Ural State Medical University address. Ural State Medical University

Ural State Medical University (USMU) is the only higher educational institution in the Sverdlovsk region that trains doctors and pharmacists with higher education. One of the few state higher educational institutions in the region that do not have non-core specialties.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education USMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, USMU)
international title Ural State Medical University
Former names Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute, Ural State Medical Academy
Motto For the benefit of the health of the Urals - to educate, heal, educate!
Year of foundation
Type of State
Rector Kovtun Olga Petrovna
students 4513 ()
Specialty there is
PhD 134 ()
The doctors 154 ()
teachers 776 ()
Location Russia, Yekaterinburg
Campus An object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation of regional significance. Reg. No. 661710975660005(EGROKN). Object No. 6600000559(Wikipedia DB)
Legal address 620028, Ekaterinburg, Repina st., 3
Website usma.ru
Media files at Wikimedia Commons


The Sverdlovsk Medical Institute was opened on March 1, 1931 on the basis of a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated July 10, 1930. One medical and preventive faculty was opened in it, where 100 students studied. The first director of the Institute was Pyotr Spiridonovich Kataev.

In 1953, the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, like other medical universities in the USSR, suffered immediately from two repressive campaigns of all-Union significance - the "Doctors' Case" and the fight against Zionism. The university was looking for pest doctors and Zionists. So the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR rejected the dissertation of R. B. Pinus, an assistant at the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, on the topic “Cysts of the maxillary sinus”, indicating in the conclusion: “There is no cancer under socialism.” At the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute in 1953 (as well as from the medical institutions of the city) a number of Jewish doctors were fired. Attempts by some Jewish employees to change their names and surnames to Russian were suppressed. So, M. E. Rutberg, an employee of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute in 1953, received a reprimand with entry on the registration card for replacing the name Merra with Mary in it when exchanging her passport in 1948 (the name remained the same on the party ticket).

According to the historian A.S. Kimmerling, in 1953 the party organs tried to organize the "case of doctors" at the department of hospital surgery of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute. The head of this department, Professor A. G. Lidsky, justified himself by the fact that the work of the “killer doctor” A. I. Feldman was included in the list of recommended literature. A commission was set up to study the situation at the departments of hospital surgery and nervous diseases of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, but it worked slowly and did not have time to complete its activities before the end of the campaign against the “killer doctors”. In April 1953, the "doctors' cause" was terminated at the all-Union level, which led to the curtailment of campaigns against doctors in the field.

In 1995, the Institute was renamed into the Ural State Medical Academy (UGMA).

In 2013, the academy was given the status of a university with the renaming of the Ural State Medical University (USMU).


Rector Kovtun Olga Petrovna

President of the University Kutepov Sergey Mikhailovich
Vice-rector for academic and educational work Borodulina Tatyana Viktorovna
Vice-rector for scientific and clinical work Mandra Yulia Vladimirovna
Vice-Rector for Prospective Development and International Affairs Flyagin Mikhail Alexandrovich
Vice-rector for pre-university and postgraduate training Sabitov Alebay Usmanovich


There are 8 faculties in the structure of the university:

  • therapeutic and prophylactic - Dean Chernyadyev Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Pediatric - Dean Vakhlova Irina Veniaminovna
  • Dental - Dean Zholudev Sergey Egorovich
  • medical and preventive - Dean Ufimtseva Marina Anatolyevna
  • pharmaceutical - dean Andrianova Galina Nikolaevna
  • of Psychological and Social Work and VSO - Dean Naboychenko Evgenia Sergeevna
  • advanced training and professional retraining - Dean Kuzmin Vyacheslav Valentinovich

Postgraduate education is represented by:

  • Residency Department - Head Kuznetsov Pavel Leonidovich
  • department of doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, magistracy - head Rusakova Irina Vladimirovna

Pre-university education:

  • center of pre-university training - head Abramova Nadezhda Sergeevna

Department of Innovative Information Technologies;
AHR management
Department of Economics, Accounting and Reporting;
Department of Human Resources Policy and Legal Support;
Research Department;
Department for educational and extracurricular activities;
Educational and methodological management;
Central Research Laboratory;
Scientific Library;

The bed fund used by clinical departments is about 10 thousand beds. The university has a large scientific library - about 600 thousand copies of books and periodicals, including 42 thousand volumes of foreign medical literature. 5 student dormitories for 1750 places provide students in need of housing.

For 78 years, more than 36 thousand doctors have graduated, more than 11 thousand doctors have undergone improvement and specialization.

Teaching staff

More than 70 departments of the university employ highly qualified specialists, among them 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 20 academicians and corresponding members of public academies, five

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO USMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia)

Medical university address:
Transport stops:

Selection committee: st. Repina, 3 (for letters);

Reception of the rector of the Medical University: st. Repina, 3
Official site: http://www.usma.ru

Certificate of state accreditation Series 90A01 No. 5972 reg. No. 0972 dated April 28, 2014

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO USMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia) is one of the oldest medical universities in the Urals, founded in 1930.
The University has 7 faculties, which provide training in 7 specialties at the undergraduate level, 31 specialties in internship, 53 in residency. In 60 specialties, retraining and improvement of doctors is carried out, in 29 - the training of doctors and candidates of science.

Old names: Ural Medical Academy Yekaterinburg (medical academy), medical institute (medical institute)

Specialty: medical business of higher education, qualification "General practitioner". Training: full-time full-time, training period - 6 years
Basic Educational Program (BEP) General Medicine consistently ranks among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia according to the Guild of Experts and the National Center for Public and Professional Accreditation. The university ensures the quality of the content of the BEP, the conditions for training and the level of education results in full compliance with the Federal Educational Standards, combining classical training "at the patient's bedside" with innovative IT technologies, the use of virtual professional production environments, modern highly realistic phantoms and dummies for practicing medical skills.
The presence in the training program of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science disciplines provides a serious fundamental basis for the formation of professional clinical competencies of a doctor. Upon completion of the development of the BEP, the graduate is awarded the qualification of "general practitioner", and the possibility of lifelong learning (in the magistracy, residency, postgraduate studies, advanced training and thematic improvement) allows you to acquire almost any (out of more than 60 established by modern nomenclature) medical specialty: infectious diseases, oncology, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, psychiatry, clinical and laboratory diagnostics, etc., as well as to organize healthcare, prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle, work in research institutes and university departments.

Specialty: Pediatrics of higher education, qualification "Pediatrician of general practice". Training: full-time full-time, training period - 6 years
The training of pediatricians is carried out at the Ural State Medical University at 46 equipped departments of the university. The clinical bases of the specialized departments are highly specialized multidisciplinary medical institutions in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, equipped with modern devices and equipment, which allows students to fully form professional competencies at the stages of training. Success in the preparation of a highly qualified specialist is largely determined by the high professionalism and pedagogical skills of the teaching staff.
One of the achievements in the implementation of the main educational program is public and professional accreditation and recognition of the quality of graduates' training by the Quality Standards established on the basis of the recommendations of the European Association for Educational Quality Assurance. The Guild of Experts in the field of vocational education recognized the PEP in the specialty "Pediatrics" as one of the best programs in innovative Russia. Upon graduation, graduates are awarded the qualification "General Practitioner". In the process of further education in the magistracy, residency, postgraduate studies, it is possible to get any medical specialty: neonatologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, oncologist, surgeon, neurologist, etc.

Specialty: Dentistry of higher education, qualification "General practice dentist". Training: day full-time, training period - 5 years.
The specialty Dentistry of higher education is received by persons after successfully mastering the BEP Dentistry, which is consistently ranked among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia, and passing the state final certification, who are awarded the qualification General Dentist. The University ensures the quality of the content of the BEP, the conditions for training and the level of educational results in full compliance with the Federal Educational Standards. Training of dental specialists is carried out at general biological, general medical and specialized departments: surgical dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, orthopedic dentistry, pediatric dentistry. The specialized departments are located on the basis of USMU's own dental clinic. During the training, each student is provided with an equipped workplace. Faculty students have the opportunity to work on modern equipment, use the latest technologies and materials. Further continuous training allows you to acquire any medical dental specialty: therapeutic, orthopedic, surgical, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, as well as organize a dental service, prevent diseases of the oral cavity, work at the departments of the university.

Specialty: medical and preventive work, qualification "Physician in General Hygiene", "Physician Epidemiologist". Education: full-time full-time, training period - 6 years.
The purpose of the educational program in the specialty "Medical and preventive care" is to prepare a specialist with developed social and personal, civic and patriotic qualities, with a high level of intellectual and moral development, who has general cultural and professional competencies necessary to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, preserve and improving his health. The strengths of the program, included in the list of the best educational programs in Russia: competence-based approach, continuous improvement of the quality of education and its compliance with the requirements of practical healthcare.
Graduates of the specialty are in demand in the bodies and institutions of the Federal Service in the field of consumer protection and human well-being, preventive medicine institutions, and individual divisions of medical organizations. Graduates have the opportunity of further education throughout their lives in higher (residency, postgraduate) and additional professional education programs in the enlarged group of specialties "Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine", in the specialties "Health Organization and Public Health", "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics".

Specialty: pharmacy, qualification "Pharmacist"
Training: day full-time, training period - 5 years.
In 2001, the Faculty of Pharmacy was opened at the Ural State Medical University. Its main purpose is to train specialists in the development, manufacture and use of drugs to provide effective drug care to the population.
During the entire period of study, students of the Faculty of Pharmacy acquire knowledge in the field of chemistry, as well as disciplines of medical and biological profile. Senior students are preparing for the future specialty of a pharmacist in pharmaceutical activities. Students acquire knowledge on medicines. By the end of the training, students master the entire spectrum of the pharmacological action of drugs, master the methodology for examining dosage forms, gain skills in managing pharmacy organizations, the rules of wholesale trade and the use of medicinal plant materials for medical purposes.

Direction of training: social work (academic bachelor's degree), qualification "Bachelor of social work", profile "Social work in the healthcare system".
Education: part-time, training period - 4 years.
Social work in relation to the health care system in the most general form can be defined as a sphere of multidisciplinary professional activity of a medical, psychological-pedagogical, socio-economic and socio-legal nature, focused on achieving the social well-being of the population through public and state activities aimed at maintaining and improving health population, and optimization of the quality of life of people who are socially maladjusted due to diseases and injuries.


Specialty: clinical psychology, qualification "Specialist psychologist", specialization "Pathological diagnostics and psychotherapy".
Education: full-time full-time, the duration of study is 5 years and 6 months.
Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of adaptation of a person and his environment to a disease situation. These studies are carried out with the help of psychological education (informing), psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling and psychological correction. Clinical psychology studies all the psychological problems that arise in a patient and his environment at different stages of life and illness, the dynamics of beneficial or detrimental changes in a person’s personality and interpersonal relationships in a situation of illness.
Tasks of a clinical psychologist: prevention of somatic and mental illnesses, psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, psychological examination, study and correction of psychological factors of personality maladaptation, psychocorrection of psychosomatic diseases, etc. A clinical psychologist is, first of all, a practitioner, so many hours in the educational process are devoted to various training sessions, in which students learn the technologies of psycho-corrective influences (interventions) on the patient and their families.
A clinical psychologist can work: in healthcare institutions (hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, psychotherapeutic departments, etc.); mental health centers, rehabilitation centers; in municipal and regional centers of psychological support in emergency situations; advisory medical-psychological-pedagogical centers for helping children with various pathologies; services of social assistance to the population; in medical and social expertise; sports centers for children with disabilities; private practice.

Direction of training "Nursing" (academic bachelor's degree), qualification "bachelor" in the direction of "Nursing". Education: full-time, duration of study - 4 years.
Persons with a complete secondary or secondary vocational medical education, regardless of work experience, are accepted for full-time education in the direction of bachelor's training "Nursing". Upon completion of training, graduates are issued a diploma of higher medical education, a bachelor's degree is awarded in the direction of "Nursing".
Graduates can carry out the following types of professional activities: medical and diagnostic; rehabilitation; medical and preventive; organizational and managerial; research. Bachelors in the direction of training "Nursing" can work in medical organizations as: senior nurses (midwives, paramedics); doctor-statistician, doctor-methodologist.

Name of specialty and areas of training

Foundation of learning

List of entrance examinations with indication of priority

Medical business



Medical and preventive business


budget, contract

Biology (2)

Russian language (3)

Clinical psychology


Biology (1)

Mathematics (2)

Russian language (3)



Biology (1)

Russian language (3)

Social work


History (1)

Social studies (2)

Russian language (3)

Days of USMU faculties
January 09, 2016 (Repin St., 3, GUK, Large auditorium)
10.00 - 12.00 - Faculty of Pediatrics
12.00 - 14.00 - Therapeutic and preventive faculty
14.00 - 15.00 - Faculty of Preventive Medicine
15.00 - 16.00 Faculty of Dentistry

January 9, 2016
10.00 - 11.00 Clinical psychology
11.00 - 12.00 Nursing
12.00 - 13.00 Social work

January 9, 2016 (Dekabristov st., 32, academic building 2, lecture hall)
11.00 - 13.00 Faculty of Pharmacy

USMU Open Doors Day will be held during spring school holidays. Find out the exact date, time and place of the event on the official website of USMU http://www.usma.ru

Tuition for the 2016-2017 academic year at USMU

For 1st year students, tuition when paid at the expense of legal entities and when paid at the expense of personal funds for one year is:

- medical and preventive faculty - 114,380 rubles;
- Faculty of Pediatrics -
114 380 rubles

- Faculty of Dentistry - 114 380 rubles

- medical and preventive faculty - 97,700 rubles;
- Faculty of Pharmacy - 108,300 rubles;
- social work - 46,220 rubles;
- Nursing (bachelor's degree) - 68,160 rubles;
- clinical psychology - 78,100 rubles.

Address of the Medical University (Medical Academy): 620219, Yekaterinburg, st. Repin, 3. Transport stops: trolleybus N° 2, 3, 7.17. Rest "Central Stadium",
bus number 21, 24, 25, 28.40. Rest "Institute of Communications"
tram number A, 2, 5,10,13,15,18, 23, 26, 27,32. Rest "Communards Square"
Selection committee: st. Repina, 3 (for letters);
st. Klyuchevskaya, 17, tel. 214-85-99 (for personal inquiries)
Faculty of pre-university training: st. Klyuchevskaya, 17, tel. 214-87-99
Reception of the rector of the medical university: st. Repina, 3
Official site:

About the university

Ural State Medical Academy (USMA)
in 1930, it was originally created as the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute (SGMI), which laid the foundation for the training of highly qualified specialists with higher medical education in the Middle Urals.

In 1995, the university was rightfully given the status of the Ural State Medical Academy.

Today USMA is the leading medical institution of higher education in the Ural region.

More than 4,000 students study at eight faculties of the academy.

The Academy trains medical specialists who, after graduating from its walls, are in demand in the cities and towns of the Sverdlovsk region, throughout the entire Ural region and beyond.

The period of formation and development of SSMI-USMA coincided with significant events in the history of our state. During the war years, the teachers and students of the institute were actively involved in the formation and organization of the work of large rear hospitals. In the postwar years, through the efforts of many generations of teachers and staff, it was possible to overcome all difficulties and hardships, preserving and significantly increasing the teaching potential, and developing the material and technical base of the university.

The Academy has 9 faculties:
· pediatric;
medical and preventive;
· pharmaceutical;
higher nursing education;
· advanced training and professional retraining of doctors;
· specialization of interns and residents, pre-university training;
Correspondence department.

Many graduates have become major statesmen, heads of medical institutions, well-known scientists in Russia and abroad, who founded scientific schools in many areas of medical knowledge. Among them, the Minister of Health of the USSR M.D. Kovrigina, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation F.G. Zakharov, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Starodubov, pilot-cosmonaut V.G. Lazarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region S.I. Spector, Academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences B.T. Velichkovsky, L.L. Buldakov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.K. Guskova and others.

The Academy is deservedly proud of its teaching staff, which includes 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, over 120 doctors of medical sciences, professors, more than 360 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

A significant part of scientific research is carried out in close collaboration with research institutes of the Department of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation (Institute of Ecology, Institute of Tuberculosis, Institute of Maternal and Childhood Protection, Research Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Scientific Medical Center).

Doctors and candidates of sciences are trained in 38 scientific specialties. In 4 specialized Academic Councils, dissertations are defended for the degree of candidate and doctor of science.

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