Active oxygen, organized water and life processes. Active oxygen, organized water and liveliness processes Bioregulatory role AFC

Interest in active forms of oxygen (AFC) and reactions with their participation, to antioxidants blocking these reactions, has recently growing rapidly, since with AFC connects the development of a wide range of chronic diseases. But within the framework of traditional representations of biochemistry, it does not find a convincing explanation for the need for regular consumption of AFC with air (superoxide radical), water (hydrogen peroxide), food (MEYAR reaction products) to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, stress resistance, and maintaining high vital activity. It remains unclear the causes of the high therapeutic effectiveness of such strong oxidants such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide with the absence of side effects. At the same time, it is almost no attention to the unique feature of reactions involving AFC - their extremely high energy output. It can be assumed that the absolute need for AFC for life activity and their beneficial therapeutic effects may be explained by the formation of electron-excited states in their reactions - triggers of all subsequent bioenergy processes. The oscillatory mode of such reactions can determine the rhythmic course of higher level biochemical processes. Pathogenetic effects of AFC can then be explained by the violation of the regulation of both the processes of their generation and elimination.

Paradoxes of oxygen breathing.

The dynamics of the growth of scientific literature dedicated to the active forms of oxygen (AFC), free radicals, oxidative processes by their participation, indicates the rapidly growing interest in biologists and physicians. In most publications on problems associated with the active forms of oxygen, their destructive effect on membranes, nucleic acids and proteins are emphasized.

Since the roles in the roles that AFK can play in biochemistry and physiology, a toxicological and pathophysiological bias prevails, the number of publications devoted to antioxidants is growing even faster than the total number of articles on AFK. If 25 years before 1990, the number of antioxidant articles referented in Medline was less than 4500, then only for 1999 and 2000 it exceeded 6000.

At the same time, out of sight of most researchers remain a huge array of data, indicating the absolute need for AFC for life processes. So, under reduced content in the atmosphere of superoxide radicals, animals and people are ill, and with their long-lasting absence. There is 10-15% on the production of AFC, and in special circumstances - up to 30% of the oxygen consumed by the organism. It becomes clear that the defined "background" of AFC is necessary to implement the action on the cells of bioregulatory molecules, and the AFC themselves can imitate the effect of many of them. All wider use finds "oxyterepia" - treatment of a wide range of diseases by artificial aeronization of air, blood treatment with such extremely active oxygen forms such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide.

Thus, numerous empirical data is contrary to the established scheme in the classical biochemistry, within which AFCs are seen only as superchactive chemical particles that can break the slim course of normal biochemical processes. At the same time, the main feature of reactions involving AFC is not taken into account - their extremely high energy output is sufficient to generate electron-excited states. But thanks to this particular feature, they can form peculiar bioenergy flows necessary to start, maintaining, and ordering a variety of biochemical and physiological processes. We assume that reactions involving AFC play a fundamental (from the word "foundation") role in the organization of the most complicated network of bio-physicochemical processes, which together meet the concept of "living organism". To justify this assumption, it is necessary to at least briefly dwell on the unique properties of oxygen and its active forms.

Special properties of the oxygen molecule and its transformation products.

Oxygen is absolutely necessary for all organisms, and for a person's life in particular. Only a few minutes without oxygen lead to irreversible brain damage. The human brain, which constitutes only 2% of the mass of its body, consumes about 20% of the oxygen obtained by the organism. It reads that almost all O2 is consumed with oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, but their content in nervous tissue is no more, if not less than in other energy-dependent tissues. Therefore, there must be another way to dispose of O2, and the brain should consume it on this path more active than other tissues. Alternative oxidative phosphorylation The way of using O2 to obtain energy is its one-electron recovery. The properties of the O2 molecule in principle make it possible to receive energy and on this path.

Oxygen is unique among the most important molecules. It contains 2 unpaired electrons on valence orbital (M, where it is an electron with a certain set value), i.e. O2 in its main state triplet. Such particles have a significantly large stock of energy than molecules in an unexcited singlet state [M] when all their electrons are paired. O2 can become a singlet, only having received a considerable portion of energy. Thus, both triplet and singlet states of oxygen are excited, rich status energy. Excessive energy O2 (180 kcal / mol) is exempt when it is restored to 2 molecules of water, having obtained a hydrogen atoms of an electron, fully equalizing the electronic shells of both atoms O.

Despite the large excess energy, O2 with difficulty reacts with substances oxidized. Almost all electron donors accessible to it are singlet molecules, and a direct response triplet singlet to the formation of products in a singlet state is impossible. If O2 in one way or another, an additional electron acquires, then it can get easily easily. On the path of one-electronic reduction of O2 and intermediate compounds are formed, called AFC due to their high chemical activity. Having obtained the first electron, O2 turns into a superoxide-anion radical O2-. Adding a second electron (together with two protons) turns the latter into hydrogen peroxide, H2O2. The peroxide, without being a radical, and a small-resistant molecule, can easily obtain a third electron, turning into an extremely active hydroxyl radical, Ho, which easily takes away from any organic molecule a hydrogen atom, turning into water.

Free radicals differ from conventional molecules not only by high chemical activity, but also by the fact that there are chain reactions. "Overting" an affordable electron in the molecule that turned out to be nearby, the radical turns into a molecule, and the electron donor is in a radical that can continue the chain (Figure 1). Indeed, when free-radical reactions are developing in solutions of bioorganic compounds, few source free radicals can cause damage to the huge number of biomolecules. That is why AFC is traditionally considered in biochemical literature as extremely dangerous particles, and their appearance in the body explains many diseases and even see them the main cause of aging.

Purposeful products of AFK alive cells.

All organisms are equipped with a variety of mechanisms for targeted AFC generation. Nadph-oxidase enzyme has long been known, actively producing "toxic" superoxide, followed by the entire RFC gamma. But until the very recently, he was considered to be a specific belonging of phagocytic cells of the immune system, explaining the need for the production of AFC critical circumstances of protection against pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Now it has become clear that this is an enzyme enzyme. He and the similar enzymes were found in the cells of all three layers of aorta, in fibroblasts, synocytes, chondrocytes, plant cells, yeast, in kidney cells, neurons and astrocytes of the brain cortex O2- produce other ubiquitous enzymes: NO synthesis, cytochrome 450, Gamma-glutamal-transpensidase, and this list continues to grow. Recently it was found that all antibodies can produce H2O2, i.e. They are also generators AFC. According to some estimates, even by one of 10-15% of the oxygen consumed by animals is subjected to one-electron recovery, and in stress conditions, when the activity of superoxide-generating enzymes increases sharply, the intensity of oxygen reduction increases by another 20%. Thus, AFK must play a very important role in normal physiology.

Bioregulatory role AFC.

It turns out that AFC is directly involved in the formation of a variety of physiological cell responses to a particular molecular bioregulator. Which will be the cell reaction - whether it will enter the mitotic cycle whether it will go towards differentiation or dedifferentiation, or the genes that run the apoptosis process depends on the specific molecular nature bioregulator acting on specific cell receptors, and from "context ", In which this bioregulator operates: prehistory of cells and the background level of AFC. The latter depends on the ratio of speeds and methods of products and eliminate these active particles.

The same factors affect the production of AFCs that regulate the physiological activity of cells, in particular, hormones and cytokines. Different cells that make up the tissue react to the physiological stimulus in different ways, but individual reactions are inserted into the tissue reaction, as a whole. Thus, factors affecting the activity of NADPH-oxidase chondrocytes, osteoblasts stimulate the restructuring of cartilage and bone tissues. The activity of NADPH-oxidase fibroblasts increases during their mechanical irritation, and the intensity and nature of the current of blood is influenced by the speed of oxidants, the intensity of blood is influenced. One of the first events in fertilization with the spermatozoic of the egg - sharp activation of the NADPH-oxidases of both partners. When suppressing products, AFCs violates the development of a multicellular organism.

AFK and themselves can imitate the effect of many hormones and neurotransmitters. Thus, H2O2 in low concentrations imitates the effect on insulin fat cells, and insulin stimulates the activity of NADPH oxidase in them. Antagonists of insulin - adrenaline and its analogs, inhibit NADPH-oxidase fat cells, and H2O2 suppresses the action of glucagon and adrenaline. It is essential that the generation of O2 cells is preceded by the other events in the intracellular information circuit.

Although there are many sources of AFC products in the body, for normal human and animal life, regular consumption is needed. Another A.L.Chevsky showed that negatively charged air ions are needed for normal life. It is now established that Aeroions Chizhevsky are hydrated radicals O2-. And although their concentration in clean air is insignificant (hundreds of pieces in cm3), but in their absence, experimental animals die within a few days with the symptoms of choking. At the same time, air enrichment with superoxide to 104 particles / cm3 normalizes blood pressure and its rheology, facilitates the oxygenation of tissues, enhances the overall resistance of the body to stress factors. . Other AFK, for example, ozone (O3), H2O2 were used in the first third of the XX century to treat various chronic diseases - from sclerosis to neurological pathologies and cancer. . Currently, in general medicine, they are rarely applied due to their intended toxicity. Nevertheless, in recent years, especially in our country, ozone therapy is becoming more popular, the use of intravenous injections of diluted solutions of H2O2 begins.

Thus, it becomes clear that AFC is universal regulatory agents, factors that have beneficially affecting the processes of vital activity from the cellular level to the level of a whole body. But if AFK, in contrast to molecular bioregulators, do not have chemical specificity, how can they provide a thin regulation of cellular functions?

Free-radical reactions - sources of light pulses.

The only way to break the hazardous radical chain reactions in which all new bioorganic molecules are involved are the recombination of two free radicals to form a stable molecular product. But in the system, where the concentration of radicals is very low, and organic molecules - high, the likelihood of a meeting of two radicals is insignificant. It is wonderful that oxygen, which generates free radicals, is almost the only agent that can be eliminated. Being a bi-radical, it ensures the reproduction of mono-radicals, increasing the likelihood of their meeting. If R radical interacts with O2, the peroxyl radical ROO occurs. It can tear a hydrogen atom from a suitable donor with turning it into a radical, at the same time becoming peroxide. The connection of O-O in the breakdowns is relatively weak, and under certain circumstances, it can break, breeding 2 new radicals, RO and HO. This event is called delay (relative to the main chain reaction) by the branching of the chains. New radicals can be recombined with others and break the chain slaves (Figure 2).

And here should be emphasized the unique feature of the reactions of radical recombination: exempted energy quanta comparable with the energy of photons visible and even UV light. Back in 1938 A.G. Gourvich showed that in the presence of oxygen dissolved in water in the system where chain free-radical processes involving simple biomolecules occur, photons can be emitted in the UV region of the spectrum capable of stimulating mitoses in cell populations (therefore, such radiation was called mitogenetic). In the study of the anti-oxidization processes initiated by the RFCs in aqueous solutions of glycine or glycine and restoring sugars (glucose, fructose, ribosis), we observed super-weak radiation from them in a blue-green spectrum region and confirmed the representations of the Gurvich about the batch chain of these reactions.

A.G. Gurvich first found that plants, yeast, microorganisms, as well as some organs and tissues of animals serve as sources of mitogenetic radiation in a "calm" state, and this radiation is strictly oxygen-dependent. Of all the tissues of animals, only blood and nervous tissue have such radiation. Using modern photon detection techniques, we fully confirmed the statement of Gurvich about the ability of fresh undiluted human blood to be the source of photon radiation, even in a calm state, which speaks of continuous generation in the blood of AFC and recombinations of radicals. In case of artificial excitation in the blood of immune reactions, the intensity of solid blood radiation increases sharply. It has recently been shown that the intensity of the radiation of the rat brain is so high, which can be detected by highly sensitive equipment even on the whole animal.

As noted above, the noticeable part of O2 in the human body and animals is restored according to the one-electron mechanism. But at the same time, the current concentrations of AFCs in cells and extracellular matrix are very low due to the high activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms of their elimination known in the aggregate as "antioxidant protection". Some elements of this protection act with a very high speed. So, the speed of superoxiddismutase (soda) and catalases exceeds 106 revolutions / sec. Soda catalyzes the response of dismutation (recombination) of two superoxide radicals with the formation of H2O2 and oxygen, and the catalase decomposes H2O2 to oxygen and water. Usually pay attention only to the detoxifying effect of these enzymes and low molecular weight antioxidants - ascorbate, tocopherol, glutathione, etc. But what is the meaning of the intensive generation of AFC, for example NADPH oxidase, if its products are immediately eliminated by SOD and Catalase?

In biochemistry, the energy of these reactions usually is not considered, while the energy yield of one act of dimensation of superoxides is about 1 eV, and the decomposition of H2O2 - 2 eV, which is equivalent to the quantum of yellow-red light. In general, with a complete one-electrone restoration of one O2 molecule, 8 eV is released (we indicate that we indicate that the UV photon energy with lambda \u003d 250 nm is 5 eV). With the maximum activity of enzymes, the energy is released with a megahertz frequency, which makes it difficult for its rapid scattering in the form of heat. The useless scattering of this valuable energy is unlikely because its generation occurs in an organized cell and extracellular medium. It is experimentally established, it can be radiatively and discernantly to be transferred to macromolecules and supramolecular ensembles, and used as an activation energy or for modulation of enzymatic activity.

The recombination of radicals, occurring as in chain reactions with delaying branching (Fig. 2), and indirectly mediated by enzymatic and nefermantative antioxidants not only delivers high density energy to start and maintaining more specialized biochemical processes. It can support their rhythmic course, as in processes involving AFC, self-organization occurs, manifested in the rhythmic liberation of photons.

Occilla breed modes of reactions involving AFC.

The possibility of self-organization in oxidative-reducing model reactions, expressed in the appearance of oxidative and reduction potential oscillations, was shown long ago on the example of Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions. The development of the oscillatory regime in the catalysis of oxidation peroxidase with NADH oxidation is known. However, until recently, the role of electronically excited states in the occurrence of these oscillations was not taken into account. It is known that in aqueous solutions of carbonyl compounds (for example, glucose, ribose, methylglyoxal) and amino acids, oxygen is reduced, free radicals appear, and their reactions are accompanied by photon radiation. We have recently been shown that in such systems in physiological conditions, an oscillatory radiation mode arises, which indicates the self-organization of the process in time and space. It is essential that such processes known as the MEYAR reaction are continuously proceeding in cells and non-cellular space. Figure 3 shows that these oscillations do not fade for a long time and may have a complicated form, i.e. Present pronounced nonlinear oscillations.

Interesting influence on the nature of these oscillations of classical antioxidants, for example, ascorbate (Figure 4). It was found that under conditions where pronounced radiation fluctuations in the system do not arise, ascorbate in an insignificant concentration (1 μm) contributes to their appearance and up to a concentration of 100 μm sharply enhances the overall intensity of radiation and the amplitude of oscillations. Those. He behaves like a typical prooxidant. Only at a concentration of 1 mm, ascorbat acts as an antioxidant, essentially lengthening the lag phase of the process. But when it is partially consumed, the radiation intensity increases to maximum values. Such phenomena are characteristic of chain processes with degenerate branching

The vibrational processes involving AFCs proceed at the level of entire cells and tissues. Thus, in individual granulocytes, where AFC is generated by NADPH-oxidases, the entire set of these enzymes "turns on" strictly by 20 seconds, and in the next 20 seconds the cell performs other functions. Interestingly, in cells from septic blood, this rhythmic is significantly violated. We found that the oscillatory modes of radiation photons are characteristic not only for individual cells, but also for neutrophil suspensions (Figure 5a) and even for whole undiluted blood, to which Lucigenine is added - the generation indicator in the superoxide radical (Figure 5V). It is essential that the observed oscillations are complex, multi-level character. Periods of oscillations lie in the range from dozens of minutes to their shares (inserts in Fig. 5a).

The value of an oscillatory nature of both regulatory and executive biochemical and physiological processes is only beginning to be realized. Most recently, it was proved that intracellular alarm system, carried out by one of the most important bioregulators - calcium, is due to not simply by changing its concentration in the cytoplasm. Information is enclosed in the frequency of oscillations of its intracellular concentration. These discoveries require revision of ideas about the mechanisms of biological regulation. If so far, when studying the cell reaction to the bioreculator, only its dose (signal amplitude) was taken into account, it becomes clear that the basic information is enclosed in the oscillatory nature of the change in parameters, in amplitude, frequency and phase modulation of oscillatory processes.

Of the many bioregulatory substances, AFCs are the most suitable candidates for the role of triggers of oscillatory processes, because they are in constant motion, more precisely - they are continuously generated and die, but with their death electron-excited states are born - electromagnetic energy pulses. We assume that the biological mechanisms of AFC are determined by the structure of the processes in which they are involved. Under the "processes" structure, we understand the frequency-amplitude characteristics and the degree of phase consistency of the processes of generation and relaxation of the ECU, accompanying the reaction of AFK interaction with each other or with singlet molecules. Generated electromagnetic pulses can activate specific molecular acceptors, and the structure of the ECU generation processes determines the rhythms of biochemical, and at a higher level and physiological processes. This is probably explained by the specificity of AFC's action - these are extremely nonspecified from the chemical point of view of agents. Depending on the frequency of their birth and death, the structure of the ECC generation processes should change, and, it means that the spectrum of acceptors of this energy will also change, since different acceptors are low molecular weight bioregulators, proteins, nucleic acids can only perceive resonant frequencies.

Our assumption allows you to explain a variety of scattered phenomena from a single position. Thus, the role of antioxidants seems much richer than in traditional ideas. Of course, they prevent non-specific chemical reactions of damage to biomacomolecules with excess production of AFC. But their main function is to organize and ensure the diversity of the structures of processes involving AFC. The more tools in such an orchestra, the richer is his sound. Perhaps that is why travelery, vitamin therapy and other forms of naturopathy uses such "nutritional supplements" in such a success - after all, these "nutritional supplements" contain a variety of antioxidants and coenzymes - generators and energies of ECU. Together they provide a full and harmonious set of rhythms of life.

It becomes clear why for normal livelihoods requires consumption at least in insignificant amounts of AFK with air, water and food, despite the active generation of AFC in the body. The fact is that full-fledged processes with the participation of AFC sooner or later fade, because during them their inhibitors are gradually accumulated - free radical traps. An analogy here can be seen with the bone, which fades even in the presence of fuel if the products of incomplete combustion begin to select more than the energy of the flame. AFC applicants act in the role of "sparks", which again incite the "flame" - the generation of AFC is already the organism itself, which allows you to show off and incomplete combustion products. Especially many such products accumulates in a sore body, and therefore such effective ozone therapy and peroxidant-hydrogen therapy.

Rhythms arising from the exchange in an AFC body to varying degrees depend on external rhythm. The latter includes, in particular, the oscillations of external electromagnetic and magnetic fields, since reactions involving AFC are essentially the reaction of the transfer of unpaired electrons flowing into the active environment. This kind of processes, as follows from modern ideas of physics of nonlinear auto-oscillatory systems, are very sensitive to very weak intensity, but resonant effects. In particular, the processes involving AFC can be primary acceptors of sharp changes in the tension of the geomagnetic field of the Earth, the so-called geomagnetic storms. To varying degrees, they can react to low-intensive, but ordered fields of modern electronic devices - computers, cell phones, etc., and if their rhythm of processes involving AFCs weakened and depleted, similar external influences with their specific characteristics increase. The probability of disunity and chaoticization of the generation of electronically excited states of biochemical and physiological processes.

Instead of imprisonment.

The above analysis of empirical data relating to such a "hot" theme of active forms of oxygen and antioxidants has led us to the conclusions, to a certain extent, contradictory current approaches to solving medical problems. We cannot exclude that some of the assumptions expressed above, the hypotheses will not be fully confirmed with their experimental verification. But, nevertheless, we are convinced that the main conclusion: processes involving AFC play a fundamental bio-energy informational role in the formation and implementation of vital activity - faithful. Of course, as any other mechanism, the subtle mechanism of processes involving AFC may violate. In particular, one of the main dangers for its normal functioning may be a lack of oxygen in the medium where it flows. And it is precisely then those processes that represent a valid risk are beginning to develop - the distribution of chain radical reactions, under which a plurality of biologically important macromolecules are damaged. As a result, gigantic macromolecular chimeras arise, which include atherosclerotic and amyloid plaques, senile stains (lipofuscin), other sclerotic structures and many still weakly identified ballasts, or rather, toxic substances. The body struggles with them, intensifying the products of AFC, but it is in AFC and see the cause of pathology and strive to immediately eliminate them. It is possible, however, to hope that a deeper understanding of the diverse mechanisms of oxygen utilization by man and animals will help effectively deal with the causes, and not by the consequences of diseases that often reflect the body's own efforts in the struggle for life.


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According to the site:\u003d1284

Lecture at the XVI seminar school "Modern problems of physiology and pathology of digestive, Pushchino-on-Oka, 14-17 May 2001, published in Appendix No. 14 to the Russian journal Gastroenterology, hepatology, coloproktology" Materials of the XVI session of the Academic School-Seminar named after .M. Corner "Modern problems of physiology and digestive pathology", 2001, volume XI, №4, p. 128-136

Bratus B.S.: We are present at the next meeting of the general psychological seminar, but it is unusual, because this is a joint seminar with institutions [ joint with a seminar of the Institute of Synergue Anthropology under the hand of S.S. Khoruzhoe and O.I. Genisaret and Laboratory of Neurophysiological Fundamentals of the Psychic Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is headed by Yu.I. Alexandrov], who are headed by two wonderful scientists. This is Professor Sergey Sergeevich Koruzhiy - philosopher, mathematician, theologian, and Professor Yuri Iosifovich Aleksandrov - psychologist, psychophysiologist, thinker. Today we have an important task: for the first time in the seminar, we appeal to global biological problems in the broad sense of the word - to biology as a learning about life. And our speaker - Vladimir Leonidovich Warikov, a wonderful professor of the Biological Faculty of Moscow University. I am pleased to give him a word.

Warikov V.L.: Many thanks, Boris Sergeevich. Before you start, I want to congratulate all the ladies present here, which look great, and I hope that today is not very mistake. And I also want to express my surprise and thanks to those present here to men who broke away from preparing for the holiday and decided to listen to me. This is the first remark.

The second remark that I would like to do is a complaint - a complaint against Boris Sergeyevich [Married]. The fact is that the name "Biology of Being" did not come up with me. I called Boris Sergeevich month and a half ago and said that it was necessary to perform at the seminar on the topic: "Biology of Being." I was first stuck, because, by and large, I don't consider myself to philosophers, although philosophically, as well as all the other normal people, but philosophical concepts are far from me. But when I thought about this topic and about those not very narrow biological problems that I do, it seemed to me that you could say something on this topic, if you first look in the dictionaries, which is meant by the word "being" that It is included. I had a general presentation, and therefore I decided to write an essay on the topic given by Boris Sergeyevich.

I was repelled from a well-defined concept of "being", with him, of course, many of those present will not agree and give some kind of definition, but I chose it, which is closer to me as a naturalist, as a naturalist: "Being is a reality that exists objectively Regardless of the consciousness, will and emotion of man. " And the attributes of Being (named in the source I used), according to materialistic philosophy, this time, space, energy, information and substance. I am a biologist, and the first question that I have originated: Where is the subject of my interest? Does this subject relate to the attributes of being? Or does it occur somehow from the aggregate of all entities? In other words, is life an attribute of being? Or life is something that occurs? And indeed, as you know since high school, the issue of problem is constantly discussed constantly discussed. origin of Life. It means that there is no place for life as such, but she somehow occurs. But I consider the wrong statement of this issue.

I personally believe that life is, maybe even the very first attribute of being. Life as a concept is in the same row as time, space, energy, information and substance. It is in this row. Life is like an essence. But, all these entities we can only speak about how they appear, that is, how life is "given to us in sensations," as philosophers say, according to how we feel it. And we, biologists, we study this life on its manifestations, only studying the fact that in the broadest sense of the word you can call "live systems": from the cell to the biosphere. There are people with an even wider philosophical look, which they say that the space "alive" and so on, but this is no longer the subject of a biologist.

If you argue on the topic about occurs whether life or life dana From the very beginning, as all other attributes of being, then this is an ideological question. That is, nor prove it is impossible to refute it. You can argue about whether the energy is an attribute of being or it happened from something else. Or space is the attribute of being, or did it come from something? You can argue on this topic, long philosophice, but, one way or another, any scientific research is based on some prerequisites.

So, my original background, at least the one, on which I base in my study of life in all its manifestations, is that not life occurred, but live systems occurthat we study. And what are the living systems? These are certain entities that are, as we say, in " living condition. If you see what is " live condition"We will also not meet a clear definition in biological literature, even a sufficiently high level. But the living condition is usually determined by its manifestations. This is a reproduction, metabolism, reactivity, etc. You can list all the manifestations of the "living condition" and further study them independently of each other than and is engaged in the biological faculty of Moscow State University, where there are already 30 departments today, and at each department of 3-5 laboratories. And each is engaged in its specific "manifestation", right up to the "molecular" - separately taken molecules. I recently also had to think about the question: "Live condition" is an active or passive state? You tell me that this is a strange question, because the living is actively, and the dead when it dies, becomes passive. It would seem self-evident. But from the logic of the materialistic worldview, it follows (as I now show it) that living systems are passive objects, and we, biologists, we are not active, and we study passive systems. At the same time, I am convinced that live systems (and today I will try to prove it) - these are active, interacting, purposefully developing in the objective laws of entity. That is, by and large, they are subjects, not objects. Why is it important for me to oppose: Are the living systems active, or are they passive?

Let's look at the difference between the living system from the oblique matter. So that something showed any activity, for example, the motor, for this requires energy. Sources of free energy, that is, the energy that can turn into some kind of work (the simplest form of work is a movement), in machines and non-living systems lie outside their structures. Non-resident systems are passive free energy transformers. In the diagram [ on the screen] To the left is shown the model is one of those models on which the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the Nobel laureate of Prigogina is built. These are Benar cells.

Fig. one. Cells Benara

A frying pan is taken, a thin layer of water is poured on it and heat is supplied from below, a certain heat gradient is created. The energy of an outer gradient passes through this frying pan, and this kind of structure is beginning to be formed from the water. There is something called self-organization. These structures are not fixed, they move, they somehow behave, they have some kind of behavior, but it is worth turning off the heat source, and again we see simply a thin layer of water. In other words, this self-organizing, which we observe - as well as in many other cases of self-organization processes in nature - it is carried out due to an external source of free energy, which turns into certain forms of work.

Now let's see what we are taught by the textbooks of biology, starting from high school. That's right picture. It can be found not only on the Internet, but also in any textbooks of biology on it we see how there is a biosphere.

Fig.2. Energy transformation in the biosphere

It exists due to the constant inflow of solar energy. The sun shines on the ground, there is a flow of this energy. This energy is free energy. It is absorbed by photosynthetic plants. Plants, absorb this energy, transform it into chemical work on the production of organic compounds. Part of the energy dissipates, they turn it into heat. These organic compounds feed consumers - animals, which ensures their activity. Part of this energy they again turn into heat. Then their garbage consumes the most diverse microorganisms, turning the organic an unnecessary animal again into an inorganic, and thus this cycle is spinning. In other words, the drive belt of the biosphere cycle, as it is drawn in any textbook, is external. This external stream of energy and rotates the whole life, all ecology on Earth. Without constant inflow of solar energy, biological systems, according to this concept, will die quickly.

But life, as we know perfectly, omnipresent. Recently, it has become more and more to study that life that is extremely active and difficult to arrange - that is, these are not some anaerobic microorganisms, but more active animals - but that live there, where there is no light, no oxygen, and the temperature of the surrounding The medium lies in the range from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius. Such animals live at the bottom of the ocean, up to the Mariana depression. There are large living organisms, which, by the way, is more active, and even in size larger than their closest relatives living on the surface. There is no sun there, and nevertheless life flourishes. It is possible that she originated there (now many scientists consider so much). And no sunlight so that this life exists is not needed. These animals did not fall from above on the bottom of the ocean, and exist there during the entire period, which we know anything about. So where do they take energy from? Where is energy there? I run forward, but I will explain. They live in liquid water, and the water is liquid because there is a small amount of heat sufficient to ensure that the water is not ice, but remained liquid. This is already energy. And these living organisms turn into a small energy in extremely intense, with the help of which they carry out all their livelihoods, no less complicated than the vital activity of the biota that we see here on the surface, with our own eyes.

I must say, the idea that at the bottom of the oceans there is such an active life, it appeared 25-30 years ago. And therefore, before the textbooks, it has not yet reached, but not at all because the biologists watched. They simply did not know and did not even suspect about it. Now numerous underwater expeditions are increasingly studying this amazing life, which is located there. It is possible to give a lot of other examples of active life without an external engine - without such an external gradient of energy, which twists the entire system. And this is the existence of life where there is no motor outside, in particular, it indicates that life is really a fundamental concept. And to implement the principle of life, you need a very narrow, very limited circle of conditions.

I could talk long on this topic, but Boris Sergeevich [ Bratus] I invited me after all to perform at the Faculty of Psychology, and not on the biological or physical, or chemical faculty, where I also have to speak. To psychology, I have such an attitude. Boris Sergeyevich and I wrote one book, where I considered the question related, however, not with psychology, but with the attitude of science and religion. And I began to think about how to talk about biology of being, that is, about the "reality, existing objectively, regardless of the consciousness, will and emotions of a person" - so that it is interesting to all so that it affected at least the emotions of people present here . And addresses today what everyone has a hearing: the so-called "global crisis". And so I would like, pushing out the basic laws of biology, show that this global crisis is one of the manifestations of fundamental laws in psychology. Actually, this will be devoted to the main part of my speech.

But in order to talk about the fact that the laws of biology are present and whether such laws are in general, of course, you need to find something that has been done before us. And almost everything was done before us. Let me remind you the statement of Vernadsky: "If you found something new and interesting, be sure to look for predecessors." If you do not find predecessors, the question arises, and did you invent this new and interesting? Is it in reality? The predecessors knew everything, and we only need to translate it into a modern language and folded with our other knowledge. So, is the fundamental concept of "life", what is the living systems represent? Or live systems, according to the textbook of biology, is it just a special case of physics and chemistry? There are physics and chemistry, and there are special cases, for example, there are geophysics, there is biology. This is about one row of concept. So, there was such a biggest scientistXX century Erwin Simonovich Bauer. It would be possible to devote a whole lecture and not to devote a story about him and about what he did, but this time is not. And so I just here indicate the main items that we need for the next discussion.

In 1935, in the publishing house of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine in Leningrad, the book of Erwin Bauer under the name "Theoretical Biology" was published. In it, he formulated fundamental principles or axioms that laid the foundation for the general theory of living matter. He created a theoretical biology based on an axiomatic principle. He put forward three postulates, three axioms, three principles, as he called them, of which all the manifestations of vital activity could already follow. And as any other theoretical science based on axiomatic principles, this is an independent science, and not a section of some other sciences. For example, modern and not very modern physics and chemistry are based on the laws of movement of inanimate matter.

What kind of axioms of Bauer? We will need them. I can't deepen here, only let's have a general idea about them. The first and main axiom, the first and the main postulate, that is, the position that may be rejected if there is something contrary to him, but it does not follow (at the level of axiomatics) from something previously preceding - this is the principle of sustainable non-equilibrium: "All and only living systems are never in equilibrium and constantly perform work due to their own free energy against the balance required by the laws of physics and chemistry under the existing external conditions" (E.S. Bauer. Theoretical Biology. Mr. 1935. p.43). So I stand here in front of you, and this is clearly a nonequilibrium situation. Obviously, lie on the sofa to the nose to the wall it would be more equilibrium. And in order to keep in order not to fall, I have to continuously make some kind of work, that is, work against equilibrium. Such a simplest example. The determination of the fact that the live system is, comes down to a simple thesis: living systems continuously work to stay alive. If they stop this activity, they cease to be alive. That's actually, everything related to the essence of living systems. Another thing, at the expense of what they carry out this work? How do they take energy to constantly stay in a non-equilibrium state? These are questions that require serious consideration.

To the left and right on the screen pictures that are all clearly shown. It is not necessary to be neither a biologist nor physician nor a chemist to understand that we have been presented with a living organism to the left, and on the right there is already a former living organism. Now this bone matter itself is in itself.

So, in order to constantly perform their work against equilibrium and be all the time a source of free energy, it is necessary to draw this free energy from somewhere to get from somewhere and, moreover, it is impossible to stop at it. In order for living systems to continue to exist in time continuously, their growth and development are required. From the first the principle of sustainable non-equilibrium, growth and development should not be directly. This principle indicates the actual state of each living system. But if she will only fight against equilibrium, then sooner or later her strength runs out, and it will become inanger. There are many such systems, but they no longer represent interest, it is non-residential systems. In order for life to be preserved in the form of living systems and, more so that life develops in the form of living systems, a continuous and continuous increase in their free energy is required for external work.

What is understood by the "external work"? This is the work on extracting substances and energy from the environment and turn them into their non-equilibrium state. If you think about, no one throws away to us in the mouth. This is only Gogol, this situation is described. In order to extract something from the environment, you need to work hard, external work. If the external work is carried out without an additional bonus, then again the live system will turn into a non-living system. Therefore, by itself the fact of the existence of living systems, at least in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cosmos, which is well known to us, requires implementation the principle of increasing external work, the principle of growth and development. In fact, this is the principle of evolution, and it determines the vector of motion of living systems at all levels of their existence. These are the two principles that we need. We must either take them, or reject: that, they say, no - if it does not carry out a living system of growth and development, it still remains alive; If stopped working against equilibrium, still remains alive. Someone can express such a point of view that Well - Volnoy Will. I observed from the fact that without these principles of a living organization does not exist.

It means that these are basic biological laws, I read the course of lectures on this topic. As Sergey Sergeevich [ Khoruzhiy] I tried to present the course of lectures in 15 minutes last time, after the main material, so I have to go about the same way. And now I turn from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fundamental biological laws laid by Ervin Bauer, to the main issue: is there a global crisis in which all today's humanity has entered, some biological prerequisites? Does this global crisis have an attitude to the laws of life that are manifested in live systems? I think no one has doubts that a person and humanity as such is also a "live system". At least this is a system that meets the first and the second principle of Bauer: that is, it is nonequilibrium and constantly performs work against equilibrium; And this is a system (and man, and humanity), which grows and develops, cannot be denied it.

We have now entered such a state that is called all the "global crisis". Well, conversations about the global crisis are mainly reduced to the discussion of financial, economic, social problems that sooner or later arise. So I pulled out a picture from the Internet, the brightener showing what is happening - not just with cars (plants are closed or not closed), but with that, without which we are generally difficult for us to exist, that is, with food. Prices for oil ... Sorry, made a reservation, prices in Fig. Prices for oil, I think we should have little interest, but in rice and grain should be interested in much stronger. And what happened with world prices in rice and grain is seen from this schedule [ on the screen]. From 2000 to 2006, prices are dangling somewhere within a stationary level, and from 2008 they took off 5-6 times. And this, of course, there is a manifestation of the most serious global crisis affecting what a person lives on the basis of which. I just brought one of the examples to remind you that today is meant under the global crisis in world literature.

Where did the global crisis come from? Where did he come from? Today you can read the mass of accusations against the technical, fifth-tenths, specific individuals and individual states that allegedly provoked the global crisis. In fact, the global crisis was clearly predicted in 1960. Then heinz von Förster, one of the founders of the second order cybernetics, under such screaming name "Judgment Day: Friday, November 13, 2026 after the Nativity of Christ" was published in the SCIENCE magazine. Foerster, H. Von, P. Mora, and L. Amiot. 1960. Doomsday: Friday, 13 November, A.D. 2026. At this date Human Population Will Approach Infinity If It Grows AS It Has Grown in The Last Two Millennia. Science 132: 1291-1295). In this article, Heinz von Förster analyzed the growth curve of mankind on Earth and concluded that this curve is not growing under an exponential law, as everyone thought, based on the a priori theory of Malthus (that reproduction is that man that bacteria goes to Geometric progression), and according to the law called "hyperbolic". What does "hyperbolic law" mean? Which means that if something increases by hyperbolic law, then at some point in time it something will be infinite in numbers. And Ferstern this point in time, when humanity should become infinite in numbers, calculated, it turned out: Friday, November 13, 2026. It turns out, humanity will die not from hunger, because this moment comes very quickly, but from the crown. It is natural, whose joke.

What is the "hyperbolic law" in relation to the number of humanity? There are data on the number of people on earth, and we are talking about humanity as a holistic system, excluding migration, an increase in the number in one place, a decrease in the other and so on.

Fig. 3. Correlation between empirical estimates of the dynamics of the population of the world (in millions of people, 1000 - 1970) and the curve generated by the H. Furster

Points show how to increase the number of people from the Nativity of Christ until 2000. And, pay attention, this is the same is a hyperbolic - a curve that seeks infinity. Moreover, the critical point is very close to us - in 2026. Waiting for a long time. But this is absurd! Absurd, at least because it can not be because it may never be. The mathematical function can go into a singularity, and physically one process is never energized with infinity. Something should cool change - this is called "the system goes into exacerbation regimen" - in order for the physical system to, by modifying, but remained. But the same applies to the live system, which is humanity: this living system should change very much. Background Ferstern writes that near the critical value, the system as a whole becomes extremely unstable, and the presence of singularity is an alarming signal that the system structure will be broken. This hyperbolic law is particularly vividly visible if you draw a schedule in reverse values. Vertical axis note the reverse amount to the number of people, and by horizontal years. And then the number of people grow-grows, and the reverse value drops-falls. Accordingly, in a year 2025-2026, the number of people should become infinite, [ and the reverse value will strive for "0"].

Von Furster published this article in 1960, and it caused the most powerful surge in interest in this topic in 1961-62. He began to blame him that he did not respect the Malthus comrades that all these figures were not clear from where, although he took 24 independent sources to draw this number, and clearly showed that these sources are independent. But, one way or another, all this was forgotten until the beginning of the 90s, while he did not pay attention to all of us well-known wonderful physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa. His attention was attracted by the work of Förster, and he began to investigate the problem of the growth of humanity of humanity more deeply. Kapitsa also drew the curve. It is given in his book published in 1999 (S.P. Kapitsa. How many people lived, lives and will live on Earth. Essays of the theory of human growth. M., 1999), although a number of his articles were published before. This is the same curve like Furster, only from a certain kind of beggars.

Fig. four. 1 - world population, 2 - regime with exacerbation, 3 - demographic transition, 4 - stabilization of the population, 5 - ancient world, 6 - Middle Ages, 7 - new and 8 - the newest story, the arrow indicates the period of the plague - "Black Death" , a circle is the present time, a double-sided arrow - a spread of estimates of the population of the world at R.Kh. N. population limit oo.\u003d 12-13 billion.

(Source: S.P. Kapitsa. How many people lived, lives and will live on earth. Essays Theory of Growth of Humanity. M., 1999.)

This is not just a "smooth" curve. What does she say about? There was a pandemic of plague in Europe, when more than a third or almost half of the population extinct. And the number decreased, and then she took and returned to the same curve. If you take the twentieth century, then about 300-400 million people died around 300-400 million people around 300-400 million, this is another bend, and nevertheless, the curve returned to that trajectory on which she moved before. And so, according to Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa, 2025-2026 - that year, when the denominator of this simple equation will turn into zero, and then the number of humanity should become an endless, but it is meaningless, and therefore a certain event should happen. It's called demographic transition - This is the period in which we now live, and for several decades have not been noticing very well.

What demographic transition? This is braking. This is the transition of the function from one law to another. The law of hyperbolic growth has ceased. And, according to Kapitsa, it happened in 1964. This year, the relative population growth has reached a maximum, and then began to decrease. And on the border of the last decade of the twentieth century and the first decadeXI The century and the absolute population growth also began to decrease. In the 1990s, 874 million people were born on Earth on Earth, and 874 million people will be born in the 2000s. That is, the population will also grow, but the pace of its growth becomes completely out of those they were not only the last two thousand years, but also, according to the refined data, in general from the moment of the emergence of humanity. Then the growth rates were generally very slow. Actually, this fact was noted, because the curve passed into mode with exacerbation. And now they paid attention to it.

It means that the demographic transition is the slowdown in the absolute increase in the population, which is further started to grow into a phenomenon called depopulation. About depopulation, I think, we, living in Russia, have heard a lot, because it is constantly reported that every year the population of the Russian Federation decreases by 700,000, by 1,000,0000 people, etc. - what a nightmare! Generally speaking, there is nothing good in this, since in Russia such an intensive depopulation occurs because of the lifetime of people in Russia. But in fact, depopulation is not only our feature. We simply pay great attention to themselves, but we do not see what is done in the neighbors from the point of view of depopulation. To show it, I will give some graphs.

Fig.5. Overall increase in the population of the CIS countries,
1950-2050, the average transference of 2008,% per year
Source: Site

This is the population since 1950 the Union republics of the former Soviet Union. And here, the blue curve is the population of the Russian Federation. The bending here occurred in 1992, it began to decrease. Here, if I'm not mistaken, Kazakhstan, but Georgia. There, however, the war was a very sharp decline, but then the curve rose, and then began to decline again and continues to decline. In all republics, regardless of their number, economic potential, regardless of anything, their depopulation is underway. Today, the number continues to grow only in three former republics - in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Replica: Kazakhstan also grows.

Voikov V.L.: No, there is also depopulation. I took the data from the site, these are the latest data that are given.

Replica: There was a depopulation when Russian was left, and for new data the population is growing there.

Voikov V.L.: Maybe, but let's not particularly argue about this, because we are talking about depopulation as about applied The manifestation of the phenomenon of growth inhibition, that is, it is already the next stage, the following manifestation. So, if you take the European continent or the United States, then there is no depopulation for one simple reason. Although there are a speed of reproduction of people significantly lower what is required for simple reproduction (for example, in Spain is lower than here: there are 1,1, we have a 1.3 child on the family), but thanks to a very long life expectancy there is a certain stasis. And the ratio of increment and mortality of the population is just depends on the ratio of life expectancy and reproduction rate. And now the main role is playing life expectancy. Sooner or later, the average life expectancy will reach its limit, and then depopulation will begin everywhere.

These are the problems of the demographic plan, and they arise from the law of growth of humanity. Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa formulated the demographic imperative. Why does humanity grow on such a law? According to his demographic imperative, the leading variable of the demographic law is the number of people. And why is it growing by hyperbolic law? Because people interact with each other information, and this interaction leads to another, and not to geometric or exponential growth. Exponentially growing only weakly associated with a whole system, the "explosion" usually goes on the exponential, reproduction of bacteria in the diluted medium comes from exponential, on geometric progression. But people, in the presentation of Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa, interact with each other, and due to this information exchange, their number is not growing exponentially, but depending on the square of the number of people. There were two people, and the number increases 4 times. People have become four, their number has increased 16 times, it became 16, the number has increased 16 2 times and so on.

But not all researchers involved in this demographic problem agreed with Kapitsa in the fact that the spring dynamics and the stabilization of the population number is information. If you follow this law, Mankind has continuously grew and when there were a million people on Earth, and 10 million, and 100 million people, but then the question arises that it was the channel of information transfer, the channel of interaction? The bottom line is that we are talking about a holistic developing system. And in such a system, each part of it should be aware of the condition of the whole and behave in accordance with the state of the whole. So, she should receive information about this. But how? It is not very clear. And here is a relatively recently young employee of the Institute of Applied Mathematics. Keldysh Andrei Viktorovich Podlavov put forward a more rational explanation and geometric growth of the number, and the demographic transition, that is, the braking of this growth. Podals formulated "Technological imperative". What is it connected with? The increase in humanity becomes hyperbolic due to the fact that the life expectancy of people increases. Statistically, if the life expectancy increases even for a small amount, then there is a significant increase in numbers. And she increases due to the fact that the podals called "the life-saving technologies." He writes: "The quadratic dependence of the growth rate of the population from its number is due to the fact that those who will have died, do not be between its members of effective mutual aid," and further: "The person has become a man at the moment when the available life-saving technologies has become enough for Salvation on average at least one person for generation "( Podalsov A.V. Theoretical demography as the basis of mathematical history. M., 2000.). It means that the more developing technology develops, the more non-linear, the sharper there is an increase in the number of people on Earth.

The first life-moving technology was mastery. It was the first or at least one of the first such technologies. When a man mastered the fire, it became less people to die for various reasons. They began to live longer, and they had more time to invent new life-friendly technologies. So one clings for another. These technologists may occur in different places independently of each other and spread over the population, because they are the library. According to the meaning: "The growth of humanity is the number of humanity, as well as the development of the life-saving technologies, is determined solely by the ratio of the characteristic biological times of man and the size of the population of its ancestors." In other words, at the expense of what this fracture should happen? And due to the fact that providing the average life expectancy of people above 84 years, at least today, cannot. 84 years - this is in Japan, but they are unlikely to provide there anymore. But even if they reach 90, and up to 100 years old, it still will achieve some limit. Humanity will grow to infinity, only if people become statistically infinite. But this absurdity is the same as the infinite number of people.

All these technologies and in general, all vital activity (actually, with this I started) requires energy. In order for the number of people in this way, it is necessary (and for the existence of a life-saving technologies too) the presence of sufficient energy.

And now, in 1991, John Helddin "population and energy problem" appeared. John Holdren is an American scientist in the field of energy and ecology, Obama [ president of the U.S.A] Now appointed him with his advisor. So, John Holdren in this work discovered another very interesting law. This law is in advance to withdraw directly from something difficult. Holdren discovered the following. It turns out that the amount of energy owned by humanity and can use to implement a particular work (that is, free energy) - it has grown from 1850 to 1990. And grew as follows: the volume of this energy increased in proportion to the square of the number of people. It is: proportionally not the number of people, and the square of the number of people. In other words, if you compare 1850 and 1990, the population increased by 4.3 times, and the amount of energy that humanity took possession of, grew 17 times. That is, the amount of energy for each person (it is clear that the amount of energy consumed is distributed unevenly on the ground, but we consider purely statistical data) increased in proportion to the square from the number of people. And, by the way, if this law is observed, the demographic transition and further depopulation will respectively affect the amount of energy owned by humanity. By the way, where in our time all this noise and gaps about energy? Not because it is not enough, but because the per capita increase has become slower than before, and we felt this - not even a deficit, but as if the deficit approximation.

Where does this whole energy come from? And she is taken from the fact that a person is developing. What in 1700 was there no oil, gas? Were. Have you used people? Practically did not use. What happened in 1850? This is the middle of the industrial revolution, when people first invented heat machines, then electricity appeared, then they began to use oil, gas, atomic energy and so on. Where does all this take? All this is. But a person turns the associated energy, which is more than enough, in free energy for himself. It does it all. And it is absolutely contrary to the postulates of the Darwinian theory of evolution. I mean not in-idarism, which is generally no theory, but the Darwinian theory of evolution, according to which humanity multiplies in geometric progression, in Malthus, in conditions of resource deficiency. In fact, the curves that I refer to me show that there is no deficit of resources in principle. When we need, we start these very resources to find, extract energy and turn into what we need to continue our livelihoods.

This is still an introduction. So far there is no biology here. There is a demography that physicists took up. By the way, these physicists, many demographers have greatly stuck for the fact that they "sat down not in their sleigh." But in fact, these physicists made wonderful things, although I, as a biologist, not all of their statements are close, let's say. For example, Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky in his famous and remarkable book "Universe. A life. Mind "Back in 1980 he remembered the work of Holdin and published all this data. He sacredly believed in Maltusov laws and wrote that the current life hyperbolic law of increasing the population of the entire globe was due not so much biological as social factors. It does not have a relationship to biology. Kapitsa writes: "... due to the nature of the development of man and humanity, its special path, should not tolerate examples of the rest of the world and biocenoses in case of a person, the development of which is subordinated to completely different physical, biological and social laws." ( P.S. Kapitsa. Cyt. op. P.24) The podals are also suitable for a fundamental difference between animals and man: "Animals can only use those schemes of collective behavior that are laid in them, at the level of instincts, while people are able to develop new ways of joint action as their number increases" ( Podalsov A.V. Cyt. op.). Etc.

In fact, I, I believe that the Universe is one, and nothing that happened before, does not disappear today, but simply extend all the new and new floors. You just need to see how the person's features appeared from what was preceded by him. And again I return to the principle of Bauer - the principle of increasing external work, growth and development, the principle of evolution. Humanity, and every person individually (otherwise he would not develop), complies with this principle. And this principle determines the vector of motion of living systems at all levels of their existence. Until now, we are talking about humanity, about people, about the geometric progression of their growth and development, which is characteristic of them as a result of social and other reasons. But look, here is the growth curve of animal energy, if it is imposed on the time of the first fixation of these animals in the paleontological chronicle.

Fig.6. The change energy metabolism of living organisms during biological evolution and at the initial stage of human civilization:
1 - shepherd, 2 - crustaceans, 3 - mollusks, 4 - fish, 5 - amphibians,
6 - insects, 7 - reptiles, 8 - mammals, 9 - neurobic birds,
10 - Sparrow birds, 11 - primitive people, 12 - a man using fire.

Such a job was held by Alexander Ilyich Zotin, a wonderful biodemograph, bioenergy, unfortunately, he died some time ago. See what happens. If we look at the period of Puerozoos, it turns out such a growing increase in energy progress. That is, if we look at the change in the energy features that are characteristic of representatives of one or another class of living organisms, we will see that growth clearly goes on hyperbolic law. So, energy progress is under hyperbolic law. But where is there, in an evolutionary process, human sociology? By the way, this evolutionary process is on a special law - it is nomogenesis or orthognese, but not the Darwinian theory of evolution. It's just real physical data.

The joint work of the paleontologist A.V. Markov and the historian, the Sociologist A.V. Korotheyev "The dynamics of the diversity of puerozoic marine animals corresponds to the model of hyperbolic growth" ( Journal of general biology. 2007. No. 1. P. 1-12). And last year an article was published, which speaks not only about marine, but also about terrestrial animals. What is growing hyperbolic here? Growing a variety of breeding is growing. Birth consist of species. Generally speaking, "Rod", according to many biologists, is some fiction, a product of biological systematics. Rod can not hold in hand and appearance too. You can hold in your hands only representatives of certain species. But it turns out that childbirth that consists of species and species formed by individuals, that is, material substances, also increase in their number exactly according to the hyperbolic law, and this is within 600 million years. Of course, there are some oscillations. But, by the way, fluctuations are also visible on the human growth curve, but this does not mean that the main law is not respected, it just has fluctuations.

Another example is quite "from another opera." In the previous article, it was discussed on the evolutionary process on the HybertoCological law of growth, which lasts hundreds of millions of years. Korotaev and Markov find this explanation, and in particular, very similar to the explanation of this law for humanity, namely: the life expectancy of younger births significantly exceeds the life expectancy of earlier delivery, and therefore hyperbolic dependence is obtained. I rummaged in the literature, and it turned out that so far, unfortunately, biologists, blinded by the geometric progression of growth in Malthus, everywhere and everywhere carry out the fitting of their dependencies, as a rule, to exhibitors. But it turned out that there are scientists who find hyperbolas and in fairly short-term processes, such as in such [ the above]. If, God forbid, a person has an oncological disease and he was treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, then with such treatment, the entire immune system is taken out. This system must be restored. And restore the immune system, putting the stem cells or cells of a close relative, which stimulate its bone marrow and breeds and reproduce. Thus, the immune system is created almost from scratch, cell growth begins again. What is the law of growth of these white cells, affected by a person? Here is the work of 2002 on this topic. After these cells were settled, no growth was not observed for 7 days. Then there is a flash of growth. This is in double logarithmic coordinates accurate compliance with the hyperbolic curve. Here growth occurs in the system, and it takes place in this way. This example I want to say that the hyperbolic growth law is not the prerogative of only a person. It is associated with some deepest biological reasons for the existence of such a form of growth.

Why did biologists pay attention to this fact recently? Because there is a well-known example of growth and development - embryonic. We all know well that embryonic growth and development should go according to some law, otherwise there will simply be the continuation of the kind. And so it turned out that the embryo is growing and developing not in hyperbolic, although also on nonlinear law. And this is not an exhibitor, and the other function. It is called a "power function". There were her to put it in the inverse logarithmic coordinates, then, as in the case of a hyperbolic law, it will be a straight line. But, in contrast to hyperbolas, leaving in infinity when approaching the limit point, here, on the growth chart of the mass of the embryo, the power function goes into infinity only in infinite time. But we know that in infinity it never leaves, because at some point the man is the birth of man.

The fact that the law of embryonic growth corresponds to the power function was opened in 1927 by our compatriot of the great evolutionist Ivan Ivanovich Schmalgausen. But the power function also requires its explanation. Why is the growth of the embryo occurs in a power function? And this happens, in particular, also because the embryo is growing, the growth of biomass is carried out not only in time, but also in space: the size of the embryo increases. But the embryo is not a homogeneous system, it consists of organs, tissues, cells, and so on. And how do they grow? It turns out that with the growth of the embryo in a power law, all of its parts are organs, tissues and cells - grow in proportion to the logarithms of each other's size and the logarithm of the mass of the entire system, that is, grow harmoniously. They also grow according to a similar power law. What does it mean? This means that each individual organ grows up so as long as other organs grow, which he knows and is growing while the whole body is growing about. Everything matches each other. And, in particular, it was shown by Schmalhausen in 1927: here it was about how the mass of each part changes depending on how the masses of other parts are changed. Another Julian S. Huxley on such an exotic biological example, as a crab violinist, in which one plug is always incomprehensible more than the other, showed that the growth of the mass of this claws depends on the growth of the body of the crab body in a power law, that is, it is disproportionate growth. This is the so-called almeometric, but not isometric The law of growth, that is, not everything grows in linear dependence on each other.

Question: And all the logarithms correlate linearly?

Warikov V.L.: Logarithms correlate linearly, quite right. This is a law of embryonic growth. They are doing a lot, and there is a lot of interesting things, but this is not hyperbolic growth. Although embryology is one weak place. Before this report I had to talk to embryologists. I asked when allometric growth of the embryo begins? The fact is that when animals occurs in the fertilization of the egg, the egg is not growing first, it crushes. Crushing occurs on 2, 4, 8, 16 and more eggs, and the mass increase does not occur, or at least it is argued that it does not occur. Thus, alleometric growth, which is observed in embryos of different animals, precedes some lag PhaseWhen the cell growth does not occur. But from what moment then the ending of the embryo growth begins? Embryologists begin to measure the mass of this embryo somewhere from two grams. Those who are postparted, begin to measure from one and a half grams. But what was the mass of the egg? And it was 0.005 milligrams, that is, 5 micrograms. Thus, a powerful growth in a person's embryo in one source can begin to measure only 40 days after fertilization, and in others - after 60 days, that is, when this mass becomes twogram. What happens for these 30-60 days when this mass with 2-5 micrograms increases to two million micrograms? Moreover, at the beginning of the growth at all. Is this stage preceding an embryo growth in alometric or harmonic law, hyperbolic growth? It is very high like that this process also goes according to hyperbolic law - that is, the process preceding the growth and development of the embryo, which is already well known.

Here [ schedule on the screen] In double logarithmic coordinates, two stages are shown. The numbers are written: here - 5 micrograms, on the 7th day - 100 micrograms, the 10th day is marked - it is just a certain reference point; On the 12th day - 380 micrograms, and on the age of 28 - already two million micrograms. This is such a rapid increase in this mass, which is very similar to the hyperbolic law. Human this period is longer, about a third more than a horse or monkey. That is, I showed that the hyperbolic law is not something unique for humanity, as physicists say (they are forgiven, they do not know biology, the more such, in which you need to rummage, because there are no such textbooks).

But still a person is something special among the whole living world, a special live system. What does it differ from other living systems? There is another biological law - the law of the dependence of the population of animals from the mass of individual representatives of each species.

Fig. 7. The number of animal species depending on their mass

(Source: S.P. Kapitsa. How many people lived, lives and will live on earth. Essays of the theory of human growth. M., 1999. S.)

Here, for example, a small animal - mice, a certain look. How many mice are representatives of this species on the globe? Their number on the globe is somewhere around 10 9, that is, about a billion individuals. If we look at some animals closer to us in size - for example, a bear, a horse, and so on, the number of representatives of these animals will be significantly less. What, for example, the number of chimpanzees? Or gorillas? Or macaque? This will be the amount of about 100,000 pieces of this species (not monkeys at all, but belonging to a specific form with the corresponding particular mass). The number of man today exceeds five orders of magnitude that he would have to have as a representative of the relevant biological species. This is a feature of a person, only he flies out of this, again hyperbolic, dependence. (Man and, of course, pets, who alone simply cannot exist; they are generally tools of man, he created them).

What else does a person differ from all other living systems? We return to Bower, to its theoretical biology, which is based on special energy. This is the energy of its own internal activity of the living system. From the theory of Bauer (the theory of increasing external work, providing evolutionary growth and development), it follows that in the course of evolution, if climbing the evolutionary ladder is higher and higher, then the energy of biological species increases. How can I measure this energy? Bauer introduced such a parameter that he called the "Rubner constant". Max Rubner is a German physiologist who at the endXIX. - The beginning of the twentieth century first took up the problems of biological energy in animals. By the way, he also derived a alometric law that the amount of energy that the animal consumes, divided by a unit of mass and multiplied during its life, for animals is more or less permanent value. For example, for mammals, it will be one value. If you go down to a lower level, go to the short, then it will be a lower value, but nevertheless approximately the same for all representatives of the samples. And only a person is knocked out of this ratio.

Bauer correctly calculated this Rubner constant. What is she present? This lifespan of the representative of this species in years, multiplied by the intensity of oxygen consumption (actually, breathing is the main source of energy) per unit of mass. That is, how much energy transforms this living being during his life. And it turned out that the premates of the Rubner constant - 2200, andhomo Sapiens. - 3700. In the laspiece - 1800, at the probable - 1100. That is, animals have a growing constant in one law, and the person also broke out of this dependence. It is energetically completely different. Moreover, this constant for a person is strongly underestimated, because under the lasting life here you need to keep in mind the period biologically meaningful life, that is, the period necessary in order to leave viable offspring. A person for this is not necessary to live 100 years, quite an average of 25 years. It is impossible to take less, because then the offspring will not be viable. And the monkey needs to live much less in order to leave viable offspring. And if now from this point of view, look at the constant, then it will have an order of magnitude to the person compared with all other mammals. This is a physiological difference between a person from animals by the Rubner constant, that is, to measure its energy - the energy of the individual. This is one difference that found back in the 1920s, and in 1935by the year, Bauer confirmed him.

There is another indicator that a person is very different from animals. Due to what, in the end, man is so energetic compared to all animals? At the expense of a certain body, which is in all animals, but in humans it is very different. What is it different? The ratio of the velocity of oxygen consumption of the human brain to the speed of oxygen consumption with a body together with a brain 2.3 times more than that of primates, and dolphins and all others. This reduced value is given all to the mass. What does this mean - an increased human energy? In general, what do you need energy from a biological point of view? It is necessary in order to accumulate so much energy during a biologically meaningful life so that you can leave a viable offspring, which will again accumulate as much energy so that there will be a viable offspring and so on. And a person has an excess. As a result, a person has b about by the reserve of free energy than necessary for its survival as a biological species.

Where did this excess come from? This is another question. This is the problem of human origin. The man occurred when he had this most excess. And this excess he can start spending not only to leave viable offspring, but in addition to any other goals. And in particular, the other purpose that a person can exercise is to compose and invent the life-saving technologies. The first such technology is mastering the energy that no other species living on Earth may not be seized. This is the energy of the fire. If you calculate the Rubner constant, taking into account this energetics of a person, then it will already grow up an order of magnitude, but to order compared to all other species. This will increase its life expectancy and will allow him to master everything about lies and B. about by the amount of energy.

Returning to the curve of the dependence of the growth of human free energy (depending on the number of people), I would like to draw another pictures here. Free energy increases as the square of the number of people, therefore, each person accounts for more and more energy. And in 1990, per capita on Earth accounted for 4.2 times more energy compared to 1850. That is, that free energy that can be used to continue, to convert the world to itself. So, 4.2 times more (compared with the 1850s) it was in 1990. True, note that, since 1970, this curve begins to bend.

What is the amount of energy falling per unit mass? This, generally speaking potential. There is such a concept that means not just the amount of energy. Energy can be different. It can be very "smeared", and maybe "concentrated". This is the potential. For example, if 100 amps multiply 1 volt, then it will be 100 watts; And if 100 volts multiply 1 amp, there will also be 100 watts. But "100 volts * 1 amp" and "1 volt * 100 amp" is completely different quality of energy. High-quality energy is concentrated energy. And in the course of its growth and development, a person not only was mastered by the volume of energy that can be measured in watts, but he also mastered more and more expensive energy, more and more valuable energy. He started with the energy of fire, which, from a physical point of view, much more valuable than just the energy of ordinary heat. And he reached nuclear energy. And, God forbid, get to thermonuclear. In principle, we do not really need us, but these are completely different energy potentials. With the help of high-precantial energy, it is possible to get warm and light, and anything. And with the help of a central heating battery, it is impossible to illuminate the room, although it will be warm enough. So, among other things, the conversion of energy also came.

So, we see what happened at the time of humanity on earth. I leave behind the brackets about the origin, about how this very moment was carried out. I do not know that, and I do not know who knows it. And those who argue on this topic, well, Wolne - will, from my point of view. But we know that at the time of the man's origin, a phase transition occurred. And what does this phase transition look like from an energy point of view?

Here's [ fig.6.] This energy potential, which is owned by one or another live system. Here are 100 million years before the manner of human origin. Energy potential in the process of evolution grew. But he reached a person, and a phase transition occurred, a new way of mastering this very energy originated. Where are we now? And we are now in the place where the potential, apparently, reached its maximum. That is, the preceding stage in the development of humanity was related to the fact that the energy potential of Ros and Ros. For what? Return to Bower again. According to the principle of sustainable non-equilibrium: "All and only living systems are never in equilibrium and constantly perform work due to their own free energy against the equilibrium required by the laws of physics and chemistry under existing external conditions" (E.S. Bauer. Cyt. Cit. P.43) Free energy can be of different quality. Free energy can be with low potential, and maybe with high potential. The higher the potential, the more reliably and effectively it will be spent on the implementation of external work to extract the associated energy from the environment and turning it into its energy. It means that according to Bower, the growth and development of living systems is ensured by the source reserve of their free energy. This is a function: the supply of free energy is equal to the product of the live masses on its potential. What is the biomass of mankind? Of course, the crowd is terrible, everywhere and everywhere. But if each person is given one square meter one square, then all of humanity will fit on one quarter of the Moscow region. About 80 square kilometers is required to ensure all humanity living on Earth. It is very easy to calculate: us now, respectively, 5 billion. If we compare the biomass of humanity with the biomass of the rest of the rest, what is on earth, it is practically nothing. But the potential is giant. Here is this gigantic potential of this nothing It is a condition for further growth and development. Using this potential, you can begin to grow in a power law, which develops an embryo.

And here I express hope. Hope my lies in the fact that the preceding stage of growth and development of humanity can be called prezymagal Stage - as in embryology, stage before the growth and development of the embryo in the power harmonic law began. At this time, by the way, the egg cell increases and increases its potential. I will not go into details, due to which it happens, but I can say in a nutshell. This happens due to the fact that the egg cell growing and growing in this way is basically due to burning. There are two respiratory processes: one of them is cancer or mitochondrial breathing; and there is a process similar gore - direct recovery of oxygen. I will not go into these details. In the early stages of development, the egg cell is mainly burning, figuratively expressing. It is necessary to formulate it strictly chemically, but we will not deepen into the details. By the way, the same leukocytes that put a person with a ruined immune system and which then begin to grow by hyperbolic law - they provide their breath, that is, their energy again due to burningUnlike most other cells that do this optional. That is, if you look at the examples of hyperbolic growth, which I said about, then there we will see about the same thing that we see in the history of mankind. The man became a man when he mastered the "burning" and became with the help of this method to extract resources from the external environment. But when the embryo reaches the stage of blastocysts and it appears decorated tissue primitives, he stops so much burn And the agencies use their potential for further alometric growth.

I believe that we are now at the stage when humanity has finished growing hyperbolic, has accumulated a completely giant potential and should turn into development on another law. That is, the growth of humanity will not stop, he will simply go on another law - according to the harmonic law. And that and the other growth is impossible without interaction, without interrelationships, without mutual assistance, without cooperativeness. If we speak physical language, then all living systems are not just cooperative, they coherent. And the degree of their coherence, that is, the mutual consistency of all the processes that proceed in them increases during their growth and development. Therefore, I am very optimistic with respect to the stage where we are now. But, by and large, nothing can be predicted. The main trend is: there must be a transition to a completely different harmonic world. But the person is a difficult creature. This psychologists and psychiatrists know much better than me. And here from his personal freedom of choice, freedom of will depends on how quickly and effectively he will go to the next stage of growth and development. And it will also be not the last, if you repel from embryogenesis. Because embryogenesis ends at birth. After birth, infancy should be. After infancy follows a teenage period. And so on and so forth. But before that we, I think, do not live. Give us God to survive this period implantation. Thank you so much.

Discussion of the report

Bratus B.S.: Dear colleagues, we have half an hour to questions. We will do this: first all questions are wondering. Vladimir Leonidovich will remember them, and then respond to them. Who would like to first ask a question?

Vostrikov AP: I am an employee of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. By education - a biologist, an anatom. As I understand it, did you say that there is no free energy at the bottom of the ocean?

Warikov V.L.: No, there is energy there. It's just low quality.

Vostrikov AP: There is a "black smoker", as you know. There is a large flow of heat, there are chemical processes that excrete energy.

Warikov V.L.: Briefly answer. Near the "smokers", really very concentrated and very diverse biosphere. Here I agree with you. But these most animals exist not only there, but much more scattered. This is the first. The second, smokers give water temperature about 300-400 degrees Celsius. Live organisms there exist at such a distance from smokers so that the temperature corresponds to the same 2-4 degrees. As for the chemistry, which is there, then there really to this chemistry use microorganisms very actively. They give the organic to which animals eat. The problem is here in the other. There is no oxygen.

Vostrikov AP: And water decomposition?

Warikov V.L.: Quite right. But the decomposition of water comes with such a low intensity that deep-water fish, which in the swimming bubble of pure oxygen (about what few people know) can only decide it within themselves. And for this again, high potentials are required. But we are already leaving the details. The essence was in the other. Our main environmental paradigm is that without the sun, which shines and gives photosynthesis, and everything else, there is no life. And then then fly to Mars, to Europe and are looking for liquid water there? There's very bad things with the sun. That is, this is a contradiction with our textbooks.

Ovchinnikova T.N.(psychologist) : You reasoned as it were in two logic. On the one hand, there is a self-developing, the organic system you talked about. And on the other hand, we produce measurements and describe the process statistically. I wonder what position is you personally? Do you use the logic of organic systems when talking about live? Or are you still logic mechanical systems when you measure it all?

Warikov V.L.:Perhaps I did not quite understand the question. But, of course, I use the logic of organic systems, because I am a biologist. And those objects that I study are live systems. But lately I learn the most fundamental, as it seems to me, the living system is water. Frequently asked the question: Is there "live water"? Recall the jellyfish. There is a jellyfish, which consists of water, by weight by 99.9%. This water (it is almost distilled) is much cleaner than that water in which the jellyfish themselves live. Naturally, this is not clean water. It has an organic order, but in the aggregate it is 0.1%. All functions carry out that water that this organic is organized in a special way. And the function, this is the energy, dynamics, and so on. So, I'm pushing out the fact that water and produces the organoda that organizes it. And organizes the organod that it produces and so on. This is the process of self-organization - it, by the way, can be experimentally observed. And, moreover, for example, Wilhelm Reich, well known as the most interesting psychologist, but made a tremendous contribution and in biology and for this, a shot like almost from life, "So he watched allegedly self-religion of life. But the self-timing of life can not be, because the initial grain of life is water - not the one that is in a glass, and which is specially organized.

Orlova V.V.(candidate of philosophical sciences) : You talked about the biological and energy parameters of the global crisis. Tell me, what is the role in the global crisis of processes that belong not to the biological, but cultural component?

Warikov V.L.: In fact, I am not very easy to answer this question, since the phase transition is a serious event in the life of any system. Freezing, thawing, boiling water and so on - these are very serious processes that occur. And these are also phase transitions. Naturally, phase transitions at the human level, human consciousness will manifest itself in a largest way. It all depends on the cultural context and so on. But the fact that now the whole society is in a much more excited state than he was in more than a calm period of its existence by law, it is clear. Why? Because people also have to go along with the entire system to another state - in this case, the worldview. What exactly? This is not my profession, here I can only argue as a man: What should a person become in order to fit into the new law of growth and development. And my thesis was that this transition is inevitable that it goes on the objective laws of being, and we are given the opportunity to solve these laws. And how to continue to behave in accordance with these laws? Here we have freedom of will. We can go across all laws. No one forbids. But not long.

Kavtaradze D.N.: Since words about inevitability sound extraordinarily pronounced, the question is: whether your vision is experimental inspection at the model level? As we know about the work of the Roman Club, etc. What is the extent to experimental modeling and advance of the development of events of your views?

Warikov V.L.: Well, at the level of a unique experimental model, which is called "humanity", I would not experiment. Yes, it is impossible, - kidding. Naturally, the question is about the model. The model is always less than what we simulate. The transition from hyperbolic growth in power growth is also a phase transition. There are few such transitions - not because there are few themselves, but because very few situations where they began to study. The same leukocytes that suggest a person - I brought this example. First, they grow by hyperbola, and then go to another condition. There is some kind of step-old stage, it can be realistic to see, but on, if they are coming up and everything went fine, the standard oscillatory mode begins, which we are well known for the already developed systems.

Question: Do I realize that physical, biological, social phenomena are you describing in the same categories?

Warikov V.L.: I would say this: I am not qualified enough to describe them in the same categories. But a qualified mathematician who owns physics, chemistry and biology will be able to describe all this in the same categories, because the hyperbolic law is characteristic of various kinds of systems. The power law is characteristic of the most different kind of systems. Wave laws are characteristic of various kinds of systems. That is, these are some fundamental laws. For example, the principle of uncertainty Geisenberg applies, by the way, not only to the micromir, but also to the macromir too. These are the most fundamental concepts, but I am not so qualified in order to operate them. I need to have some material database, alive or quasi- Help system, which can hold in your hands.

Schukin Dmitry (graduate student MVTU. Bauman) : I have a question on the schedule, which shows the growth of energy in global history. There energy engineer rushed throughout the living? By kind or how?

Warikov V.L.: We look at its manifestations. The runer constant was measured, what is it? This is the amount of energy that is converted from related energy - food energy - in free energy. So, if this constant, if this reduced value ...

Schukin Dmitry: One - to the representative ...

Warikov V.L.: Right. But then we can multiply it at all.

Schukin Dmitry:On the schedule - to the representative?

Warikov V.L.:Yes, on the schedule - to the representative of this species.

Schukin Dmitry: Then it does not work so that the energy of man-like monkey is much greater than that of a huge dinosaur?

Warikov V.L.: Quite right. We are still divided by a unit of live masses. The value is given to a unit of live masses.

Question: I would like to ask a question as a social psychologist. Whether it is impossible to interpret your idea expressed in this report as a transition of life from one type of determination, which can be called "causality", to another type of determination, determined by no longer the laws of mass, and the laws of interaction? This type of determination, which in his time Jung described as a phenomenon of synchronistic when events occur simultaneously. In other words, some events occur simultaneously, but their similarity is determined by non-time, not a causal bond, but is determined by a common meaning that connects these events with each other. In this sense, a qualitative change of determination occurs.

Warikov V.L.: In general, it is very close to what I really wanted to say that there is a change in determination. As for causal relations or synchronism, it is very close to what the small number of biophysicists engaged in this problem says. This problem is related to the coherence of living systems. That is, living systems behave like interconnected oscillators within themselves. And when it comes to resonant systems, about systems in continuous resonance, then here to say who is the first, and who is the second, is impossible - in general, this is one system. But it is so different approach to explaining biological mechanisms that it makes his way with great difficulty. We are terribly chemored today. Our biology is based on a chemical representation. These are these wave, resonant, oscillatory views and all the other with very great difficulty pierce their way. But without them it is impossible to do. And this system is holistic, precisely because it disgusted as a whole, and so much octave is involved here!

Question: How do you explain that the Rubner constant, the lastonodi was higher than at primates? First, the primates, then the lastonodi, and then a person? It violates your logic.

Warikov V.L.: It does not violate logic. Both those and others, and third - mammals. For the Rubner constant, I gave three completely different representatives of mammals. And they have a certain kind of variation in measurements. Maybe I just took not very successful examples from Bauer, but between them the differences are visible. The reginner statement is that all mammals lie in the same group on this constant. And, of course, there is a certain scatter between them. But it is not very natural. The person falls out of this group of mammals, although he is also a mammal. Its constant is more about orders, up to 10 times. That is, in physiology, he is no longer an animal.

Question: You take different levels of energy organization. And in the biological sense, how do you feel about warm-blooded in mammals and birds? How is this due to the development process in this sense?

Warikov V.L.: I want to send you to Alexander Ilyich's book Zotin, where all this bioenergy, thermodynamics, warm-bloodedness and other are very carefully disassembled on a giant material. And there you will find the answer to your question. I do not quite agree with it, but it concerns purely empirical, technical issues, everything is very well written there. This is the best book in world literature, and it is on the Internet.

Alexandrov Yu.I.(Neurophysiologist) : Thank you, Vladimir Leonidovich, for a very interesting report. I have a question for a bundle between the first part and the other material of your report. I mean that at the beginning you talked about activity and passivity and complained that it was not yet in the textbooks of biology yet. I must say that all this dozens of years are contained in textbooks of psychology and psychophysiology, as a more or less banal thing. It is unlikely that you understand only coherence. In the end, this synchronization of processes, it is even in quantum theory for remote particles. So I would like to know what you understand the activity compared to passivity? You are using this opposition. If you can, at least briefly answer. My question is associated with the interpretation of hyperbolic curves. As you say that they are characteristic of not only live systems, but also other systems too. Then it means that this curve is not a characteristic of activity?

Warikov V.L.: Regarding the first question, I will try to formulate the next difference between passivity from activity. If you take the early models of the prigaine, the system is removed from equilibrium, and self-organizing is under the condition that it is in external gradient towards it. This is a Benar cell, it was shown there. There are more complex systems where more complex organization processes are coming. In other words, the system is in the energy gradient, which serves as a drive belt, and it is an external relative to this system. I define such a system as passive. And according to the logic of the textbook of biology, the entire biosphere is passive, well, and then one turns the other as the gear. As for activity, the gradient creates the living system itself. That is, there is a potential difference between it and the environment. And she makes working on the environment. As an example, you can even take photosynthesis. It would seem that the light falls, so he twists the whole car. But that the photosynthesis begins, the seed should a proportion (and no photosynthesis there). It should synthesize its chloroplasts, because if chlorophyl is a thin layer on the fence to smear, then no photosynthesis will not, naturally. And it should support these chloroplasts in an excited state. And its potential should be higher than the potential of those photons that fall on this sheet. That's what activity is. That is, I do a job, and the sheet makes working on the environment, in order to extract energy from it and raise it to its potential.

Bratus B.S.: Thank you so much. We move to the discussion of the report, please speak no more than 3-5 minutes. And at the end we will sum up. Who wishes to speak first? No one? Then - second? You are welcome.

Speech (Nikolai ...?) : Very interesting message. But since we have a methodological seminar, then I wonder how to methodologically understand what we heard. And it seems to me that there is one trend here: to explain complex phenomena with respect to simple natural-scientific foundations. And in this sense, in any phenomenon, especially if it is multi-level, we can find such a level that will be present in this phenomenon, but it does not exhaust themselves. Therefore, I still have a problem in the understanding of being remains, although, of course, the idea itself find a universal universal principle, of course, fascinates.

Bratus B.S.: Thank you. Who else would like to perform? You are welcome.

Tchaikovsky Yu.V. (IEET RAS): In a wonderful report, which we listened, there is one thing that I would like to clarify, because for Vladimir Leonidovich [ Warikova] She is too simple, and he considers it obvious. When he said that only the sun was considered active in the textbook, and in fact every living system was active, it was absolutely missed, without which it was simply impossible to understand the first time, namely: energy. Energy comes into a living system only of two places: from the sun and from the depths of the earth. It was said. So, activity is not energy. Without energy, the activity cannot work. But the activity is the most that distinguishes, for example, a thinking person from a weak, who can only digest food. Activity is the main property of every matter. Moreover, the harder the system, the more difficult form of activity. The most simple known form of activity is gravity. The particles are attracted to each other and give rise to something new. A star arises from the Dusty - a quality novelty appears due to the fact that they attracted. Activity in this case is a gravitational field. From my point of view, each activity can be compared to the field. Who knows who - no, to explain now I can't.

The most remarkable thing is that today it was not said, although it was meant that as the earth and life develops on it develops, more and more new forms of activity appear. Vladimir Leonidovich put fire on the first place. It's just because he lives in a cold country. And the man occurred, as it is believed to be, from East Africa, there was something very little from the fire. True, a person very quickly in Paleolita got into the plague, there the fire, indeed, was the main thing. But if you ask what a man did a man, then, of course, the fire retreats for me to some very distant place. And above all, it is what a person has become a friend about each other. Man is the only animal that cannot be reproduced without any help. He needs akin to him. And this is just as an important feature of mankind, as well as the burial of the dead. And asks, what made Plyududa take care of each other? This is a new type of activity. Today we were told as an apocalyptic conclusion that we have completed the last way of existence and start a new one. This, from my point of view, is evidence that the former type of activity (as we know it: I took the whole planet, and the rest there is nowhere to live) - this way of activity, indeed, led humanity to a dead end. Moreover, it is interesting, it happened simultaneously and in the circumstances of the global crisis, which we today were told and for whom it is possible to read in the newspaper where they write about the economic crisis. These are two manifestations of the same process, and indeed, humanity, in all likelihood, will not be able to resist his status. Let me remind one of the only example that I have in my memory. It was already one day when the Roman Empire collapsed. Indeed, the former infrastructure collapsed within 2-3 centuries. And after that, the so-called "Dark Century" came, when the number of humanity for one generation fell 7 times in estimates of the paleoodemographers. That's what is the most terrible. Yes, Vladimir Leonidovich, new humanity, apparently, will arise, but before that we all veym.

Replica: Well, yes this is an optimist and pessimist's opinion!

Bratus B.S.: Dmitry Nikolayevich Kavharadze. I will allow him to submit it here, because I was recently elected a professor at the Moscow State University at the Faculty State Administration, with which I congratulate it.

Kavtaradze D.N.: Dear colleagues, first of all, I must say why we are all here today. Vladimir Leonidovich [ Ways] We were delicately understood that when they talk about the global crisis and other Armageddons, then in fact this audience discusses the problem of changing the picture of the worldview. And it begins as always with heresy, and Moscow University for this is opposite ... here ... This is what the world sees otherwise and including those attempts that the speaker has taken today. I learned a lot today from the report.

I remember the work of Vernadsky, where he wrote that we live in the physical picture of the world. Both the metro, and the schedule, and even the wardrobe at the bottom work on these clock. And then Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky wrote that there is no place in the physical picture of the world. And there is an old picture of the world - naturalistic, which Vladimir Leonidovich imagined us today, but at the same time safely began to borrow elements of a physical picture. It seems to me that this is the most wonderful event of today. There is a new union of paintings in the world. They are going, apparently somehow again. And therefore there were disturbing questions of colleagues: "And where is the person?"; "Is it possible to integrate it beforeN. to some extent?" etc.

Replica: A person is impossible, and humanity - you can ...

Kavtaradze D.N.: Well, yes, and humanity can be. Therefore, it seems to me that the change of painting of the world is a much more global event than the global crisis that is now interpreted. Thank you very much.

Krchevets A.N. (Professor of Psychology) : I want to point out one of the latest proposals of Vladimir Leonidovich [Waykov] that humanity should go to growth in a new law. I want to ask Vladimir Leonidovich, what does the word "must" mean in this context? I do not require an answer at all. The ontology of the report is a little so strange. I think that really is biological ontology. Biology is now (and, probably, for a long time) is experiencing, in my opinion, a certain restructuring period in which it does not really understand how to use words. I hope that Vladimir Leonidovich is not offended by my words. "Living Systems - Subjects" was written on one of the pictures that we showed. Who are "subjects"? How do we use the word "subject"? How can I suggest the audience the word "subject", not to mention the story, where did it have a different meaning than now (for example, in Kant)? Now it is the word of an ordinary language. And it indicates anything, but on a point, which in our communication is responsible for its being. Here I offer such a formula "subject." But then what means live - Subject? This means - as Vladimir Leonidovich said, - what "Sheet is trying". This is not chlorophyl. Something processes, but sheet is trying. What does it mean? Do you remember that Pavlov forbade his laboratory technicians and assistants to say: "The dog wants" or "the dog is trying"? And now we see that already the sheet can try. I agree that some effort is worth it. I can quote here a Piaget, which is definitely exactly what characterized life in one of the last large works. Of course, not at Sergeyevich Sergeyevich [ Khoruzh] lead this risky speech, but nevertheless what there tries? is it territory subject Leaf itself? Whole tree? Biocenosis? Or something else? We can definitely only feel some kind of effort and join the soul to this effort. But what I would ask Sergey Sergeyevich rather to say: whether the use of the word "subject" is entitled to us with you here in the sense that I say about? we trying toBut, it seems to me that Sergey Sergeevich will better explain that we are trying not to themselves, and the Lord God, an external energy that can be further divided into qualities or in levels.

In relation to psychology, I tried (there is my article on this topic in "matters of philosophy" last year) to build some centauric categorical approaches in psychology, where this subjectivity is connected to the deterministic description. I tried to describe them and systematize. It seems to me that this is the right direction of work and for biology. In fact, the empirical patterns are presented here. Vladimir Leonidovich said even that it would be that mathematicians for hyperbolic patterns invented some more mathematical ontology. True, because? And then it will sound like a thing like a natural science, and not just an empirical pattern. But even if we see ontology, how do these approaches can be correctly connected or at least reasonable and useful? But imagine if Vladimir Leonidovich led all this under such an ontology, which Yury Viktorovich Tchaikovsky had now frightened: after hyperbolic pattern, severe shooting begins, the system is naturally moving to a new level of relationship, and then everything is fine again. How would I treat it? Maybe it will be good, but shooting does not want. I do not want the transition to this with the help of such operations. Therefore, when Vladimir Leonidovich says that mankind must Go, this word "must", I consider it key here. it must It can not be understood as follows: these are the empirical laws, maths suspended under the hyperbolic patterns ontology, and must - Because these patterns flow one to another and everything will be fine. I feel that here it is about friend " must" Even if this crisis, through a biennial recession, will switch to the stage of sustainable growth, then I still see that the molecan here is literally literally to each of us and to the human community, and to the authorities, etc.

In conclusion, I want to say that, in my opinion, not only for psychologists, but also for biologists work is important about the question of who is actually subject, what is the distribution of responsibility and what is the appointment of scientific descriptions that are converting, by the way, to certain subjects, For whom the word must It is quite confident interpreted in an ordinary sense.

Father Andrei Lorgus: I am a priest, a psychologist and anthropologist - only in another sense.

Bratus B.S.: Graduate of the psychological faculty of Moscow State University.

Father Andrei Lorgus: Yes. It seems to me that those of the two principles that Bauer were expressed, there is a certain human dimension, which was not about today. I understand why: he was not there. A man like a living system can choose, fight against equilibrium or abide by equilibrium. Live or die. A person has such a choice. And the huge majority of people use this choice. They refuse life or choose life. And the further mankind lives, the more and more people are accumulated, who do not want to live. They choose the principle of equilibrium. The human form of life against both of these principles has freedom. And the principle of sustainable non-equilibrium person may not be observed if he chooses it. If he refuses to produce bread, refuses to accumulate potential, then the question arises about the life of a separate person and the life of humanity. Is it possible to raise the question that humanity further refuses to live as a whole? Or, if humanity as a whole is a system that does not have any possibility nor must, or freedom, if it is only a biological system, then there is no such possibility in humanity in general. It will live according to these principles. But a person may not live. Then the most important expectation is that a person will choose in the layer of these epochs? Thank you.

Bratus B.S.: Thank you. We approach the final part of our seminar. We will listen to a certain attitude to the report of the chairperson on our seminar. Let's start with Yuri Josefovich Alexandrova, please.

Alexandrov Yu.I.: Dear colleagues, I would like to thank Vladimir Leonidovich once again [Warikova]. I will tell a few considerations on the report, but first, so as not to forget, I would like to say about the speech of the colleague Yu.V. Tchaikovsky, who is the largest specialist in the field of evolution theory. He said a strange thing that a person is different from animals by the fact that mutual assistance appeared in the human environment. I am sure that you are well remembering the work of Kropotkin somewhere on the 20s about the mutual assistance in animals. And now there are reviews about mutual assistance in all, starting with elephants, about helping disabled and in general, which you want. So do not have such hasty conclusions.

Now, as regards the actual topic of the report. I want to say a little otherwise about the activity. In general, I have not received such pleasure for a long time, hearing his favorite word "activity", which, in accordance with the paradigm, which I belongs is defended at least half a century, if not more, probably closer than 70 years. If in psychology the theory of activity - the thing is completely obvious and adopted, and this theory, in fact, there is a theory of activity, then in the physiological and biological environment this science or neuroscience - and a colleague cryer here is absolutely right - currently experiencing a clear shift towards the holistic and Suitable approach. And it is very nice to see. Today's report is another evidence. However, activity can be considered from different sides, including the way it was considered in the report. But in the system paradigm to which I belong, activity is understood as a leading reflection. One of the main properties of activity is ahead, that is, the construction of subjective models of the future, and not the reaction to the incentive. By the way, an important thing. Vladimir Leonidovich said that the logic of materialism follows that living systems are passive. But as far as I understand, this should not be out of the logic of materialism, but from the logic of the paradigm "Stimulus-reaction", in which the body responds to the impact of the medium. And, by the way, our classic Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev quite clearly noticed that reactivity exists in both living objects and the bodies of the dead nature, thereby equalizing them. That is, indeed, in this presentation system, this is a passive object. But absolutely not any materialistic ideology involves passivity. I do a presentation that develops, say, in the theory of functional systems, in systemic psychophysiology, in particular, developed by Nikolay Alexandrovich Berstein, to materialistic ideology. Here is a temporary paradox. How was he resolved? Teleological determination was known to determine the future. This determination came to the conflict with causal bonds. How can the future determine the present? One way to solve this problem was the transfer of the future to the present by building a model. This is the construction of the model, as it seems to me, the main property of activity and the main property of living as such, presented at all levels of its organization. And I completely agree that this property is presented at different levels in different ways, since the reflection method changes in evolution. And if we talk about a person, I would come to the phenomena, about which the speaker told the speaker on the other side, which absolutely does not exclude what was mentioned in the report. I would say that human activity is the foresight of the relevant results, a leading reflection of the medium, since the result in culture is part of a cooperative, social result. That is, this is not an individual result, but part of the social result. Thus, in society occurs if you want a joint foresight. And the development of society, the development of culture is to improve the public foresight and the properties of this foresight. The process of such improvement is based on the activity of the individual, which exists at the social level too. There is a powerful improvement at the expense of adaptation to what is foreseen at the social level. What is generally better activity than reactivity? By the fact that she does not respond to the "backstage of the back", when it is already late, and adapts to the changes that foresees. Worse adapts or better - this is another question.

And the last thing I wanted to say. A colleague, speaking here, used the term, which, I think, almost all psychologists are spinning in my head, is a culture. So, the numbers about whom the speaker spoke is, from my point of view, one of the ways to reflect the culture. The construction of an increasing range of numbers is a specific way to describe some cultural changes. What cultural changes? To understand this, you need to look at cultural specificity. Of those charts that showed here, this cultural specificity should be. If you take these graphs in different cultures, then we will get different curves. And then you can see how these numbers, the steepness of the graphs correspond to cultural changes in certain societies. And it seems to me that this is a very interesting comparison. Thank you so much.

Bratus B.S.: Thank you, Yuri Iosifovich. Sergey Sergeevich Koruzhiy, please.

Khoruzhi S.S.: Friends, I have to say that our anthropological seminar has its own strategy with today's meeting. I make a modestly to myself in the merit that I was very actively trying to act as an interested person, interested instance, praised with this to Boris Sergeevich. And at the same time, in mind, the actual pressing conceptual need to begin the conversation of this kind within our long-year-old seminar for anthropology has been widely understood. One of the major tasks of such a modern wide understanding of anthropology in a new situation, of course, is to build the interface "Anthropology-biology" or interface "AB"As we sometimes indicate it in the inner discus. So, this most interface and should be built. And I really hoped that today's our meeting will be the first step in this direction. The report was distinguished by prisons, and I am extremely grateful to Vladimir Leonidovich [ Warikova] For the fact that a certain genus, a certain type of scientific position was presented in its purity. What is this clean? Of course, this is a classic reductionist methodology. Start with this very well. This is the beginning of the extremely afar, the path from below is the hierarchical levels of large natural-scientific systems. What can be said at this level about this tea interface "AB", we later listened. I think that I absolutely should not put in reproach to our speaker, the fact that in this purity of the reductionist position was not even started to form the position of the next level, the next generation. What is this position? This is a position that at least takes the work to reflexing its own methodological boundaries. The reflection of methodological boundaries has not yet started. Very correct, pure reductionism does not do this, he believes unlimited. However, further, in the following stages, as I hope, our cooperation should inevitably ask a question within which phenomenal region Listened by us patterns are decisive? Some borders of this kind are obviously exist. You need to identify them. We talked about universal laws. But they, of course, are universal from now. From one end - naturally scientific, perhaps, these borders were indicated. But about the other end the conversation has not yet started. What is the relationship to the life of humanity will have all the universal laws that we have submitted today if a person will implement that program that he has already started to exercise today, namely: the transgumanism program? And in accordance with this program, it transforms itself into software (software. )? Such software on a universal law will be carried out, or by hyperbolic, or even on some? The answer is simple: all this versatility will be irrelevant. So, at the next stage, it is useful for us to ask exactly that question: where is everything heard relevant, and where does it discover their insufficiency? Where are the borders on which the biological discourse discovers their insufficiency, and the anthropological discourse should enter into their rights? And in the future we are talking and not only about anthropological discourse. There is a fairly well-known book of the twentieth century - "Genesis and Time" of Hydegger. It begins with the fact that Hydegger says: there are such three ways to talk about a person (he enrolls in one clip) - anthropology, psychology, biology. But this is a poor conversation, "says Martin Heidegger, is not even the beginning of the conversation. These are some sort of sorts of conversation from somewhere, and it is lined up at all. Heidegger us says that while we have not reached not only to being, but did not reach the person, before its authentic human specificity, anthropology has never started. And I really hope that such tasks of our cooperation are still ahead. I am sure that here in such a communion there is a very big potential of promotion to man. And there, if God gives, maybe, and to being.

Bratus B.S.: Dear colleagues, I will try to be brief. And first I will express my emotional attitude to the report. This is a long forgotten feeling of enjoying science. Unlike our psychological conversations about the personality, etc., which require gesture, there is tread. You can agree with it, but you can not agree, but there is a fee, there is data, numbers, one follows from the other, one is built from the other. There is some kind of support, there is something called scientific view. It is increasingly forgotten. Now, as the colleague Kavtaradze says, everything is mainly reduced to opinions. There are a lot of opinions, they, as a rule, are not reinforced. And this "porridge" is now called public opinion, including scientific. We forgot that science is a disciplining method of knowledge of the world and nothing more. As mathematicians say: there is a useful prejudice that mathematics is useful. Praphrasing this statement, we can say that we even established too much in our prejudice that science is useful. Science is first of all the way of knowledge, followed by the most mysterious d. aboutlousyI was talking about Anatoly Nikolayevich [Krychevts]. Science should learn. And who said she should learn? And why does she study? Why does she study with such persistence? Why is she paying persistence for this? And sometimes a very tough price. What lies with this d. aboutlousy?

It seems to me that, distracting in this direction, then you can return and to what it was said about. Here, I want to say that this is written in culture, - Yuri Iosifovich spoke about this [ Alexandrov] - or that this is a public foresight. But look: in fact, humanity is not in culture. It seems to pull this culture in spite of this culture. What is the current, conventionally speaking, superficial, but the dominant culture of the modern world? She is monstrous. Do not even need to go into her criticism. So what allows you to think that we somehow pull it out? And if we talk about the social foreseen ... (I apologize for these few simplified examples.) Now March is now, and I perfectly remember that March when Stalin died. Since he died took many years, and the public foresight is such that he is a very popular person, creative manager and so on. So what does the public prediction have a public prediction towards that we will survive or not? Do you understand? What does it have to do with the Christian civilization in general, to a Christian position? What? What lies on the scale of the scales, what will outweigh? Public foresight? Or maybe culture?

Ultimately, it seems to me that culture is just a set of signs. And here Sergey Sergeevich [ Khoruzhiy] - A person who has reached high steps in the field of natural-scientific subjects (physical, mathematical), is rightly talking about some reduction. Here Yuri Iosifovich [ Alexandrov] I asked me (after the speech of Sergei Sergeyevich), what reduction is bad or not bad? And this is just a statement. But then the question arises, for which we first held such a meeting of representatives of different areas of knowledge - philosophers, psychologists, biologists. This is a question about inter-level content. How to avoid reduction? Or how to find her borders? Where does the reduction say that it is reduction? At that moment, when we call the reduction of some kind of judgment, we overcome it. We say, for example, that there is a universal law. What does the universal law mean? So this law continues for some borders. But it will be modified. Rather, it is not so much modified as it will be expressed by another language. It seems to me that this work of Vladimir Leonidovich [ Warikova] Unique and very important in the sense that Vladimir Leonidovich is a representative of theoretical biology. But a lot of biologists, and people who go to those laws that can be understood as universal, little. Here we already go to the language on which those universal laws will be formulated, which Sergey Sergeevich.

In this regard, there is a very clear and understandable definition given by Metropolitan Anthony, who says that science is "the knowledge of the Creator through the knowledge of his creations." Modern science at best studies creation, forgetting that there are creation times, it has a creator. Once there is creator, there is a creator. And in this case (in a certain scientific understanding), the exit to the Creator is a way out, in fact, to the plan, to understanding this idea, to its inconsection. And therefore it seems to me that this kind, this kind of considerations is extremely important for any audience, because they are knocking on the main doors. Another thing will be open and how they will be open. Outside this knock all disintegrates, everything becomes reduction, not aware of themselves as a reduction. Once again: as soon as we realize that we reduced something, we have overcome the reduction. We seem to put our limit, but mean something that is behind this limit. There are scientific knowledge and there are scientific ignorant. And scientific ignorance is unusually important and valuable. Outside scientific ignorance there is no scientist, because the scientist who develops scientific knowledge is obviously limited. He must imply something that goes abroad of this knowledge.

And, probably, I will express a general opinion and admiring the work of Vladimir Leonidovich. I know it for a long time, we really worked on the first monograph on Christian psychology, where Vladimir Leonidovich wrote a brilliant article related to the attitude of science and religion. And I hope that such an increase in the activity and knowledge of Vladimir Leonidovich not only did not reach his apogee, but in general he is sufficient and pleasing to us all, and will still be happy.

In conclusion, I wanted to say that thanks to the work of Alexander Evgenievich Kremlin, we have prepared discs with the performance of Sergei Sergeevich! Khoruget]. On this occasion, you can contact us at the Department. We will have the next seminar in about a month. He will be devoted to the psychology of villainism [ rapporteur - S.N. Nikolopov]. This will be an experimental seminar. I thank all those present and high guests.

Warikov V.L.: Many thanks. Despite the fact that 8.43 pm, nevertheless the hall is full. And I want to hope that I managed to arouse some reactions that would further make thinking on this topic. I myself, when I was preparing for this report, I learned a lot of what I did not know. And more than Boris Sergeyevich said, I also learned how much I still don't know.

And at the expense of foresight. From studies of the process of evolution, by L.S. Berg, it is quite well known that in the course of evolution, predecessors appear, absolutely unnecessary at this stage, which later, after some millions of years, will be needed. Moreover, at shorter time intervals there is also a phenomenon of foresight. For example, in some birds, the laying of eggs will depend on what summer and autumn will be. All this data is. This is the foresight - the property of the living world. Another thing is that we are these properties - at least some of us - developed before the properties of the prophets. And here, at this level, maybe there will be a point of contact. On the one hand, I, honestly, Sergei Sergeevich, is a little bit drawn by the fact that there was a certain border between us. These borders today and in science have and remain. But when we move them, then they will inevitably be blurred. The boundaries between physics and chemistry, between chemistry and biology, between biology and psychology, between psychology and anthropology - they remain. But it is important to realize that these boundaries are, and you need to look at how you can go, find coherence, cooperativeness, interconnected, interconnection, and at the same time preserve individuality. While we are very individual. But it's time to start thinking about increasing the interaction. And I am very pleased with today's evening, because it seems to me that another step towards stimulation of interaction, at least inside our Moscow University. He although I. universomebut still divided into a bunch compacting. And boundaries between these compacts Need to wash. Thank you everybody.

Professor MSU them. Lomonosova, D.B., Biophysicist, Water Specialist (Russia)

In 1968. V. L. Wayers graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a diploma with honors in the specialty "Biophysics".IN 1971. there defended the dissertation for the degree of candidate Biological sciences. From 1971 to 1975 he worked as a junior researcher. C. 1975 - Associate Professor of the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova, A.from 2003 to the present - Professor . From 1978 to 1979, he performed research work at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Medicine University of Duke (Duke University), North Kirolina, US under the direction of Professor Robert Lefkovitsa (Nobel laureate 2014).

In 2003, he defended his doctoral in Moscow State University dissertation "Regulatory functionactive forms of oxygen in the blood and in water model systems "in the specialties of physiology and biophysics.

In 2007, the 1st prize was awarded. Jacques Benivista at the 7th International Crimean Conference "Cosmos and Biosphere";In 2013, the Golden Medal of Prigogina, established by University of Siena and The Wessex Institute of Technology (Great Britain), was awarded;

V.L. Mosaikov supports and continues the ideas of such scientists as Erwin Bauer , Alexander Gurwich , Albert Saint-Dieurdy , Simon Shnol , Emilio del Judic, constantly cooperates with J. Polytone (Professor of Applied Science, London South Bank University, UK).

Main areas of scientific interests Vladimir Leonidovich: Physico-chemical bases of biological activity, free-radical and oscillatory processes in water and their role in bioenergy. V.L. Wayers is an honorary employee of the Higher Education of the Russian Federation, a member of the Scientific Council of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss (Germany), a member of the SPIE(International Optical Engineering, USA) and All-Russian biochemical society.

The main directions of work Research Group, headed by V.Laikov:

- model photobiochimical reactions, among which the reaction is Gurvich and majara reaction ;

- work with living blood aimed at identifying the systemic characteristics of blood detected by the nature of biophoton emission and by the parameters of the dynamics of erythrocyte sedimentation;

- influence on living systems and non-equilibrium aqueous systems of ultra-low concentrations of biologically active substances and ultra-plastic electromagnetic emissions;

- Redox and reducing and oscillatory processes in water systems. The work is aimed at confirmation of the key role of water. In the processes of vital activity, in particular in bioenergy.

We met with Dr. Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University Vladimir Leonidovich Waikov, to talk about the water, which in the XXI century remains for scientists in the mystery of mysteries. True, the water was talked about the water.

- Vladimir Leonidovich, what kind of phenomenon is water?

First of all, I must say that under the word "water" usually implies completely different phenomena. For example, there are fresh water, salt water, marine water, physics are now fond of computer modeling of water. Usually people characterize water, assuming that it is H 2 Oh plus something else. I am also interested in water, which is related to life, because everything that we call life, first of all there is water.

Water is a complex system, more precisely, a huge set of systems that are moving from one state to another. It is better to even say: not a system, but an organization. Because the system is something static, and the organization is dynamic, it develops. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, under the organization, meant something that, on the one hand, conservatively, and on the other - changeable. Moreover, these changes occur at random, but purposefully.

Water manifestations are diverse. For example, there are cases when the water burned radar: Radar beam, reflected from the cloud and returned, burned the receiving device. Consequently, the cloud was returned unsupplying great energy! Modern science cannot explain it. Cloud is water particles. In liquid water, there is always some part that forms coherent domains, that is, areas in which water molecules fluctuate coherently and behave like a laser body. Radar beam, hitting a cloud, makes water in it nonequilibrium, and this excess energy is either given to the cloud back to the radar and burns it or dissipates.

- Why did Nature have created such non-equilibrium water?

Question "Why?" Entering beyond science.

- It turns out, we know very little about water?

One more example. We know that mountain rivers are always cold: even if in the valley at which the river flows, there is heat, water still remains cold. Due to what? Usually, this is explained by the fact that in the mountains of the Glaciers, along the way of the Water Rodniki, and in general it is moving. But there may be another explanation. What do we mean by the words "cold", "warm", "hot"? Temperature. And where does the temperature come from, which we measure the thermometer? Molecules of the medium move, face each other, and energy is distinguished, and we measure the thermometer. Now let's see how the speed of the molecule is moving in one direction and that it will show a thermometer if we try to measure the flow temperature. Molecules begin to move with the coolest speeds and "suck" energy from the environment. It turns out that the temperature of the mining flow is extremely high, and it is ice-cold! Paradox! Temperature - and temperature ... A fast river is cooled, although it should be heated by friction ... That is, the water is cold, because the molecules stop knocking on each other! And the temperature of the directional flow is another. This explains the misunderstanding of processes occurring in water. Water in nature is not equilibrium, therefore, it can work by nature. But so that everything that is not equilibrium can work, you need to create conditions. And the organization may create conditions.

- There are ideal forms, such as Platonic bodies. And how is water organized?

The ideal bodies that Plato spoke about is unattainable in nature. These are abstract designs, ideas. If such bodies are considered in nature, they will start interacting, knocking each other and stop being perfect.

- But they seek to restore their forms?

They strive to strive, but when something seeks to restore its shape, this is a dynamic phenomenon. And this is not Plato, but Aristotle. Aristotle has this desire and there is Causa Finalis - the ultimate goal, which from modern science was thrown out.

It all started with the fact that scientists began to describe real phenomena and reduced everything to the study of causal relationships. And now the normal science is called, in which the paradigm established on the idea that there is a causal relationship and there is no desire.

- But not still think so, probably, there are other approaches?

Without an aspiration, life is impossible, and it is difficult to deny the existence of life, because, wherever you look, my life itself is somehow you watch. True, the flower immediately wants to put it, from the gopher to do it ... And, of course, the most wonderful of all sciences - Paleontology, because I put the skeleton in the museum, covered it with a varnish, and it will not be destroyed. And biology should engage in life and the most wonderful phenomenon of life - development. Development from simple to complex, from incoherent to connected, from monotonous to diverse. And all this is carried out spontaneously.

- And the goal?

And the purpose of life is to save life. The goal is that life is added. Because the more life, the more difficult to destroy it. In 1935, Erwin Bauer published the book "Theoretical Biology", in which the three basic principles of the living were formulated. The first principle of Bauer sounds like this: all living people and only living systems never stay in equilibrium. And they use all their excess energy in order not to roll to equilibrium.

- What then the role of science, scientist?

I will tell you what the purpose of science. Academician Berg, Russian Geographer, Geologist, Zoologist, introduced the term "nomogenesis" (that is, the development according to the laws) in opposition to Darwinism. According to Darwin, there was no development, since the word "development" means unfolding according to plan, deployment. The same with evolution, which, in fact, is targeted development.

The scientist says how the world is arranged and how the man works. The study of the world interests us, by and large, from an egoistic point of view: We want to understand our place in this world. Since the world is studied by a living person, he has a question about the purpose of existence. As soon as the question about the goal of existence disappears, then everything is ...

- What all"?

Life ends. Indifference, a person is still. There are different goals, and they stimulate life. As soon as a person loses a goal in life, he ceases to exist. Darwin did not use the word "evolution" anywhere. He was interested in the origin of diversity. A variety is not equivalent to evolution. From the same bricks, you can build different buildings, only it will not be evolution ...

- It seems to me that today it is not the most popular point of view.

I agree. Why not this approach? Science does not put questions of morality and morality. What is morality and morality in the laws of gravity, laws of gravity? But the correct occupation of science and the clarification of the laws of the universe will be surprisingly leading to the rationale for the deep issues of morality and morality. What are there morality and morality? What is the point of morality and morality? And in maintaining life? Morality and morality are needed so that our life is preserved.

- It turns out that nature, God, tell me anything - laid so that in the soul of man lived a moral law?

Quite right. Another thing is that there is no science directly morality and morality, but, for example, religion. But the universe can be viewed from different points of view: it is possible from the point of view of the Creator, and in the point of view of creation. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov also spoke about this.

- And religious knowledge can be useful to scientists?

Is it possible to study astronomy or other sciences on the Bible? .. I will give an example. On the third day of creation, God created the shine: great and small. For what? In order to separate the day from the night to be the signs. And he created the flora when? On the second day. Without the sun? It turns out complete nonsense? But there is no ... 30 years ago, the so-called black smokers were open at the bottom of the ocean - whole ecosystems, who never seen the sun in life, and there are animals with a circulatory system. And what, the sun gave rise to these power systems? .. then it is necessary to assume that the earth was heated at the expense of the sun. Only here will be the geographers and geologists. Because the land is warm not because of her sun heated. It is written in the textbooks that all the energy from the Sun is photosynthesis, glucose, CO 2 and H 2 O + Sun and so on, remember, probably. But let's go down to the bottom of the ocean: there are no photosynthesis, but there are animals, and they are not sushi descended on a five-kilometer depth.

- Who gives them energy for life?

Water! Synthesis from 2 and H 2 o is only when there is an activation energy. And in the water, which is originally arranged inequilibrium, this energy is, regardless of whether there is a sun or not a sun. And, by the way, what preceded the Flora? About the first day of creation it is written: "And the Spirit of God rushed over the waters." Translation, as I recently learned, wrong: "The Spirit of God rushed with waters." "Missed" does not mean "rushing", according to his origin, this word is known to the word "zeal". The Spirit of God Energo-information organized water, this is what it may mean. It turns out that water is conceived as the basis of the universe.

- Do you want to say that all modern scientific discoveries have ever been known to someone?

The scientist opens the laws, but does not invent, does not invent patterns. Language is very difficult to deceive. There is the word "invention", this is when you gained something. And there is the word "discovery" - I open a book and make an opening for myself.

Once it happened with me. I got the book of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the founder of the modern embryology of Karl Barna "Reflections when observing the development of chicken", written in 1834. The book was 1924 editions, with uncut pages. I brought it to the Department of Embryology and showed the colleagues - I made a discovery, opened the thing unknown to them.

- What is this book about?

About the very final goal, to which everyone seeks. Bern studied chicken embryo development at different stages. And discovered a paradox: eggs are completely the same, and embryos are different. Where is the norm? If one embryo is the norm, then all the other freaks? But what is interesting - then all chickens hatch the same. It turns out that everyone goes to a single goal, and this is not associated with genetics. It is quite clear that they are originally located in different conditions: one egg with the edge of the masonry, the other inside ... They cannot be in the same conditions, this is the law of diversity. But everything is "tightened" to a single goal. In this case, we cannot say that the development of chicken number 77 is correct, and chicken No. 78 is not. In reality, science often solves everything.

- This is one of the problems of education ...

It is difficult to avoid: it is impossible to make his teacher to each student. But you need to understand that sometimes we have to simplify, unify, and we do this not for the benefit of a particular person, but in spite of his personality and in order to have to cover as much as possible.

- Let's go back to water mysteries.

Another interesting experiment. We take dry soil, pour water and put in front of the photomultiplier - the device fixes the flash of light. It means that water falls on the desired land, besides the fact that the soil is moistened, light still stands out! You will not see his eyes, but all seeds, all microorganisms get impulse to breathing, to further development. Again, we have come to the same conclusion: water and earthly solid with interaction give the energy of the formation.

- Blimey!

Another interesting observation. It is known that carbon exists in two crystalline modifications - graphite and diamond. Graphite is a more non-equilibrium carbon state than a diamond.

In nature, the diamond appears, the effect of enormous pressures, and in our body carbon has a diamond structure. Originally, carbon appears in compounding CO 2, which does not have a diamond configuration, nevertheless with water compounds from CO 2 and H 2 O, it turns out glucose in which carbon is already "diamond". And no high pressures! It means that in a living system (living organisms up to 90% consist of water) carbon from the "non-almaz" turns into a "diamond", and this happens only due to the organization of water!

- Consequently, the diamond structure of carbon is necessary for something in a live system?

Sure! This is high energy! But water does not need monstrous energy consumption for the creation of high pressure and temperature for such transformations, it does it at the expense of the organization. The most amazing thing is that Vernadsky thought about this fact at the beginning of the 20th century. I sometimes come to the idea that there is already a lot of things for knowledge of water, but not everything is explained. We need to learn to explain.

- But there are specific facts, data of experiments, and interpretations (sometimes polar) of these data a great set. Where do scientific differences end and speculation begin? For example, can I trust the experiments to Masar Emoto?

I personally familiar with Masaru Emoto, is familiar with his experiments, books. To a large extent, he is a popularizer and a little thoughtman. I see the huge historical role to Masaru Emoto in that he drew the attention of hundreds of millions of people. But his experiments do not meet scientific criteria. I was sent to the review by a scientific article with the participation of Masar Emoto, and I must admit that the experiment is incorrect. For example, the question arises: What is the statistics of the formation of crystals after listening to a particular music? In the article, the statistics are wonderful: experiments are almost impossible to repeat. At least, repeat the way he puts them. Moreover, whether the character of the obtained crystals depends on the photographer (experimentator)? Yes, it depends: some do not work, and others everything turns out wonderful. But this is already some other science. And to objectively judge the works of Emoto, we must create another methodology, another language and other assessment tools. Then it can be judged differently.

- So it is necessary to wait for the appearance of new science?

In fact, this science already has, it ... biology. It is nice different from physics. How many times of Galilee threw a stone with the Pisa Tower, probabilistic scatter of the results will be small. But if it's not a stone with this very tower, but a crow, then how many times neither throw, where it will fly - always a big question. Ten thousand crowds need to quit, to find out where they, actually say, strive. This is completely different. Here we must consider incomparable more than the factors that brought, which is usually customary to be considered in science.

- It turns out that Emoto experiments in something remind your example with the corners?

But this does not mean that such experiments do not need to be put. This only speaks that we need to build a new science today. But, building it, you need to know and old. I will give an example that shows that science never happens absolutely false or absolutely true. Once existed a flat land model. Today you can laugh at such ideas of ancient scientists. But sorry, and what model we use when you place your country area? Copernikovskaya? No, we need a flat land model! It is not necessary for anything else to solve this task, we are simply engaged in land management. But when it comes to the launch of the satellite on the near-earth orbit, it is another matter. But the Copernikovskaya system is also imperfect. Is it explaining the structure of the universe? Not! To clarify this question, you need to build a new science, but we need the old science - to be, from what to push off.

- So scientists without tricky issues and unsolvable tasks will never remain.

Sure! Here's how to explain why birds fly over Everest, at an altitude of 11,000 meters? And from the point of view of physiology, and from the point of view of bioenergy it is impossible! What do they breathe there? But they fly, and something they need something! And then it is necessary, I would say, doubt the pride, admit that we are ah! - Many things do not know. But as soon as it comes to water, all that we already know about it can be misleading, in any case, today. Too much today we invent about the water. Water is our progenitian, the matrix of life, on the other hand, the World Flood is also water, but flushing everything from the face of the earth. And because of his ignorance or distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthe water, we can lacon and harm, engaged in all sorts of conspiracies, as well as, and so on. If we assume that water is the ancestor of life and life itself, then it is necessary to treat this life with very great respect. If we treat any life disrespectfulness, it will be easy to guess. Therefore, we recognize that I don't know much very and very much.

The questions asked Elena Bega, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Water can treat, kill and burn

Vladimir Leonidovich Warikov

At the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Biofac MSUs are carried out experiments on water impact. And scientists do not refuse to deal with people who declare that they can change its properties at a distance. But not people, and water is the main object of research. Professor of the Department, Dr. Biological Sciences Vladimir Wayes told about the water consumption of water in large science.

Vladimir Leonidovich, it is difficult to believe that in Moscow State University, Holy Holy Fundamental Science, deal with psychics. What are your experiments?

Several people turned to us asking for their own money to check their abilities. We conducted an experiment, which was as follows: Divided the water located in a vessel for two servings and placed them in different places in the laboratory. The subjects who were completely different, but were among us earlier, they said, where exactly is one of the portions. Thus, the "impact" was carried out at a distance. What it consisted, I don't know, but the result was obvious - in the experimental meal of water, oxidative processes went to 2? 3 times faster. We carried out experiments and with blood samples, there after exposure these processes were activated ten times. We conducted the protocol, all documents exist.

One of the participants was checked in many places, including in the West - in Switzerland he has a cosmetology clinic, where they correct the defects of appearance without surgical intervention.

And, of course, no hints for explanations?

I do not undertake this effect. How exactly the subject affects what does and feel - I do not know. My task is to explore whether the properties of water really changed. If a person was in the laboratory, it would still be possible to dream: sound oscillations, passages with hands, thermal energy, microwaves ... but when it and a water vessel shake 2 thousand km, I do not even have assumptions. Now there are no full-fledged scientific ideas that could explain and this impact on large distances, and much more. You can only state the fact, conduct experiments, but it is impossible to study the mechanism.

From your point of view, "Charged Water" is not complete nonsense?

It depends on what to understand. Water (although not everyone) can "consume" oxygen, that is, oxidized, is reliably known, we have been experiments for many years. During the oxidation reaction, energy is released. Part of it, as it turned out, accumulates in water, and water becomes biologically active and sensitive to various weaknesses, for example, to radiation. And such water can be "programmed" - that is, to send in the desired side the nature of the reactions that proceed in it. This water will possess special properties.

You can work, for example, oscillations, including sound. A concussion with a certain rhythm, which resonates with the processes occurring in water, will change its properties. This is not every person can do, and not any water can be influenced. For example, it can be cleaned to such an extent, to destruct that it becomes dead.

All this sounds not too across scientifically, if not to take into account that literally in the last decade, when interest in the molecule H2O has increased sharply, scientists received new fundamental knowledge about the properties, the structure of water, which have not yet come to textbooks.

Until recently, the biological science was carried out mainly by systematics, the preparation of "herbarium", up to a molecular level. A living organism was considered only as a set of genes, proteins, carbohydrates. Now began the study of their aggregate. There is a transition to an incomparable more complex phase - the study of processes. And it turned out that the water here plays a much more important role than the one that she was given before. Biology has missed this one of the most important molecules throughout its development. From the point of view of books, articles, textbooks, all reactions in the body seem to be leaked on a sheet of white paper or in vacuo. In fact, they occur in the water. Is it possible to deepen in the subtle structure of molecules, not to take into account this living ocean? This is a very complex system - there is no water as such, it is different each time, gases, salts, biomolecules dissolved in it. That is, water is structured. The advanced area today is just a study of the structure, dynamics, reactions occurring in water.

At the end of October, the first major conference dedicated to specially studies of water from the point of view of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, etc. will be held in Vermont. By the way, Russia in these studies occupies a leading position, and it is not by chance that the organizers of the conference (University of Washington) seek to attract as many scientists as possible as possible. And just in St. Petersburg, the congress "Weak and ultra-plastic fields and radiation in biology and medicine" took place. It is held for the fourth time, and every year the water is becoming increasingly attention. This is not by chance. The impact on the person's electromagnetic radiation is a proven fact. But until recently it was unclear, but what exactly do they act? This kind of effects in terms of force, intensity - weak, and the effect can produce strong. These are "small bugs" that should get into some very large target.

Is it water?

Yes, they act through water systems. But it should be not just water, but a special, where free-radical reactions flow. Free radical in nature is micromagnet. And if the external magnetic fields change, these reactions in water, from which mainly consists of a living organism, begin to flow through another channel. Fortunately, our body is rather tightly adjustable, so you can confuse it only with repeating effects, embedded in one another. If a person is in a stable condition, they have a training effect, it is a shake, as a result of which a healthy body will become even healthier. In the state of imbalance, this impact leads to a deterioration. In medicine, there was even a new term - desynchronomy, that is, a violation of the interdependence of the processes of the body in response to the effect of external destructive factors. Hence the resonant medicine appeared - weak exposure (magnetic, sound, physiotherapy, homeopathy), which returns the usual rhythm that returns.

Is it possible to fix it, translate, so to speak, on the material basis?

Methods of studying these complex processes only appear. Take, for example, homeopathy. How can the substance, when not a single molecule in the solution?! From the point of view of traditional chemistry, physics cannot. However, new physical methods have been developed (this was presented at Congress), which make it possible to clearly distinguish solutions in which certain substances were initially kept, from those where this substance was never. They show that water has retained the memory of the substance that was once in the solution, despite the strong breeding.

One of your reports was devoted to the "Bioenergy Water". What it is?

Water is not only the main perceive substance, but also most importantly, "fuel", which determines the energy of a living organism. Energy is obtained as it is known as a result of oxidation. When combustion, it is released in the form of light, and when heated is in the form of heat. Classical bioenergy examines only the process when the energy is highlighted by small portions. But in the living organism processes of burning, however, until the very last time, these reactions were considered solely as pathological. They are associated with the so-called free radicals, active oxygen forms, and struggle with them using antioxidants. It is a fashionable word. It turns out, the antioxidant is something that prevents oxidation, but it is precisely as a result of oxidation that we get energy. So, he deprives us of energies?! Due to what will we live? Fortunately, this is not the case, and in fact antioxidants are stimulants of burning, just not all understand this. The same vitamin C is the most powerful activator of oxygen.

I observed from the fact that our bioenergy is based on burning. The water from which the body consists may burn, that is, they are directly oxidized with oxygen. And this reaction is in the blood continuously due to antibodies - molecules that are struggling with alien factors. However, combustion can be both useful and harmful. It is possible to "burn alive" - \u200b\u200bwhen an autoimmune reaction begins in the body, excessive activation of the immune system. But it rarely happens, much more often the body does not burn, and "tweets" is nothing more than chronic diseases. And it is necessary to deal with this with an active oxygen - air enriched with ozone, chandeliers of Chizhevsky, ionizers. And drinking water can have a positive effect on the body, maintain combustion processes - for example, water from sources, mountain streams. And "empty", energy poor water can, on the contrary, take energy.

All this and much more outstanding minds expressed a few more decades ago, but no one took them seriously. And only now we re-open this huge, almost unknown continent, but already from the standpoint of experimental science.

Attitude to this topic and now is not unambiguous. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a lot of grants on such research ...

Grants for quantum physics for the first time began to allocate military departments, by the way, and on this subject - too. Begins to allocate money business. The conference in the United States, which I mentioned is carried out under the auspices of a large high-tech Vermont-Photonix company. And we work on this topic mainly by indoors. At the end of this year, a plant for the production of various beverages will begin to work near Moscow, where there will be a workshop for the release of "biologically active" water (containing active oxygen). We analyze this water, let us recommend how to optimize the technological process. So there are businessmen and in the West, and in Russia, who understand that oil will end sooner or later, and water is eternal.

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