Hall 77 best techniques. Hall Michael

In the process of processing, coding and designing internal models of the world (cognitive-emotional schemes, paradigms or matrices), we gain experience, we feel, we communicate and behave anyway. Our feelings and experiences of reality come from reality cards. Thus, when we change these cards, we change the "reality" itself. Of course, not objective, and our inner reality is the only thing we know. This is the essence of the transformation of the personality. As a model of meta-psychology, NLP began with a study of how "programming" personality (i.e. skills, conditionality, acquisition of experience) is encoded on neuro-mental or neuro-linguistic levels. As a result, NLP has formed a working pattern of the structure of human subjectivity. Heliebski noted that, summarizing the information received from the surrounding world, we constitute a reality card. He owns the classical thesis: "The map is not the territory." As Helbski believed if our card had accuracy (in the event of an understanding of truth as compliance) or utility, leading us to where we want to get (in the case of pragmatic understanding of truth), then we can use it effectively. If it does not respond to any of these criteria, it becomes the source of "problems" for us and needs to be changed, updating or erasing. Integrating transformational, or generating, Homsky grammar, NLP formulates three "modeling process" of the cartographic model. These include omit (erasing), generalization (generalization) and distortion; This means that, processing billions of bits of information, a weekly bombing of our nervous system, we erase the bble part or omit, we generally summarize, and everything else is distorted. These three processes form the paradigm of our ideas about reality. We simulate the world, and then using your own nervous system and "mental" designs, we produce life tactics and strategy. At the neurological level, we first mapping the territory of the surrounding world, producing non-language representations using sensory channels (VAC). Of them there is a film that we see in our consciousness. The language of this film does not yet include words: they appear at a higher level and are needed to reflect on these representatives. Then we are mapping them at the verbal level. We make a linguistic map using words, symbols, metaphors, etc. D. Language functions in the form of signals on signals - on the meta-level. Above the level of modalities is towers the area, which is known in the NLP as "submodality". This term can be misleading. There are no "submodalities", if you understand this, something as follows modalities as in the dungeon. The cinematic characteristics of our mental films are various aspects of our mapping - are not at the bottom, but at the top. We create them, climbing over the film and editing it, setting it up at your request - making it closer, brighter, changing the sound track, etc. It is in this sense that the prefix "sub-" misleads us and offers us a false metaphor. Although the cinematic characteristics are brought to the film in the editing process, they seem so integral parts of the image and sound, which is the impression that these features ("submodality") are within the representatives. But this is not because they are really inside subjective experience or hidden under (sub-), but because the nature of our highest frames is to penetrate the inside of things. In meta-states, we are dealing with the embodiment of the thought penetrating our neurology and muscle muscular memory. "

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77 The best NLP techniques will help you to achieve skill in learning, personal growth, education, business, management, psychotherapy. Use the NLP magic - become a perfect personality! L. Michael Hall, Phd With Barbara P. belnap. MSW THE SOURCEBOOK OF MAGIC A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO NLP CHANGE PATTERNS SECOND EDITION TO NLP CHOUNT HOUSE PUBLISHING LIMITED WWW * GROWNHOUSE.GO.UK Michael Hall of the best technician NLP 3rd International Edition St. Petersburg Prime-Eurognac UDC 159.98 Translation rights received by the BBK Agreement Yaya "^ I am with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (United Kingdom) with the participation of agency Alexander Korzhevsky (Russia). X36 All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form without the written permission of copyright owners. Hall , M. Hp 77 best technician NLP / Michael Hall. - SPb.: Prime- EurOnsk, 2008. - 438, C: Il. - (The best psychotechnology of the world). ISBN 978-5-93878-772-8 (C: Best Psychotechnologies of the world) ISBN 978-5-93878-789-6 (C: Psychology - the best) The book of one of the founders and modern Masters of NLP Michael Hall offers 77 best techniques of neuro-linguistic programming to achieve perfection, skill, genius in all areas Eloquent experience. If you want to achieve revolutionary changes in how you think, feel, behave and communicate, - you will find in this book a wide variety of methods allowing you to create real magic. 77 The best NLP techniques will help you achieve perfection in areas such as business, management, education, psychotherapy, personal growth, development and efficiency, interpersonal relationships, communicative skills, negotiation, conflict resolution and many others. Use the NLP magic - become a perfect personality! Scientific Edition Michael Hall 77 Best Technician NLP Scientific Editor S. Komarov Art Editor S. Vashchenko In the covers of the "Best Psychotechnology World" series, the artist's works were used by the artist V. N. Gruzdeva signed in print 19.06.08. Format 84x1081 / z2- condition. Pechs. l. 23.52. C: The best psychotechnology of the world. Circulation 3000 copies. Order No. 8713. C: Psychology is the best. Circulation 2,000 copies. Order No. 8713. Publishing House "Prime-EvroNova". 195220, St. Petersburg, Ave. Unoccupied, d. 17, Cor. 4 Edition was carried out with the technical participation of 000 "Act Publishing". OJSC "Vladimir Book Typography". 600000, Vladimir, Oktyabrsky Avenue, d. 7. The quality of the press corresponds to the quality of the transparents provided © L. Michael Hall and Barbara P. Belnap, 2004 © Crown House Publishing Ltd., 2005 © Translation into Russian: Komarov S., Mironov N., 2007 © Series, Design, ISBN 978-5-93878-772-8 "Prime- Evhunova, 2008 ISBN 1-90442-425-2 (English) © "Prime-EvroNova", 2008 Table of Contents Entry 10 Preface. Directory Maga 16 Birth of this book 16 A bit of general semantics 23 Pattern sources 25 Part I Model NLP. The source of magical transformations for modeling perfection and own brain management 27 Chapter 1. Introduction to the magic of NLP 29 Chapter 2. NLP as a model 43 part P patterns NLP. Transformation and growth spells 65 Chapter 3. Basic patterns 67 Chapter 4. Part 105 Chapter 5 Identity 130 Chapter 6. Emotional states 184 Chapter 7. Using language 231 Chapter 8. Thinking patterns :.254 Chapter 9. Values \u200b\u200band semantics 289 Chapter 10. Strategies 313 Table of Contents Part P1 Application of patterns. Think like Mag 367 Chapter 11. Thinking with patterns 369 Chapter 12. Find out what and when to do 379 Chapter 13. Areas of application, 395 Epilogue 414 Appendix. Trap word "be" 415 Dictionary of Terms NLP 418 Literature 429 77 Patterns Magic NLP Fundamental Pattern Patterns 1. Pattern of a Well-formed Result 71 Pattern 2. Calibration, or Adjustment under the model of the world of another 11 Pattern 3. Calibration of states 79 Pattern 4. Testing Pattern on Ecology 82 Pattern 5. Flexibility of reactions 86 Pattern 6. Detection of states 88 Pattern 7. Introduction to Condition 92 Pattern 8. Interrupt of states 94 Pattern 9. Anchor 96 Pattern 10. Entrance to the positive intention 102 Basic NLP patterns for transformation and achieve mastery of patterns for Non-corpotence pattern 11. Collapse pattern of anchors 106 Pattern 12. The pattern of negotiations between parts 109 Pattern 13. Pattern of a six-haule refraid 111 Pattern 14. Pattern of harmonization of perceptual positions 114 Pattern 15. Frame Pattern 118 Pattern 16. The Harmonized Pattern 161 Pattern 17. Pattern Permissions of the Internal Conflict 124 Pattern 18. Visual Squash Pat Turn advanced level 126 Patterns for identification Pattern 19. Pattern changes in the "submodal" beliefs 132 Pattern 20. Detention pattern 137 Pattern 21. Pattern of reimphiminting 140 Pattern 22A. Time Lines Pattern 148 8 Patterns Pattern 226. Pattern Detection of "Time" 149 Pattern 23A. Pattern Changes in Personal History 152 Pattern 236. Pattern of Changes in Personal History in Meta-State 155 Pattern 24. Sweash Pattern (Instant Pattern) 158 Pattern 25. Pattern of the Circle of Perfection 161 Pattern 26. Solution Destruction Pattern 164 Pattern 27. Pattern of Deep Transformation 166 Pattern 28. Meta-Transformation Pattern 169 Pattern 29. Pattern of Reconciliation with Parents 172 Pattern 30. Pattern of Love to yourself 176 Pattern 31. Same Support Pattern 178 Pattern 32 . Pattern of receiving tips from its inner sage 180 Patterns for neuro-linguistic states Pattern 33. Visual-kinesthetic dissociation: Movie Rewinding Pattern 185 Pattern 34. Pattern entry into resource states and management of them 195 Pattern 35. Pattern of state awareness 198 Pattern 36. Pattern Frame "As if" 199 Pattern 37. Pattern of the standing of states 203 Pattern 38. Pattern of the imposition of "submodalities" 206 Pattern 39. Pattern of an explosion threshold of a compulsion 208 Pattern 40. Pattern of conversion errors in the experience 211 Pattern 41. Pattern by order: Chocolate Pattern " Godiva »214 Pattern 42. Decision Decision Pattern 216 Pattern 43. Pleasure Pattern 218 Pattern 44. Pattern of relaxing Pleasure 221 Pattern 45. Limitting synests dissipating pattern 225 Pattern 46. Pattern of archiving of memories 227 Pattern patterns 47. Pattern of meta-modeling 235 Pattern 48. Meta-model pattern III 243 Pattern 49. Pattern of Denominations 245 Pattern 50. Pattern Definition / wording Problems 247 Patterns 9 Patterns for detecting patterns, meta-programs and cognitive distortions Pattern 51. Detection of meta programs and adjustment under them 265 Pattern 52. Recognition and critical consideration of limiting meta-programs 266 Pattern 53. Meta change pattern Programs 268 Pattern 54. Identification and revision of cognitive distortions 283 Patterns for content and semantics Pattern 55. Reframing content 290 Pattern 56. Context reframing 295 Pattern 57. Reframing "Submodalities" 296 Pattern 13. Sixishagovy reframing (Repeat from Chapter 3) 297 Pattern 58 . Six-having reframing as a meta-state 300 pattern 59. S synthesia gap is convinced In 302 Pattern 60. Establishment of PiePapXNN values \u200b\u200b303 Pattern 61. Kinesthetic hierarchy Criteria 307 Pattern 62. Vaccination from Virus Things 309 Patterns for Strategies Pattern 63a. Generator of the new behavior 316 Pattern 636. Review at the end of the day: a new behavior generator as an evening review 319 Pattern 64. POSITION 321 Pattern 65. Treatment of allergies 326 Pattern explosives. Overcoming sorrow 329 Pattern 67. Warning sorrow 334 Pattern 68. Healthy nutrition 336 Pattern 69. Capture Capture 338 Pattern 70. Confidence in communication 341 Pattern 71. Reaction to criticism 344 Pattern 72. Establishment of the right borders 348 Pattern 73. Magic parents 350 Pattern 74. Conversion of errors in learning (second version of the Error Overcoming Pattern) 353 Pattern 75. Wise and comprehensive thinking / rating 355 Pattern 76. Disney Creativity Strategy 358 Pattern 77. Rotation of images 361 Introduction I still remember the moment when the long-awaited change has finally occurred. By this time I managed to achieve significant success in the profession, but in the sphere of close relationship everything was wrong. I realized the need to change something in your personal life or at least in my attitude towards it during one of the trainings on neuro-ling-vissational programming. It was a turning point. By combining several NLP techniques, I carefully worked. Time was selected successfully: the dissatisfaction of the personal life reached the highest point, and I was ready to work well. Did I achieve the result? Here is the best answer to this question: the day did not pass, as a woman entered my life ... I have never met that before. It was not just another unfamiliar - she was another, not like any of those I knew before: generous, selfless and, so to speak, "open world." This meeting seemed to me by a real miracle, the very magic of NLP. Think, we got married and since then we live happily? Unfortunately no. What happened between us is unforgettable, but I still had a lot to experience a lot to change in yourself. This, despite the help of NLP, demanded time. Nevertheless, the meeting turned the whole of my life. Since then, my relationships with women have become more successful, and finally I met the one on which I am still married. And you can achieve the same fateful change using the book that you keep in your hands. Michael Hall's book was written by masterfully, she not only gives the reader comprehensive information about the possibilities of NLP, but also explains which one of his technician is better to use in a particular situation. The NLP techniques are presented here simply and affordable, but you join and more efficiently in practice - because we are learning only on our own experience. Therefore, if you want to master NLP perfectly, I strongly recommend that you not only read the book, but also to go through the training. Choose a training company with a good reputation and coaches that have trust. NLP is often called technology, and in some sense it is so. Sci-fi anti-nightopias depicting the world in which the technique came out from under human control, remind: The technology can be an excellent servant, but it is a very bad owner. This applies to * and NLP. To obtain the desired result, you must take the technology under control, clearly imagining what you want to achieve with it, and apply it based on your own experience. Numerous examples you find in the book will help you understand how to achieve it. NLP techniques are widely known as invaluable assistants in the formation of relations with people. This is true. In addition, the Masters of NLP managed to create models of perfect human behavior in different fields of activity. NLP may be useful to everyone who wants to answer the question "How is it done?". And yet I believe that ultimately the enormous NLP potential is not determined by the fact that it affects people it allows us to achieve, and not even the possibilities of transmitting professional experience. The true power of NLP is that it allows us to influence ourselves. If you decide to change yourself, you will have to do a huge job. Working a consultant, I constantly make sure that the desired result brings not only individual techniques and techniques, but also the way of thinking characteristic of NLP. The ability to work on it is important for both personal and professional life. As a result of the use of NLP, non-only managers of organizations, but all their employees feel more effectively feels more effectively. It became much easier for me to communicate with the leaders after I learned to apply a variety of models and technologies of impact from Arsenal 12 NLP accession. Each commercial organization with which I work is interested in better manage business contacts and not disappoint customers. NLP offers specific methods to help achieve these goals. Which company will not benefit if her employees learn to put themselves in place of others, whether their colleagues or customers? What employee does not want to know how to better get out of the difficult situation at work? NLP has specific techniques that make it easy to absorb the necessary skills. I recently noticed that the instructors that come to us to pass the training of NLP practitioners and the NLP master, it becomes more and more. To the question why they came here, they respond with the striking unanimity: thanks to the ultimate concreteness of spent techniques, NLP allows them in just thirty minutes - this is a standard coaching session - to achieve a noticeable result. Another reason is associated with the marketing situation: now there are many instructors, and competition between them is high. With the help of NLP, instructors successfully compete with those who do not own these techniques. Helping the client to achieve the desired result, the instructor provides a stream of clients who come on the recommendation of the old. In my opinion, this is quite natural: NLP helps us understand how we do what we do, and what methods work, and which are not. It is possible to apply NLP in any field of activity. My house has a special shelf for presented books, which are written by my students and are devoted to the use of NLP. The range of application of this technology covers all areas of life, ranging from business, sports and medicine and ending with the development of leadership skills or horse dressage. However, using NLP to the maximum, it is possible to achieve much more significant changes - to awaken an active compassion for people to carry out deep structural transformations. NLP is the area in which many paths lead to the result, and some of them can be easier than others. In addition, NLP distinguishes a respectful and realistic approach to the client, based on the recognition that each of us has a unique picture of the introduction of 13th world. If we want to remain open to new opportunities that take us beyond the framework of old experience and thinking, you must respect the individual ideas about life. I appreciate NLP and for his democratic spirit, contributing to clarity of consciousness: using NLP, you will find that your personal experience has a structure. So, you can make sense that you are doing, and if you wish and change your image of action. Personally, I work in the field of NLP because I see the possibility of widespread use of this technique and thinking. Potentially NLP is able to change not only the life of an individual person, but the whole world. Sometimes it is even able to solve the issues of life and death. I am inspired by cooperation with doctors, thanks to him I see that the potential of NLP can be used in medicine. My own successes fumbled next to the achievements of one of my student, a lawyer: He told me that thanks to his NLP skills became a consultant to a large political leader of one of the Caribbean countries, which, by returning his advice, canceled death sentences to many rebels. I was covered with new hopes when my other student began to use NLP in the program of restoring social justice, first applying it to work with British police. In the course of this program, victims of crime reduced to face with criminals, giving them the opportunity to resolve conflicts among themselves. The success of his work, as evidenced by a sharp drop in cases of recidivism, brought me to the idea of \u200b\u200busing NLP and in the resolution of international conflicts. Therefore, I willingly responded to the requests of my students from the Islamic world to help them spread knowledge about NLP in the Middle East. These and many other examples allowed me to clearly realize that the magic of NLP equipment was pale, compared to those wonders who are able to create people with her help. Nevertheless, the best way to start changing the world for the better is to clean up in your own home. Start the use of NLP from himself - an excellent thought if you want to earn respect for others, to live in harmony and to achieve the introduction of success over the years. NLP gives us the opportunity to realize at least some of the installations that manage our thinking and behavior, and therefore, and our lives. Understand your own installations is very helpful. But no less useful - what I can testify to my own experience - to know that with NLP, you can change these settings if they work against us. So, returning to my personal life, is it true that I'm "I am completely obliged by NLP"? Probably not! And is it possible that we were entirely obliged only to one? If I decided to especially pay attention to one of the components of my success, I would say that this is my willingness to take responsibility for your life and for changing what I considered it possible to change. Based on his own experience, I assure you that you can achieve any changes that you wish, if you just start building more constructive relationships with yourself and frankly confess to yourself what you really want. And NLP is one of the best ways to achieve this. So, starting with the desire to change something in our own life, we discover that we have a whole world of creative possibilities. Often we even hard to imagine their true scales. Thanks to NLP, I found a completely unexpected personal experience. When I met the flight, which became my wife, in front of me there was a difficult task - learn to love otherwise, more deeply. I would not call the solution to this task with something mystical, but so far there is a lot of mysterious for me. This is an alchemical process that radically changes human (but this is the topic of another book). I recently received a letter from one of my students, who had just completed the training of NLP practitioners and NLP master. In his letter, it lists the most important changes that happened to it after the completion of each module of these two programs. Such profound changes did not have to worry about all his life. For ten months, she began a new career, acquired a new home that allowed her to enter her apartment for rent, now ready to combine his life with a close man. And in the last line of her letters, something is immeasurably more: "I am so happy to live a full life, and not just exist." I believe that NLP - in good hands - can very help with those who want not just to exist, but live a full life. That is why I believe that reading this book is your debt to ourselves. Michael Hall with the highest professionalism amounted to a valuable NLP manual from scattered methods and techniques. I hope you find a book extremely informative and worthy of attention. That is why I so nice to offer you the second edition of this authoritative manual for NLP magic. Jan Mc Macdemott, training company "International Training Seminars" at www.itsnlp.com Preface Handbook of Magic Magic is hidden in the language ... R. Bandler and J. Greender Birth of this book I wrote this book thanks to the conversation with Barbara Balnap, which took place at the conference For neuro-linguistic programming in Salt Lake City. During this conversation, we discussed the need of psychotherapists to have a single source of key NLP patterns. After that, I conceived to write a book that allows you to collect all the key patterns under one cover. When I started collecting patterns, I worked as a psychologist and led private practice in Colorado, and Barbara was a psychotherapist and worked in the Utah Health System. Our idea was to present the NLP patterns, extremely multifaceted and effective, everyone who would like to conduct short-term psychotherapy with clients. We both liked this idea. At that time, the US health system sought to make psychotherapy short-term and high quality. The choice of NLP seemed natural and obvious to us. I believed that we could identify cognitive behavioral processes in NLP and make specific instructions, describing how to use this highly efficient change model step by step. Handbook of Maga 17 I began to develop a format of a book that would correspond to such a task. But during this work, we unexpectedly realized that NLP patterns can be applied not only in psychotherapy. NLP is not psychotherapy. In the broad sense of the word NLP is modeling human experience and, above all, human perfection. Psychotherapy is designed for suffering and sick people who need medical care, which will help them overcome their injuries. NLP is also interested in mostly perfection, health, skill, genius - in a word, the fact that it works well and is more oriented to creative change on the correctional. I corrected the focus of the book and began to collect and classify patterns for all areas of human experience. This is the "best NLP techniques" - the book offers 77 main neuro-linguistic programming patterns, demonstrating the structure of the magic language and growth spell patterns. Universal magic If, as Bandler and Grinder wrote, "Magic is hidden in the language" and if we can use language and structured processes in order to achieve transformation changes in how we think, we feel, we speak, behave and communicate - you You will find in this book a wide variety of patterns, allowing to do magic, change the thoughts and lives of people. These key patterns can be easily translated into various professional languages \u200b\u200band attach to many areas. They help to achieve perfection in such areas as: ♦ Business, management and coaching; ♦ education; ♦ psychotherapy; ♦ Personal growth, development and improvement of efficiency; ♦ Sports and sports training; 18 Preface ♦ Interpersonal relationships; ♦ Communicative skills; ♦ negotiation, mediation and resolution of conflicts; ♦ Developing personal style, identity development and modeling skills. Context magic in front of you guide to magic, but what is this magic and what is the context of this magic? Magic is what happens in the Consciousness system - the body - the emotions of a person, when words and processes lead us to a change in our reality cards and creating other reality. NLP began when his creators drew attention to magic, creative three wizards of psychotherapy (Virginia Satir, Fritz Perlz and Milton Erickson) using language patterns. It seemed that they simply uttered words, but patients came out of their cabinets, feeling a new taste for life. How does this happen? How does this technique work magic intervention? If you are not familiar with NLP, then in the first two chapters of the book you will find the necessary introductory information. NLP is devoted to changes, transformation and development, the structure of perfection - to study how "functions" perfection, how to "apply it to the card" and how to reproduce its best samples. After all, if we are not familiar with the structure, then everything you know know how to appreciate and make experts or geniuses seem to us with magic. If we are devoted to the knowledge of the structure, the strength and efficiency remain with us, but confused, myths, ignorance disappear. Possessing knowledge, we gain the ability to convey our magic to others. Metaphor Magic Why do we use the word "magic"? What does this magic do? In NLP, we usually use this concept in a special sense. This word does not mean what people are accustomed to!? Magic, it does not apply to magic changing the laws of physics. Under magic, we do not mean anything like that. Handbook of Maga 19 Talking Magic, we mean seemingly mad, wonderful and magical effects of change and transformation, which arise when we know the structure of subjective experience. When we do not know how our system consciousness is the body - emotions interact with motivation, health, etc., we have no keys to understand your own experiences, we are deprived of the keys to achieve experiences that would like to call and experience. We are in ignorance regarding causes and consequences of changes. And without this knowledge, we also do not know how to influence the events, and is not able to determine the point of the application forces. When we do not understand the mechanisms of human activity (cognitive behavioral or neuro-semantic), we cannot become happier and successful. And on the contrary, when we understand the structure of subjective experience, we get a "magic wand" in our hands, ready to serve for the benefit of our health, happiness, success and perfection. Knowledge of the point of the application of forces in the system Consciousness - the body - the emotions of man, as well as memories, hopes, desires and fears, provides us with a bridgehead, from which we can do magic for the sake of pleasure and benefit, for the achievement of perfection. The book is the source of the NLP magic and its techniques of "management of their own brain" (it is in this that the final meaning of our operating patterns is in patter), in fact, give us a source of magic in hand. This was stated in the early books on NLP, who were acquainted with the reader with this area ("the structure of the magic", vol. 1,1975, and so on, 1976). It is also reflected in such works as "Demisertification of Magic", "Magic in action" and "Magic Communication", 2001a (in the first edition - "Secrets of Magic", 1998) *. Books "Magic in action" R. Bandler (Prime-Evhnovak, 2004), "Magic Communication" M. Hall ("Prime-EvroNova", 2004) translated and accessible to the Russian-speaking reader. - Note. ed. 20 Preface It all started with the fact that the founders of NLP - Linguist Dr. John Grinder and the graduate student who studied computer programming, Richard Bendler, found out that the magic structure can be found in representative systems (sensory systems and a meta-system of the language). These language systems consciousness - the body includes not only words and suggestions, but also other "languages", languages \u200b\u200boperating on various "logical levels". At the initial level, we are dealing with sensory experiences, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes. These images describe "films" that we lose in our consciousness. In these films there is a "language" of sensory modalities. In this new level, we are dealing with qualities (properties, differences, characteristics) of modalities. These more subtle differences are functioning on the meta-level - the highest level of the frame. Thus, "C) / 5modality" actually represent the cinematic characteristics of our films (Hall & Bodenhamer, 1999). These qualities and characteristics of visual, audible and kinesthetic modalities (VAC) make up characteristic features, clearly showing themselves inside or within each of these modalities of consciousness. Having risen over the nonlineuistic level of images, sounds and sensations (sensory modalities), we fall at the first level of the propositional language, words based on sensory experience. Here we are dealing with the empirical language of science, which can be checked with the help of sense organs. Next, we rise to the next level, to another type of "language" - to the evaluation language. This level allows us to interpret and evaluate events based on the language of the previous level, and generate the upstream abstraction. This abstraction process continues as you move upwards to the highest levels, where we finally fall on metaphor metaphor and narratives. What is the meaning of these levels of awareness of current experience? They describe a built-in system of thoughts and emotions that makes up our frame matrix. And when we change these reference book Maga 21 codes, it changes and our inner feeling of reality. This is what we mean when we say that with such transformations we are faced with magic. Studying Magic Spells We offer the reader of this book model NLP and its basic patterns, describing both theoretical and practical approach. In the aggregate, this information will allow you to "manage your own brain." In the first part of the first section of the book, it is described how your brain functions and how to manage it. This information will help to take control of your life, construct more adequate cards, more elegantly and happily joining social and interpersonal contacts, to achieve the goals in order to act more effectively. The way we treat information is characterized by our attitude to problems. Knowing that we have a problem, and even knowing why we have this problem, from the point of view of its causes and sources, radically different from knowledge about what to do with this problem. Theoretical information gives us an explanation and allows you to find out the cause. We can become experts on the explanation of events using the information of this type. In this case, we know something about things. A practical approach to information gives us wisdom, practicality and ability to transformation. In this case, we know how to do things. This information makes us experts in the field of practical knowledge that answers the question like. This book pays only some attention to the information of the first type and much more attention is the second type information. In the first chapters, you will find a brief overview of the cognitive psychology, which is part of the neuro-linguistic programming. In subsequent chapters, you will find numerous transformation patterns containing ^ OHA regarding the adoption of effective actions to overcome various problems and difficulties that undermine our productivity. 22 Preface Caution: Practical Magic! You hold in your hands a full reference manual for NLP technicians, a book of magical spells, in which you will find 77 specific patterns. I made this book in such a way that it helps you work out and use the Arsenal Neuro-Linguistics when working with yourself and with other people. This does not mean that one reading of this book will make you practitioner in this area. You will receive tools and some general recommendations, but practices are a person using the knowledge gained and the past training, and therefore possessing an understanding and level of skill, allowing him to practice practice. If you want to learn how to use the workshops to handle these patterns, you need to undergo training in order to get the initial level of preparation for contacting NLP models and neuro-semantics. Such training will protect you with knowledge and will allow you to use the patterns prudently, in compliance with safety and professional ethics, as well as with grace, allowing to be truly elegant and successful in handling them. Choosing trainings providing training in the field of NLP or Neuro-Semantics, make sure that their training is based on personal competence. Since the NLP models are based on individual experience, they are best studying, interacting with a competent practice, and not in the courses of theoretical training. You must try out these models personally, first on yourself, and then working with others. Choose programs that provide high-quality feedback, this will allow you to become a successful practice. After that, if you want to become a master in this area, you will have to train skills and NLP patterns for a long time to learn how to use them intuitively, organically align with your personal features and individual work style. Despite the fact that on the part of our magic sometimes may seem instant, the achievement of skill takes time and long-term practice. Handbook of Maga 23 A bit common semantics The terms of neuro-linguistics and neuro-semantics appeared back in the 1930s and 1940s. They were used at seminars conducted by Alfred Kozhibski, the founder of common semantics. In those years, the United States employs, conducting "neur-linguistic trainings." In its program work "Science and common sense. Introduction to non-surarian systems and common semantics "(1933/1994) He conducted a fundamental difference between the map and territory. The teachings of Heliebski represented a constructivist epistemology, which laid the fundamental foundation for NLP. Under his influence was written the first book of Bandler and Greenman "The Structure of Magic". Heliebski also influenced the anthropologist Gregory Beatson (author of the book "The Ecology of Mind", 1972), which contributed to the development of suppression and theoretical framework of the NLP. In my work, I, relying on my training in the field of general semantics, used some provisions of linguistics that Richard and John did not contribute to the meta model. Kozhibski argued that these extensional techniques will give the human race tools, useful both science and common sense. Reading the book, you will find these provisions in its very text. If you are not familiar with the common semantics, they may seem a bit strange to you. The linguistic contribution of Hybiscus in NLP is described in detail in this work, expanding the meta model due to some "magic techniques" proposed by Kozhibski. In this book I used the following elements of magic. Quotes This extensional reception marks terms and phrases representing to one degree or another dubious ^ (^ nick. Quotes indicate that the reader should be especially gently handled with a certain word, a term or phrase. For example, you can take the words "time" and "consciousness". As a rule, we operate with such terms without thinking. 24 Preface We believe that we know their meanings and that some items are hiding behind these terms. However, it is not. The fact is that these terms have undergone certain distortions, as a result of which their use has become problematic. These words are not only nominalization, but also the terms that can be used in a multi-tone key. The hyphens of such a reception, like a hyphen, allows us to deal with dudosized and fragmented cards. The hyphens, which are used in such phrases as neuro-linguistic programming, reunite the word that was broken into elements, and this separation generated disunity, in reality does not exist. We use hyphens for the healing of this disunity and dualism, so typical of Western thinking. "Consciousness" and "body", taken separately, do not indicate anything real. These terms generate linguistic fictions. The same, possibly concerns the words "time" and "space". In contrast to them, consciousness - body and space - time denote real phenomena, and therefore these combined terms are making the phenomena more adequately. And so on, or, etc., maybe "etc." It seems a banal and slaughtered phrase by virtue of a bad habit. However, if it is used intentionally, it may also indicate a non-surarian approach. Why is it so? Because in an endless world, no card can say everything. To remind you that our cards are not full and cannot fully reflect reality, we use a combination "etc." It warns us to avoid thoughts that we "said everything", or thoughts about that everything we know and understand, exhausts this item. Meeting "etc." On the pages of this book, remember that we still could add much. If, in case of omit, we ignore those or other characteristics of the surrounding world, then, using "etc.", we remind you of such a phenomenon of mapping as omit. Handbook of Maga 25 Elimination of identifying bundles When we save our speech from passive verbs and ligaments, which distorted reality, we eliminate two completely controversial problems: the problem of identification (it "is" an idiot) and the problem of predication (a chair "is" red). These "eat" make us cut inadequate representations and incorrectly reflect the structural ratio of the map and territory. This contradicts common sense and prevents adapting to the territory (see Appendix). Procedural language Since the reality on the quantum level (what we know from modern physics) is a "electron dance" and subatomic particles, the subject language generates all sorts of representative problems. We need a language describing the dynamic world - the world in the process. We need a more procedural language consisting of verbs, actions, functions and processes. This corresponds to the desire of NLP to focus on denominations and non-influential terms (see Chapter 7). Ellipsis If you find a dot (...) inside quotes, it means that we just lowered part quotes. If you find an ellipse in the instruction set, we used this technique to tell you: "Stop, focus and completely survive these words and instructions." If you still confuse - contact the glossary and pointer at the end of the book. Sources of patterns Where did these patterns come from? Who created them? When? For whom? In which context? What other people played a key role in their evolution, giving them the form in which we use them today? The 26 NLP preface arose due to the fact that Richard Bandler discovered Persian's psychotherapy for himself. By the way, Richard edited the book "Gestalt-approach" (1973) during student practice at the University of California in Santa Cruz. As a senior staff, he received permission to conduct seminar gestalt-therapy classes. Dr. Robert Spitzer instructed Richard to edit the Pershot's book. Later he introduced Richard with Virginia Satir, and later attracted John Greenman and Richard Bandler to editing Virginia audio recordings, the transcripts of which were published as a book "Change with family". In this sense, most of the source patterns, representative systems, reframing, "parties of parts", meta-modeling, integration of parts, etc. taken from the works of Pearls and Satir. It is unlikely that you can say that any of these patterns belong to someone personally or that their development is someone's special merit. Each pattern actually reflects growing and developing knowledge in the field of NLP - "Communication of times", which spoke Kozhibski. Of course, the knowledge and use of these patterns will continue to stimulate the creative activity of people in search of new and productive forms of their practical application. And if it turns out that you or any of your friends played a key role in the development of a particular pattern, I am grateful to accept this information and include it in the next publication of this book. Ph.D., Michael L. Hall, Colorado, United States August 2003 Part I Model NLP The source of magical transformations on modeling perfection and the management of its own brain CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the magic of NLP Magic possesses the structure Although the techniques of psychotherapists-wizards differ in themselves, they are united by one common feature. : All of them bring changes to the model of the world of customers, which opens up new behaviors before these people. We may find that each of these wizards has a map or model of changes in the models of the world of its customers, that is, the meta model, which allows them to effectively expand and enrich the models of the world of customers, which makes their lives more complete and decent. R. Bandler and J. Grinder. The structure of magic when we do not know how something works or on what principles is based, we live, remaining the "uninitutants in the secret" of the unknown process, which seems to us with magic. Can you remember the moment when you suddenly experienced a shock, faced with the "magic" of the world around? I wonder how light bulbs light up from pressing this switch? Are you serious? You want to say that sitting behind this keyboard and gaining these characters, can I send email around the world? So you say that if I put food into a microwave and click on this button, my breakfast will be ready in counting seconds? 30 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations of the uninitudinal magic in mystery many phenomena seems ridiculous, implausible, incomprehensible and even unreal. Is it possible to believe that the earth is a ball rotating around the sun? Nonsense! Why don't we fall anywhere? These are really wild fantasies! Imagine, as if we can build aircraft! Tell me that you can fly to the moon! The uninitiated so strange, fantastic ideas and decisions may not seem like otherwise as "magic". Nevertheless, knowing everything that we know today about gravity, aerodynamics, electromagnetic waves, artificial intelligence, processing of information with the help of parallel processors and a lot of more different, we no longer consider them "magic". "Magic" turned into "knowledge", in "Science". And now we assume that the "secrets" of some magic worked inside the brain and the nervous system of a person are solved. Suppose that we know all the factors, components and principles that control the neurological processes of information processing, and we can find out how our brain biocomputer and nervous system work. Suppose that we are devoted to the secret of the inner world of the person and in the mechanisms of functioning of what we call "consciousness", "emotions", "personality" and "genilation". So far just allow it! And if you truly believe that a dream come true and scientific knowledge spread to the internal, subjective and phenomenological world of a person, then you can enter into the universe, which we call NLP, or neur-linguistic programming. "Magic" World of Human Subjectivity And this is not just dreams; The depth of our knowledge in the field of human neuro-linguistics today exceeds all FJiaea L Introduction to the Magic NLP is the fact that most people are able to imagine. Scientific discoveries in the field of physics, electronics, quantum mechanics and other accurate sciences left far behind the most bold hypotheses of science fiction. Also, the discoveries in the field of NLP are much ahead of all that scientists who study the peculiarities of human activity, psychology and communication are able to imagine themselves in the most daring dreams. "What about incredible discoveries?" - you ask. Currently, NLP allows you to: ♦ in minutes to save a person from phobias pursuing it with decades; ♦ Model internal processes (strategies) "genius" and teach people to consciously reproduce them; ♦ detect the components of "consciousness", which are "building blocks" "reason", "emotions", "personality", etc. and allow us to engage in "engineering design" of a person; ♦ identify and reprogram the "meaning" structures in human neurology and information processing processes in order to eliminate negative and dysfunctional meanings and replace them with constructive; ♦ use hypnotic states for programming the autonomic nervous system for self-treatment and achieving efficiency; ♦ change limiting and destructive beliefs; ♦ intentionally and consciously improve human consciousness and skills; ♦ Radically transform toxic states of complacency, loneliness, boredom, despair, despair, and others. Unreal dreams? Not today. In NPLs really developed models that allow it to achieve. In the thirty-three years, since the appearance of the first book on NLP ("Magic Structure", 1975), amazing discoveries that prompted us to consider the nervous system of consciousness-and-body "computer", or processing. 32 Part I. Model NLP. Source of magical transformations Information by the system that we can program. By specifying the paradigm of the functioning of human subjectively, CMUY NLP made it possible to touch the deep secrets of the fact that it seems the most real "magic". Armed with these secrets concerning the structure of magic, we can now manage the processes occurring inside a person. In 1977, Richard Bandler and John Green der, based on practical experience, developed a method called them "Treatment of phobias for ten minutes with the help of NLP". Richard and John helped patients overcome phobic reactions. Entering into the office, customers could not even talk about what causes them a painful state (be it elevator, snake, public speech, conflict or anything else), without experiencing panic, anxiety or fear. However, after ten minutes, the studies of the object with the use of a special pattern, they were surprised that there were no more fears. Magic, and only! But in this "magic" there was one feature that did the healing process even more impressive. Bandler and Green der just talked to the patient. It was the magic of the word! It was or seemed so. And yet, despite the whole "magic" incomprehensibility of this process, the founders of the new direction of psychotherapy realized the deep structure of this magic and worked directly with it. If in 1977, Grinder and Bandler, creating such wonders, did not find any theoretical substantiation for them, they would have only a single example of "magic" at their disposal. Without an understanding of how she works, as it can be trained, how to reproduce it. But fortunately, they were able to find a theoretical substantiation. For several years, the founders of NLP developed various auxiliary instruments, patterns and processes. Confirmation of their discoveries, they found in behaviorism, neurology, linguistics, cognitive psychology, common semantics and in many other areas of science. John and Richard's achievements in healing phobias were not random - they opened the magic structure. Thanks to this, chapter 1. Introduction to the magic of NLP 33 MU transformational technology, which began to form on the basis of advanced information processing models, cognitive psychology and linguistics in the early 1970s, led them to new discoveries. And since then, magic technology continues to develop continuously. A brief excursion in the history of NLP Neuro-linguistic programming was formed when two scientists not related to the sphere of psychologists (and therefore, free from its inherent restrictions and prejudices), laid the beginning of a colossal change of paradigms, taking the basis of the human functioning model. Thomas Kun (Kuhn, 1962) argues that it is the people who are out of the current paradigm, as a rule, become the founders of scientific revolutions. One of the founders of the NLL (Dr. John Grinder) came to psychology from the sector of linguistics, namely transformational grammar. Another (Richard Bendler, who studied at the University of Santa Cruz in Southern California, mathematics and computer programming) could not boast of professional achievements, but had a born and exclusive mapping talent, identifying patterns and striking alarm on the "very essence" of phenomena. Being still a college student, he demonstrated uncommon ability to play (or modeling) patterns. During joint searches, John and Richard collided with geniuses ^ which reached perfection, working in the field of human functioning. It happened that, working in the publishing house "Sayens End Bihevior Buks", Richard met with Virginia Satir, and then with Fritz Perlz. It all started with the fact that Publisher Richard Spitzer asked Richard to listen and sneak the audio and video recording of Satir's seminars. Then he sent him to one of the trainings held by her, where Richard was to follow the recording equipment and record the satir of family psychotherapy conducted. 2 Michael Hall 34 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations Richard recalls that, sitting in a record cabin and watching the work of the audio system, he lost rock music and listened to the Satir in parallel through the headphones. Nevertheless, he managed to strip seven patterns that Satyr used in his work, at first glance, seemed just magic. After the training, he told her: "You use only seven patterns, constantly repeating them." Satir became interested in the same seven patterns managed to detect a 21-year-old boy in her work. And he listed them to her surprise. According to Richard, Satir confirmed that she herself allocated four patterns, but could not formulate three others, but Richard managed to correctly define them. Another genius, who met Richard, was Fritz Perlz. Richard also met him thanks to audio and video recordings. Dr. Spitzer (Spitzer, 1982) later spoke that Richard managed to copy Fritz so well that he himself caught himself at what he called Richard "Fritz". After the death of Fritz Spitzer, in whose hands was his unfinished manuscript, asked Richard to edit it. Richard selected a few videos from the training seminars of Fritz Perslz and stenked them; These records and formed the basis of the book "Gestalt-approach and witness of psychotherapy" (1973). Possessing this experience, Richard, being a senior service, received permission to lead an introductory course for gestalt therapy in college. Terence McClandon described these events in his book "Mad Days NLP: 1972-1981" (McCiendon, 1989, The Wild Days: NLP 1972-1981). HA of these classes Richard literally "became" by Fritz Perlz, although his acquaintance with gestalt therapy was limited to modeling Pearls patterns on video recordings and books. It is at that moment Dr. Grender appears in our history, appointed by a supervisor of this training course. McClandon recalls in his book: John with his brilliant modeling skills in the field of linguistics and Richard with his behavior modeling skills and knowledge of modern systems FJiaea L Introduction to the magic NLP 35 psychotherapy united their efforts, and this union was extremely beneficial for both of them. According to some information, John promised Richard to join his work if he explains him how he managed to do what he was doing. Richard wanted to better understand exactly how it is possible to play patterns. John conducted their linguistic analysis, since the patterns allocated to them at satir and perlza included mainly speech structures. So Richard, who worked as a programmer and engaged in modeling tasks facing a person, breaking them into individual operations and making up a program based on them, and John - Linguist, who simulated language structures, started a new form of modeling - modeling human perfection. Richard and John began to put professional skills on the components to structure the human brain, and in fact the entire nervous system consciousness is the body. This caused a number of questions: ♦ What elements consist of a sequence? ♦ What activates it? ♦ How does this sequence function? ♦ What happens at the same time? ♦ What distinguishes does the brain? ♦ How does it sort and encodes this information? ♦ What role in this process belongs to the language? Bandler and Grinder considered the human brain as a "computing machine" for processing information, which can be "programmed" using special "programs" on certain thoughts, emotions, forms of behavior, etc. Since it is the structure manages language, mathematics, music etc. And gives them an informativeness, the structure also determines and controls the processes associated with human activity. And if we can program the computer to perform the tasks that have previously performed a person (for example, such operations with numbers, like addition or multiplication, text analysis, etc.), the similar processes should flow at the level of neurology. 2 * 36 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations is known, for example, that some people can perform complex mathematical operations in the mind. In others, the program is laid that allow them to eloquently enjoy the "magic of the language", encouraging people to deep personal changes (they belonged to them, in particular, perls and satire). ♦ How do these "programs" work? ♦ What elements they consist? ♦ What starts the programming process? ♦ How can I change this programming? ♦ What methods can I develop unconscious intuition necessary to manage such programs? Bandler and Greender's cooperation laid the start of the change of paradigm in the field of studying human behavior, and as a result of their work, neuro-linguistic programming appeared. After studying the methods of Pearlz and Satir, they published two volumes of the "Magic Structures", dedicated to psychotherapy and language. The preface to this book was written by Virginia Satir and Anthropologist Gregory Beitson. This revolutionary work laid the foundation of technologies that form today the sphere of NLP is the scope of modeling human perfection. When the "Magic Structure" went into the seal, Beitson introduced her authors with another magician, a hypnotherapist Milot Ericsson. Bandler and Grinder immediately managed to simulate the wonderful language and non-verbal eryson patterns, which made up his art of hypnosis. A year later (in 1976), they released a two-volume dedicated to the hypnotic techniques of Erickson (patterns, t. I and II), which described more subtle differences in the NLP * model. Now it is an art available to everyone. Using the methods of linguistics, general semantics and cognitive psychology (and above all, George Miller's work, Karl Pribrama, Yujina Galantera and a number of others), Bendler and Green der Uniform - this book "Patterns of hypnotic technician Milton Erikson" J. Grinder, R. Bandler, J. Delozier "Hypnotic Patterns M. Erikson" was released by PRIME-Evhnovak Publishing. - Note. ed. RDAVA L Introduction to the magic of NLP 37 lied models identified by them in various directions of psychotherapy, such as Gestalt therapy, family psychotherapy and Eriksonian hypnosis. They did not create a new direction in psychology; Instead, they created a meta-direction. Through modeling, the founders of NLP tried to identify and understand patterns and structures that have the greatest impact on people. Each of the gifted psychotherapists - communication wizards - during conversations with customers, caused wonderful changes in their lives. What united these masters of psychotherapy? The founders of NLP created an absolutely new approach, never used in psychology. Namely: going beyond the "theories" explaining why this magic works, they tried to describe how it works. This is the essence of the research institute itself: in modeling, in search of processes and in response to the question of how, and not why, as well as in an emphasis on samples of perfection, as opposed to the manifestations of psychopathology. During the previous hundred years, psychology used a completely different approach. Based on the medical model and on the model "accurate" sciences, psychotherapists paid attention to pathology (violations, perversions, stress and pain), trying to understand their source - "Where did this violation arose?", "Why does it show itself that way?" - And they sought to find external empirical evidence of their answers to these questions. The paradigm change completely turned the foundations of traditional psychology. The question of why, forced clinicians to focus solely on the understanding of the source of the problem, instantly lost its relevance. A completely new question came to the fore: How does it work? Empirism, modernism and positivism gave way to postmodernism, phenomenology and constructionism. The fundamental question of psychology "What is the real nature of this problem?" Lost relevance, and now the other question was another: "How does this person create the reality that he perceives and is experiencing?" 38 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations of the NLP patterns passed years since the nucleation of NLP. During this time, numerous trainings, seminars, conferences, thematic magazines and publications, made patterns of change in the property of a vast mass of people appeared. These patterns allowed people to "manage their own brain" in a new way, non-standard and productive. Some of these patterns are radically changing people, freeing them from pain and grief and allowing them to lead a healthier and full-fledged life. Other patterns describe the secrets of the geniolence and thanks to them "ordinary" people can learn new and amazing things. Some patterns simply identify the components and sequences of basic life strategies - a confident public speech, healthy eating, business negotiations, loving, but demanding education of children, thoughtful reading or competent letters. In any field of human activity, from the most ordinary to the most elevated, the NLP patterns provide people with step-by-step instructions that allow them to control their own brain. They contain knowledge of how to "program" our organic neural biocomputer for more efficient experiences. This means that NLP does not just describe some other psychology, although his story began with such a description. NLP began with modeling the experience of two psychotherapists and two psychological schools, but the founders of NLP and their followers were not limited to this. NLP describes a much wider sphere, namely, the scope of human subjectivity, or even more specifically, the sphere of human perfection. In part, the radical change of paradigm brought by NLP into psychology is related to the permutation of accents. Before the revolution committed by cognitive psychology in the 1960s, psychology was predominantly interested in the question of why: ♦ Why are people like that they are? ♦ What makes people spoil your own life? ♦ Where does human psychopathology come from? F; IAEA 1. Introduction to the magic NLP 39 Trying to answer these questions, various directions of psychology offered various causes and explanations: Freud appealed to Greek mythology, seeking to explain their sexual activation, which he considered him responsible for most psychological problems; Adler explained them with an inferiority complex; Jung - collective unconscious, etc. In the same spirit. Almost all psychotherapists focused their attention on the source, believing that people need to understand why to improve their lives. Bandler and Grinder questioned the work of the predecessors, calling it "psycho-archeology" and "psycho-theology." Based on the cognitive-behavioral model of leather (1933/1994), Homsky (1957), Miller (1956, 1960), a semi-human, existential and humanistic model of perlza, system model of the Satir, the cyber model of Beatson (1972) and a number of other authors, They offered a new approach. As the heirs of information models, the cognitive revolution and the beginning of the computer era, they focused their attention on the question as: ♦ How does the brain of a person functioning? ♦ How is the "consciousness" program? ♦ What components of consciousness are responsible for processing information? ♦ What representative components create "differences that determine differences"? ♦ What are the mechanisms of consciousness programming? ♦ How can we suspend, change th / or transform this programming? The structure of "subjectivity" is the sphere of modeling human subjectivity and perfection, the NLP is primarily interested in the question: how do you work ♦ How does the language function? ♦ How does human "consciousness" functions? 40 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations ♦ How many styles of "thinking", processing, representation and sorting information can we allocate? ♦ What differences determine the various styles of information processing? ♦ What sequences of thoughts, representations, etc. are the human program? ♦ How can we control the brain or program it more efficiently? Making an emphasis on the structure, the NLP developers began to invent and design all sorts of "patterns" in order to achieve behavioral changes. These structural processes play in the field of human experience (consciousness, representation, feelings, etc.) the role of technologies to achieve changes and perfection. In this sense, transformation patterns provide technological progress in the sphere of social sciences (learning communication, relationships, thought-emotions, state of consciousness, etc.), compared to what happened in a few centuries before in the field of accurate sciences. Transformation patterns: magic growth spells and perfection I suggested this short essay of the NLP history to awaken in you interest and capture the imagination of this model and its patterns (which we also call "technicians" or "technologies"). Since there were so many patterns in NLP and even more of them will appear in the future, focus on the source patterns that allow people to manage their own brain, designing subjective "reality", capable of improving their lives. I described in detail and reduced these patterns to convey to you practical knowledge about them. I also tried to help beginners in NLP to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of this in the highest degree of an efficient and innovative model. F ^ AEA 1. Introduction to the magic of NLP 41 today there is no book in which all NLP patterns would be collected and described. Formerly, in order to get an idea of \u200b\u200ball patterns, people had to buy dozens and dozens of books. As a rule, in one work contains a description from three-hundred and ten - fifteen patterns. There are even books dedicated only to one pattern. Usually I give links to work offering a comprehensive description of individual patterns to fill this gap in this work. In the next chapter you will find a brief description of the basic model NLP. It is represented in such a way that even neophyte can immediately start using these applied patterns. The NLP veterans offered herein the concentrated and organized description of the patterns will help more effectively find them and have them. I also hope that the NLP practices this style will help to stimulate a creative approach to the use of individual patterns or their components and will encourage their own combinations. From the very beginning, the founders of NLP knew that this model was able to serve not only therapeutic, but also creating goals. Thanks to its model and its technologies, NLP offers people processes aimed at creating new and even completely unexpected perfect patterns. This allows us to constantly develop and progress, everything is more fully and fully updated by your human potential. And let your journey in an amazing sphere called NLP, will help you with it! Summary as a tool for "management of their own brain", NLP offers not only theoretical model, but also specific patterns that provide such management. These technologies for change, transformation and updates allow us to analyze the maps drawn up in the process of movement in life, and revise those that do not serve us for good. 42 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations ♦ In the next chapter, you will find a positive and solving-oriented model, as well as advanced technologies for working with a conscious body, allowing you to gain more and more resources for "living" of our own life. Chapter 2 NLP as a model Schematic diagram, language and components of the NLP model ♦ What are the components of neuro-linguistics? ♦ Why is it so important to know these components? ♦ What you need to know to work with your own neuringuistics? ♦ What knowledge and skills are needed to work with the neuro-linguistics of another person? Any full-fledged model consists of at least four components. First, it contains components, or the elements with which we work. In addition, it includes the principles of functioning, or theoretical structures that allow us to understand what we do. They are based on instructions for working with individual elements. The practical use of these instructions is implemented in processes, or patterns. So, we have four components: ♦ Composite parts, or model elements; ♦ Principles of work and model theory; ♦ instructions for practical use; ♦ Patterns and processes that embody the model into life. Components and elements of NLP include representative systems, meta-program specific features, meta-model specific features, kinematic 44 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations characteristics ("submodality"), etc. In addition, the theory of model and theoretical structures includes PREDP apositions of NLP and some instructions. Finally, patterns ensure specific processes of using the model to achieve personal changes. NLP focuses on modeling human perfection. For what purpose? To drive your own brain, improve the quality of life. In NLP, we simulate perfection, recognizing, identifying, extinguishing and designing various patterns or "programs", on which the nature of the body consciousness (neuro-linguistic nature) is based on our experience. The basic components of the model in NLP we work with the components of neurology, linguistics and programs that constitute the very essence of our neur-linguistic states. Neuro or neurology under the "neuro-" or "neurology" means a free and autonomous nervous system, with the help of which we process the impressions obtained after five senses (visual, audit, kinesthetic, olfactory and taste), and through "Invented" We have a perception channel - the language that we call "audio-digital". This component makes neurology and physiology part of the human information system. Linguistic under "linguistic" means language and non-verbal iconic systems, through which we encode, organize and endow neural representations (representations, or "repeated presentations"). The word "linguistic" belongs not only to the words and propositional language, but also to all the sign systems - visual, audio, kinesthetic, etc., as well as non-stationary signs of mathematics, music, art, etc. Chapter 2. NLP as a model 45 Programming under "programming" means the processes of consolidation of regular, systematic reaction patterns that are formed into firmly rooted habits. Unfortunately, if not to relate to this term as a computer metaphor ^ of which it has grown, there are unpleasant associations with "manipulations" and "control". Nevertheless, in our context, "programming" is simply as synonymous with "patterns", is considered solely in a positive sense and means organized "plans" and processes that can be implemented in human activity. In some countries, the letter "P" in the abbreviation of NLP is also "processing" or "psychotherapy". The components of the "Consciousness" in the title of the book Bandler "Use your brain to change", one of the first works on NLP, emphasizes the central role of thought, and the NLP is positioned as a cognitive-bicheological model. The rational-emotive bike-violent therapy (Rabt, or RAT) also pays the focus of "thoughts" as the primary driving forces of human experience. However, the Rabot "Thoughts" acts primarily as words, internal dialogues and beliefs, and recently and as internal images. In general, taking a cognitive model of information processing by a person, NLP significantly expands it, spreading the analysis of "thoughts" by five sensory modals (modes) of awareness (Il. 2.1). These include: ♦ Visual (images, visual impressions, images); ♦ Audial (sounds: noise, music, etc.); ♦ Kinesthetic (sensations, feelings); ♦ olfactory (odors); ♦ Delicious (tastes). In the Literature on NLP, you can meet a generalized designation of these modalities - WAK (visual, audial, kinesthetic representative systems). These are the basic components of "thoughts", with the help of which we represent 46 part I. Model NLP. Source of magical transformations (literally, re-present) for yourself sensory information. Such representations make up the language of our biocomputer, and therefore we ultimately not only process external impressions, but also program yourself. We are experiencing it as movies played in our consciousness; Usually like fragments of frames and scenes, but sometimes both longer episodes - movies with a sound track, in the space of which we can enter and perceive what is happening from the inside. Modality: Channels Awareness in - Visual A - Audial AJ - Audio-Tonal (Sounds, Music) AC - Audio-Digital (Words) K - Kinesthetic, or Body Feels KG - Visceral (Internal Feelings) KJ - Tactile (Touch) KJ - Tactile - meta- (\u003d emotions) o - olfactory in-flavor "submodality": cinematographic characteristics of the specific qualities of each modality. Quality or characteristics of each channel. Characteristics that determine how we see, hear and feel the film. Cinematographic characteristics, framing our experiences of a representative film informing us of 0 that we must feel and how to react. Il. 2.1. Representative systems of modalities and "submodalities" Chapter 2. NDP as a model 47 We construct our view of the world using sensory components. Therefore, the opportunity to consider representations that make up the film playing in our consciousness, as the programming language opens the path to us to understand, modeling and transforming our experience. About this with mixed feelings of surprise and regret wrote Baitson in the preface to the "Magic Structure". The genius of Bandler and Green Dera, in his opinion, is that they used as the central components of the representation of so simple things as our sensations. Bandler and Grinder constructed the "Consciousness" model, "personality" and experience, using our representative films as a sign system (VAC as an internal film). Thanks to this, they received a simple, but comprehensive and extremely accurate way to describe the subjective internal experience. The former introspection method could not serve as accurate, fruitful and scientifically justified, although modern psychology since the 1880s, when VUDTT offered his introspective method, tried to highlight the "table of elements" of thoughts using accurate terminology. With the introduction of the concept of sensory systems covering the basic components of "thoughts", the NLP suggested the exact language to describe the introspective world of human consciousness and manipulation them. This new and exact language also allows you to describe the processes (or strategies as a "sequence of representations"), which we use in the sphere of conscious and body, creating individual programs that make up our unique models of the world. In my mind, we are "meaningful" surrounding phenomena, using our visual-visual-olfactory sensations for the encoding information we proceed. It may be information about the last experience (memories) and ideas about the future (imagination). Each sensory modality enriches the language of consciousness by an additional face. In addition to these modalities, on Meta-level, there are symbolic represented and coding systems, which include language, as well as mathematics, music, poetry, proverbs, stories, etc. But here are sensory modalities 48 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations provide additional methods for coding and representing structural information or programs. Under the "submodalities" refers to the quality of representatives - in other words, the cinematic characteristics of our films. With their help, you can even more accurately and specifically talk about the content of our thoughts, describing how we encode films played in our consciousness. What is the meaning of these cinematic characteristics? They give us the opportunity to describe the frames that we ask our mental movies, and identify with these frames. Thinner coding of our films is nothing but the editorial framework that we supply these films. These subtle settings allow us to get to the structure or process of thinking, which "programms" our neurology on certain feelings, reflexes, forms of behavior, speech style, skills, etc. Thus, in addition to the forms of knowledge (sensory representations - VAK, as well as the language - AC), NLP is relying on modalities as a means of specifying differences. Interestingly, to reveal, recognize and observe submodality, we need to make a kind of meta-transition from one level to another - climb the visual images, sounds, etc., filling the cinema of our consciousness, and notice them. ♦ Do I encode your film as color or black and white? ♦ How loud or quiet I made the sound? ? ♦ In what tonality and in what pace the sound is encoded? At first glance, it may seem like the subtle features of the film are inside it or at a lower level. But this impression is wrong. To observe the film in your mind, a "meta-transition" is necessary. From this higher point of view, we can make changes and transformations into the coding of our films. Such an understanding of "submodalities" differs from the traditional explanation offered in NLP. More detailed comments on this chapter 2. NLP ^ AK model 49 theme You can find in the book Hall and Bodenhamer "The structure of perfection: exposing the meta-levels of" submodalities "" (Hall and Bodenhamer, The Structure of Excellence: Unmasking the Meta-Levels of "Sub-modalities \\ 1999). Some of these qualities and characteristics of representative systems are similar to a computer relay, which switches between zero and unit and thus forms a complex informational picture. Considering the" submodality ", it is possible to distinguish closely related among themselves, but Taki various experiences. How, for example, is the difference between reflections on the confusion event and its real experience "? Traditional psychology determined such phenomena as unfinished traumatic memories, weak ego, various kinds of dysfunctional protective mechanisms, stop in the development of early psychosexual or psychosocial stage, etc. And spent one decade in search of various explanations that answer the question why they arise . The developers of the NLP were set by another question: "How does each of these experiences functions?" This question oriented them in a completely different direction and led to other conclusions. In order to just think about the experience, a person is enough to encode it from the second perceptual position, from the point of view of the observer, as if he was watching the film. For the same to be frightened and fall into a hysterical emotional reaction, it is necessary to make it mentally enter this film and "turn inside". Make a step from it - and the film will change. Make a step inside - and it will change again. The secret lies in how we encode the film in our consciousness. We do not need additional explanations, why everything happens exactly that way. It is enough to be aware of the differences in structural coding and know which structural frames with the greatest efficiency lead to the results we want to achieve. Thus, the whole thing is how we are framing our films on the meta-level. The cinematic characteristics of our films (the so-called "submodalities") include the following fundamental differences, constructing the form and appearance of our inner world: 50 part I. Model NLP. Source of magical transformations Visual: ♦ Spatial arrangement of images; ♦ distance; ♦ ♦ ♦ frame or film (movable or still image); the number of images; narrow-format or panoramic film; Color or black and white; ♦ outlines; the form; the size; ♦ horizontal or vertical orientation; ♦ associated or dissociated; ♦ three-dimensional or flat (two-dimensional); ♦ brightness (from dim to bright); ♦ Contrast between front and rear. Ayualyan: ♦ Spatial location of sounds; ♦ distance; ♦ number of sound sources; ♦ type of sound (music, noise, voice); ♦ whose voice; ♦ tone; ♦ Sound force (from quiet to very loud); ♦ Quality (cleanliness, intelligibility or inadvertent sound); ♦ Sound height (low to high); ♦ Melody. Kinesthetic: ♦ Spatial location of sensations; ♦ What sensations are; ♦ fixed or movable; ♦ pressure; ♦ zone and coverage; ♦ intensity; . ♦ Temperature; ♦ humidity; Chapter 2. Nnape-like Model 51 ♦ Texture; ♦ Rhythm. Language: This meta-representative system is sometimes called "audio-digital". Linguistic system includes: ♦ Location of words; ♦ based on sensory experience or evaluation words; ♦ simple or complex; ♦ describing yourself or others; ♦ relating to this or past. NLP processing levels function not only as a model, but also as a model of models. On IL. 2.2 shows "logical levels" of information processing by man and the place of various patterns in this hierarchy. More abstract language (Milton model) and linguistics (meta-level signal) Evaluation language and cinematographic characteristics of representatives as a frame coding of specific qualities of the film in our consciousness ("submodalities") Touch language modality - sensory modes of our film based on sensory experience Representation (neurology ) Visual / audit / kinesthetic / olfactory / taste Representations Il. 2.2. NLP as a model of information processing 52 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations at the neurological level we first mapping the territory of the surrounding world, producing non-language representations using sensory channels (VAC). Of them there is a film that we see in our consciousness. The language of this film does not yet include words: they appear at a higher level and are needed to reflect on these representatives. Then we are mapping them at the verbal level. We make a linguistic card using words, symbols, metaphor, etc. Language is functioning in the form of signals about signals - on the meta-level. Above the level of modalities is towers the area, which is known in the NLP as "submodality". This term can be misleading. There is no "sub" modalities ", if you understand something that lies below modalities, as in the dungeon. Cinematic characteristics of our mental films - various aspects of our mapping - are not at the bottom, but at the top. We create them, rising above the film and editing it By setting it up at your request - making it closer, brighter, changing the sound track, etc. It is in this sense that the prefix "sub-" misleads us and invites us a false metaphor. Although the cinematic characteristics are brought to the film in the editing process, They seem so integral parts of the image and sound that the impression seems to be these features ("submodalities") are inside the representative. But this does not happen because they are really inside subjective experience or hidden under (sub-) it, but because Such is the nature of our higher frames - penetrate the inside of things. In meta-states, we are dealing with the embodiment of the thought penetrating our neuro logo and muscles in the form of muscle memory. This process largely explains what we agreed to call "magic" inherent in many NLP patterns. Working with the so-called "submodalities" and bringing subtle adjustments to the encoding experience, we actually carry out framing and refrain. We find in our consciousness an old film, painful and even injured, and add circus music to the personnel, Rodava 2. NLP as a model 53 movement, distance - so that everything seemed more remote to us; Or bring in it the feeling of time to seem to be about the past, and not about the present. Thanks to this editing of cinematic characteristics, the film itself will change, and our feeling from it. So we can consciously contribute to our memories and cognitive knowledge resources enriching our lives and give us new skills. Note that on IL. 2.2 at the highest level is the meta modality of the language. She describes our sixth sense, because with the help of the language we are talking about our feelings, as well as about the senses that we attach that we see, hear and feel. The highest levels of processing of information over neurological and language representations are located meta-levels shown in IL. 2.2 and 2.3. The term "meta-" means something lying "over" or "outside" something else. It functions on a higher "logical level", indicating that another or replacing it, reporting something "O" Him or "about" him. So, thoughts on the rest or pleasure about the thoughts about anger give us a calm anger, calm fear, pleasure from the state of fear or anger (perhaps, serving adoption allowance). Meta-reflection or meta-felt add new shades to our experience. Lifting up to the levels presented on IL. 2.2 and 2.3, we are confronted with the so-called meta-level phenomena. Typically, these complex layers of thought-and-feelings are called convictions, values, criteria, identity, understanding, solutions, intentions, knowledge, paradigms, frames, suppositations, metaphors, descriptions, etc. To work with meta-phenomena in NLP, numerous are developed Technologies: Time lines patterns, a pattern of visual-kinesthetic dissociation (film rewind), back to environmental verification. Technologies: Meta-model of the Time Line Environmental Checks Model Milton (Hypnosis) Technology: SBMD Sliding Anti-Practical Analysis C ^^ Swishing) Touch Lookaging Technology: Spectatical Signals for Adjustment I Anchor Collapse Anchors of the Meta-State (state-of-state status) and beliefs / Values \u200b\u200bLinguistics (Meta-level signal) "Submodalities" Cinematic characteristics of films played in our consciousness. .. consisting of specific qualities of each representative system of IT modality representation based on sensory experience Neurological coding preceding the consciousness of IL. 2.3. Logical levels inside Representations Presppositia Meta Frame Depth transformation Rewind film Evaluation IT level IT level F ^ AEA 2. NLP As model 55 Milton model or model of hypnotic pattern patterns, depth transformation, hundreds of meta-state patterns, many reframing patterns, etc. The primary level thought causes the mental-bodily state of consciousness, into which we introduce sensory coding and cinematographic characteristics (i.e. visual images, sounds and sensations). Lifting above, we can enter other states, reflecting about what was experiencing at lower levels. This allows us to cause and test states - relatives (fear of fear, calm about anger, the joy of study, love for love, etc.). In 1994, in its extended version of this model, I designated these states of relatives as a meta-state. Thanks to the meta-state models (1995), the internal processes occurring at the highest levels are becoming even more obvious. We have already known that the phenomena of these higher "logical levels" are directed, control and modulate lower levels (especially primary states, where all the metropolisters are integrated). The model of meta-states makes all these processes transparent, showing how they work, and demonstrating the spectrum of experiences that can be modeled with it. This reflection never ends, as we can always think and feel something else about the fact that we have just thought or felt. This is the very "endless regression", which philosophers say. Now we use it consciously and purposefully and we can call endless progress. After all, we can use it so that at the highest levels as the organizing frames of consciousness lay the best. And so at all levels - from the lowest to the highest. Logical levels of states under primary are understood as states that include basic emotions (fear, anger, joy, sexual desire, relaxation, pleasure, disgust, etc.). Unlike them, 56 part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations of a meta-state - those that contain thought-and-emotions about the primary states. For example, anger about the experienced fear, a sense of guilt for your anger, discomfort from disgust, fear of fear, depression because of fear, etc. The state of the state-of-state (meta-state) explains the enormous role of unconscious frames that manage our suspension life. In addition, they excellently illustrate the approval of Baypson that we are able to silence the meaning not only from words or syntax of proposals, but also from more large-scale contexts (or frames) in which words or syntax appear. This explains why the meta-state technology is so effective in achieving personality changes. Thanks to the meta-state models, many of the so-called "failures" were explained, which sometimes encounter when using NLP. The fact is that, working with meta-level experiences or phenomena, it is impossible to use a technology intended for primary states. So, for checking the kinesthetic anchor (see Pattern 9), you can enter a person to a state, including meta levels, and not just primary. If you specified an anchor based on touch experience for a complex state, for example, lability, proactivity or self-esteem, and then at the right time try to "activate" anchor, then your client is unlikely to re-enter the right state. Some researchers, encountered this phenomenon, decided that "NLP does not work." In reality, it is only possible in indisputress of states and meta-states. Although we can easily and quickly hug the primary states with the help of visual images, sounds and sensations, the crying of meta-states requires more advanced skills and high skills. When working with meta-states in the process of anchoring of multilayer experiences, you have to use different meta-mechanisms: language, meta-linguistics, symbols, diagrams, etc. It is also necessary to use the repetition, neurological intensity and bring layers Chapter 2. NLP as a model 57 internal consolidation. After all, the reflexive consciousness operates on the meta-level in relation to basic modalities and to the films playing in our consciousness. In NLP, the primary and meta-states differ. Primary states are usually associated with the territory outside our skin, and occur when interacting with objects, people and events of the world. The model of meta-states is dealing with the abstractions or concepts of higher level: "I", "space - time", morality (good / badly; fair / unfair), relationships, values, beliefs, "emotions", etc. Meta - Cost of its very nature suggest recursive, reflecting consciousness, which allows us to rise above our own thinking (meta-thinking), feel feelings about feelings (meta-emotions), talk about your speech (meta-communication), etc. D. The anchors of the primary level set neurological "skills" when our reactions are due to external incentives. These are well-known conditional incentives with which we fix content. When we set an anchors on the meta-level (level of skills II), we are an image of the method, i.e. the process of how we are experiencing and framing the context of learning, and not the training itself. Bateson marked these anchors as "contextual markers" (for example, trigger, suggestion, word, etc.). They identify the reference frame with which they work. In addition, they provide access to the context that runs information processing in a different way. Meta-anchor (meta-level anchors) is anchors connecting the context or frame with experience. As a rule, these contextual markers or meta-level anchors serve as words. We can attribute to their number most estimated terms, as well as terms describing classes and categories, comprehensive equivalents, meta-frames of meanings, causal terms, meta-programs associated with individual levels of meta-processing, etc. Anchor, Meta-levels containing in themselves, suggest audio-digital representative 58 part I. Model NLP. Source of magical transformations system. (Maybe many of these terms seem new and strange to you? They relate to the aspects of the NLP model, which we describe later.) Mechanisms of change How "Magic" works ♦ How the NLP model explains "Change", transformation, pathology, updating etc.? ♦ How technologies integrated into transformation patterns are working. ♦ How do these technologies make it possible to achieve changes and transformation of the individual? The transformation technology is functioning in the same way as any other models of cognitive-bihevoral psychology, by cognitive-emotive mehgnisserement. In other words , we are manipulating ambiguity in the world not directly, and indirectly - with the help of our country cards. NLP combines all the best that is in cognitimism and in bihevoral psychology. The term cognitive-bihevo-rally we write through a hyphen, which means that both Factors - Cognitive and Bihevoiological - form an interactive system in consciousness. The NLP model absorbs and all the best of neuro-linguistics, section of common semantics and model of family systems used by MRI (Mental Research Institute, Institute of Mental Research), developed a model effective Short-term therapy. All theoretical postulates related to these Peli, applied to NLP. Consideration of the cognitive-bihevoral model We will start with the postmodern concept of constructivism. According to the philosophy of constructivism, we create internal representations of the surrounding world and store the results of this mapping or structuring in their nervous system. Subjective experience involves the creation of internal representative cards. Chapter 2. NAPKAK Model 59 in the process of processing, encoding and designing internal models of the world (cognitive-emotional schemes, paradigms or matrices) We gain experience, we feel, we communicate and behave anyway. Our feelings and experiences of reality come from reality cards. Thus, when we change these cards, we change the "reality" itself. Of course, not objective, and our inner reality is the only thing we know. This is the essence of the transformation of the individual, as a model of meta-psychology NLP began with a study of how "programming" personality (that is, skills, conditioning, acquisition of experience) is encoded on neuro-mental or neuro-linguistic levels. As a result, NLP has formed a working pattern of the structure of human subjectivity. Heliebski noted that, summarizing the information received from the surrounding world, we constitute a reality card. He owns the classical thesis: "The map is not the territory." As Helbski believed if our card had accuracy (in the event of an understanding of truth as compliance) or utility, leading us to where we want to get (in the case of pragmatic understanding of truth), then we can use it effectively. If it does not respond to any of these criteria, it becomes the source "pro-ble" for us and needs to be changed, updating or erasing. Integrating transformational, or generating, Homsky grammar, NLP formulates three "modeling process" of the cartographic model. These include omit (erasing), generalization (generalization) and distortion; This means that, processing billions of bits of information, a monthly bombing of our nervous system, most of we erase or lower, we generalize a significant part, and everything else is distorted. These three processes form the paradigm of our ideas about reality. We simulate the world, and then using your own nervous system and "mental" designs, we produce life tactics and strategy. 60 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations so cognitive-behavioral mechanisms ultimately recycle our experience. We create our own reality through our perception modes. The territory map can differ radically from the territory itself. And if our relationship with the world seems to be too complicated to us, then the reason lies in our paradigm, and not in the surrounding reality. The point is not that the world around us is too limited and poor, but in the fact that our world maps are too poor. Neuro-linguistics describes a key mechanism that forms our experiences. By changing the neuro-linguistic structure (how we use the language of consciousness and our own physiology), we are thereby changing our reality and life experience. On the way to the patterns of humanitarian technology or magic understood how we use representative systems and their "submodality", as they introduce us to bodily mental (neuro-linguistic) states and how we all simulate the world using the omission, generalization and distortion processes, We can track patterns that generate our individual experience. Such a "strategic" analysis allows us to work effectively with subjective experiences. Using various keys to the neuro-processing of information by a person - visual access signals, linguistic markers, non-verbal calibration, physiology, etc., - you can formulate an internal formula, program, or an individual strategy that controls its experiences. This formula provides us with access to the internal structure of its subjective pain and distress. NLP comes from the fact that bad inhumans, but only their cards. We are based on the same prerequisites that became the motto of therapy for narration (narrative therapy) and "frame games": the problem is not individually; Problem problem! Chapter 2. NLP ^ AK Model 61 Pathology is rooted in neuro-linguistic maps of the territory. When our cards are poor and simplified, we send pathological messages to your body, which ultimately leads to a depleted and limited way of life, thinking, feeling, relationships, behavior, etc. Ultimately we suffer from ourselves. The change process requires the replacement of old patterns with new, more positive. Step-by-step use leads to the achievement of transformation. However, rather explanations and theories - it's time to go to the patterns. Below are consistently described patterns of efficient work with individual cards. Each pattern is accompanied by a brief description of the concept underlying, in some cases, additional explanations, and sometimes additional information about the source. I described each pattern as a step-by-step process. Sometimes the descriptions are given in the form of a script. Why? Because I wanted to make my description as an accessible as possible so that even those who are completely not familiar with the pattern, could immediately use it. I tried to avoid a brief formulation of a pattern, involving only acquaintance with him and his memorization. It seemed to me that it was better to present them in the form of structured, multifaceted and efficient elements leading to change. The format of the structural description of the patterns in this book I divided the "problems" (i.e., complex tasks, difficulties) into several categories. This classification is designed for you to choose certain NLP patterns without unnecessary difficulties and apply them in your work. In addition, it is convenient to use it as an organizing structure for subsequent chapters. So, we can split the problems with which you have to face, on the following discharges: 62 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations of the part when two or more "components" are in conflict identity when the individual cards "I" are incorrectly formed and generate stress or restrictions of the state of problematic, irrefused and / or emotional states The experience of cognitive errors when you are involved in the internal dialogue or speak negatively and unconstructively styled exposure to cognitive and perceptualization of both distortions when using inadequate meta-programs which is given below. Of course, we can suffer from non-contrinacy when part of our "I" wants to have fun during working hours or work in free time. We can framing it as a conflict between our beliefs, consider its consequences for our identity, analyze the states in which they fall, etc. As each category is a artificially designed frame reference, none of the HPIX can be considered more "real" or more "true" than the rest. At the same time, each may be more or less useful. The listed categories do not exclude one other. Each of them simply represents one of the ways of the guidance of those difficulties that interfere with us fully realize their potential. Problems are classified only in order to make it easier to apply various patterns from technical arsenal NLP to them. If some pattern does not give results, just RDAVA 2. NLP as a model 63 go to another category, which will allow you to structure the "problem" otherwise, and see if you succeed to achieve success this time. Chart (Il. 2.4) helps to structure the reflection on the "problem" in terms of transition from the current state to the desired one. First you need to understand how we are experiencing a "problem", which we think about it, how it felt and what strategies and internal representations are made up. So we get an analysis of the current state. After that, you can proceed to the consideration of the state we want to achieve. After analyzing its current status Description: how exactly the problem is generated by the desired state resolving a specific description, compiled in positive terminology, appeal to the types of resources necessary for the transition from the first state to the second part when two or more "components" are in conflict. Identity When the individual maps of our "I" are poorly formed and generate stress or limitations. Status The experience of problematic, irreter and / or emotional states. Language The experience of cognitive errors when you are involved in an internal dialogue or express negative and non-constructive. Styles thinking exposure to cognitive and perceptual distortion when using inadequate meta-programs. Means exposure to limiting beliefs or depleted meanings. Strategies ignorance how to change the forms of behavior. Il. 2.4. Algorithm NLP 64 Part I. Model NLP. The source of magical transformations in the same way, we obtain the analysis of the desired state. Conducting such an analysis sets questions regarding resources - questions about how we can move from one state to another and how we can bring bridges between them. ♦ What resources are required for us to go from the current state to the desired? ♦ What technologies from the NLP model will help us to implement this transition? ♦ What are the internal representations, "submodality", strategy, etc. will help us with this? And now - patterns. Part II NLP Patterns Transformation Spells and Growth 3 Michael Hall Chapter 3 Basic Patterns Control Patterns Other Patterns to gain power over the web that gossip and breaks life, you can, just not forgetting what you already have (about language), and about the structure of spells Growth. .. R. Bandler and J. Grinder now, when you are familiar with the NLP model, you have almost everything you need to use the transformation patterns that we describe in this book. "Almost all", but not all. You need to add a couple more items before you get the magic wand and begin to use this book as a collection of growth spells and changes. On previous pages, we introduced the concept of "logical levels". It follows from this that in the field of human experience, the content and process are fundamentally different. And since this difference plays such an important role in the following presentation, I am perhaps a little more deleting you to offer several additional explanations. Content is that our experience, details and sequence of events. Sometimes it concerns the spicy details of who, what, where and whom did. And sometimes - quite "boring" things. As a rule, the content is focused on the central, and sometimes the only element. On this, most of the help models are based. 68 P. NLP Patterns. Transformation spells and growth in contrast to the content of the process is like a subjective inner life, its structure and form. As a model of models, NLP adds a completely new dimension - it focuses mainly on the experience of the experience, on how it proceeds, and on structural frames and contexts (other meta-states). In terms of maintenance, people are usually interesting to the smallest details of what is our experience. ♦ When did this terrible thing happen to you? ♦ Who did it? ♦ And what did you feel? ♦ What else? The followers of some directions of therapy consider even that if again, again and again, to play all the details of the traumatic event in their consciousness, then in the end, the pain can be overcome. And indeed, some people over time lose sensitivity to heavy memories, and sometimes generally begin to miss the repetitions. But not all. Often, the process itself of the new and new playback of the situation actually enshrines the generalization, which were originally withdrawn on the basis of the experienced, and the repetition only aggravates and sharpens the problem. And then each visit to the therapist makes the abyss in which the patient turned out to be deeper and deeper. In NLP, this does not happen. We prefer not to reflect on experience in terms of specific details, but to work with experiences in terms of structure or process. Why many therapists continue to dig in nightmare details of human injury? Of course, they proceed from the fact that the exhaust material must be laid on the surface and meet face to face. But it is possible that, according to a joking notice of bandlls, "therapists are too curious - too curious." How can one detect the structure of the experience process? It is necessary to implement a meta-transition to a higher level. Having risen over the experience and observing it with a meta-perspective, we can consider the structure from the point of view of its representations, cinematic characteristics ("submodal" qualities and distinctive features). Chapter 3. Basic Conclusions and Abstractions Patterns 69

The book of one of the founders and modern Masters NLP Michael Hall offers 77 best neuro-linguistic programming techniques to achieve perfection, skill, genius in all areas of human experience.

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"Damn, David Blaine! How did he do it?! " - I thought about a simple street fraudster, who showed me the most real street magic. Although it was no magic, but only a manipulation with my consciousness as a result of which I was left without earned one hour ago 1,000 rubles. Everything happened so quickly that I then remembered the whole day and disassembled all his actions that were based on the simplest NLP techniques. I, of course, knew about the neurolyngivistic programming of the brain, but in order to get on the fishing rod. It is even funny to remember it! Therefore, I would like to tell about NLP more and bring some cool techniques who will allow, so let's say, influence people in the situation necessary for us.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a popular direction of practical psychology, which was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are Professor Linguistics John Greender and Student Richard Bendler from the University of California. For a long time, they studied many works of famous psychotherapists, conducted various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they managed to separate neurolyngivial programming from psychology and gelstat therapy.

NLP it is a community psychotechnic, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that are capable « introduce » In the human brain, certain information in order to change its thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with human consciousness.

But now I will tell you what is capable of NLP. Believe, on very and very much!

NLP allows a person to fully control himself: his body, physical condition and health, their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fear and prejudice. A person is able to regulate its weight, pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, general well-being. With the help of NLP technician, you can cause a feeling of joy and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, break out. Locate anyone to yourself, to agree even with the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, cause sympathy at the boss and so on.

NLP gives a new look at the problems, allowing not only to solve them the easiest and most quick way, but also to extract the maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps to achieve goals in life faster, which is very important if you are engaged in our development as a person. And here it does not matter whether you want to get rich, acquire real estate abroad, get married or reset your overweight. Any target becomes closer and more affordable if applying NLP technicians.

I think you have already had an interest in neurolinguistic programming! And even if you do not study psychology, you can still find a solution to its application to your personal question, which you have already tormented or a problem that you would like to solve once and forever.

Where can I use NLP technology?

Initially, NLP was used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of the treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP technicians are very effective, they began to apply them in a wide variety of areas.

Sales- Almost all sales trainings have in their Arsenal NLP technology, when planning, when setting tasks, in psychological preparation for a visit and during the visit of NLP knowledge can be extremely useful.

Conversation - NLP knowledge is extremely necessary to negotiate, to understand the client and the best adjustment to it, for manipulation and counter manipulations, to work with their condition, to identify the decision-making strategy.

Communication, psychotherapy, setting goals, modeling - This is the components of the NLP part, part of this knowledge is engaged in communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part - This is a big arsenal of therapeutic techniques ("wave", "Colapse anchors", "Creating a resource state", "Fast treatment of phobias", "Technician treatment technique", "Sixishague reframing", "Parts contract", "Reminting" and more many other)

In setting goals And work with them is helped by such sections of NLP, as well-formed result (CCR), Tote, Score (in psychological consulting an understanding of the purpose of the client and the ways to achieve it), neurological levels, line of time, mission.

Modeling - This is the basis of NLP. NLP has grown out of modeling and all his knowledge appeared when modeling strategies for the behavior of genius people.

Public speaking - Work with your condition. Group calibration, controlled spontaneity, chamomile technology, spatial anchorage, voice working, using various predicates.

Acting skills - One of the basic PRESSPOSITIONS NLP says: "Mind and body, these are parts of one cybernetic system." And this means that when changing our thoughts, our emotions are changing, and our body clearly responds to these changes and on the contrary change the position of the body and posture, changes our emotions. This is based on many acting schools.

Education - Modeling, this is one of the ways of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, various approaches to achieving the goal, systemic thinking, different filters of perception, the resource state increases the efficiency of learning.

Sport - Ideomotorika widely used in sports, taken to armared from NLP, work with a state, coaching workout and much more.

Coching - Almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (adjustment, maintenance, calibration, coach position, setting goals, neurological levels, three positional perception, anchoring, lines, all therapeutic techniques.)

Train your brain with pleasure

Develop memory, attention and thinking using online simulators

Start developing

Recruitment - The knowledge of the Metoprograf Filters of the candidate allows you to understand what kind of activity it is more predisposed that it makes it better, as it will carry stress, he is a team player or a loner, as he makes decisions and what values \u200b\u200bhe has and much more.

Interpersonal relationships - understanding of basic supposition, they are the conviction of ingenious people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, understand that we are all different and everyone needs a special approach that a person is a system and that two people are the more system, knowing system laws It is easier to understand the systemic interaction.

Seduction - All trainers of trainings on seduction passed NLP courses, all the techniques of seduction are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of the interpretable when you can refer to the original source.

Army - Collection of information, interrogations, work with their condition, the "drug selection" technique, is used by the special forces of many countries of the world.

Customs- Information Collection, Calibration Yes / No, True / Fall, Eye Access Signals

Intelligence service - Collection of information, recruitment patterns, calibration, work with your condition

Cinema - In many films, the heroes use the techniques and skills of NLP or Erickson hypnosis, there are films that are directly devoted to NLP, even if NLP is not called there ("deceive me", "manipulator", "wild orchid" and many others).

Self-development - Formation of the necessary installations to achieve success in any where you consider it necessary to "pump out" yourself.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say so, NLP - "Science" is not easy and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic technicians. But it still does not interfere with neurolinguistic programming to be one of the most exciting and interesting directions in psychology. Thanks to the Internet today there are a large number of options from where you can take knowledge of NLP.

First, these are various sites where a fairly large number of cognitive articles are written to start understanding this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified professionals in this field. And, thirdly, it is, of course, books that are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

Books themselves a very large amount. Eyes can first disperse. There are both for beginners where basic skills and "advanced" are considered with the consideration of the use of NLP in any already a certain area. Of course, I chose you some of the best, interesting and popular books on NLP, which I myself read. Even two is in my personal library.

Books that now let's talk. I recommend not only to those who are interested in the NLP itself and its methods, but also those who decided to start their own way of self-development and is configured to increase their personal characteristics, improving the understanding of themselves and surrounding people in life in general. So, let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP-Practitioner"

This book must be read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP-book, you will learn general data on neurolinguistic programming with a description of the methods and methods used by this "science". I want to note a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the effective learning of the material. I recommend if you do not know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor "NLP. Practical guide to achieve the desired results »

The author offers effective practical techniques to obtain self-improvement skills and suggestion. You will get knowledge that allows you to deeper to understand people, and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in the practical leadership of D. O'Connor can be applied in education, jurisprudence, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From Frogs - to Prince"

Writing an introductory lecture on NLP, refined and adapted to read. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to draw up the overall impression of NLP science, understand the basic mechanisms of impact and teach gently and tactfully to conduct any person to the target. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to all who are interested in the issues of communications between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Mainic Hall "77 best technician NLP"

In the book of a specialist Michael Hall, the most effective NLP techniques are collected. The use of proposed methods will help in personal development, the ability to communicate, disclosing its own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques are applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, management. The book is designed for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person aspiring to self-development. I highly recommend this book! She just "bomb"!

Anvar Bakirov "How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP"

This is my desktop book! Written in the spirit of innovation with a large number of jokes. Therefore, this book is not seriously read. From this book, you will find out how to cause trust at first glance, manage your own and other people's emotions, to extract benefits even from lesions, it is easy to unravel the most launched conflict situations, and all these "daily victories" put into the foundation of one large building called life success. This book is characterized by an effective material structure and ease of its perception.

Sergey Gorin "NLP. Misseling techniques "

Collection of fragments of seminars on NLP conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction of the psychotherapist with patients allow non-specialists to deal with the subject of study. The only condition is the ownership of the Base terms of NLP, without which the text understanding will be complicated. Many techniques are described from Arsenal Valery Khmelevsky - one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolynguistic programming.

Harry Alder "NLP: the art of getting what you want"

The topic worthy of attention - how "works" a dream. Someone calls it with air locks, someone calls to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do it. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of dream of dreams. We are all - the product of dreams. Your dream quality determines the quality of your life.

See again:

7 NLP technician for manipulation and not only

Most of us do not even guess that there are other strongest personalities for their consciousness every day, which are subject to many NLP techniques to manipulate people. Interestingly, each method of such hypnotic management itself is effective, and it is difficult to imagine that power that occurs if you combine several techniques at the same time. By the way, they need to be known not necessarily in order to manage others, but in order to oppose many criminal hypnotists, representatives of power, fraudsters, etc.

NLP Technology 1. Accession
This is the first technique with which any NLP-Shnik begins. The human brain when the outsiders approaches the danger and is trying to intuitively defend. Inspire something delayed person unreal. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in something. Adjustment methods: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. A fraudster who deceived us with a friend began with an adjustment on a gait on the street and a few minutes walked for us in the tact.

NLP technology 2.Rapport

Adjusting trust relationships. This is rapport. If the adjustment passed qualitatively, the NLP-EP with another person creates a certain system, the general confidence space. Remember the trouble-free phrase from Mowgli Kipling: "We are with you one blood: you and me!". It is this formula that acts in the rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality to a person is reduced, sympathy emerges, unconscious confidence. "It seems, there we will find headphones," I said to the coste, showing the store sign. "Guys, I am a seller in this store, I can sell you headphones. What do you want? " - said the fraudster.

NLP technology 3.3a yes

After the rapport is installed, you can proceed to manipulations and first need to send a person to a light trance. This is done with the help of 3 questions to which a person must answer positive Yes. The basis of this technique is the law of inertia, i.e. The movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from a fraudster for the 4th time he said: "Guys, and you have a thousand rubles. I urgently need to change money and give a person? ". "Yes of course!" - I said and got a bill. "

NLP equipment 4. Template break

The template break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action committed in the usual situation. Destroy the template simply. You choose a model of behavior that you are going to change, and act as an opposite or other unexpected way. As an example, I can bring a very life situation. On one date, I told the girl that we would eat cake together with me, but only without sex. For her, it was still the template break. I understood that she had already wanted me. Sex, of course was. The fraudster also made the template break about his work. Literally I do not remember.

NLP-Tesnik 5. Switching attention

The essence of this technique is simple. You translate the attention of a person to another topic with the help of a question or another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on something one. With the rest of the area you can do anything. This technique is often used by illusionists, and fraudsters too! "Guys, be careful with money, there in the corner of drug addicts, stay away from them," he said to us, showing a finger on men 50 meters away from us, meanwhile changing bills.

NLP Technology 6. Maintenance

When the main NLP technicians are worked out, you can do everything you want with a person. This is called "Kearing". Maintaining is impossible without trust. Guys, go Merry while in the store and look at the headphones. And I will give money while I will give money. And we went! Going to the store, we quickly left the trance. I was overwhelmed, realizing what happened and miga rushed to the street. He disappeared, like our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that the NLP techniques work quickly and efficiently. How many such approaches need to do so everything workshops. Probably a lot. That they are fraudsters.

NLP Technology 7. Reframing

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is no longer about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I understand that the negative situation begins to "suck out energy from me." Reframing is a reception that allows you to change the point of view, and consequently, perception of an event or subject. When there is a bad situation, then I say: "My world cares about me." And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from the transformation of reality V. Zelanda.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP: psychology of wealth. Techniques attracting money.

So you met with 7 effective NLP technicians that can be applied every day. It will be better if technicians are applied for themselves to develop their effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!

Michael Hall. - Businesswoman living in rocky mountains in Colorado (USA). After many years of private psychotherapeutic practice, he was engaged in training and trainings: first the training of communication (association, negotiations, relationships), then NLP.

In the late 80s, she studied neuro-linguistic programming along with one of the founders, Richard Bandler, and became a master practitioner and the NLP coach. On behalf of Bandler, wrote materials to trainings, which were subsequently published in the form of the book "Time of Changes".

Being a prolific writer, he wrote and published more than two dozen books, including such bestsellers as the "spirit of NLP", "Taming of Dragons", "Metas-standing", "Mind Lines", "How to Calculate Man", "Structure of Excellence", "Fremy games ", etc.

Books (8)

77 best technician NLP

The book of one of the founders and modern Masters NLP Michael Hall offers 77 best neuro-linguistic programming techniques to achieve perfection, skill, genius in all areas of human experience.

If you want to achieve revolutionary changes in how you think, feel, behave and communicate, - you will find in this book a wide variety of methods allowing you to create real magic.

Games in which business sharks play. Successful business models

In the business world, the reluctance to learn is considered to be the mortal sin of the manager. And even the most time-consuming training can be turned into an interesting and fruitful occupation, if using role-playing techniques that have long been applied psychologists to unload consciousness, resolving conflict situations and improve the psychological climate in the team.

Business games for business people, today have become a real necessity. They help to update a look at the situation, teach the systemic vision, strengthen motivation, contribute to finding an extraordinary problem permission.

Games that play thin people. Become slim and healthy

To become slim, taut and energetic, it turns out to be enough to discard the former and set a new framework (frames) to your mind.

The author of the book, the developer of a popular field of practical psychology - neurolynguistic programming (NLP), describes key frames and frame games related to the control over weighing. Considering them, he reveals the reasons for such a complex symptom as "overweight."

Magic Communication

The book is devoted to the most interesting and complex problems of the structure and the language of the language in the paradigm of metamodel - the most valuable of what the practice of neurolynguistic programming can be proud of.

Dr. Hall demonstrates how to drastically change and efficiently improve our lives with the conscious use of communication magic with the help of NLP - how to learn how to influence the consciousness-body system and use the creative brain potential to obtain positive life results.

Modeling perfect personality. Editing of Fate

Dr. Hall continues to acquaint you with the secrets of those wonders that are capable of neurolinguistic programming. You keep the second in your hands, a corrected publishing of a book dedicated to the new NLP section - neasemantics. The description proposed by them is available and understandable, it will certainly wake in you the desire to try out this improved model of meta-states and apply it in everyday life.

Are you interested in NLP? Do you want to learn to "manage your brain"? So, this book you will like it!

NLP training. Increased strength of your abilities

The book of a leading modern specialist in the field of NLP Michael Hall will teach you to manage your thinking and emotions, you will get access to the highest order management: managing their own consciousness at all its levels. This will enrich you, allowing to achieve real perfection - to use your personal genius.

You can apply the opportunities in a professional career and business, in relationship with people in any circumstances and situations, to maintain health and optimal physical and psychological form.

In my field, in my opinion

System NLP: Success Psychotechnics.

Our consciousness has a unique ability - to argue about yourself, create higher logical levels and with their help structuring life experience and attitude towards the surrounding.

Dr. Hall will introduce you to psychotechnology compiling the right, environmentally friendly models of the strategy, and the most interesting thing is that everyone can join them, because in each person the nature itself is laid that personal computer - which will calculate your special path to success, health and health and Prosperity!

Path NLP

Path NLP. An image of action, meaning and criteria for mastering NLP.

This completely revised edition of the NLP path sets out the essence of the brilliant training of Richard Bandler "Master NLP". In addition, it includes important additions from other instructors, such as Eric Robbie, White Woodsmol, Ted James, Christina Hall and the late Will McDonald. Offering a deep understanding of the true genius of the neurolinguistic programming compidant (NLP), the book also includes examples of the workshop of NLP neurology and developing work related to speech agility patterns (manipulation by words).

Methodically stopping at such spheres as programming, linguistics and neurology, this book is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of NLP and raise it to a modern level or need fresh and fascinating presentation of the subject.

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