What events took place on September 5. September on the Catholic calendar

People born on September 5 do not even know how many holidays are associated with this day. At the end of the article, we will provide a whole tape in which the historical events of September 5 will be marked. In fact, there were a lot of them, so the information will be provided in a compressed form.

Day of the Holy Martyr Lupp of Thessaloniki

September 5 is the day of St. Lupp of Thessaloniki. He was a slave under Dmitry Solunsky. The man was sentenced to death on 5 September. This day is popularly called Luppa-lingonberry day. This is due to the fact that it is by this day that lingonberries are fully ripe.

The day discussed in the article has its own popular beliefs. It is believed that this is when the first frosts begin. If on this day the lingonberries are fully ripe, then you need to rush to harvest the oats. If the cranes are still flying low, then this is a sign of an approaching bad weather.

Day of the Holy Martyr Irenaeus

On September 5, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the martyr Irenaeus. He was the propagator of Christianity and defended the church from heretics. Saint Irenaeus wrote 5 books during his lifetime, which were directed against heresies. In 202, Hieromartyr Irenaeus was martyred.

Jewish holiday of the creation of the world - Rosh Hashanah

On September 5, all Jews celebrate the beginning of the new year and the end of the old one. The Jews have a Book of Life, according to which God decides the fate of people on this very day. He makes a decision about who will be in peace or excitement, who will live and who will die.

Jews always spend their holiday in a cheerful and cheerful manner, as they sincerely believe that God wants only the best for everyone. Therefore, for the Jews, this day is a day of joy.

Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah on a large scale. They all meet at a large festive table and make gifts to each other. Everyone had to bring their own dish in order to show what next year they expect for themselves.

in India

For all Hindus, the teacher is a respected person. In India, the pursuit of knowledge has always been encouraged. Teachers' Day in India is celebrated on September 5, as President Radhakrishnan wished to celebrate his birthday not as a great holiday, but as a day dedicated to the great work of all teachers.

September 5 zodiac sign - Virgo

On this, without exaggeration, a significant day, people born under the sign of the Virgo zodiac celebrate their birthday.

People born on this day have a rich imagination and a lively mind, so they love to create original projects and translate them into reality. People of this zodiac sign have periods in their lives when they can act against themselves. Virgos know how to be friends. They have a slightly peculiar humor, which some may mistake for rudeness. As for love affairs, if Virgo doubts the sincerity of a partner, then she will be able to interrupt even the most tender relationship.

In 1906, the famous Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann died.

1915 is known for the decision of Emperor Nicholas II. He removed from his post the commander-in-chief of the Grand Duke, who was his uncle, and took his place.

In 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved a law on terror against the Red Army.

Towards the end of the first quarter of the 20th century (1919), the well-known military leader Chapaev died. In history, he is known as a hero of the Civil War.

In 1929, the famous cosmonaut Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev was born.

In 1939, the United States declared its neutrality in World War II.

In 1940, Arkady Gaidar's work "Timur and his team" was first published.

In 1941, the Germans completely captured Estonia. In Moscow, all children under the age of 12 were evacuated.

In 1944, war was declared on Bulgaria.

In 1946, the famous composer, musician, singer and leader of the rock band "Queen" Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar.

A decree was issued on rendering assistance to the Tatar peoples who live in the territory of Crimea.

In 1973, Alexander Solzhenitsny sent a "Letter to the Leaders of the Soviet Union" to the Kremlin.

In 1975, the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was assassinated.

In 1976, the famous gymnast Tatyana Gutsu was born in Odessa.

In 1977, the Voyager 1 interplanetary station was launched.

In 1979, the famous French scientist Roman Mikhailovich Girshman died.

In 1980, the longest railway tunnel in Switzerland was opened.

In 1981, the death of a person from AIDS was recorded for the first time.

In 1986, the death penalty was abolished in Australia.

In 1990, the famous Russian theater actress Georgievskaya Anastasia Pavlovna died.

In 1991, a congress of people's deputies took place, at which the Declaration of Freedoms and Human Rights was adopted.

In 1992, the Cosmos 1603 satellite entered orbit for the first time.

In 1993, the famous Russian writer Yulian Semyonov died.

In 1996, Yeltsin announced on television that he agreed to undergo heart surgery.

In 1997, a monument to Peter I was unveiled in Moscow.

In 2006, the construction of the LG ELECTRONICS plant was completed.

In 2007, in the Kaluga region, a solemn laying of the foundation stone for the Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga plant took place.

In 2011, a logo dedicated to the birthday of the famous singer Freddie Mercury appeared in Google.

In 2012, the famous actress and writer Yakovlevna died of cancer.

Name day on September 5. Holidays

Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint, whose name is given to a person at birth. Name days on September 5 (holidays) are dedicated to people with such names as Ivan, Nikolai, Ephraim and Pavel.

Ivan in translation means "given by God." The name is of Russian origin.

Nicholas is a name of Greek origin, means "conqueror of nations."

Ephraim - "prolific" - Jewish origin.

Paul - translated from Latin means "small".

1666 - The Great Fire of London, which lasted 3 days, ends. About 10 thousand buildings burned down, while only 16 dead are known.
1698 - In order to instill in his subjects the fashion adopted in other European countries, Peter I established a tax on beards (see beard sign).
1755 - The English authorities begin the deportation of French settlers from Nova Scotia (Canada).
1775 - The casting of the monument to Peter I (the Bronze Horseman) began, the supervision of which was entrusted to the foundry worker E. Khailov.
1793 - The French National Congress established the Terror Regime to defend the revolution.
1800 - Malta is captured by Britain.
1812 - capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt by the French.
1827 - Establishment of the Marine Ministry in Russia.
1882 - In New York, workers make their first Labor Day demonstration.
1885 - The first gasoline pump is installed at Jake Gumper's service station in the United States.
1905 - Signing of the Portsmouth Treaty, end of the Russo-Japanese War.
1918 - The Council of People's Commissars of Russia issued a decree on the beginning of the Red Terror.
1927 - The Cheboksary and Mariinsko-Posad districts of Chuvashia are formed.
1929 - The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a resolution "On measures to streamline production management and establish one-man management." This decree establishes the areas of responsibility of the administrative apparatus, factory committees and party cells in the management of enterprises.
- French Prime Minister A. Briand proposed the unification of European states into one.
1939 - The United States proclaims neutrality in World War II.
- The Ministry of Information has been established in the UK.
- In Moscow, the daughter of Marina Tsvetaeva, 26-year-old Ariadna Efron, who was so torn from emigration to her homeland, was arrested. She spent almost 15 years in prisons and camps.
1940 - “Pionerskaya Pravda” began publishing the story of Arkady Gaidar “Timur and his team”. Suddenly, after a few issues, the publication was stopped. It seemed to some of the bosses that Timur's team was a real conspiratorial organization, and there was no need to propagandize the unorganized Timur movement when there was an organized pioneer one. As a result, everything was settled, and the publication continued.
1941 - Evacuation of all children under the age of 12 is announced in Moscow.
- German troops completely captured Estonia.
1944 - The USSR declared war on Bulgaria.
1945 - Canada's first nuclear reaction occurs in Ontario.
1946 - Largest drop in stock prices since the 1929 Great Crash on the New York Stock Exchange.
1950 - A socialist constitution is adopted in Syria.
1958 - Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago is first published in the USA.
1964 - The Animals hit # 1 on the US charts with their version of The House of the Rising Sun.
1967 - Amnesty of the Crimean Tatars was announced.
1971 - Canada's first French-language private television begins broadcasting in Montreal.
1972 - The Palestinian terrorist organization Black September captures the Israeli team during the Munich Olympics (see Munich Olympics Terrorist Attack).
1977 - The Voyager 1 automatic interplanetary station is launched.
1978 - At the suggestion of US President Jimmy Carter, negotiations between Egypt and Israel begin at Camp David. Twelve days later, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin agreed on the text of a peace treaty between the two countries. The agreement will be signed next March. They provided for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Peninsula within three years, the establishment of diplomatic relations and the determination of the navigation regime for the Suez Canal. The fate of the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip was to be the subject of future negotiations with Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organization. In the Arab world, the Camp David Accords were greeted sharply.
1979 - A gold coin is announced in Canada to stimulate the gold mining industry.
1980 - The longest - 16 km - railway tunnel opens in Switzerland.
1981 - First recorded death of an Asian from AIDS.
1983 - Western states impose a 14-day ban on Soviet Aeroflot flights to their countries after a South Korean Boeing 747 was shot down near Sakhalin Island by a Soviet fighter jet.
1986 - The death penalty is abolished in Australia.
1990 - IBM first announced the ESCON serial optical interface.
1991 - The Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR adopted the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, as well as a resolution on the preparation and signing of the Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States and the Law on State Administration Bodies in the Transition Period. The congress itself surrenders its powers to the State Council and the yet to be formed Supreme Soviet.
1996 - Boris Yeltsin on television announced his consent to heart surgery.
1997 - A monument to Peter I by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli was unveiled in Moscow.
- Athens was elected the capital of the 2004 Olympic Games.
2005 - Crash of Boeing 737 in Medan.
2008 - The Government of Nicaragua recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
2009 - The pleasure boat Ilinden capsized due to overload and sank on Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. 15 tourists from Bulgaria were killed.

Holidays calendar in September.

The history of the world, and in particular Russia, is reflected on this page in the form of the most significant events, turning decisions, discoveries and inventions, wars and the emergence of new countries, turning points and cardinal decisions that have taken place over many centuries. Here you will get acquainted with the outstanding people of the world, politicians and rulers, commanders, scientists and artists, athletes, artists, singers and many others, who and in what years of them were born and died, what trace they left in history, how they were remembered and what reached.

In addition to the history of Russia and the world on September 5, significant milestones and significant events that took place on this September day of spring, you will learn about historical dates, about those influential and popular people who were born and passed away on this date, and you can also get acquainted with memorable dates and folk holidays in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, signs and sayings, natural disasters, the emergence of cities and states, as well as their tragic disappearance, get acquainted with revolutions and revolutionaries, those turning milestones that in one way or another influenced the course of development of our planet and in many ways a friend - interesting, informative, important, necessary and useful.

Folk calendar, signs and folklore 5 September

September 5 is the 248th day of the year (249th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 117 days remain until the end of the year.

Lupp Lingonberry.

Luppen frost.

Flax is thrashed on Luppa.

If the lingonberries are ripe, so the oats have reached.

If cranes flew south to Luppa, wait for early winter.

If the cranes fly low to Luppa, the winter will be warm, high - frosty.

India India - Teacher's Day (birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan).

International day of charity.

History of Orthodoxy on September 5

the giving of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

memory of the martyr Luppus of Thessaloniki (c. 306);

memory of Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (202);

memory of the Monks Eutykhios, abbot (c. 540), and Florenty (547);

memory of St. Callinicus I, Patriarch of Constantinople (705);

memory of the holy martyrs Ephraim (Kuznetsov), Bishop of Selenginsky, John Vostorgov, presbyter and martyr Nikolai Varzhansky (1918);

memory of the holy martyrs Pavel Gaidai and John Karabanov, presbyters (1937).

Orthodox Church: Commemoration of the Martyr Luppa (Gregorian calendar).

What happened in Russia and the world on September 5?

Below you will learn about the history of the world and Russia on September 5, the events that took place in different historical time periods and periods, starting from prehistoric times BC and the emergence of Christianity, continuing with the era of formations, transformations, times of discoveries, scientific and technical revolutions, as well as interesting the middle ages, right up to the present. Below are reflected all the significant events of this day in the history of mankind, you will learn or remember those who were born and left us in another world, what events took place, what made it so special to us.

History of Russia and the world on September 5 in the 17th century

1661 - Arrest of Superintendent Nicolas Fouquet in Nantes.

1666 - The Great Fire of London, which lasted 3 days, ends. About 10 thousand buildings burned down, while only 16 dead are known.

1698 - In order to instill in his subjects a fashion adopted in other European countries, Peter I established a tax on beards (see beard sign).

History of Russia and the world on September 5 in the 18th century

1755 - The English authorities begin the deportation of French settlers from Nova Scotia (Canada).

1774 - The troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel I.I.Mikhelson inflicted a decisive defeat on the forces of Yemelyan Pugachev at the Solenikova gang.

1775 - The casting of the monument to Peter I (the Bronze Horseman) began, the supervision of which was entrusted to the foundry worker E. Khailov.

1793 - The French National Congress established the Terror Regime to defend the revolution.

1800 - Malta is captured by Britain.

History of Russia and the world on September 5 in the 19th century

1812 - capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt by the French.

1827 - Establishment of the Marine Ministry in Russia.

1862 - British aeronauts Glacier and Coxwell reached a record height of 9000 meters in a hot air balloon for that time.

1882 - In New York, workers make their first Labor Day demonstration.

1885 - The first gasoline pump is installed at Jake Gumper's service station in the United States.

History in Russia and the world on September 5 in the XX century

1905 - Signing of the Portsmouth Treaty, end of the Russo-Japanese War.

1918 - The Council of People's Commissars of Russia issued a decree on the beginning of the Red Terror.

1927 - The Cheboksary and Mariinsko-Posad districts of Chuvashia are formed.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a resolution "On measures to streamline production management and establish one-man management." This decree establishes the areas of responsibility of the administrative apparatus, factory committees and party cells in the management of enterprises.

French Prime Minister A. Briand proposed the unification of European states into one.

The United States declared neutrality in World War II.

The Ministry of Information has been established in the UK.

In Moscow, the daughter of Marina Tsvetaeva, 26-year-old Ariadna Efron, who returned from emigration to her homeland, was arrested. She spent almost 15 years in prisons and camps.

1940 - “Pionerskaya Pravda” began publishing the story of Arkady Gaidar “Timur and his team”.

The evacuation of all children under the age of 12 has been announced in Moscow.

German troops completely captured Estonia.

1945 - Canada's first nuclear reaction occurs in Ontario.

1950 - A socialist constitution is adopted in Syria.

1964 - The Animals hit # 1 on the US charts with their version of The House of the Rising Sun.

1967 - Amnesty of the Crimean Tatars was announced.

1971 - Canada's first French-language private television begins broadcasting in Montreal.

1972 - The Palestinian terrorist organization Black September captures the Israeli team during the Munich Olympics (see the Munich Olympics terrorist attack).

1975 - collision of trains at the Kupavna station (Moscow region). 18 people were killed, 33 were injured.

1977 - The Voyager 1 automatic interplanetary station is launched.

1978 - At the suggestion of US President Jimmy Carter, negotiations between Egypt and Israel begin at Camp David.

1979 - A gold coin is announced in Canada to stimulate the gold mining industry.

1980 - The longest - 16 km - railway tunnel opens in Switzerland.

1981 - First recorded death of an Asian from AIDS.

1986 - The death penalty is abolished in Australia.

1990 - IBM first announced the ESCON serial optical interface.

1991 - The Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR adopted the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, as well as a resolution on the preparation and signing of the Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States and the Law on State Administration Bodies in the Transition Period. The congress itself surrenders its powers to the State Council and the yet to be formed Supreme Council.

1996 - Boris Yeltsin on television announced his consent to heart surgery.

A monument to Peter I by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli has been unveiled in Moscow.

Athens was chosen as the capital of the 2004 Olympic Games.

History of Russia and the world September 5 - in the XXI century

2005 - Crash of Boeing 737 in Medan.

2008 - The Government of Nicaragua recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

2009 - The pleasure boat Ilinden capsized due to overload and sank on Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. 15 tourists from Bulgaria were killed.

History of September 5 - which of the greats was born

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 5, 17th century

1638 - Louis XIV (d. 1715), King of France (1643-1715).

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 5 in the 18th century

1722 - Friedrich Christian (d. 1763), Elector of Saxony from the Wettin dynasty.

1733 - Christoph Martin Wieland (d. 1813), German writer.

1750 - Robert Fergusson (d. 1774), Scottish poet.

1774 - Caspar David Friedrich (d. 1840), German painter.

Born I'm a celebrity of the world and Russia on September 5 in the 19th century

1817 - Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (died 1875), count, Russian poet, writer and playwright ("Prince Silver", "Don Juan", "Dragon", one of the creators of Kozma Prutkov).

1847 - Jesse James (d. 1882), American criminal.

1881 - Henry Maitland Wilson, British military leader, field marshal.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 5 in the 20th century

1902 - John (Shakhovskoy) (real name Prince Dmitry Alekseevich Shakhovskoy) (d. 1989), Archbishop of San Francisco.

1905 - Arthur Koestler (d. 1983), English writer and philosopher of Hungarian descent.

1912 - John Cage (d. 1992), American avant-garde composer.

1929 - Andriyan Nikolaev (d. 2004), Soviet cosmonaut, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

1933 - Erik Vladimirovich Bulatov, Soviet artist, one of the founders of Sots Art.

1934 - Yuri Afanasyev, Soviet and Russian historian, politician, rector of the Russian University for the Humanities.

1939 - George Lazenby, Australian film actor, one of the performers of the role of James Bond.

1942 - Werner Herzog (real name Stipetić), German filmmaker of Croatian origin.

1946 - Freddie Mercury (real name Farrukh Bulsara) (died 1991), British rock musician, leader of the Queen band.

1948 - Mikhail Efimovich Shvydkoy, Russian cultural figure, TV presenter and official.

1951 - Michael Keaton (real name Michael John Douglas), American film actor (Batman, Batman Returns, No Words, Emergency Measures).

1958 - Vyacheslav Baranov (d. 2012), Soviet and Russian film actor, master of dubbing.

1973 - Rose McGowan, American film and television actress (Planet of Fear, Charmed, Scream).

1976 - Caris van Houten, Dutch film actress.

1986 - Alexander Alexandrovich Ryazantsev, Russian footballer.

1988 - John Bradley West, American actor.

1989 - Kat Graham, American actress, singer, model.

1990 - Yeon Ah Kim, South Korean figure skater, Olympic champion

1995 - Caroline Sunshine, American actress.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on September 5 in the 21st century

Died on September 5 - famous people of Russia and the world

Which of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 5 in the 18th century

1758 - Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov (b. 1720), chemist, founder of porcelain production in Russia.

1983 - Herbert Rappaport (b. 1908), Soviet film director (Air Carrier, Alexander Popov).

1984 - Adam Malik (b. 1917), Indonesian politician and diplomat, pioneer of Indonesian journalism. Over the years, he served as Vice President of Indonesia, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Speaker of the Council of People's Representatives, President of the UN General Assembly.

1992 - Fritz Leiber (b. 1910), American science fiction writer.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva (b. 1894), poet, younger sister of Marina Tsvetaeva (Royal Reflections, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke).

Zinaida Naryshkina (b. 1911), actress.

Poplavsky, Vadim Teodorovich (b. 1959), actor, participant of the "Mask Show".

Mother Teresa (real name Agnes Gonja Boyajiu) (b. 1910), religious figure of Albanian descent, winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.

Georg Solti (real name Georgi Stern) (b. 1912), British conductor of Hungarian descent.

Who of the famous people of the world and Russia died on September 5 - in the XXI century

2003 - Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) (b. 1934), Soviet science fiction writer.

The story of September 5 - what happened in Russia and in the world ...

The day of September 5, like any other of the year, is individual and remarkable in its own way, it has its own history in Russia and in each individual country of the world, which you learned about in this material. We hope you liked it and you learned more, broadened your horizons - after all, knowing a lot is useful and important!

Any day of the year is remembered and distinctive in its own way, including this one - we hope it was interesting for you to know its history, because you learned more about it, events and people who were lucky enough to be born on September 5th, to find out what he left us with with you as an inheritance after yourself.

Sri Krishna Janmashthami - Krishna's Appearance Day is a significant Vedic holiday that is celebrated very widely in India and is nationwide (despite even the religion). Krishna represents the absolute meaning of life, which is at the base of the universe beyond everything. The Vedas consider Sri Krishna to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes.

Aalsmeer Flower Parade (Holland) - 2015. The Aalsmeer Flower Parade (Holland) is celebrated on the first Saturday in September.

International Day of Peace.

Oil and Gas Workers Day (first Sunday September).

Voronezh City Day(430 years).

On September 5, 1585, the French statesman Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu was born in Paris, cardinal since 1622, first minister, head of the royal council since 1624, duke-peer since 1631. Died on December 4, 1642, ibid.

On September 5, 1638, the heir to the French throne, Louis XIV, was born in Saint-Germain-en-Lay. Died on September 1, 1715 at Versailles.

On September 5, 1748, Zakhary Anikeevich Goryushkin was born - Russian legal scholar, professor at Moscow University (1786-1811). Goryushkin was self-taught, his work "A Guide to the Knowledge of Russian Art of Law" was the first generalization of Russian legislation and its history. Goryushkin was the first to point to the customs and proverbs of the Russian people as a source of jurisprudence. He pointed out the importance and significance of the ancient monuments of legislation. PER. Goryushkin published "Three books describing judicial actions" (1807, 1808, 1815). Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin in his "History of the Russian State" used a number of chronicle lists from the personal collection of Goryushkin. Died on September 24, 1821, in Moscow.

Amy Beach was born in England on September 5, 1867. Her parents had a high position in society. Amy grew up as a gifted child since childhood. Already at the age of one year, she learned a few simple melodies, which she performed with mastery. She died on December 27, 1944.

On September 5, 1902, Rudolf Virchow died in Berlin - a German scientist, one of the founders of the cell theory in biology and medicine, also known as an archaeologist and politician, a foreign corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1881). One of the founders (1861) and leaders of the German Progressive Party, since 1884 - the Party of Freethinkers. Born October 13, 1821, in Schiefelbein, in Prussia, now the Koszalin Voivodeship, Poland.

On September 5, 1906, the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, one of the founders of statistical physics and physical kinetics, and a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, died.

On September 5, 1915, after summer military failures, Emperor Nicholas II arrived at Headquarters in Mogilev, dismissed his uncle, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, from the post of Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and took this post himself.

On September 5, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a decree on the Red Terror, which confirmed the right of the Cheka to apply capital punishment without trial or investigation.

On September 5, 1919, the Soviet military leader Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, a hero of the Civil War, died. Since 1918, he commanded a detachment, a brigade and the 25th Infantry Division, which played a significant role in the defeat of the troops of Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak in the summer of 1919. Wounded during a raid by the Ural Cossacks, he drowned while trying to swim across the Urals. The image of Chapaev is captured in the story "Chapaev" by Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov and the film of the same name. Born February 9 (January 28, old style) 1887, in the family of a poor peasant.

On September 5, 1929, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a resolution "On measures to streamline production management and establish one-man management."

On September 5, 1929, Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev was born in the village of Shorshely, Mariinsko-Posad district, Chuvash ASSR, RSFSR, USSR - Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, major general of aviation (1970), candidate of technical sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1962 , 1970. Flights on "Vostok-3" (August 1962) and "Soyuz-9" (June 1970) State Prize of the USSR (1981) Died on July 3, 2004, in the city of Cheboksary, Russia.

On September 5, 1940, the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda" began to publish the story "Timur and his team" by Arkady Petrovich Gaidar.

September 5, 1946 in Zanzibar was born Freddie Mercury (Mercury; real name Farrukh Balsara, Bulsara) - British rock singer, musician, songwriter, leader of the rock group "Queen", one of the brightest rock stars. Died November 24, 1991, in London, from AIDS-related pneumonia.

On September 5, 1967, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued on the abolition of the decisions of 1944, "containing sweeping accusations against citizens of Tatar nationality living in Crimea," which instructed to provide assistance and assistance to areas with a Tatar population.

On September 5, 1973, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote and sent his "Letter to the Leaders of the Soviet Union" to the Kremlin.

On September 5, 1976 in Odessa, in the Ukrainian SSR, Tatyana Konstantinovna Gutsu was born - Soviet and Ukrainian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in 1992 in absolute and team championships, multiple world, European and USSR champion, USSR Cup and CIS Cup winner. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991).

On September 5, 1979, Roman Mikhailovich Ghirshman, a French scientist, archaeologist, historian-orientalist, specialist in the Near and Middle East, died in Budapest; member of the French Academy. Born October 3, 1895, in Kharkov.

On September 5, 1990, Anastasia Pavlovna Georgievskaya, a Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1968), winner of the Stalin Prize (1951), died in Moscow. Since 1936 at the Moscow Art Theater. Born November 7, 1914, in Orel.

On September 5, 1998, consideration of the criminal case of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (including Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev's son-in-law Yuri Churbanov) began.

On September 5, 1992, during the launch of the Kosmos-1603 satellite into orbit, a block of the Proton rocket exploded.

On September 5, 1997, the 850th anniversary of Moscow was celebrated. A monument to Peter I Zurab Tsereteli was unveiled in Moscow.

On September 5, 2006, a solemn event was held dedicated to the completion of the construction of the LG ELECTRONICS plant in the village of Dorokhovo, Ruzsky district.

On September 5, 2007, in the Kaluga Region, on the territory of the Vorsino industrial park, a solemn ceremony of laying the first stone in the foundation of the Samsung Electronics plant - LLC Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga took place.

On September 5, 2007, Tatyana Yakovlevna Elizarenkova, a Russian linguist and translator, died in Moscow. Graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University (1951), worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Philology (1994). In 2004 she was awarded the Padma Sri Order, India's highest award for foreigners, for her translation of the Rig Veda. Laureate of the 2006 Nicholas Roerich International Prize in the nomination "Achievements in the Formation of the Cultural Image of Russia in the World". Born September 17, 1929, in Leningrad.

On September 5, 2011, Google released a logo for Freddie Mercury's birthday, which shows a cartoon clip created by Google for Queen's song Don’t Stop Me Now.

On September 5, 2014, actor and showman Ivan Urgant took part in the show "The Voice" as a participant.

1827 - the Naval Ministry is established in Russia.

1945 - Canada's first nuclear reaction occurs in Ontario.

1977 - The Voyager 1 automatic interplanetary station was launched.

1980 - The longest 16 km railway tunnel opens in Switzerland.

1986 - The death penalty is abolished in Australia.

Events map

On September 5, 1857, the Russian scientist and inventor, the founder of modern cosmonautics, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, was born. Works in the field of aerodynamics and rocket dynamics, the theory of aircraft and airship.

On September 5, 1993, the Russian writer Julian Semyonovich Semyonov (1931-1993) died. Sharp political detectives: the story "Seventeen Moments of Spring" (1969; TV movie of the same name, 1973), "TASS is authorized to declare" (1979); a chronicle in 4 books "Alternative" (1975); novels "Burning" (1977-1978 about Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky), "Press Center" (1984), "Expansion" (books 1-3, 1985-87).

Calendar of upcoming significant dates from LADNO.ru

- 1812 During the Patriotic War of 1812 near the village of Shevardino, a battle took place between Russian troops (about 18 thousand people) under the command of General A.I. Gorchakov with the French corps of Marshal L. Davout with the support of the Polish cavalry of General Yu. Ponyatovsky ( up to 35 thousand people in total). Russian troops stubbornly defended their positions and only late in the evening, by order of the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops, M.I.Kutuzov, did they leave them. The defense of the redoubt at Shevardino allowed the Russian command to gain time to complete the defensive work at the main position near the village of Borodino.

- 1905 In Portsmouth, a peace treaty was signed with Japan, according to which Japan received the southern part of Sakhalin (up to the 50th parallel), the Kwantung Peninsula. Russian troops were withdrawn from Manchuria. Korea entered the Japanese sphere of influence.

- 1942 The order of the People's Commissar of Defense "On the tasks of the partisan movement" was signed. Foreign intelligence was to take a direct part in the partisan movement. In total, during the years of the war, 212 detachments and groups were sent to the rear of the enemy. Partisan units were formed around these groups. They inflicted significant damage to the invaders in manpower and equipment, diverted significant enemy forces to themselves, communicated with underground residencies in the rear of the Nazis, collected and sent to the center valuable information about the plans and movements of the enemy.

- 1997 In Moscow, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, a monument-monument to its creator - Peter I was unveiled (sculptor Z. K. Tsereteli).

Published on 09/05/18 00:17 AM

Today, September 5, 2018, also celebrates the International Day of Charity and other events.

What a holiday today: September 5, 2018 also celebrates the church holiday Lup Brusnichnik

On September 5, 2018, the Lup Brusnichnik folk holiday is celebrated. The church today remembers the martyr Lupp.

According to legend, he was born in the city of Soluni and lived in the 3rd century AD. NS. He was a slave of Demetrius of Thessaloniki, who was executed for his Christian faith. After the death of the owner, Lupp took his ring and sprinkled his clothes with his blood. Thanks to the name of the great martyr, the ring and his faith, later he was able to create many miracles intkbbee in his hometown.

They tried to arrest Lupp many times, but God protected him, even though the future saint was not baptized. Once, when water spilled onto Lupp directly from heaven, he realized that this was a sign and that he was now a Christian, and he himself surrendered into the hands of the torturers.

The women, having finished their morning household chores, take their children and go into the forest for lingonberries. According to signs, if this berry is ripe, it means that the oats can already be harvested.

If there is no frost in the morning, the weather will be warm until the end of September.

If the cranes have moved to warmer regions, winter will come early.

International day of charity

International Charity Day is celebrated on 5 September. The annual celebration of the event was established on December 17, 2012 at the 67th session (58th plenary meeting) of the UN General Assembly. This decision was approved on March 7, 2013 by Resolution No. A / RES / 67/105. Russia joins international celebration

The event was established at the request of the Hungarian government, and its date is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who in 1979 became a Nobel Prize laureate and received the award "For her work to help a suffering person." In addition, her activities in India gave a great impetus to the development of charity and the elimination of poverty in the world.

Ephraim, Ivan, Nikolay, Pavel, Fedor.

  • 1666 - The Great Fire in London ends, lasting several days and destroying a third of the city.
  • 1698 - Peter I introduced a tax on beards to instill in his subjects the fashion adopted in other European countries.
  • 1905 - Russia and Japan signed the Portsmouth Peace Treaty.
  • 1944 - the signing of the agreement on the formation of the Benelux Economic Union took place in London.
  • 1972 - taking hostage of athletes and members of the Israeli Olympic delegation.
  • 1982 - the first space teleconference Moscow-Los Angeles was held.
  • 1997 - opening of the monument to Peter the Great in Moscow.
  • Louis VIII 1187 - French king.
  • Tommaso Campanella 1568 - Italian utopian philosopher.
  • Louis XIV de Bourbon 1638 - King of France.
  • Sergei Uvarov 1786 - Russian statesman.
  • Giacomo Meyerbeer 1791 - German composer.
  • Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy 1817 - Russian poet and writer.
  • Amy Beach 1867 - American pianist.
  • Arthur Koestler 1905 - British writer.
  • Adriyan Nikolaev 1929 - Soviet cosmonaut.
  • Freddie Mercury 1946 - British singer.
  • Yeon Ah Kim 1990 is a South Korean figure skater.
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