Another task example. Another example of a task Roads built between settlements abcde length

I present the solution of task 3 of the OGE-2016 in informatics from the demo project. Compared to the 2015 demo, task 3 has not changed. This is a task for the ability to analyze formal descriptions of real objects and processes (formalization of the description of real objects and processes, modeling of objects and processes).

Screenshot of 3 tasks.


3. Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given in the table.

Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and E. You can only move along the roads, the length of which is indicated in the table.

1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 7

Based on the table given in the task, we build a graph. From point A you can get to points B, C and D, and from them - to C, D, E, etc. Do not forget that we need to go to point E (some options can be immediately discarded, because the road to point E will be unequivocally long). Then we calculate the length of the path for each route and choose the smallest of them.


In our case, this is the route ABSE (2+1+2=5).

This type of task is found at number 3 in the text of the OGE in computer science.

Example 1

Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is shown in the table. (The absence of a number in the table means that there is no direct road between the points.)

Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (assuming that you can only move along the constructed roads).


1. Let's build a graph - a scheme corresponding to this weight matrix; from vertex A you can go to vertices B and C (path lengths are 2 and 4, respectively):

2. For other vertices, only the part of the table above the main diagonal, which is highlighted in gray, can be considered; all other edges have already been considered earlier

4. New routes from C to D and E (path lengths 3 and 4, respectively):

5. New route from D - to E (path length 3):

6. New route from E to F (path length 2):

7. You need to go from A to F, according to the scheme, we see that any of these routes includes an edge EF of length 2; thus, it remains to find the optimal route from A to E

8. Let's try to list possible routes from A to E:

  • A - B - E length 9
  • A - B - C - E length 7
  • A - B - C - D - E length 9
  • A -C - E length 8
  • A -C - B - E length 12
  • A -C - D - E length 10

9. Of the listed routes, the shortest - A-B-C-E - has length 7, so the total length of the shortest route A-B-C-E-F is 7 + 2 = 9

10. So the correct answer is 9.

Example 2

Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is shown in the table.

Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and E. You can only move along the roads, the length of which is indicated in the table.
1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 7


1. Let's build a graph - a scheme corresponding to this weight matrix; from vertex A you can go to vertices B, C and D (path lengths are 2, 5 and 1, respectively)

2. For other vertices, only the part of the table above the main diagonal, which is highlighted in gray, can be considered; all other edges have already been considered earlier. For example, BA=AB=2. If the lower part of the table differs from the upper one, then we build a separate route. In tasks, as a rule, the table is symmetrical.

3. From vertex B you can go to vertex C (path length 1):

4. From vertex C you can go to vertices D, E (path lengths 3 and 2):

5. You need to go from A to E, according to the scheme we see that any of these routes includes an edge CE of length 2; thus, it remains to find the optimal route from A to C

Let's try to compose all possible route options from point A to point C:

A-C = 5
A-B-C = 3
A-D-C = 4

It can be seen that the shortest route from A to C is the route A-B-C. Adding the last edge C-E, we get the length of the route A-B-C-E = 3 + 2 = 5. This is the second answer.

Answer: 2

R-05.One-way roads have been built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, Z. The table shows the length of each road. The absence of a number in the table means that there is no direct road between the points. For example, there is a 4 km road from A to B, but there is no road from B to A.

How many such routes from A to Z are there that pass through 6 or more settlements? Points A and Z should be taken into account when calculating. You cannot go through the same point twice.

Solution (1 way, enumeration of options):

    note that the numbers in the table do not interest us at all - it is enough to know that there is a road between these points

    we need to find all paths that pass through 6 or more points, counting the start and end points; i.e. there must be at least 4 waypoints between A and Z

    start by listing all routes from A that pass through 2 points; according to the table, we see that from A you can go to B, C and Z; the number of points on the route will be written from above:

  1. we are not interested in the AZ route, although it arrived at the final destination, it passes through less than 6 points (only 2!); hereinafter such "uninteresting" routes from A to Z will be highlighted with a gray background

    now we are looking for all routes passing through 3 points; from B you can only go to C, and from C you can only go to D and Z:

  2. we build the next level only for those routes that have not yet reached Z:

  3. The next two levels give "interesting" routes passing through 6 or 7 points:

    on the last diagram, “interesting” routes are highlighted with a green background, there are only 6 of them; the red background marks the routes in which the cycle turned out - they pass through the same point twice; such routes are prohibited and we do not consider them further

  1. it was possible to draw a diagram of possible routes in the form of a tree:

Solution (method 2, through the construction of a graph, M.V. Kuznetsova)

The total number of points is 7. There are roads connecting all 7 points in series, so the 1st path is ABCDEFZ.

There are 3 roads that allow you to “pass past” the neighboring point (AC goes “past” B, DF - past E, ...), so there are 3 ways to pass through 6 points ( AC DEFZ,ABC D.F. Z,ABCD EZ).

There is one "reverse road" that allows you to change the order of passing points - FE. This road, in the presence of road DF, going "past" E, creates additional routes: one through 7 pointsABC DFE Z and one after 6 points ACDFE Z.

    Conclusion: total number of roads matching the condition: 1+3+2=6

Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is shown in the table.

Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and E. You can only move along the roads, the length of which is indicated in the table.


Thus, we draw the remaining points, discarding repeating segments. For example, segment AB=2 and segment BA=2 are the same, so we do not write BA. After the scheme is ready, it is necessary to write out all possible options for the resulting segments. The segments must necessarily begin with A and end with E, as required by the condition of the problem. It is most convenient to write out the segments in the form of a table (see figure). As you can see from the table, we got 3 segments: ABCE = 5, ACE=7 and ADCE = 6. In the task, you need to determine the length the shortest path between points A and E. The shortest path is the minimum number of resulting segments. This requirement corresponds to the number 5, and this is the 2nd answer option.

Answer: 2

To get a head start in IT and make the most of your study time, choosing the right one is essential.

Independent work

In the figure on the right, the road map of the N-sky district is shown as a graph; the table on the left contains information about the length of each of these roads (in kilometers).

Since the table and the diagram were drawn independently of each other, the numbering of settlements in the table is in no way connected with the letter designations on the graph. Determine the length of the road from point B to point C. In your answer, write down an integer - as it is indicated in the table.
Write your answer in the comments of this post.

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1 Task 3. Formal descriptions of real objects and processes 3.1. Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) Between settlements A, B, C, D, E built roads, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which ( in kilometers) is given

2 1) 8 2) 9 3) 10 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) Between settlements A, B, C, D, E roads are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 9 2) 8 3) 7 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Between settlements A, B , C, D, E roads are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given

3 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Between settlements A, B, C, D, E roads are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) Between settlements A, B , C, D, E roads are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given

4 1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 13 2) 12 3) 11 4) Between settlements A, Roads B, C, D, E are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, the length is 1) 9 2) 11 3) 13 4) Between settlements A, Roads B, C, D, E are built, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, the length is 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F roads are built, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, the length

5 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, length 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, length 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, length 1 ) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given

6 Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F. You can only move along roads, the length of 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (assuming that you can only move along the constructed roads). 1) 5 2) 6 3) 3 4) Task Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (provided that you can only move along built roads). 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (provided that you can only move along the constructed roads).

7 1) 5 2) 7 3) 3 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (provided that you can only move along constructed roads). 1) 6 2) 8 3) 10 4) Ivan Tsarevich hurries to rescue Marya Tsarevna from the captivity of Koshchei. The table shows the length of the roads between the points through which he can pass. Indicate the length of the longest section of the shortest path from Ivan Tsarevich to Marya Tsarevna (from point I to point M). You can only move along the roads indicated 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) Ivan Tsarevich hurries to rescue Marya Tsarevna from Koshchei's captivity. The table shows the length of the roads between the points through which he can pass. Indicate the length of the shortest section of the shortest path from Ivan Tsarevich to Marya Tsarevna (from point I to point M). You can only move along the roads indicated 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) Petya Ivanov's relatives live in 5 different cities of Russia. The distances between cities are included in the table: Petya redrawn it in a notebook in the form of a graph. Assuming that the boy did not make a mistake when copying, indicate which count Petya has in his notebook.

8 1) 2) 3) 4) Katya Yevtushenko has relatives living in 5 different cities of Russia. Distances between cities are included in the table: Katya redrawn it in a notebook in the form of a graph. Assuming that the girl did not make a mistake when copying, indicate which graph Katya has in her notebook. 1) 2) 3) 4) Teacher Ivan Petrovich lives at Antonovka station, and works at Druzhba station. In order to be in time for lessons in the morning, he must take the shortest road. Analyze the table and indicate the length of the shortest path from Antonovka station to Druzhba station: 1) 6 2) 2 3) 8 4) Teacher Marya Petrovna lives at Vasilki station, and works at Druzhba station. In order to be in time for lessons in the morning, she must take the shortest road. Analyze the table and indicate the length of the shortest path from Vasilki station to Druzhba station: 1) 5 2) 6 3) 8 4) The rural ungraded school is located in the village of Ivanovskoye. Kolya Ivanov lives in the village of Vershki. Determine the minimum distance he needs to walk to get to school:

9 1) 6 2) 9 3) 12 4) The rural ungraded school is located in the village of Vershki. Roma Orlov lives in the village of Dalnee. Determine the minimum distance he needs to walk to get to school: 1) 6 2) 8 3) 11 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) The car driver must get from point A to point D in 5 hours. From the presented tables, select the one according to which the driver will be able to get from point A to point D in this time. The cells of the table indicate the time (in hours) it takes to get from one point to another. You can only travel on the roads indicated in the tables. 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) The car driver must get from point A to point C in 6 hours. From the presented tables, select the one according to which the driver will be able to get from point A to point C in this time. The cells of the table indicate the time (in hours) it takes to get from one point to another. You can only travel on the roads indicated in the tables.

10 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and B. You can only move along roads, length 1) 4 2) 6 3) 10 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and B. You can only move along roads, length 1) 1 2) 5 3) 3 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and B (provided that it is possible to move only on built roads). 1) 11 2) 12 3) 13 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and C (provided that you can only move built roads).

11 1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and D. You can only move along roads, length 1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and E. You can only move along roads, length 1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) Roads are built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) is given Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and C. You can only move along roads, length 1) 3 2) 5 3) 8 4) Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in km) is given in the table. Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and C. You can only move along roads, the length is 1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) The driver of the electric train must get from point A to point C in 6 hours. From the presented tables, select the one according to which the driver will be able to get from point A to point C in this time. The cells of the table indicate the time (in hours) it takes to get from one point to another. You can only travel on the roads indicated in the tables.

12 3.48. The train driver must get from point A to point C in 4 hours. From the presented tables, select the one according to which the driver will be able to get from point A to point C in this time. The cells of the table indicate the time (in hours) it takes to get from one point to another. You can travel only on the roads indicated in the tables The table shows the cost of transportation between the five railway stations, marked with the letters A, B, C, D and E. Indicate the scheme that corresponds to the table.

13 3.50. The table shows the cost of transportation between five railway stations, labeled A, B, C, D, and E. Indicate the scheme that corresponds to the table.

Unified State Examination in Informatics Tasks KIM 3 Section 97: OGE: Finding the optimal path in the graph Section 117: OGE: Determining the scheme corresponding to the table (graph weight matrix). Total tasks: 22 3 (638) Teacher

Tasks 3. Formal descriptions of real objects and processes 1. A 1 B 1 2 2 7 C 2 3 D 2 4 E 7 3 4 which is indicated in 2. 4) 8 3. 1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) 10 4. 1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 12 2019-04-28 1/20 5. 6. 1) 8

Tasks 3. Formal descriptions of real objects and processes 1. Task 3 3. Roads were built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which (in kilometers) A B C D E A 1 B 1 2 2 7 C

Tasks 3. Formal descriptions of real objects and processes 1. kilometers) is given in the table: A B C D E A 1 B 1 2 2 7 C 2 3 D 2 4 E 7 3 4 roads, the length of which is indicated in the table. 3) 7 4) 8

Tasks A3. Formal descriptions of real objects and processes

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