Black rhetoric: Power and magic of the word download fb2. Rhetoric textbook

Rhetoric Irina Gribanova

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Title: Rhetoric

About the book "Rhetoric" Irina Gribanova

The book “Rhetoric. Just about the complex "is addressed to a very wide circle of readers: entrepreneurs, managers, teachers, parents, high school students, everyone who wants to get basic knowledge of the art of word mastery, to develop their mental abilities (the book has a section on increasing memory and improvement of mental activity), to learn competent and effective planning in terms of finding time for additional education.

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Preface to the first edition (1962) A funny joke goes around in a musical environment; playing the piano is not at all difficult: press only with the right finger in the right time the desired key. This joke applies to rhetoric too; It is not at all difficult to pronounce a speech: speak only the right words at the right time at the right address. This is easier said than done. You cannot become a pianist or an orator in one day. The pianist trains his fingers endlessly until he masters fluent keyboard play; only long-term and persistent training of speech and thinking will make it possible to master the art of oratory. You may have heard of someone you know: he knows, but does not express his thoughts well. Many people are sincerely convinced that they cannot speak. “This is not given to me. This is a gift that I am deprived of. " And at the same time they will make a short speech about the fact that they cannot make speeches. What a paradox! Whoever can speak will be able to master the art of speech: it is important to know the basic rules and, of course, to practice. Every question, every sentence and every conversation is a miniature speech. Why is it not possible to give a longer speech, and also in the presence of listeners? This textbook is intended as a systematic introduction to contemporary rhetoric. Its purpose is to help the formation of speech skills and discussion; briefly, coherently and in an accessible form to reveal the "iron" rules that have proven their effectiveness in oratory practice. We are talking about instruction not in artistic reading, but in speech practice, it does not matter in what sphere of life. This book is mainly the result of experience and reflection from pedagogical as well as political and Everyday life... I also interviewed all kinds of small, medium and large "minds" and was surprised that they all knew what to say on a topic such as rhetoric. The student's task oratory- not in skimming through this book and grabbing a few funny examples, but in daily (!) several minutes of speech exercises. Anyone who is not ready to carefully and slowly work out the most important provisions proposed in the textbook should not even begin. For beginners thirsty for learning, I recommend taking this difficult food in homeopathic doses so as not to suffer from spiritual "indigestion." The best way to do the exercises is with friends. Then each controls the other and, moreover, represents the public. You can always achieve something if you add persistence and patience. I am grateful for critical remarks and additions. But let's think about this: speaking is not about speaking incessantly. It is today, thanks to newspapers and radio, as well as the epidemic of various events in the modern industry of all kinds of contacts, that we are experiencing the inflation of the word. The word must be handled carefully and with a sense of responsibility. A good speaker speaks less but better. The Word is neither good nor bad; it can help, but it can harm or destroy. “The word should be a bridge. But it can also be a wall, ”said Albrecht Gees. While working on this book, I observed three principles, which the ancient connoisseurs of rhetoric paid attention to: “docere, delectare, movere” - to teach, to please, to inspire. Not everyone who works through this book will be a good speaker, but I hope they will be stronger in rhetoric than before. Lilienthal-Trupe near Bremen May 1962 Heinz Lemmermann Preface to the revised edition (1986) This textbook was written for schoolchildren, for independent learners and simply for interested persons, that is, for representatives of various professions and occupations wishing to master the rhetoric. The proposed textbook is not a scientific treatise, not a book of recipes for all cases of rhetoric, but a kind of useful reference book that provides "insurance" in practical rhetoric. This book has been well received by the reader for about 24 years now and has gone through many editions. I am glad that some of her ideas and new concepts have entered the special literature. The structure of the book has been largely preserved. The content has been modified and supplemented by time. At the same time, the results of experience, scientific conclusions and reflections of recent years have been taken into account. Today, an important aspect of any activity is discussion, debate and negotiation. This circle of topics covered by me in the book "School of Debates. Articles on Dialogical Rhetoric ". The book was published in 1986 by the Olzog publishing house, it was conceived as an addition to the present one, as “Textbook, part 2.” As for speech, it is also true for what has been written: no book is so good that it cannot be improved. Therefore, I look forward to constructive criticism in the future.From the bottom of my heart I thank my wife Ruth for typing the text and reviewing it critically.Lilienthal-Trupe near Bremen May 1986 Heinz Lemmermann

Carsten Bredemeier is the # 1 communication trainer for all German-speaking Europe. Black rhetoric, according to Bredemeier, is the ability to manipulate all rhetorical means and methods so that in the course of negotiations or speech, the opponent or the audience comes to the conclusion you need; to distinguish in what context and under what issues your arguments do not mean anything or, on the contrary, are decisive; eliminate contradictions and give a "red thread" to every conversation; transform negative thinking and the interlocutor's behavior is positive and constructive; cleverly and elegantly eliminate traps; in heated debates, do not lose your head and behave confidently.

Bredemeier's book is distinguished by a new, non-standard approach, offering both beginners and professionals a successful combination of methods, techniques and exercises for training. From the first pages it becomes clear that the author is a specialist in his field, and you get real pleasure from the light and witty style of presentation.

After reading this book, you will understand how great the magic of the word is, improve your perception, hone your style of conducting discussions - and begin to conduct them in a completely different way.

The book is intended for a wide audience.

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