology (chemistry) surrender. The passing score here is 48-97. For "Cybernetics" it is important to pass exams well in Russian, mathematics and biology or physics. The passing score is from 42 to 73.

Of course, the higher it is, the more chances you have to enter, get ahead of your competitors for a place of study. General medicine, pediatrics and dentistry will require you to know Russian, chemistry, biology (or physics) with an average passing score of at least 35. Of all these areas, General Medicine and Biochemistry are the most popular among applicants. There will be a lot of competition for these specialties. Of the eleven thousand who wished to enter last year, only three and a half thousand applicants entered the Sechenov First Medical Institute. This means that the competition for a place is three to four people. To protect yourself from missing a whole year, apply to several universities at once. Training is quite long, and therefore every year is worth its weight in gold. In the future, you will have to undergo an internship for several years. In order to take a high position in the field of medicine, you need to work hard and study for many years. Good knowledge in this structure is too important.

Moscow medical institutes: tuition fees

Education is not a cheap pleasure. However, without it, our life is nowhere. Let's take a look at the rates at medical schools. So, a year of study at the Sechenov First Medical Institute will cost from 67,500 rubles. This is for one year. Lomonosov University charges students an amount of 325,000 rubles for one year of study. Pirogov University will cost students at least 120,000 per year of listening to lectures. Maimonides Classical Academy will charge you 125,000 rubles. The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia estimated the education services at 70,000 rubles per year. And this is the minimum. The final amount depends on the specific specialty.

Studying at a medical college increases the chances of successful admission to a medical school. Experts note that approximately 95% of medical college graduates become students of medical institutes, and more than half of them enter state-funded places.

Admission to a medical college becomes possible after graduating from the 9th grade of a comprehensive school. On the basis of incomplete secondary education, training lasts three years and 10 months, then students can take tests at a medical university on a simplified basis. Most of these colleges cooperate with higher educational institutions of the medical profile or are part of the structure of medical universities.

Submission of documents

Reception of documents lasts until August 1. In case of a shortage of the required number of students, the deadline can be extended even until the end of September. You will need to provide:

  1. Help 086 / y.
  2. Application to the director of the college.
  3. Six photos 3x4.
  4. Certificate of completion of 9 classes.
  5. Passport. If not yet issued, then any other form of identification.
  6. Characteristics from the place of previous studies (if required).

A very important point upon admission is a decent result in the Unified State Examination and high scores in the core disciplines: chemistry and biology. For any college, a sufficient level of knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is required. In some faculties, the requirements are more stringent and knowledge of mathematics may be required.

Main specialties

To know how to enter a medical college, you should decide on the direction of training. Medical colleges implement training programs for the following specialties:


Don't go to extreme levels of anxiety and constantly wonder how to get into med school. It is better to thoroughly prepare for the entrance examinations. To begin with, secure a high GPA in the school certificate and fill gaps in knowledge of the Russian language and biology. Most likely, upon admission, you will need to pass a written exam in the Russian language and an interview in biology. For some majors, an interview in chemistry or a written exam in algebra may be added to biology.

According to the innovations, applicants entering after the 9th grade are enrolled on the basis of the results of the GIA, and graduates of the 11th grade - according to the final grades of the Unified State Examination. But the leadership of most medical colleges provides its applicants with the opportunity to go through the enrollment procedure by passing entrance exams. If you are not sure about the results of the USE and GIA, it is safer to prefer the exam option.

Graduates of the 9th grade study on average 3 years and 10 months, graduates of the 11th grade - one year less.

Effective assistance in admission will be provided by studying at the preparatory courses at the chosen college. Usually the duration of such courses is from six months to a year. If you chose the option with admission based on the results of the Unified State Examination and the State Academic Examination, but failed to pass the competition, do not despair. It is practiced in medical colleges to organize special days when everyone can take entrance exams.

The profession of a doctor by nature is considered a noble and valuable specialization. But today she is completely devoid of nobility, and good doctors can be counted on the fingers. Despite the fact that medical schools are packed with students, the country still suffers from an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. After all, having a diploma from a medical university does not mean that a student can and can work effectively. But if you have long dreamed of linking your life with medical practice and taking the Hippocratic Oath, then why not take the chance to enter a medical school?!

How to choose the right medical school?
The choice of an institute should be approached very seriously, as it will become a second home for the next 6-7 years. It is worth starting to select a university for yourself not in the last half of the graduation class, but while still in the 10th grade. Only then can you slowly evaluate each selected university separately and stop at 2 or 3 options (fortunately, the state allows you to apply to several institutions at once). The university should be selected according to certain criteria:
  • educational base: the presence of laboratories, libraries, attached clinics and hospitals, cooperation with the mortuary, Internet resources;
  • infrastructure: hostel, location of buildings, student life, sports complexes, etc.
For example, if the institute is located in another city, then you should find out in advance whether there is a hostel and how far it is located to the educational buildings.

Also, you need to decide in advance on the specialty, it depends on how soon the preparation for entering the institute will begin. When choosing a specialty, you should make sure that the future profession will be in demand.

Pre-university training
Since it is difficult to enter a medical school, you should start preparing for the entrance exams of the year 2 before admission, that is, in the 10th grade:

  1. Having studied in advance in which disciplines the entrance exams and the Unified State Examination are accepted, the emphasis in studies should be placed on them. Such disciplines are: Russian language, literature, biology, chemistry, and possibly physics. In biology and chemistry, you will have to pass a unified state exam, since the selection committee requires results in these subjects, and they must be quite high.
  2. If studying the necessary subjects is not so easy, then you can hire a home tutor who will “bring up” your knowledge.
  3. You can enroll in two-year courses at the chosen institute. During this time, teachers will give all the necessary knowledge for successful admission.
  4. If there is no opportunity to attend courses for as long as 2 years, then you can take accelerated courses before entering.
In any case, the notes written in the preparatory courses will help prepare for the entrance exams.

What documents are required for admission?
To try to enter a medical school, you must submit a certain package of documents:

  • application addressed to the rector;
  • school certificate;
  • USE certificate;
  • photocopies of the passport;
  • Photo;
  • reference 086;
  • insurance policy;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for boys);
  • benefits documents.
Successful school life can be evidenced by awards and certificates, the results of Olympiads in the right subjects, so they should also be presented.

It is better to write an application for budget places, and if you suddenly do not succeed, then it can be rewritten for paid ones.

Entry exams
As mentioned above, you can enter a medical school with a high USE score in chemistry and biology. You will also have to pass the entrance exams in Russian language and literature. Exams may differ at different faculties, so you need to find out about this in advance.

If the exam is supposed to be oral, then the speech in the answer should be confident, clear. The gaze should contact alternately with the eyes of the members of the selection committee, confident gestures are welcome. If the exam is written, then take the trouble to do the work neatly, in an understandable handwriting, by no means medical.

After passing the entrance exams, the most lingering time comes - the time of waiting for the results.

Helpful Hints
Why not go after the 9th grade to the medical college at the institute?! In doing so, you can save time and money that can be spent on preparatory courses.

In many regions, institutes open special medical schools, in which, from the first grade, there is additional preparation for entering a particular university. Or you can visit medical classes at odd hours, where classes are held for additional study of biology, chemistry, physics, Russian and literature. By visiting them, it will be easier to enter medical school.

It is better to apply to a state institution and make several attempts to enter than to enter a non-state one the first time. In the latter, in addition to a dubious diploma, you can get a number of restrictions in the implementation of medical activities. In addition, when applying for a job, they require a diploma of a state standard.

Those who acted on their own, and even not from a medical dynasty, are considered almost heroes and lucky ones. However, it is not. Let's try to figure out what is needed in order to successfully enter a medical university.

How to get started in medical school

First of all, you need to clearly know what you want, and what you ultimately have to go through. The decision to become a doctor should be purely personal. Studying at a medical college or university at the insistence of parents or fashion trends does not make sense. This applies, however, to any other specialty, but studying medicine against personal convictions is unbearable. Keep in mind that you will have to study almost all your life: about ten years at the university, residency, doctoral studies, and then regular advanced training courses.

We decided that the medical future is just for you - choose the direction of your professional activity. As practice shows, most applicants dream of a career as a surgeon. Think twice... It will be many, many years before you are allowed to operate on your own. In addition, this is one of the most difficult specializations, where a doctor has a great responsibility, which means that it is impossible to study anyhow. A surgeon must either be an excellent student or not be a surgeon at all.

Decided on the specialization - find out which universities are considered flagships in the training of specialists in your profile. Visit the department you are interested in on the open day, take brochures for applicants (they are in every university). There you will find almost exhaustive information about what subjects are required for admission, as well as a brief description of the amount of knowledge that a future student should have.

Exams for admission to medical university

The main majors for physicians are chemistry and biology. Some specialties (for example, dentistry) also require passing an exam in physics. The Russian language is compulsory for all specialties. In some universities, applicants also take mathematics.

Some universities enroll students on the basis of USE results, but most conduct their own internal examinations.

A gold medal or a red diploma of secondary specialized education will be a very good help. In this case, for enrollment, it will be enough to pass only one major subject (optional) with excellent marks. The remaining exams will be credited automatically.

A plus will also be any diplomas and certificates, prizes in olympiads, certificates of completion of courses (for example, first aid).

Courses for admission to medical school

You need to prepare for admission to medical school in advance, at least two years in advance.

A lot of applicants graduate from various preparatory courses for admission to a medical university. However, attitudes towards such courses are ambiguous. If the financial situation allows, then it would be better to hire a tutor. So you get more knowledge, pull up exactly the material where there are gaps in knowledge. In addition, tutors are often also teachers in medical educational institutions and know this “kitchen” thoroughly.

However, even if the courses turned out to be too expensive, you should not despair. Transfer to a school with an in-depth study of biology and chemistry. Or talk to the teachers at your school. They will surely advise you on good literature for self-study. Entering a medical school, preparing yourself, is quite real!

Getting into medical school or college

Some students prefer to get a specialized secondary medical education, hoping then to enter a higher educational institution without any problems. This option is possible, but not entirely justified. College graduates have the same rights and grounds for admission as regular school students. Of course, in college you will get some amount of knowledge, you will be able to understand whether a medical career is really for you.

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