Financial genius and swindler: who is Sergey Mavrodi and what is he remembered for. Sergey Mavrodi deceived the whole world, but died in Russia Mavrodi Sergey Panteleevich where now

Sergei Mavrodi, who created the largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia MMM in the nineties, died of a heart attack on March 26, 2018. By the end of his life, he had no savings and property left. Where the money once received is still unknown.

The death of Sergei Mavrodi was due to a banal heart attack. The man, in whose hands was a third of the country's budget, died poor and alone. The circumstances of death and existing family ties were so absurd that he was almost buried next to the homeless.

Circumstances of death

Late at night, an unknown passer-by found Mavrodi at a bus stop complaining of sharp pains in the region of the heart. An ambulance was called and took him to the 67th hospital with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction. They didn’t have time to help, at 6:40 the doctors pronounced the death of the great schemer. Sergei Mavrodi died on March 26, 2018, at the age of 63.

The funeral of Sergei Mavrodi

The funeral took place on March 31st. Before that, the body was in the morgue, none of the relatives was in a hurry to take it away. The participation of his brother Vyacheslav was limited to the phrase that he forbids burying Sergei in the family grave. The deceased had no other relatives.

The employees of the institution began to have thoughts that the corpse would be buried along with the homeless at the expense of the state. However, soon the ex-wife, Elena Pavlyuchenko, took the body.

The circumstances of farewell and burial of Mavrodi are unknown. Details were kept in the strictest confidence. According to unofficial data, the funeral was carried out at the expense of MMM contributors.

According to Wikipedia, the grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery, where he was buried in a closed coffin.

last years of life

4 years before his death, Sergei Mavrodi undertook another trip to the construction of the pyramid. This time the company is called MMM Global. Initially, it was aimed at the strengthening cryptocurrency - bitcoin.

A year later, in 2015, the swindler claimed that he was able to bring down the bitcoin rate in an instant due to the fact that most of the trading on the exchange was due to the actions of MMM Global. The success of another financial web was obvious. She has worked in more than 100 countries around the world, for example, the photo below shows happy investors from Nigeria.

Alexander Mokhov, who worked as a lawyer for Mavrodi in 2011-2012, spoke about the last years of the life of a financial fraudster as follows.

“He despised money, calling them cut pieces of paper. He lived according to an individual schedule, went to bed at 10 am, got up at 6 pm, and everyone had to adapt to it. As far as I know, he moved away from all financial fraud and went into literature, wrote poetry and books. Everything that was done after the closure of the second MMM was fakes opened under his name.

Such statements, the lack of financial savings and the funeral, which took place behind closed doors, led to rumors that the death of the schemer was staged.

What's left of Mavrodi

Where the millions of deceived depositors of all the pyramids founded by Mavrodi have gone is unknown. In addition to multimillion-dollar debts, he has nothing. Of the property, only the apartment of the parents, inherited by him and his brother. She continues to be registered with the family due to the fact that she has not been privatized. Otherwise, the bailiffs would have arrested her.

short biography

Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955, his parents are ordinary engineers. Father, originally from Donbass with Ukrainian-Greek roots, died in 1980, mother, Russian, died in 1986, both died of oncology.

Childhood and youth

As a child, the boy was practically no different from his peers. If it were not for the unique memory and good abilities in mathematics, then he would be an ordinary Soviet child. Despite the mathematical mindset, he could not enter the Moscow Physics and Mathematics. Instead, he became a student at MIEM.

Around the same time, together with his younger brother, he began to make and sell audio and video cassettes. In 1983, the OBKhSS was detained for the first time.

Creation of MMM

By the time MMM was created, Sergey already had a certain state that allowed him to start the activity of a financial pyramid. Later it became the largest in the history of modern Russia. In total, 15 million people suffered from its activities.

On February 1, 1994, the shares of the pyramid went on public sale. The company's record profits and phenomenal success were the result of the event's unprecedented size:

  • 15 million investors;
  • accumulation of a third of the budget of the entire state;
  • an increase in the value of shares by 127 times.

The financial power of the pyramid was traced in many ways, Mavrodi allowed himself something that had never been done before by any person:

  • in 1993 congratulates the population on the New Year by buying air time;
  • in 1992, metro rides are made free for several days;
  • in news broadcasts, the stock price is first called, and only after that, Moscow time.

Participation in politics

Political activity consisted only in election to deputies and loud statements that could be regarded as fearlessness before the authorities. From the first days, he refused the privileges due to him, in particular:

  • benefits;
  • office dacha;
  • company car with driver.

He comments on his actions with the words that he came into politics only for the sake of parliamentary immunity.

A year later, on October 6, 1995, his status was prematurely terminated. In the future, he tried to run for the presidency of the country, but the Central Election Commission rejected most of the signature sheets, calling them fake. Thus, he could not continue the struggle for the post of head of state.

Rumors about a connection with Berezovsky

There is no reliable information about Berezovsky's connection with Mavrodi. The only contact between them is described in the book of the last "PiraMMMida" and the film based on the novel of the same name. Moreover, according to the scenario, everything that unites Mavrodi and Berezovsky is the desire to “subdue” the country for themselves.

Similar to the situation with Boris Abramovich, there are suggestions that the activities of Mavrodi are partially repeated by Navalny. In particular, the oppositionist receives income from dubious sources, tries to take the presidency and speaks negatively about his opponents. Sergei Panteleevich, by the way, in his comments to the reporter of Komsomolskaya Pravda also spoke sharply about the latter.


The black stripe of the biography of Sergei Panteleevich came on December 17, 1997. On this day, Mavrodi was declared on the all-Russian, and 1 year later, on the international wanted list. For 5 years, all the special services of the world could not catch him, there were rumors that he was killed by accomplices or changed his appearance. However, on January 31, 2003 he was detained in Moscow. As it turned out during the investigation, Mavrodi never left the city.

“They couldn’t find me for so long, because their own security service was involved in this, in no way inferior to the one that was looking for me,” the detainee commented.

The litigation process dragged on for several years. Several charges were brought against the perpetrator:

  • forgery of a passport;
  • fraud on an especially large scale;
  • tax avoidance.

As a result, on May 27, 2007, the court sentenced him to 4.5 years in prison, but since he was arrested back in 2003, this period has already expired. A few months later, the swindler was free again. Now only the obligation to pay a fine of 10,000 rubles remained on him. and repay the debt to depositors in the amount of 20 million rubles.

He paid off the debt to the state, but repaid the debts of deceived depositors from his salary. Before his death, he was officially employed as a consultant to businessman Pavel Molchanov. He received 15,000 rubles for this. per month, with this money and extinguished the debt, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, in the amount of half of their income.

Mavrodi family

After the death of his parents, the younger brother Vyacheslav remained the only close relative. Together they organized the first pyramid, after which their destinies diverged. The elder went on the run, the younger opened another dubious financial institution, but in 2001 he was arrested.

Sergei, was married to Ukrainian Elena Pavlyuchenko. After the arrest and the husband's stay in custody for several years, the couple divorced. Despite this, in 2006 the woman gave birth to a girl, Irina, calling Mavrodi her father.

The figure of the most colossal genius of the scams of modern Russia is still a mystery. He was the founder of several pyramids, wrote books, was engaged in directing, but where all the honestly and dishonestly earned money went is not known. The opinion of Russians about his personality in the history of the country is divided. Some consider Mavrodi a genius who taught people not to trust the first person they meet, others consider him a swindler and a swindler.


Project of the NTV channel: “Mavrodi. The Last Secret"

According to the site, Sergei Mavrodi complained of pain in his heart, after which he was urgently taken to the Botkin hospital. Alexander Vlasov, assistant to the founder of the financial pyramid "MMM" Sergei Mavrodi, also confirmed reports of his death.

“Everything that doctors have diagnosed is true. Some further comments will come later. There were also chronic diseases, they were previously discussed, ”said Vlasov.

Mavrodi died at 6:40 in the Botkin hospital. The doctors were embarrassed by the sudden death of the founder of the MMM financial pyramid, so his body was sent to the morgue for an autopsy.

The day before, Mavrodi felt unwell and was urgently hospitalized. Sergei became ill near a bus stop located in the northern administrative district of the capital. A passer-by helped the businessman by calling an ambulance. On March 26, 2018, it became known that Sergei Mavrodi had died.

Sergey Mavrodi became known for creating the largest financial pyramid "MMM". Sergey Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow in the family of an installer and an economist. As a child, he was diagnosed with congenital bilateral heart disease. According to the businessman, he had a phenomenal memory.

Sergei Mavrodi biography

Biography of Sergei Mavrodi. Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow in the family of an installer Panteley Andreevich Mavrodi and an economist Valentina Fedorovna.

Sergey Mavrodi was born with a congenital bilateral heart disease, which is why doctors predicted that he would not live to be eighteen years old.

According to Sergei Mavrodi himself, in childhood he had a phenomenal memory:

“I could literally repeat any passage that was read aloud to me. But then, due to twelve concussions - I was a very restless child! - memory has deteriorated somewhat and from phenomenal has become just good. Well, thank God!"

He graduated from secondary school No. 35 in Moscow, as well as the Children's Art School No. 1 named after. V. A. Serova. During his studies, Sergei Mavrodi was noted as a very talented student with good mathematical abilities, he often won Olympiads.

In 1972, Sergei Mavrodi entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

At the institute, he was fond of sambo and became a candidate for master of sports, without losing a single fight (he was the champion of Moscow in the absolute weight category.) On this, he ended his sports career due to the fact that it took too much time. However, there was another reason. “Excessive passion for martial arts is far from being as harmless as it seems. You become physically stronger, but weaker - in spirit. You get used to losing (at least in training). Know the limits of your abilities. An experienced (“beaten”) fighter will never fight several strong opponents at once. Because he knows exactly what it is. He prefers to retreat.

As a result, Sergei Panteleevich successfully graduated from MIEM. “We looked at absenteeism through our fingers. The faculty was considered extremely difficult, the Department of Mathematics at MIEM was then, for a number of reasons, the strongest, perhaps even among all Moscow universities, the level of teaching was very high, so it was a priori assumed that if a person does not go to lectures and seminars, he simply won't pass the exams. It turned out, however, that this is not entirely true. If I managed to get a lecture notes at least a couple of hours before the exam and have time to skim through it, then I passed the exam without problems. Unfortunately, it didn't always work out."

For the first time, Mavrodi was detained for the first time in 1983 for 10 days by the OBKhSS officers “for private entrepreneurial activity” (sale of illegal video recordings).

The MMM cooperative was founded by Sergey Panteleevich in 1989. On its basis, several dozens of commercial structures were also created, including OJSC MMM 1994, which became the largest financial pyramid in Russia.

After several attacks by the authorities, on August 4, 1994, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of tax evasion from the income of the Invest-Consulting company he heads.

While in custody, Sergei Panteleevich stopped the activities of MMM 1994 and announced that he would run for the State Duma of the Russian Federation and began collecting signatures, two months later the CEC registered him as a candidate for the State Duma. On October 30, he was elected a member of the Russian parliament. However, having become a deputy, he renounced all deputy privileges and salary, thereby emphasizing that he went to the deputies only for immunity. He did not attend any meeting of the State Duma, and on the basis of this, a year later, his deputy powers were terminated, relying on the fact that he was engaged in commercial activities. Later, Sergei Mavrodi tried to run again for the State Duma from the "People's Capital Party", but lost the election.

In January 1996, a group of authorized representatives nominated Mavrodi as a candidate for the President of Russia, but the CEC rejected signature sheets in support of the candidate and refused registration. On this fact, a criminal case was even initiated against Sergei Mavrodi, but then it was closed for "lack of corpus delicti." But he failed to participate in the elections.

On December 17, 1997, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs put Sergey Mavrodi on the national wanted list, and a year later on the international wanted list.

For more than five years he hid in a rented apartment, lived locked up until 2003 without leaving Moscow. At this time, he created another financial pyramid on the Internet, which covered the whole world - the so-called Stock Generation (SG) virtual stock exchange. It was registered in one of the countries of the Caribbean as a game of chance and had the appropriate license. This project was closed by the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission), based on complaints, they began an investigation and, without proof of guilt, closed their US dollar accounts. Ultimately, the SEC lost the case in Boston court (there was a license, everyone played voluntarily), but it was too late. According to unofficial data, several million people were injured in this event.

On January 31, 2003, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested in Moscow, in a rented apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. During the arrest, he was found to have a fake passport in the name of Yuri Zaitsev, a native of St. Petersburg. A little later, after his arrest, he was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Organization of forgery of documents" and "Evasion of taxes and (or) fees from the organization." In January 2004, the criminal case on the fact of tax evasion against Sergei Mavrodi was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. But on February 3, 2004, Mavrodi was charged with fraud. Until January 31, 2006, Sergei Panteleevich got acquainted with 650 volumes (250-270 pages each) of his criminal case, after which the court sessions began.

During the hearings, the prosecutor in the case, Amalia Ustaeva, requested that Mavrodi be sentenced to five years in prison in a penal colony. Of course, she took into account the identity of the defendant, the presence of extenuating circumstances, and taking into account the views of a number of victims. In addition, the civil claims of the victims for compensation for material damage were to be satisfied. “I ask you to satisfy those claims, the amounts of which were established by the preliminary investigation and which have not been changed by the victims,” Ustaeva said.

At the end of April 2007, the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sergei Mavrodi to four years and six months in prison to be served in a penal colony, but he had already served almost the entire term. Also, as an additional measure of punishment, the court established a fine of 10,000 rubles in favor of the state. However, later the Moscow City Court canceled this fine.

On May 22, 2007, the sentence expired. More than 50 media representatives from all over the world gathered to capture the moment of Sergei Mavrodi's release. Investors MMM - both supporters and opponents of Mavrodi - gathered only ten people. Sergei Mavrodi did not want to give any comments to journalists.

In prison, Sergei Panteleevich wrote the novel "The Son of Lucifer". The novel is a separate novel. Every day is a separate short story, a new hero, a new fate, a new story. In total, the book describes 150 days. Also in prison were written "Pyramid", "Prison Diaries" and "Carcer". All his works are posted on the official website of Sergei Mavrodi

Only in Moscow and the region in the middle of 2000, about four hundred "Sergeev Mavrodi" were registered in psychiatric hospitals. This is the largest number of doubles than anyone else.

In 1995, in Novosibirsk, MMM investors beat Mavrodi's double, the error was discovered in time, and the Novosibirsk escaped with minor bruises. In an interview, he stated that he fully understood the attackers, and left this incident without consequences.

On April 7, 2011, the feature film PiraMMMida, based on the story of the same name by Mavrodi, was released. (Distributor film company Universal Pictures International.) The role of Sergei Mavrodi (in the film he is Sergei Mamontov) was played by Alexei Serebryakov.

The personality of S.P. Mavrodi, as well as his activities, still cause extremely ambiguous assessments in various circles of society. He is equally often called both a financial genius and a swindler. Mavrodi himself believes that:

“Only the scale of the deeds is important. their absolute value. The sign doesn't matter. A minus can easily change to a plus, and vice versa. But zero never changes for anything.

New project of Sergey Mavrodi MMM

Sergey Mavrodi lost in the fight against the authorities in 1994, in January 2011 he implemented a new project MMM 2011, later it was renamed MMM 2012 and eventually got the name MMM, which is successfully developing all over the world, to this day! The goal of the project, according to Sergey Panteleevich himself, is “financial apocalypse”. Sergei Mavrodi answered many questions regarding his biography in numerous interviews. Today it became known that Sergei Mavrodi died in the Botkin hospital.

Sergei Mavrodi in the program "Minaev LIVE". Answers to the most important questions on MMM.

Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi
Occupation: pyramid organizer, memoirist, novelist, screenwriter, songwriter and performer
Date of birth: August 11, 1955
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: USSR → Russia
Father: Panteley Andreevich Mavrodi
Mother: Valentina Fedorovna Mavrodi (nee Monakhova)
Spouse: Elena Pavlyuchenko (1993-2005)

Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi(August 11, 1955, Moscow, USSR) - Russian entrepreneur, founder of the joint-stock company " MMM”, which is regarded as a classic and the largest financial pyramid in the history of the country. According to various estimates, 5-15 million investors suffered from its activities. According to Sergei Mavrodi himself, the company MMM was deliberately destroyed by the relevant state authorities.
Personality S. P. Mavrodi, as well as his activities, still cause extremely ambiguous assessments in various circles of society. He is equally often called both a financial genius and an adventurer. In 2003 Sergei Mavrodi was convicted of grand larceny. Currently, Mavrodi is hiding from law enforcement agencies in connection with a criminal case initiated against him in May 2012.

August 3, 2012 Sergei Mavrodi announced the creation of a political party "MMM" in Ukraine to nominate his candidacy for the upcoming elections to the Verkhovna Rada. The creation of the election program was entrusted to former deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. According to Mavrodi, victory in the elections will be good advertising MMM-2012 both in Ukraine and in Russia.

Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow in the family of an installer Pantelei Andreyevich Mavrodi (half Ukrainian, half Donetsk Greek) and economist Valentina Fedorovna (Russian, from near Vladimir). Was born Sergei Mavrodi with congenital bilateral heart disease, which is why doctors predicted that the boy would not live to be eighteen years old.
In the words of Mavrodi, as a child he had a phenomenal memory: “I could literally repeat any passage that was read aloud to me. But then, due to twelve concussions - I was a very restless child! - memory has deteriorated somewhat and from phenomenal has become just good. Well, thank God!"

He graduated from 10 classes of secondary school No. 35 in Moscow, as well as the Children's Art School No. 1 named after. V. A. Serov on Prechistenka. During his studies, he showed abilities in mathematics and physics, won school competitions. After graduation Sergei Mavrodi in 1972 he entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. As the winner of the Olympiads, he had to pass one exam for the top five - written physics, but due to an arithmetic error he did not receive the highest score (he received a three), after which he did not take further exams, but took the documents from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

At University Sergei Mavrodi he became interested in sambo and very quickly became a candidate for master of sports, without losing a single fight (with a weight of 60 kg he was the champion of Moscow in the absolute weight category). He ended his sports career, "because for further growth it was already necessary to spend too much time." Sergei Panteleevich graduated from MIEM, and when, after his release in 2007, he first visited the school, then the university, the teachers were glad, recalling that Sergei Mavrodi was the best student, won all the school Olympiads.
Teachers and fellow students at MIEM spoke about Mavrodi in different ways: “He was expelled from the 3rd year for absenteeism and poor progress”, “Fantastic mathematical abilities”, “He was still in business as a student - he sold jeans. And they also created a group of preference players and played seriously for money.
Sergei Mavrodi graduated from MIEM and continued to develop his business.
In 1983 Sergei Mavrodi for the first time he was detained for a period of 10 days by the OBKhSS officers “for private entrepreneurial activity” (sale of illegal video recordings). During the period of arrest, when a decision was made to initiate a criminal case against him, the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On excesses" was issued, and Mavrodi was released. Later he will say: "Fate needed me for great things."

MMM activities

In 1989 Sergei Mavrodi founded a cooperative "MMM", on the basis of which he created several dozen commercial structures, including JSC MMM, which became the largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia, in which, according to various estimates, from 10 to 15 million people participated.
On February 1, 1994, the shares went on sale.
In just six months, results unprecedented in other structures were achieved: 15 million depositors, the accumulation of a third of the country's budget, a 127-fold increase in share prices, etc. At the same time, according to Mavrodi's characterization of his relationship with the authorities, he had to act all this time " in a hostile environment."
Sergei Mavrodi managed MMM exclusively by phone.

August 4 Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of tax evasion from the income of the Invest-Consulting company he heads. He did not repent of anything and regretted only that he had not brought everything to the end.
Mavrodi suspended the activities of the MMM from prison and began collecting signatures for registration as a candidate for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and two months later he was registered by the Central Election Commission. In October of the same year, he was released from custody "in connection with a change in the preventive measure."
October 30, 1994 Sergei Mavrodi was elected to the Russian parliament.
September 2, 1997" MMM" was declared bankrupt.

January 10, 2011 Sergei Mavrodi announced in his blog his intention to create a new financial pyramid MMM-2011. In his video diary, he posted an appeal in which he recalls that his debt in civil lawsuits is about a billion rubles and that he is forbidden to leave the Russian Federation. According to his statement, he does not formally participate in the work of MMM-2011 and does not receive direct funds.
June 16, 2012 Sergei Mavrodi announced to the "depositors" the closure of MMM-2011, due to the fact that there is not enough money for payments. Another financial pyramid collapsed.
July 30, 2012 Sergei Mavrodi began to call on people to join the new pyramid, MMM-2012.

Political activity Sergei Mavrodi
August 4, 1994 Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of concealing income from the Invest-Consulting company headed by him.
While in prison Sergei Mavrodi registered as a candidate.
In September Sergei Mavrodi was nominated as a candidate for the State Duma in by-elections in the Mytishchi district of Moscow, after which he was released.
October 30, 1994 Mavrodi was elected to the Russian Parliament.
Becoming an MP Sergei Mavrodi wrote an official statement about the refusal of the deputy salary and all deputy privileges: benefits, summer cottages, company car. Sergei Panteleevich never hid that he was going to the deputies solely for the sake of parliamentary immunity.
From the moment of his election as a deputy of the State Duma, Mavrodi did not attend any of its meetings.
At the very beginning of the conflict with the authorities, Mavrodi officially, through the press, threatened them with a nationwide referendum, raising the issue of distrust of the authorities. Sergei Mavrodi promised to collect the necessary million signatures from 10 million depositors in a week. In the future, he was repeatedly invited to the Kremlin "for negotiations", but consistently ignored all such invitations.

A year later, on October 6, 1995, the deputies of the State Duma terminated his deputy powers ahead of schedule.
In 1995 Sergei Mavrodi again ran for the Duma from the "People's Capital Party", lost the election.
On January 10, 1996, the Central Election Commission registered authorized representatives of the initiative group that nominated Mavrodi as a candidate for the President of Russia, but later rejected a significant part of the signature sheets in support of the candidate and refused to register him.
Moreover, against Sergei Mavrodi even a criminal case was initiated on the forgery of signature sheets, which, however, was later closed "for lack of corpus delicti". However, he was no longer able to participate in the elections.
At the end of 2011, it turned out that the "People's Capital Party" was not closed. Only after that its activity was formally stopped.

Sergei Mavrodi was stripped of his deputy mandate two months before the December 1996 elections. After that, investigative actions against him were resumed, and one more charge was added to the previous charges as part of the investigation into the activities of MMM - fraud.
December 17, 1997 Sergei Mavrodi first put on the all-Russian, and a year later, on the international wanted list. He was wanted by Interpol on the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Over five years Sergei Mavrodi hid in a rented apartment and lived locked up, and nothing was known about him until the winter of 2003. There were rumors that he lived in Scandinavia or Greece for a long time, but in fact Mavrodi did not leave Moscow at all and never left Russia.
It was also assumed that Sergei Mavrodi lived on the territory of one of the government dachas on the Rublevsky highway, namely in the village of Zhukovka-3 in the Moscow region. But after his arrest, according to the criminal investigation department, it became known that the detainee was definitely in Moscow.

Being on the international wanted list through Interpol, Sergei Mavrodi created another pyramid on the Internet, now worldwide - the Stock Generation (SG) virtual stock exchange, which was registered in one of the Caribbean countries, designed as a gambling game and had the appropriate license. After some time, there were delays in payments. In his interview, Mavrodi claims that these were purely technical reasons - allegedly, the banks were physically unable to cope with such a number of payments, the office was littered with unprocessed checks, Western Union did not have time to bring cash by plane. At first, delays were measured in weeks, then months. Based on complaints, the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) launched an investigation and closed US dollar accounts without evidence of guilt. As a result, the SEC lost the case in a Boston court (there was a license, everyone played voluntarily), but SG had already collapsed at that time. According to official figures, in less than a year of work, about 275 thousand people suffered (mostly citizens of the United States and Western Europe). According to unofficial data, several million people were affected.

According to himself Sergei Mavrodi For 8 years, he was helped to hide from the investigation by his own security service, “of the same level as the one that was looking for me,” that is, consisting of former intelligence officers, high-class specialists.
Arrest and trial
January 31, 2003 Sergei Mavrodi was arrested in Moscow, in a rented apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment, by employees of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. During the arrest, he was found to have a fake passport in the name of citizen Yuri Zaitsev, a native of St. Petersburg. A little later, after his arrest, he was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Organization of forgery of documents" and "Evasion of taxes and (or) fees from the organization." Thus, three criminal cases have already been initiated against the hiding businessman. Mavrodi himself said that he did not admit his guilt in any of the acts incriminated to him.

On September 15, 2003, the preliminary hearing in one of Mavrodi's criminal cases - the charge of using a fake passport - in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow was almost immediately postponed indefinitely without setting a date for a subsequent hearing. According to lawyer Hakob Khachaturyan, his client, firstly, did not have time to get acquainted with the case materials, and secondly, this court decision may affect the verdict on the main charge - fraud. The total volume of materials of the criminal case is 600-900 volumes.
On October 5, 2003, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow began considering the case of the founder of the famous financial pyramid. Previously Sergei Mavrodi was charged under Art. 327, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Organization of forgery of documents." According to the current legislation, Sergei Mavrodi faces up to three years in prison.

On December 2, 2003, the Khamovniki Court of Moscow found Mavrodi guilty of organizing a forgery of a passport and sentenced him to one year and one month in prison. The Investigative Committee previously singled out this case as a separate proceeding from the main criminal case related to fraud in the framework of MMM activities.
On January 27, 2004, the Investigative Committee closed the criminal case on the fact of tax evasion against Russia's most famous "pyramid builder" due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for this category of crimes. At the same time, the investigators intended to bring to court the main case on Mavrodi's charge of fraud on an especially large scale.

February 3, 2004 Mavrodi was charged with fraud. Until January 31, 2006 Sergei Mavrodi got acquainted with 610 volumes (250-270 pages each) of his criminal case, after which the court hearings on the main case began.

The deadline of January 31, 2006 was set as the deadline for completing the familiarization with the materials of the criminal case by the Tverskoy Court of Moscow on February 14, 2005. taking into account holidays and weekends, it turns out that way) is almost impossible, was rejected by the Moscow City Court.
On March 9, 2006, the main case of the former heads of MMM was sent to the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow for consideration on the merits[. On March 14, 2006, Mavrodi's case was submitted to the place of consideration. The founder of MMM was accused under Art. 159, part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud on a large scale and theft of other people's property by deceit and breach of trust." According to the prosecutor's office, the damage caused by MMM to millions of depositors is estimated at $110 million.

However, both experts and contributors have a completely different opinion on this matter. Let's say, according to the same Association of Investors, it is about $70-80 billion. Experts are more cautious in their estimates: "at least a billion."
During the debate of the parties, the state prosecutor in the case, the prosecutor Amalia Ustaeva, asked to sentence Sergei Mavrodi to five years' imprisonment with serving a sentence in a penal colony, taking into account the identity of the defendant, the presence of mitigating circumstances (a minor dependent child), and also taking into account the opinion of a number of victims. In addition, she asked to satisfy the civil claims of the victims for compensation for material damage and to leave without consideration the claims of those victims who did not appear at the hearing. “I ask you to satisfy those claims, the amounts of which were established by the preliminary investigation and which have not been changed by the victims,” Ustaeva said. More than 10 thousand victims are involved in the case.

On April 28, 2007, the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sergei Mavrodi to four years and six months of imprisonment in a penal colony, but the MMM founder had already served almost the entire term of his sentence in the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center (in a special block, in FROM 99/1). As an additional measure of punishment, the court ordered that Mavrodi be fined 10,000 rubles in favor of the state. However, later the Moscow City Court canceled this fine.
On May 8, Mavrodi's lawyer Olga Makarova said that, at the request of her client, a cassation appeal against the sentence had been filed with the Moscow City Court. Also, cassation appeals were filed earlier by some of the victims.
On May 22, the sentence expired. More than fifty representatives of Russian and foreign media gathered to capture the moment of the release; Investors same MMM - both supporters and opponents of Mavrodi - gathered just ten people. However, the released ex-head of MMM did not want to give any comments to journalists. At the moment when Mavrodi got into the jeep, an activist of the Young Russia movement threw a can of sour cream into the car.
On May 22, 2008, at the presentation of his book "Temptation", bailiffs presented Sergei Mavrodi writ of execution on the recovery of money from him in favor of deceived depositors (now on civil claims). The total amount of lawsuits, as it was stated to journalists, "so far is about 300 million rubles, but they keep coming." The entire circulation of the book has been seized. In June 2008, Mavrodi's personal library (over 1.5 thousand volumes) was confiscated.

From an interview with Sergei Mavrodi to the Delovoy Petersburg newspaper:
“Am I, as a private person, issued MMM shares and tickets? No, I released them as the president of the firm. And as such, I received all of my own and served all of mine. So why are they now accepting claims against me as a private person? Can I be punished a million times over? Anyone, even a murderer and a rapist - once, but me - a million? Am I outlawed in this country?”

On March 14, 2012, Sergei Mavrodi was again arrested for failure to pay a fine of 1,000 rubles for 5 days. Advocate Sergei Mavrodi stated that Mavrodi had already paid this fine, but about 300 fines of 1000 rubles remained unpaid. The law enforcement authorities directly stated that they intended to give up to 15 days for each of them. Thus, for an administrative offense, Mavrodi could have received a total of about 12 years in prison. Mavrodi cannot pay these fines: his only source of income is advising businessman Pavel Molchanov from Noginsk near Moscow, which brings him 30,000 rubles. monthly. Of which 15,000 rubles. he gives to bailiffs, and lives on the rest.

Family of Sergei Mavrodi

In 1993-2005 he was married to a native of Ukraine, Elena Pavlyuchenko, the owner of many titles in various beauty contests (Miss Zaporozhye -92, Miss MMM -94, etc.).

Mavrodi in mass consciousness and culture
According to psychiatrists, in Moscow and the region alone, by the middle of 2000, almost four hundred "Mavrodi Sergeys" were registered in hospitals - many more "twins" than anyone else. For example, there were only about fifty Yeltsins at that time.
Mavrodi's double, who lived in Novosibirsk, in the spring of 1995 was beaten by MMM depositors at the Barnaul railway station. The error was detected in time, and the Novosibirsk escaped with minor bruises. In an interview, he stated that he fully shares the feelings of the attackers, and therefore asked the police to leave the incident without consequences.

On April 7, 2011, the feature film PiraMMMida, based on the story of the same name by Mavrodi, was released. (Distributor film company Universal Pictures International.) The role of Sergei Mavrodi (in the film he is Sergei Mamontov) was played by Alexei Serebryakov.
In the summer of 2012, according to the scenario of Mavrodi, the shooting of the film "River" began. The film is slated for release in summer 2013.
Literary activity
In prison, Sergei Panteleevich wrote the novel "The Son of Lucifer". Now it is published in the author's edition (without corrections of editions).

The novel consists of separate short stories-days. Every day is a new hero, a new story, a new human destiny. In total Sergey Panteleevich wrote about 150 days. Most of them have never been published before. Fourteen short stories were published in the book "Temptation" in 2008, but with a violation of chronology, without Lucifer's dialogues with the Son and with some editorial changes, although the book says "in the author's edition." In 2012, the book "Temptation 2" was published, in which new novels-days were added that were not previously published.

In prison, Sergei Panteleevich wrote Prison Diaries and Punishment.
Sergei Panteleevich has a number of plays and screenplays: "The Son of Lucifer (Temptation)", the short story "Pyramid", "Prison Diaries", "Punnel Ward". Plays and screenplays are posted on the official website of Sergei Mavrodi.
Also Sergei Mavrodi composes poetry, writes and sings songs to classical melodies.
Poems by Sergei Mavrodi published on the site
In 2009, the third audio chapter was recorded books by Sergei Mavrodi"Temptation. Son of Lucifer" titled "Deal".

But many chapters were read by the author himself in daily live broadcasts at 22:30 on the MNK channel. The channel was broadcast on the Internet from February 02, 2011 to March 17, 2011 at 15:00 and 22:30. Sergei Mavrodi refused the channel and daily broadcasts, because "it was very difficult." The programs caused a surge among people reading Sergei Mavrodi's blog, after which he read the unpublished "Antimir" on Wednesdays. Sergey Panteleevich also commented on the news on Sundays, but has recently stopped doing this.

Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi (08/11/1955 - 03/26/2018). The owner of the most famous in Russia stock pyramid "MMM". According to numerous testimonies, due to the work of this structure, about 15 million people remained bankrupt. The business owner himself was sure that the company was deliberately abolished by the federal structures of Russia.

short biography

The future "pharaoh" was born in Moscow in an ordinary family of working people. From birth, the boy had serious heart problems, which is why the doctors' forecasts were disappointing. At most, the child could count on a short youthful life. But the doctors were wrong, Mavrodi grew up as a hyperactive child, had an excellent memory and abilities for mathematical sciences.

In 1972, Mavrodi graduated from high school and tried to enter the Physics and Technology University. Due to one unfortunate mistake in the calculations, Sergey did not score enough points for admission, and no longer trying to retake, he enters the university of mechanical engineering at the faculty with a mathematical bias.

As a student, he is actively engaged in combat sambo and in a short period of time becomes CCM in his weight category, while never losing. Over time, due to the unwillingness to spend all their free time on sports, the passion for sambo disappears.

Entrepreneurial vein, it seems, has always been present in the character of Mavrodi. Back in 1983, Sergei was first taken into custody for 10 days for the illegal sale of video cassettes. After serving his sentence, the young man decided to do great things.

Elena Pavlyuchenko - ex-wife of Sergei

Personal life

At sunset, Sergei was left alone. The only marriage with a Ukrainian beauty from Zaporozhye - Elena Pavlyuchenko, ended in divorce.

In her youth, while studying at the Pedagogical University, Elena worked as a kindergarten teacher. In the early 90s, the girl wins a local beauty contest. Then she meets Mavrodi. The passion of two young people turns into a legal marriage, however, Sergei never lived with a woman and was not going to change his habits. So, the Mavrodi couple never spent a day under the same roof.

Due to problems in business, Sergei, while in isolation, decided to release his beloved from the burden. He files for divorce and refuses to meet with his wife. It is known from sources that Elena settled in the Moscow region and alone raised their common daughter Irina.

Sergei Panteleimonovich never slept at night, his sleep schedule consisted of morning and evening hours of rest, from 6 to 10. He was very fond of collecting insects, fishing and hunting. He was a passionate book lover and did not have the habit of watching TV, did not follow the events in the world.
Most of all, the “pharaoh” liked to be alone with himself and, without the need, he himself never came into contact with another person. The businessman identified the fair sex with biting insects and considered them useless.

Being the owner of huge money capital, the builder of the pyramids was distinguished by amazing modesty. He had practically no real estate, and the interior of his apartment consisted of a table, books and an aquarium with fish.

Sunset of life

On the night of March 25, Sergei Panteleimonovich became ill in the middle of the street, the doctors arrived in time, took the man to the hospital, but did not have time to help. The cause of death of Sergei Panteleimonovich was a heart rupture. What an amazing person he was.
Recalling their relationship with Mavrodi, Elena noted that she did not regret that she knew him, because this is a unique person who left her a piece of herself in the form of her daughter Irina.

At school, he won olympiads and was distinguished by a mathematical mindset.

In 1978 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM, now the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov, National Research University Higher School of Economics).

After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer-mathematician at a research institute, since 1980 - the head of a group of programmers. At the same time, he was engaged in private production and sale of sound and video recordings, illegal at that time.

In 1981 he retired from the research institute. He was listed in various positions: the last one was a night watchman in the subway.

In 1983 he was arrested for private business activities (sale of illegal video products), but thanks to the amnesty he served only 10 days.

In 1989 he founded the MMM cooperative. On the basis of it, several dozen commercial structures were created, including OJSC MMM 1994, which became the largest financial pyramid in Russia.

Until 1991, the cooperative was mainly engaged in the trade of computers and office equipment. Then he began to collect money at high interest rates - up to 1000% per annum. The number of the company's investors was, according to various estimates, from 10 to 15 million people.

In August 1994, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of tax evasion from the income of the Invest-Consulting company he heads. While in custody, he stopped the activities of MMM 1994.

In September 1994, his candidacy was nominated for by-elections to the State Duma from the Mytishchi district of Moscow.

He was released in accordance with the electoral law, which requires equal conditions for all candidates.

In October 1994 he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation. His mandate began on January 18, 1995.

Sergei Mavrodi did not join any faction, and since his election to this post, he has never been at any Duma session. On October 6, 1995, his deputy powers were terminated ahead of schedule.

After that, the investigative actions against Mavrodi were resumed, and one more was added to the previous accusations - fraud.

In 1995, he again ran for the Duma from the "People's Capital Party", lost the election.

In January 1996, a group of authorized representatives nominated Sergei Mavrodi as a candidate for the presidency of Russia, but the CEC rejected signature sheets in support of the candidate and refused registration.

In September 1997, the MMM company was declared bankrupt, and Sergei Mavrodi disappeared. In December 1997, he was first put on the national wanted list, and a year later on the international wanted list.

Being on the run in early 1998, Sergei Mavrodi created a new financial pyramid Stock Generation Ltd, which was a virtual exchange. The exchange has existed for about two years.

On January 31, 2003, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested in Moscow in a rented apartment. According to documents found in the apartment, Mavrodi lived in Moscow under the name of a certain Yuri Zaitsev. He was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Fraud on an especially large scale" and "Organization of forgery of documents."

On December 2, 2003, the Khamovniki Court of Moscow found Mavrodi guilty of organizing a forgery of a passport and sentenced him to 13 months in prison.

In January 2004, the criminal case on the fact of tax evasion against Sergei Mavrodi was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

On April 28, 2007, the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sergei Mavrodi to 4.5 years in prison to be served in a penal colony. As an additional measure of punishment, the court established a fine of 10,000 rubles from Mavrodi in favor of the state. In addition, Mavrodi had to pay more than 20 million rubles to depositors.

While the investigation and trial lasted, he served almost the entire sentence imposed by the court. He was kept in a special block of the "Matrosskaya Tishina" pre-trial detention center and was released 25 days after the end of the verdict - on May 22, 2007.

On July 10, 2007, the Moscow City Court considered Mavrodi's appeal against the verdict. The court refused to rehabilitate and terminate the criminal case, leaving the sentence in force in terms of terms of imprisonment, but canceling the fine of 10 thousand rubles.

While in prison, Sergei Mavrodi was engaged in literary work. In 2008, his first book "Temptation" was published, which included 14 short stories. In total, the author has more than 200 of them. In addition, he wrote a novel and several plays. The book was published in a pilot edition of 7,000 copies.

In May 2008, Moscow bailiffs seized the sale of Mavrodi's first book in connection with the initiation of enforcement proceedings against him to pay debts to affected depositors.

In January 2011, Mavrodi again created the MMM-2011 pyramid, which collapsed a few months later. After that, "MMM-2012" was created.

Following the launch of the MMM-2012 project, Sergei Mavrodi announced the creation of the All-Russian Political Party MMM and announced that he himself became its chairman.

In May 2012, a criminal case was opened against Mavrodi again, he was hiding from the authorities.

At the end of January 2014, Sergei Mavrodi announced the introduction of currency "Mavro" (Mavro). In December 2017, his next pyramid collapsed.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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