Perm Polytechnic University. Perm Polytechnic University: address, faculties, passing score

Applied geology, mining, oil

mechanical engineering

Technique and construction technology

Economics and Management

Forms of study


Levels of education


Admission Committee PNRPU

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 18:00

Sat. from 10:00 to 13:00

Latest reviews PNRPU

Elena Shiry 11:32 07/09/2013

My friend graduated from PSTU a year ago. The university, he says, is wonderful. He entered there quite easily and immediately to the third year - after the technical school. I must say that the competition for his specialty - "Automation of production processes and integration of computer technologies" - was quite large. This is understandable, because PSTU in our city and in the region as a whole is very popular, most of the Permians and many people from the region come here, so the number of students is high ...

Alexander Khrebtov 16:58 05/23/2013

Perm State Technical University (now the Perm National Research Polytechnic University) is the most popular among young people who want to get an education. My brother is now studying there, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, majoring in Automated Control Systems. Upon admission, he says there was a pretty good competition, according to his data, there were 5 people for a place and the exams were not easy. By city standards, even I would say by Perms standards...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm National Research Polytechnic University"

Branches of PNRPU


No. 02243 valid Indefinitely from 06/30/2016


No. 02748 is valid from 01/24/2018 to 01/24/2024

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PNRPU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 6 points)6 6 7 7 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education66.94 63.36 63.20 61.31 61.57
Average USE score credited to the budget69.29 65.3 65.07 64.15 65.12
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis61.42 59.82 60.47 54.86 57.87
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department49.41 46.15 49.75 45.74 47.99
Number of students14310 14677 15921 18556 18977
full-time department8413 8444 8240 8881 8889
Part-time department203 215 267 267 328
Extramural5694 6018 7414 9408 9760
All data

Master's Degree PNRPU. The choice of master's programs, forms of education, university. Master's degree in Russian universities.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University is the largest leading technical university in Russia. PNRPU became the successor and continued the traditions of PGI, which was organized in 1953. Over the period of its existence, the Polytechnic University has trained about 110,000 graduates. PNRPU graduates include well-known politicians and heads of Russian enterprises.

Master PNRPU

PNRPU started its work in 1998 in the areas of "Environmental Protection", "Metallurgy", "Applied Mechanics". Today, the training of doctors of sciences and candidates is carried out in 57 postgraduate specialties, 5 doctoral specialties. The university has 6 councils that award the degree of candidate and doctor of science.

About 25,000 students study at PNRPU every year. The master's program at PNRPU provides training in 22 areas, including 55 programs. The university has innovative master's programs: nanoindustry, aircraft engine building, as well as gas turbine technologies, urban studies.

    Perm State Technical University- Perm, Komsomolsky prospect, 29a. Professional education. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Perm State Technical University- (until 1992 Perm. Polytechnic Institute), founded in 1960 on the basis of Perm. mountain, evening machine building. in tov and tech. f ta Perm. state un ta. The first rector prof. M.N. Dedukin. As part of a 10 ft. unt, regional interbranch c. staff retraining... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    - (MGGU) was founded on September 4, 1918. Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) Founded ... Wikipedia

    - (PNRPU) International name State National Research Polytechnica ... Wikipedia

    Perm State Technical University (PSTU) Founded 1953 Rec ... Wikipedia

    Bus route number 30 on Parkovy Prospekt A tram in the historical center of Perm Stop "Lokomotivnaya Street" ... Wikipedia

    - (NRU) status assigned on a competitive basis to the universities of the Russian Federation. Out of competition, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, this status was assigned to the first two universities: MEPhI (National Research Nuclear University) and MISiS ... ... Wikipedia

    - (RGTEU) ... Wikipedia

    Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) was founded on September 4, 1918. Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) Founded ... Wikipedia


  • , V. N. Zheleznyak. The book discusses one of the most key and mysterious provisions of classical rationalism - the identity of the intellect and the "capacity of desire". Synthesis of willow thinking in "pure reason"...
  • Phenomenology of rational will, Zheleznyak VN The book deals with one of the most key and mysterious provisions of classical rationalism - the identity of the intellect and the `ability of desire`. Synthesis of willow thinking in `pure mind`...

Perm National Research Polytechnic University(National Research Institute, former names: Perm Polytechnic Institute, Perm State Technical University) is one of the leading and largest technical universities in the Russian Federation, which provides targeted training and retraining of personnel for high-tech industries, research and development in a number of areas of science, technology and technologies.

During its more than half a century of history, PNRPU has trained more than 110,000 graduates. Among the graduates of the university: Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yu. group of enterprises of the Lukoil oil company in the Perm Territory V. P. Sukharev, general designer of the Aviadvigatel engine-building complex A. A. Inozemtsev and other production managers, scientists, politicians.

Encyclopedic YouTube

  • 1 / 5

    Founded in 1960 as the Perm Polytechnic Institute (PPI), as a result of the merger of the Perm Mining Institute (organized in 1953) with the Evening Machine-Building Institute.

    In 1992, PPI, among the first polytechnic universities in Russia, received the status of a technical university.

    Since 1996, the university has been implementing multi-level training in higher professional education programs, in 1998 the first graduation of masters in the areas of "Metallurgy", "Applied Mechanics", "Environmental Protection" took place.

    In 2009, it became one of 12 Russian universities that received the status of a "national research university", as priority areas for development within the framework of the research university program were identified: aircraft engine building and gas turbine technologies, production and processing of oil, gas and minerals, nanoindustry and urban studies.

    In 2011, it was renamed into Perm National Research Polytechnic University (abbreviated as PNRPU).


    In 2015, the Social Navigator project of the Rossiya Segodnya media group prepared Russia's first "Ranking of demand for universities in the Russian Federation-2015", in which the Perm Polytechnic University took 7th place out of 140 places in the list of the most popular engineering universities in Russia.

    Location of the university

    The university buildings are located in different parts of the city:

    • the main building is located on Komsomolsky pr. 29;
    • Faculty of Civil Engineering is located on the street. Kuibyshev, 109;
    • the campus of the university is located behind Kama (Professor Pozdeev street).

    University structure


    Faculties and departments

    • Road Faculty - departments "Automobiles and technological machines", "Automobile roads and bridges", "Environmental protection"
    • Aerospace Faculty - Departments "Aircraft engines", "Design, graphics and descriptive geometry", "Innovative engineering technologies", "Mechanics of composite materials and structures", "Design and production of automatic machines", "Rocket and space technology and energy systems", "Technology of polymeric materials, gunpowder"
    • Faculty of Mining and Petroleum - Departments "Life Safety", "Geology of Oil and Gas", "Mining Electromechanics", "Mine Surveying, Geodesy and Geoinformation Systems", "Oil and Gas Technologies", "Development of Mineral Deposits"
    • Faculty of Humanities - departments "Public Administration and History", "Foreign Languages ​​and Public Relations", "Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation", "Management and Marketing", "Sociology and Political Science", "Physical Culture", "Philosophy and Law" ”, “Economics and management of industrial production”, “Economics and finance”
    • Faculty of Mechanics and Technology - departments "Materials, technology and design of machines", "Metal science, thermal and laser processing of metals", "Metal cutting machines and tools", "Welding production and technology of structural materials"
    • Faculty of Civil Engineering - departments "Architecture and urban studies", "Construction production and geotechnics", "Building structures and computational mechanics", "Building materials and special technologies", "Construction engineering and materials science", "Heat supply, ventilation and water supply, sanitation"
    • Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - departments "Higher Mathematics", "Computational Mathematics and Mechanics", "Dynamics and Strength of Machines", "Mathematical Modeling of Systems and Processes", "General Physics", "Applied Mathematics", "Applied Physics", " Theoretical mechanics and biomechanics»
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Technology - departments "Automation of technological processes", "Machines and devices of production processes", "Chemical technologies", "Chemistry and biotechnology"
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Departments "Automation and Telemechanics", "Information Technologies and Automated Systems", "Design and Technologies in Electrical Engineering", "Microprocessor Automation", "Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics"
    • Faculty of advanced training of teachers


    • Scientific Center for Powder Materials Science PNRPU;
    • Experimental Design Bureau "TEMP" at PNRPU;
    • Regional Informatization Center / Regional Center for New Information Technologies;
    • Engineering Center for Applied Mechanics;
    • Center for Technology Transfer;
    • Innovative Educational Center;
    • Center for Education Quality Management;
    • Regional innovation center.


    Branches of PNRPU

    • Berezniki branch of PNRPU;
    • Lysva branch of PNRPU;
    • Tchaikovsky branch of PNRPU;
    • Kungur representation.


    Studying proccess

    Currently [ ] more than 20 thousand students, more than 700 graduate students and doctoral students annually study at the university. Every year, the university graduates more than 4,500 specialists with higher education. For 60 years, the university has trained more than 130 thousand specialists with higher education. Every year, from 10% to 12% of applicants study on the order of the military-industrial complex and the regional order.

    Perm National Research Polytechnic University

    international name Perm National Research Polytechnic University
    Year of foundation 1953
    Rector d.p.m.s.
    The president d.t.s.
    Location :
    Legal address 614990, Perm, , 29
    Media files at Wikimedia Commons

    Perm National Research Polytechnic University(, past names: Perm Polytechnic Institute, Perm State Technical University) - Russian Federation.

    History of University

    Founded in 1960 as the Perm Polytechnic Institute (PPI), as a result of the merger of the Perm Mining Institute (organized in 1953) with the Evening Machine-Building Institute.

    In 1992, PPI, among the first polytechnic universities in Russia, received the status of a technical university.

    Since 1996, the university has been implementing multi-level training in higher professional education programs, in 1998 the first graduation of masters in the areas of "Metallurgy", "Applied Mechanics", "Environmental Protection" took place.

    In 2009, it became one of 12 Russian universities that received the status of a "national research university", as priority areas for development within the framework of the research university program were identified: aircraft engine building and gas turbine technologies, production and processing of oil, gas and minerals, nanoindustry and urban studies.

    In 2011, it was renamed Perm National Research Polytechnic University (abbreviated as PNRPU).


    In 2015, the Social Navigator project of the Rossiya Segodnya media group prepared Russia's first "Ranking of demand for universities in the Russian Federation-2015", in which the Perm Polytechnic University took 7th place out of 140 places in the list of the most popular engineering universities in Russia.

    University structure


    • Rector - Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
    • President - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
    • First Vice-Rector - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
    • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Doctor of Technical Sciences;
    • Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
    • Vice-Rector for General Affairs - Bolotov, Alexander Vasilievich.
    • Vice-Rector for Capital Construction and Development of the Property Complex - Orlov, Boris Veniaminovich.

    Faculties and departments

    • Road Faculty - departments "Automobiles and technological machines", "Automobile roads and bridges", "Environmental protection"
    • Aerospace Faculty - Departments "Aircraft engines", "Design, graphics and descriptive geometry", "Innovative engineering technologies", "Mechanics of composite materials and structures", "Design and production of automatic machines", "Rocket and space technology and energy systems", "Technology of polymeric materials, gunpowder"
    • Faculty of Mining and Petroleum - Departments "Life Safety", "Geology of Oil and Gas", "Mining Electromechanics", "Mine Surveying, Geodesy and Geoinformation Systems", "Oil and Gas Technologies", "Development of Mineral Deposits"
    • Faculty of Humanities - departments "Public Administration and History", "Foreign Languages ​​and Public Relations", "Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation", "Management and Marketing", "Sociology and Political Science", "Physical Culture", "Philosophy and Law" ”, “Economics and management of industrial production”, “Economics and finance”
    • Faculty of Mechanics and Technology - departments "Materials, technologies and design of machines", "Metal science, thermal and laser processing of metals", "Metal cutting machines and tools", "Welding production and technology of structural materials"
    • Faculty of Civil Engineering - departments "Architecture and urban studies", "Construction production and geotechnics", "Building structures and computational mechanics", "Building materials and special technologies", "Construction engineering and materials science", "Heat supply, ventilation and water supply, sanitation"
    • Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - departments "Higher Mathematics", "Computational Mathematics and Mechanics", "Dynamics and Strength of Machines", "Mathematical Modeling of Systems and Processes", "General Physics", "Applied Mathematics", "Applied Physics", " Theoretical mechanics and biomechanics»
    • Faculty of Chemistry and Technology - departments "Automation of technological processes", "Machines and devices of production processes", "Chemical technologies", "Chemistry and biotechnology"
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Departments "Automation and Telemechanics", "Information Technologies and Automated Systems", "Design and Technologies in Electrical Engineering", "Microprocessor Automation", "Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics"
    • Faculty of advanced training of teachers


    • Scientific Center for Powder Materials Science PNRPU;
    • Experimental Design Bureau "TEMP" at PNRPU;
    • Regional Informatization Center / Regional Center for New Information Technologies;
    • Engineering Center for Applied Mechanics;
    • Center for Technology Transfer;
    • Innovative Educational Center;
    • Center for Education Quality Management;
    • Regional innovation center.


    • Institute of Labor, Production and Human Safety;
    • Institute of Oil and Gas;
    • Institute of Aviation Engine Building and Gas Turbine Technologies;
    • Institute for Basic Research;
    • Institute of Continuing Education;
    • Potassium Institute;
    • Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronic Instrumentation;
    • Institute of Continuing Education (INO);
    • Institute for Basic Research (IFI);
    • The Center for High-Performance Computing Systems, which has a capacity of 3 , was included in the TOP50 of the CIS from 2008 to 2010. .

    Branches of PNRPU

    • Berezniki branch of PNRPU;
    • Lysva branch of PNRPU;
    • Tchaikovsky branch of PNRPU;
    • Kungur representation.


    Studying proccess

    Currently [ ] more than 20 thousand students study at the university annually, more than 700 and more. Every year, the university graduates over 4,500 specialists with higher education. For 60 years, the university has trained more than 130 thousand specialists with higher education. Every year, from 10% to 12% of applicants study on the order of the military-industrial complex and the regional order.

    Research activities

    Training of candidates and doctors of science is carried out in 66 postgraduate scientific specialties and 5 doctoral scientific specialties. The university has 6 councils for awarding Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, in which about 10 doctoral and 60 master's theses are defended annually.

    • "Nanomaterials and Materials Science" (academician);
    • "Mechanics of structures" (academician);
    • "Power engineering" (corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
    • "Aircraft engines and gas turbine technologies" (corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences);
    • "Gas Dynamic Processes" (D.Sc.
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