September 2 holidays and events.

1992 - UTF-8 encoding is created.

UTF-8 (from the English Unicode Transformation Format, 8-bit - "Unicode transformation format, 8-bit") is one of the generally accepted and standardized text encodings that allows you to store Unicode characters.

The UTF-8 standard is officially enshrined in RFC 3629 and ISO / IEC 10646 Annex D. The encoding is widely used in UNIX-like operating systems and the web. The UTF-8 format itself was invented on September 2, 1992 by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike and implemented in Plan 9. The BOM uses the sequence of bytes EF 16, BB 16, BF 16 (which itself is a three-byte implementation of the FEFF 16 character).

One of the advantages is compatibility with ASCII - any of their 7-bit characters are displayed as is, and the rest give the user garbage (noise). Therefore, if the Latin letters and the simplest punctuation marks (including space) occupy a significant amount of text, UTF-8 gives a gain in volume compared to UTF-16.

31 BC NS. - Battle of Actium

911 - Prince Oleg signed a peace treaty between Byzantium and Kievan Rus.

1642 - The English revolutionary parliament has banned theaters.

1727 - The Russian expedition of Vitus Bering set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka.

1752 - Great Britain and its colonies lived the last day of the Julian calendar. The next day, the Gregorian calendar took effect.

1758 - Canada's first Anglican service was held on Baffin Island.

1762 - Courland pledged to let Russian troops pass and agreed not to interfere with the construction of an Orthodox church on its territory.

1789 - The US Department of the Treasury is founded.

1792 - In France, the "September murders" began - the massacre of the revolutionary crowd over prisoners.

1794 - The beginning of the construction of Odessa.

1807 - The beginning of the bombardment of Copenhagen by the British fleet.

1834 - American Colonel Samuel Colt patented the revolver.

1885 - The Rock Springs Massacre.

1889 - Opened a seaport in Mariupol.

1913 - The First All-Russian Sports Olympiad has started in Kiev.

1918 - Trotsky was appointed supreme commander of the Red Army.

1918 - In Siberia, the White Guards captured General Alexander Taube, one of the first tsarist generals who went over to the side of Soviet power.

1919 - Railroad strikes are prohibited in the USA.

1922 - At the factories of Henry Ford, there was a warning that anyone who smells of beer, wine or stronger drinks will face immediate dismissal from work.

1935 - George Gershwin completed work on Porgy and Bess.

1941 - The Tchaikovsky Concert Hall was opened in military Moscow.

1943 - The city of Lisichansk was liberated from the German fascist invaders.

1945 - The Second World War ended with the ceremony of Japan's surrender aboard the American battleship Missouri.

1945 - The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is proclaimed.

1949 - Yugoslavia tore up the sea and air treaties with the USSR.

1958 - For the first time, Chinese television went on the air.

1962 - The USSR announced that it would train and educate Cuban officers.

1962 - The millionth inhabitant was officially registered in Novosibirsk.

1965 - At a joint meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the collegium of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Presidium of the All-Union Agricultural Academy, chaired by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences Mstislav Keldysh, a crushing blow was dealt to T. Lysenko and his henchmen.

1965 - Soviet football clubs played their first matches in European competition.

1967 - Retired British officer Paddy Bates proclaimed the creation of an independent Principality of Seelandia on a sea platform off the coast of England, which began to grant citizenship to everyone.

1969 - One of the “birthdays of the Internet”. In the laboratory of the University of California, the first successful transfer of data between neighboring computers took place.

1971 - The United Arab Republic split into Egypt and Syria.

1972 - The legendary victory of the USSR national ice hockey team over the Canadian national team in the USSR Super Series - Canada.

1978 - Celebrated the wedding of George Harrison and Olivia Trinidad Arias. Olivia, who was born in Mexico, first met George in 1974 year. In the recording of the album "Dark Horse" she participated as a backing vocalist. August 1 1978 years they had a son, Dhani (Dhani Harrison).

1986 - Canadian Cathy Smith sentenced to three years in prison for the unintentional murder of American actor John Belushi, who died of a drug overdose.

1990 - The creation of the Pridnestrovian Republic within the USSR was proclaimed.

1991 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has declared complete independence from Azerbaijan.

1991 - The USA recognized the independence of the Baltic republics - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

1992 - The United States and Russia have agreed to lift travel restrictions for journalists and businessmen.

1993 - In Uzbekistan announced the replacement of 2000 years of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet.

1993 - Russia and the United States signed an agreement on the construction of the ISS.

1996 - a new currency has been introduced in Ukraine - the hryvnia.

1998 - A Swissair flight SR-111 (SWR-111) New York-Geneva lost control of a fire in the cockpit and fell into the Atlantic Ocean near Margarets Bay, Canada. Onboard there were 215 passengers and 14 crew members. They all died.

2002 - The RTR TV channel changed its official name to "Russia".

2002 - The ORT TV channel changed its official name to Channel One.

2002 - A powerful (with a magnitude of about 7) earthquake near Indonesia killed more than 50 people.

The prophet Samuel was the fifteenth and last judge of Israel, who lived 1146 years before the birth of Christ. He descended from the tribe of Levi, was the son of Elkana from Ramaphaim-Zofim, from Mount Ephraim. Was born requested from the Lord through the prayers of his mother Anna (which is why he received the name Samuel, which means "requested") and even before birth was dedicated to God. When the boy was 3 years old, his mother went with him to Shiloh and, according to a vow, gave him to the tabernacle under the care of the high priest Elijah, who at the same time was also a judge over the people of Israel. The prophet grew up in the fear of God, and already at the age of 12 he had a revelation that God would punish the whole house of the high priest Elijah because he did not bridle his wicked sons.
The prophecy came true when the Philistines, having killed 30,000 Israelites (among them were the sons of the high priest Hophni and Phinehas), won the victory and took the Ark of God. Hearing about this, the high priest Eli fell from his seat on his back at the gate and, breaking his spine, died. Phinehas' wife, to whom the rumor of what had happened reached at the hour when the baby was born, died with the words: "The glory has departed from Israel, for the Ark of God has been taken" (1 Samuel 4:22).
At the death of Elijah, Samuel became the judge of the people of Israel. Under him, the Ark of God was returned from captivity by the Philistines themselves, and after the Israelites turned to God, they returned to themselves and all the cities that the Philistines had taken. Having grown old, the prophet Samuel made his sons - Joel and Abijah - judges over Israel, but they did not inherit the honesty and justice of their father, as they were greedy. Then the elders of Israel, wishing that the people of God were "like other nations" (1 Samuel 8:20), demanded from the prophet Samuel to appoint a king for them. The Prophet Samuel saw in this a deep fall of the people, which until that time had been ruled by God Himself, proclaiming the will through the holy chosen ones. Leaving the office of judge, the prophet Samuel asked the people if he had offended anyone during his reign, but no one found anything behind him. After the first king Saul was denounced for disobeying God, the prophet Samuel anointed Saint David for the kingdom, who took refuge with him, fleeing the persecution of King Saul. The Prophet Samuel died at a ripe old age. His life is described in the Bible (1 Sam .; Sir. 46, 16-23). In 406 the relics of the prophet Samuel were transferred from Judea to Constantinople.

Schmch. Vladimir presiviter (1918).
Mchch. Severus and Memnon and 37 Martyrs with them (304).
St. Hierotheos of Hungary (X) and St. Stephen I, King of Hungary (1038).
Mch. Lucia Senator, Cyprus.
Mchch. Iliodora and Dosa, Persian.
Arrangement of the relics of St. John, bishop Suzdal and Theodore, bishop. Rostov (1879).

On this day, the memory of the biblical prophet Samuel, or Shmuel (that is, "heard by God") is celebrated. Samuel was born in the most difficult time for the Israelites, and he was destined to instruct his people on the right path.Samuel wisely ruled over the people as the supreme judge, but when he became old, people, fearful of the return of anarchy, began to ask him to appoint a ruler over them. Thus, they rejected the King of heaven, but desired the King of the earth. And then God told Samuel to do as people asked, but warned them that misfortunes awaited them, the cause of which was the ordinary greed and cruelty of earthly rulers. The Prophet warned the Israelites and asked them to abandon their decision, but they were adamant. Samuel appointed Saul king, but even during his lifetime he secretly anointed another king, David, because the first ruler disappointed him. In Russia, the prophet Samuel was considered the protector of the stronger sex, they said: "The very prophet himself prays to God for the peasant." Therefore, Samoilov's day also became a kind of men's holiday: in the morning the daughters served the father of the family a new shirt, the wives laid a rich table so that the owner was kind and well-fed to get down to business. On Samoilov day, they asked for good weather for the autumn work. There was very little time left for them - winter was approaching inevitably. On this day, the first winter mushrooms were already appearing in the forests, and children with baskets went for the "harvest". Fried mushrooms and potatoes were a frequent dish on the table that day.Migratory rooks gather in flocks. Winter mushrooms appear. In the gardens, red and white currants are cut.

On this day, winter mushrooms appear.

The peasants considered the prophet Samuel the patron and intercessor of the peasants before the Lord.

Samoylin's day of God prays for the man.

On this day, they asked for good weather for the autumn work.

There was no time left at all - winter was just around the corner.

And if the sun gets black, the girl rejoices.

Autumn is the time for Love.

September 2 is celebrated in Russia as the "Day of the end of World War II (1945)". This memorable date was established by the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 1 (1) of the Federal Law" On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia "

The Day of the Russian Guard is celebrated on September 2. This holiday was established on December 22, 2000 by a decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian guard (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2032 of December 22, 2000 "On the establishment of the Day of the Russian Guard"). The Russian Imperial Guard was established at the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. In 1918 it was dissolved and re-established during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The four rifle divisions that distinguished themselves near Smolensk in 1941 by order of I. Stalin received the name of the Guards. In September of the same year, the concept of "guards unit" was introduced in the Red Army.

The employees of the patrol and guard service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation celebrate their holiday on September 2. On this day in 1923, the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD published the "Instruction to the guard policeman."

Day of Notaries (Ukrainian. Day of Notaries) has been officially celebrated in Ukraine since 2010. President Viktor Yushchenko signed a decree establishing this professional holiday on February 22, 2010.

Vietnam Holidays

Independence Day, which is celebrated annually in Vietnam on September 2, is the country's main national holiday. In the second half of the 19th century, Vietnam fell into colonial dependence on France. The country is artificially divided into three parts - the Cochin Khin colony (South Vietnam), the Annam protectorates (Central Vietnam) and Tonkin (North Vietnam). Together with Laos and Cambodia, Vietnam became part of French Indochina. By the 1930s, a powerful national liberation movement was taking shape in the country, led by the Communist Party of Indochina, led by its leader, Ho Chi Minh. During World War II, Vietnam was captured by the Japanese, who first disarmed and then completely neutralized the French garrisons. By the end of the war, the Japanese were forced to withdraw their troops to strengthen the defenses of Japan and Manchuria. Taking advantage of the resulting vacuum of power, the communists, who created the Viet Minh - a broad coalition of various liberation movements, liquidated the last institutions of the colonial administration (the so-called August Revolution) in August 1945, and on September 2, 1945, in a speech by Ho Chi Minh, proclaimed the independence of Vietnam, promulgating Declaration of Independence. Calend.r u

Venice International Film Festival (Italian Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica) is one of the oldest international film festivals and an important event in the world of cinematography. It is held annually in autumn (more often in August-September) on the island of Lido (Italy) and lasts about two weeks. The festival was founded in 1932 at the initiative of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Its history was interrupted twice - during the Second World War and in the late 1960s, but not for long. Today, the Venice Film Festival actually defines the fashion for cinema.

The main prize of the Golden Lion festival is awarded to the Best Film. Also awarded Silver Lion - Best Director, Volpi Cup for Best Male and Best Actress, Marcello Mastroianni Prize - Best Young Actor or Actress, Osella - Best Screenplay, Cinematography

work, outstanding technical merit, etc. The main prize of the Venice Film Festival "Golden Lion" There is also a Special Jury Prize, which is awarded at the request of the jury to a director, actor or actress (who worked on the film of the competition program) for their cumulative contribution to the art of cinema. In addition, the best first and second works of young filmmakers are awarded, and an award is given for the best creative and professional collaboration. Based on the results of the work of all sections of the festival, the prize of Luigi Di Laurentis is also awarded

On September 2, 1935, the Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia Valentin Iosifovich Gaft was born.

On September 2, 1945, the actress Irina Pechernikova was born (an English teacher in We'll Live Until Monday).

On September 2, 1970, Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, a teacher and teacher of the Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​and literature, died. Works on the theory and methodology of raising children: "I give my heart to children" (1969), "The birth of a citizen" (1970), "On education" (1973), etc. Expressed the desire to humanize school education in the USSR, defended the right to pedagogical creativity.

1789 - US Department of the Treasury founded.

1913 - The First All-Russian Sports Olympiad was held in Kiev.

1943 - the city of Lisichansk was liberated from the German fascist invaders.

1945 - World War II ends with the ceremony of Japan's surrender aboard the American battleship Missouri.

1945 - The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is proclaimed.

1990 - the creation of the Pridnestrovian Republic within the USSR is proclaimed.

1996 - a new currency was introduced in Ukraine - the hryvnia.

911 - A peace treaty was signed between Byzantium and Prince Oleg. 1642 - The English revolutionary parliament banned theaters. 1727 - The Russian expedition of Vitus Bering set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka. 1752 - Great Britain and its colonies live the last day of the Julian calendar. The next day, the Gregorian calendar took effect. 1758 - The first Anglican service in Canada is held on Baffin Island. 1762 - Courland pledged to let Russian troops pass and agreed not to interfere with the construction of an Orthodox church on its territory. 1789 - US Department of the Treasury founded. 1792 - The "September murders" began in Paris - the massacre of the prisoners by the revolutionary crowd. 1794 - The beginning of the construction of Odessa. 1807 - The British fleet begins to bombard Copenhagen. 1834 - American Colonel Samuel Colt patents the revolver. 1885 - The Rock Springs Massacre. 1889 - The seaport in Mariupol was opened. 1913 - The First All-Russian Sports Olympiad began in Kiev. 1918 - Trotsky is appointed supreme commander of the Red Army. - In Siberia, the White Guards captured General Alexander Taube, one of the first tsarist generals who went over to the side of Soviet power. 1919 - Railroad strikes are banned in the United States. 1922 - Henry Ford's factories issue a warning that anyone smelling of beer, wine, or stronger liquor will be fired immediately. 1935 - George Gershwin completed work on Porgy and Bess. 1941 - The Tchaikovsky Concert Hall was opened in military Moscow. 1943 - the city of Lisichansk was liberated from the German fascist invaders. 1945 - World War II ends with the ceremony of Japan's surrender aboard the American battleship Missouri. - The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is proclaimed. 1949 - Yugoslavia tore up the sea and air treaties with the USSR. 1958 - China Television first aired. 1962 - The USSR announced that it would train and train Cuban officers. - The millionth inhabitant was officially registered in Novosibirsk. 1965 - Soviet football clubs played their first matches in European competition. 1967 - Retired British officer Paddy Bates proclaimed the creation of an independent Principality of Seelandia on a sea platform off the coast of England, which began to grant citizenship to all comers. 1969 is one of the “birthdays of the Internet”. In the laboratory of the University of California, the first successful transfer of data between neighboring computers took place. 1971 - The United Arab Republic regains its historical name Egypt. 1972 - the legendary victory of the USSR national ice hockey team over the Canadian national team in the USSR Super Series - Canada. 1990 - the creation of the Pridnestrovian Republic within the USSR is proclaimed. 1991 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic declared complete independence from Azerbaijan. - The USA recognized the independence of the Baltic republics - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. 1992 - UTF-8 encoding is created. - The United States and Russia have agreed to lift travel restrictions for journalists and businessmen. 1993 - In Uzbekistan, it is announced that the Cyrillic alphabet will be replaced by the Latin alphabet until 2000. - Russia and the United States signed an agreement on the construction of the ISS. 1996 - a new currency was introduced in Ukraine - the hryvnia. 2002 - The RTR TV channel changed its official name to "Russia". - The ORT TV channel changed its official name to Channel One. - A powerful (with a magnitude of about 7) earthquake near Indonesia killed more than 50 people.

On this page you will learn about significant and memorable datesautumn day September 2, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day was no exception.September 2, which is also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

Daythe second of September, left an indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born in thisautumnin the afternoon, once again confirm this. Find out what happened duringsecond day of September 2 Septemberwhat events and significant dates he was noted for and what he remembered, who was born, folk omens characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 2 (second)

Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov. Born on September 2, 1926 in Moscow - died on January 29, 1994 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1978).

Elena Igorevna Proklova. She was born on September 2, 1953 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Alexander Georgievich Filippenko. Was born on September 2, 1944 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia (2000).

Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield. Born September 2, 1694 in London - died March 24, 1773 in London. English count, statesman, writer.

Salma Valgarma Hayek Jiménez-Pinault (born September 2, 1966) is a Mexican-American actress, director, producer and singer. The most successful Latin American actress in Hollywood since Carmen Miranda.

Keanu Charles Reeves (Keanu Charles Reeves). Born September 2, 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon. Canadian-American actor, film producer, filmmaker and musician (bass player, backing vocalist).

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (b. September 2, 1935, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Savo Milosevic - former Yugoslav and Serbian footballer;

Olivier Panis - former French Formula 1 driver;

Andrei Petrov (1930 - 2006) - Soviet and Russian composer, author of operas and music for more than 80 films ("I Walk Through Moscow", "Amphibian Man", "Autumn Marathon", "Promised Heaven", "Khrustalev, Car! " and etc.);

Jason Blake - American ice hockey player;

Kristen Cloak (born 1968) - American actress (TV series Space: Faraway Corners and TV series Millennium);

Yegor Bortnik (born 1972) - rocker, aka Leva Bi-2;

Ilya Abramovich Frez (1909 - 1994) - Soviet film director, People's Artist of the USSR;

Carlos Valderrama (born 1961) - Colombian footballer;

Alexander Vladimirovich Povetkin was born on September 2, 1979 in Kursk. Russian professional boxer in the heavy weight category;

Werner von Blomberg - Field Marshal, in 1933-1938 Minister of Reich Defense, since 1935 - Reich War Ministry of Germany.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and Protection of the Holy Virgin until 2035 ...

Dates September 2

Day of the patrol guard service

Day of the Russian Guard

End of World War II

Belarus celebrates the Day of National Written Language

Transnistria - Independence Day

Ukraine - Notary Day

USA - Victory Day over Japan

According to the popular calendar, this is Samoylin day or Beetroot

On this day:

in 1906, Alexander Kazantsev was born, one of the parents of Soviet science fiction, who suggested the participation of aliens in the Tunguska meteorite

in 1926, Yevgeny Leonov was born, a wonderful actor who for the first time in Soviet cinema played two identical people in one film

in 1930, Andrey Petrov was born, without whose music the Garage would not be interesting, and the Station for two ser

in 1935 Valentin Gaft was born, an actor who found himself on a horse not only in the building of NUINU, but also in the entire Russian cinema

Pierre de Coubertin, the man who revived the Olympic Games of antiquity, died in 1937

in 1944, Alexander Filippenko was born, who was very formidable in the role of Kashchei

in 1953, Elena Proklova was born, who first played Gerda, and then Larisa Ivanovna, whom they wanted

in 1962 Novosibirsk became a millionaire city

in 1964, Keanu Reeves was born, who rose on the crest of a wave, discovering that our world is just the Matrix, who deceived the devil himself Constantine

in 1966 was born Salma Hayek, a bandit who looked great in the image of Esmeralda

in 1969, Ho Chi Minh, the leader of red Vietnam, died, one of the few people with his own mausoleum

in 1972, Yegor Bortnik was born, known to the whole world simply as Leva Bi-2

in 1973, John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, the genius of fantasy, who gave the world a wonderful tale of the rings of omnipotence, died

In 2013, Frederick Paul died, the writer who created the mysterious gateway that sends people in spaceships into the unknown.

September 2 events

In 911, in the fight against Constantinople, Prince Oleg achieved significant success. The Byzayntians were simply forced to conclude an agreement with him, since Oleg's ships reached the other side of the Golden Horn with a tailwind.

Vulnerable Constantinople was frightened by two thousand rooks, each of which contained 40 men. According to the treaty, Byzantium and Kievan Rus had friendly relations. Also, the rules were determined for the exchange of prisoners, the conduct of trials, and the punishment for crimes.

If a ship or property was thrown ashore, assistance was ordered. The maintenance of Russian merchants in Byzantium was paid from the treasury of Greek cities. Russians could live in Byzantine cities for up to six months, be hired for work and military service.

September 2, 1918 - the establishment of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic under the leadership of Leon Trotsky

From that moment on, the country turned into a real military camp, and the Military Council became the highest collegial body. Trotsky led this body for 7 years.

Each unit had at least 3 members of the Revolutionary Military Council, including the commander and political workers. Political events led to the emergence of the institution of people's commissars. In total, 52 people were able to work in it, the Council was abolished in 1934.

The star of the Marshal of the Soviet Union in the Soviet army was issued to those who had the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. In the Russian army, the name has changed, now it sounds like the Marshal of the Russian Federation. In connection with this change, a new insignia "Marshal's Star" was established. A little later, another sign was established - the Small Marshal Star.

Both signs are made of gold with diamonds with the addition of platinum. Over the entire period, 200 and 370 stars were manufactured. The Chairman of the Supreme Council always presents the Star with a special certificate; after death or demotion, it is ordered to hand over the insignia to the country's diamond fund.

September 2, 1727 - a Russian expedition set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka, led by the famous explorer and navigator Vitus Bering (Danish by origin).

The expedition was successful, new objects were mapped.

September 2, 1941 - at a time when Soviet troops were retreating under the pressure of the Nazi aggressors, the famous Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Concert Hall opened in the Russian capital.

Currently, the cultural institution is one of the largest concert halls in Moscow, it is the main concert venue of the Moscow Philharmonic, located on Triumfalnaya Square.

September 2, 1972 - the first ice hockey game in the legendary Canada-USSR Super Series.

In the opening match of a big fight, which consisted of 8 games, the Soviet Union national team won with a score of 3: 7, the match was held in the country of the maple leaf, a huge number of fans were present in the stands, including the leadership of Canada.

After the legendary game, Valery Kharlamov was offered $ 1 million for the transition to the NHL, the Soviet hockey player refused and remained in his homeland, not wanting to emigrate to Canada.

In Orthodoxy, September 2 - Samoylin Day - is known as the day of remembrance of the prophet Samuel, who was considered the protector and patron of all peasants and disadvantaged people. On September 2, in the morning, we went to church to pray to Samuel and ask him for good weather - according to signs, it was very important to have time to finish them before the cold snap and the start of the rains.

In the church on September 2, the memory of the prophet Samuel ("heard by God") is honored. It is known that Samuel was born in a rather difficult time, when people still did not believe in God and worshiped idols.

Samuel's task was to instruct the people on the right path. It was quite difficult to do this, since at that time the high priest Elijah was in power, and the moral decay of the people in Israel reached its climax. Very soon, the Israelites were attacked by the tribes of the Philistines, who captured the most famous shrine - the Ark of the New Testament.

But Samuel immediately called his fellow tribesmen to repentance, found words to inspire them to fight for their freedom. It is believed that it was after this that the revival of the people began. This was largely facilitated by the so-called "prophetic doubts" of Samuel, which made it possible to awaken patriotism in people.

Samuel soon became the chief judge and ruled very wisely. However, as he grew old, people feared that anarchy would begin again after Samuel's death. That is why they asked Samuel to appoint a ruler who would succeed him. Samuel prayed to God, and he ordered to do as people asked, but warned that this would entail misfortune. Samuel then appointed Saul as his successor, secretly anointing David to be king.

In Russia, Samuel was considered the intercessor of men. Therefore, on September 2, representatives of the stronger sex were honored. It was important to prepare a lot of delicious dishes so that the owner of the house was full and satisfied with the treat.

By the way, since a large number of mushrooms appeared on September 2, they could often be seen on the table. Fried potatoes with mushrooms were especially popular among the people.

Folk omens on September 2

The cranes are flying high and slowly - in accordance with the signs, the autumn will be warm

On September 2, it is imperative to set a rich table so that the owner is always kind and well-fed - then his work will argue

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were you satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to learn the history of events and dates, as well as those who from famous people were born today, duringsecond September day of autumn September 2what a trace this person left by his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can test in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more that is necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on September 2, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 2, what events in world history, science and culture is this day famous and interesting for?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 2?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 2? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 2? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of September 2 on the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of September 2? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 2?

What significant historical events on September 2 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? What famous and great people are remembered on September 2?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on September 2?

September 2, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of celebrating three close to each other Orthodox holidays, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the second is the feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos), and further and already in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


The cross of the lord

Day of faith

Hope and Love

Protection of the Most Holy


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Events of the day 2 September 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2018, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the eighteenth year.

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Events of the day 2 September 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2023, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day September 2, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2024, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2025, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2026, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day September 2, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2027, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events for September 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2028, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2029, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2030, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2031, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 2 September 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2032, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day of September 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2033, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day September 2, 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2034, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day September 2, 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 2, 2035, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the second September of the month of the thirtieth year.

Today, September 2, several holidays are celebrated in Russia: the Day of Military Glory or the Day of the End of World War II (1945), the Day of the Police Patrol Service and the Day of the Russian Guard, the Ukrainian people today celebrate Notary Day, and in Vietnam, Independence Day.

Day of Military Glory - Day of the end of World War II (1945) (Russia)

The Day of Military Glory is celebrated in Russia every year on September 2 as the "Day of the end of World War II (1945)". This memorable date was established by his decree by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on July 23, 2010. But this holiday is not new, it was established in 1945 on September 3 by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as the Day of Victory over Japan the day after her surrender. This holiday has long been ignored in the official calendar of significant dates. Today, as a token of memory of all compatriots who have shown devotion to their Motherland, selflessness and heroism, September 2 is a public holiday - the Day of Military Glory.

Day of the Police Patrol Service (Russia)

September 2 - holiday of the patrol and guard service employees. In 1923, on this day, the NKVD published "Instruction to the police officer" - a document that regulated the rights and obligations of the employees of the guard service. By the summer of 1926, units of the patrol and guard service appeared in almost all cities. They were ordered to maintain public peace and order in public places, gardens, parks and streets.

Day of the Russian Guard (Russia)

On September 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the Russian Guard, a holiday that was established on December 22, 2000 in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Guard by a decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Russian Imperial Guard was established by Peter the Great at the beginning of his reign from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments.
In 1918 it was dissolved, and during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) it was re-created.
Four rifle divisions, which distinguished themselves near Smolensk in 1941, were named guards by order of I. Stalin. In the Red Army in September of the same year, the concept of "guards unit" was introduced.
During the Great Patriotic War, formations and formations of the Soviet Armed Forces, military units and ships that distinguished themselves in battles were awarded the title of "Guards". The guards banner was received by the military formation, and the guards rank and badge were received by all personnel.

Day of Notaries (Ukraine)

On September 2, Ukraine celebrates a holiday - Notary Day, which has been officially celebrated in Ukraine since 2010. The introduction of the Day of Notaries in Ukraine is "recognition and confirmation of authority and responsibility, fair reward for the achievements and successes of representatives of this profession."

Independence Day (Vietnam)

On September 2, Vietnam celebrates its national holiday - Independence Day. Vietnam fell into colonial dependence on France in the second half of the 19th century. Since then, the country has been artificially divided into three parts - the Annam Protectorates (Central Vietnam), the Cochin Khin Colony (South Vietnam), and Tonkin (North Vietnam).
Vietnam, along with Laos and Cambodia, became part of French Indochina. By 1930, a powerful national liberation movement had developed in the country, led by the Communist Party of Indochina, headed by its leader, Ho Chi Minh. Then, Vietnam, during the Second World War, was captured by the Japanese, who disarmed and completely neutralized the French garrisons. By the end of the war, the Japanese withdrew their troops to strengthen the defenses of Japan and Manchuria.

Unusual holidays September 2

Today, September 2, those who love unusual holidays can celebrate: Day of the free wind in the wings, Autumn Day or Firebird Day

Free wind day in the wings

How wonderful it is to feel free! But real freedom can be felt only when you can let the other go free. For example, a bird, a toy plane, or a kite like the wind on its wings ..

Autumn day

Today, September 2, it is still very warm, but it is already getting sad from the feeling of the past summer. Trees begin to shed foliage that has been burnt over the summer. And the trunks darken because they are very tired and want to sleep. Small restless spiders weave webs at incredible speed, and you break them without seeing their traps. This is how summer always ends and the Autumn Day holiday begins.

Firebird Day

Today is an unusual mythical holiday - Day of the Firebird. On this day, we can recall the content of one wonderful tale about the Firebird, which filled the entire space around itself with sunlight, warming it up with its warmth and heat. Then the people began to call it the golden bird, because the people associated gold with the word happiness. Koschey the Immortal somehow found out about the Firebird and decided to bring it to his dark cold castle so that it would rationally work with him as a super-heating pad. Kashchei turned into a hawk, and grabbing the Firebird with his claws, carried it to him.
The Firebird began to drop feathers on its native land, which continued to shine and warm people. And the bird in Koshchei's paws died, but was happy that she managed to leave her golden sun feathers to people.

Church holiday according to the national calendar - Samoilov day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of one of the biblical prophets - Samuel, or Shmuel (heard by God), who was born in a difficult time for the Israelites and instructed his people on the right path.
The moral corruption of the Israelites under the weak high priest Elijah reached a critical point. Licentiousness, spiritual and physical weakness flourished in the country, but Samuel summoned his fellow tribesmen to solemn repentance and inspired them to drive out the Philistines. And only after that the revival of the people began. A great role in this was played by the "prophetic hosts" organized by Samuel, which were to educate people and awaken patriotism in them.
Samuel, as the supreme judge, ruled the people for a long time and wisely, but when he got old, people began to ask him to appoint a ruler over them, because they were afraid of the return of anarchy.
The Prophet warned the Israelites and asked them to abandon this decision, but the people were adamant. Then Samuel appointed Saul king, but during his lifetime he secretly anointed another king, David, because the first ruler Saul disappointed him.
The Prophet Samuel in Russia was considered the protector of the stronger sex. The people said: "Samoilo-prophet means that God himself prays for the muzhik."
Samoilov's day was popular among the people as a men's holiday. On this day, early in the morning, the daughters brought their father a new shirt, and the wives laid a rich table, the owner had to get down to business kind and well-fed.
On Samoilov day, the peasants asked for good weather for the autumn work. Winter was approaching quickly and there was very little time left.
The first winter mushrooms appeared in the forests, and fried mushrooms with potatoes were the main dish on the table that day.
Name days September 2 from: Alexander, Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Lev, Maxim, Nikolay, Samuel, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor

September 2 in history

Sony launches transistor radios
Soviet football clubs played their first matches in European competition
Retired British officer Paddy Bates proclaimed the creation of an independent Principality of Seelandia on a sea platform off the coast of England, which began to grant citizenship to everyone
Internet birthday
The United Arab Republic regains its historical name Egypt
The creation of the Transnistrian Republic, directly subordinate to Moscow, was proclaimed
The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has declared complete independence from Azerbaijan.
The USA recognized the independence of the Baltic republics - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Created UTF-8 encoding
The United States and Russia have agreed to lift travel restrictions for journalists and businessmen.
In Uzbekistan, it has been announced that the Cyrillic alphabet will be replaced by the Latin alphabet by 2000.
Russia and the United States sign an agreement on the construction of the ISS.
A new currency has been introduced in Ukraine - hryvnia
ORT TV channel changed its official name to Channel One.
A powerful (about 7 points) earthquake near Indonesia killed more than 50 people.
Holidays in September

First, there are several well-known events known to us from textbooks on the history of the Ancient World.

September 2, 44 BC NS. Cicero delivered the first of the Philippikos, angry political speeches against Mark Antony. Descendants will recognize these speeches as an image of political rhetoric, and contemporaries will be more critical: a year later, Cicero will be killed.

And on the same day, 31 BC. in the Ionian Sea at Cape Actium, a naval battle took place - the final episode of the civil wars in Rome. The fleet of Octavian defeated the fleet of Mark Antony; the latter, together with Cleopatra, fled to Egypt, and Octavian came to power in Rome and in 27 BC. was declared emperor - the first in Roman history, under the name of Augustus. Many cities and provinces of the newly proclaimed empire even kept their chronology from the day of the Battle of Akcius.

On September 2, 911, Prince Oleg, after a successful campaign against Constantinople, concluded an agreement with Byzantium. The treaty established friendly relations between Byzantium and Kievan Rus, determined the procedure for the ransom of prisoners, punishment for criminal offenses committed by Greek and Russian merchants in Byzantium, the rules for conducting legal proceedings and inheritance, created favorable conditions for trade for Russians and Greeks, changed the coastal law. From now on, instead of seizing the washed up ship and its property, the owners of the coast pledged to provide assistance in their rescue.

Each revolution carries its own revolutionary necessity, or, as it is fashionable to say now, political expediency. As a rule, this has nothing to do with generally accepted world values ​​and is slowly dying out. Probably, the revolutionary English parliament also had its own logic, which on this day in 1642, banned theaters.

And in 1792 in Paris on September 2, the "September murders" began - the massacre of the revolutionary crowd over prisoners in Paris, Versailles, Lyon. Not only prisoners who were in power a few days ago were put to death by the decision of the revolutionary sections. And by the unshakable power, but also by "judicial hookers". A "people's tribunal" emerged. Its head was Stanislav Maillard - an active participant in the capture of the Bastille and the leader of the women's campaign against Versailles in October 1789. The tribunal had prison lists, prisoners were called according to them and after a cursory questioning, some of them were released, others were condemned to death and killed in the courtyard of the Abbey with shots from rifles and blows of sabers and pikes. "Court" sessions were short, attempts by some sections and authorities to petition for the rescue of several convicts were rejected with the words: "Petitions for traitors are useless!" First of all, the "people's tribunal" decided the fate of the 150 Swiss imprisoned in the Abbey. Maillard announced in a short speech that they were "killing the people on August 10th." After that they were all killed. Some of the Swiss on their knees begged the crowd for mercy, but the majority met death with courage. Then the royal bodyguards and those commanders of the national guard who had sided with the king on 10 August were killed. In the Abbey, the imprisoned close associates of the royal family were killed: the former minister Mormoren, the first valet of King Thierry, and others. It was in the Abbey, according to rumors circulating in Paris, that the episode with the daughter of Sombrell, the governor of the Invalides, took place. He was sentenced to death by the "people's tribunal" and his daughter begged for salvation to her father, allegedly drinking blood from a glass brought to her by the murderers. In the prison of La Force, a "people's tribunal" was also formed, headed by the members of the Commune Hébert and Lulier, and which followed the same procedure as the tribunal at the Abbey. The killings began on the night of September 2 to 3, about 60 people took part in the massacres, who killed 160 prisoners in two days. Among the dead was Princess de Lambal, a friend of Queen Marie Antoinette. The princess's head was hoisted on a lance and carried along the windows of the Temple Prison, where the royal family was imprisoned. In the Carmelite monastery, non-sworn priests were imprisoned. First, they were asked to take the civil oath, and when they refused, the priests were taken to the monastery garden and there they were shot with guns. About 190 people died, including Archbishop Dulot of Arles, Bishop Beauvais, as well as the king's confessor, who was with him on the night of August 10. Abbot Birdie, who was arrested on charges of involvement in his brother's death, was killed. Physically very strong, he desperately resisted and killed two executioners from the crowd. The majority of the population of Paris was also indifferent to the September murders. There was no direct approval, but there was not the slightest resentment either. The Parisians on September 2-5 continued to do their daily activities, shops did not close, theaters worked. As an example of the reaction of an ordinary Parisian, one can cite the testimony of a contemporary who transmitted the words of his acquaintance to his wife: “All this, no doubt, is too sad, but they are sworn enemies, and those who liberate the homeland from them save the life of you and our poor children. "

This day turned out to be less bloody in 1885 in the American city of Rock Springs. But he was not less significant. If in France they killed those who did not share revolutionary sentiments, then in America they dealt with those who were of a different nationality. 150 miners attacked their Chinese counterparts, killing 28 people. American miners have gone on strike to demand better working conditions. The management of the mines refused to settle the situation peacefully. Instead, Chinese immigrants were hired to work, and all the anger of the striking miners fell on them.

September 2, 1794 - the beginning of the construction of Odessa. On May 27, 1794, Empress Catherine II issued a rescript on the founding of the city and port in Khadzhibey. Preparatory work has begun. On August 22 (September 2), 1794, after a prayer service and consecration of construction sites and the coastal part of the port, workers drove two piles of two future breakwaters - Bolshoy and Maly, which marked the beginning of the city's biography. Construction was in charge of the construction committee "Expedition for the construction of the harbor and the city." Iosif Deribas was appointed the head of the future harbor. And work in the port began to boil: thousands of excavators walked to the sea every day. In the first two years, an embankment with a length of 850 running fathoms (fathoms - 2.13 m) was formed on the sandy territory. Two docks were added to the embankment: the Admiral's one for military ships and the Merchant's one for trade. The construction of the Big and Small, that is, the Quarantine and Platonovsky breakwaters, began. The builder of the breakwaters and the pier was the contractor and merchant Avtomonov. The death of Catherine II and the arrival of Paul I to the reign suspended work at the port. And only three thousand orange oranges (Greek oranges) sent by merchants on behalf of their magistrate as a gift to Paul I softened him, and he allocated 250 thousand rubles for 14 years. in January 1795, at the request of Catherine II, the city received its modern name. They began to call "Odessa" Khadzhibey soon after the decree was issued, and they began to call it that because once upon a time, about 45 versts east of Khadzhibey, at the end of the left bank of the Tiligul estuary, there was the Greek village of Odessos or Odissos. "

After the Patriotic War of 1812, Russia was flooded with counterfeit banknotes. Because of this, only 20 kopecks in gold were given for the ruble in banknotes, which hit the Russian economy. To remedy the situation, on September 2, 1818, Emperor Alexander I issued a decree on the creation of a special institution for the production of paper money. The Regulation on the new enterprise, which was part of the Ministry of Finance, said: "The Expedition of Preparing State Papers is established for the production of both banknotes and all other papers with the state emblem." Soon a factory with paper-making and printing departments was built on the Fontanka, and a stone house with two wings, which stood on the acquired plot, was adapted for housing for workers (they belonged to the Expedition as serfs). A year later, the factory began to produce the first products, and by 1903 the Expedition had grown into a town with a population of more than ten thousand people. The range of products produced was very diverse: paper money, bonds, bills, excise packages, forms of patents, passports and various certificates, postage stamps, stocks, checks, receipts ... rags. In 1890, even a testing laboratory appeared, where papers were tested for tensile and tear. The expedition worked regularly in both revolutions that shook the city of Petra, because it was written in its charter that it "is obliged under any circumstances to act outside of any politics" ... It works to this day. Only now it is called differently: the Main Directorate for the production of state signs, coins and orders, and in short - Goznak.

On this day in 1831, a young Ukrainian writer, having come to the printing house for his book, found that all the typesetters were laughing at his "funny things". The Little Russian was upset, deciding that he was "a writer completely in the taste of the rabble." There was no need to be upset: it was "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". Gogol was then 22 years old.

On September 2, 1834, American inventor and industrialist Samuel Colt received a patent for an improved revolver design. Colt, to put it simply. According to the famous maxim, "God created people strong and weak, and Colonel Colt equalized their chances."

On this day in 1843, the first issue of the London magazine The Economist went on sale, which today retains its reputation as the most respectable economic weekly in the world with a circulation of 1.2 million copies. Its founder, owner and editor-in-chief for the first 14 years was the hat manufacturer, self-taught economist and politician James Wilson. Previously affected by the financial crisis of 1837, Wilson was convinced that all the troubles in the economy are connected with the intervention of the state and the church. Accordingly, his magazine promoted free trade. In addition, Wilson defended his ideas in 1847-1859 as a member of the House of Commons, and in 1853 founded the Indo-Australo-Chinese charter bank, now known as the Standard Chartered Bank.

On September 2, 1869, Colt's compatriot was born and the bearer of the no less famous "weapon" surname - Hiram Percy Maxim. He was the son of Hiram Stevens Maxim, the one who worked on a variety of engineering tasks, competed with Edison in the creation of electric lamps, and then, as in a later Soviet joke, he got a machine gun that made the name of his designer famous. The son, as it were, went the opposite way: he invented a silencer for small arms, and then took up radio engineering and cars. But this hobby of the younger Maxim was, as it were, a lateral offshoot. And the Maxim Sr. machine gun played a key role on September 2, 1898 in the battle of Omdurman, where Lord Kitchener's British army defeated the Sudanese rebels. By the way, young Winston Churchill was the war correspondent on the battlefield. In a sense, the machine gun, passed through the prism of information, contributed to the formation of this great state leader. The uprising, begun in Sudan back in 1881 by the supporters of Muhammad Ahmed, who proclaimed himself Mahdi, that is, the messiah, was finally suppressed, and their state ceased to exist.

On this day in 1913, the First All-Russian Sports Olympiad began in Kiev. Who would have thought in those calm days that in less than a year a world war would break out, then there would be revolutions, and then Russia would plunge into the era of a great civil war and small wars on every farm. And no one will care about sports or a healthy way of life ...

On this day in 1918, Trotsky was appointed supreme commander of the Red Army. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee established the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR), headed by L.D. Trotsky: "The Central Executive Committee of the Soviet. Workers, Cross., Red Army. And Cossacks. Dep. Decides: the Soviet Republic is turning into a military camp. At the head of all fronts and all the military institutions of the Republic set up a Revolutionary Military Council with one commander-in-chief. " In all parts of the Red Army, the RVS was established, which had at least 3 members (commander and 2 military-political workers). The emergence of the institution of military commissars - political workers. A few more years will pass and Trotsky will be expelled from the country he saved. And then he was killed by his former comrades. Well, the laws of any revolution are inexorable and irreversible. Any revolution always devours its children. So it was in France at the end of the 18th century, and so it was in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

On September 2, 1922, a warning was issued at Henry Ford's factories that anyone who smelled of beer, wine, or more spirits would be fired immediately.

On this day in 1940, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a distinction was introduced for the marshals of the Soviet Union - "Marshal's Star", which is a five-pointed gold star with smooth two-sided rays, between the faces of which there are 5 diamonds with a total weight of 3.06 carats, and in the middle - a platinum star with a central diamond weighing 2.62 carats and 25 diamonds in rays for a total of 1.25 carats. The diameter of the circumscribed circle of the gold star is 44.5 mm, and the diameter of the platinum star is 23 mm. Somewhat more modest marshal stars for marshals of the branches of the service were introduced in February 1943 and March 1944.

On September 2, 1945, the Second World War in the Pacific Ocean, which in the Land of the Rising Sun was called the Great East Asian War, ended with the ceremony of Japan's surrender on board the American battleship Missouri. Begun with the Japanese attack on the American naval base Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it culminated in the signing of Japan's Unconditional Surrender Act. On board the American flagship battleship Missouri, which arrived in the waters of Tokyo Bay, Japanese Foreign Minister M. Shigemitsu as a representative of the emperor and the Japanese government and chief of the General Staff, General Y. Umezu, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, US Army General D. MacArthur, Soviet General - Lieutenant K. Derevyanko, Admiral of the British Fleet B. Fraser on behalf of their states signed the "Act of Japan's unconditional surrender." The signing was also attended by representatives of France, the Netherlands, China, Australia, New Zealand. Under the terms of the 1945 Potsdam Declaration, Japan's sovereignty was limited to the islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido, as well as to the smaller islands of the Japanese archipelago - at the direction of the Allies. The islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai were withdrawn to the Soviet Union.

There is one more immutable lesson in history. The children of authoritarian leaders will never feel safe. For there will always be those who want to take their revenge on them. Revenge and at least take revenge on their father for the fear in which lived those who were offended by the regime, or were afraid to fall out of the ruling elite and turn into nothing. On September 2, 1955, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced to eight years in prison with confiscation of valuables, the son of the late leader of the Soviet peoples, 32-year-old Vasily Stalin, a former lieutenant general of aviation, a war hero who personally shot down two German planes. Just 20 days after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, Vasily was stripped of his military rank, expelled from the party, and a month later he was arrested. The verdict, handed down two years later, declared him guilty of abuse of office, embezzlement of state funds, as well as “slanderous fabrications against the leaders of the CPSU and the Soviet state” (the general drunkenly accused them of murdering his father). In 1960, the convict was released from the Vladimir Central, but was soon exiled to Kazan, where he died two years later. The children of Khrushchev and Brezhnev did not have a quiet life. The children of the rulers who lost power this year in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East do not and will not have a quiet life. This is the lot of non-democratic countries.

On September 2, 1962, the USSR announced that it would train and educate Cuban military personnel.

There is no quiet life not only among the children of the authoritarian leaders who have died or lost power, but also among their friends and associates. On this day, 1965, at a joint meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the collegium of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Presidium of the All-Union Agricultural Academy, chaired by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences Mstislav Keldysh, a crushing blow was dealt to Trofim Lysenko and his henchmen. Fortunately, at least they were kicked out of work, but not imprisoned ...

On September 2, Dynamo Kiev footballers were the first of the Soviet clubs to play a match in the European Cup tournament. As part of the Cup Winners' Cup in the Northern Irish city of Coleraine, the Kievites took over the local club with a score of 6: 1. The first goal already in the 14th minute was scored by the team captain Andrey Biba.

On September 2, 1967, a retired British officer, Paddy Bates, proclaimed the creation of the independent Principality of Seelandia on a sea platform off the coast of England. Bates proclaimed himself monarch (prince) of Sealand, and his family - the ruling dynasty. Physically, the territory of Sealand emerged during the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built a series of platforms on the approaches to the coast. One of them was the Rafs Tower. During the war, anti-aircraft guns were placed on the platforms and a garrison of 200 people was stationed. After the end of hostilities, most of the towers were destroyed, but the Rafs Tower, outside British territorial waters, remained intact. In 1966, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates and his friend Ronan O'Reilly chose the long-abandoned Rafs Tower platform to build an amusement park. However, after a while they quarreled, and Bates became the sole owner of the island. In 1967, O'Reilly attempted to take over the island and used force to do so, but Bates defended himself with rifles, shotguns, Molotov cocktails and flamethrowers, and O'Reilly's attack was repulsed. Roy did not build an amusement park; on September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. In 1968, the British authorities tried to occupy the platform. Patrol boats approached her, and the Bates responded with warning shots into the air. The case did not come to bloodshed, but a lawsuit was launched against Major Bates as a British subject. On September 2, 1968, an Essex judge handed down a ruling that Sealand independence advocates attach historical significance to: he found the case outside British jurisdiction. In 1972, Sealand began minting the coin. In 1975, the first constitution of Sealand entered into force. The flag and coat of arms appeared. In August 1978, a coup took place in the country. It was preceded by the emergence of tension between the prince and his closest associate, the country's prime minister, Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach. The parties disagreed on attracting investments to the country and accused each other of anti-constitutional intentions. Taking advantage of the absence of the prince, who was negotiating with investors in Austria, Achenbach landed on the island with a group of Dutch citizens. The invaders locked the young Prince Michael in a basement and then took him to the Netherlands. But Michael escaped captivity and met with his father. With the support of loyal citizens of the country, the ousted monarchs managed to defeat the usurpers and return to power. The organizer of the coup was removed from all posts and convicted of high treason in accordance with the Sealand laws, but he had a second - German - citizenship, so the FRG authorities became interested in his fate. The British Foreign Office refused to intervene in this matter, and German diplomats had to negotiate directly with Sealand. The senior legal adviser of the German embassy in London, Dr. Niemüller, arrived on the island, which was the pinnacle of the actual recognition of Sealand by the real states. Prince Roy demanded diplomatic recognition of Sealand, but in the end, given the bloodless nature of the failed putsch, agreed to oral assurances and generously released Achenbach. On September 30, 1987, Sealand announced the expansion of its territorial waters from 3 to 12 nautical miles. The next day, the UK made a similar statement. There was no reaction from the British government to the expansion of Sealand's territorial waters. From the point of view of international law, this means that the sea zone between the two countries should be divided equally. This fact is considered by supporters of Sealand's independence as a fact of his recognition. Although the absence of a bilateral agreement regulating this issue has caused dangerous incidents. So, in 1990, Sealand fired warning salvos at a British ship that unauthorizedly approached its border. The name of Sealand, unbeknownst to the government, was embroiled in a grandiose criminal scam of selling fake Sealand passports. In the United States, a connection was discovered between this case and the murder of Gianni Versace (the killer committed suicide on a yacht whose owner had a fake Sealand diplomatic passport). The Sealand government fully cooperated with the investigation and after this unpleasant incident canceled the passports. On June 3, 2006, the State of Sealand suffered the worst natural disaster in its history. A fire broke out on the platform, the cause of which is indicated by a short circuit. The fire destroyed almost all buildings. As a result of the fire, one victim was taken by a British BBC rescue helicopter to a hospital in the UK. The state was restored quickly enough: by November of the same year. In January 2007, the owners of the country announced their intention to sell it. In January 2009, the Spanish real estate agency Inmo-Naranja announced its intention to put Sealand up for sale for 750 million euros. The attributes of this principality are similar to those of the states of the world (flag, coat of arms and anthem, constitution, government offices, diplomacy, collectible postage stamps, coins, etc.) NS.). Since 1999, Crown Prince-Regent Michael I has exercised direct power.

September 2, 1969 - one of the days claiming to be the birthday of the Internet: then, in the laboratory of the University of California, the first experience of transferring information from one computer to another took place.

On this day in 1972, the legendary victory of the USSR national ice hockey team over the Canadian national team in the USSR Super Series - Canada took place. In Montreal, our hockey players beat the NHL stars with a score of 7: 3 in the first match of the series. Already in the early 70s, talks began about meetings of the USSR national team with professionals, but the representatives of the NHL did not express much desire. But in the spring of 1972, an agreement on a meeting between NHL hockey players and the Soviet national team was signed. It was decided to hold 8 matches - four each in Canada and the USSR, according to international rules, which at that time provided for two referees who had equal rights. About half a month before the start of the games, both federations sent “scout coaches” to rival countries. John McLellan and Bob Davidson went to the USSR, and Arkady Chernyshev and Boris Kulagin went to Canada. The reports of the Canadians were such that almost all of Canada not only waited, but also demanded victory in the series with a dry score. The USSR national team coaches were Vsevolod Bobrov and Boris Kulagin. The first game of the series was watched by several million people in Europe, more than twenty-five million Canadians and Americans, and about one hundred million television viewers in the Soviet Union watched the game at home. True, in the USSR, due to the time difference (in Moscow at the start of the game it was 4 am) the game was shown only on the evening of September 3. The game started at 19:15 local time. The Montreal Forum was packed to capacity. Spectators cheered both teams throughout the warm-up. Within 30 seconds after the starting throw-in, Phil Esposito sends the bounced puck into the Tretiak's goal. The next morning, Valery Kharlamov was offered a million dollars (and this for those times !!!) in order for him to move to the NHL. “Without Petrov and Mikhailov, I cannot agree to the transition,” Kharlamov replied jokingly. Canadians took his words at face value. “Oh, we'll sort it out. They will get the same amount. " The USSR national team was leading after the Canadian series + 2 = 1−1. In Moscow, in the presence of the country's leaders, the USSR national team won the fifth match, and the victory in the series was practically in the hands of Soviet hockey players. But the Canadians fought to the end in every fight and eventually managed to turn the tide and win the last three matches. In the eighth match, the USSR national team led after the first two periods 5: 3, but the result was 6: 5 in favor of the North Americans: Paul Henderson scored the decisive goal 34 seconds before the final siren. Some interesting facts. Dick Beddos, a journalist for the Toronto newspaper The Globe and Mail, said before the episode that he would eat his article if the Russians won at least one match. He turned out to be a man of his word. After the defeat of the Canadians in the first match, he ate a newspaper with an article, dipping it into a plate of borscht on the steps of the Soviet consulate in Toronto. Many minor inconveniences awaited Canadians in the USSR. Frequent night phone calls, confusion about exercise schedules, nutritional problems. The Canadian team even brought with them a whole container of food - beef, milk and beer. However, all this quickly disappeared from Intourist. If beef and milk could be forgiven, then beer never. “It was then that we got really angry when they stole our beer after the fifth match,” Rod Gilbert said quite seriously. Upon arrival in Moscow, Frank Makhovlich, who thought that his number was tapped by the KGB, began to carefully examine his room and eventually found a suspicious metal object under the carpet. Rejoicing that he would leave the KGB in a fool, he began to unscrew the "eavesdropping device" and continued to do so until the noise of the pogrom was heard on the floor below. It turned out that Makhovlich had disassembled the retaining fastener of the chandelier, which had smashed to smithereens in the lower room.

And in the 90s, not a trace remained of the former might of the Soviet Union. The parade of sovereignties began. Several significant dates also happened on September 2. In 1990, the establishment of the Transnistrian Republic was proclaimed, subordinate directly to Moscow. And in 1991, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic declared complete independence from Azerbaijan. And on the same day, the United States recognized the independence of the Baltic republics - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. At the same time, the 5th Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR opened in Moscow, the decisions of which legitimized the process of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The events of August 1991 led to dramatic changes in the power structures. The central leadership, headed by Gorbachev, actually lost real power, and the processes of sovereignty sharply accelerated in the republics. Completely confused, Gorbachev was forced to stop all talk about a new union treaty. The V extraordinary congress actually prepared the agreements in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, signed two months later - the decision taken on September 5 to recognize the independence of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia was a strong blow to the unifying idea. The congress actually dissolved the union parliament, announcing a transitional period for the formation of a new system of state power. From now on, disintegration was carried out on completely legal grounds, and Gorbachev, wiped out of power, was forced to come to terms with the loss of the powers that remained with him.

On this day in 2005, a unique natural coral bridge collapsed, the main attraction of the tiny South Caribbean island of Aruba (27 km long, 9 wide), which in 1986 received the status of a self-governing territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was a thirty-meter arch, carved for millennia by the sea surf in a coral reef above the water surface in a small bay in the north of the island. The crack in the vault had been noticed a few years earlier, but no one expected that the bridge's "lifespan" was coming to an end. The population of the island, where 70 percent of the income comes from tourism (more than 700,000 people vacation here a year), perceived the incident as a great misfortune.

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