Where will I work in the Federal Penitentiary Service with a law degree? Rules for admission to departmental educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Federal Penitentiary Service educational institutions

General provisions

1. The rules for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) at the Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service determine the conditions of admission, the procedure for conducting entrance tests and enrollment in the Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) in accordance with:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination”;

by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01/09/2014 No. 1 “On approval of the list of entrance tests for admission to study;

for educational programs of higher education – bachelor’s programs and specialist’s programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01/09/2014 No. 3 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to higher education educational programs - bachelor’s programs, specialty programs, master’s programs for the 2014/2015 academic year”;

Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Justice of Russia) dated 06.06.2005 No. 76 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in institutions and bodies of the penal system”;

other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (hereinafter referred to as Rosobrnadzor), regulating the procedure for admission to educational organizations of higher education of the Russian Federation;

orders, instructions, methodological recommendations and instructions of the Ministry of Justice of Russia and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

2. The Institute is a federal government educational institution of higher professional education. The founder of the Institute is the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Penitentiary Service (hereinafter referred to as the FSIN of Russia).

3. The Institute announces enrollment in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard):

4. At the expense of the federal budget, on the basis of targeted admission, the Institute trains personnel to fill positions of command staff in institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the constituent bodies). According to the recruitment plan, approved by the annual order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, which determines the target numbers for admission to educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the Institute organizes the reception of personal files (for distance learning - educational files) of candidates for training in the areas of territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia according to the order.

5. In accordance with the legislation on education, the Institute admits citizens in excess of the enrollment plan established by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for training under contracts with payment of the cost of training with legal entities and (or) individuals (hereinafter referred to as the contract with payment of the cost of training) to the faculty of extra-budgetary training of the Institute. At the same time, the total number of students at the Institute should not exceed the number of students established in the license for educational activities.

6. For admission to the first year, applications are accepted from persons who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) or higher vocational education (hereinafter referred to as HPE), as well as a state-issued document on initial vocational training education (hereinafter referred to as NGO), if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education.

For admission to the second and subsequent courses of study, applications are accepted from persons who have a state diploma of incomplete higher professional education, an academic certificate of the established form, a certificate of training or a period of study in the form independently established by the educational organization.

7. For the period of entrance examinations, additional entrance examinations, enrollment in the first year and upon admission to the second and subsequent courses, the Institute creates admission, examination, certification and appeal commissions. The procedure for the formation, composition, powers and activities of the designated commissions are regulated by orders and regulations approved by the head of the Institute.

8. The chairman of the selection committee is the head of the Institute.

9. The work of the admissions committee and office work, as well as the personal reception of applicants and their parents (legal representatives), is organized by the executive secretary (deputy executive secretary), who is appointed by order of the head of the Institute.

Conditions for admission to study

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education (if the diploma contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education), secondary vocational education, who have successfully passed entrance examinations and (or) additional entrance examinations are accepted for training. regional competition, who, based on their personal and business qualities, physical fitness, are capable of mastering higher professional education programs and are fit for health to serve in the penal system.

10. The selection of candidates for training and registration of personal files is carried out by the personnel apparatus of territorial bodies and institutions of the penal system at the candidates’ permanent place of residence in accordance with the recruitment plan approved by order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

11. Personal files are sent to the institute by the head of the territorial body and institution of the penal system until June 10 of the year of admission.

12. The admissions committee makes a decision on admission to entrance examinations only if there are personal files of candidates sent to the institute by the constituent bodies, drawn up in the prescribed manner, and a positive conclusion based on the results of the final medical examination of the health status of candidates entering the educational organization.

13. Admission to the first year is carried out:

13.1. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam).

13.2. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the form of which is determined by the Institute independently (testing), persons:

13.3. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the lists and form of which are determined by the Institute independently (testing), of persons with secondary vocational or higher education.

14. If persons entitled to admission based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently present the results of the Unified State Exam, the Institute takes into account the results of the Unified State Exam as the results of entrance tests in such general education subjects.

15. Upon arrival at the Institute on a full-time basis, submit to the admissions committee:

originals of state documents on education;

originals and photocopies of identity documents and citizenship.

In 2015, the results of the Unified State Exam 2013-2015 are valid. If a candidate has several certificates of USE results, he is given the right to choose which results will be taken into account during the competition.

The admissions committee monitors the accuracy of information about the facts and results of passing the Unified State Exam by contacting the Federal Information System.

16. Persons who do not have USE results must register to take the USE at the regional Ministries of Education and Science at the candidate’s place of residence.

17. Taking the Unified State Exam at exam reception points is carried out on days approved by the relevant order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the subjects specified in these Rules.

18. Persons who did not appear for the entrance examination, who scored a number of points below the level established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, confirming the development of the general education program of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, as well as those who collected documents after the start of the entrance examination, drop out of the competition and are not enrolled in the Institute.

19. The competition among candidates is held by region of admission based on the results of the entrance examinations specified in clause 16 of the Rules.

20. Admission to the Institute of candidates (full-time study) for places financed from the federal budget and allocated for targeted admission in the areas of constituent bodies who have passed entrance examinations and a regional competition is carried out in the following sequence:

– announcement on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee of complete lists of names approved by the chairman of the admissions committee, whose enrollment is recommended by the admissions committee, taking into account the regional competition and indicating the amount of points scored for all admissions tests (hereinafter referred to as the complete list by name);

– announcement and placement on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee of the order of the head of the Institute on the enrollment of persons entering the places allocated for targeted admission. Admission is made only if candidates present original educational documents.

Persons who have a higher number of points scored in entrance examinations, including additional entrance examinations, are enrolled in training, and if the number of points scored is equal, persons who have preferential rights to enrollment are enrolled; in case of an equal number of points scored in the entrance examinations, in the absence or presence of equal preferential rights to enrollment - persons who have a higher Unified State Examination score in a specialized general education subject, taking into account the regional competition.

21. Target places of constituent bodies that remain vacant after the entrance examinations are distributed among candidates who have passed the entrance examinations, but did not pass the regional competition, in the manner of a general competition.

22. Without entrance examinations, the Institute accepts winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and normative- legal regulation in the field of education, in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or the international Olympiad. The correspondence of the profile of these Olympiads to specialties and (or) areas of training is determined by the Institute.

23. The priority right to enrollment in the Institute, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal, is enjoyed by:

a) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

b) disabled children, people with disabilities I and II groups for which, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, education in the relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated;

c) citizens under the age of twenty who have only one disabled parent I groups, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;

d) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244- I “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;

e) children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases received by them while performing the duties of military service, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other activities fight against terrorism;

f) children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory;

g) children of employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, who died (died) due to injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness they received during their service in the specified institutions and bodies, and their dependent children;

h) children of prosecutorial employees who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received during their service in the prosecutor's office or after dismissal due to harm to health in connection with their official activities;

i) military personnel who are undergoing military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and are entering training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body , in which federal law provides for military service;

j) citizens who served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and were dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”;

k) disabled war veterans, combatants, as well as combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”;

l) citizens who directly participated in tests of nuclear weapons, radioactive military substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises with the use of such weapons and radioactive military substances before the date of actual termination of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the liquidation of radiation accidents at nuclear installations surface and underwater ships and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the liquidation of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Federation, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);

m) military personnel, including military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in conditions of armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in the adjacent territories assigned to the zone of armed conflict, and the specified military personnel performing tasks during counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the North Caucasus region;

o) graduates of general education organizations, professional educational organizations administered by federal government bodies and implementing additional general education programs aimed at preparing minors for military or other public service.

24. Candidates serving in the bodies of the penal system and enrolled in full-time training are issued or sent (at their request) notices of the established form to formalize the fact of dismissal (secondment) from their previous place of service in connection with admission to the Institute.

25. An extract from the enrollment order is the basis for the secondment of persons accepted for training outside of work (service).

Extramural studies.

26. The faculty accepts members of the rank and file of institutions and bodies of the penal system, as well as employees from among the civilian personnel of these institutions and bodies who meet the requirements of clause 6, who have successfully passed the entrance examination and passed the regional competition in accordance with the recruitment plan approved by the annual order FSIN of Russia.

27. For candidates selected for training, training files are drawn up by the recruiting bodies, which are sent to the Institute.

The admissions committee makes a decision on admission to entrance examinations only if there are educational records of candidates for study sent to the Institute by the appointing authorities within the time limits established by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

28. Persons whose age at the time of completion of training at the Institute will reach the maximum age for service established by the legislation on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for admission to service in the penal system, are not accepted for training. The age of candidates entering study is calculated as of the year of admission to the Institute.

Admission to the first year of correspondence courses is carried out:

29.1. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam).

29.2. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the form of which is determined by the Institute independently (testing), persons:

a) before 01/01/2009, who received a state-issued document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications, confirming receipt of secondary (complete) general education, if they did not pass the Unified State Exam within 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive;

b) citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary general education, confirmed by a document of a foreign state on education - if these persons received the specified document within 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, and did not pass the Unified State Exam during this period;

c) receiving (received) secondary general education as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education, including educational programs of secondary vocational education integrated with the main educational programs of basic general and secondary general education - if these persons have passed the state final certification for educational programs secondary general education not in the form of the Unified State Exam for 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, and did not pass the Unified State Exam during this period.

29.3. Based on the results of entrance tests, the list and form of which are determined by the Institute independently (testing in the Russian language, social studies and history), of persons with secondary vocational or higher education.

The results of all entrance tests are assessed on a 100-point scale.

30. Enrollment of candidates who have passed entrance examinations and regional competitive selection for distance learning at the Faculty of Law is carried out by order of the head of the Institute in accordance with the schedule of entrance examinations.

Rules for filing and considering appeals

31. An applicant who has expressed his disagreement with the result of the entrance test, additional entrance test or certification test has the right to file a written appeal about a violation, in his opinion, of the established testing procedure or disagreement with its results.

32. In the appeal statement, the applicant must substantiate in detail the reasons for disagreement with the results he received.

33. The appeal is submitted to the executive secretary of the admissions committee in person the next day after the announcement of the grade for the entrance test.

34. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. During the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the procedure for grading the entrance test is checked.

35. Consideration of appeals is carried out no later than one day after the day of familiarization with the work performed during the entrance examinations.

36. Applicants who have filed appeals are invited to the meeting of the appeal commission. The appeal may be considered in the absence of the applicant who filed it. The presence of unauthorized persons at a meeting of the appeal commission is allowed only with the permission of its chairman.

37. The applicant must have with him a document proving his identity.

38. One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age), except for minors recognized in accordance with the law as fully capable before reaching the age of majority.

39. The commission is competent to make decisions if more than half of the members are present at the meeting.

40. After considering the appeal, a decision is made by the appeal commission.

41. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant against signature.

42. At the end of the work of the appeal commission, claims regarding the grades assigned will not be accepted.

Note: these rules are general and for a particular university a number of requirements and admission criteria may differ.

Head of UKiRLS

Colonel of the Internal Service D.N. Gurlev


The Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Moscow Region is recruiting applicants for training in departmental educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the 2017/2018 academic year in higher professional education programs with subsequent employment in institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Moscow Region.

Citizens of the Russian Federation (second citizenship is not allowed) who have secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education (with secondary (complete) general education) or secondary vocational education, fit for health reasons are accepted for full-time education in specialist training programs. service (study) in the penal system, who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam (USE) and passed additional entrance tests in physical training, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated November 12, 2001 No. 301 “On approval of the Manual on physical training of penal officers system of the Russian Ministry of Justice. Persons with secondary general education can apply only based on the results of the Unified State Exam (USE), regardless of the year they graduated from school/lyceum (with the exception of persons permanently residing in Crimea, foreign citizens and disabled people). Persons with a professional education can apply based on the results of internal entrance tests.

Departmental universities that staff the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Moscow region in 2019

Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia ( Ryazan, Sennaya st., 1)


Educational program




Entrance tests



Law enforcement


Operational investigative activities in the penal system,

Organization of educational work with convicts

1. Social studies

Social science

2. Russian language

3. History


Organization of the regime in the penal system

1. Social studies

Social science

2. Russian language

3. History

Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia



Educational program







Entrance tests



Animal science


1. Mathematics (profile)


2. Russian language

3. Biology

Professional selection of candidates

Educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia enroll candidates for training after professional selection.

Professional selection of candidates includes: professional psychological selection, medical examination and assessment of their physical fitness.

Professional psychological selection and medical examination takes place on the basis of the Central Higher Medical Examination Center of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Physical fitness assessment is determined on the basis of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
in the Moscow region.

Based on the results of the medical examination, the candidate’s suitability for service in the penal system and training in the educational institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is determined (the applicant’s height must be at least 160 cm). An assessment of a candidate’s physical fitness upon admission to full-time education is carried out in order to check his general physical development and readiness to endure physical activity during training and service in the penal system. Candidates for training pass standards for physical training in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated November 12, 2001 No. 301 “On approval of the Manual on physical training of employees of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.”

Standards for determining the physical fitness of applicants entering educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Appendix 9 to the Manual on Physical Training)

Advantages of studying in educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia:

1. Guaranteed employment of young specialists after graduation from an educational institution in the acquired specialties in the divisions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Moscow region.

2. Deferment from conscription into the armed forces for male graduates of higher educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Graduates enjoy a deferment from conscription into the armed forces while serving in units of the penal system.

3. High social protection of cadets of departmental educational institutions. Cadets of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia enjoy all the rights and responsibilities of employees of the penal system. They are provided with uniforms, free accommodation and food, and monetary allowances. The period of study is counted towards length of service in the penal system.

Employees of the penal system are provided with the following social guarantees:

preferential calculation of length of service for the purpose of a pension (1 month of service for 1.5 months), the right to a pension for length of service begins regardless of age after 14 years of service in the penal system;

The FSIN is the service that monitors people who are in prison (or sentenced to a suspended sentence or conditional labor) or are just suspected or accused of crimes, and this body also monitors the execution of prescribed punishments, again , persons who have broken the law.

Why Voronezh Institute

Voronezh Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is a good choice. Firstly, Voronezh is a pleasant city to live in. There is a temperate climate, and the temperature, even in winter, rarely drops below minus fifteen degrees. You can also see beautiful meadows and parks, and rivers flow through the city. Therefore, it is a good idea to move to this city, especially from cold places. Secondly, the higher educational institution itself is famous for holding various Olympiads and other intellectual competitions, as well as for the fact that everyone in the leadership has military ranks, that is, they know their job. All teachers regularly undergo advanced training to have the most up-to-date knowledge, skills and abilities. Thirdly, scientific activities are also developed at the institute. All students write papers, participate in conferences, that is, they help develop the theoretical basis of their specialties. To conduct research, students have the latest technologies and laboratories at their disposal.

The educational work carried out at the institute is no less important. All students are raised to be patriots and know the history and culture of their country. Various events are regularly held aimed at strengthening love for the Motherland, as well as developing the mental and creative abilities of students. Students organize their own clubs and groups, and the institute has its own press service. All holidays related to the direction of training are celebrated, for example, Day of the Penitentiary System Worker on March 12th.

The Voronezh Institute, which exists under the Federal Penitentiary Service, began operating only in 2001, but has already proven itself. Its graduates work throughout the country. It is also supported by the President, the Government, the Chairman of the Government, and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Therefore, many graduates of this educational institution very often occupy high positions in government positions.

How to enter this institute on a budget

To enter the Voronezh Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, you must, of course, pass the Unified State Exam or entrance exams. These are Russian language, history and social studies (major subject) for the Faculty of Law and Russian language, mathematics (major subject) and physics for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. They also take additional internal exams at the university, such as social studies (orally) and mathematics (written). Of course, the same correspondence by faculties.

In addition, they must demonstrate physical fitness. For example, you need to pass a cross-country race, a hundred-meter run, pull-ups (for men) and a strength complex (for women). For those who enter after serving in the army of the Russian Federation, the standards are slightly lower. Also, before enrollment, everyone undergoes a military medical commission to generally determine suitability for study and general health. That is, to enter the budget, you need to pass the Unified State Exam or another exam and show good physical fitness. Many applicants have problems with the last physical test.

It can also be noted that before submitting documents to the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the applicant must fill out a questionnaire, which can be found on the official website of the university, and send it to the institute. This is how management determines whether a person is worthy of studying here. That is, you need to take the filling out of this document very seriously and literally prove yourself.

How to proceed with the target set

But you can also enter the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Voronezh Institute and through the so-called targeted admission. This is especially true for those who did not score high on exams. The essence of this type of recruitment is that the applicant enters into an agreement with the organization that pays for his education. After graduating from university, this person goes to work for this company. For example, this institute is well accepted for children who are recruited by the territorial body of the penitentiary system.

What specialties can be obtained at this institution?

At the moment, the university at the Federal Penitentiary Service (Voronezh Institute) has the following specialties: jurisprudence with a criminal focus (bachelor's degree), jurisprudence with a civil focus (bachelor's degree), law enforcement (specialty), (specialty), information security of telecommunication systems ( Specialist in Information Security), Special Radio Engineering Systems (Specialty), Informatics and Computer Science (Higher Qualification), Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems (Higher Qualification). There are full-time and part-time study options. A bachelor's degree takes four years, a specialty degree takes five years.

Who is more profitable to study for?

In fact, it is difficult to clearly say which specialty is easier to find a job, for example, because the university chooses the current areas of training. However, now, with the development of the Internet, everything related to information technology is in great demand. Jurisprudence is worth going to for those who want to work directly with lawbreakers. It is clear that with a specialty related to technology and engineering, work will be carried out remotely.

How is the educational process organized?

At the Voronezh Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the educational process is almost continuous (the schedule will be discussed in more detail below). Disciplines are studied, time is allocated for eating, cleaning, and physical exercise. Towards the end of the training, everyone will have educational, industrial and pre-diploma internships, research work, exams and the diploma itself. Practices take place in real law enforcement agencies.

What academic disciplines are studied?

In addition to general education subjects such as mathematics, physics, sociology, computer science, Russian language, life safety, students of this university at the Faculty of Law study various sections of psychology, criminology, law, supervision and control. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology teaches various technologies, programming, and algorithms. All graduates know how to organize their own and others’ activities, as they study management and other management fundamentals.

Where and with whom can you get a job later?

After graduation, yesterday's students of the university at the Federal Penitentiary Service, Voronezh Institute, easily find work. You can go to the police or, for example, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the operational-search information department, the criminal investigation department, the economic security department and the investigation organization department. They are also sent directly to departments of colonies and prisons. The Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation itself helps you get settled, as it has the most complete information about vacancies and verified places.

What people who studied at this place say

Of course, there are many people who have already graduated from the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service. There are different reviews, but some general points can be deduced from them. Almost everyone claims that studying is quite difficult. For example, you need to get up early (you need to be at the institute around seven in the morning). Study late (until seven or eight in the evening). There are few days off, that is, they are not every week. Only girls can go home to sleep, while boys stay overnight in the barracks, but there are no other concessions for the female sex. Every day of study, except for classes, you need to do physical exercises (strength, agility, speed, endurance), and students also undergo drill and fire training, and clean the institute after all classes. However, this is discipline. Vacation twice a year: two weeks in winter and one month in summer. The assembly hall for events is quite spacious and modern. The food is varied: both tasty and not so tasty, but healthy. Also on the positive side: during their studies they pay a salary of about eight thousand rubles, and after graduation they are required to find a job. Also, one and a half years of work experience is considered one year.

So, we can say that the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is suitable for everyone who is ready to connect their life with supervising the execution of punishments for criminals and offenders, everyone who is capable of defending their country and making it better. There is a place here both for people with a technical mindset and for those who see themselves as humanitarians. The main thing is to sincerely desire to devote oneself to serving the Motherland. Therefore, all that remains is to make the right choice.

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