In all regions of the Russian Federation. In which regions of the Russian Federation are people better? Scientific expeditions of Russia

As a schoolgirl, I read the novel "Two Captains" and dreamed, like the heroes of the book, to explore the North and participate in expeditions. Romance! And although I was not a member of the research team, I am still interested in expeditions.

In which regions of the Earth scientific expeditions work

Generally, an expedition is a journey that has a specific purpose... Scientific expeditions are different and are divided into:

  • geographic;
  • paleontological;
  • geographic;
  • academic;
  • archaeological.

The one described in Two Captains was about a geographic expedition. Many countries of the world spend Scientific research(about 200 countries) worldwide... The most active research countries are America, Russia, Japan. Basically, the purpose of the expedition is determined by the economic or political interests of the country. Today scientific expeditions are actively following:

  • The Arctic;
  • World Ocean;
  • Antarctica.

And in the future - the exploration of outer space.

Scientific expeditions of Russia

By the way, the very first scientific expedition in the history of Russia was founded by the decree of the First. Its goal was to explore "all the kingdoms of Siberia." A huge role in the study of Russian lands and foreign territories has played and is currently playing Russian geographic society , founded in St. Petersburg in 1845. Today many Russian universities include scientific expeditions in their curricula. The Institute of Oriental Studies in 2016 held a scientific research one-water exploration of the water area of ​​the city of Sevastopol in order to study the historical and marine natural heritage. In the Sevastopol Bay, the skeleton of a ship that sank in the 19th century was discovered, which eventually turned into an artificial reef.

Constant interest is aroused and Arctic... Our country is interested in modern sea expeditions in this region, as it is concerned about global climatic changes, which are most clearly manifested in the Arctic. Another reason is economic. This is offshore mining. Today Russia has over 70 Arctic research stations.

Active learning Antarctica conducted by the Russian Geographical Society. In 2012, with his support, floating university project... Purpose - research and monitoring of islands and waters of the Arctic seas. And in international scientific expedition 2016 to Antarctica (on our ship "Akademik Treshnikov") 30 countries participated... The goal is to go around Antarctica and conduct climatological, biological, glaciological (study of glaciers) research.

The hypothesis that the Russians borrowed obscene vocabulary from the Tatars has long been refuted by researchers. As it turned out, the mat was used in ancient Slavic times and has Indo-European roots.

At first, obscene expressions were not at all considered abusive (by the way, according to one of the versions, they began to be called swearing, since they were used by soldiers on the battlefield). They were used in various occult rituals to appeal to pagan deities. Our ancestors saw them as "words of power" that could not be remembered in vain. According to the philologist A. Pluzer-Sarno, mat was part of the Slavic conspiracies, which were uttered, referring to the magical power allegedly contained in the genitals (the ancients endowed them with sacred meaning).

B.A. Uspensky in his work "The Mythological Aspect of Russian Expressive Phraseology" reports that "swearing had a distinctly cult function in Slavic paganism,<…>is widely represented in various rituals of clearly pagan origin - wedding, agricultural, etc. - that is, in rituals one way or another associated with fertility: swearing is a necessary component of rituals of this kind and is certainly ritual in nature. "

But in Everyday life“Black abuse,” as it was later called in Russia, was taboo. In pagan times, it was impossible to swear in your own home and even in a stable (otherwise you could jinx the cattle).

In the era of Christianity, the Church declared obscene vocabulary of demonic, as she saw in it a relic of paganism. All Russian rulers waged a merciless struggle against swearing. Nevertheless, swearing was found both in everyday life and in the folklore of some regions of Russia - songs, proverbs, sayings, ditties and even fairy tales (as evidenced, for example, in "Russian cherished tales" by A. N. Afanasyev).

Where is the most stressful life? Surely many will say: of course, in Moscow. Endless vanity, everyone is running somewhere ... But no! Sociologists at HeadHunter Research have dispelled this myth by ranking the regions where people get the most nervous at work.

It turned out during a survey of 11,545 Russian workers that Moscow is only in eighth place in the top 10 regions suffering from stress every day. And in the first place is the Oryol region, one of the most picturesque regions with a population of about 750 thousand people. Residents of the Yaroslavl and Tambov regions, who took 2nd and 3rd places in the ranking, also actively spend nerve cells at work. And even in St. Petersburg they experience more in the service than in Moscow. Professor of Moscow Humanities University Alexey Skopin says that in the Oryol region there really is something to be nervous about. There are few jobs. Here the bosses load their subordinates beyond measure without any compensation. In Oryol itself, there is an opinion that it is impossible to get a job in a decent place without connections.

Well, and if you are lucky, and you got to the position, then you will have to put up with the fact that the attitude towards "your own" will still be more loyal than towards you.

Another observation is interesting: among the leaders in terms of stress, there are regions where the agricultural sector is now actively developing. Elena Yakhontova, professor High school of corporate governance at RANEPA explains this by the fact that businessmen in this industry, driven by their ambitions and desire to get more profit, do not spare their subordinates. “In developing economic areas, this is a common story - for the sake of making a quick decision and profit, managers squeeze all the juice out of their employees,” she says. “Part of the population from these regions left to work or to Moscow and St. for a place, the family needs to be fed.

In Moscow, on the other hand, people are calmer than in the regions. They know that, having lost their job, they will always find another, often even better and better paid. And in fact, according to the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, since the beginning of August alone, almost 180 thousand vacant positions have been registered in the Moscow vacancy bank.

People in Moscow are calmer than in the regions. They know that, having lost their job, they will always find another, often even better and better paid.

Well, where is the quietest place to work? It turns out that Siberians who work in the Tyumen and Kemerovo regions feel the most confident. Tyumen is famous for its oil fields, where stable groups of shift workers work. It is difficult for them to find a replacement, and if they are fired there, then the whole watch at once, and not one by one. In the Kemerovo region, the main work is the mines, there are stable collectives of miners everywhere. They stand firmly on their feet, because there is always a demand for coal. Residents feel comfortable too Lipetsk region, where, unlike Orlovskaya, both the industrial sector and the agricultural sector are developed, which allows people to work peacefully.

But it is not the place that paints a person. The same Muscovites also experience stress every now and then. The reason is the same as in other regions: too much work, which is not always able to cope, - this is how 48% of respondents explain it. Every second person is worried if they cannot deliver the project on time. Too fast pace of work and self-criticism make every third employee worry. Quarrels with bosses and conflicts with colleagues (28% and 24%) do not add calmness either.

By the nature of my activity, for many years now I have to constantly communicate with people from different regions of the Russian Federation. Sometimes directly, more often through operators, but, nevertheless, the array of information is very large, and allows one to draw certain and somewhat politically incorrect conclusions about the peculiarities of the mentality of people in various regions of Russia.
I'll start with the good regions. More precisely, from those where, in my opinion, good people live.

This is all that is east of Tyumen.
And the best of this is Transbaikalia, Buryatia, Irkutsk, Yakutia, Sakhalin.
People are polite, it is very easy to solve all the questions about shipments, the likelihood of a scandal or rudeness from scratch is close to a statistical error.
Vladivostok falls out of this list a little, it is more difficult there, why, I don’t presume to say.
Then there are the northwestern Russian regions, such as Pskov or Vologda, and the national republics of the Volga region, primarily Mari El with Mordovia.
After that, you can list a huge number of neutral regions, where, with a fairly sane population in general, it is not uncommon for rudeness, stubborn stupidity, and other similar things.
And now the bottom of the rating.
The rural population of the Krasnodar Territory is beyond competition. I would also classify people living in regional centers as the rural population. Percentage, let's say strange people, and just a boor with rednecks, here is the highest.
In Krasnodar itself, by the way, the situation is a little more joyful. And in Sochi, and not a little.
The Rostov region is not much better than the Kuban, and here the regional center is no different from the rest of the region.
This is where the Voronezh Region, Stavropol, again.
But in the south of the Russian Federation there is a very special region, where people are not just correctly polite, but there the politeness is outrageous and absolute. I think everyone understood what place we are talking about. Yes, this is Chechnya.
As for the other republics, Dagestan is an average situation.
Somehow I did not have a special impression about the rest of the republics, there were not so many shipments there.
I deliberately do not evaluate Moscow and St. Petersburg. There is such a mixture of people here that there is no need to talk about any patterns of behavior.
Only one nuance can be noted. In the general normal situation, the strangest and most frostbitten people were from St. Petersburg. I'm not talking about ordinary rudeness, but about such frames, the sending of which is remembered after a few years.
In general, I have such conclusions.
I wonder if my opinion coincides with the opinion of other people?

better people?

By the nature of my activity, for many years now I have to constantly communicate with people from different regions of the Russian Federation. Sometimes directly, more often through operators, but, nevertheless, the array of information is very large, and allows you to draw certain and somewhat politically incorrect conclusions about a particular ...

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