Diagnostics of lies and insincerity in business communication. Non-verbal signals outstanding insincerity and deception

When and why Lgut?

Each of us knows what is false and insincerity. Sometimes during communication some seventh feeling tells us that something is wrong. We do not understand what the matter is, and after a while, making sure that the information is unreliable, the unreliability of man, scolding themselves why they did not confes their intuition. After all, somehow we determined, even if inaccurately, insincerity interlocutor. IN business communication further - A fairly common phenomenon. In this area, however nowhere for a person is particularly relevant to achieving a profitable result favorable for him outcome, so sometimes it is forced to resort to one form or another deception.

For kadrovika, specialist by personnel It is imperative to be able recognize insincerity and false In words, behavior and potential employee at the interview, and a long-standing employee of the company trying to come up with an explanation of his late, etc.

How to determine and find out how the applicant lies to you (employee, colleague) or not?

S.I. Ohzhegov defines a lie and deception in the dictionary of the Russian language, as follows: "Lies - the intentional distortion of truth, not true"; "Cheating is a false idea of \u200b\u200banything, delusion."

Why don't people resort to the insignificant behavior initially? Understanding the true causes of lies, you can interact more successfully with your subordinates.

The causes of the lies themselves are very diverse and require an in-depth study, both on your part, directly from the "liar" and from social psychologists. Information, knowingly distorted, you yourself can detect in any field of activity, in business, politics, where situations are often created that indirectly requiring deception.

Especially bright lie appears in the collision of opposing interests, in the course of competition, rivalry, when the result, in particular, is achieved with the help of tricks, dishonest moves, misleading the opponent, distortion of the enemy's image.

There are undoubtedly situations when a lie is justified. For example, during the crisis (political, economic, etc.), when truthful information may lead to negative consequences. The justified can be called a harmless, minor lie, not affecting damage. The lies caused by the obligations to preserve any information in secret also often finds justification in society.

In a conflict situation, a person stands for a choice: preservation (even albeit only) the image of an honest and fair person or the benefit of both material and intangible (prestige, position, etc.) from victory in a conflict situation. Often the choice is made in favor of the latter.

Psychologists found out that there are people who are initially predisposed to lies. They lie about and without reason, exaggerate, they are understood or embellished the facts, often themselves in harm. Among the "professional" lies there are no such people, because "Professional" lies implies a thin, sophisticated mind, developed logical thinking, trick, the ability to get along with people, find contact with them, tune in to the desired wave.

There is such a personal characteristic as "McAevelism". Western psychologists call it a tendency of man to manipulate other people in interpersonal relationships. A person hides the true intentions, with the help of distracting maneuvers, it seeks the partner, without realizing himself, changed its primary goals. "Mciavelism is usually defined as a person's tendency to manipulate other thin, barely catchy or non-physically aggressive ways, such as flattery, deception, bribing or intimidation," Western psychologists write. Moreover, it is noticed that people who have this feature are strongly expressed, can behave like skillful liars, but they themselves recognize the lie very bad.

Often, certain professional activities involves lies. For example, under the observance of the rules of the etiquette, a person faces an alternative: to tell the truth and cause negative consequences, relationship or tolerant without consequences and avoid such reactions.

How to detect this distortion of truth? To draw conclusions about the thoughts and intentions of a person on his facial expressions have long been inherent in people. Especially distinguished eyes. Pushkin in his story "Captain's daughter" described Emelyan Pugacheva: "Live big eyes running. His face had a rather pleasant expression, but Plutovskoye, "and also:" Pugachev looked at me intently, occasionally squinting the left eye with an amazing expression of ruting and mockery. " A running look, a pretty eye writer considered a sign of insincerity and intention to deceive.

Of course, it is impossible to make such conclusions on some one sign. It has been established that lies recognition is possible at the following levels: psycho-physiological, verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (mimic, pose, gestures). At the psycho-physiological level, information comes in the form of external manifestations of the functioning of internal organs, which is practically impossible to man. At the verbal level - checking the logical consistency of information and compliance with the non-verbal components of interaction.

Is it possible to fake a body language and other components of behavior that can give false?

Specialists in non-verbal communications are said that no, and if it is possible, this leads to inconsistencies between verbal manifestations and non-verbal, which is immediately striking and testifies to insincerity. For example, it is believed that the palms opened - a sign that the interlocutor tells the truth. But if the deceiver smiles and deliberately uses this gesture, and at the same time says it is not true, it will be given other manifestations, testifying to his insincerity. Such microdvatsis, microsignals manifest themselves on the shares of seconds and are often not visible, but, as a rule, people with developed intuition and, of course, specialists engaged in non-verbal communications are noticeable. Such microg signals include the curvature of the facial muscles, often asymmetric, expansion or narrowing of pupils, ragged blink, blush and many others. In particular, in such situations you feel that something is wrong, but you can not understand what it is.

Psychophysiological symptoms of Lie.

So, psychophysiological symptoms of lies. It can be said that a lie is not a characteristic manifestation of a person's actions. Therefore, in a situation of deceiving the body, as it were, "expresses" their resistance to this, reacts to stress and therefore behaves differently. These physiological manifestations are difficult to control the ordinary person, unless of course it has perfect regulation abilities, which may not be. First of all, it is:

  • shiver in a voice, the body, which the interlocutor cannot stop;
  • student blinking;
  • a man strains his lips, bites them, "chews";
  • over the upper lip, sweat droplets appear on the forehead;
  • frequent or strong smoothing saliva;
  • desire to drink (due to dry mouth);
  • passing (on nervous soil), possibly periodic stuttering;
  • the voice acquires another tone, not characteristic of the interlocutor, the rhythm varies, timbre;
  • comfortable troubled breathing, may not be enough air, yawning;
  • changing the color of the face, pallor or redness, the skin can be covered by stains;
  • rapid heartbeat, blood pulsation in temples, carotid artery;
  • twitching small muscles of the face (eyelid, eyebrow, etc.).

Gesticulation and Mimica with insincerity

Most people, as we have already noted, lie harder than telling the truth. This explains the characteristic of the usual behavior of a person who is lying. He often changes his posture, cannot stop in one place. Its gesturing becomes more active, he can make many unnecessary movements with his hands, so according to external manifestations, it is possible to detect human excitement without much difficulty. Man talking to a lie, often:

  • rubs his hands, pulls his fingers, caperately scratches the neck, head, face;
  • takes the edges of the clothes, buttons, cuffs, turns the handle in their hands, keys, plays with objects, it makes no sense of packs of packets, books located near the table, etc., imitating the guidance of order;
  • intensively smokes, more often than it is usually delayed, coughs, touches the throat;
  • nervously bites her lips, nails, tread hair;
  • can not hold back trembling in the knees;
  • unconsciously hides, hides his hands, closes his palms;
  • he spends hard on her neck, intensely her tert, as if she was crushed, straightens collar, jacket, laces;
  • unconsciously hands keeps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin (the unconscious attempt to protect);
  • often touches the uh's urnes, rubs them, scratches his nose;
  • when talking, brings his hand to the mouth, as if covering it, or holds his hand around the throat;
  • women can start thoroughly wrap up, tint lips, puddling, trying to distract and distract the interlocutor from conversation;
  • avoids looking into the eyes of the interlocutor (only in inexperienced) or, on the contrary, constantly looking straight in the eye, trying to seem frank, when approaching the partner, it turns away for any reason in fact in order to not create direct immediate contact with the eyes;
  • lowers eyes, looks down, intensely, tensely tert them;
  • it tries as if to hide his body, "sticks" the whole chair when sitting, clouded on the table, unnaturally leans to the closet, as if he tries to find a support, etc.;
  • involuntarily tries to hold on for some subject (table, chair, diplomat), unconsciously trying to create some kind of defense;
  • torchis takes a tilt back ("care");
  • more often than usual, smiles, the smile is asymmetric, unnatural, stretched, not accompanied by the tension of the muscles around the eyes.

It is very important to follow the appearance of such actions. Similar behavior can manifest themselves when discussing some particular conversation topics, if this is not a straight planned deception. Track out when your interlocutor begins to behave in this way, shifts anxiety, excessive tension. What phrase or in response to what your statement or question he begins to be nervous, cover his mouth with his hand or to remove his eyes.

Verbal signals outstanding lies

Fixing only some non-verbal signals and psycho-physiological manifestations are not enough to determine how sincerely your interlocutor is. In addition to direct observation of human behavior, it is undoubtedly important what you are attentive to his statements. Here we mean not only the semantic content of a message, but the nature of the direction of the information you receive. So, if during communication your interlocutor abuses the following expressions, you should be cautious in your conclusions and be quite attentive.

1. If your partner evades explanation of some specific facts, refers to the lack of information , provided that these topics and questions do not belong to those that cause him an unpleasant feeling and memories.

  • I do not want to talk about it...
  • Something I can not remember ...
  • I do not see the point in this discussion ...
  • I do not even know how to answer you this question ...
  • Do not ask me such stupid questions ...
  • I did not suspect that you think about me exactly ...

2. Partner extremely persistently and stubbornly He emphasizes its honesty, repeats this in the absence of visible reasons, insists on your confirmation that you believe him.

  • I swear to the health of your children, parents ...
  • Yes, let I fall at this place if the SUTOR ...
  • You must, you just have to believe me ...
  • It is also true as ...
  • I swear God, I tell the truth, believe me, you can't not believe ...
  • You can't doubt that I tell the truth, I know you, you are always for justice ...

No wonder the eastern wise people said: "You said once - I believed, you repeated, and I doubted, you said the third time, and I realized that you were lying."

3. Your interlocutor is trying to call you sympathy, trust, pity , referring to the facts that did not have any difference, it tries to arrange to themselves, although the relationship has never intended special intimacy.

  • You know, I am a honest man ...
  • You know me, like no other, I am not able to deceive ...
  • Well, who is who, but I ...
  • I have the same problems as you, but ...
  • Who is who, and you will understand me, I'm sure ...

4. The interlocutor is manifested unreasonable rudeness, straightness, emphasizes the impossibility of questioning his words, is hostile to without visible reasons which could cause aggression or discontent.

  • Yes, I don't have to answer anything at all!
  • You know what!
  • Yes, how could you think about how you are not ashamed!?
  • I do not want to even talk to you after that!
  • I am furious what you say, I am outraged to the depths of the soul!
  • What would you come to me with me, yes I will not allow this ..!
  • Do you think you are so smart, you can all!?

5. Partner uses evasive replies that do not carry any specific information not explaining anything and not answering your question :

  • You see, everything as I said ...
  • I knew it...
  • Do you respect me?
  • Yes, you are a serious person ...
  • I'm not at all sure ...

As a rule, a sincere person will defend its truthfulness in manifestation of your doubt in it, so the ambiguity, the evasiveness is unusual for a person in this situation. If your interlocutor lies, then every time it is more difficult for him and harder will hide his lies and control his spontaneous behavior, so he:

  • makes more gestures issuing its nervousness, uncertainty, tension (see above);
  • distracts you with unnecessary issues, details that are not directly related to the case, "grinds you" with false information, sometimes it starts to quickly vote and clarify your lies;
  • when repetitions can be confused, give inconsistent information;
  • responds after a long pause;
  • often unprepaid exhibits aggression, discontent;
  • it may complain about bad well-being (it's you brought him suspicion!).

Factors impecifying lies

In communication, in particular, when it comes to negotiations, the interlocutors have an idea that they have to say how to be responsible for possible questions on your part. The ratio is difficult to organized lies with the truth is designed in advance. Therefore, the more carefully the partner prepared for a meeting with you (and if he just had the opportunity for this), the higher the probability that if there is a lie, you will not be able to recognize it.

The more you are located to the partner, the more you trust him, the easier, respectively, he will mislead you. So try not to mix business relationships and personal. On this issue, you will not hurt to refer to the "KP" N 11, 2002. But you should not fall in extremes, suspecting everyone and everything in the intention to deceive you. It will already be treated with clinical deviations that you hope you are not threatened.

Further. Pay attention to what information is in question, i.e. Who exactly is responsible for her. If the responsibility for false facts bears another person, for example, a higher position, then the speaker will feel more confident because This reduces his sense of guilt.

If the task is worth not to distort the information before the interlocutor, and just hide, then you will be harder to detect it. Therefore, with the slightest suspicions of inaccessibility or other details, try to be vigilant. Keep track of the behavior of a partner, his reaction to one or another topic discussed, mark what your interlocutor avoids, ask leading questions.

And one more factor that makes it difficult to detect lies - this is the impossibility of seeing a person when talking to him. Remember that a telephone conversation is a far from the best negotiation option, even if the identification of the question is urgent. Of course, the choice depends on what the negotiations will be conducted at how significant and serious questions will rise. However, do not forget that it is better to postpone an important question for a while, than to discuss it immediately, it may be losing a part of the information you need. No wonder the English proverb says: "Believe only half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear."

Factors facilitating diagnostics of lies

Naturally, there are such situations when with all the desire your interlocutor will hardly be able to hide his lie. For example, if a person is known in the team, as a fighter for justice, as a decent person who is not able to lie, "a priori" to do it difficult to do it.

If your interlocutor needs to hide the true feelings that appeared at the moment of the conversation, and not the information, it will be harder for it. Not only will he have to manage his emotional state that he does not get brilliantly, he will need to still hide him under the mask of another emotional reaction. Such a discrepancy with your desire to detect quite easily.

A strong influence has the importance of lies for linging. The greater the significance of the lie for the partner, the more the person wants to lie, the more his behavior will be worried, the more he will control himself, and even more apparently there will be mismatches between verbal, non-verbal signs, for example, in words and actions, gestures and facial expressions, Face and intonation.

How to prepare for deception?

If you suspect your interlocutor is lying to you, do the following:

  • look at him in the emphasis, with an expression of doubt in the veracity of the information that he brings to you;
  • ask him direct questions, looking into the eyes, and observe his reaction;
  • try with bright, but easy irony respond to some of its statements;
  • as soon as possible, manifest your emotional state, actively use facial expressions, gesturing to cause a partner a response;
  • turn your palms down;
  • do so that your interlocutor felt uncomfortable, in particular, put it back to the open space;
  • try it a couple of times to kill him with an unexpected question, thereby not giving him to express his false statement to the end and putting it by surprise, asking him to immediately answer the question of a given question;
  • come to the partner, disturbing his personal space, going beyond his intimate zone.

These actions can be confused by the interlocutor speaking a lie, bring it out of equilibrium of thoughts and actions. This is necessary in order for uncertainty, tensions, nervousness, inability to quickly collect his thoughts and quickly answer questions to create favorable conditions for a liar.

For most people, a lie is much more difficult to say than to tell the truth. Therefore, the inner conflict of the liar is reflected in his external behavior, which he struggles to control, in psycho-physiological manifestations, which treacherously tell us that a person is extremely excited and tense - in words and statements of the liar, which are so often inconsistent, bivens and sometimes inadequate. Be careful, but it is not necessary to become a maniac, counting the number of blinks and droplets of sweat on the forehead. Perhaps a person is worried completely differently, and now nothing remains to do, how to just give it to calm down and come to himself. In the end, your employees and subordinates are people who are not only mistaken.

Does the trick characteristic of you?

If you want to check whether the trick is characteristic of you, the ability to coordinate in the right situation at the right moment, to show acting abilities, try to reply "yes" or "no" for the following test questions (I hope that your possible properties of Machiavelist and the desire to succeed everywhere They will prevent the time to become absolutely sincere in front of themselves).

Accounting for the answer

When you want to say something unpleasant, do you think about the fact that this can offend the interlocutor?
When are you late to work, do you try to go to the workplace unnoticed?
Do you ask your colleagues, make working comrades for you what you do not want or are afraid to do?
Do you think that in any games it is better to honestly lose anything dishonestly win?
When are you trying (or tried) to swear over someone, someone play someone, is your partners, colleagues understood, whose hands are the case?
Can you tell a partner knowingly in order to provoke him to frankness and concessions?
Did you know in school to write off the neighbor on the desk the test work so that he or the teacher did not notice anything?
Do you always find a way to get what you really want?
Can you smear so much so that no one notice this?

Fold the amount of points.

More than 6 points - you are an exceptional hitch, there is nothing that you could have achieved. But it has one minus - cunning often leads to insincerity in communicating with people. Probably worth being more open, at least in certain situations of business communication.

From 3 to 6 points - you are well versed in the accuracy of information, you can catch the insincerity of the partner and prefer to tell the truth. For business communication, this is a positive characteristic and effective behavior strategy.

Less than 3 points - you, unfortunately, are very naive, you are easy to mislead. Try to justify your credibility to the partner.

Do not lose. Subscribe and get a link to the article on your mail.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. The world is based on lies. Recognize that in the modern society, the boundaries of the moral dilemma "Lies-Traulda" are very blurred - does not mean to be a cynic. This means being a realistic, despite the entire cynicality of such judgment. Everyone is lying: mass media in pursuit of ratings, politicians to increase the number of followers, advertising to increase sales, and that the sin is to hide, we are lying. From time to time, the goal is to receive any preferences, and sometimes it happens involuntarily.

The reverse side of the medal is that no one wants to be deceived. We do not want to get caught on the tricks of fraudsters, buy a low-quality product, conclude a deal with a dishonest person. Many methods used by the police and judicial psychologists for lies recognize can come in handy and people of other professions, such as HR managers or employers, and everyone who does not want to be deceived.

Introduction to Lie Recognition

At one time, the topic of detection of liah became quite discussed due to the popularity of the Lie To Me series created by S. Baum (in Russian Translation of Lie Theory. The characters of the series Masterously investigate crimes based on the behavior of the suspects. The main character is a prototype of a real person, Professor The psychology of the California University of Paul Ekman, who is known for its works in the field of deception with the help of microvalations, voting changes, on vegetative features (blush, sweat, rapid breathing), lie detector.

At the same time, many experts note that the series is largely idealized and hyperbolized. Psychologists studying deception, argue that there is no reliable way to move in lies, since the lies are not a separate psychological process with its unique behavioral indicators. This aspect plays an important role, because it is difficult to determine when a person is lying, and when he speaks the truth, but is nervous due to pressure and greater psychological tension. Recognize the face is very hard, it should be due to the resorting methods described below. Remember:

1. No technique gives a 100% guarantee of the detection of the fact that a person is lying.

2. Do not directly blame others in lies. Make conclusions for yourself. The accusation is based on the facts, and not on guesses. Excessive suspicion (if it is, of course, not professional skill) is fraught with difficulties in the communication process.

3. Non-verbal signals are confirmation of lies not always. In some cultures, the close look at the interlocutor is considered a bad tone and can spoil relations.

4. Many physiological elements on which they advise to determine the wrongness, for example, an increased sweating or dry throat may be present in humans due to individual characteristics.

Lie recognition for facial and eyes

Microwave.A person who lies is subconsciously manifest disaster emotion. Externally, this is expressed in an involuntary raising of eyebrows, as a result of which folds are formed on the forehead. Assimetary will judge the inappropriateness - a different manifestation of emotions on the right and left parts of the face. Such inconsistency is a promising that the emotion is fictional, and not experienced.

Nose and mouth.According to researchers, liar is much more likely to touch the nose than a person who tells the truth. This is probably due to the fact that the tide of adrenaline in the nose capillaries causes itching. Pointing to a lie maybe the desire of a person to cover her mouth with a hand or tortured lips.

Eye movement.A person blinks more often when lying. Eyelids remain longer closed than usual, during lies. Men often have a desire to rub his eyes while taking the truth. In the direction of the view it is easy to determine the person invents the person's information or not. So, the view of the ruling man aimed up to the left testifies to the imagination, and up to the right - about the memories. Although the postulate that a person takes a glance during a conversation aside or down, recently is actively criticized as a tool for determining the truth, the technique is satisfied with an interesting.

Language of the body

Potting.It was said above that this feature is not always true, but statistics inexorably claims: a person who is lying, sweats more than truthful.

Tips head.As a rule, we climb involuntarily to confirm your words or agree with what has been said. In the case when a person is lying, there is a delay between words and nod head.

Fussiness.On the thief and the hat burns. General fussiness, nervousness, the inability to stream in place, the unnatural pose will be a good help in determining the truthfulness of human words.

Movement.A man who tells the truth, leans towards the interlocutor, the liar is distinguished on the contrary. During communication, many unknowable use mirroring -repeat gestures of Visazawi. When a man lies, this subconscious reaction is oppressed. The restless position of the hands (unwitting hair, tie amendment, the desire to squeeze something) also give liar.

Smoothing saliva and breathing.The frequency respiration may be evidence that the person rose on thin ice. It begins to breathe faster to pump up the brain with oxygen, which is necessary for the orientation in a critical situation. The excess formation of saliva is associated with the separation of adrenaline, so the frequent smoothing can give the liar.

Analysis of verbal answers

Excessive talk.The reason to doubt the sincerity of a person can serve as his answers on, it would seem simple questions requiring a direct and short response. Instead, the liar begins to specify the unnecessary details and is often looking for support to your consent with his words.

Emotional reaction.Watch out for the behavior of the interlocutor during the entire conversation. A truthful person who has nothing to hide, reacts not as a liar, the reaction of which varies spectrally from the premature-negligent to aggressive-indignant.

Check.In the films, we are quite often visible, as experienced investigators with their questions, liars in inconsistencies. Indeed, for reconciliation of truth, you can remember the answers to some questions in time to ask the same questions and compare words. Little people are often confused, tear phrases in the middle, are launched from uncomfortable questions. At the same time, frequent use of the same "learned" mechanical responses is likely to indicate infancy of data.

Do not give in to tricks.Often, when a person wants to hide true motives, he resorts to the set of long-invented tricks. Frequent compliments, sharp transitions from the topic on the topic after uncomfortable questions, distraction for insignificant parts can be an additional reason to doubt in human sincereness.

2 literature 1. M.Yu. Konovalenko. Cheating in business communication. -Rostov-on-Don, Bodaliev A.A. Psychology of communication. - M. - Weinrich I.V. Linguistics lies // Language and modeling. - M. - Dostoevsky F.M. Something about lies. // Diary of the Writer. - m. - Duprat J. Lie. \\ Per. With Fr. - Saratov signs V.V. Not true, lies and deception as problems of psychology of understanding // Questions of psychology. - - 2.

G. B. Vershinina3 The phenomenon of non-exclusive business communication The effectiveness of solving business communication problems is determined by the degree of reliability of the information provided: only on the basis of reliable information can be adequately assessing the situation and, accordingly, take conscious decisions.

G. B. Vershinin6 1.Phenomenon of insincere business communication The message is obviously unreliable information, regardless of the degree of perseverance, can be found in any area of \u200b\u200bactivity: business, economics, politics, that is, where the situation often occurs in which the location often arises Information can be achieved a certain advantage.

G. B. Vershinin7 1.Fhence of insincere business communication That is why the entity or group is trying to use these mechanisms for personal purposes. The reasons for lies in business communication are particularly often uni-innovative information: A A AE) during rivalry, bb b) unfair competition, in BB c) collisions of opposite interests.

G. B. Vershinina11 Features of solving social and perceptual tasks in conditions of insincere communication The solution of socio-perceptual tasks includes perception, understanding and evaluation of colleagues, allows you to form an adequate image of the interlocutor and choose the appropriate style of communication and interaction.

G. B. Vershinin12 Features of the solution of social and perceptual problems in the conditions of insincere communication during the social perception of the interlocutor are carried out: Ueuemological assessment of another; Upper to understand the reasons for his actions; Upuproming his behavior.

G. B. Vershinina13 Features of solving social and perceptual tasks in conditions of insincere communication The knowledge of the interlocutor implies the perception of not only its physical, but also behavioral characteristics, the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bits intentions, thoughts, abilities, feelings, installations (life principles), etc.

G. B. Vershinin17 Mechanisms of the perception process Feedback - responses of the interlocutor. The causal attribution is a causal explanation of the actions of the interlocutor, when there is no information about the reasons. It is most often unconscious, or based on identification, or by assigning a partner to a certain stereotypical category of persons.

G. B. Vershinin18 The mechanisms of the perception process It sometimes distorts the true characteristics of the interlocutor, since the communicants usually seek to make a positive impression on each other and for this unintentionally or consciously behave better than usual. Therefore, so as not to be mistaken in the assessment of the interlocutor you need to know some ways to distort the idea of \u200b\u200banother person. It:

G. B. Vershinin20 First of all, a person draws attention to the physical appearance of the interlocutor, then on the design of appearance (style of clothing, hairstyle, etc.); Then - on the expression of a person (experienced or broadcast emotional states), behavior, alleged personal qualities.

G. B. Vertinina21 The effect of the first impression The first impression is formed in the first 2-3 minutes and then subconsciously affects the person, as it has some stability. Factors affecting the first impression: Superior factor (when the interlocutor, something superior colleague according to an important parameter, is estimated above and for the rest of the meaningful parameters)

G. B. Vershinina22 Mechanisms of the perception process Factor of attractiveness (there is a pattern that externally attractive people and for other parameters are estimated much higher) TFTFactor to the observer (people who treat us well or share some important ideas for us, we evaluate Positive and for other indicators)

G. B. Vershinina26 The effects of the first impression The effect of the halo is the tendency to transfer the pre-received favorable or unfavorable information about the person to its real perception. Depending on this, or positive, or negative estimates of unknown qualities of the interlocutor prevail.

G. B. Vershinina 30 Types of stereotypes Anthropological (associated with external human appearance) Emotional-aesthetic (related to the emotional and aesthetic design of appearance, physical appearance of man, peculiarities of behavior and communication) Social (related to social status, the subject of the subject)

G. B. Vershinina33 In the process of business communication, the appearance and behavior of the interlocutor, the psychological characteristics of the observed, as a result of which the observing folded its own attitude to the interlocutor and, depending on this, are being built further relationships.

G. B. Vershinina34 Considering that in the face of insincere business communication, understanding is difficult to develop an interlocutor in misleading partner, it becomes important to take into account the entire complex of those partner features that manage to observe and evaluate.

G. B. Vershinina36 Signs of insincerity To understand the falsity of information, it is necessary to analyze: external manifestation of insincerity (pantomime, speech tonality and its components); setting the interlocutor (its readiness for one or another actions, predisposition to certain behavior); Speech of the interlocutor (assessment of reliability on the basis of their own knowledge).

G. B. Vershinina37 Forms of distortion of information of not true (statement based on delusion or incomplete knowledge) Lies (Conscious distortion of a well-known interlocutor of Truth) Cheating (semi-trial, which provokes a person who understands its erroneous conclusions from reliable facts)

G. B. Vershinina39 Manipulation with information Selection (electoral approach to information; a message of only information that is beneficial to addressee) reproach (a method for submitting information, in which attention is attracted to some particular fact or property of the subject, the phenomenon that is most beneficial for source of information)

G. B. Vershinina 40 Manipulation with the information of the "Frame effect" (version of the reproach, in which the corresponding design is created around the present fact), the presenting phenomenon at a certain angle) turning (the substitution of goals, when its goal is issued for the purpose of another person)

G. B. Vershinina41 Manipulation with information distortion (allocation of some sides and dismantling of others, exaggeration or understatement of anything, nomination to its position the strongest arguments, and in favor of the position of the opponent - the weakest; hiding part of information)

G. B. Vershinina43 Pushing (the interlocutor hesitates between several strategies of behavior; partner with certain actions or words pushes it in the right direction; the victim is deceiving itself) Provocation (the interlocutor is forced to disadvantage, presenting it as a profitable or harmless business)

G. B. Vershinina51 Verbal methods of distortion of information Disabled behavior contains enormous information about a person who has a high degree of reliability, as it is consciously controlled it is extremely difficult, and sometimes it is impossible (for example, under stress).

G. B. Vershinin55 2. Classification Yu.V. Scherbaty Number of Self-Wengm Communication Objects (Illusions, Psychological Protection Situations) Group Deception (one person deceives many) Mass (one group misleading another group) Mutual deception

O. Eller.,psychologist

When and why Lgut?

Each of us knows what is false and insincerity. Posing the course of communication Some seventh feeling tells us that something is wrong. We do not understand what's the matter, and after a while, making sure that the discrepancy between the information, the unreliability of a person, swears themselves, why not trusting the intuition. After all, somehow we determined, even if inaccurately, insincerityinterlocutor. IN business communication further - Pretty widening. In this area, as nowhere for a person, a particularly relevant achievable result, which is favorable for him, is therefore sometimes it is former to resort to one form or another deception.

For kadrovika, specialist by personnel Extremely important recognize insincerity and false In words, behavior of a potential employee at the interview, and a long-standing employee of the company trying to come up with an explanation of his late, etc.

How to determine and find out how the applicant lies to you (employee, colleague) or not?

S.I. Ohzhegov defines a lie and deception in the dictionary of the Russian language, as follows: "Lies - the intentional distortion of truth, not true"; "Cheating - false understandable, delusion."

Why do people still resort to unusual behavior initially? Using the true causes of lies, you can interact more successfully with your own.

The reasons for lies themselves are very diverse and require an in-depth study, both of course, directly from the "liar" and on the part of social cells. Information, knowingly distorted, you yourself can detect in the hp activity, in business, policies where situations are often created, which requires the presence of deception.

Especially brightly, the lie is manifested in the collision of opposing interests, in the course of competition, rivalry, when the result, in particular, is achieved by the help of tricks, dishonest moves, misleading the opponent, the opponent's distortion.

There are undoubtedly situations when a lie is justified. For example, during the crisis (political, economic, etc.), when truthful information can lead to negative consequences. The justified can be called a harmless, minor lie, not affecting damage. The lies caused by obligations to preserve any information in secret also, often finds justifying society.

In a conflict situation, a person stands for a choice: the preservation (even lies in front of him) the image of an honest and fair person or the benefit of asteriary and intangible (prestige, position, etc.) from victory in conflict). Often the choice is made in favor of the latter.

Psychologists found out that there are people who are initially predisposed to Lie.Inims are lying about and without reason, exaggerate, understood or embellish themselves, often themselves in harm. Among the "professional" lies of such people, because "Professional" lie assumes a subtle, sophisticated mind, a durable thinking, trick, the ability to get along with people, find contact with them, tune in to the desired wave.

There is such a personal characteristic as "McAevelism". Western psychologists are a tendency to manipulate other people in interpersonalities. A person hides the true intentions, with the help of distracting maneuver, so that the partner does not realize himself, changed his primary ace. "McAevelism is usually defined as a person's tendency to manipulateholder thin, barely catchy or non-drug aggressive ways, Taksikakak to flattery, deception, bribing or intimidation," Western psychologists write. Just that people who have this feature are strongly expressed, can behave like skillful liars, but they themselves recognize the lie very bad.

Often, certain professional activities involves the presence of a lie. For example, under the observance of the rules of etiquette, a person faces an alternative: to tell the truth and cause negative consequences, relationship or tolerant without consequences to avoid such reactions.

How to detect this distortion of truth? To draw conclusions about the thoughts and intention of his facial expressions have long been inherent in people. Especially distinguished eyes. Pushkinva of his story "Captain's daughter" described Yemelyan Pugacheva: "Live Bolsheglase has been running. His face had an expression rather pleasant, but Plutovskoye, "and also:" Pugachev looked at me intently, occasionally squinting the left eye with an amazing expression of ruting and mockery. " A running look, the pretty head of the writer considered a sign of insincerity and intention to deceive.

Of course, it is impossible to make such conclusions on some one sign. It has been established that lies recognition is possible at the following levels: psycho-physiological, verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (mimic, pose, gestures). At the psycho-physiological levelinformation, it comes in the form of external manifestations of the functioning of internal organs, which person is practically impossible to person. At the verbal level, checking the logical consistency of information and compliance with non-verbal components of interaction.

Is it possible to fake body language and other components of behavior that may find?

Specialists in non-verbal communications say that there is no, and if it leads to inconsistencies between verbal manifestations of non-verbal, which is immediately striking and testifies to insincerity. For example, it is believed that the palms opened - a sign that the interlocutor says. But if the deceiver smiles and deliberately uses this gesture, and at the same time he says untrue, it will be given other manifestations, testifying his insincerity. Such microdvatsis, microg signals appear on the shares of seconds are often not visible, but, as a rule, people with developed intuition and, of course, specialists engaged in non-verbal communications are noticeable. The curvature of the facial muscles, often asymmetrical, expansion or scent, ragged, blush and many others are often asymmetrical. In particular, in suchtime, you feel that something is wrong, but you can not understand what it is.

Psychophysiological symptoms of Lie.

So, psychophysiological symptoms of lies. It can be said that a lie is not characteristic of human action. Therefore, in a situation of deception, the body seems to "express their resistance to this, reacts to stress and therefore behaves differently. These physiological manifestations are difficult to control the ordinary person, unless of course he has the perfect regulation abilities, which maybe not everyone. First of all, it is:

  • shiver in a voice, the body, which the interlocutor cannot stop;
  • student blinking;
  • a man strains his lips, bites them, "chews";
  • over the upper lip, sweat droplets appear on the forehead;
  • frequent or strong smoothing saliva;
  • desire to drink (due to dry mouth);
  • passing (on nervous soil), possibly periodic stuttering;
  • the voice acquires another tone, not characteristic of the interlocutor, the rhythm varies, timbre;
  • comfortable troubled breathing, may not be enough air, yawning;
  • changing the color of the face, pallor or redness, the skin can be covered with a shovel;
  • rapid heartbeat, blood pulsation in temples, carotid artery;
  • twitching small muscles of the face (eyelid, eyebrow, etc.).

Signs and mimicapri insincerity

Most people, as we have already noted, lie harder than to tell the truth. This is explained by the different personally different from the usual behavior, who is lying. It often changes his posture, cannot stop in one place. Its gesturing is more active, it can make many unnecessary movements with his hands, so according to external manifestations it is possible to detect an excitement of a person. Self-saying, who says untrue, often:

  • rubs his hands, pulls his fingers, caperately scratches the neck, head, face;
  • takes the edges of the clothes, buttons, cuffs, turns the handle in their hands, the keys, plays objects, it makes no sense of packs of packets, books located near the table, etc., imitating the guidance of order;
  • intensively smokes, more often than it is usually delayed, coughs, touches the throat;
  • nervously bites her lips, nails, tread hair;
  • can not hold back trembling in the knees;
  • unconsciously hides, hides his hands, closes his palms;
  • he spends hard on her neck, intensely her tert, as if she was crushed, straightens collar, jacket, laces;
  • unconsciously hands keeps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin (the unconscious attempt to protect);
  • often touches the uh's urnes, rubs them, scratches his nose;
  • when talking, he picks up a hand to his mouth, as if covering it, or holds a rucocolo throat;
  • women can start thoroughly wrap up, tint lips, puddling, trying to distract and distract the interlocutor from conversation;
  • avoidsing to look into the eyes of the interlocutor (only in inexperienced) or, on the contrary, constantly looking straight into the eyes, trying to seem frank, when approaching the partner turns away for any reason in order not to create direct immediate contact with the eyes;
  • lowers eyes, looks down, intensely, tensely tert them;
  • it tries as if to hide his body, "sticks" the whole chair when sitting, clouded on the table, unnaturally leans to the closet, it will be wondering to find a support, etc.;
  • involuntarily tries to hold on for some subject (table, chair, diplomat), unconsciously trying to create some kind of defense;
  • torchis takes a tilt back ("care");
  • more often than usual, smiles, the smile is asymmetric, unnatural, stretched, not accompanied by the tension of the muscles around the eyes.

It is very important to follow the appearance of such actions. Similar behavior can be used when discussing some particular topics of the conversation, if it is an indirect planned deception. Track out when your interlocutor starts to start yourself in this way, shifts anxiety, excessive tension. Order by the phrase or in response to what your statement or question he begins to be nervous, cover your mouth with a hand or to remove his eyes.

Verbal signals outstanding lies

Fix only alone non-verbal signals and psycho-physiological manifestations in order to determine how sincerely your interlocutor is a direct observation of human behavior, undoubtedly, have the extent that you are attentive to his statements. Here we mean not only the semantic content of a particular message, but the nature, the direction of the information you receive. So, if in the course of communication, your interlocitizes the following expressions, you should be cautious in your own ways and be quite attentive.

1. If your partner evades explanation of some specific facts, refers to the lack of information , provided that these topics and questions refer to those that cause him an unpleasant feeling and memories.

  • I do not want to talk about it...
  • Something I can not remember ...
  • I do not see the point in this discussion ...
  • I do not even know how to answer you this question ...
  • Do not ask me such stupid questions ...
  • I did not suspect that you think about me exactly ...

2. Partner extremely persistently and stubbornly He emphasizes its testament, repeats it in the absence of visible reasons, insists on your device that you believe him.

  • I swear to the health of your children, parents ...
  • Yes, let I fall at this place if the SUTOR ...
  • You must, you just have to believe me ...
  • It is also true as ...
  • I swear God, I tell the truth, believe me, you can't not believe ...
  • You can't doubt that I tell the truth, I know you, you are an evergenant justice ...

Not in vain the eastern wise men said: "You said once - I believed, I said, and I doubted, you said Tritiraz, and I realized that you were lying."

3. Your interlocutor is trying to call you sympathy, trust, pity , referring to the facts that did not have any difference, it tries to position themselves, although the relationship has never implied special intimacy.

  • You know, I am a honest man ...
  • You know me, like no other, I am not able to deceive ...
  • Well, who is who, but I ...
  • I have the same problems as you, but ...
  • Who is who, and you will understand me, I'm sure ...

4. The interlocutor is manifested unreasonable rudeness, straightness, emphasizes the impossibility of questioning his words, hostile without visible reasons which could cause him aggression of discontent.

  • Yes, I don't have to answer anything at all!
  • You know what!
  • Yes, how could you think about how you are not ashamed!?
  • I do not want to even talk to you after that!
  • I am furious what you say, I am outraged to the depths of the soul!
  • What would you come to me with me, yes I will not allow this ..!
  • Do you think you are so smart, you can all!?

5. Partner uses evasive replies that do not carry any liberal information not explaining anything and not answering your question :

  • You see, everything as I said ...
  • I knew it...
  • Do you respect me?
  • Yes, you are a serious person ...
  • I'm not at all sure ...

As a rule, a sincere person will defend his truthfulness in the manifestation of doubt in it, so the ambiguity, the evasiveness of the people of this situation. If your interlocutor lies, then with each time it is more harder to hide his lies and control his spontaneous behavior, so he:

  • makes more gestures issuing its nervousness, uncertainty, tension (see above);
  • distracts you with unnecessary issues, details that do not directly be done, "grinds" you with false information, sometimes starting to pronounce and clarify your lies;
  • when repetitions can be confused, give inconsistent information;
  • responds after a long pause;
  • often unprepaid exhibits aggression, discontent;
  • it may complain about bad well-being (it's you brought him suspicion!).

Factors impecifying lies

In communication, in particular, when it comes to negotiations, the interlocutors have a possession of the fact that they have to say how to respond to the possibilities of you. The ratio of complexly organized lies with the truth is Zaraiecesschitano. Therefore, the more carefully the partner prepared for a meeting with you (Inesley he just had the opportunity for this), the higher the likelihood of what the presence of a lie would not be able to recognize it.

The more you are located to the partner, the more you trust him, the easier, respectively, he will mislead you. So try not mixed relationships and personal. On this issue, you will not hurt to refer to the "KP" N 11, 2002. But you should not fall in extremes, suspecting everyone and all in the intention to deceive. It will already be treated with clinical deviations that you hope you are not threatened.

Further. Pay attention to what information is in question, i.e. Who is the responsibility for her. If the responsibility for false facts bears another person, for example, a higher position, then the speaker will feel more suitable, because This reduces his sense of guilt.

If the task is worth not to distort the information before the interlocutor, and just hide, then you will be harder to detect it. Therefore, with the slightest suspicions about the presence of other details, try to be vigilant. Follow the behavior of the Partner, his reaction to one or another topic discussed, check what the avoidance of the interlocutor, ask leading questions.

And one more factor, which makes it difficult to detect lies - this is the impossibility of seem to be a conversation with him. Remember that a telephone conversation is Dalone the best negotiation option, even if the identification of the question is urgent. Completely, the choice depends on what the negotiations will be conducted, how to rise will be rising. However, do not forget that it is better to postpone an important question for a while, than to discuss it immediately, it may be losing a part of the information you need. Not in vain English will notify: "Believe only half of what you see, and any of what you hear."

Facility facilities lightening

Naturally, there are situations when, with all the desire, your interlocutive work will be able to hide your lie. For example, if a person is known in the team, as a fighter for justice, as a decent person who is not able to lie, "a priori" to do it difficult to do it.

If your interlocutor needs to hide the true feelings, which manifested by the day of conversation, and not the information, it will be harder to do it. Major that he will have to manage his emotional state that it is not everybody's brilliantly, he will need to still hide him under a mask of another emotional process. Such a discrepancy with your desire to detect quite easily.

A strong influence has the importance of lies for linging. The greater the significance for the partner, the more the person wants to lie, the more his behavior will be worried, the more he will control himself, and even more so explicitly there, for example, with the words, gestures, and facial and intonation.

How to prepare for deception?

If you suspect your interlocutor is lying to you, do the following:

  • look at him in the emphasis, with an expression of doubt in the veracity of the information that he brings to you;
  • ask him direct questions, looking into the eyes, and observe his reaction;
  • try with bright, but easy irony respond to some of its statements;
  • as much as possible, manifest your emotional state, actively used byample, gesturing to cause a partner a response;
  • turn your palms down;
  • do so that your interlocutor felt uncomfortable, in particular, put it back to the open space;
  • try it a couple of times to kill him with an unexpected question, thereby not leading to express your false statement to the end and putting it by surprise, asking to immediately answer the questions asked immediately;
  • substitute to the partner, disturbing his personal space, go beyond the framework of the program.

These actions can be confused by the interlocutor speaking a lie, bring the equilibrium of thoughts and actions. It is necessary in order for uncertainty, tensions, nervousness, inability to quickly get together with thoughts and quickly meet the questions presented to create favorable conditions for a liar.

For most people, a lie is much more difficult to say than to tell the truth. Therefore, the liar conflict finds its reflection in its external behavior, which is struggling to control it, in psycho-physiological manifestations, which treacherously tell us that a person is extremely excited and tense-in the words and statements of the liar, which are so often inconsistent, sometimes inadequate. Be careful, but it is not necessary to become a maniac, calculating the bitterness of the blinks and droplets of sweat on the forehead. Perhaps a person worries perfectly to another occasion, and now nothing remains to do, how to just give to himself and come to himself. In the end, your employees and subordinates are people who are not only mistaken.

Does the trick characteristic of you?

If you want to check if the trick is characteristic of you, the ability to coordinate the desired situation at the right moment, to show acting abilities, trying to answer "yes" or "no" for the following test questions (I hope that the properties of the Machiavelist and the desire to succeed everywhere will not precepture everywhere Absolutely sincere in front of himself).

No. p / p


Evaluating the answer

When you want to say something unpleasant, think about the pelvis on the fact that this can offend the interlocutor?
When you're late to work, are you trying to get attendable place unnoticed?
Do you ask your colleagues, make working comrades for you what you do not want or are afraid to do?
Do you think that in any games it is better to honestly lose, harshly win?
When are you trying (or tried) to swear over someone, someone play someone, is your partners, colleagues understood, whose is a matter of?
Can you tell a partner knowingly to promote it to frankness and concessions?
Did you know at school to write off the neighbor on the desk the workshop so that he or the teacher did not notice anything?
Do you always find a way to get what you really need?
Can you smear so much so that no one notice this?

Fold the amount of points.

More than 6 points - you are an exceptional hitch, there is nothing like that you would not get to achieve. But it has one minus - cunning often leads to a non-involving communication with people. Probably worth it to be more open, at least in certain methods of business communication.

From 3 to 6 points - you are well versed in the accuracy of information, you can make the partner's insincerity and prefer to tell the truth. For business consultation, this is a positive characteristic and effective behavior strategy.

Less than 3 points - you, unfortunately, are very naive, you are easily misleading. Try to justify your credibility to the partner.

Topic: "Takes of diagnosis of lie and insincerity in human communication, hazard in behavior."

Purpose of classes: To train police officers to diagnose lie and insincerity in human communication, danger in his behavior on visual and audio levels.

Main questions:

1. Detection of lies and insincerity of a person based on the analysis of human speech statements.

2. Diagnosis of insincerity in human behavior based on its non-verbal reactions.

3. Signs of the insincerity of the interlocutor.

4. Signs of aggressiveness, hostility, distrust.

5. Signs of concern and anxiety.

6. Non-verbal danger signals.


  1. "Mystery of character. Reading character in the face ", Kharkov, 1996

  2. A.I. Falquin "Personal security of employees of the internal affairs bodies. Tactics and psychology of safe activity », M., 1996

Mystery and lies are the cornerstone of criminal activity. The criminal in the process of preparations for his criminal act is trying to incline another person to his side, conquer his confidence, carefully masking his criminal intentions and goals. The skills of the employees of the internal affairs bodies for the smallest strokes of speech statements, reservations, inconsistencies in the narration, as well as on the basis of non-verbal actions (gestures, poses, views) to determine the human insincerity is the key to successful activities and provide personal security.

The identification of lies and insincerity of a person is possible on the basis of the analysis of human speech statements. Truthful and false statements can be assessed by a number of signs.

Criteria for assessing the statement





Competence and awareness

Often go beyond the knowledge of man and his awareness. It usually builds true judgments on the basis of not only personal experience, but also those factors that actually seen or heard of them from others, or read about them in books, newspapers, etc.

Usually limited by experience, qualifications and human education, as well as its abilities for fantasy. In addition, fabrications can be built on the basis of typical action options, having precessors in real life, literature, cinema, etc.

Speech characteristic of statements

As a rule, they are formulated by their own words, reflecting the real horizontal of a person, his life experience T education

Fallen speech structures in order to give them greater significance replete with complex terminology (medical, legal, etc.), and also indicate the use of the vocabulary, which is unusual for this person in accordance with its qualifications, education and life experience

Uniqueness of statements

Truthful judgments are always individualized and are unique. They have more details, events and specific participating persons.

Fallen statements are more schematic, stereotypes are devoid of private, details, specific actors. Often about such statements may arise that you have already ever heard them somewhere

Emotional saturation and conviction of statements

Truthful judgments are always accompanied by strong emotions and persuasive human speech. He tells the truth, it is difficult to confuse, make it give to refuse to change the point of view

Fallen speech structures are accompanied by smaller emotions. Sometimes emotions are stiable. It can be suspected that emotions and experiences are artificial and deliberately demonstrated by a person. Conviction of statements he is trying to achieve not due to the emotions of speech, but by references to other persons confirming the words, actions and actions

Seeming inconsistencies in statements

No matter how paradoxically, in truthful judgments, you can mostly meet inconsistencies, inconsistency of parts, which reflects the real contradictory life

In false judgments, inconsistencies are usually not found, uncomplications, all the facts are "invited" and agreed. This circumstance often indicates a person's insincerity.

Role-playing speaking

In truthful statements, the true personal position of the person is manifested, his conviction. He speaks of his own behalf, without having not inherent in his social role (employee of law enforcement agencies, a doctor, serving of the state apparatus)

In false speech structures, the position of a third-party observer appears more often ("so usually do", "so they say", "in this way," etc.).

In addition, an artificial occupation of the speaker profitable for him and the public support of the position ("Fighters for Justice", "Criticism of Social Discharges", etc.)

The person, due to the various reasons (lack of life experience, education), may be in good faith, and therefore, with the obvious position of statements, it is impossible to always conclude about the intentional distortion of information. Good delusion is associated with the difficulties of perception, processing, memorizing and playing information about a particular event. In this regard, a person may involuntarily combine the uninimited facts, exaggerate the size, the duration of the event, add unusual signs, distort the shapes and structures, identify the incomplete objects, etc.

Often the diagnosis of insincerity in human behavior is carried out on the basis of its non-verbal (neustal) reactions. The person's subconscious works outside his personal control. Therefore, it is possible to observe contradictions between speech statements, on the one hand, and the body by movements, postures, facial expressions and gestures, on the other hand. A non-verbal language often "with head" gives a person who speaks to a lie.

Observation of non-verbal communication (gestures and movements) of a person is one of the informative methods that a person uses in the process of communicating with other people. It is generally recognized that more than 50% of the information bear gestures and facial expressions. They reflect the states and relationships of people.

A person rarely thinks over what movements he does during a conversation and often turns out that he is not words, namely the reaction, gestures, facial expansion make it possible to more objectively judge the true intentions and motives of behavior.

The combination of gestures and body movement, their consideration in the context of a certain situation reveals the actual truth about the senses of man and its attitude towards a specific event. "Reading" gestures, facial expressions and poses allows you to get more information about the interlocutor.

Signs of insincerity of the interlocutor.

  1. To determine whether the man says the truth or deceives, it is enough to pay attention to his palm and on how he keeps them. Open palms are associated with truthfulness and honesty. The unconscious gesture, when a person does not hide his hands, but on the contrary, shows one or both palms, indicates that he is frank and honest, truthfully tells himself. Hidden palms may indicate the insufficient truthfulness and sincerity of the interlocutor.

  2. The mouth cover gesture serves as a sign for recognizing the insincere human behavior. The use of this gesture at the time of speech indicates that a person is trying to deceive. The hand covers the mouth and the thumb pressed to the cheek - this is the characteristic movement of an insincere person. This gesture can also be denoted, uncertainty or exaggeration of a real fact.

  3. The gesture "touch to the nose" also indicates an unconscious attempt to hide a lie. It can have several forms - light rubbing under his nose or one fast and imperceptible touch to the nose, as well as several light shocks on the nose (especially in women).
This, predicament. Variations: Touching the Ear Uh; rubbing eyes; squeezing neck; Pulling the collar. If such movements take place, you should doubt the sincerity of your interlocutor.
Signs of aggressiveness, hostility, distrust.

1) Firmly compressed hands as a signal about human negative experiences. This gesture has three main positions: hands are compressed immediately in the face; Compressed hands lie on the table or knees if a person sits; And the hands are compressed in front of a person when it stands.

In all these cases, it is necessary to state the presence of a person of a hostile relationship under the condition of unjustified expectations and unnecessary plans. He tries to hide his negative attitude. It can be argued about the state of disappointment, suspicion and distrust. It should also be paid to the fact that the sincerity of such a person is very doubtful. It is overly tense, it is difficult to communicate.

2) The gesture "Hands crossed on the chest with the simultaneous compression of palms in the fists" indicates a hostile attitude. A person is going to attack the other, having some kind of hidden objection and hostile distrust.

An offensive position in this case suggests that a person is experiencing strong feelings and emotions and holds back "shock" movements.

3) As a result of studies of the American psychologist Gerald Clora, a list of behavioral signs reflecting antipathy was created. These include:

  • gloomy look

  • reluctance to look into the eyes of the interlocutor,

  • walking from place to place

  • yawn,

  • smile

  • picking in your teeth

  • shaking head

  • cleaning nails.
4) The most natural way to demonstrate its position is the expansion of personal space. Men are often "hands in Boki", which is at the core of their own an aggressiveness sign, but in fact means: "I am ready for action as soon as it takes." People carrying extensive gestures in space are perceived as majestic and powerful.

5) A person moving around the perimeter of the room seeks to clear the space around him, outline "its territory."

Signs of concern and anxiety.

1) Tapping on the table or on the floor of the foot, clicking the handle cap - these are typical gestures pointing to the state of mental imbalance, the desire for calm and satisfaction. The interlocutor is depressed, is in a state of disturbing expectation, impatient, is clearly concerned about the course of the interview. The gesticulation used by them indicates the excitement, which it is experiencing in connection with a certain situation for a negative emotional state.

2) Rottening the palms or slow wiping of wet palms about the fabric indicates the state of the nervous voltage, as well as waiting. The interlocutor is alarmed, he experiences excitement and anxiety.

3) Logging to foot - in a sitting position - a gesture used to express an agitated state or a protective position. At the same time, the mood of a person has a negative color, express impatience, discontent and disagreement.

It should be noted that this gesture can be interpreted and as an attempt to create an informal relaxed atmosphere.

Non-verbal danger signals.

The dangerous states of people should include: alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, mental anomalies. The practice of internal affairs authorities indicates that the finding of a person in any of these states often creates prerequisites for the commitment of unlawful encroachment, the resistance of police officers, aware or unconscious committing violent actions regarding law enforcement persons. The timely diagnosis of a dangerous state in a particular person allows relevant preventive, protective and preventive measures to its actions.

The main techniques of diagnostics are observation and conversation with a person who cares suspicion.

In a state of alcohol intoxication, the level of criticality and self-controlling of a person decreases, the nature of the perception of other persons and their speech messages changes, often increases the degree of impulsiveness, non-abruptness and aggressiveness. It is possible to distinguish specific behavioral indicators that correspond to each of the three stages of intoxication, meaning that, from the point of view of law enforcement, the mild and average degrees of intoxication are most dangerous.

The stage of intoxication




In a state of light intoxication, a person is characterized by euphoria, improving self-esteem and levels of claims, the weakening of criticality and concentration of attention, increased self-confidence, soreness.

Movements are activated. Hyperemia is observed, often leading to a change in the color of the face (redness).

A person in this state overestimates his physical and intellectual opportunities.

With pronounced alcoholic intoxication, a sense of measure is lost in relation to the surrounding, instincts are exposed, reactions to external stimuli acquire an explicit affective color.

Unconscious facts can cause anger, rage, etc.

The tineliness of thinking is lost, the motor reactions are broken, there is a noticeable step in walking, the painful sensitivity decreases, decreases to a large extent, orientation in the surrounding space.

A severe degree of intoxication is characterized by the amplification of the braking alcohol to the nervous system. Violates orientation in the surrounding space. There are serious difficulties when moving, the tendency to lethargy, drowsiness, painful sensitivity is sharply reduced.

Violated vegetative-vascular functions, expressed in

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