Andrey Bolkonsky on the battlefield under Austerlitz. Andrei Bolkonsky in Shenagraben and Austerlitsky Battles Bolkonsky during the battle

An essay on the topic "War in the world of Prince Adrey Bolkonsky", written in the work of L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The work describes the change in the relationship of Andrei to the war in the course of the work of the work.



War in the world of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

At the beginning of the novel, Prince Andrei was positive for war. War is needed to achieve his goals: make a feat, become famous: "I will be sent there," he thought, "with a brigade or division, and there, with the banner in his hand, I will go ahead and break everything that will be in front of me". For the Bolkonsky idol was Napoleon. Andrei did not like the fact that Napoleon at the twenty-seven years was already commander-in-chief, and he, at this age only an adjutant.

In September, the prince goes to war. He was pleased to think about his departure. Even when he rushed with Marya, he was already thinking about the war. When Andrei arrived at the front, he met two staff officers: Nesvitsky and Zhirkov. From the very acquaintance, the relationship between them "did not work out", as Nesvitsky and Zhirkov were very different from Andrei. They were unauded, cowardly, while Bolkonsky was distinguished by the mind and courage. These differences were manifested when officers met with General Mac. The staff officers laughed at the defeat of the Austrian army, and Andrei was very unhappy: "... We are - or officers who serve the king and the Fatherland and rejoice in shared success and pepper about the overall failure, or we are doing business to the Lord. Forty thousand people died, and the Allied Army was destroyed, and you can joke at it. " The courage is shown in the episode when the prince asks Kutuzov to stay in Bagration's detachment, while Nesvitsky, on the contrary, does not want to participate in battle and retreats to the rear.

On Schongraben battle, Prince Bolkonsky demonstrated not only courage, but also courage. He dared to go to the battery Tushina. And it is here that Andrew sees the courage that the artilleryrs of Tushina showed. After the battle, he was the only one interceded for the captain before Bagration, although Andrei did not like that Tushin could not recognize his merit, his feat and tries not to mention him.

After the Shöngraben battle, Bolkonsky participates in another battle - Austerlitsky. Here he managed to make a feat: During the retreat of the battalion, he picks up the banner and his example encourages the soldiers to return and rush to the attack: "As if with all the scope, someone from the nearest soldiers seemed to him, hit him in his head." After the injury, Andrei sees the sky and admires them: "... how did I not see this high sky? And how happy that I finally found out ... There is nothing but silence, soothing. And thank God". During this battle, he is disappointed in Napoleon - he seems to him a "little, insignificant person." Andrei realized that life is most important, even feats and glory. He realized that the war is not a means of achieving a brilliant career, but dirty, heavy work. The battle of Austerlitz makes reconsider its priorities - now he is above all appreciates the family. And, after the captivity, returns home, in the bald mountains, where the death of his wife takes: Lisa dies during childbirth. The prince feels guilty before a little princess and understands that he is no longer possible to redeem this guilt. After these events, the Austerlitsky campaign, the death of his wife and the birth of the Son - Prince Andrei "Tver decided never to serve more in military service."

When the Patriotic War began, Prince Bolkonsky goes to the army at wishes, but he goes there not for "toulon", but from the revenge. Andrei offered a service in a retinue of the emperor, but he refused, because only serving in the army he will be useful in war. Before Borodino, the prince told Pierre the reason for his return to the army: "The French ruined my house and go to break Moscow, insulted and insult me \u200b\u200bevery second. They are my enemies, they are all criminals, according to my concepts. "

After the appointment of Andrei, the commander of the regiment, he was "all was devoted to the affairs of his regiment, he was caring for his people and officers and affectionately with them. In the regiment he was called "our prince." They were proud and loved. "

On the eve of Battle, Bolkonsky was confident in the victory of Russian regiments, he believed in a soldier. And Pjar said: "We will win the battle tomorrow. Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle. "

On the battle under Borodino, the regiment of Andrei Bolkonsky stood in the reserve. There were often kernels, the soldiers were ordered to sit down, but officers went. Next to Andrei, the kernel falls, but he does not lie down and he was deadly wounded the fragment from this nucleus. He is taken to Moscow, the prince sums up the results of his life. He understands that relations should be built on love.

In Mytishchi, Natasha comes to him and asks for forgiveness. Andrei understands that he loves her and Natasha, he holds the last days of his life. It is now that he understands what happiness and what, in fact, his meaning of life.

Andrei Bolkonsky is an image that embodies the best features of representatives of the advanced nobility society of their time. This image is in diverse connections with other characteristics of the novel. Andrei inherited a lot from the old prince Bolkonsky, being the true son of his father. He is relatives in the spirit of his sister Mary. It is given in a complex comparison with Pierre Bezukhov, which differs from greater realism and will.

The younger Bolkonsky comes into contact with the commander Kutuzov, serves him with an adjutant. Andrei sharply opposes secular society and staff officers, being their antipode. He loves Natasha Rostov, he is directed towards the poetic world of her soul. The hero of Tolstoy moves - as a result of persistent ideological and moral quest - to the people and to the world of the author himself.

For the first time we meet Andrei Bolkonsky in Shero's salon. Much in his behavior and appearance expresses deep disappointment in a secular society, boredom from visiting living rooms, fatigue from empty and false conversations. This is spoken by his tired, bored look, grimacing, rushing his beautiful face, manner pursuer when looking at people. He gathered in the cabin, he contemptuously calls "stupid society."

Andrei is not a good realization that his wife Lisa cannot do without this idle circle of people. At the same time, he himself is here on the position of a stranger and stands "on one board with a court lacquer and an idiot." I remember Andrei's words: "Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, nothingness - here is the enchanted circle, from which I can not go out."

Only with his other Pierre, he is simple, natural, fulfilled friendly participation and cardiac attachment. Only Pierre he can with all the frankness and seriousness to admit: "This life I lead here, this life is not for me." He is experiencing an insurmountable thirst for real life. It entails his sharp, analytical mind, wide requests pushed to great achievements. According to Andrei, the army and participation in military campaigns opens great opportunities. Although it can easily stay in St. Petersburg, serve here a flaghel-adjutant here, he leaves where hostilities go. The battles of 1805 were for the Blocks exit from a dead end.

The Army Service becomes one of the important stages of the quest for the Tolstsky Hero. Here he is sharply separated from numerous quick career seekers and high awards that could be found in the headquarters. Unlike Gherkov and Drubetsky Prince Andrei organically can not boost. It is not looking for reasons to increase in ranks and awards and his service in the army consciously begins with lower ranks in a number of adjutants in Kutuzov.

Bolkonsky exacerbately feels responsible for the fate of Russia. The Ulm defeat of the Austrians and the appearance of a broken general poppy gives rise to his soul anxious thoughts about what obstacles are on the path of the Russian army. I drew attention to the fact that Andrei changed sharply in army conditions. He did not make pretense, fatigue, with the face of the grimace boredom disappeared, in the gait and in the movements there is an energy. According to Tolstoy, Andrei "had a kind of man who had no time to think about the impression, what it produces on others and busy, pleasant and interesting. His face expressed great content and others. It is noteworthy that Prince Andrei insists that he will be sent there, where it is especially difficult - in a squad of Bagration, from which only one tenth can return after the battle. Noteworthy. The actions of Bolkonsky highly appreciate the commander of Kutuzov, who allocated him as one of his best officers.

Prince Andrey is unusually ambiguous. The hero of Tolstoy dreams of such a personal feat that would glorify him and ordered people to render enthusiastic respect. He cherished the thought of glory, similar to the one that went to Napoleon in the French city of Toulon, which would lead it from the ranks of unknown officers. You can forgive Andrei His ambition, realizing that they are driven by "thirst for such a feat that is necessary for a military man." Shenagraben's battle has already allowed Blåns to show his courage. Boldly he carries around his position under the enemy bullets. Only he dared to go to the battery Tushina and did not leave it until the gun was removed. Here, in Shengraban battle, Bologkoe was lucky to become a witness to heroism and courage, which was shown by the captain's artillery officers Tushina. In addition, he himself found a military excerpt here and courage, and then one of all the officers arose to defend a small captain. Shengraben, however, did not even become for Bolkonsky his toulon.

Austerlitskaya battle, as Prince Andrei believed, is a chance to find his dream. This will certainly be a battle that will end with a glorious victory carried out by his plan and under his leadership. He will actually make a feat in Austerlitsky battle. It was worth the subpensers who put the banner of the shelf, fall on the battlefield, as Prince Andrei raised this banner and shouting "guys, ahead!" He led to the attack battalion. After having wounded in the head, Prince Andrei falls, and now Kutuzov writes his father that the son of the old prince Bolkonsky "fell hero."

Achieving tooth failed. Moreover, I had to go through the tragedy of Austerlitz, where the Russian army suffered severe defeat. At the same time disappeared, the illusion of Bolkonsky disappeared, associated with the glory of the Great Hero. The writer turned here to the landscape and painted a huge, bottomless sky, when contemplating, lying on his back, I experience a decisive soul fracture. The inner monologue of Bolkonsky allows us to penetrate his experiences: "How quietly, calmly and solemnly, not at all, as I ran ... Not as we fled, shouted and fought ... Not so much clouds for this high, infinite sky. " The brutal struggle between people now came to a sharp conflict with generous, calm, peaceful and eternal nature.

From this point on, the attitude of the prince of Andrei to Napoleon Bonaparte, which he so honored. There is a disappointment in it, which was especially aggravated at the moment when, by him, Andrei, the French emperor drove with his switch and theatrically exclaimed: "Bot wonderful death!" At that moment, Andrew's prince, Andrei seemed so insignificant "All the interests that occupied Napoleon, so little seemed to him with his hero him, with this small vanity and the joy of victory," in comparison with a high, fair and kind sky. And during the subsequent illness, it was "Little Napoleon with his indifferent, limited and happy from the misfortunes of others." Now Prince Andrei Surovo condemns its ambitious aspirations of the Napoleonic warehouse, and this becomes an important stage in the spiritual search for the hero.

Here the Prince Andrei comes to the bald mountains, where he is destined to NEP hold new shocks: the birth of the son, torment and death of his wife. It seemed to him that it was he who was to blame for what had happened that something was broken in his soul. That fracture in his views, which arose from him under Austerlitz, now connected with the mental crisis. The Tolstoy Hero decides never to serve no longer in the army, and a little later decides to completely refuse social activities. He is filled with life, engaged in Boguchars only the economy and son, inspiring himself that only it remains to him. Now he intends to live only for himself, "I do not interfere with anyone, live to death."

Pierre comes in Bogucharovo, and there is an important conversation between friends on the ferry. Pierre hears from the mouth of Prince Andrei Words, full of deep disappointment in everything, disbelief in the high purpose of man, in the ability to get joy from life. Lyuhov adheres to another point of view: "We must live, you need to love, you have to believe." This conversation left a deep mark in the soul of Prince Andrei. Under its influence, again, although his spiritual revival begins. For the first time after the Austerlitz, he saw a high and eternal sky, and "something long ago fell asleep, something better, what was in him, suddenly joyfully and young woke up in his soul."

Setting up in the village, Prince Andrei carries out noticeable transformations in his estates. Three hundred souls of the peasant he lists in "free blades", in a number of estates replaces the barbecue with a lifting. He writes to Boguchars the student's scientist for helping maternity hospitals, and the priest for sorry teaches the peasant children. As we can see, he did for the peasants much more than Pierre, although she tried, mainly "for himself", for his soulful calmness.

The spiritual recovery of Andrei Bolkonsky manifested itself in the fact that he began to perceive in a new way. On the way to Rostov, he saw the old oak, which "one did not want to obey the charm of spring," did not want to see the sun. Prince Andrei feels the rightness of this oak, which harmonized his own sentiment, complete despair. But in Otradnaya, he was lucky to meet with Natasha.

And now he is deeply penetrating the power of life, spiritual wealth, immediacy and sincerity, which proceeded from it. The meeting with Natasha truly transformed him, awakened interest in life and gave birth to thirst for active activities in his soul. When, returning home, he again met with the old oak, he drew attention to how he transformed - I spread my juicy green greenery, I broke in the rays of the evening sun, it turns out, "Life does not erect at the thirty one ... Not for one thing I was my life, "he thought," so that she was reflected in all and that they all live with me together. "

Prince Andrei returns to social activities. He goes to St. Petersburg, where he begins to work in the Speransky Commission, making up state laws. He admires the Speransky himself, "seeing a huge man of man in it." It seems to him that "the future, from which fate of millions" is preparing here. However, Soon Bolkonsky has to be disappointed in this state leader with his sentimentality and fake artificiality. Then the prince doubted and in the utility of that work he had to do. There is a new crisis. It becomes obvious that everything in this commission is based on a government routine, hypocrisy and bureaucracy. All this activity is not needed by Ryazan men.

And now he is on the ball, where he again meets Natasha. From this girl he was repeated with purity and freshness. He understood the wealth of her soul, incompatible with artificiality and false. He is already clear that he is passionate about Natasha, and during the dance with her "the wine helped him in his head." Next, we follow the passion to how the story of Love Andrei and Natasha develops. Dreams of family happiness have already appeared, but the prince Andrei is destined to survive frustration again. At first, in his family, Natasha was notable. The old prince insulted the girl, and then she herself, carried away by Anatola Kuragin, refused to Andrei. The pride of Bolkonsky was offended. Treason Natasha ran the dreams of family happiness, and "the sky began to re-prescribe a heavy arch."

War of 1812 has come. Prince Andrei again goes to the army, although once gave himself a word there not to return. All petty concerns moved into the background, in particular, the desire to cause Anatol to duel. At Moscow approached Napoleon. On the way of his army were bald mountains. It was an enemy, and Andrei could not feel indifferent to him.

The prince refuses to serve in the headquarters and is sent to serve in the "ranks": according to L. Tolstoy, Prince Andrei "All was devoted to the affairs of his regiment," took care of his people, simple and kind of communicating with them. It was called "our prince" to the regiment, they were proud and loved him. This is the most important stage of the formation of Andrei Bolkonsky as a person. On the eve of the Borodino battle, Prince Andrei is firmly confident in victory. He says Pjar: "We will win the battle tomorrow. Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle!"

Bolkonsky gets closer with simple soldiers. All stronger his disgust for the highest circle, where korestolubiye, careerism and a complete indifference to the destinies of the country and the people reign. By the will of the writer Andrei Bolkonsky becomes an expressive of his own views, honored by the most important power in the history of the people and giving the spirit of the spirit of the troops.

In Borodino battle, Prince Andrei receives a fatal injury. Together with other wounded it is evacuated from Moscow. Again, he is experiencing a deep mental crisis. He comes to the idea that relations between people should be built on mercy and love that should be addressed even to enemies. It is necessary, Andrey believes, universal forgiveness and solid faith in the wisdom of the Creator. And one more experience is experiencing the hero of Tolstoy. In Mytishchi, it is unexpected by Natasha and the knees asks for his forgiveness. Love for her again flashes. This feeling warms the last days of Prince Andrew. He managed to rise above his own offend, understand the sufferings of Natasha, feel the power of her love. He is visited by spiritual enlightenment, a new understanding of happiness and the meaning of life.

The main thing is that Tolstoy revealed in his hero, after his death continued in his son - Nikolek. This is told in the epilogue of the novel. The boy was passionate about the Decembrist ideas of Uncle Pierre and, referring to his father mentally, he says: "Yes, I will do what I would even be satisfied." Perhaps Tolstoy intended to tie the image of Nicole with the emerging decorism.

This is the result of the difficult life path of the wonderful hero of the Tolstovsky Roman - Andrei Bolkonsky.


In the life of each person there are cases that are never forgotten and which for a long time determine his behavior. In the life of Andrei Bolkonsky, one of the favorite Heroes of Tolstoy, such an case was a caring battle. Tired of the fuss, petty and hypocrisy of the highest light, Andrei Bolkonsky rides the war. From the war, he is waiting for a lot: Fame, Universal Love. In his ambitious dreams, Prince Andrew sees himself a savior of the Russian land. He wants to become the same great as Napoleon, and for this, Andrei needs his toulon. And in battle under Austerlitz, this toulon comes. Prince Andrei in what? The degree really becomes a hero? Savior.

During the fight, the French caused a sudden blow to the Russian army: "The French was assumed for two versts from us, and they suddenly appeared, unexpectedly before us." Panic began, confusion, the Russians rushed to run. And at that moment, Prince Andrei realized that here he was, his toulon, it was now destined to come true his ambitious dreams: "Here it came, a decisive minute came!" And as if confirming these thoughts of Bolkonsky, Kutuzov "trembling from the consciousness of his senile powerless voice" asked for help precisely for the prince: "Bolkonsky," he whispered, pointing to an upset battalion and at the enemy, - what is it? " And the prince Andrey grabs the banner, runs to the attack, the soldiers follow his example. "Here she is!" - Duke Andrei thought, grabbing the banner of the banner and with pleasure hearing whistling bullets obviously directed against him. " But the prince's ambitious dreams was not destined to come true. His wounded.

Suppose Andrei would not wound. What would happen then? After a successful battle, he would receive an order, raising, glory and respect as a hero, a brave person. His pride, ambition ... would be satisfied, and, probably, the hero of Egoist Andrei Bolkonsky would be returned with the war, pleased with his glory, but eager for even greater glory. But it is not thick to allow such. His favorite heroes must pass moral cleansing through losses, suffering, testing. And this wound did Andrei completely another person. Andrei fell, and his eyes opened a high Austerlitsky sky: "There was nothing over him, except the sky, not clear, but all? The same is immeasurably high, with gray clouds that creep through it. "

Bolkonsky understood his insignificance before eternity, all the pettyness of his dreams and ambitious gusts, all the meaninglessness of this human war. In the world there is something? What is more important is more important and above all this: "Yes, everything is empty, all deception, except for this endless sky." "Yes, I haven't knew anything yet." And it was at this moment that Block saw his idol - Napoleon, saw that ideal, to which he was so sought. In front of Andrey "Was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him an insignificant person." This high sky of the Austerlitz helped Andrei to see himself, the former.

Now Andrei has changed, he was not interested in Napoleon and everything connected with him, because he now realized life: "Looking into the eyes of Napoleon, Prince Andrei thought about the insignificance of greatness, about the insignificance of life, which no one could understand the meanings and about An even greater insignificance of death, the meaning of which no one could understand and explain from the living. " On the Austerlitsky field, Prince Andrei, as it were, was born again, updated. A new life began, full quest, hopes, "doubts began, flour, and only the sky promised calmness."

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