The marine brigade in the Caspian Sea has been disbanded. Caspian Sea Guard 77 Marine Brigade

And the 414th separate marine battalion (formed in 1999 in the city of Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan) was formed 77th Separate Guards Moscow-Chernigov Order of Lenin Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Marine Brigade.

November 1999 - September 2000 - active participation of brigade personnel in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. More than 30 important tasks were completed to clear populated areas of militants. More than 300 military personnel were awarded orders and medals for courage and heroism.

April 2001 - carrying out combat missions in mountainous Dagestan. The soldiers of the formation operated in the Tsumadinsky region, at an altitude of over 2 thousand meters above sea level. More than 200 marines received well-deserved state awards.

May 9, 2002 - as a result of a terrorist attack on the street. Lenin, Kaspiysk, 23 military personnel were killed and 54 wounded at the hands of terrorists.

From February 20 to 24, 2003 - a forced march of the battalion tactical group of the brigade overcoming high mountain passes. Maintaining peace and tranquility in the Vedeno region of the Chechen Republic throughout the year. December 20, 2004 - return to the point of permanent deployment in Kaspiysk.

Brigade composition

  • brigade management (Kaspiysk);
  • 414th separate marine battalion (Kaspiysk).
  • 725th Separate Marine Battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 727th Separate Marine Battalion (Astrakhan);
  • 1200th separate reconnaissance battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 1408th separate howitzer artillery battalion;
  • 1409th separate howitzer artillery battalion;
  • 975th separate communications battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 1387th separate anti-aircraft missile and artillery division;
  • 530th separate electronic warfare company.


The brigade was commanded

Guard Major General Pushkin S.V. 2000-2004

Formed in February-March 1953 in the village of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region.

The brigade was armed with six R-2 launchers.

On October 16, 1953, it was redeployed to Belokorovichi, Zhitomir region. Carpathian Military District.

On June 27, 1955, the Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the USSR Vasily Sokolovsky, issued directive No. 38051 ss, which stated: “ redeploy the 77th Brigade RVGK in 1955-1956. to the territory of NIIP-5, subordinating it to the head of the test site. In July 1955, the 1st division was redeployed. The remaining divisions of the engineering brigade will be redeployed as the barracks stock is ready."(Archive of the Strategic Missile Forces f. 10, ogg, 739807, d. 167, l. 25-26).

NIIP-5, Tyura-Tam, was then called the Taiga base in more “open” documents. The redeployment was aimed at organizing the reception, unloading, and protection of equipment and property of the Taiga base.

In accordance with the decision, on July 28, 1955, the first echelon of the 232nd separate engineering division of the 77th rocket engineering brigade from Belokorovichi (military unit 46342) arrived at Tyuratam station. Division commander Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Vladimirovich Bondarev. According to the memoirs of Major General V.I. Kataev, who was then the lieutenant head of the data preparation department of this division, was met at the station by the head of the training ground, Nesterenko, with a group of officers. There were no ramps or cranes at the station; everything was unloaded by hand. The second echelon of the division arrived on August 3, 1955. The division was located in a tent camp on the banks of the Syrdarya River (in the area of ​​the current state farm) and remained there all summer and winter.

Subsequently, the personnel of this division were subsequently used to staff the IPs (measuring points) of the active section of the launch vehicle trajectory. But the fate of military unit 46342 as a separate unit of missile units cannot be traced.

In July 1956, another one arrived at the training ground - the 229th separate division of the 77th engineering brigade of the RVGK from Belokorovichi (military unit 55831), commander - sub. I.I. Cherenkov. By early 1957, the division was relocated to Site 2 as a test unit for the R-7 missile. There he was located in barracks and dugouts (for 4-5 years).

During July-November, about 100 officers, sergeants and soldiers of this division were sent to factories and the Kapustin Yar training ground to master new equipment, where they remained for 4-5 months.

There are also references to the third - 234th separate division of the 77th engineering brigade of the RVGK (military unit 46290). I did not find any additional information about this division.

Even before the first tests of the R-7, the 229th separate division of the 77th engineering brigade, commander Lieutenant Colonel I.I. Cherenkov, and the assembly team (testing the warhead missile), chief B.A. Shpanov entered the "Experimental Testing Service" of the test site.

  • Before the start of testing the R-7 missile, the 229th separate division included:
  • 1st battery - comprehensive testing and launch (commander Major N.D. Golovanov),
  • 2nd battery - ground equipment (Major V.G. Kozlov),
  • 3rd battery - DBK, located at RUP "B" (Major V.I. Nesterenko),
  • The 4th battery - processing experimental data, was located on site 10 (Major V.S. Belyaev).

The division's strength is 583 military personnel.

The first launch of the "seven" was carried out by the launch team of the test site, consisting of officers from the testing departments and the 229th separate engineering division. Emergency start.

On July 1, 1957, on the basis of a directive from the General Staff, the 32nd separate engineering test unit (OIIT-32) was formed on the basis of the division, commander Lieutenant Colonel O.I. May.

On August 21, 1957, already in a reorganized composition (OIICH-32), the first successful launch of the R-7 was carried out.

OIICH-32 (military unit 25741) had a strength of 889 military personnel and 9 workers and employees. The unit included three engineering and testing groups: the product complex (Mr. A.G. Agafonov), the ground equipment complex (Mr. Kozlov V.G.), measurement services (Mr. Belyaev V.S.) and the division service.

It is unclear whether the 77th engineering brigade in Belokorovichi was formed anew or just replenished with personnel, but in 1955 the new brigade personnel received the P-11.

In August 1958, a brigade subordinate to the USSR Deputy Minister of Defense for Special Weapons and Missile Technology was transferred to the Ground Forces and in October 1958 redeployed to the GSVG military unit 38534. Headquarters - Koenigsbrück (US - “Cradle”), divisions:

  • Königsbruck - 3rd order (273rd order, military unit 82494);
  • Maysen - 1st order (106th order of military unit 36477 call sign - “Masan”);
  • Bischofswerda - 2nd order (military unit 66513 call sign - “Nadoy”)



1. Tasks of special national importance[...] Collection of documents. - Moscow, 2010.

2. Poroshkov V.V. Rocket and space feat of Baikonur - 2007.

The 77th separate Moscow-Chernigov marine brigade of the Caspian flotilla is the southernmost in terms of location, the youngest in date of birth and the very last of the marine formations whose units left the Chechen Republic. In addition, the Caspian brigade is “the best” in that it was formed in strict accordance with the new requirements of the Federal Target Program (FTP) for the transition to a contract method of recruiting military personnel. That is why the “seventy-seventh” can also be called experimental. These features of the brigade are easily discernible both in the first successes of the “black berets” and in the difficult problems that one of the most combat-ready branches of the Russian Navy is “fighting” today.

It's time to grow up and lose
A new round of the glorious chronicle of the Caspian Marines began in August 1994, when the 332nd Separate Marine Battalion was formed as part of the Caspian Flotilla, renamed in 1998 into the 600th Guards Battalion, and a year later into the 414th Separate Battalion. In September 2000, the 77th Separate Guards Moscow-Chernigov Order of Lenin and Suvorov, Red Banner Brigade, was deployed at its base.
The formation of a new connection was difficult. Since 1999, the Caspians have taken an active part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. In the most difficult confrontation with the militants, Belgatoy, Chechen-Aul, Kharachoy, Benoy-Vedeno, Agishbatoy, Dargo, Benoy, Bachi-Yurt, Serzhen-Yurt, Zandag, Tsentoroy, Engenoy were liberated. It is clear that during the “Chechen” period all the forces of the battalion, and then the brigade, were directed to solving combat missions.
The arrangement of the military camp was done in the second place; in the foreground were the high-quality equipment of tactical groups, their weapons, and logistics. Everyone, and even the kids with their demanding mothers, understood: there, in war, it is a hundred times more difficult, but here we will endure, not for the first time.
On the other hand, the Chechen campaign predetermined the future fate of the Caspians. Armed conflicts on the southern borders clearly showed that here, on Dagestan soil, it was necessary to create a serious formation capable of quickly responding to changes in the situation in the region. This was the Marine Brigade.
The official end of the second Chechen campaign, which slightly changed the military way of life of the Black Berets, once again confirmed the correctness of the decision to deploy such a large formation in Kaspiysk. In April 2001, the Marines took over the troubled North Caucasus direction from the border guards and for six months carried out tasks in the mountains to close the administrative border between Chechnya and Dagestan and the Russian state border with Georgia. Here, too, we had to repeatedly resist gangs.
While performing combat missions in the Chechen Republic, 25 Caspians were killed and 105 were wounded. On May 9, 2002, during a parade of troops in honor of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, another 23 servicemen of the 77th Brigade were killed as a result of a terrorist attack. 54 were injured or seriously injured.
48 human lives. Fifty real men who will forever remain in the fiery history of the young unit.
"Black Berets" make up the majority...
Today the Marine Brigade town is really good. It will greet you with new dormitory buildings, well-groomed alleys... Just five years ago, everything was different here. The Marines were essentially built on a bare wasteland. The tall southern sedge, in some places and now making its way through the marshy tongues to the outer barracks, makes this clearly clear.
In the first years, the town didn’t even have its own fence. Not to say that everything looked like a passage yard, but for a military unit it was nonsense. Chefs from Moscow came to the rescue. The funds allocated by the capital's authorities were enough for both a multi-kilometer fence and security systems.
For the last two years, the permanent combat readiness units of the brigade have been staffed with contract soldiers. Conditions corresponding to their status are also provided for professionals. The hotel-type block, designed for four people, has a TV, air conditioning, and a bathroom. In a word, the minimum that is necessary for relaxation after a busy day.
The high-quality arrangement of the brigade is a great merit of its deputy commander for logistics support, Colonel Emirula Nasrulaev. A lot has been done under his leadership. But even more, as Colonel Nasrulaev says, remains to be done. For example, today there is already a need to build another dormitory for contract soldiers. Until now, the brigade does not have its own kindergarten, gym, or club. There are not enough trade enterprises. But in terms of catering, everything is fine. And here the head of the canteen, warrant officer Ratidin Muradov, did not let his rear leader down.
“Today, two units of permanent combat readiness are staffed with contract soldiers,” says the commander of the 77th brigade, Major General Grigory Semenov. – I think that by the end of the year the transition to the contract method of manning two more units will be completed. I must note that not everything is debugged here yet. Today's contract soldiers mostly come from the poorest segments of the population. And only a few of them are going to devote their lives to military service. Therefore, most people sign a contract, as a rule, for 3 years during the period of military service. There are few people willing to sign a second contract.
Nevertheless, a lot is being done to attract new professionals, and some success has been achieved in this direction. Success is largely due to the painstaking work of staff officers. First of all, the chief of staff, Colonel Vasily Kravtsov, the deputy brigade commander for educational work, Colonel Konstantin Shulikov, and the senior officer for social work and crime prevention, Major Rasim Murtazaliev.
The presence of experienced military specialists allowed the brigade to significantly increase the level of combat readiness. Moreover, the organization of classes is based on the experience accumulated during the fighting in the North Caucasus.
- We regularly improve mountain training, combat in twos and threes, as well as other issues of special training. Taking into account the experience of combat operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, engineering training of sapper units is also being organized,” says Hero of Russia Colonel Vladimir Belyavsky. – All our activities are viewed through the prism of recent wars. The main principle of Marine training is to teach what is necessary in war.
Large-scale counter-terrorism exercises also help the Caspian marines improve their training. The military personnel gained extensive practical experience in August of this year during the joint integrated operational-tactical exercise “Rubezh-2006” on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the exercises, the brigade was represented by a reinforced company.
This year, we managed to hold an airborne training camp at a high level. By the end of October, the jumping program was 103 percent completed with an overall rating of “good.”
At the same time, according to the brigade commander, problems in organizing full-fledged combat training still exist. First of all, these are the eternally insufficient fuel limits. Diesel fuel is allocated in volumes of 40-50 percent of the actual needs of the brigade.
“Combat training is organized exclusively at the expense of the federal target program,” complains Major General Semenov. – In addition, there is practically no money coming in for the “Combat training” item. The educational material and technical base is being created practically from scratch, and if it were not for funds from the federal program, it is unlikely that we would have been able to create it at all.
There is a shortage of a number of items of clothing property. Even the berets for the Marines are supplied at 30-40 percent less than required.
The list of problematic issues also includes one subjective one.
- The difference in cash payments to military personnel serving in units covered by the federal program and military personnel of regular units is significant. This, of course, does not find understanding among sergeants and officers who are deprived of such an increase, and is a factor in growing discontent. People serve side by side, perform the same tasks, and their work is assessed differently... - notes Colonel Shulikov, deputy brigade commander for educational work.
Two KamAZ trucks instead of a club
Problems are problems, as they say, but the assigned tasks must be solved. Everyone in the brigade understands this, and therefore the Caspians try to resolve all objective and subjective difficulties quickly.
“In total, today there are three thousand trained soldiers in the brigade,” Colonel Kravtsov, the chief of staff of the brigade, continues the conversation. – The number fully corresponds to the volume of combat training tasks that we face at this stage. And we can carry them out both as part of a formation and autonomously in the mountains, on the coast, during amphibious landings. In general, the functions and tasks of the brigade depend on the specific military-political situation in the Caspian region.
Today everything is calm on Dagestan soil. Including, as the Dagestanis themselves note, and thanks to the military force represented by the 77th Marine Brigade and the Caspian Flotilla as a whole. This factor determined the already strong interaction between civil and military authorities in the area.
The “black berets” have complete mutual understanding with representatives of the Moscow authorities. And in general, everything is correct - the brigade traces its history back to the 21st People's Militia Division, which was formed in the Kievsky district of Moscow.
The first experience with the construction of a fence around the town did not turn out to be the last. With enviable regularity, representatives of the capital's mayor's office came to the brigade from year to year, systematically helping its formation.
“Our first meeting with the marines was, in military terms, a reconnaissance mission,” recalls Moscow City Duma deputy Alexander Kovalev, who traditionally heads patronage “landing forces” from Moscow. “But we quickly realized that we needed to establish close ties. And things went on: as we organized treatment for the wounded in the Rus sanatorium near Moscow, financed the construction of a security and defense system for the brigade, provided assistance in prosthetics for injured military personnel, and purchased automotive equipment for the needs of the brigade, our contacts strengthened. By the way, we also donated a set of the latest musical equipment to the local ensemble “Black Berets”.
Largely thanks to the Moscow deputy Kovalev, a business trip to Kaspiysk for the Red Star correspondent took place. I often have to fly with Alexander Mikhailovich to military units. We have been together more than once in troubled Tajikistan, with our motorized riflemen and border guards, and in Kyrgyz Kant, at a Russian air base, and in the distant Pacific Fleet. The current flight to Kaspiysk, like all previous ones, can be figuratively called a flight “on boxes and crates” - the inside of the cargo plane, as usual, was filled to capacity with all kinds of equipment.
This time, the artists of the show group “Kolye” experienced all the “comfort” of the flight from Moscow to Kaspiysk with us. As they say, man does not live by bread alone. Therefore, along with material gifts, this time the Marines also received a creative “bonus” - a concert of a popular group.
Let me note that the long flight did not affect the quality of the “Necklace” performance. Yulia Samsonova, Alexandra Belikova, Alesya Shepelevich and Maya Chikunaeva – creative professionals – gave an enchanting performance to military professionals. The absence of a club, and therefore the usual scene, did not bother the girls at all. Two military KamAZ trucks, side-by-side, were the kind of militarized stage where the capital’s female artists performed. And their reward was symbolic acceptance into the ranks of the Marines - black berets and vests were personally presented to the Muscovites by the brigade commander.
“The current visit confirmed that our relations have developed correctly, and today they have reached a higher quality, truly trusting level,” says Alexander Mikhailovich. “Together with the brigade command, we walked through the barracks, jointly discussed and outlined a plan for the refurbishment of specific rest rooms, change rooms, and sleeping quarters. In other words, our idea “Specific assistance to a specific officer and soldier,” with which we, in fact, originally went to the Marines, is now actively being implemented.
“Such help is very important for us,” says the brigade commander in turn. – And above all in moral terms. But we are trying to organize the life of the brigade using our own forces and reserves. After all, the brigade has great potential not only in combat terms.
Marines celebrate their professional holiday at the end of the school year, and this is a good reason to take stock. As expected, connection rates went up. At the same time, there is no time to rest on our laurels: in three days the new 2006/2007 academic year starts. And in it, the southernmost and youngest Marine brigade will again face both objective difficulties and, of course, success.
In the photos: Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Alexander KOVALEV awards the best servicemen of the brigade.
Brigade commander Grigory SEMENOV and the girls of the Kolye group after the symbolic initiation into the Marines.

Great Patriotic War: Battle of Stalingrad
Vistula-Oder operation
first Chechen war
second Chechen war


History of formation

Participation in the Great Patriotic War

On August 29, 1941, the division was renamed 173rd Rifle Division (2nd formation). For almost a month and a half, the militia division covered one of the important operational directions on the distant approaches to Moscow.

In October 1941, the 173rd Division as part of the 33rd Army of the Western Front fought heavy defensive battles on the lines southwest of Kirov, near Ulyanov and on the outskirts of Tula.

From the autumn of 1942, the division took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, fighting defensive and offensive battles northwest of Stalingrad and in the city itself.

For successful military operations to destroy the enemy group in Stalingrad she was awarded the rank of Guards (77th Guards Rifle Division).

Since June 1943, the division fought stubborn battles on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, participated in crossing a number of large water lines, including the Dnieper, and in the liberation of Chernigov.

In 1944, the division took part in many offensive operations to liberate Western Ukraine and a number of cities in Poland.

For military services she was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner and Suvorov, 2nd degree; about 18 thousand of its soldiers were awarded orders and medals, 67 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

“Only the 77th Guards Division included a battalion of Glory, that is, a battalion in which all the soldiers were awarded the Order of Glory.”

Post-war period

Reformation of the division and the name of its successors, their participation in hostilities:

  • - In the fall of 1989, the division was included in the Northern Fleet as a coastal defense division.
  • - In 1994, it was transformed into the 163rd Guards Coastal Defense Brigade, retaining all the honorary names and military awards of the division. Place of deployment - Arkhangelsk.
  • - On March 1, 1996, the brigade was disbanded, its Banner and awards were transferred to the 332nd separate marine battalion of the Caspian Flotilla (this battalion was formed in 1994 in Astrakhan, in 1998), after receiving the Battle Banner, it was renamed 600th Separate Guards Marine Battalion (Kaspiysk).
  • - On December 1, 2000, on the basis of the 600th separate guards battalion of the marine corps and the 414th separate battalion of the marine corps (formed in 1999 in the city of Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan) 77th Separate Guards Moscow-Chernigov Order of Lenin Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Marine Brigade.
  • - November 1999 - September 2000 - active participation of brigade personnel in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. More than 30 important tasks were completed to clear populated areas of militants. More than 300 military personnel were awarded orders and medals for courage and heroism.
  • - April 2001 - carrying out combat missions in mountainous Dagestan. The soldiers of the formation operated in the Tsumadinsky region, at an altitude of over 2 thousand meters above sea level. More than 200 marines received well-deserved state awards.
  • - May 9, 2002 - as a result of a terrorist attack on the street. Lenin, Kaspiysk, 23 military personnel were killed and 54 wounded at the hands of terrorists.
  • - From August 1 to August 15, 2002 - participation in the largest naval exercises in the Caspian Sea.
  • - From February 20 to 24, 2003 - a forced march of the battalion-tactical group of the brigade overcoming high mountain passes. Maintaining peace and tranquility in the Vedeno region of the Chechen Republic throughout the year. December 20, 2004 - return to the point of permanent deployment in Kaspiysk.


  • brigade management (Kaspiysk);
  • 414th separate marine battalion (Kaspiysk).
  • 725th Separate Marine Battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 727th Separate Marine Battalion (Astrakhan);
  • 1200th separate reconnaissance battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 1408th separate howitzer artillery battalion;
  • 1409th separate howitzer artillery battalion;
  • 975th separate communications battalion (Kaspiysk);
  • 1387th separate anti-aircraft missile and artillery division;
  • 530th separate electronic warfare company.

Marine brigade in the Caspian Sea disbanded

ASTRAKHAN, March 2. The 77th Marine Brigade as part of the Caspian Flotilla (CF) of Russia has been disbanded, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to data from the headquarters of the RF CF.

According to a representative of the coastal forces of the Russian Navy, in accordance with the new states, the flotilla will include two separate battalions of marines located in Astrakhan and Kaspiysk.

At the same time, the Navy believes that “to carry out, if necessary, any amphibious landings on the coast of the Caspian Sea, two separate battalions of permanently ready Marine Corps, staffed by contract soldiers, are quite sufficient.”

The Caspian Flotilla believes that “the 77th Marine Brigade fully fulfilled its task as a formation.”

Until recently, the Marine Corps made up more than half of the KF's strength. The brigade was created in 2000 at the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus and carried out combat missions in the Chechen Republic, more typical of motorized rifle formations. After the deployment of several mountain rifle brigades in the North Caucasus, the need for it disappeared. To operate as part of a flotilla today, two separate battalions of marines are sufficient. The first, in Astrakhan, is planned to be used for operations in the Volga delta, in the conditions of numerous river barriers and steppe terrain. The second, in Dagestan, will specialize in operations in coastal mountainous areas. Parachute training of marines will, as before, be carried out in Astrakhan.

Marines from the Caspian brigade subject to reduction received offers to be transferred to Astrakhan, the Black Sea and Baltic fleets. “However, the majority of contract servicemen from among local residents refused to leave the region and submitted reports of transfer to the reserve,” noted a source at the headquarters. If it is necessary to strengthen marine units in the Caspian Sea, it is planned to use similar units of the Black Sea Fleet - a separate regiment in Sevastopol and a separate battalion in Kuban Temryuk.

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