Tarquinity overthrow. Lucius Tarquinius Proud - the seventh and the last Ancient Roman king

In previous studies, we talked about the gradual transformation of the republican Rome into the empire, subdued to themselves first of the Earth of Italy, and then a propagation effect on the whole Mediterranean. It is time to recall the formation of Rome and the most ancient period of his state history.

Ancient Roman kingdom is referred to as the period from 753 BC. - Dates taken for the foundation of Rome - to the overthrow of the last king of Tarquinia proud and the establishment of the republic in 509 BC, referred to as the "epoch of seven kings". In the history of many states there is a so-called "mythological period", which is known too little due to the ancient times of events, retreating many centuries later. We can judge about the epoch of the seven kings only on the sources created during the Roman Republic and even a more later empire. However, it is impossible to imagine Antichny Elladu without the heroic epic of Homer, telling us about the oldest times and the royal period of ancient Rome is an integral part of its history: an unexpected change in the socio-political device from the monarchy to the republic became a sacred legend, uniting the people of Rome all subsequent century.

Where did it start

The Apennine Peninsula, located in the very center of the Mediterranean, the time of time attracted people with its convenient location and mild climate. According to Greek legends, the famous Hercules attended Itali lands, and historians talk about the Myxal colonization of the peninsula back in the XIII century BC. It is believed that the first state on the peninsula was founded by the civilization of the Etruscans, which actively adopted the culture of neighbors - Greeks and the Phoenicians. In the end, the ITalians tribes took the dominant position in the region, including Latin.

According to Roman mythology, after the events of the famous Trojan war to the Apennine coast, the ships of the running Trojans headed by the hero of Eneem were stuck. From here, one of the legends on the foundation of Rome takes place - the Trojans tired of the long-lasting wardings settled in the Italian lands next door to Latins, and one of the local kings even gave her daughter for Enai. As a result, such a favorable Majaja Eney becomes the next king of Latins, as well as new immigrants. His son Ascany-Yul suffered the capital of the United States to the new city of Alba Long (the ruins of which to this day can be seen southeast of Rome) and rallied the Latin Union around him.

Mars and Reya Sylvia. Artist Peter Paul Rubens, approx. 1616

In those distant times, the war was the most ordinary, almost domestic, especially - the war for the throne. It is not at all surprising that the fourteenth tsar Alba Long, a numerator, was overthrown by his younger brother Amulia. The newly made ruler, wanting to protect his power, killed the nephew, and I reheated Silvia's niece of the goddess Vesta. From the point of view of politics, it was a very wise move, since Vestyaki on the one hand enjoyed tremendous respect and possessed inviolability, and on the other hand, they were obliged to keep virgin purity for thirty years. The violation of the chastity of chastity caught quite strictly, right up to the burial alive.

Further, in full compliance with the traditions of ancient myths, the God of Mars visited the young Silvia, and the stormy passion broke out between them, and later the twins were born - Romulus and Rem. In general, there is nothing unusual in this story, since the Gods of Olympus were repeatedly descended to Earth and entered into contact with mortal women. But in this case, it should be remembered that the very fact of pregnancy Vestniki for an ancient society is a terrible scandal, and the Divine fatherhood should also be proved: they will not invite the same Mars to the priesthood for the dacha testing?!

However, there was a more substantial complication. As we remember, Ray Silvia became Vadilla, not in his own will, but by order of his uncle-usurper, in order not to leave the offspring, able to overthrow the king once. Angry Amulus ordered twins to Tiberges, thus calculating in this way to commit to potential applicants for the throne. The subsequent development of this story can be known to the respected reader since the time of the school program: the twins survived, were fed up with a wolf and raised by the shepherd. When the brothers grew up, they poured with Amulia and returned the throne of Alba-Long to her grandfather to Numitor. The old king sent them to establish a new colony, as a result of a dispute about the most suitable for settlement, Romulus killed Rem at the Palatine Hill, built there the city of Rome and became his first king.

As usual and happens upon the basis of new colonies (remember the history of development by Europeans of America!), Initially, the population of Rome was criminals and exiles from neighboring Italian and Greek states. Indeed, why a person who has an income farming on the shores of the warm sea, to throw a great-grandfather farm and go to search for happiness in a new construction city? As we said, the war in those days was the most common, and therefore the diverse and marginal inhabitants of the young Rome began to actively expand their sphere of influence due to the neighbors: Sabinjan, Latins and Etruscans. Even the former Metropoline Alba Long was captured and destroyed by a young state.

Rome adopted a lot from their neighbors, including the tradition of royal power. However, in Rome, the powers of the monarch were initially limited, the throne was not initially inherited, and the king was elected. Such a semi-republican structure has subsequently led to the emergence of endless intrigues, conspiracies and coats that influenced the emergence of the Roman Republic.


Romulus, the grandson of the numerator, Tsar Alba-Long, the son of Vestniki Sylvia and the very god of Mars, fed by the Wolf and who killed his own brother - a rich pedigree and dubious biography, which, however, did not prevent Romulu to become not only the founder of the Great Rome, but also the most famous King. According to Roman legends, he rules from 753 to 716. BC. In times of Romulus, some Etrins and Sabinians joined Rome; It is believed that it was he who created the Senate from the "hundred fathers" and divided the population of Rome into three main parts - the tribes headed by elected tribunes: Latinians, Sabinians and Etruscans. Each of the tribe, in turn, was shared for ten hours, Kuria was chosen to the state positions of the most worthy and fearless husbands.

Romulus, the winner of Acron, brings rich gifts to the temple of Jupiter. Artist Jean Augst Engr, 1812 Acron was the ruler of Sabinyan during the war due to the abducted by the Romans of Women Sabineanok

Noble Romans, famous for valor and wealth, called "fathers" (and their descendants - "patricians"), unknown and poor - plebeians. Patricia occupied political, priests and judicial positions, while the plebies remained agriculture and crafts. Such a social bundle has been preserved for many centuries, although in the days of the late republic, the borders between the estates became rather formality.

There are several legends about the death of Romula, up to its divine ascension to Olympus. However, antique historians are much more prosaic. Let's give the word Plutarch:

"Already thirty-seven years, Romulus ruled Rome based on them. The fifth of July, that day, which is currently called Cracrati Nonami, Romulus brought out the city, on the goat swamp, the victim for the entire people in the presence of the Senate and most of the citizens. Suddenly there was a big change in the air: a cloud came to the ground, accompanied by swirl and storm. The rest of the people in fear went to run and dissipated in different directions, the romulus disappeared. He was not found alive, nor dead. On Patricziyev fell severe suspicion. The people said that they had long been tsarist authorities for a long time and, wanting to pick up the management of the state into their hands, king was king, as he began to act with them severe and despotic. Patricia tried to dispel such a kind of suspicion, the rank rang to the gods and saying that he was not dead, but he was awarded the best share. " I bled, the person, who was respected, was swore, he saw how Romulus was in full service on heaven, and heard his voice, who ordered to call him Quirin. "

Plutarch does not speak anything directly, bypassed hints, which, however, are quite clear - the highest aristocracy was dissatisfied with Romulos, and most likely the son of Mars became a victim of a conspiracy. A beautiful legend of sending Romulus directly to Olympus, probably appeared later to take suspicion of patrician.

Numa Pupilii

The second king of the ancient Roman state chosen by patricians for wisdom and piousness, rules from 715 to 673. BC. Numa Pompili was born a year of the founding of Rome in the Sabinian family, was married to the daughter of the Sabinhian king. According to the legend (however, almost all the described events can be considered a myth with a very small historical component), after the death of the spouse in the Albanian mountains, he met Nymph Egeria, who trained his lawmakers. Subsequently, his daughter Pumpilia gave birth to the future king of Anca Maria.

The scheme of the resettlement of Italian tribes in the era of seven kings

The successes of the second Roman king are difficult to overestimate: it was he "injected order" in a young state, trying to teach the Romans not only to constant battles, but also to peaceful life. With noma Pumpilia, a description of all land owned by Rome was created, handicraft shops and a calendar for 355 days were established. He also forbade human sacrifices (to which the Romans were still resorted to grave times, for example during the second Punic war), and during his reigns, Rome did not have conquering campaigns at all. Numa Pompili died at the age of 80, was cremated, and the dust is buried on the Yalikul Hill.

Tull Hotel

The third king of Rome, Tull Hotel, chosen by patricians, like his predecessor, rules from 673 to 641. BC. Before his election, Tull was engaged in agriculture, but with the introduction of the throne in it, ambition was woken up and, possibly, "Call of blood", since he was the grandson of the Brave Roman Warrior, the living room. As a result of the war with the neighbors Tull, the living rooms could finally conquer Alba Long and defeat Sabinians, expanding the territory of Rome and doubled his population. Subsequently, Alba Long was destroyed to the base. However, if the destruction of the Alba-Long is recognized as historically reliable fact, then the death of Tulla Leli Mythologized: Having fucked by wars and forgetting about the ministry of the gods, he brought Jupiter and was killed by lightning.

Ank Maria

Fourth king, Ank Marillion, ruled in 640-616. BC, accounted for a grandson of Noma Pubrugi. Wisdom and peaceful, he was largely like his grandfather, during the reign patronized crafts, trade and agriculture, but, unlike grandfather, he had to be involved in the war with his neighbors. The Latin tribes, Sabinets, Etruscov and Volskov, who rebels against Rome were defeated in the battle with Medulia, the army march was charged with the cities of the Politics, Calm and Fichanas.

Lucius Tarquinities Prosk, or Tarquinia ancient

Lucius Tarquinius Prisc, better known as the Tarquinis of the ancient, the fifth king of the ancient Rome, rules from 616 to 579. BC. By origin, he was Greek, his homeland was the Etruscan City of Tarquinia. Later he moved to Rome and thanks to his wealth and wisdom became one of the most influential people of the city. The king of Ank Marcia appointed him to the Cavalry commander and made his approximated. After the death of the king Tarquini, was able to convince the people of Rome in what he should take the throne. With the new king, Rome continued the war with the neighbors and soon became the center of the Latin Union. Tarquinius also patronized the development of art, expanded the Senate, introducing representatives of poor childbirth to its composition, was dismissed forum, built the Temple of Jupiter Capitolian, now known as simply Capitol, and held the first Roman sewer.

Servi Tullya

However, the sons of Anca Maria since childhood was hidden on the chosen king, because they believed that the throne had to go to them. According to the example of Romulus and Rem, who overthrow the illegal king, they were together to kill Tarquinia, causing outrage of both aristocracy and plebeans. The sons of Marce were expelled from Rome, and the throne took the receiving son of the murdered king - servi Tully, who became the sixth king of Rome, which was ruled in 578-535. BC. Serviy was born in the Arrovnia destroyed by the Roman troops of the Tarquinia ancient, his father was killed in battle, and the mother came pronounced the invaders and became an approximate wife of the Roman king. Series was a slave in the royal house, but received a good Greek education, participated in the military campaigns of Rome, and Tarquinia issued his second daughter for him. It is necessary to note here that in such ancient times the institution of slavery looked completely differently than at the late Roman Republic or the Empire - a personal dependence was not something shameful, the slaves were rather junior family members, and not "talking tools."

Etruscan warriors. Modern illustration

The beginning of his reign The new ruler noted another victory over the Etrusca and the construction of the Temple of Diana on the Aventinian Hill. The city intensified so much that the neighbors did not hurry to fight with Rome, and the new king had enough time to conduct reforms. Series Tully introduced representatives of the plebeian to the Roman community, divided the population for five classes on property census and replaced the generic tribs into territorial: four urban and seventeen rural. The new king redeemed the poor from slavery and in every possible way contributed to the growth of the welfare of the people of Rome, for which his plebey was especially read, but the Patricia and Senate disliked.

Lutions Tarquinia

The seventh and the last king of Rome Lucius Tarquinia, who received the nickname "proud," was the son of King Tarquinia ancient. When his father was killed, he was still a baby. Seri Tully, so as not to repeat the fate of his predecessor, he tried in every way to arrange the Lucia and his brother Arun to himself and issued to the descendants of the Tarquia of his daughters. However, the louches, in collusion with the Senate, first killed his brother and his wife, and then dealt with the service, declaring himself the king of Rome.

He began his board from repression against supporters of serving. The Senate was halved, many patricians were expelled as a result of beans and denunciations, and the remaining members of the Council, the new king was not in a hurry to collect, preferring to solve all the questions independently or with the help of their approximated.

In the field of foreign policy, Tarquiniya proudly broke a lot of firewood, preferring the Knuta method and completely forgotten about gingerbread - Latin cities remained in the sphere of influence of Rome, but the suppression of any attempts to Sabinet and Etruscans show minimal independence led to an increase in discontent. Brutal board, unwillingness to reckon with the Senate and aristocratic families, the abuse of power and frank self-deformation configured against the Tarquinia all layers of society. The last straw, which was overwhelmed by the Bowl of the Romans, was the fact that the younger son of the king of Tarquiniya Sex asked the passion for Lucretia - his wife Patricia Tarquinia Collatin and the daughter of Consul Keeping Lucretia Tricypitin, and, threatening, committed violence over it. Lucretia told her husband and swollen himself. Relatives of Lucretia, Louchies, Young Brut and Publi Valery Publagan, carried her body to the forum and convinced citizens to expel the cruel king.

Lucretia and Tarquinius. Artist Peter Paul Rubens, approx. 1609-1611.

Tarquinia proud together with the sons put out of Rome, and they had to run to Etruria. The expulsion king wore the support of Latinan and raised the uprising against Rome, but lost in the battle at Lake Regile in 496, where all his sons were killed. Tarquiniya himself hid in the Greek lands, where he died in obscurity a year later.

The republic was established in Rome, in the early stages, the prosperity of the prosperity was unprecedented before the state and formally existed from 509 to 27 BC. It is curious that two elected Consul possessed truly royal powers, but the term of their reign was rigidly limited, and the article was added to Roman laws, that anyone who walked to buy Rome's king should be killed without a court ...

The first king of Ancient Rome was his founder - Romulus. He did not create the dynasty, and after his death, the royal authorities were transferred to the one who recognized the decent Roman Senate, which included the most accurate citizens. The fifth of these elected kings was the louches of the Tarquinity Prosk on the nicknamed ancient, Etrusk by origin. Some historians believe that Tarquinia was not chosen, and he captured power. But there is no reliable confirmation.

The Tarquinius Prisk had a son, whose name was the same - Lucius Tarquinia. At the end of the 6th century BC. e. He is 25 years old Rome rules. And he entered the story under the name of Tarquinia proud. The royal period ended on it, after which the epoch of the republic was coming, which lasted almost five centuries. About how it happened, there is a lot of legends. But they all reduce the fact that the last king in the Roman throne lost the crown by his own fault.

Killer testing.

Tarquinius proud became king not immediately. After all, inherited power was not transmitted. According to the current tradition, after the death of his father, the Senate chose to the rulers of an experienced branch, serving Tully, who was a close friend who died the king. He feared that the sons of Tarquinia ancient will sooner or later try to take the throne from him. Therefore, he married them on their daughters. So the Lucion of Tarquinia and his brother Arun appeared wives with the same names - Tully. The eldest of them was meek and affectionate - she married Aruna. But the younger Tully was distinguished by waybirth and irrepressible burden to power. And having become the wife of Lucius, immediately began a conversation about the state coup. I didn't have to persuade Tarquinia for a long time - the position of the Eternal Prince did not suit him at all.

Servi Tullya

To begin with, the criminal couple decided to get rid of competitors. They made a conspiracy and killed Arun with senior Tullia. Now, between them and the throne was only servicing Tully. By the way, he turned out to be a good king and led enough politics. Apparently, so he was not very loved by the Senate, but he adored a simple people. This just did not take into account the louches of Tarquinia, when the first time tried to overthrow the test. Patricia was ready to support the coup. But simple Romans came to the beloved king, and so actively, that Tarquinia had to flee.

After some time, he returned to Rome by choosing the moment when most people were employed in the fields. Then the louches of Tarquinius announced that it convenes an urgent session of the Senate. In fact, only the king possessed such a privilege. But the patricians came to the call of confusion. Tarquinius said in front of them a fiery speech, proving that he should take the royal throne as his father. The Senate, displeased reforms of the ruler, was ready to agree with this, but the service of Tully himself came to the forum. Despite the fact that by that time he was already a deep old man, the king was not going to give way to the throne of the impostor, and even repayed for good black ungratefulness. Series Tully did not suspect how far the Tarquinity of the thirst for power can. And therefore, without any fear, he turned to him with an angry speech, demanding to leave Rome forever. The Tarquinius did not in response to the discussion, but silently pushed the old man, dropping it from the steps on the stone platform. There, they finished off the supporters of the Novoyed Usurper. And to top it all the body of service moved the chariot younger Tully, who from that day began to be called the Queen of Rome.

Apple from apple tree.

Very soon, Senators Gorky regretted that they allowed Tarquinia to overthrow the legitimate ruler. First of all, the new king surrounded himself with armed guards - licators - and began cleaning in the ranks of Patriches. The harsh Kara overtigid everyone who could be suspected in sympathy to overthrow serving Tullia. The composition of the Senate soon decreased almost twice. Now the senators spent most of the time not at meetings, but at home, shaking from fear. All state issues began to solve a close circle of an approximate king.

Soon it turned out that one Rome Tarquinia is short enough. He began to lead active conquest wars. At the same time, it did not gearly - the Roman troops fire and the sword walked along the lands of his ancestors of Etruscans.

The story of the conquest of the city called Gabia, who did not want to obey Tarquinia's tyranny. Making sure that the walls of the city are too high, are long and durable, so it will not be possible to take it, the king of Rome resorted to tricks. His younger son was sent to the city, who told the residents that she asks her shelter from the rage of their father. It did not cause any surprise in those of the cruelty of Tarquinia already walked legends throughout the Apennine Peninsula. The fact that the brother's killer and the testing can raise his hand on his own child seemed to be completely natural. Therefore, the son of Tirana was accepted with honor in Gabi. He lived there for quite a long time, actively taking part in urban affairs. Even commanded the troops of the warriors during the troops against the troops of his father. And then, having achieved a high position, killed several noble citizens and opened the gate in front of the Romans. So the children of Tarquinia cost their father.

Virtuous Lucretia.

The son, showing a similar "valor" in the war, called the Sext Tarquinia. He was the third, junior king and at the same time possessed the most irrepressive temper. When he, together with his friends, indulged by Kutzham, respectful Romans preferred to be shoved in their homes so that in no case encounter an overlooking company. Well, those who did not have time to hide, it remained only to pray.

"History of Lucretia" Sandro Botichelli

Once the attention of the sext of Tarquinia attracted a woman named Lucretia. She was famous for all Rome with his respectfulness and good upbringing. Most often it was also called - "Virtuous Lucretia". And everyone envied her husband - Patricia Luncture Tarquinia Kol Latin. He was a relative of Tarquinia proud, but it did not save him from trouble. Sext Tarquinius, fascinated by the beauty and meek moral lucration, attacked her in the absence of her husband and raped. This woman could not survive. Skiding, she told about her husband, and then pierced himself with a sword in his eyes.

This overwhelmed the patience of Romans. The body of the edded lucration carried through the streets of the city in her arms. And the Tarquinius proud with sons barely managed to hide from Rome. The royal power was declared the lowlands, and the city from now began to edit the two consuls elected for the year. The first Roman consuls were the Tarquinius of Collatin and Louchies, Young Brut. The time of the republic has come.

Meanwhile, the expulsion of Tarquinius proud suddenly remembered its roots and turned for help to Etruscas. Etruscan king Lara Pussenna first did not want to fight with a powerful city. But Tarquinius deceived him, saying that the consuls want to overthrow all the kings in Italy and spread the republican form of government everywhere. This Pussenna could not even move the troops to Rome.

"Muitions of scetzol in front of the porsen" Pellegrini Giovanni

He won several battles, but in the end retreated. It is said that this decision of Pussenna accepted after the Roman Zutchik was caught, sent to kill him. This belt was called Guy Muitions.
He was threatened with torture. In response, demonstrating the power of the Spirit and the resistance of the Romans, Guy Muitions put the right hand into the fire and kept it until she was charred. It was so struck by the Etruscan king that he let go of a young man on freedom, and then concluded peace with Rome. This young man later became known as scene mounds ("Left -sha").

Well, before Tarquinia is proud, then, disappointed in the Etrusks, he turned for help to Latin. In 496 BC e. The battle took place near Lake Regilla. The poorly organized Latins led by cruel, but not endowed with the colonical talent of Tarquinius were headed by the Romans. The former king was forced to run again - this time in one of the Greek colonies. He died a year later.

And all his sons fell in battle at regile. All except the sext of Tarquinia. He did not go to war along with his father, but he tried to hide in the very city of Gabius, who once captured such a dishonorable way. There, he was killed by the rebels of citizens who were not forgotten and not gone to his cunning.

Lucius Tarquiniya Gordy - According to Roman legend, the last, seventh king of ancient Rome in 534-509 BC. e. Known by his tyranny. Was expelled from Rome.

The father of Tarquinia was proud was the fifth king of Rome: Tarquinities. After his murder in 578 BC. e. The sons of Anca Maria, the authorities in their hands took the favorite of Tanquille (Wives of Tarquinia Prsk) - Serius Tully. The sons of Tarquinia Prsk - Lucius and Arun - at that time were still babies. In order to prevent your possible overthrow of the sons of the predecessor Tsar, servi Tully tried to bind them to himself. The king decided to give them his daughters to his wife: a meek and affectionate - for a proud louction, but an ambitious smaller - for indecisive Aruna. However, the younger Tully against the will of the Father married the Lucion of Tarquinia. They made a conspiracy and killed Arun and the older Tullia.

The discontent of patrician reforms serving Tully led to the fact that the king lost support for the Senate. Lucius Tarquinius took advantage of this and tried to shift his testing. For the first time he did not succeed - according to the legend, the people came to the king. Lucius Tarquiniya was forced to flee. Making conclusions, the next time he decided to decide when the people were busy in the fields. Lucius Tarquinius convened the Senate (it was the privilege of the king) and announced that he was, and not servicing Tullya is the legitimate heir to the throne. When servi Tully (by that time, a deep old man) appeared in the Senate in order to drive an impostor, Tarquinius dropped him from steps on a stone platform. Series Tully tried to escape the flight, but was killed on the street by adherents Lucia. Immediately his body moved the chariot his youngest daughter Tully.

Immediately after his election to the kingdom of Lucius, Tarquiniy surrounded himself and began to pursue a policy of repression against the adherents of the deceased serving Tully. The number of the Senate, which considered the fact that the Lucius of Tarquini will return to the patricians of the former privileges, declined as a result of the goat and denunciations almost twice. The king not only did not replenished him, but also began to convene as much as possible. The functions of the Senate actually replaced the Council of the approximate king.

Thanks to a large military extraction, Lucius Tarquiniya took up active construction in Rome. With it, the temple of Jupiter on the Capitol Hill was completed, the construction of sewage was completed. Tarquinius proud destroyed the Sabinian sanctuary and level the Tarpenta Rock, towering over the forum, from where they were discarded convicted to Tiber.

Lucius Tarquinius Proud spent an active conquering foreign policy. He strengthened the Union of Rome and Latin cities by the physical elimination of those who considered the Rome enslave Laci and the creation of related unions. So he gave her daughter for Octavia Mamilia - King Tiscus. When Tarquinia, Gorde, Roman troops invaded the area of \u200b\u200bVolskov, were conquered by the city of Sons-Pompidge and Anseur. Sabinians and Etruscan were suppressed.

Under Tarquinia, the pride in the army ceased to take representatives of the lower classes - they were used in construction. The army was equipped, mainly from mercenaries.

Tirands of the king and the abuse of his sons were configured against him all the strata of society. Rape by the sext of the Tarquinity of Virtuous Lucretia was the last drop of patience: relatives of the Lucrection of Louchies, Yongy Brut and Publi, Valery Publac made her body to the forum and convinced citizens to expel the king and establish the Republican Board. Tarquinia proud did not let in Rome, and he was forced to seek refuge in Etruria with three younger sons. Sext Tarquinius was killed during an uprising in Gabia.

In the expulsion of Lucius Tarquiniy tried to enlist the support of Etruscan and Latin kings, convincing them that Rome wants to spread the republican rule throughout the Latin. Etruscan Tsar Lars Porsten, on whom the Lucius Tarquiniy counted the most, despite the victories over the Romans, was forced to conclude a peace treaty with the Republic. Lutions of Tarquinia managed to configure against Rome Latinan, but in the battle of Lake Regile in 496 BC. e. The Allied Army was defeated by the Romans. The battle killed all the remaining sons of Tarquinia. The former king was forced to flee into the Etruscan city of Kuma to the king Aristoral region, where he died in 495 BC. e.

September 22, 2018

Tarquinius Proud, son Lucia Tarquinia ancient, ascended to the throne as a result of betrayal caused by his own envy and incitement of the wife of Tullia-Jr., after the unceremonious murder of his predecessor, and besides, the testa is serving Tully. In power, Tyran was from 534 to 509g. BC. And he became the last Ancient Roman king in the history of the eternal city.

His government began with repression, continued by Tyrania, and ended with the expulsion of Tarquinia proud and his unknown death. The Senate was going on with it more and less often, and the brewing state problems were solved by approximately the louction, as a rule, in their favor. The nickname "proud" in relation to Tirana was associated, rather, with the concepts of "Gordin" and "Highness", rather than with dignity.

Exile of Tarquinia from Rome

The previous ancient Roman tried to get rid of the hatred of the sons of the fifth in the account of the king of the Tarquinity of the Prisk, as they considered Tully to the upset and impostor. He decided to protect himself quite simply, having married his daughters for the young men. But one of them was too ambitious in the bad sense of the word. In his ambitions, she agreed with her husband's husband, after which they decided to get rid of their "halves". After the murder of both, a couple came together to continue their criminal actions towards power. As a result, Tarquinius proud put a hand to the murder of serving, which at that time was already in old age, and his wife Tullya Jr. drove on a chariot in a dying father.

Murder servi Tullya

The seventh Ancient Roman king was led by the conquest and robbing wars, replenished Rome's budget, which helped to complete the Capitol Temple and city sewage sewer - Greater Cloacu. But the brutal acts of Tarquinia proud, as well as the abuse and adultery of his sons caused Romans discontent. The last drop of patience was the ability to be one of the royal offspring over married, virtuous Lucretia, which did not squeeze the shame and killed himself in front of relatives.

Death of Lucretia

Subsequent events led to the renewal and expulsion of the ancient Roman king from the city. Lucius tried to return power by force, attracting Etruscov and Latinyan to his side, but all this joint army was defeated by the Romans, after which the Mount-king escaped away from the city, where he soon died.

The names of the previous six Ancient Roman kings, which can be found by following links:

According to one of the legends, angry Romans dropped Tirana to Tiber, where subsequently formed

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