SIS SGS PGS Table Type of single-maintenance proposals. Composite legend

Once again ... A composite legend consists of two parts: the verb ligaments and the verb part (GGS) and the verb ligament and the nominal part (SIS).
Composite fadies are a fague, in which lexical importance and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words. The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time and inclination) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He signed (PGS). - He began to sing (SGS); He was sick for two months (PGS). - He was sick for two months (SIS).

The composite verbal leakage (SGS) consists of two parts:
a) auxiliary part (verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part (an indefinable form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

GSS \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive!!!
For example: I started singing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be a composite verb fault, two conditions must be performed:
Auxiliary Must be lexically incomplete, that is, one (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what the speech is about in the sentence.

CP: i started - what to do?; i want to - what to do?.

If in combination of "verb + infinitives" the verb is significant, then he is one is a simple verbal faugible, and infinitives is a secondary member of the sentence.

Wed: She sat down (for what purpose?) Relax.

The effect of the infinitive should be referred to (This is a subject infinitive). If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the facid, but is a secondary member.
1. I want to sing. I want to sing - composite verb (I want - I, I will sing - I).
2. I asked her to sing. I asked - a simple verbal fault, sing - addition(I asked me - I will sing - she).

Determine the type of faith:
Life knows myself. He tried not to look down. Boring you became. To her shoes will fit. He is alive and healthy. Yes, you will finally leave. The doctor had to interrupt his speech. Guys were burning impatience. He is smart. The task is solved.

Composite nimble leaf
FROM the remaining nominal leakage (SIS) consists of two parts:
a) auxiliary part - a bunch (verb in a hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part is the nominal part (the name of the noun, the name is adjective. The pronoun, the communion !!!, numerical, adverb) expresses the lexical meaning.
SIS \u003d bunch + registered part
For example: he was a doctor; He became a doctor; He was sick; He was sick; He was wounded; He came first.

sGS system is:

Universal Russian-German dictionary. Academician. 2011.

Russian language 8 class 6 week Types of the fant and how to express it.

Watch what is the SGS system in other dictionaries:

system SGS - Topics Oil and Gas Industry EN Centimeter Gram Second System ... Certificate of Technical Translator.

Metric SSS system - metric SSS system, units system based on such units such as centimeter, gr and second. In this Dina system is a unit of power, erg energy unit. At the current time, this system is replaced by a more advanced system SI ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary.

symmetric SGS system - Gauso Vienetų Sistema Statusas T Sritis Fizika Atitikmenys: ANGL. GAUSSIAN SYSTEM OF UNITS VOK. Gaußsches MaßSystem, N Rus. symmetric SGS system, f; Gauss system, F pranc. Système d'Unités de Gauss, m; système d'Unités.

Ghs - (centimeter c seconds) # 160; The system of units of measurement, which was extensively used before the adoption of international units system (S). Other title # 160; Absolute physical system units. Within the framework of the SGS there are three independent # 8230; ... Wikipedia.

Ghs. system units - SGS (centimeter c seconds) system units Measurements that were extensively used before the adoption of the international units (SI) system. Within the framework of the SGS, there are three independent dimensions (length, weight and time), all others are reduced to them through # 8230; ... Wikipedia.

System - (Greek, an integer consisting of many parts). Meeting of principles, correctly either incorrectly connected together so that something forms something: a well-known teaching, a well-known school. Placement of parts of the whole, the progress of something or in an alternate, connected order. # 8230; ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language.

gaussian system - Gauso Vienetų Sistema Statusas T Sritis Fizika Atitikmenys: Angl. GAUSSIAN SYSTEM OF UNITS VOK. Gaußsches MaßSystem, N Rus. symmetric SGS system, f; Gauss system, F pranc. Système d'Unités de Gauss, m; système d'Unités. Symétrique, M ... Fizikos Terminų žodynas.

SGS System Units - Units System Piz. Values \u200b\u200bwith 3 land. units: the length of the centimeter, the mass of gr, time of second; Adopted 1 m International. Electrician Congress (Paris, 1881) as units system, clamping mechanics and electrodynamics. For electrodynamics # 8230; ... physical encyclopedia.

Ghs. system units - (SGS), system of units of physical quantities with 3 main units: Santimeter lengths; masses gr; time second. It is used to accommodate in physics and astronomy. In the electrodynamics used two GSS systems of units: electric # 8230; … Encyclopedic Dictionary.

SGS system units - The system of units of physical quantities, in which three main units are taken: the length of the centimeter, the mass of gr and time of the second. The system with the basic units of length, mass and time was proposed formed in 1861 by the electronic Committee ... Big Russian Encyclopedia.

SGS Units system (SGS) is a system of units of physical quantities with basic units: cm g (mass) with. It is used commitious in the works in physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two SGS units were used: electric (SGSM) and electrostatic (SGSE). In # 8230; ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.


what is SGS and SIS in Russian? urgently needed. School knowledge. COM is a service in what user users help each other with each other. PGS SGS SIS Russian. Why in some cases let's say proposal: I wish to draw. (I wish to draw - SGS). Offer (linguistics) - Wikipedia. (in language) is a unit of a language that is grammatically. Composite name led in Russian. DEPARTMENT SUPPORT IN RUSSIAN language. Composite verbal led: examples. The composite verbous legend (SGS) consists of two parts: a) auxiliary part. Abbreviation - Wikipedia. that in the literature of software for units of SI and SGS; In modern russian language not. Types of faugible B. russian Language. Types of faithful in Russian language What is the subject? What is he? Who is able to. Russian language | E. Litnievskaya Russian: brief. The special type of SGS is presented in sentences in Russian Presented that (in any. The unit of viscosity is what is a unit of viscosity. Watch what is "a unit included in the SGS Unit. In russian Language. Russian system of measures is what is Russian. Romanova G. Name of length measures in in Russian. (Ghs) meter watch what.

Composite fadies - These are the fampted, in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words. The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time and inclination) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He served (PGS). - He began to sing (GSS); He sick two months (PGS). - He was sick two months (SIS).

Composite verbal leaky (ghs) consists of two parts:

but) auxiliary part (verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) main part (The indefinite form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

GSS \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive

For example: I started singing; I want to sing ; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be a composite verb fault, two conditions must be performed:

    Auxiliary verb should be lexically incomplete, that is, it is alone (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what the speech is in the proposal.

    CP: i started - what to do?; i want to - what to do?.

    If in combination of "verb + infinitives" the verb is significant, then he is one is a simple verbal faugible, and infinitives is a secondary member of the sentence.

    Wed: She is sent (for what purpose?) relax .

    The effect of the infinitive should relate to the subject (this is a subject infinitive). If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the facid, but is a secondary member.

    1. I want to sing . I want to sing - composite verbal leaky (I want - I, sing will - I ).
    2. I asked her to sing. Posil - Simple verbal leaky, sing - Supplement (requested - I will sing - she).

The values \u200b\u200bof the auxiliary verb

Value Typical verbs and phraseologisms Examples
1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action) Start, become, go down, continue, cum, stay, stop, throw, stop and etc.

He began to prepare for departure.
It continued to prepare To departure.
He gave up smoking .
He is again embedded to reason About rural life.

2. Modal meaning (necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of the action, etc.) Be able to be able to desire, want to dream, to intend, refuse, try, try, counting, able to manage, try, to assume, get used to, hurry, be afraid, to endure, love, hate, fear, fenced, drove, to be afraid , burn with desire, to have an honor, to have an intention, give a promise to have a habit and etc.

I can sing .
I want to sing .
I'm afraid to sing.
I love to sing .
I'm shatting singing.
I i count sing This Aria.

Compound Issign Sampling Plan

  1. Specify the type of faith.
  2. Indicate what the main part is expressed (subject infinitive); What value is auxiliary part (phase, modal) and which form of the verb is expressed.

Sample analysis

The old man started chewing again.

Russed to chew - composite verbal leaky. Main part ( chew) Expressed subject infinitive. Auxiliary part ( empty) It has a phase value and is expressed by the verb in the past time of expressing inclination.

(see Table number 5)

Ghs. - includes two components, that is, has an analytical method of expression (auxiliary component and main). The auxiliary component expresses the grammatical value, expressed by the hidden verb, is characterized by lexical incompleteness, weakening (non-valid verb). The main component expresses the real value, is expressed by the infinitive of the full-known verb, the verbal-registered turnover, phraseology. Waldshneps have already ceased to fly, but Levin decided to wait yet. I decided not to descend my eyes off him.

PR: The combination of two full-known verbs (the hidden verb + infinitive) is not a GSS. Compare : I began to say goodbye to him. I left the room to say goodbye to him.

Methods of expressions of the SSS.

(see Table # 6.)

In complicated forms of the SSS, it is not one, but two grammatical meanings. The following constructions of complicated SGS are distinguished:

    modal verb + phase verb + main part He tried to continue reading

    phase verb + modal verb + main part He began to try to open the window

    modal verb + modal verb + main part He decided to try to drag the bench

Abstract RG 1775-1778


SIS. - includes two components, that is, has an analytical method of expression (auxiliary component and main). The auxiliary expresses grammatical meaning, these are the hidden forms of the non-valued verb (verb-bunch). The main expresses the real value, is expressed by a registered part of speech, adorption, communion, verbalism, category of state. They were only namesakes. They are not more stupid and smarter. And she was painful. Something was clear here.

Methods of expression SIS.

(see Table No. 7)

Complicated SIS forms are built on the basis of the main in the following schemes:

    phase verb + bunch + registered part

    modal verb + bunch + registered part

    modal verb + modal + bunch + registered part

After that, anyone may hope to be my son-in-law.

Types of dsp

(see Table number 8)

Suggestions of identity

Two concepts are identified in them, while subject to and the faugibles are expressed by similar shapes. (My brother is a teacher)

Receptions of the distinction of the identity subject and fabricated in sentences

    Introduce the verb-bunch proposal was or is

    The species concept is expressed, and a faithful generic concept. Maple - tree.

    Submitted by the name of its own, and the nameable named is nominable.

    The estimated noun takes the position of the fant, rather than the estimated position of the subject.

Secondary sentences

    received their name as a result of the fact that they are not included in the predicative basis of the offer and from this point of view are not the main. According to the presence or absence of HCHP and single-part, and double-supported simple sentences are divided into unprofitable (contain only grammatical foundation) and common (contain at least one secondary sentence)

Traditionally, the following GCPs are distinguished: addition, circumstance, definition and application.

The application includes the second name of the subject indicated by nouns. Often the application is considered as a kind of definition. Receptions of the application of the application and the defined word:

    the application most often occupies postposition. We were going to Boris, Zoo.

    When combining the nominal and own name of inanimate objects and nicknames, the application is the name Cat Barsik

    with a combination of a none and own name (surname) of a person, the application will be a nominal . Brother Ivan.

    With a combination of two nominal nouns, an appraisal word or species, not a generic concept . Tramp-wind

RFP can have morphicized and nemorphologized Method of expression

Morphicized way of expression

Nonorphicized way of expression


Mattering pronoun

ordinal numerical

Definition White Roses, My Roses, Third Rose, Silk Dress, Wish Like, Egg Sky

Noun, infinitive, adverb

Noun in indirect cases and pronoun

Addition: watch the son, watch me, asked to come,


Circumstance: quickly turned, stood behind the river, to relax.

Noun with pretext, infinitive.

As a rule, difficulties occur with the definition of the type of GCP, if it has a non-neurphicized way of expression.

However, there are cases when the properties of two types are objectively combined in one RFP HCP (syncretism) - coincidence in one word form of properties of different members of the sentence. The most vividly syncretism is manifested in the design of the ungalled noun + word form with a circumstantial value. The first ride on the Volga was unsuccessful.


Predicate - This is the main member of the sentence, which is usually consistent with the subject (in the number, or in kind) and matters, expressed in matters: what does the subject do? What happens to him? What is he? What is he? who is he?

The faithful expresses the grammatical meaning of one of the chances (the expansive inclination is the present, which has passed, the future; conditional inclination, imperative inclination).

Types of fag:

Simple verbal leaky. Composite verbal led - ghs.Sc. Supplied personal faith - SIS

Simple verbal faithful (PGS)

Methods of expressing a simple verbal fag

1. Verb in the form of any inclination

There is a gloomy morning.
The crude morning came.
Sergey will come to theatrical school.
He would love to go to the village.
Write down your homework.

2. Independent infinitiv

To live home to serve.

3. Interdudice verb shapes (truncated forms of verb type batz, hug, jump)

Girlfriend Each here is quietly a girlfriend.

4. Frameological turnover with the main word - verb in the hidden form

The team won the championship.
He chases the Lodio again.

5. Verb in the hidden form + modal particle ( yes, let, let, let's, let's, it was, as if, as if, like, exactly, hardly, almost, just and etc.)

Let me go with you.
Let him leave with his father.
Yes, you dream of sweet dreams.
He went to the door, but suddenly he stopped.
In the room as if I smash Garo.
He seemed to be dumbfounded from fright.
He almost died with grief.
He just did not bitch, trying to make a public.
He hardly had risen from joy.

Composite faugible.

Composite verbal legend

Composite fadies are a fague, in which lexical importance and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words. The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time and inclination) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He served (PGS). - He began to sing (GSS); He sick two months (PGS). - He was sick two months (SIS).

The composite verbal leakage (SGS) consists of two parts:

a) auxiliary part (verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part (an indefinable form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

GSS \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive. For example: I started singing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be a composite verb fault, two conditions must be performed:

Auxiliary verb should be lexically incomplete, that is, it is alone (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what the speech is in the proposal.

CP: istarted - what to do?; iwant - what to do?.

If in combination of "verb + infinitives" the verb is significant, then he is one is a simple verbal faugible, and infinitives is a secondary member of the sentence.

Wed: She issent (for what purpose?) relax.

The effect of the infinitive should relate to the subject (this is a subject infinitive). If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the facid, but is a secondary member.

1. I want to sing. I want to sing - composite verbal leaky ( i want - I., sing willi).
2. I asked her to sing. Posil - Simple verbal leaky, sing - addition ( requested - I., sing will be - she is).

The values \u200b\u200bof the auxiliary verb


Typical verbs and phraseologisms

1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action)

Start, become, go down, continue, cum, stay, stop, throw, stop and etc.

He began to prepare for departure.
He continued to prepare for departure.
He gave up smoking.
He again let him argue about rural life.

2. MODAL meaning (need, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of the action, etc.)

Be able to be able to desire, want to dream, to intend, refuse, try, try, counting, able to manage, try, to assume, get used to, hurry, be afraid, to endure, love, hate, fear, fenced, drove, to be afraid , burn with desire, to have an honor, to have an intention, give a promise to have a habit and etc.

I can sing.
I want to sing.
I'm afraid to sing.
I love to sing.
I'm shatting singing.
I expect to sing this aria.

Composite nimble leaf

Composite nameless (SIS) consists of two parts:

a) auxiliary part - a bunch (verb in a hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part is the nominal part (name, adverb) expresses the lexical meaning.

SIS \u003d bunch + registered part

For example: Ithe was a doctor; Itbecame a doctor; Itwas ill; Itthere was a patient; Itwas injured; Itcame first.

Types of verbs-ligaments

Type of ligament by value

Typical verbs


1 . The grammatical bunch - expresses only the grammatical meaning (time, inclination), does not have a lexical value.

Verbs behold. In the present time, the bunch should usually be in zero form ("zero bunch"): the absence of a bundle points to the present time of expressive inclination.

Ithe was a doctor.
Itwill be a doctor.
Itthere was a patient.
Itwill suffer.
Itis sick.
Lyricsthere is the highestmanifestation art.

2 . The semi-significant bunch - not only expresses the grammatical meaning, but also contributes to the lexical value of the additional shades to the lexing value, but cannot be an independently taent (in that value).

a) the emergence or development of a sign: become becoming;
b) Saving a feature: stay;
c) manifestation, sign detection: to be to be;
d) assessment of a sign in terms of reality: seem to seem to seem to be considered to hear;
e) sign title: be wounded.

Ithe became ill.
Itsick remained.
Itcalled patients Each autumn.
Itit turned out to be ill.
Itconsidered patient.
Itit seemed for the patient.
Itis sick.
Itpatients have heard.
Themcalled patients.

3. A significant bunch of verb with a full lexical value (can one act as a faithful).

a) The verbs of the position in space: sit down, lie, stand;
b) Verbs movement: go, come back, wander;
c) Condition verbs: live, work, be born, die.

She issitted tired.
Itgone angry.
Itreturned upset.
Ithe lived hermit.
Itborn happy.
Ithero died.

Verb be May act independently simple verbal faults in sentences with the meaning of being or possessing:

Himit was three sons; Himit was much money.

Verbs become becoming etc. Also can be independent simple verbal faults, but in another meaning:

Itit turned out downtown; Itbecame near the wall.

The most difficult to analyze are composite nominal faiths with a significant bundle, because usually such verbs are independent of the fault (Wed: Itsitel near the window). If the verb becomes a bundle, then its value is less important than the meaning of the name associated with the verb ( Itsinging tired; More important is that he wastired, not what is he sat and not stood or lying).

In order for the combination of "significant verb + name" to be a component of the name, the following conditions must be observed:

the significant verb can be replaced with grammatical ligament to be:

Itsitel tired - Itwas tired; Itborn happy - Itwas happy; Itcame first - Itwas first;

bundle can be done zero:

Itsinging tired - Ittired ; Itborn happy - Ithappy ; Itcame first - Itfirst .

If the verb has a dependent forms of complete adjective, communion, ordinal number (answers the question what?), then this is always a composite name legend ( sat tired, gone upset, came first). The commas part of such a composite name is not divided!

Methods for expressing the name

The form


1. Name noun

1.1. Noun in the nominative or cleaner case

He is minebrother.
Itwas Mybrother..

1.2. Noun in indirect case with a pretext or without an excuse

Navigatorwas in forgetting.
This house -Meshakov.

1.3. One-piece phrase with the main word - nouns in the parental case (with the meaning of quality assessment)

Son-in-lawit was silent breed.
This girlhigh height.

2. The name of adjective

2.1. Brief adjective

Itbecame fun.

2.2. Full adjective in the nominative or in good condition

Itbecame cheerful.

2.3. Adjective in comparative or in excellent degree

Here are the sounds of musicwere heard.
Youthe best.

3. Communion

3.1. Brief communion

Glasseswere broken down.

3.2. Full communities in the nominative or cooling case

Glasseswere broken.
Glasseswere broken down.

4. Pronoming or solid phrase with the main word pronoun

All fish -yours.
itsomething new.

5. Numeral in the nominative or cleaner case

Their hut -third on the edge.
Their isathere was a third on the edge.

6. Institutes

Iwas on the relatives.
His daughtermarried Behind my brother.


1) Even if the faithful consists of one word - a name or adverb (with a zero ligament), it is always a composite nominal leaky;

2) Brief adjectives and the communion is always part of the composite name of the faugible;

3) Calm and Current Cases - the main case forms of the name of the fae

4) The nominal part of the taped can be expressed by a solid phrase in the same cases as subject.

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