Automatic thinking is the cause of negative situations. How to overcome negative thinking

When we say to ourselves: “I will succeed,” “I will do this or that,” as a result, we usually do nothing. We just hope that tomorrow we will be smarter and better, and don't put in the effort to really succeed.

It would be more useful to think negatively about yourself. If instead of “Tomorrow I wake up early and go to workout” you think “Tomorrow I will use any excuse to sleep longer and skip workout” - what will you change in your behavior today?

Will you leave the alarm clock far from bed to get up exactly the right time? Will you pack a gym bag with everything you need in advance? Can you prepare your coffee so that you can quickly brew it in the morning? If you are optimistic about yourself, you will most likely rely on yourself tomorrow and do nothing.

The main trick is to always assume that tomorrow you will be a little lazier and slower than today.

Imagine: you wake up, and the bag is already packed, coffee is brewing, a playlist of your favorite music is also ready. You just won't have an excuse to skip a workout. After all, after all that has been done, you are now obliged to bring the matter to the end.

By not relying on our memory, we become more organized.

A pessimistic attitude towards yourself helps not only to adhere to the decisions made, but also to become more organized. Just don't try to rely on yours all the time.

Do not hope that tomorrow you will remember something. There are many ways to save information, it is better to use one of them. Why burden your future self? This will only decrease your productivity, increase your stress, and be less organized.

If you have a specific storage system, it will be much easier for you to keep everything under control and not forget anything.

Expecting small from ourselves, we always exceed expectations

When we realistically assess ourselves and consider that our brains will look for ways to evade commitments, and despite this, we still achieve success, this is a real victory. Such victories over their weaknesses and shortcomings energize and help to move on.

So think negatively! This is perhaps the most positive thing you can do for yourself.

Is negative thinking a cause or result of depression?

Does a depressed mood create negative thinking, or does negative thinking result in depression? Let's figure it out.

Depressive Mood Creates Negative Thinking
Our mood affects our thoughts. When we feel happy, we think positively. We see and remember the world as good. But let yourself be sad and our thoughts change in a completely different direction. Pink glasses fall off, black ones are right there. Now a bad mood fills us with memories of bad events. Relationships with loved ones seem to be unstable, self-esteem goes down, hope for trouble dims, people's behavior is directed against us ... Depression increases. For example, people who are depressed remember that their parents were cold and inattentive with them. But people who have gone through a depressive state remember their parents as loving and benevolent, just like people who have never suffered from depression.

Negative thoughts cause depressive moods.
It is normal to feel depressed when a person is going through severe stress - job loss, divorce or breakup, death loved one or any experience that violates our awareness of who we are and why we are worthy people. A person easily adapts to such stresses, however, how he continues to explain situations that occur to him after depression greatly affects his mood. People prone to depression react very painfully to negative events and thus expose themselves to further bouts of depression. For example, a person who is expecting praise for every action he takes will become discouraged every time his expectations are not confirmed and .. now there is depression and “the world is complete evil people" not far away.

What do you think?

My answer:

Yul, first I want to do a little bit of fun - can I?
Depression is a psychiatric diagnosis. When the symptoms - lack of interest in life, lethargy, depression, decreased body tone, gloomy thoughts, etc. - dominate a person and determine his condition for more than six months.
Depressive mood is a state of "here and now". It can be caused by external factors - the weather, a current situation, contact with someone, it can be caused by physiology - an asthenic physique with schizoid accentuation as a basic predisposition, PMS, hormonal failure - as a factor in current physiology. And you can often get into a depressive mood if a person's mental reality is overflowing with feelings of anxiety, fear, pain - that is, the perception of life goes through the frame of negative feelings, emotions, thinking. This is also called in psychiatry - as far as I remember - mood disorder.

It seems to me that a depressed mood is in the context of the current life situation- can be quite a resourceful and necessary - here and now - state. These can be states of fatigue - when depression - as in the literal translation, “lowering” the levels of energy expenditure and interest in the world - is necessary to recuperate. Or the experience of loss - in any area of ​​life - quite adequately triggers a depressive mood.

If almost any event is perceived by a person primarily with a tinge of negativity - and a depressed mood is its basic state - then this can already be classified as a mood disorder. Initiated - in my opinion - by disorders of perception.

Hello, friends! Finally, in our work we have come to the disclosure of the topic “negative thinking”. The topic is certainly important for life and development, but at the same time it is very voluminous. In this article, we will try to reveal the very essence and salt of the nature of negative thinking, which pretty much spoils the life of many millions of people.

In hundreds of books and thousands of articles on personal growth and psychology is written about the benefits of positive thinking and the harm of negative. You come to see a psychologist or a psychotherapist, and they tell you “you have negative thinking ...”, “you need to think positively, to form positive thinking in yourself…”. But practically nowhere is the depth and essence of these concepts revealed, or it would be more correct to say whole “esoteric phenomena”. And even more so, few places fully reveal exactly how to get rid of negative thinking and cultivate positive in oneself.

What do you need to know about the work of our thinking in general?

Our thinking is determined mainly by programs, attitudes and, which were once inscribed in it. And consciousness (head), intellect (conscious thinking) in many ways only uses those thoughts, desires, knowledge (experience) that the subconscious mind “drives” it. This explains the nature of the so-called. obsessive thoughts, depression, phobias, which only the mind () a person is not able to control.

B O Most of all a person's beliefs are contained precisely in the subconscious (the chakras of the spine), where all our habits, reactions, emotions, fears, etc. live. Everything that works out automatically, without the direct participation of our intellect and will.

Let's dig even deeper. Subconscious beliefs that determine our thinking are much older than we think. Most of the beliefs that govern a person's thinking were formed not even in this life, but in our distant and not very long past incarnations. It is these beliefs that explain the character that for some reason manifests itself in a person during the formation of his personality. After all, the character, qualities, preferences of a person are far from always fully determined by upbringing and surroundings in current life. More than 50% character and whole inner world is determined by the past of a person, the experience of his soul, which he brought with him into the current life.

As new parents often say, in relation to newborn babies "Just born and already with character ..."... The character of a child manifests itself in the very first days, weeks, months of a new life, and it can be seen in the eyes, in the mood, behavior, in the energy of the little man.

Naturally, the experience, each soul born in a new body brings a special, unique, and not always positive, but also negative. In short, the experience of the soul, the beliefs of a person are what a person believed in and how he lived in his past lives. And the more ancient the soul, the more of all different things (both good and bad) it brings with it from the past. The more various unexpected surprises such a person can conceal in himself. And these surprises during life can manifest themselves completely unexpectedly: both, as talents and abilities that suddenly unfold, and, as unexpectedly manifested phobias, fears, internal resentments, without external cause surging depressions, and many others. dr.

You have to do something about all this, right !? Actually, our site is dedicated to the study of all possible internal problems :)

Now let's go directly to the question of this article.

What is commonly called negative thinking?

How does negative thinking manifest in life? How to see it, identify that this is exactly negative thinking?

For a spiritual person it will be clear if you tell him what he has. This means that he does not believe in “good” and believes more in “bad”. When a person mentally says to himself “I will not succeed”, “I will not be happy”, “I will not be able to solve my problems”, etc.

The absence of faith in the “Good” in our Consciousness is the presence of faith in the “Bad”. And more often than not, this negative “belief” has no objective grounds, like most fears (“I'm afraid that's all ...”). All those around the person say that he will succeed, that he can, but he does not believe and that's it. You look at him, and he has longing and hopelessness in his eyes. Why it happens? Because working in him (in his subconsciousness) is strongly rammed negative thinking (negative beliefs) - disbelief, or “belief in bad things”.

Let's list how negative thinking manifests itself in a person:

  • total disbelief in oneself and one's strength (negative thinking directed at oneself)
  • inner conviction that no matter what you do, everything will be bad in the end
  • the confidence that for you happiness and success are unattainable by birth, that you are doomed to suffering and failure (negative thinking aimed at the fate of a person)
  • total distrust of people, life, everything that happens around: “they will still deceive, throw, beat, do badly,” “all the same, everything will be bad,” etc. (negative thinking working in relation to the world around and to people)
  • when something good happens - distrust of what happened and the search for a catch, the expectation that if good happened, then you need to wait for much more trouble, nasty and prepare for it with all your might :)
  • Obsession with the bad, seeing in oneself and others only shortcomings, only negative, not the ability to see, recognize, appreciate the “good” (victories, achievements, dignity) and, as a result, not the ability to rejoice at this.
  • the conviction that negative methods of influencing oneself and others, such as violence, deception, cunning, manipulation, appropriation of someone else's and others, are the norm, this is the only thing that works, the only thing that is real! Belief that Evil is used O a greater reality than that possessed by b O More power than good!
  • other manifestations

As I remember, as a child, when my brothers and sisters and I were having loud fun and laughing, my grandmother never tired of repeating - "Do not laugh, otherwise you will cry ..."... This is a direct manifestation of the so-called. negative thinking.

The essence of negative thinking

- this is when your belief in the power of Evil is stronger than your belief in the power of Good.

If you saw yourself in the above manifestations of negative thinking, then somewhere subconsciously, and maybe consciously, you believe in the power of evil more than in the power of Good. It means that beliefs live and work in you that evil, somewhere, for some reason is stronger than good and it will prevail. And this, in turn, means that your divine Soul in this matter, in this situation, is put in a deliberately weak and losing position. Once you have chosen to believe in evil, and not in good, this will oppress and destroy your Soul, which by its nature is light, that is, Good.

Once again, if a person has negative thinking, that is, he believes that failure, loss, suffering, loss will certainly await him, that everything will be bad, then he believes that Good cannot win, and Evil will definitely happen, and there is no getting away from him. That. a person gives preference to belief in the power of Evil, and not in the power of Good.

How will this affect his life? Everything is simple, wherever negative thinking (belief in the power of Evil) works for him - he will attract negativity into his life and destiny, strengthen it, and not get rid of and defend against it. Negative thinking makes a person vulnerable to Evil and any negative influences! After all, everyone knows the truth of Christ, "To each according to his Faith ..."

Is, in fact, an order to the Higher Forces, a request to the Universe to attract the Negative “I believe in bad things, I turn to the forces of Evil and ask for more suffering, troubles, negativity on my head and my destiny ...”... This is how it works! So be sincere with yourself and watch what you believe in, because it determines what you unconsciously ask of the universe, and you will certainly receive from it!

What is faith in the power of Good? This is the belief that Good will ultimately triumph, that even my biggest and most terrible problem can be solved, that success will be achieved, that happiness is achievable and achievable just for me. This is the belief that there are no insurmountable troubles and obstacles, that your Soul (yourself) can cope with any negative and overcome any shortcomings, that you have enough potential for this, and if not, then God and

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Poor mental hygiene refers to harmful thinking and acting that can negatively affect mental health. Therefore, it is important to try to cope with poor mental hygiene by adhering to good (useful behaviors that can make a positive contribution to the state of mind). This can be done in a variety of ways.


Change your thinking

    Avoid negative thoughts and action. If you catch yourself thinking and even planning to say something that you later regret, mentally tell yourself to calm down. If what you were about to say would be superfluous or unreasonable, catch a moment to understand what you really want to express. If you think too much, or if your head is full of negative thoughts, imagine something soothing and enjoyable.

    Accept your circumstances and who you are. Acceptance is a productive action that keeps your hands up. Tell yourself that you want to improve various aspects of your life. However, it is important to accept yourself as you are as you cultivate. You can practice self-acceptance as follows:

    Trust that you can change your mental habits. If you don’t believe that you can truly change your current and future results, chances are you will not even try. But if you believe: “Yes, I can change everything, including myself,” you will see opportunities for these changes and with hope and faith you will begin to implement them and not stop. This is called "self-fulfilling prophecy."

    • The belief that you can change your mental life is based on many different concepts and techniques, which are presented below and which can be applied on the path to progress.
  1. Understand and sorry . Don't touch grudges unless absolutely necessary. Research shows that the act of forgiveness is beneficial for a person's mental health and well-being. So the next time someone hurts you, do your best to accept the situation and forgive that person. Even if you are forced to fake a smile, smile. "Bite your tongue" if necessary.

    See a psychologist. Qualified mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychotherapists and licensed social workers are trained in techniques to improve the mental hygiene of their clients. These techniques can include eliminating negative thinking patterns and / or creating positive thinking patterns.

    • It is a misconception that a person needs to have a serious mental illness in order to benefit from counseling. If you want to improve your mental hygiene, give this option a try!

    Improve behavior

    1. Reduce your stress levels . Stress can greatly contribute to negative feelings and thoughts. To reduce stress levels, identify the factors that are causing it and work to reduce them by practicing yoga and / or exercising (among other things).

      Take a break from negative thinking. If you have negative thoughts, try to distract yourself from them. By doing so, you will change your outlook and weaken poor mental hygiene. To distract yourself, you can:

      • Rub your fingers together and focus on the sensations that arise. Pay close attention to the texture of your fingers and the temperature you feel as you rub them together.
      • Take deep breaths in and out. Namely, inhale for five seconds, hold your breath, and then exhale - also on the count of five.
    2. Help others . One way to get rid of poor mental hygiene is to replace it with better mental habits. Research shows that spending time or money on others can increase levels of happiness and well-being. These are two extremely important factors that are exactly the opposite of poor mental hygiene.

      • In other words, helping other people can help to get rid of poor mental hygiene.
      • There are many ways to help others. For example, you might be able to help a stranger in distress, work in a homeless shelter, or give a homeless person a hot meal or some money.
    3. Smile. One interesting way One thing that might help you deal with poor mental hygiene is forcing yourself to smile several times a day, even if you don't feel like it. Research has shown that expressive facial movements increase a positive attitude.

      • One way to force yourself to smile when you don't feel like it is to hold the pencil between your teeth with the eraser side touching one corner of your mouth and the writing side touching the other corner of your mouth.
    4. Express your anger in acceptable ways. It is important to release negative feelings out, otherwise they can spill out and contribute to poor mental hygiene. To release your anger in acceptable ways, you can:

    5. Chat with people who have good mental hygiene. We learn a lot from others. Take advantage of this and spend time with people whose mental hygiene you admire. Look at people who radiate positive, do not judge anyone and enjoy life.

      • However, recognize that a range of emotions, from low to high, are part of life. Nobody can be happy all the time. Sometimes sad or annoying events happen. A sign of good mental hygiene is how a person responds to their emotions.
    6. Try new things. Getting out of routine and doing new things on a regular basis is good for mental hygiene. It will also change your outlook and make you a broader-minded person. Try to try something new every week. For example:

      • go to another coffee shop instead of the usual one;
      • start a conversation with a stranger;
      • try a new activity;
      • try playing a new musical instrument;
      • try whatever inspires you.

The habit of negative thinking is the most damaging to health. Negative emotions and thoughts are not only anger, anger and hatred, but also fear, anxiety, worries, stress, despondency and other negative states. And although diseases do not appear immediately, sometimes even after years, you can only get rid of them.
The reader will say that, living on Earth in this difficult time, it is impossible not to experience negative emotions, there is too much negativity around - but we simply have no other way out!
Our emotional state and our health, environment, success or failure in life are all very interconnected. Our very life in this world depends precisely on the thoughts and emotions that come off the conveyor belt of our consciousness. And if all the people of the Earth knew this and applied it in their lives, one can imagine the world in which you and I would already live! But one person cannot change life on the whole planet, but he can change my life, replacing negative thinking with positive!
What are our thoughts and emotions, and how are they related to our health? Every thought and emotion radiated into space is (vibration) energy of a certain frequency and density. For example, we can take the thought and emotion of anger and anger, in this case a person develops and fills the structure of his subtle body with low and coarse energies that pollute, cause blockages and plugs in the channels, which results in illness.
In oriental medicine, such blockages are removed with the help of acupuncture. It is believed that acupuncture can cure about 5,000 diseases, which is close to the truth, since pollution of the structure of the subtle body of a person leads to a huge number of diseases.
You can independently determine the pollution of the structures of your subtle body by the following signs - pain, lower temperature of some parts of the body, muscle spasms, when you feel the channels with your hand, you can feel cold stripes under the skin - all this indicates that the channels are dirty. The pain we feel when pressing on the abdomen is also one of the signs of contamination of the abdominal energy distributor, cold hands are also a sign of contamination of the chest energy distributor. The disease itself is already a sign of contamination of the structure of the subtle body, and in almost all cases, recovery comes immediately from negative energies - but not earlier, sometimes you need to be patient for this. Only by fully realizing and understanding the harm of negative thinking to health, you can avoid many diseases and as a first step - you need to analyze what thoughts and emotions you experience during the day, remembering that this is energy that either gives health or pollutes the structure of the subtle body and leads to diseases.
Only with the help of self-discipline can you get rid of negative thinking, changing your attitude towards the world and negative situations, because your irritation, resentment or anger will not change anything anyway, and by changing the energies from negative to positive, you will not only keep your health, but you can also influence the situation itself. This knowledge has long been known in the East (especially in India, the keeper of ancient secret knowledge), but, unfortunately, only recently became available to the people of the West.
In contrast to negative states of consciousness, there are positive ones that give positive energies. The properties of these energies are high and subtle, and they never pollute the energy system, but cleanse it of negativity. The higher-frequency and subtle energy is always stronger than the lower-frequency one; when they interact, there is a slow cleansing of negative energies. As an example, we can cite a case when a person fell ill with cancer four times, but each time he healed himself with laughter therapy, watching comedies and cartoons. This example illustrates the health benefits of positive thinking. Man himself is, in fact, a Soul, clothed in a bodily shell. Soul and Spirit feed the body with energy, without which a person could not exist. The human soul is both an emitter and a receiver of energy, and it is always connected with God and the Universe. A person radiates his energies and receives from God a rain of the energy of Love every second, without it he could not live even a few days.
It is important to understand that it is our spiritual essence that feeds the structure of the subtle body, that is, the person himself, all organs and all cells, and the physical health of a person depends on this nutrition. Negative thinking not only leads to illness, but also alienates a person from God, from his Divine essence, and although going down is easier than climbing up, the only correct path is spiritual development his eternal essence- Soul and Spirit.
With an increase in the vibrations of the Soul to the level of Love, all diseases will remain in the past. At high states of consciousness, negative energy simply cannot appear, and, therefore, diseases will be bypassed. It is possible to rise to the level of vibration of Love only by striving for Love, for example, to another person or God. The very striving for Love is striving for God, and it does not go unnoticed. Prayer (from the word "Say" to God and not "beg" God) is one of the important and effective ways to increase the vibrations of the Soul. There are many examples of prayer healings, although such healings sometimes take months and sometimes years. The complexity of all energy exchanges is impossible to comprehend.
In ancient times they said: know yourself - and you will become like God. Know that you are not a servant of God, but a spiritual being, a child of God, and the meaning of your life is the development of consciousness, the evolution of the Soul. Understand that as such, there is only the eternal life of a person who comes into another incarnation on Earth with the sole purpose of developing consciousness and accumulating experience, which is our treasure and inalienable heritage for centuries. Waste your life's time pleasing only physical body unworthy for the children of God, who have been given the opportunity of eternal development and self-improvement, because even Jesus Christ said: you are Gods!

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