In Overwatch, Mutiny has begun. News from the developers dedicated to the Mutiny event

  • Today, we're rewinding time and giving players a chance to discover the backstories of their favorite Overwatch heroes. Gather your friends and travel seven years into the past to take part in Tracer's first mission in a new PvE brawl. You'll also be able to collect over 100 declassified items from new containers, including skins, match highlights, emotes, sprays, and badges!

General changes


  • The collection now displays character backstories and information about some of the skins associated with the game's universe.
  • The reporting system has been redesigned to include new categories of violations as well as examples of inappropriate behavior that allow players to better describe their reasons for choosing to use the system.

    Introduced subtitles for in-game voice lines of heroes played during the Mutiny event. Subtitles can be enabled in the "Sound" section of the settings menu.

Competitive matches

  • For maps in Capture Points and Mixed Mode (Capture Points/Escort), a new counter has been added that takes into account the progress of capture. This will avoid draws.

  • You can now save match parameters in your game mode using the function provided on the game information screen. You can access the info screen by right-clicking either on the map image in the game creation menu, or on the game name in the match browser. You can also find the save button in the options menu.
  • Now, when creating your game, you can change the capacity of the heroes weapon magazine.

Hero Changes


  • Sound Amplifier damage increased by 25%.
  • Sound Amplifier projectile speed increased from 40 to 50.
  • When using alternate fire, the vertical position of the target relative to Lucio is now taken into account.
  • Crossfade radius reduced from 30 yards to 10 yards.
  • The amount of replenished per second. Healing Melody health increased by 30% (including when using the Volume Up! ability).
  • Lucio's self-healing effectiveness has been reduced by 25%.
  • While wall-riding, Lúcio's movement speed is increased by 20%.
  • When jumping off a wall, Lucio gains a temporary movement speed boost.


  • Reduced Orisa's head hitbox size by 15%.

Corrections made

Are common

  • Fixed an issue that prevented hero voice lines from playing on maps in Object Control.

Competitive matches

  • Fixed an issue that caused the top 500 badges to not display until the end of a Competitive match.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from earning achievements in Competitive Matches between seasons.
  • Fixed an issue where the best moment in a match was often based solely on the results of the last round.

Custom Game Mode and Match Browser

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in blocked seats for players to appear (e.g. in 6v1 matches).
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the pause function from working after the player who created it left the match.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to set command names that were too long.
  • Removed unneeded game customization options (like the cooldown duration of abilities that don't require cooldown).


  • Ana no longer cocks her gun after throwing a grenade.
  • Bastion's BlizzCon Skin now causes its golden weapon to shine less brightly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mei's little finger to take an unnatural position in certain poses when using the Chang'e and Moon skins.


  • Fixed an issue where enemy outlines could be seen through the trash pile at the castle gates on the Eichenwald map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in the ruined castle gate on the Eichenwald map.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Sombra to hit points inaccessible to heroes on the Kings Row map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to enter inaccessible spots for heroes on the Lijiang Tower map in Capture the Flag.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to place turrets in inaccessible spots on the Oasis map.

Publication date: 23.04.2017 15:29:50

As everyone probably guessed, we will now talk about the next event in Overwatch, which started 11 April In the evening. Yes, yes, I'm a little over a week late with this blog, but there are reasons for that. Work, Bayonetta Nier study of the subject and a small amount of boring perfectionism do not allow me immediately, in the early days, to “shoot” the blog section with my writings when the good news is released. Almost completed, "huge plans" to restart the GI chronicle for CKII are idle for me for the same reasons. Well, let's not talk about bad things, but let's go back to Overwatch. Many will immediately ask - What is the date? There seem to be no holidays in April, but events are being launched. What's the matter in general? But the fact is that the developers once again listened to the tears and grumblings of the players, who all asked about the plot, they say, you don’t have a plot, in general, everything is banal and, as it is, little is known. Because of this, the authors decided to launch the idea of ​​story events not tied to specific dates. And "Mutiny" is the first of them.

According to rumors, such plot events this year will be a frequent occurrence. And I think it's a good idea. There are few holidays, but it is necessary to ruin the people. I would like to note right away that the event began in a rather original way. Arriving home in the evening, I sat in a chair, leaned my head back, launched Battlenet ... Although no, Battlenet no longer exists ... so I sat in a chair and launched Blizzard and prepared to relax. The big update loaded without any problems, I stretched my hands, but I was alerted that my entire list of friends was not sitting in the game! After talking with a couple of people, I found out that the servers, it turns out, decided to fall asleep corny and the game just as corny does not work. And quite a long time ago. There is nothing to do, I had to wait while sitting on Steam. And let me tell you right now, it was worth it.

The event package includes a standard set - new things for the characters, a new brawl and changes in the balance of heroes and battles. All these joys fall out of Mutiny Containers.

By the way, something has been tweaked here again and new things can fall as many as 3 pieces.

But hurry up - all this goodness will fall as usual for a limited time. Namely, up to May 2.

I will start as usual with an inspection of the skins, but I probably won’t write much about them, but will pay more attention to the brawl. Almost all of them managed to watch in the video above and there will be no surprise. As I understand it, Blizzard, at least, sometimes tries to listen to the players. After a flurry of dissatisfaction about the whole Christmas, came the Chinese New Year, which restored faith in the best. Now they apparently decided to raise the bar higher in all respects. Namely, with regard to skins, here I did not see such a thing as "repainting". All skins are unique and decently drawn. Well, except for the Bastion ....

Widowmaker got what I think is the best original Claw skin of all. The show at the Paris Fashion Week is guaranteed to her.

Well, the third place of my taste is occupied by Mercy. Or Angel. Whoever likes it. A Combat Medic suit... I'd give anything to get one just like it.

And with your permission, I would like to finish with the skins here, since they are not in the spotlight in this event. If you need more details, there are private messages or comments. And I can't wait to tell you about the new brawl. The plot is this - the players go 7 years back in time when it was still light on the streets and Overwatch was driving everywhere. People and omnics in London seem to be starting to make friends, to build a normal society, but then a group of omnic separatists with the name “Null Sector” suddenly appears and seizes the familiar Kings Row area, arranging riots from there.

The purpose of the mission, as everyone understood, was to crush the rebellion and restore order in London. Reindhart (lieutenant for command on the spot), Angel (combat medic), Torbjorn (specialist in technology) and poor, with one kick of health, Tracer, who is the only one who knows the city and was sent with everyone to lead the detachment in convenient ways . It so happened that this was her first task and the brawl allows you to learn a little about how and how Overwatch lived and what served as one or another catalyst for well-known events.

The mission begins with a small detachment infiltrating the captured area through the subway, where they are told that everything is captured here and that they need to complete several objectives on the map. This is already interesting, since we are used to the fact that we need to shoot everyone corny and do one thing. Here the enemies come endlessly and there are many of them. Forget about 6 vs 6 fights where you killed the enemy and he will be gone for 5 seconds. Another one, or even two, comes running / flies in his place.

First you need to hack 3 points to disable the guns that interfere with air communication.

At the first point, the Null Sector will consist of 1 type of enemies. This is the easiest part, enemies without shields, very vulnerable and stuff. At the second and third points, the enemy becomes stronger by adding grenade launchers with shields. The problem itself begins in the second stage, when the detachment turns off all the guns and Torbjorn's explosive cart is thrown from the sky, which must be protected and quickly delivered to the gates of the power plant in order to turn off all the power to the terrorists. The difficulty is that Torbjorn did everything so brilliantly that the trolley will only be repaired and started for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, the Null Sector will use all its strength to destroy the players and the cart.

Here, in addition to the usual robot shooters and grenade launchers, bastions are added that sit in machine gun mode, detonators (large balls with a lot of health that fly to the cart and cause a lot of damage to everything around), small harmful robots with lasers that will cut the cart into pieces in 1 minute and many other. And all this against 4 players! But when the cart goes, you should not relax. Since the enemies in the same composition will crawl out from everywhere all the way. And the bastions will now follow the squad in tank mode! There was no sadness. As far as I'm concerned, the goal is to keep the team alive rather than looking after the cart. She will be stronger

By the way, after a player dies, he starts a timer during which he can be revived. Although there is an Angel in the squad that can resurrect everyone, this ability should not be scattered, but it is better to run up and raise an ally manually. But it’s not worth pulling with revival, because after death the game will not continue

and the deceased will not sit in spectator mode watching everyone. And she immediately ends in defeat. There must be four in the squad. And oddly enough, this does not apply to livers. In battle, someone can come out and be so kind as to go further together with three / two / one without fire support, tank cover or even without a medic. The system for connecting players already in the process of the battle here, unfortunately, does not work.

And then the cart reaches the gates of the Kings Row power plant, detonates and opens the passage.

In the same place, the authors diverged in earnest, as they set a goal to kill 4x Oris "Null Sector". Who place shields, use special abilities and generally do whatever you want. Bastions sit in the corners in machine gun mode and shoot the aisles. But this seemed not enough to the sadistic developers, and they also inserted bastions in the tank mode that come either in front or behind. By the way, in the first days of the brawl, there weren’t many bastion tanks and there was a bug in which it was possible to “break the script” and enemies did not appear from everywhere. After the recent patch, the enemies are unstoppable, but additional bastions have been added. Obviously someone is taking revenge on the players

At the last stage, only a planned attack and walking together saves, so there are more chances to survive and quickly kill the enemy by flying at him again together from all sides. Well, if everything is done correctly, the detachment is waiting for this sweet inscription ...

Finally, I will say that not everything is so scary. Still, these 4 heroes are not easy and each has special abilities. Rine knocks everyone down, Tracer throws a bomb, and the dwarf turns on the overheating of himself and his turret. An angel, if anything, heals and resurrects. At the first 2 levels, a beginner and a fighter can even go through the three of us. But Expert and Legend require coordination and 4 people. I also advise you to get used to the phrase "Tracer Down!" (Tracer Down in the Russian version. It is understood this way and that way). You will hear it often, trust me. For those who want to have fun, there is the same mode, but with all the characters. Recruit all tanks and a medic? Please. Morrison with Ana and Rice are sitting somewhere in the original? You can take them and put them into battle. Nothing to sit and chill.

For me, the event was very successful. As I already mentioned, the developers still haven’t lost their conscience and haven’t begun to continue throwing scarcity on the players like 6 by 6 Mei and a bunch of repainted skins or something like that for big money. Here they clearly took up the plot. I would very much like to see what about Junkrat and Pig, Widow, Reaper and Sombra and other personalities from Talon. But I don't think it will take long.

Of the changes arrived with this event I can name just a few. The collection now displays character backstories and information about some of the skins associated with the game's universe. Changed the reporting system with a detailed description of complaints. Now it's more convenient to complain, no matter how strange it sounds. In the ranking for maps in the "Capture points" and "Capture points" / "Escort" mode, a new counter has been added that takes into account the progress of the capture. This will avoid draws. Now, if no team has captured the object, the winner will be the team that managed to achieve the most progress in the capture attempt. But a couple of days ago I found out that this system will also be changed again, since now one of the parties is in a losing position. For example, if the enemy did not let you capture the point at all, then he only needs to enter it at least for a fraction of a second, scattering the enemy, and he automatically wins. According to rumors, many have learned how to cheat with Sombra - to run in an invisible commotion to a point and that's it. Also the most important what I heard recently - the famous losers and winstreaks finally want to be removed from the rating. And more and more to do in the direction of personal contribution. Apparently boosters have completely tortured everyone, or people in the same position as me have finally achieved their goal. Namely, my example, 14+ fights in a row I got caught by players who frankly did not want to play. Not in a team, not at all. And right in a row. Like on purpose. My team came across people below the 30th level who merrily fell into the cliffs. Healers of 100+ levels who greeted the enemy and died, people of 300+ levels who don't need tanks or medics at all. Flying before your eyes The headlight that no one needs. My attempts to advise how to change met either with silence or "you are noobs and it is not for you to advise me, I am a widow and that's it." But I took my 4-5 gold. witness. In the last battle with him, I am furious with the amount such I shot 5 defeats by a soldier and called everyone - stand with me at the point / at the cart, we’ll capture it faster or take it, but it turned out to be easier for everyone to die alone. It is not clear how to seriously play after such sensations or rise in rank. And now, for more than a month, I probably don’t take risks, I don’t appear in the rating and I don’t want to appear. Loss streak is such that whether you pull a fight or not pull it off your rank very decently. And I'm not the only one. Checked. When I see that these streaks are removed, I will think about it and maybe try to return to the league. On the Eichenwald map, a new passage has been added leading from the starting area of ​​the attacking team to the capture point. Now it's easier to enter those damn gates Lucio they also increased the damage by 25%, his healing became 30% stronger, but the musical radius was reduced so that he was finally in the team, and did not ride along the walls somewhere, including acceleration or healing. Like told about all the new things. If I missed something, correct it. Well, we are waiting for you in the game.

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Post edited by user 04/23/2017 19:15:24

Mas7er wrote:

Four. One at the gate, one at the entrance to the corridor and two at the finish line.

So, I was mistaken in their number. It's strange, because I've been through this brawl more than a hundred times. Apparently, while practicing field medicine, I did not pay enough attention to counting opponents, focusing primarily on the condition of the allies. Thanks for the clarification.

Finally, I waited for your blog on this event. It turned out, as always, qualitatively, in detail, fascinatingly. It can be seen that a lot of work has been done and a lot of effort has been invested. Well done!

In second place after the Widow, I put McCree. The costume of his time in Blackwatch is very, very nothing. Why he changed it to some cowboy rags I can’t understand.

This is his combat suit, designed specifically for combat operations. After the fatal explosion at the headquarters in Switzerland and the subsequent collapse of the Overwatch squad, McCree went on the run. He wandered around the world for a long time in search of adventure and easy money, managed to pretty much screw up, as a result of which he was put on the international wanted list and attracted the close attention of the Claw corporation, which set a fee for his head for an astronomical amount, therefore he will stand out from the crowd didn't really want to.

There are only three of them, and these are not Oris at all, although they look like her in appearance, but OR-14 combat drones.

The Idina series OR-14 defense robots were built and put into service by one of Nigeria's largest omnias before the Rise of the Machines. When the armistice came, they, like many other military models, were discontinued. Twenty years later, Numbani decided that it was necessary to protect the city from external threats, and resumed the production of robots. However, the new OR-15 models did not last long - they were all destroyed when Doomfist attacked the city.
Shortly after this attack, the government decided to wind down the program and sell the remaining OR-15s. One of the buyers was the brilliant Ifi Oladele, who, at the age of eleven, had already received an honorary "genius" grant from the Adave Foundation for her achievements in the study of robotics and artificial intelligence.
With the approval of her parents, Ifi spent most of her grant on decommissioned OR-15 boats. It seemed to her that Numbani needed a protector and that an improved version of the OR-15 would do the job perfectly. Efi redesigned the robot, reconfigured it, and developed a personality matrix for it. Numbani's new hero was named Orisa by Ifi.

Let's go on a journey through time and relive the events of the glorious past! The Mutiny in-game event will run in Overwatch until May 1, 2017. Take part in Tracer's first mission in a brand new Co-op Brawl and experience the legacy of Overwatch by claiming themed items from special containers! Skins, match highlights, emotes and graffiti… there will be over a hundred of them! Get them before they (again) become history!

History of the King's Row Mutiny

Travel back seven years and, as part of a group of Overwatch agents, put down an Omnic uprising on the streets of Kings Row, raised by the extremist organization Null Sector. Team up with your friends and, together with Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel, free the city from the robots that terrorize it. There will be no reinforcements. Defeat is unacceptable. The future depends on you!

News from the developers dedicated to the Mutiny event

Delve into Overwatch's glorious past! Jeff Kaplan talks about Overwatch's new in-game event, Insurrection, where you can be part of a pivotal moment in the organization's history before it was dissolved.

On Legendary difficulty. The history of the event, the classification of enemies, general recommendations and detailed tactics for playing as Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel.


We go seven years into the past, when a group of omnic terrorists "Null Sector" rebelled and took hostages in one of the areas of London - King's Row. The Overwatch squad, consisting of Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel, must put down the rebellion and free the hostages. To solve the task, they will need to hack three terminals that control anti-aircraft guns, escort the cargo to the gates of the factory and clean it from all aggressive robots located there.


  • Stormtroopers- regular humanoid omnics. They have a weak ranged attack and are only dangerous in large clusters if the team concentrates their efforts on higher priority targets. The weak point is the head. They die from one burst of Tracer pulse pistols.
  • lancets- miniature dog-like omnics, the main purpose of which is the destruction of the load. Easily destroyed by the alt fire of Torbjorn's Nailgun and Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer.
  • Liquidators- Dangerous omnics with a strong ranged attack and Energy Barriers. They have a vulnerable power core on their back while using the barrier and head when the barrier is broken. The easiest way to destroy Tracer is from the back or with the help of Reinhardt's Dash.
  • Detonators- large spherical bombs, explode a couple of seconds after contact with the load. The easiest way is to isolate the exploding Detonator from the cargo with the Reinhardt Energy Barrier or take it away during the preparation for the explosion with the Dash.
  • Bastions in turret mode- extremely dangerous omnics with a strong long-range attack. They have a vulnerable power core on their back. The easiest way to destroy Tracer is from the back or with the help of Reinhardt's Dash. If possible, use Reinhardt's Earthquake or Tracer's Pulse Bomb on them.
  • Bastions in tank mode- even more dangerous omnics with a strong attack. If possible, use Reinhardt's Earthquake or Tracer's Pulse Bomb on them.
  • OR-14- slow omnics, able to set up force barriers on the ground and use a graviton charge that pulls and slows down players. The weak point is the head.

Using Blink, Tracer can move behind the Assassins and quickly destroy their Energy Barriers in a burst into a vulnerable force core. In addition, the Energy Barrier is destroyed after being hit by Reinhardt's Dash.
Sometimes it's worth waiting before starting the next phase while Torbjorn stocks up on parts to create armor sets for the team.
Omnics can be shot while they are getting out of their descent pods and brought into combat mode. Even Angel can shoot them with his blaster.
During a manual resurrection, it is better to hide behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier. Torbjorn using Overheat can resurrect without risking being quickly killed.

Passing Tactics

Phase 1 (Hack #1)

This is obviously the easiest phase, even on Legendary difficulty.

  • Tracer: Can usually be placed on the stairs or near the main entrance behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier.
  • Torbjorn: Places his turret near the terminal. From there, he can kill omnics who enter the garage from the stairs, and from the main entrance if one of them passes by Reinhardt and Tracer.
  • Reinhardt: Covers the main entrance, protecting the team with an Energy Barrier or destroying omnic clusters.
  • Angel: Provides support to the team from between the main entrance and Torbjorn's position.

Phase 2 (Hack #2)

This phase is a little more difficult than the first, but with the coordinated actions of the team, it is quite easy to pass. If necessary, you can hide in the building near the terminal when the Reinhardt Energy Barrier is recharged.

  • Tracer: It is located closer to the entrance to the cathedral and destroys the emerging omnic stormtroopers and liquidators with shields from the back. If necessary, returning to the terminal to heal or destroy the omnics that appeared there.
  • Torbjorn: Places his turret near the terminal. Provides Angel and Tracer armor sets. Watch out for omnics coming in from the opposite side of the cathedral.
  • Reinhardt: Protects Angel and Torbjorn near the terminal with an Energy Barrier. Can use Earthquake on the Exterminator that spawns.
  • Angel: Provides support to allies while near the terminal.

Phase 3 (Hack #3)

Proceed to hack terminal #3 only when all the omnics of the previous phase have already been destroyed. A group of omnics in front of the entrance to the cathedral are quickly destroyed by Tracer's Pulse Bomb.

  • Tracer: It is located on the stairs and helps to destroy the omnics at the main entrance to the cathedral. Priority target - Assassins, on which you can use Pulse Bomb when ready.
  • Torbjorn: Protects the main entrance to the cathedral by placing a turret near it on top of the left balcony. Provides Angel and Tracer armor sets. If desired, he can install a turret near one of the protective structures near the terminal. Uses Overheat when multiple Assassins appear in range.
  • Reinhardt: Shields the Angel and Torbjorn with an Energy Barrier near the terminal or keeps the main entrance to the cathedral on the left side. If possible, use Dash on the Eliminators and Fire Strike on the omnic clusters at the main entrance.
  • Angel: It is located in the terminal area and increases the damage dealt by Reinhardt or Tracer. Uses Resurrection if necessary, as it will have time to recover by the next phase.

Phase 4 (Escort #1)

One of the hardest phases in the mode. It is necessary to defend the cargo from omnic attacks until it is ready for shipment. The main danger in the fourth phase is the Bastions in turret mode. The team should concentrate all efforts on destroying them as soon as possible, using Reinhardt's Dash and Earthquake or Tracer's Pulse Bomb. In the interval between the appearance of the Bastions, the ultimate abilities should have time to recover.
Detonators spawn when the phase ends 2:50 , 2:30 And 0:20 . Ramparts appear when there are 1:50 , 1:30 And 0:20 . At the end of the phase, the strength of the load should be approximately 50-75%, this should be enough for phase 4.

  • Tracer: Moves and clears the right arch passage and the left passage near the phase 2 anti-aircraft gun (future plinth and monument to Techhart Mondatta) from omnics. Pulse Bomb should always be ready to destroy Bastions. The priority target is Stormtroopers and Assassins, Lancets are Torbjorn's concern and are destroyed only in the absence of other targets. If possible, you must remain in direct line of sight of the Angel.
  • Torbjorn: Places his turret on the platform with the cargo, near the car or on the balcony on the left side (from the side of the anti-aircraft gun of phase 2). In the case of placing the turret on the balcony, it will be necessary to use Overheat to repair it. Destroy the Lancets near the cargo with the alternative fire of the Nailgun, and the Assaulters and Assassins with the main one. When a Bastion appears, concentrate your fire on it.
  • Reinhardt: Mainly protects Torbjorn and his turret near the cargo. When a Bastion appears, it uses a Dash and an Earthquake, and an exploding Detonator is fenced off from the cargo with an Energy Barrier or taken away with the help of a Dash.
  • Angel: It is located behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier near the cargo or in the area of ​​the doorway opposite the cargo. Increases Tracer's damage output whenever possible. Use Resurrection wisely, for example, if Tracer died away from the team or several people were killed at once, but it is better to return one Torbjorn to the battle in manual mode under the cover of Reinhardt.

Phase 4 (Escort #2)

Pretty difficult phase. The main danger will be Bastions in tank mode. In this phase, it is preferable to stick together, hiding behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier.

  • Tracer: If possible, stick to Reinhardt's Energy Barrier, as without a set of Torbjorn's armor, Bastion in tank mode can kill with one hit.
  • Torbjorn: Installs his turret on a mobile platform with a load. In this phase, more attention should be paid to self-destruction of omnics, being distracted by repairing the turret only during short breaks.
  • Reinhardt: Protects allies with an Energy Barrier. In this phase, the barrier is especially critical, as Bastions in tank mode are capable of killing the entire team in a matter of seconds. In addition, during this phase, it will be necessary to fence off from the cargo with an Energy Barrier or take away with the help of the Dash a few Detonators.
  • Angel: Provides support to allies, healing them and increasing Tracer's damage. Use Resurrection if several people fell at once.

Phase 5 (Final battle)

The most difficult phase in the mode. In this phase, you need to destroy 4 OR-14 omnics in 4 minutes.
The tricky part of this phase is that the first OR-14 Omnic needs to be moved with Reinhardt's Dash out of the factory area through the destroyed gate. Once the OR-14 is in the back, you can start clearing the area from Bastions in turret mode. The first Bastion in the turret mode in the right passage is destroyed by joint efforts very quickly. Next, the team moves to the second Bastion in the left passage, which Tracer alone can handle, jumping around the corner and unloading their pulse pistols into it. Then the distant Bastion is destroyed by joint efforts. After that, you can begin to destroy the OR-14. In addition, Bastions in tank mode will periodically appear. You need to switch to them, hide behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier, use Earthquake and other ultimate abilities.

  • Tracer: Destroys omnics and tries to survive the attacks of the Bastions in tank mode behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier. Pulse bomb is best used on Bastions in tank mode, since OR-14s are not particularly dangerous, and Bastions in turret mode without cover are destroyed quite quickly. Also, it is advisable to have a Torbjorn armor set, as it reduces the effectiveness of Bastions' normal attacks in turret mode.
  • Torbjorn: Basically turns into an attacking character. There will be practically no time to build a turret and upgrade it to the second level. It may be necessary to use Overheat even without a turret to destroy Bastions or resurrect allies under fire.
  • Reinhardt: Protects allies with an Energy Barrier. Dash is best used on Bastions and OR-14s only.
  • Angel: Supports allies by healing them and increasing Tracer's damage output, especially when she is destroying Bastions.
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