Design and technological support of machine-building industries. Direction “Design and technological support for machine-building production”

Direction information

Types of graduate activities

The graduate is prepared to solve the following types of problems by type of professional activity:

Production and technological

development and implementation of optimal technologies for the manufacture of engineering products;

modernization and automation of existing and design of new efficient machine-building industries for various purposes, means and systems for their equipment, production and technological processes using automated systems for technological preparation of production;

selection of materials, equipment and other means of technological equipment, automation and control for the implementation of production and technological processes for the manufacture of engineering products;

efficient use of materials, equipment, tools, technological equipment, automation, control, diagnostics, management, algorithms and programs for selecting and calculating parameters of technological processes, technical and operational characteristics of machine-building production;


development of theoretical models that make it possible to study the quality of manufactured products, technological processes, means and systems of mechanical engineering production; mathematical modeling of processes, means and systems of mechanical engineering production using modern technologies for scientific research;

development of algorithmic and software for machine-building industries;

management of the results of research activities and commercialization of intellectual property rights;

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are:

production processes for manufacturing mechanical engineering products;

technological processes of processing, assembly of engineering products, their automation;

means, methods and methods for the creation and operation of machine tools, instrumental, robotic, information-measuring, diagnostic, information, control and other systems for the needs of mechanical engineering.

Basic disciplines

Scientific foundations of mechanical engineering technology

Programming machining on CNC machines

Tooling for CNC and OC machines

Technological preparation of production using CAD/CAM systems

Automation of product manufacturing processes

Methods and means of surface hardening of products;

Modeling of machining processes;

Possible areas of activity for graduates

Design, engineering, technological, scientific and research activities at industrial enterprises

Educational and research institutes and universities

Examples of graduate employment

TsSKB - Progress GNP RKTs

JSC "Aviaagregat", Samara

LLC "SOEZ - Avtodetal"

OJSC "Volgaburmash", Samara

Samara Volgamash

Companies with which the department cooperates, communication with enterprises where internships take place

TsSKB - Progress GNP RKTs

JSC "Aviaagregat", Samara

Metalist - Samara OJSC, Samara

LLC "SOEZ - Avtodetal"

OJSC "Volgaburmash", Samara

Samara Volgamash

CJSC Samara plant "Neftemash"

CJSC "Srednevolzhsky Machine Tool Plant", Samara

Aviation bearings plant, Samara

Direction of training: Design and technological support for machine-building industries
Profile: Technologies, equipment and automation of mechanical engineering production
Qualification (degree): bachelor

Form of study:

  • Full-time education according to the “PLANT-VTUZ” system (5 years);
  • part-time study (5 years).

Selection committee contact phone number: (8184) 53 – 95 – 79; +7 921 070 88 45
Graduate department:
(8184) 53 – 95 – 69

general characteristics

All the mechanisms that surround us - from food processors to robots, cars and submarines - consist of simple and complex parts. To manufacture these parts today, knowledge of both traditional and high technologies is required. You can obtain such knowledge during training in the field of training 03/15/05 (151900.62) “Design and technological support for machine-building production” in the profile “Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production”.

Today, the specifics of the work of a process engineer in modern production are changing dramatically. The spread of computer-controlled automated equipment, the emergence of computer-aided design and production management systems in almost all machine and shipbuilding enterprises has led to the fact that a modern technologist is an engineer who creates new equipment, relying on fundamental technical education and making extensive use of computer technologies.

The profession of a process engineer is more relevant than ever: production is being restored, and where they begin to produce something, a person who knows how to do it is immediately needed, i.e. a process engineer. To ensure the competitiveness of their products, today enterprises need specialists who develop new technologies. This means that large funds are allocated to attract such specialists and a decent amount of payment is offered for their intellectual work.

Obtained professional skills and abilities are associated with the study of the laws operating in the manufacture of machines for their use in the production of new parts and machines of a given quality based on the use of computer technology and computer-aided design systems.

Graduates have knowledge in the following areas:

  • creation of new and application of modern production processes and technologies, design methods, mathematical, physical and computer modeling;
  • new forms of organization and production management;
  • integrated automation of production processes, modern machines with numerical control and robotic systems;
  • progressive methods of processing materials;
  • use of computer technology for research, design and control of technological processes.

The graduating department is the Department of Metal Technology and Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Technology (Sevmashvtuz), which has been training engineers since 1966. Today, the department employs two doctors of technical sciences, five candidates of technical sciences, and senior teachers. The fruitful work of the department is impossible without talented and hardworking staff. Currently, the laboratory and material and technical base of the department is being actively modernized in accordance with modern requirements of high-tech industries.

Upon completion of training, a graduate who successfully passes the final state certification, along with the qualification (degree) “Bachelor”, is awarded the special title “Bachelor Engineer”.

The graduate's area of ​​professional activity is introduction of the latest metal processing technologies; selection of modern equipment; solving technical problems in the manufacture of complex engineering products; design of modern machines, mechanisms and technological equipment.

Graduate career prospects:

Our graduates work as design engineers in various design and engineering organizations and departments of enterprises, metal processing engineers, software engineers of modern numerically controlled machines, labor standards and work planning engineers, operators of modern technological complexes, employees of research departments and laboratories for the study of metal processing technologies, production foremen and heads of sections and workshops of leading shipbuilding and machine-building enterprises not only in our city, but throughout Russia.

Additional features:

Social guarantees and scholarships; possibility of international internships; participation in scientific and sports events; busy student life; opportunities for realizing an active social position.

Direction code: 03/15/05 Educational standard: Federal State Educational Standard Level of education: Bachelor's degree Description:

The machine-building complex is an industry that ensures the country's defense capability, an industry that provides equipment to all other industrial complexes, an industry that is the backbone of the state's economy. The spread of automated equipment, CNC machines, and the development of CAD contributed to changing the requirements for the qualifications of young specialists in modern production. To manufacture any mechanism - be it a food processor or a sports car, a combat aircraft or a children's toy - today requires knowledge of both traditional and latest technologies. This knowledge is obtained by students studying in the field of preparation “Design and technological support for machine-building production”.

Over the course of 4 years, our graduates receive in-depth training in natural science and engineering disciplines and become familiar with modern CAD and CAM systems, without which modern production is unthinkable. The knowledge gained allows them to occupy various positions in production. For example, design engineer, engaged in the design of technological equipment for automated production or the design of modern cutting tools. Or process engineer, a person without whom mechanical engineering production is impossible, whose work consists in designing the technological processing process - the “recipe” for manufacturing, so to speak - and subsequent monitoring of its execution. Someone prefers a position CNC machine programmer, and by machine tools here we should understand modern processing centers that “can do everything,” 3D printers, and laser equipment! Some work as engineers in planning and dispatch services, and others work as CNC machine tool operators.

Our graduates are in demand, - this is important when choosing a future profession! After graduating from AltSTU, they successfully work in small and large enterprises throughout Russia, such as OJSC Rostselmash, OJSC NAPO im. V.P. Chkalov", OJSC "Altaivagon", OJSC "Altai Instrument-Making Plant "Rotor", OJSC HC "Barnaul Machine Tool Plant", JSC "Barnaul Cartridge Plant", OJSC "Barnaultransmash", CJSC "Altai Precision Products Plant", OJSC "Sibenergomash", CJSC Rubtsovsk Spare Parts Plant, LLC Forging and Press Equipment Plant, OJSC Biysk Production Association Sibpribormash and many others.

During their studies, students undergo internships at these enterprises, and upon completion they are hired. Already working, many continue their Master's studies in the area of ​​training of the same name, improving and gaining new knowledge necessary in the work.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice

Mechanical engineering technology is a scientific field that studies the manufacturing process of products taking into account relevant quality standards. The goal of this industry is to optimize time and resources while maintaining high product performance. Qualified personnel in a given direction design, manufacture and repair high-quality equipment, and also ensure effective management of technological processes at enterprises. Technical professions always remain in demand, and many graduates who are well versed in the exact sciences strive to enroll in the specialty 03/15/05 “Design and technological support of machine-building industries.”

Admission conditions

In order to clearly understand what exams you need to take to enter this department, you need to decide on the university. As a rule, most educational institutions require subjects such as:

  • mathematics (profile level),
  • Russian language,
  • physics or computer science and ICT.

In rare cases, educational institutions replace physics and computer science with chemistry and a foreign language. Therefore, check all the necessary information in advance on the official websites of universities.

Future profession

Bachelor's students learn to perform production and technological work, which consists of manufacturing mechanical engineering parts, monitoring their quality and managing modern devices used in production. In addition, they are trained in the rules of working with personnel and the conditions for effective organization of work at the enterprise. Students also learn process improvement skills and the fundamentals of new product design.

Where to apply

Today, you can master a specialty not only in Moscow universities, but also in educational institutions in the largest cities of the country. When choosing an educational institution, you should pay special attention to the performance statistics of the faculty. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully study the teaching staff. If you want to get a quality education, we advise you to take note of the following universities:

Training period

The full-time bachelor's degree requires 4 years of study, and the part-time course takes 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The main subjects in the educational program of the direction are:

  • machine parts and design fundamentals,
  • descriptive geometry and engineering graphics,
  • Materials Science,
  • equipment for mechanical engineering production,
  • processes and operations of shaping,
  • theory of automatic control,
  • theory of mechanisms and machines,
  • technological processes in mechanical engineering,
  • mechanical engineering technology,
  • electrical and Electronics.

Acquired skills

As a result of mastering the specialty, graduates of the department acquire the following skills:

Job prospects by profession

Where should I go to work after university? Upon graduation, graduates can find positions such as:

  • engineer,
  • design engineer,
  • software engineer,
  • process engineer,
  • design engineer,
  • Foreman.

Experts in this area are in demand at absolutely all enterprises whose activities are related to mechanical engineering and the use of high-tech devices. As a rule, they do not have problems finding work: employers look for worthy candidates while students are still studying.

The above-mentioned specialties are in great demand in the labor market and are highly paid. Even young specialists can count on a salary of 45,000 rubles, while experienced craftsmen receive a salary of at least 100,000 rubles.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

To deepen their knowledge and hone their skills, many students decide to continue their studies in a master's program, which gives them a number of advantages:

  1. Opportunity for rapid career growth. Many young master's students immediately occupy leading positions and soon become managers.
  2. Improving your knowledge in the field of design and development of new mechanical engineering objects.
  3. Obtaining an education that meets international standards, the opportunity to find a highly paid job abroad.
  4. Perfect command of one foreign language.
  5. A chance to get the position of senior enterprise engineer in a short time.


During four years of full-time study, a bachelor's student must learn:

  • collect and analyze initial information when manufacturing engineering products;
  • formulate project goals and objectives based on specified criteria;
  • determine priority areas in solving problems, taking into account the moral aspects of activity;
  • formalize completed design and construction work;
  • develop engineering products, taking into account mechanical, operational, technological, aesthetic, managerial, economic parameters;
  • create new and modernize existing machine-building production facilities;
  • use modern information and computer technologies;
  • monitor developed projects for compliance with technical specifications and other legal requirements;
  • master and improve systems, technologies and means of mechanical engineering production;
  • introduce effective manufacturing technologies;
  • effectively use materials, tools, equipment and automation, algorithms;
  • implement technological and production processes, choosing materials and equipment;
  • organize control over technological processes, finished products and materials used;
  • assess defects in production, analyze the causes of its origin, and take preventive measures;
  • carry out the procedures necessary for certification and standardization;
  • organize teamwork at the enterprise.

Who to work with

You can get a job as an engineer in automation of control systems and technological processes. Some graduates prefer to start their activities from the position of a master. Those who know how to establish contact with unfamiliar people can also get a job as a sales manager for manufactured tools or equipment. If a young specialist successfully completes design work, he can be accepted into the design and technological production support department. He will also be able to independently develop and design parts, components and mechanisms of equipment.

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