Australia Topic in English with translation. Australia - Australia (1), oral theme in English with translation

Australia (1)

Australia Is The Only Country in the World That Is Also A Continent. IT IS The Sixth Large Country and The Smallest Continent. Australia Lies Between The South Pacific Ocean and The Indian Ocean. IT IS SITUATED ABOUT 11 000 KM Southwest of North America and About 8200 km Southeast of Mainland Asia. The Name of The Country Comes from Latin Word "Australis" Which Mean Southern. The Country "S Official Name Is Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia Is A Fed Meration Of States. Australia Has Six States - New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each State Has Its Government. Australia Has Two Territories - The Australian Capital Territory and The Northern Territory. The Capital of the Country Is Canberra.

Australia IS A Constitutional Monarchy Like Great Britain. Then? Nation is Administered Under Written Constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country "s head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is A Member of the Commonwealth of Nations Which Is An Association Formed by Britain and Some of Its Former Colonies.

Australia Is One of the World "S Developed Countries. Australia Has Modern Factories, Highly Productive Mines and Farms, and Busy Cities. IT IS The World" S Leading Producer Of Wool and Bauxite

Australia (1)

Australia is the only country in the world, which is simultaneously the continent. It is the sixth size of the country in the world and the smallest continent. Australia is between the quiet and Indian Oceans. It is located almost 11,000 km south-west of North America and 3200 km - southeast of mainland Asia. The name of the country comes from the Latin word Australis, which means "South". The official name of the country is the Australian Union.

The Australian Union is the Federation Federation. Australia consists of six states: new southern Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Australia includes two territories: the territory of the federal capital and the northern territory. The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy, like the United Kingdom. The state is managed according to the recorded constitution. The British Queen of Elizabeth II is also the Queen of Australia and the head of state. However, the queen does not have a great power in the Australian government. It mainly serves as a symbol of long-standing historical ties between Great Britain and Australia. Australia - a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, which is an association consisting of Britain and some of its former colonies.

Australia is one of the most developed countries of the world. In Australia, there are modern factories, high-performance mines and farms, cities with a high degree of business activity. It is a leading manufacturer of wool and bauxite (ores from which they produce aluminum). It also produces and exports other useful minerals and agricultural products in large quantities. Export income allows Australia to maintain a high standard of living. The most important trading partners of Australia are Japan and the United States of America.


2. What of the Country Whatness?
3. What Is the Capital of the Country?
5. Is there A Written Constitution in Australia?
6. What Are the Main Products of Australia?
7. What Are the Most Important Trade Partners of the Country?

to lie - be
to be situated - be located
Mainland - Mainland
Latin - Latin
Federation - Federation
State State
Territory - Territory
Capital - Capital
Government - Government
Tie - Communication
CommonWealth of Nations - British Commonwealth of Nations
Income - income
Standard of Living - Life standard

Topic in English: Australia (Australia). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, writings or messages on the topic.


Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere with a population of 17 million people. This is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The capital of the country - Canberra. Official language - English. Australia consists of Tasmania Island and 6 states: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

History of the country

Australia has always been influenced by Britain. Speaking about the history of the country, it is worth mentioning that at first it was a big colony for prisoners. Later, she became an ordinary country.


The main economic sector of the country is a service sphere, including tourism, education and finance.


The largest city of Australia is Sydney, located in the state of New South Wales. This place is famous for its blue mountains, which are covered with forests of a bluish eucalyptus. Therefore, the air above them is full of microscopic particles of eucalyptus oil, and in the light of the sun it is real blue light.

South Australia

The most dry of all states is South Australia with the only river Murray. Previously, she was the main highway of South Australia, which was transported by people and goods. Tourists here can ride old boats, which are still stored in some cities on the river.


Tasmania, located in the south of Australia, is different from other states. There are no deserts on the island. Most of the territory is covered with beautiful wild forests. And in winter, and in the summer there is a large amount of precipitation. Population of Tasmania about half a million people.


It should be noted that Tasmania is the birthplace of beautiful nature, here you can also meet such exotic animals as a kangaroo, echidons, koalas, dingo and many others.

Download British Topic: Australia



Australia IS A Country in the Southern Hemisphere with A Population of About 17 Million People. IT's An Independent Member of The Commonwealth. The Capital of the Country Is Canberra. The Official Language Is English. Australia Consists of An Island Tasmania and Six States: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.


Australia Has Always Been Influenced by Britain. Speaking About the History of the Country, IT SHOULD BE Mentioned That At First It Was a Big Colony for Prisoners. Later, IT Became An Ordinary Country.

Economic sector

The Main Economic Sector of The Country Is The Service One, Which Includes Tourism, Education and Financial Services.


Australia's Biggest City Is Sydney, Which Is Situated in The State of New South Wales. This place is Famous for Its Blue Mountains, Covered with Forests of Blue Coloured Eucalyptus Trees. So, The Air Above Is Full of Microscopic Drops of Eucalyptus Oil and It Is of the Sunshine.

South australia.

The Driest of All The States Is South Australia with the Only Big River Flowing There, That Is Called The Murray River. In Former Times It Used to Be South Australia's Main Road, Which Transported People and Goods. Tourists Can Ride Old Riverboats That Are Still Kept in Some Towns on the River.


Tasmania, Located in the South Of Australia, Differs from The Other States. There Are No Deserts on the Island. Most of the Territory Is Covered With Wild Beautiful Forests. There Are Lots of Rains Both in Winter and Summer. The Population of Tasmania Is About Half a Million People.


IT SHOULD BE SAID THAT AUSTRALIA IS HOME TO TAUTIFUL NATURE AS Well As to Such Exotic Animals As Kangaroos, Echidnas, Koalas, Dingoes and Many Others.

Australia IS An Island Continent In The Southern Hemisphere. It is Washed By The Indian Ocean in The West and The Pacific Ocean in the East. The Territory Is Not Very Big With The Population More Thanple.
The Climate of The Country Is Very Hot. The Biggest Part of Australia Lies in the Tropical Belt. IT Rains Heavily in Summer, But It "S Very Hot, Too.
Northeast Coast of the Country Is Protected by The Great Barrier Reef, and In The East There Is The Great Dividing Range with Mountain Kosciusko, The Highest Mountain Of Australia.
The Deepest River In Australia Is The Murray River And The Darling Is The Longest One. In Desert Regions There Are Salt Lakes Like Lake Eyre. The Inner Part of Australia Is Occupied by Deserts. The Most Famous Ones Are Desert Victoria and Gibson "S DESERT. IN THE WEST SEMI-DESERTS TURN INTO SAVANNAHS.
THE PLANT LIFE OF AUSTRALIA VARIES. There Are Desert Grasses, Scrub, Eucalyptus, Acacias and Others. Australian Animals Are Unique, They Can Not Be Found in Any Other Place of the Earth. For example, Kangaroos, Koalas, Tasmanian Devils, Echidnas, Platypuses, Dingos and Others.
Australia is a Member of the Commonwealth. IT is a federation of 6 States and 2 territories. A Governor Heads Each State. ASTRALIA IS A CONSTITTIONAL MONARCHY WITH THE QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN (Elizabeth II) AS The Head of the State. The Head Of Government Is Prime Minister. The National Currency Is The Australian Dollar.
English Is the Official Language Of Australia. There Are Also A Lot of Aboriginal Languages \u200b\u200band Dialacts in Australia.
The Capital of Australia Is Canberra Which Is Often Called The Garden City Because of Its Streets Lined with Trees. Other World Famous Cities are Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney Is The Largest City-Port Called The Queen City of The South. IT Australian Main Commercial and Industrial Center. Sydney Opera House in Sydney Is Considered to Be One of The World. Single BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD.
Australia IS An Industrial Country Rich in Coal, Gas, Oil, Ores, Gold, Opals. IT IS An Agricultural Country, Tooo. MOST FOOD PRODUCTS ARE PRODUCED FOR EXPORTING. Australia Is Number One in Producing Lamb Meat and Sheep Wool. Bee-Keeping Is Developed As Well.
Australia IS A Very Interesting Country With Rich Culture and Strange Animals. I Would Love to Go There's One Day.

aboriginal [AGYE "PEZEGY] Aboriginal
Acacia [E "KEF] Acacia
Bee-Keeping ["BI: Ki: Pirj] Beekeeping
City-Port Port City
Constitutional monarchy
Currency ["Kvransi] Currency
Dingo ["DMGAU] Dingo
Echidna Echidna
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus
Export ["EKSPO: T] Export
Island Continent ["AILAND" KTTNTMANT] island continent
LAMB MEAT ["LCEM (M) I: T] lamb meat
Oil oil
OPAL ["EIR (E) 1] opal (gem)
Ore [about:] ore
SCRUB shrub, pig
Sheep Wool ["D: R \\ UI1] Sheep wool
Southern Hemisphere ["Sadan" Hemisfia] South Hemisphere
Tropical Belt ["G. Gortzedep] Tropical belt
Unique is unique
Vary variety, distinguish

1. What Kind of a Continent Is Australia and Where Is it Situated?
2. What Can You Tell About Australian Climate?
3. Are there any rivers and lakes in the country?
4. What Kinds of Plants and Animals Are There in Australia?
5. What can you Tell About Australian Political System?
6. What is the Capital of the Country?
7. Why Can Australia BE Called An Industrial and Agricultural Country?

[ ]

Australia Is The Only Country in the World That Is Also A Continent. IT IS The Sixth Large Country and The Smallest Continent. Australia Lies Between The South Pacific Ocean and The Indian Ocean. IT IS SITUATED ABOUT 11 000 KM Southwest of North America and About 8200 km Southeast of Mainland Asia. The Name of The Country Comes from Latin Word "Australis" Which Mean Southern. The Country "S Official Name Is Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia Is A Fed Meration Of States. Australia Has Six States - New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each State Has Its Government. Australia Has Two Territories - The Australian Capital Territory and The Northern Territory. The Capital of the Country Is Canberra.

Australia IS A Constitutional Monarchy Like Great Britain. Then? Nation is Administered Under Written Constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country "s head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is A Member of the Commonwealth of Nations Which Is An Association Formed by Britain and Some of Its Former Colonies.

Australia Is One of the World "S Developed Countries. Australia Has Modern Factories, Highly Productive Mines and Farms, and Busy Cities. IT IS The World" S Leading Producer Of Wool and Bauxite

Text translation: Australia - Australia (1)

Australia is the only country in the world, which is simultaneously the continent. It is the sixth size of the country in the world and the smallest continent. Australia is between the quiet and Indian Oceans. It is located almost 11,000 km south-west of North America and 3200 km - southeast of mainland Asia. The name of the country comes from the Latin word Australis, which means "South". The official name of the country is the Australian Union.

The Australian Union is the Federation Federation. Australia consists of six states: new southern Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Australia includes two territories: the territory of the federal capital and the northern territory. The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy, like the United Kingdom. The state is managed according to the recorded constitution. The British Queen of Elizabeth II is also the Queen of Australia and the head of state. However, the queen does not have a great power in the Australian government. It mainly serves as a symbol of long-standing historical ties between Great Britain and Australia. Australia - a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, which is an association consisting of Britain and some of its former colonies.

Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world. In Australia, there are modern factories, high-performance mines and farms, cities with a high degree of business activity. It is a leading manufacturer of wool and bauxite (ores from which they produce aluminum). It also produces and exports other useful minerals and agricultural products in large quantities. Export income allows Australia to maintain a high standard of living. The most important trading partners of Australia are Japan and the United States of America.

1. 100 Topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Liquid N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Examination questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalychenko I.A., My Thiezva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English, 120 conversational topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

1) Australian Union, state. The name Australia (Australia) is located on the mainland of Australia, where there are over 99% of the territory of the state. From the XVIII century. Possession of Great Britain. Currently, a federation of the Australian Union ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

AUSTRALIA - (Australian Union), the state on the mainland Australia, the island of Tasmania and the small islands. Area 7.7 million km2. The population is 17.56 million people, including white 95% (descendants of exile and immigrants from the UK and Ireland), indigenous ... ... Modern encyclopedia

AUSTRALIA - Australia, mainland in the southern hemisphere. Area 7631.5 thousand km2. Eastern banks of Australia is washes by the Pacific Ocean, in the north, west and south Indian Ocean. Near Australia are located large islands of New Guinea and Tasmania. Along the north eastern ... ... Modern encyclopedia

Australia - (Australia), Continent in South Zap. Parts of quiet ok. The aborigines presumably came here from North. Vost. Asia approx. 40 50 million years ago. It is believed that the first visit to the continent of Europe. Travelers refers to the beginning. 17th century, but maybe ... ... The World History

AUSTRALIA - [English. Commonwealth of Australia; Australian Union], state in south. Parts of the Pacific Ocean. Territory: 7,686,810 square meters. km. Capital: Canberra (331 thousand inhabitants). The largest cities: Melbourne (3.04 million), Sydney (3.9 million). State Language: English. Geography. ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

australia - (green, fifth) Continent, Country Kangaroo dictionary of Russian synonyms. Australia Green Continent Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

AUSTRALIA - (Australia), Australian Union (Commonwealth of Australia), state in south. Hemisphere, on the mainland Australia, oh. Tasmania and adjacent small on Wah Flinders, King, Kangaroo, and others. 7687 t. Km2. Us. 15.17 million h. (1982). Capital of Canberra (246 tons ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Australia - (South) mainland in the southern hemisphere. Area Over 7631 thousand km2. On the territory of Australia there is a state of Australia ... Historical Dictionary

Australia - (Australia), Australian Union, a state located on the mainland Australia, Tasmania Island and small coastal islands. Australia's aborigines, to colonization of those who lived in caves and shala, in carving, engraving and painting on shields ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

AUSTRALIA - (Lat., See before. Sl.). The fifth of the light, otherwise called the ocean. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Australia Novolat. The fifth part of the world, also called Oceania or Polynesia. Explanation 25000 ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Australia - (Australia), Australian convulsion (Commonwealth of Australia), the state in the composition of the co-arms (Brit.). Located on the mainland of Avialia, o. Tasmania and small coastal O Wah: Flinders, King, Konguru, etc. 7.7 million km2. HAC. 14.9 million ... ... Geological Encyclopedia


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  • Australia, L. G. Frolova, L. I. Kurakova, O. N. Anichkin, the authors talk about the unique nature of this peculiar country of the continent, its endemic plant and animal world, about a short but stormy history of the development of the Australian mainland and ... Category: Geographical Sciences Series: The world map Publisher:
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