A fairy tale about a mouse and magic berries. Fairy tales

Lyubov Kirsanova

Once the berries gathered for a solemn meeting - a ball. Came Barberry, Hawthorn and Lingonberry, Grapes, Cherry, Blueberry, Blackberry and Strawberry, Viburnum, Gooseberry, Strawberry and Cranberry, Raspberry, Cloudberry and Rowanberry, Currant, Sweet cherry and Blueberry, Mulberry, Rosehip and many others. Everyone was very surprised by the appearance of Watermelon and Tomato, but unexpected guests reported that, according to scientists, tomato and watermelon are full berries!
At the meeting, the meeting participants discussed the growing importance of berries, their use in medicine, cooking, and cosmetics. In the reports of the participants of the meeting, the thought came across as a red thread: "everyday use of berries is a guarantee of health!"
After the end of the meeting, a banquet was held. The berries sat at the tables, talked, feasted on pies with berry fillings, raised glasses of berry juices for peace and friendship, for each other's health. Everyone was in a great mood!
Suddenly, Malina stepped forward for everyone to hear:
- People love me more than all other berries! I am the sweetest and the most fragrant! No wonder they say: “Motherland is raspberry!
Then she looked slyly and maliciously at Kalina and added:
- And they also say: "Chuzhbina-viburnum"!
All the berries were speechless, because just now they were sitting amicably at the tables, talking peacefully and suddenly there was a quarrel.
And Kalina got angry:
- What are you saying? My berries are beautiful, juicy, although they have a slightly bitter taste, but the bitterness disappears after frost. People use my berries to make juices, liqueurs, and stuffing for pies. And people use me in medicine! And how beautiful I am! Everyone admires the viburnum clusters against the backdrop of white snow!
Raspberry chuckled.
- And my berries are fragrant, juicy, and sweet. People use them to make jams, jellies, marmalade, juices. And what delicious raspberry wines and liqueurs! And in medicine I am widely used. I am the most beautiful and elegant!
Raspberry and viburnum were arguing for a long time, and it almost didn't come to a fight. Other berries took them apart, pulled them apart, calmed them down.
Fortunately, Vinograd guessed, stepped forward and in a loud, sonorous voice suggested:
- It's time to start the ball, call the musicians!
And the musicians have been ready for a long time, the instruments have been tuned. The accordion played, the balalaikas picked up:

There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry!

All the berries sang along and did not notice how they started dancing.
We listened to this soulful song Kalina and Malina and could not resist - they smiled, hugged, made up for the joy of a friend to a friend and all the berries, but they started dancing!
Berries sang and danced for a long time, danced "The Lady" and "Quadrille", danced in round dances, and Kalina and Malina had fun more than anyone else.
Since then, they have lived in peace and harmony, because they are sung about them in one of the most popular and beloved Russian folk songs!
The accordion plays, an old, but eternally young song sounds, and the feet start dancing by themselves !:
- Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka!
There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry! .. "

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a tsar and a princess. And their beautiful daughter grew up. Father and mother doted on her, cared for and took care of the princess more than her eyes.

Once a foreign ship came to that city. The people ran to the pier. The owner of the ship, a merchant guest, shows various rarities and wonders that no one has ever seen.

The rumor reached the princess of the tower. The princess wanted to look at the overseas wonders. She began to ask her parents - Let me go to look at the overseas ship!

The tsar and tsarina let her go, the mothers and nurses were strictly ordered:

- Take care of the princess! If someone inflicts an offense, you are responsible.

The princess set out with the nurses. They came to the pier, and a foreign merchant himself hurries to meet him and says:

- Beautiful princess, get on the ship! There I have a cat-bayun, he sings songs and tells fairy tales, there are gusli-samoguds and a self-assembled tablecloth. I have not shown these rarities to anyone - the shore is for you!

The princess wants to go and is afraid at the same time:

"Well, how will something go wrong?" And the merchant persistently calls:

- Whatever comes to your liking, I will order everything to be taken to the palace as a gift to you!

The princess could not resist and told the nurses at the pier to wait, and she herself went up to the deck with the merchant guest. The master brought her to a rich cabin:

- Sit here, beautiful princess, and I'll go and fetch curiosities.

I went out on deck, locked the door tightly and gave the command:

- To give up the ends!

And on the ship this order was just awaited. The sails were quickly raised, and the ship ran into the sea. The nurse-nurses raised a cry, screaming, rushing about the pier, crying, and the ship goes further and further away. They made it known to the palace. The tsar and the tsarina came running, and the ship was already out of sight. What to do here? The princess is killed, and the king ordered the nurses to be taken into custody. Then he ordered the cry to click:

- Whoever finds the princess, I will marry her and during the life of half the kingdom I will write off, and after my death the whole kingdom will be got by my son-in-law!

There were many hunters. They were looking for the princess all over the world, but they did not find it anywhere.

At that time, Ivan, a peasant's son, served as a soldier. It was his turn to go on guard, to guard the royal reserved garden. A soldier stands under a tree, does not sleep. At midnight, two crows flew in, sat down on the tree where the soldier stood, and spoke in a human way. One raven said:

- The local king's only daughter was lost. They searched for three years but did not find it.

Another in response:

- Well, this is a simple matter! If you go straight across the sea at noon, you will find yourself in the kingdom of the Nemal-Man. He kidnapped the princess and keeps it with him. He wants to marry his nephew, Serpent Gorynych. Finding a princess is easy, but no one can get out of there alive. No one has yet succeeded in defeating the Nemal-Man.

“There will be strength for Nemal-Man,” said the first raven. - There is an island on the sea-ocean, two goblin live there. For thirty years they have been fighting among themselves, they cannot share the self-cutting sword in any way. Whoever was brave and daring, mastered that sword, then he could easily cope with the Nemal-Man.

And the crows flew away. As soon as the time came to change, Ivan the soldier did not hesitate, went to the palace.

- Why, soldier, did you come? - the king asks.

- I want to find the princess! Let me go!

The king was surprised:

- There were many hunters without you. Princes, boyars, eminent merchants and generals were looking for a princess all over the world - they did not find it. Where are you, a simple soldier, will you start looking when you yourself have not been anywhere, you have not seen anything!

“It’s not without reason that a proverb says:“ He who rides, he rules, ”the soldier said. - I, apparently, and know how to find the princess and bring home.

- Well, look, soldier, my royal word is strong: if you find a princess, you will be a son-in-law, and I will give my kingdom during my lifetime; but you will not find: my sword is your head from your shoulders!

- Two deaths cannot happen, and one cannot be avoided, - the soldier answers. - Command the ship to equip and order the captain to obey me in everything.

The tsar ordered to equip the ship, and soon Ivan the soldier set off on the road.

Whether they swam close, far, or short, they sailed to a deserted island. The soldier says to the captain:

- Stay here and keep the whole team ready. I will go ashore, and as soon as I am back on the ship, you raise all the sails and get out of here as soon as possible.

Ivan the soldier crossed over to the shore, climbed a steep mountain and walked along the island. He walked, walked, heard a noise in the forest - and suddenly two gobies jumped out to meet. They snatch something from each other. One shouts:

- My! I won't give it up anyway!

And the other pulls to itself:

- No it's mine!

We saw Ivan the soldier, stopped, then shouted in one voice:

- Judge us, good man! We inherited a self-cutting sword. There is only one sword, but there are two of us, and for thirty years we have been tormented, fighting - we just cannot share.

The soldier was just waiting for that:

- That is a simple matter. I will shoot an arrow, and you run after it. Whoever finds the arrow and returns quickly will get the sword of the self-cut.

On that they agreed. An arrow flew, both goblins rushed after it, and Ivan the soldier grabbed a self-cutting sword and was like that. Only had time to climb on deck, as the sails soared, and the ship ran into the open sea. They sailed day and night and sailed to the kingdom of Nemal-Man.

Ivan the soldier took a self-cutting sword and went to look for the princess. Not far from the coast I saw a large house. He went up to the porch, opened the door and saw: the princess was sitting in the upper room, shedding tears, crying. She looked at the soldier:

- Who are you, good fellow? How did you get here?

- I am Ivan the soldier, I came to help you out of captivity and take you home.

- Oh, well done! The road is wide here, but there is no turning from here. Nemal-Man will destroy you too, he will not release you alive.

- Who will destroy whom, it will be seen, now there is nothing to guess, - answered Ivan Tsarevich.

The princess was delighted and stopped crying.

- How would you rescue me from captivity and take me to father and mother, I would gladly marry you!

- Well, look, having given your word, hold on! - said Ivan the soldier.

The princess gave Ivan her ring:

- Here's my personalized ring: I am the mistress of my word.

Just had time to utter, a terrible noise arose.

- Bury yourself, well done, - shouted the princess, - Nemal-Man is coming!

A soldier jumped behind the stove. At the same moment the door swung open, Nemal-Man stepped through the threshold, blocked the white light: at once everything went dark.

- Fu-fu-fu, I haven't been to Russia for a long time, I haven't heard the Russian spirit, but the Russian spirit itself granted! Come out, bogatyr, force to be measured! I will put you in my palm, I will slap the other, and you will be left with dirt and water.

- It's early, damn monster, you boast: not for me, but for you, the commemoration will be celebrated!

Ivan the soldier swung his self-sawing sword and cut off the Nemal-Man's head. The servants of the Nemal-Man came running, attacked Ivan the soldier, and he killed the servants with the same sword, fought and led the princess to the ship. A fair wind blew, and soon they sailed to their state.

The tsar and tsarina hug the princess, laugh and cry with joy. All the people praise Ivan the Soldier. And as they opened their mouths, the tsar said to him:

- Here, Ivan, the peasant's son, you were a simple soldier, and now for your prowess I favor you as a general!

“Thank you, your royal majesty,” Ivan thanked.

How much time has passed, how little time has passed, Ivan asks the tsar:

- But the agreement is the most expensive of all, tsar-sovereign, isn't it time to get ready for the wedding?

- I remember, I remember, but I don’t know what to do? You see, another bridegroom, a foreign prince, is relentlessly wooing. I will not witch the princess. As she says, so be it.

Ivan showed the princess a ring:

- She promised me herself and gave me a wedding ring.

The tsar did not want to be related to the peasant son and it is a pity to refuse the prince, but there is nothing to do - he said:

- My word is indestructible: if the princess is engaged to you, we will play a wedding.

As soon as Ivan and the princess had time to marry and sat down at the wedding table, a messenger galloped up with the unhappy news. The foreign prince approached the kingdom with an innumerable army and ordered to say: "If they do not give the princess in good marriage, I will take by force and shake the whole kingdom with smut."

The tsar was saddened, did not drink, did not eat. And the boyars sit not their own, but the princess thinks: “For a minute the mind was not enough, but now repent! If she hadn’t got engaged then with Ivan, a peasant’s son, I would have married a prince, and the parents wouldn’t have been concerned ”. And Ivan says:

- Do not twist, tsar-sovereign, and you, dummy boyars! I will be transferred by force with the king's son.

He left the table, got on his horse and rode towards the enemy's strength.

Moved together with foreign troops and began to beat the regiments with a sword-self-cutting. Just a wave - the street, it will wave back - a lane, and soon the whole army was beaten and fought. Only the prince himself and the generals managed to escape.

Ivan returned with a victory. All the people glorify him, and the tsar cheered up, warmly met his son-in-law.

Only the princess is not happy: "It can be seen that I have a century with a peasant-country bumpkin."

But he doesn't show it, he welcomes her husband. A little time has passed - again the messengers inform the king:

- A foreign prince comes with a new army, threatens to conquer the whole kingdom and beat off the princess by force.

“Well, my dear son-in-law,” says the tsar, “all hope is in you: go to the warrior!

Ivan jumped on his horse - and only he was seen. He got together with the prince, drew out a self-cutting sword and beats the army like mowing grass.

Seeing the prince's imminent disaster, he turned his horse and, together with his fellow generals, took off. From his state he sends the princess a letter: "Ask Ivan, the peasant son, what is his strength, help me win, and I will marry you, otherwise you will be a man's wife for a century." The princess is flattering to Ivan:

- Tell me, dear hubby, what is your strength? How could you cope with Nemal-Man and beat one or two countless troops?

Ivan does not feel trouble over himself:

- I have a self-cutting sword. With that sword, I will prevail over every hero, and I will beat any army, and I myself will remain unharmed.

The next day the princess went to the gunsmith:

“Pick me a sword like my husband’s. The gunsmith picked up a sword like Ivan's - you can't tell the difference. The princess sometimes replaced the self-cutting sword with a simple sword at night and secretly gave the message to the foreign prince: "Collect an army, go to war, fear nothing."

After that, a little time passed - a messenger galloped up:

- Again the prince goes to war against our kingdom. Ivan rode out to meet him, fighting with the enemy, and there was very little damage in the enemy army. He managed to whip and beat only three people, as he himself was wounded, knocked down from his horse.

Soon the prince conquered the whole kingdom. The princess met him with joy.

- Forever saved me from the man!

And the king is happy. I went to the palace with a mountain feast and refreshments.

Ivan, the peasant's son, lay down and then only remembered how the princess found out what his strength was. "Someone, how she changed the sword and let the king's son know!"

He crawled into a deep dark forest, bandaged his wounds, and it became easier for him. Goes wherever they look. He is hungry and thirsty. I saw ripe yellow berries on the bush: “What kind of berries? Let me try. " I ate two berries, and suddenly I had a headache. No patience - it hurts so much. He touched his hand and feels: his horns have grown. Ivan lowered his head, was saddened: "Now you can't show yourself to people, you will have to live in the forest." I walked not far away - I met a tree: large red berries grow on it.

And thirst is tormenting. "Let me pick a berry or two and eat it." Plucked one berry, ate it - the horn fell off; ate another, and the other horn fell off. And he feels: the strength in him has tripled against the former. “Well, now I have completely recovered! We need to get a self-cutting sword. " I wove two small baskets, picked up red and yellow berries.

I got out of the woods onto the road and went into the city. At the outpost he changed his colored dress and in a thin caftan and bast shoes came to the royal court:

- The berries are ripe, fragrant! The berries are sweet!

The princess heard and sent the maid:

- Go find out what kind of berries. If it's sweet, buy it. She ran out onto the porch:

- Hey, merchant man, are your berries sweet?

- Better than my berries, beauty, you will not find anywhere else! Taste it yourself. - And he gave her a healing red berry.

The girl liked the berry. And Ivan gave her yellow berries. The girl returned to the room:

- Oh, how sweet this merchant's berries are, I've never eaten such!

The princess ate a berry or two - she felt uneasy:

- Why is it that I have a headache?

The maid looked at her, she saw that the princess's horns were growing, and from fear she could not say a word. At that moment, the princess looked in the mirror and died away. Then she came to her senses, stamped her foot:

- Where is the merchant? Keep it!

The tsar and the tsarina and the prince ran up to the cry of the nurse-nurse. We rushed into the yard:

- Stop the merchant, catch him!

And the trader was gone. They could not find it anywhere. They began to treat the princess. No matter how many healers have used, nothing helps.

And Ivan, a peasant's son, grew a beard, pretended to be an old man and came to the tsar:

- I have a medicine - it helps against all diseases. And I undertake to cure the princess.

“If you’re telling the truth,” the king rejoiced, “and your daughter will recover, ask me what you want, and the king’s son will reward you especially.”

“I don’t want any reward. Lead me to the princess and order me so that no one dares to enter into peace, until I myself call. If the princess begins to scream, it will hurt her, all the same, no one should enter. And if you do not obey - it will never get rid of the horns.

They left Ivan and the princess face to face: he locked the door tightly, snatched out a birch twig and let the princess regale with that twig. The birch twig is not alder: it bends, but does not break, it wraps around the body.

Here's science! Do not deceive anyone in advance! Tsarevna Ivan, the peasant's son, recognized, began to shout, call for help. And he knows he beats and condemns:

“If you don’t give up my sword, I will put you to death!

The princess shouted, shouted, did not call anyone and prayed:

- I'll give up the sword, just don't ruin me, dear Ivanushka!

I ran into another room, brought a self-sawing sword. Ivan took the sword, ran out of the princess's chambers, saw on the porch of the prince with the generals closest, swung his sword - and the prince and the generals tumbled down dead.

"There is no deception, the sword is truly mine!" He returned to the upper room, gave the princess medicinal berries:

- Eat, do not be afraid! I have no deception!

The princess ate a red berry - one horn fell off; ate the second - the other horn fell off, and she became healthy. Cries and laughs with joy:

- Thank you, Ivanushka! Another time you rescued me from trouble, I will not forget the age of your good! Drive the prince away, but forgive me, and I will be your faithful wife.

Ivan, the peasant's son, answers:

- Your king's son is no longer alive. And you and your father, with your mother, go where you know, so that your spirit is not here! I did not have a wife, and you are not my wife!

Ivan, the peasant's son, drove away the tsar and the tsarina and the princess, and since then he has lived and lived, he knows no trouble.


Lesson number 3

Topic: "Berry Tale".

Program tasks.

Educational:to form in preschoolers a consciously correct attitude to nature based on knowledge of the characteristics of its individual objects; to introduce children to forest berries: lingonberries, drupes, cranberries; learn to distinguish between them in appearance, name and describe; teach children to interpret the names of forest berries, look for its meaning, the reasons for which the name was given; to consolidate the idea of ​​the variety of wild berries.

Developing: develop thinking, memory, creative imagination; ability to analyze and draw conclusions; the ability to find an object of nature in a picture;

Educational: foster respect for the forest and its gifts

Equipment: toy gingerbread man; pictures with the image of the Busnik girl, the Bone girl and the Cranberry girl;pictures depicting berries: lingonberries, drupes, cranberries, rowan berries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries; three baskets, stencils of berries.

Preliminary work:a conversation about wild berries; reading of N. Pavlova's story "Berries", poems by E. Trutneva "Strawberry", "Blueberry"; didactic game "What kind of berry?"

1. The group includes elements of the forest: trees, animals, mushrooms, calm music sounds, children are standing in a "forest glade".

Today we will go for a walk in our forest. The forest is a great home for plants, insects, animals and birds. And when we come to the forest, we come to visit them. Imagine a house where one of the owners is absent. For example, a forest where there is no grass ( no birds ). Is it cozy, interesting, fun to walk in such a forest? Of course not, the forest is bare, boring, not beautiful. To always be comfortable in the forest, you and I must take care of it. Let's remember with you the rules of how to behave in the forest so as not to harm nature. I will show you the rules, and you call them (do not break branches, do not leave debris, do not destroy insects). We remembered the rules, and now we go to the forest ( goes).

Children, close your eyes and imagine that we are with you in the forest. Have you presented? Now open your eyes, look how beautiful it is, take a walk in our forest. Look around and say:

What grows in our forest? ( Trees ).

Which trees do you know the names of? ( Maple, oak ...)

What else is there in our forest? (mushrooms, birds, animals).

What birds (animals, mushrooms) do you know?

And what is not in our forest? (flowers, insects, herbs, berries).

Children call flowers they know ...

Different stories often happen in the forest. I want to read you one such story about Kolobok. But it will be a completely different tale. Sit on the stumps and get ready to listen. Listen carefully and try to remember who Gingerbread man met in the forest and how they looked.

Reading a fairy tale N. Ryzhova "Girl-Brusnichka ruddy cheeks"

“Once Kolobok went for a walk in the forest, and this is what happened to him. Have you been to the forest in autumn, when the forest stands like a picture drawn by the guys? One tree is golden, the other is red, the third is green, and the fourth is variegated. In a word, whoever wanted it with what color, and painted it that way. In the autumn in the forest every now and then come across the eyes of flocks of titmouses. In autumn, the wren sings especially loudly. In autumn, the sunbeams play hide and seek with each other in the variegated foliage. And this is much more interesting than in the summer - try, guess where the leaf is, and where the bunny is.

On that day, the sunbeams played at the edge of the forest and ran with the wind into the thicket of the forest. There was little foliage now, and no one bothered the wind to climb into the wilderness. The gingerbread man ran to catch up with the bunnies and ran into ... a girl Lingonberry (picture).

Her dress was made of small dark green rounded leaves, such a bright blush burned on her round cheeks that everyone called her that - "Little Brusnichka girl - ruddy cheeks" ( picture ).

Let's play hide and seek with me! - the girl Brusnichka called him.

Let's! - agreed Kolobok. - Yes, only I will find you right away. You are so noticeable.

Try! - the girl Brusnichka laughed and ... disappeared. Gingerbread man looked around - all around was green grass, decorated with bright fallen leaves. And there is a red leaf over there. Where to look? And suddenly he sees ( picture) - a red cheek peeps out from under a green carved leaf.

Hey, Brusnichka! Get out!

I'm not a cowberry.

How is it not Lingonberry, and leaves and cheeks ... get out!

Take a good look ( picture ). Our leaves are not the same. Lingonberry leaves are small, rounded, growing in different directions one by one.

And I am Kostyanika! My leaves are large, jagged and grow in a heap of three leaves. And the berries also grow in a heap, and there are seeds in the berries. I am Kostyanika!

Immediately, Brusnichka appeared from the bushes and laughed:

We often grow side by side. Seek, seek!

And she hid again.

It seemed to Kolobok, something red flashed to the side ... Hidden under the sheet. Gingerbread man came up, quietly lifted a leaf, and under it a tiny fly agaric.

Gingerbread man ran out to the edge. From here the old swamp began. Here she is, Brusnichka! Sits on a bump, in plain sight and for some reason does not hide ( picture ).

Hey, Brusnichka!

I'm not a cowberry! (picture) . I am Cranberry! My stems are long, creeping, creeping along the very ground. And the leaves are dark green, pointed. I am Cranberry!

Then suddenly the sun was covered with a huge shaggy cloud, and the snow began to fall. Snow flakes fell on green grass, on colorful leaves, on red berries.

Oh, what a pity for the berries. They're cold!

What are you, Kolobok, - said Brusnichka, who was now standing next to Kolobok. The cold cranberry loves its sour berries, but it will overwinter under the snow, and it will have sweet, juicy berries in the spring.

The gingerbread man froze and ... woke up. Next to him, on warm red needles, stood a basket full of large red-sided berries.

Sunbeams were jumping in the colorful leaves. One climbed into the basket - and the rosy cheeks of Lingonberry played, as if the berries were laughing.

The gingerbread man picked up the basket and ran to his grandmother. And on the way, he kept thinking: did he dream or was it all real? "

Questions about the content of the tale:

  • Whom did Kolobok meet in the forest? (Girl-Brusnichka).
  • Describe what a lingonberry looks like? (Thin brown twigs, small dark green, rounded leaves, round bright red berries).
  • What did Brusnichka offer to Kolobok? (Lingonberry began to play with Kolobok in hide and seek).
  • Whom did Gingerbread man find? ( Kostyanik).
  • Describe what Kostyanik looks like? (Long, thin, green stem, large, rounded, carved leaves, bright green, collected in a heap, berries are round, ruddy, bright, with a stone, collected in a heap).
  • What kind of berry did Kolobok find on a bog? ( Cranberries).
  • Describe the cranberries. ( Stems are thin, long, creeping, leaves are small, oblong, pointed, dark green, berries are dark red, round, ripe).
  • What did Brusnichka tell Kolobok about cranberries? (Cranberries love cold, berries turn sweet from cold).
  • What berries did Kolobok meet in the forest?

Physical minute.

We went to a distant forest for berries.

Probably invisible there are miracles!

We saw a red ant

We met a squirrel by the stream.

We found a little white fungus,

We put it carefully in a box.

Well, there are not many ripe berries,

As soon as we return home, we'll eat.

We would walk in the forest until the morning,

But it's time for us to start.

2. Game exercise "Why are they called that?"

Why do you think this is the name of the bony berry? (sea ​​buckthorn, rowan, cranberry, blackberry, raspberry, lingonberry).

After each answer, an explanation is given by the teacher:

Stone berry - eat and spit out the bone, the berry is small and the bone is large.

3bog - the berry is tilted to the ground.

Rowan - There are so many red berries that they even dazzle in the eyes.

Cranberry - the name was apparently given by the birds, they peck at it.

Blackberry - not a bush, but a thorn.

Raspberries - small berries in one hat-berry were stuck together.

Cowberry - "bar" - an old word, means "red".

That's how many berries we remembered and learned so many interesting things about their names!

And here is the Kolobok. Guys, look how many berries Kolobok has collected! What are their names? (lingonberry, stoneberry, cranberry).

But while he was coming to visit us, all the berries were mixed. Let's help Kolobok sort the berries into baskets. In one basket you will collect cranberries, in the other - bony berries, in the third - lingonberries.

3. Didactic game "Let's pick berries".(Music sounds).

The teacher scatters stencils of berries on the floor and offers to help Kolobok sort them into three baskets. Children are divided into three teams: "Brusnichka", "Kostyanichka", "Klyukovka". Players from each team in turn run out into the clearing, take the berry corresponding to the name of their team and put it in the basket. At the end of the game, Kolobok evaluates the actions of the teams. The winner is the team that picked the berries faster and more correctly.

Educator: - Guys, how will you pick berries when you go to the real forest? (be careful not to pick the bushes themselves, green, unripe berries). Berries, flowers, mushrooms - all these are the children of the forest. They live together in their home and cannot do without each other. In order to preserve nature: forests, fields, rivers, animals, insects, birds - we must take good care of everything that surrounds us.

Once upon a time there was Yablonka. She lived in harmony with the Man, gave a rich harvest of her fruits - apples. The man looked after Apple tree, and she fed him. But one day the Man became lazy. He stopped growing apples, stopped taking care of Apple. The Apple tree got offended, got upset and decided to leave the Man. I decided to decide, but she was very kind and could not leave him. I thought, wondered what to do, and decided to hide.

The Man saw that the Apple tree was gone, but did not attach any importance to it. "And I will live without her," I thought. Lives - does not grieve Man, lies, warms himself in the sun.

But trouble came. The health began to fail the Man. Now the heart tingles, then the tummy aches. The face turned pale, haggard. The wrinkles ran in different directions.

A Man sits, grieves, but cannot understand anything. The Apple tree saw this, took pity on him. She left her shelter, gave him her apples and began to teach:

Eh, you stupid little head! I got lazy, got excited, stopped paying attention to me. And my apples are not simple, magical. They contain a lot of vitamins: vitamin A, and vitamin C, and vitamin B. There are many useful substances: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Both organic acids and iron. There is also pectin, fiber. Everything for your health: for tummy, heart, head, skin, body and face.

The Man understood that he had acted badly. Don't do that to your friends. I asked Yablonka for forgiveness. And they began to live together again together, as before, to take care of each other.

It’s a pity that Yablonka’s offense didn’t just go away. She hid, snake crawled into the very heart of the apple. And since then, a bitter resentment, dangerous for Man, has lurked in every apple seed. Remember: eat the magic apple, don't touch the seeds, throw them away.

Here the fairy tale is over, and who listened - well done!

Shamaeva Irina, 2 "B" class

Inseparable friends

In one distant, distant fruit and vegetable country, there lived two brothers - Orange and Lemon. The orange was kind and cheerful, and Lemon was sour and did not know how to laugh at all. Orange did whatever he did to cheer up his brother: he sang funny ditties to him, told jokes, and even showed cartoons about Smesharikov. No, nothing helped!

Once they went for a walk. They walk along Vegetable Street and suddenly see a girl sitting on a bench and crying bitterly. Orange approached her and asked: “What are you, girl, crying so bitterly? Who hurt you?". And the girl replies: “How can I not cry! Grandpa Luk asked to help him take off his fur coat, so I helped, and now I'm shedding tears! " The orange tells her: "Here, take my sweet slice, eat it - and everything will pass." The girl took a piece, ate it and immediately stopped crying. "Well, now, I told you!" - exclaimed the kind Orange.

Suddenly the girl turned to Lemon and said: "Are you so beautiful and, probably, also very tasty?" Lemon, although he was embarrassed by such a compliment, immediately broke off a piece and handed it to the girl. Putting a slice in her mouth, the little girl suddenly began to make such faces that you won't even see in the funniest cartoon! She wrinkled her nose so that she became like a hippo, then a hedgehog, then a piglet, then, in general, some kind of Miracle Yudo. And our Lemon, looking at her, burst out laughing so much that, clutching his stomach with laughter, he fell on the grass and let's roll on it! ..

This is how our Lemon learned to laugh. True, he remained the same sour, but he became very cheerful and even useful. After all, laughter is the best medicine! And the girl really liked her new acquaintances. Now the three of them are inseparable friends.

Mishkina Mila, 2 "B" class


Vegetables and fruits met
And they began to find out
Who are the best products.
And in order to resolve the dispute, they decided to play the game.
They started playing volleyball
To score a goal for each other.
But in the end friendship won
Since everyone needs to take vitamins,
Because the body needs all vitamins
And they are equally important.

Graditskiy Nikita, 2 "B" class.

Citrus family

Once a tree grew in the clearing, and no one knew what kind of tree it was. So, one year later, an orange grew, one. Strange, isn't it?
He slept soundly. But suddenly the twig crunched, the orange woke up and crashed to the ground. It hurt him a lot. The orange still got up, looked around, looked at the tree and realized that he was alone in the tree, and indeed, in the whole clearing. He decided to travel. Walked, walked, climbed the mountain. I saw an orange at home.
They seemed small from this distance. But poor Orange lost his balance and rolled down the mountain towards the city. He rolled across the road and suddenly stopped. Orange heard a noise. He saw a supermarket, went there. There were a lot of people in it. Orange saw the box and climbed onto it. He looked into the drawer. There were a lot of tangerines. In the other box were large strong grapefruits.
- Hey you! Are you sleeping? - asked Orange.
All the tangerines woke up and muttered. And the grapefruits snored, but woke up from the noise of tangerines.
- What are you doing here? - asked Orange.
“We live here,” said the Mandarin.
- And they are selling us! - added Mandarin.
Orange says with sadness:
- And I'm looking for a family, wandering around the world. I feel lonely.
- Can I go with you? Grapefruit asked.
- What about us? - asked Mandarin and Mandarin.
- Of course! - Orange was delighted.
Grapefruit, Mandarin, Mandarin and Orange ran to the exit.
- I have relatives in the garden. Lemon and lime are two brothers, ”said Grapefruit.
- How good! I have many relatives! - said Orange.
Everyone followed Grapefruit. They climbed over the fence and saw a tree with lemons. There was another tree nearby, only lemons were green, and they were called limes. No sooner met citrus fruits, they were grabbed by the girl Julia. She squeezed juice out of them, drank it and did not get sick all year!

Pyatlina Ekaterina, 3 "B" class


Once Vanya and Nastya went to the dacha. It was hot and the children were thirsty. Mom invited them to pick berries for compote. The children went to pick berries.

The guys began to collect cherries. Vanya climbed a tree, and Nastya was gathering at the bottom. Vanya asked his mother: "What is the use of cherries?" Mom said that cherries contain different acids, microelements, macronutrients, pectin substances, sugar, various vitamins, folic acid. Cherry removes thirst well, has antiseptic properties.

Then the children started picking apples. Nastya asked her mother: "What is the use of apples?" Mom said that they contain many vitamins and minerals, are useful for headaches, anemia, arthritis, rheumatism.

Then Vanya saw strawberries and began to collect them with Nastya. The children picked strawberries and asked their mother: "What is the use of strawberries?" Mom answered that strawberries contain sugar, carotene, essential oil, and various acids. Used for colds, anemia. It is very tasty and low in calories.

Then mom sent the guys to collect pears. Mom explained that pear contains vitamins, potassium, iron, copper, pectin, fiber and tannins. Pear strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, and fights infections.

The children picked up a lot of berries and gave them to their mother, and their mother cooked compote. It was tasty and healthy.

Student work

A fairy tale about a mouse for children who take someone else's.

One hot summer day, the little mouse was bored at his house.
- Let's play tag! - the dragonfly chirped.

- I do not want! Tired of it! - the little mouse squeaked capriciously.

Let's play hide and seek! The firefly suggested.

- It's not interesting with you! - the mouse waved his paw. - You turn around and don't know how to hide.

Boring? - asked the sly fox in an insinuating voice.

- Boring, - the mouse agreed.

- Did you hear that the bear has grown magic berries in his garden! Eat one berry - and all your wishes come true! Only he does not let anyone near those berries. I wish you had dug an underground passage and brought us some berries! - whispered the fox and tickled the mouse with its red tail.

- Wow! I want wishes to come true! - the mouse jumped up.

- Okay, I'll show you the way, and you will bring me magic berries. Deal? - The fox even closed her eyes with pleasure.

- Of course we did! - The mouse laughed happily.

- What are you, - the May beetle buzzed, sitting on a blade of grass, - will you take it without asking?

- Just think! - the mouse shrugged his shoulders. - Since he doesn’t treat anyone, I’ll take it without asking.

- Without demand it is impossible! - the mosquito began to itch, sitting next to the beetle.

- Can! - The fox brushed them off with its tail, put the mouse on its back and rushed to the bear's house.

They ran to the bear's hut, dug the mouse through, crawled out under the bush and picked up magic berries in a basket. There was no doubt that the berries were actually magical: while the mouse was carrying them along the underground passage, they glowed in the dark with different colors and smelled deliciously of real miracles.

Unable to resist, he ate one. Then another one. Then another ... And fell asleep.

The mouse dreamed of all sorts of unbelievable things: a bear flew across the sky, cats grew on a tree, mushrooms ran in the grass, and the sun turned into a pancake and fell.

The mouse woke up: he was looking, but there were no berries in the basket!

- Ay-ay-ay, - he was frightened. - What am I going to tell the fox?

He ran back to the garden along the underground passage, got out and couldn't believe his eyes!

As everything was in his dream - and it is: a bear in the sky, the cats on the tree, like cones, hang, and a fox sits in the meadow and eats the sun!

- Can not be! - the little mouse was frightened.

- Maybe! - the bear growled from the clouds. - Why did you eat my berries without asking? Look now what you have done!

- Now we will ripen, we will jump to the ground and show you how to take magic berries without asking! - cats meowed from the tree.

- Help! - squeaked the mouse. - How to fix everything?

“Not true,” someone whispered nearby. - The fox always cheats!

- Who is there? - the mouse looked around.

- It's me, firefly! I will teach you what to do! Ask the bear for permission to eat one berry and make a guess so that everything will return as it was!

- Uncle bear! Cried the little mouse. - Can I eat one berry to make my last wish? Please!

- Eat it! - the bear waved his paw.

- Thanks! - the mouse was delighted, picked another berry, ate it, closed his eyes and squeaked. - I want everything to be the same again!

He opened his eyes, looked: a bear was sitting on a bench near the house, cones and mushrooms instead of cats were sitting on the Christmas tree, and the sun was still rolling across the sky and smiling. And everyone is happy, only the fox is angry, it gallops across the meadow, waving its red tail and clicking sharp teeth.

- Hooray! - the mouse was delighted. - Never again will I take someone else's without asking!

He said goodbye to the bear and ran to play hide and seek with the firefly.

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