The dumbest person ever. The dumbest person in the world World Stupidity Awards The dumbest people on earth

But predict the probable degree of development of intelligence. Some zodiac signs are highly intelligent, while others are more stupid.

The title "the most stupid sign of the zodiac" does not mean that a person is necessarily stupid, just in different situations he can show a slow reaction, think too long or his thoughts are more primitive than the rest of the zodiac.

Which one is the dumbest and dumbest?

Astrologers believe that Capricorn and Taurus, as well as Pisces and are the most difficult in intellectual activity.

But this must also be considered from the point of belonging to the male or female half of humanity.



    The Capricorn man prefers to solve issues not with the mind, but with force. Instead of acting on a person with words, he gets into a fight because he is better at it. At the same time, Capricorn is not averse to thinking, but his thoughts are primitive and more related to simple everyday problems than spiritual matters.


    According to slow-witted astrologers, they solve the tasks assigned to them very slowly and do not always do it successfully. The Taurus man will be more successful as a performer, worker than a scientist or businessman. It is especially difficult when they have to solve something new.



    Among the female stupid signs, Pisces stands out especially. They are immensely confident in their rightness, but their mind does not go beyond the solution of everyday and primitive tasks. They do not strive for spiritual development, they do not like intellectual conversations, simply because it is difficult for them to understand what they are talking about. But how to cook soup or lure a man - they don’t mind talking about it.

    Cancers have a peculiar mind. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but it is difficult to apply it in practice.


    Capricorn women too often show stupidity due to their stubbornness and propensity to sort things out.

The most wise and intelligent

Among the signs, of course, there are the most intelligent ones. Usually they belong to the elements of Air and. Air is associated with spirituality, development, intellectual abilities and creativity. Fire is the power of energy, creativity, development.

Wisdom is associated with life experience and the ability to get out of difficult situations with honor and minimal losses.



    He undoubtedly is a smart and intellectually developed sign among men. Few people know as much, combining knowledge with practical experience, as Aquarius does. His mind is mobile and innovative. Aquarius is an explorer, he is looking for new ways. However, not all signs can understand him, because Aquarius is always ahead of progress and it may seem strange to other people, because it is quite difficult to keep up with his intellect.

    The ability to know everything determines that Aquarius just gets bored, because he can answer almost all questions of the universe. Nevertheless, he cannot be called completely wise, because his emotionality and breadth of interests do not insure him from mistakes. This sign openly says what he thinks about people, and this sometimes brings him certain problems.


    Smart signs include Gemini. But their mind is closer to cunning, although they have plenty of life wisdom. possess inquisitiveness and curiosity, in childhood they love experiments, sometimes very dangerous.


    Mercury rules Virgo. A man under this sign often chooses intellectual professions, for example, a teacher. He has a well-developed analytics and attention to detail, which makes him a neat and reliable worker. For them, research work is suitable. They find themselves in medicine.

Among men, the most intelligent sign is Aquarius, but at the same time the most controversial and incomprehensible to other people.



    Also included in the top of the most intelligent and practical. They perfectly control the situation, are good in social contacts. Sagittarians can be harsh and able to tell the truth in person, but at the same time they substantiate their thoughts well. Their mind is mobile, curious and aimed at obtaining new knowledge and practical experience.


    They have high intelligence among women. These are creative and developed natures who love to learn. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but at the same time Libra can not always put them into practice. This sign makes good writers, musicians, lawyers and teachers.

    but Libras need to restrain their emotionality, which can sometimes interfere with the use of the mind.. The sign itself is very patient, it shows wisdom from childhood. The Libra woman critically assesses the situation, sees the pitfalls and consequences of actions. She has the ability to evaluate other people, so they make good psychologists. But the picture can be spoiled by the indecision of this sign in relation to their actions and the application of knowledge.


    The Gemini woman also has a mind. Her natural curiosity and ability to memorize allows her to act effectively. and solve current problems.


    Aquarius women are smart unless they get possessed by an overvalued idea or addiction, otherwise they simply stop developing.

Among women, Libra and Sagittarius are in the lead.

Certainly, it is impossible to say that only these signs are the most stupid or the smartest. Everything depends not only on the stars, but also on genetics, social factors and the desire of the person himself to develop.

Incredible Facts

Recently, another dispute broke out among Internet users, the source of which was a simple picture.

The task is simple: P look at the picture and say which of the four is the dumbest?

Your choice can reveal a lot about your personality.

Quiz: Pick the dumbest person in the picture

If you chose 1.

Unfortunately, you are the type of person who often gives up. You believe that you cannot influence the situation and agree to the terms that are offered to you. You never argue and generally prefer to be quiet and peaceful, as quarrels and scandals upset you. You are a very kind and honest person.

If you chose 2.

You are the type of person who tends to make hasty decisions. You don't give yourself enough time to analyze the situation, so you make mistakes that could have been avoided. However, many people consider you quite stubborn.

If you chose 3.

You are an impulsive person who always goes all the way. You never give up and always fight for your rights to the last. You can become an excellent businessman, as strategizing is one of your favorite things to do. In this area, you can really excel.

If you chose 4.

You are a real rebel. Sometimes you are ready to fight even against yourself, just to prove something. However, all these games prevent you from thinking rationally. You are a born revolutionary.

The list of the dumbest people in the world is floating.

That is, there are no absolute and stable leaders in it, striking with their stupidity and having a low level of IQ. Only those who, at different periods of their lives, made the wrong choices in life, distinguished themselves by shameful moments or inappropriate behavior, as if in alcoholic intoxication, and being absolutely sober, can get into the rating. For example, the most stupid person can be any person who finds himself in a ridiculous situation. The internet is replete with such videos. Netizens post videos with situations that, in theory, simply could not happen to normal, reasonable and smart people. However, mister chance intervened here, so strange, funny and stupid situations can happen to each of us. Well, most often the label "stupid" is tried on famous people. They are always in sight, and their every unsuccessful act is exaggerated by the press and ordinary residents.

World Award for Stupidity

In order to publicly celebrate the misdeeds of celebrities, they even established a special award, the World Award for Stupidity. She appeared in 2003 for the award for the most outstanding achievements in the field of ignorance and stupidity. The sponsor of the award, in which there are several different nominations, is the Just for Laughs comedy festival. It is interesting that any inhabitant of the planet can vote for each laureate via the Internet.

The last award held in 2006 (after this date there is simply no information about the award) had the following winners. The dumbest man in the world is Judge Donald Thompson. He engaged in masturbation right at the court hearings with a pump to increase manhood. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or US Vice President Dick Cheney were ready to compete with him for leadership.

However, on awards and specific people and their actions. So, the most stupid statement belonged to the lawyer Harry Whittington. This is the man Dick Cheney shot while hunting. After the incident, Harry apologized to the Cheney family "for the inconvenience caused".

The most stupid act, according to the award, was Dick Cheney's hunt, the same one in which he shot Harry Whittington. The moment when Zinedine Zidane butted heads at the World Cup, as well as the publication of a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed by the editors of a Danish newspaper, still fought for the right to be called the most stupid. Another stupidity, according to the founders of the award, was committed by the American Nick Flynn. He turned a stupid situation into a stupid one. The young man managed to smash three Qin Dynasty vases in the museum at once. At the same time, he did not even apologize, but began to criticize the museum's management for their careless attitude towards the exhibits.

The following actions were also remembered by the powerful of this world: Paris Hilton almost began to bear the title of “the most stupid woman” because hackers got the contents of her mobile phone. Singer Ashley Nicole Simpson-Wentz remembered a silly situation when a phonogram jammed during a live performance. Prince Harry also found himself in a ridiculous situation when he came to the masquerade in the form of an SS. Actor Russell Crowe made everyone laugh by throwing a cell phone at the head of a New York hotel employee. In general, all the terrible situations can not be counted.

You can get awards for awards even for stupid and ridiculous statements. So, George Bush Jr. distinguished himself in this nomination, who said “Brownie, your work is on fire!” at a time when the head of the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, Michael Bryan, was discussing measures to respond to the consequences of hurricanes.

However, the media often encounter stupid statements. And they hear absurdities from the lips of celebrities. Then they carefully write them down and publish them.

The dumbest celebrity quotes

So, where will the Cannes Film Festival be held this year?

Brooke Shields:

Smoking kills, yes. If you are killed, then you have lost the most important part of your life.

I believe that gay marriage is exactly what must be between a woman and a man.

Steven Seagal:

People all over the world perceive me as their spiritual leader.

Paris Hilton:

Kabbalah helps me face my own fears. For example, if one of my friends takes clothes from me, and then does not give them back. And if I meet her in this outfit, then I will definitely confront her.

Tori Spelling:

Journalist: What is the capital of New York?

Actress: Probably New Jersey?

Journalist: Britney, what do you think about the meeting between Tony Blair and George W. Bush this week?

Spears: Who is Tony Blair?

Journalist: Prime Minister of Britain.

Spears: I think he's a big deal.

Britney Spears Interview

Mike Tyson :

- Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into a Bolivian.

I think that if you analyze well all the past shootings in schools, you will definitely understand that this is not at all a problem of gun control. In fact, all because of psychotropic drugs.

John Travolta's brilliant dance

Jessica Simpson:

Do I have fish or chicken on my plate? I know that there is tuna, it is also called sea chicken.

Anna Nicole Smith:

This ghost crawled up my leg and then had sex with me. At first I thought it was my boyfriend, but I woke up and realized it wasn't him.

These same celebrities are constantly on the list of the dumbest people in Hollywood. For example, a repeated visitor to the rating was Lindsay Lohan. She went there thanks to her bad behavior, alcohol and drug abuse, poor choice of films and gentlemen. Kim Kardashian, Shia LaBeouf, Jessica Simpson, Kiefer Sutherland, Courtney Love, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears can also see their names there.
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At one time, Einstein assured that there are only two infinite phenomena in the world - this is the Universe and human stupidity. And, unfortunately, the media is increasingly confirming this bitter aphorism of the great scientist.

Truly, stupidity is indestructible. For some reason, one "wise guy" who checks the nervous system of others and his body for endurance is being replaced by more and more detachments of people without "brakes" and attempts to analyze their actions. This means that the following question will never cease to be relevant: the dumbest person in the world - who is this?

Darwin Prize - an award for people who hit the world with their stupidity

This award, as its name implies, in some way refers to the teachings of Darwin. It was founded at one time by several Americans, whose names have not yet been named (they maintain anonymity and communicate with the world only through the Internet). The founders of the award consider it their duty to publish the details of unusual acts and the names of people who gave their lives or health for the purification of the human gene pool.

The Darwin Prize (by the way, it is not expressed in monetary terms) is awarded to the most stupid, stupid person in the world, who destroyed himself in the most ridiculous way, which managed to remove his genes from the general human gene pool. Those who diligently tried to do this, but survived, are awarded the same virtual certificates of honor as the prize.

Candidates are selected from many thousands of citizens of different countries, information about which is carefully checked. So, for example, all messages that have not been confirmed by the media are rejected.

And here are those who were awarded the Darwin Prize

We bring to your attention the stories that happened to the candidates for the Darwin Prize.

One of its winners, by the way, determined by interactive voting as the dumbest person in the world, Steve Conner, worked as a zookeeper in California. He distinguished himself by feeding a constipated elephant a huge amount of a laxative for animals, after which he decided to observe from the rear how the treatment was going. A few minutes later, Conner was crushed under a hundred pounds of elephant dung.

And here is another way to deprive humanity of defective genes. One thief in Antwerp (Belgium), robbed an apartment and was forced to flee from the police chase. He jumped out the back door, climbed a nine-foot wall and found himself ... in the city jail. Well, that's good too!

The Guinness Book of Records can also confirm human stupidity

But not only the Darwin Prize can tell you how far a person can go in his stupidity. In the famous Guinness Book of Records there are a lot of examples that can only cause regret about the narrow-mindedness of some individuals.

Andrew Dahl can be attributed to such stupid record holders. This young man, eager to become famous at any cost, blew twenty-three balloons with his nose in three minutes and achieved his goal, becoming a real celebrity. But at the same time, he received at the same time the title of "The dumbest person in the world" » .

The record of the Luxembourger Georges Christen seems no less "brilliant". This man made a 10-meter sprint while holding a table with a girl sitting on it in his teeth. That would be such a hero in advertising toothpaste!

And in the case of the Frenchman Louis Collet, you can get completely confused, because this man was able to come up with the longest speech in the world! It would seem, well done! But it’s still difficult to call him smart, since he delivered this speech on the radio for 124 hours ...

Does a biography matter with the title of "The dumbest man in the world"?

The life of a person nominated for a Darwin award, I think, proceeds quite normally at first. As a rule, it is no different from its neighbors. This is a typical layman who has a family, dreams of beauty, but at the same time suffers from an acute need for fame, which pushes him to commit crazy deeds. True, most of all in the nomination "The dumbest person in the world" are the winners of people who are not used to thinking about the consequences of what they do.

What is worth only the news that has spread all over the world about two West German motorists who literally collided head-on with each other. It happened in the small town of Guetersloh during a dense fog. Both eccentrics drove slowly, while sticking their heads out the windows of their cars (probably thinking that they would see more) and collided foreheads! They were taken to the hospital with serious injuries, but the cars were not damaged.

In parting, a few more stories about the nominees for the title "The dumbest man in the world"

Doctors can tell many creepy and funny stories about human stupidity.

So, one day a man called the emergency room, who suspected that the bartender had poured him too much alcohol. When asked how he could be helped, the caller demanded that he be urgently taken to the hospital and checked the level of alcohol in his blood there, as he wanted to pinch the scoundrel.

Another hospital received a man with a complaint that he stops hearing in one ear when ... he puts his finger in it. How about a patient who drank paint to get rid of stomach pain? Say, it will cover the walls of his stomach with a protective layer! Or a young lady who, in her dreams of a snow-white smile, brushed her teeth with a toilet "duck"? Yes, human stupidity is ineradicable.

It turns out that you can get a world prize for your stupidity, stupidity and ignorance, which is probably commensurate in scale with the famous Nobel Prize.

Award " World stupidity awards)" founded by the Comedy Festival "Just for Laughs" was first awarded in 2003. (Unfortunately, I was able to find information about its holding only, even in 2006. Maybe some of you have heard of other presentations of it, let me know - I will be grateful to you for this.)

So back to the 2006 idiot awards, there's a lot to laugh at:

The dumbest person of the year Donald Thompson was recognized - an American judge who, right during court hearings, was engaged in masturbation with a penis enlargement pump. (that's what I mean by democracy)

The judge was well ahead of his rivals, US Vice President Dick Cheney and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who also claimed the highest title.

Award for The most stupid saying of the year the jury of the competition awarded lawyer Harry Whittington, who was accidentally shot by Dick Cheney himself while hunting. The lawyer, apparently, decided to bend over or whatever came into his head incomprehensibly, but he decided to apologize to the Dick Cheney family, so to speak, for the "inconvenience caused." (deflection is fixed - get a bonus)

The dumbest act of the year . This award was presented to Dick Cheney, just for the very shot on the hunt for a lawyer. (and he seemed to do everything right - lawyers got divorced immeasurably, it's time to shoot one at a time) Zinedine Zidane (French footballer) also claimed the award for headbutting an Italian at the World Cup, as well as the editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, who missed publication in the newspaper cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.

Awards for Turning a Stupid Situation into a Stupid Situation honored American Nick Flynn. Looks like he had a passion for visiting museums since childhood. And on one of his visits there, he managed to break three Chinese vases of the Qin dynasty at once. After that, having turned on the correct thinking, he began to criticize the museum management for carelessness in arranging the exhibits.

They decided not to offend US President George W. Bush and awarded him two awards at once. First Prize for The most idiotic mismatch position.
Second for The dumbest phrase, uttered by him to the head of the US Federal Emergency Management Agency Michael Bryan, when discussing measures to eliminate the consequences of hurricanes: “Brownie, your work is on fire!”

The most interesting thing is that the award for Exposing the planet to danger did not go to the governments of North Korea and Israel that claimed it, as well as the leadership of Hamas, but went to the victorious Oil Industry.

The call to "kill people in the name of God" was awarded the prize The dumbest trend of the year.

And in conclusion, the award referred to as - for Long-term merits in the field of stupidity, was awarded to the region - the Middle East.

In continuation of this topic, a few videos starring the dumbest people in the world:

Some of the following idiotic acts captured on video ended in tragic deaths:

Surfing is one of the ways to make money on the Internet.

Help the drunk.

Do you want to lose weight?

The most beautiful beards.

Volumetric drawings on asphalt.

Where is Ray located?

Airbrushing for cars. Issue 1 (30 photos)

Mister resilient.

Living stones of Death Valley.

A challenge for kids!

How to pack a suitcase for a trip.

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