Diablo III theorycraft: crusader - commander. Diablo III Theorycraft Crusader General Items matching this character

Consists of two parts. In the first, the author talks about the set of skills for playing on the difficulty level of torture 6 (I6), which is very suitable for farming. The second part deals with a set of skills that are suitable for the Great Portals (GR). Of course, in every build there is some kind of basis for the Crusader. The author will discuss this below.

general information


The basis of every noteworthy Crusader is a set (set) " Armor of Akkan". There are, of course, notable differences in the helmet for entering Greater Rifts and farming on Torment 6 difficulty. Below I will give an example with the necessary properties for two game modes. As you can see, I prefer affixes like:

All Elemental Resistances and Vitality on Pants and Boots

Triple bonus consisting of Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Power and skill cooldown reduction on gloves

Skill (+ Skill) Bonus on Armor and Shoulders

I find this affix selection the best for my softcore Crusader, although you can stick to useful stats such as damage reduction from elite monsters on armor, as well as all elemental resistances on shoulder pads if you're playing a hardcore character.

The Jordan Stone ring with a bonus to radiant damage will be very useful for your Crusader. An ideal ring should have a connector or affix "skill cooldown reduction", if not, then you can rebuild "Strength" for the bonus we need.

The obligatory weapon is the Blade of Prophecy, which is more attractive than the Crucible, and comes across more often. In big battles, and this is the best thing for our Crusader, this two-handed sword will triple your damage, complemented by the Condemnation skill.


Valor Principle with the Unstoppable Force rune is your friend and savior. This skill will greatly help you on long trips to the great portals, where the resources of the Crusader are depleted very quickly. For normal farming on torture 6, you can take a level 33 rune - with its help you will crush enemies at breakneck speed. If you are lazy like me, then leave the rune at level 45 and you will forget about the lack of Wrath.

"Taunt" with the rune "Incredibly Insolent" is just a Swiss Army knife in the Crusader's arsenal. It's both a rage generator, a debuff tool, and a way to quickly destroy your enemies with the Condemnation skill.

Of the passive skills, Divine Might would be a natural choice. Thanks to this skill, our Crusader will be able to take the Blade of Prophecy in one hand, and the Wrath of Frideira in the other. Fortunately, this new shield introduced in the first season of Diablo 3 is very useful.

Legendary Stones

There is only one Legendary Gem that is perfect for this build: Mirine, Starweaver's Tear. Level up the stone and admire the millions of damage from the magic of light. This gem is suitable for both great portals and farming on any difficulty level.

Among other things, you can insert the "Curse of the Captives" stone. I believe this gem is a must when paired with the Condemn skill.

Enhancement Level Points

In the main section, I pump the main stat and increase the movement speed to 25%. In the offensive section, I'm maxing out "skill cooldown reduction", as well as crit damage and crit chance. In the defense section: resistance to all elements, then a bonus to life, and then a bonus to defense. The last section swings like this: AOE damage, resource cost reduction and LPH (life per hit).

Torment 6


To farm on Torment 6 difficulty, I change the helmet to Leoric's Crown, to increase the effect of "skill cooldown reduction", and I also put on a ring of royal splendor so that the bonus from the full Akkan Armor set does not disappear.

In addition, I put on the legendary Harrington Belt. The unique property of this item allows you to double all damage coming from my Crusader for 10 seconds after opening the chest. If there are not many boxes in the great portals, then during the farm there are plenty of them to, if not kill, then significantly cripple several opponents in 10 seconds.

The last piece of my "puzzle" is changing the bracers to Varzhechan Battle Bracers. A well-equipped Crusader is able to feel comfortable on the Torment 6 difficulty level, and in solo.


For playing on Torment 6 difficulty in patch 2.1.2, I changed the rune of the Rebuke skill to Short Fuse. This increases the speed of clearing locations.

Naturally, thanks to the change above, the main resource of my Crusader is consumed very quickly. I found a solution to this problem very quickly: Slash with the Fury rune for additional attack speed (which increases anger recovery).

And finally, I leave a slot for mobility. "Stalker" with the rune "Tempering" is a wonderful tool for saving in difficult situations.

As the fourth passive skill, I use "Good Deed" as a heal.

Build for the Crusader

Active Skills

  • Left Mouse Button - Slash

  • Right mouse button - Rebuke

Passive Skills


  • Head: Helm of Akkan or Crown of Leoric

  • Shoulders: Pauldrons of Akkan

  • Armor: Breastplate of Akkan

  • Bracers: Reaper's Wraps , Varzechan Handguards , Partha's Ancient Defenders

  • Gloves: Akkan Gauntlets

  • Pants: Akkan Gaiters

  • Boots:

The third issue of the "Weekly Theorycraft" column has been released (formerly Theorycraft Thursdays). This time we are invited to get acquainted with the build for fans of shields - the Crusader called "Commander" from Leviathan. We remind you that everyone can get into the rubric if the description of your unusual build matches the quality of Blizzard.

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One of the many factors that influenced the development of the skills of the crusaders was their history. As members of a sacred militant order, the crusaders never fight alone and rely on their comrades to fight. Today Leviathan#1356 shared with us a crusader development option that uses the abilities of its companions in every possible way and is capable of both inflicting high damage in a short time and quickly replenishing resources.


Everyone knows that the best defense is an attack, and Leviathan's commander lives up to this saying like no other. The Phalanx is the cornerstone of this crusader's skill set, and together with additional companions that can be summoned by appropriate items (for example, Waho's Obsession and Ashira's Robes set), an entire army can be assembled under the leadership of the commander.

In addition, this development option specializes in dealing high damage in a short period of time. “The main goal is to always have multi-hit skills on hand to take out weak monsters and then quickly deal high damage to groups of special opponents before they surround you,” Leviathan writes to us. “Many people think that the most important thing in heroic mode is to have good defense, but I think that offensive skills are equally important.”

My own crusader became a general this week! In order to deal high damage efficiently and quickly, Leviathan decided to focus on replenishing resources. Therefore, his crusader uses one-handed weapons and skills with a low cooldown so that powerful attacks can be used frequently. In the end, the less often the opponents attack the crusader, the less damage will have to be absorbed.


Before we go into more detail about this character's abilities, it should be noted that Leviathan introduced this build prior to the release of Patch 2.0.5 this week. And while we didn't make any changes to Leviathan's original build, we had to prepare a few comments about how the changes in the recent update have affected the concept and how the warlord works.

Active Skills

  • Judgment (Explosion Rune)
    • The main skill that accumulates anger.
    • The skill pairs well with items like Waho's Obsession or the Ashira's Robes set, as the effects of these items will trigger quite often.
    • Thanks to the built-in stun, the skill also has the potential to control opponents.
  • Heaven's Hand (Retribution Rune)
    • The main skill that allows you to deal damage to multiple targets.
    • The main (and only) skill that consumes rage.
    • Allows the crusader to deal high damage from a distance.
    • Unlike other similar abilities, Hand of Heaven allows players to more accurately target a specific area to deal damage.
  • Steed (Destructive Gallop Rune)
    • An excellent skill that allows you to start a fight.
    • Basically, the character will use this skill to get away from danger.
  • Phalanx (Archers rune)
    • The short cooldown suits our crusader best, and goes well with Champion of Akarat.
      • Champion of Akarat no longer resets the cooldown of Phalanx (with the Archers rune), but allows it to be used multiple times in a row.
      • As a result, the crusader is able to call on more allies to help, which allows him to fight waves of monsters more effectively, leaving nothing to chance.
    • The skill is suitable for ranged combat.
    • The skill allows you to summon allies, which fits perfectly into the theme of this development option.
  • Principle of Valor (Critical Strike)
    • High attack speed allows you to replenish resources faster.
    • The increased damage on a critical hit is in line with the characteristics of this build and pairs well with Phalanx.
    • Additional attacks increase the chance of triggering various effects.
  • Champion of Akarat (Focus Rune)
    • A great way to increase your damage output and accumulate resources for powerful attacks.
    • Allows you to significantly reduce the cooldown of skills. Pairs well with skills that have a low cooldown.
      • Note: This skill was changed in update 2.0.5.
      • Champion of Akarat no longer resets skill cooldowns, but allows them to be used multiple times in a row.
      • As a result, the Crusader is able to deal high damage more consistently, allowing him to fight waves of monsters more effectively without leaving anything to chance.
    • Allows you to counter the effects of control, which is very valuable in heroic mode.

Passive Skills

Passive skills open up much more room for experimentation. As a consequence, the skills listed below are not required for this development option.

  • Righteousness
    • The additional resource regeneration allows you to regularly use Hand of Heaven while other skills are on cooldown.
  • Lord Commander
    • Significantly increases the damage dealt by Phalanx.
    • Allows you to keep the Steed ready for especially dangerous moments in battle.
  • multicolor
    • Great damage booster.
  • sharpness
    • Pairs well with the main skill, which replenishes resources, which allows you to increase the damage dealt.


The commander needs a team, so he can't do without friends! The recommended items listed below will be incredibly useful and will allow you to survive in the most intense battles. On the other hand, various ways to speed up the replenishment of resources will allow you to deal more damage.

Unfortunately, the very first Leviathan commander died, but in the image above you can appreciate his equipment.

Strictly speaking, these items are not necessary, but their ability to summon allies, as well as an increase in survivability, are ideal for this development option.

  • Ashira Robes
    • A four-piece bonus from the set allows you to call on allies to help, who will take part of the damage caused by monsters.
    • The items in this set are craftable, making them easier to obtain. In addition, it will be much easier for players to pick up other items of equipment.
  • Waho's obsession
    • The Dark Reflections summoned by this item have the ability to stun enemies.

These items are suitable as an addition to the main ones, allowing you to increase their power.

  • Reaper's Wraps
    • This item is craftable, making it easier to obtain. Reaper's Wristbands are great for starting your search for the items you need.
    • Provides efficient resource replenishment for any class.
  • Ring of Royal Opulence
    • This is a fairly popular item, but our development option uses a lot of items from sets, so this ring becomes especially valuable.
  • Power of Ogild
    • A three-piece bonus will increase survivability during battles in Nephalem portals.
    • This item is great for any Heroic character.

Specific items are not so important for this development option, and their absence can be easily compensated by increasing the characteristics below.

  • Since this development option relies on its companions and assistants, the Critical Hit Damage stat is consistent with the general concept and combines well with the Phalanx (with the Archers rune).
  • Attack speed affects not only the amount of damage per second, but also the replenishment of resources.
  • Indicators “+ X units. physical damage" or "+ X units. Lightning Damage" can also be useful, but they are not required, since the skills of the crusader are divided by type of elemental damage.
  • It's also worth paying attention to item modifiers that increase the damage of certain skills (such as Phalanx, Heaven's Hand, and Judgment).

When Leviathan introduced us to this build, he was already actively using it on Heroic difficulty on Torment III. Of course, by raising the damage and stamina to a certain level, the commander is able to fight effectively at any level of difficulty. He is best at completing errands and fighting through Nephalem portals.

The brave warlord Buffy managed to crush many opponents, but she still fell in battle.

Why we like this development option

Helper-based development options are always very interesting, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is always more fun to fight in a company, and a crusader is a born commander. Of course, this powerful character is able to set the heat on the enemies without any help, but if he also leads the army, then hardly anyone will want to mess with him. Also, being able to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time is also very attractive as it makes the game more dynamic and we really like that. Players who have just started playing in the heroic mode are not recommended to immediately rush into battle, but, on the other hand, crusaders who rely on the presented development option are able to get out of even the most difficult trouble.

Also, you won't have to bend down for items (note: the chance of getting items is not increased).

Tell us what you think of this development option!

Leviathan's warlord is a new, fresh take on an already familiar character. Usually assistants are used by sorcerers and demon hunters, but the crusaders also proved to be quite capable military leaders. In the presented version of the development, a clear theme is maintained, while it is quite suitable for the game. In general, the commander showed himself perfectly in battle, as stated.

In the western kingdom of Kehjistan, I heard rumors of Zakarum warriors, the Crusaders. Although the inhabitants of these lands were taciturn, I was able to conclude that this order was founded two hundred years ago, at the time when Rakkis led his army of paladins to the west. But these crusaders... they headed east on a completely different mission.

My records indicate that a high priest of the Zakarum named Akhan felt something eating at the heart of his faith. He knew that in the end the corruption would destroy his beloved church, and he must act. After long prayers, Akhan came up with the idea of ​​creating an order of crusaders.

Akhan selected the most devoted, pious and warlike acolytes of the Zakarum. He taught them to channel the power of the Light in the same way that paladins, once again reborn, did. But the paladins were not granted, as these crusaders were, the primordial divine powers of the Zakarum.

When the crusaders had learned everything they could, Akhan sent them to all corners of the world in search of a way to cleanse themselves of the filth that snaked around the heart of the Zakarum faith. They did not have a clear goal, and some clerics declared that this was a fruitless undertaking, doomed to failure. But the determination of the crusaders was unshakable.

The crusaders swore an oath to dedicate their lives to the search. They were convinced that their crusade would not end as soon as the evil was destroyed. They believed that seeking would elevate them, that the piety of their lives and journey was the true goal. Being a crusader meant finding meaning in the search itself.

Each crusader was a warrior of rare strength. They were masters in the use of weapons and shields, they were in perfect control of their bodies and gained the power of Light. Each of them swore to live and die as a crusader. Two hundred years ago, they took on apprentices and went to the wetlands in the east, never to be heard from again. Up to this day...

There are rumors that the crusaders have returned, that they are going to go west. But who are these tall, blond warriors? They are nothing like those crusaders who left Travinkal two hundred years ago, and the current inhabitants of the ruins of this ancient city consider them impostors!

Most recently, I met a crusader who was returning from oblivion, and only then did I understand ... Every crusader takes a disciple. When a crusader dies, the apprentice takes his place in the order, takes his armor and even his name! When the first generation of crusaders perished, their own disciples took their place. And so it went on for two hundred years...

Of the four hundred and twenty-seven crusaders who disappeared in the east, three hundred and forty-one returned. Do they still seek redemption in their faith? How will they respond to the destruction of the city from where they once appeared? Will they continue to move west towards the lands of Westmarch? And what does their return portend?

Crusaders are brave warriors, able to withstand the onslaught of countless hordes of demons and the undead, and the fame of their indestructible shields goes around Sanctuary. Demons better stay away from the Vengeful Crusader, because this steel-clad warrior is not only ready to parry their blows - he will fry enemies to a crisp!

About character development

Shields, blocking and armor, like a tank, are essential attributes of a real crusader. Each of these devout champions of the faith that you meet on the battlefield has a story to tell. Without batting an eye, they will withstand any blows of the demons of the Underworld and will be able to repay the offenders in full. Heaven's punishment is inevitable!

The larger the group of opponents, the more damage they will take. More damage - more corpses!

This SilverAce99#1196 build was inspired by the concept of Damage Reflection. And so a character was born who embodied the idea of ​​a kind of "return fire". Vengeful Crusader is the fruit of a long process and is "a hero that deals fire damage return without relying on spike damage." The key to effective use of the character was the skill "Punishment" (with the "Roar" rune) and simply sky-high block probability. Enemies will regret that they chose you as their victim, because with each blow they will inflict more and more pain on themselves!


This solid build focuses on buffs (boosting both the crusader and the group) and uses less popular runes with brilliance.

Active skills:

  • Punishment (with the Roar rune)
    • The key skill of this development option.
  • Radiant Shield (with Holy Judgment Rune)
  • Steed (with Nightmare rune)
    • Allows you to quickly retreat if you smell fried.
    • Deals Fire damage and is boosted by the stats you raise.
  • Judgment (with the rune "Verdict")
    • A control skill with a short cooldown that allows you to reduce damage taken at a crucial moment.
    • Significantly increases the damage of the entire group.
  • Principle of Valor (with Critical Strike)
    • Simply increases damage dealt and works well with the Judgment skill (with the Verdict rune).
  • Sanctified Shield (with Fire Shield rune)
    • Allows you to hit enemies at a distance (which is very useful if you need to, for example, finish off a fleeing demon).
    • The rune allows you to deal area damage in close combat, which is very useful in skirmishes with large groups of opponents.
    • The only skill in the character's arsenal that consumes anger.

Passive Skills:

  • Divine Power
    • Great if you use Maximus or Blazing Cleaver.
    • When using two-handed weapons, the cost of anger is reduced, which will allow you to use Sanctified Shield more often.
  • No step back
    • The crusader must block as many enemy attacks as possible, so the choice of this passive skill is very logical.
  • Update
    • Constant blocking will result in permanent health regeneration.
  • Reliable Shield
    • Allows you to cast Radiant Shield (with Holy Judgment) more often.
    • Gives a small bonus to the damage of Punishment and Sanctified Shield.

Alternative Skills:

  • Taunt (with Try Hit)
    • Replaces Steed (with the Nightmare rune) or Judgment (with the Verdict rune).
    • Additionally increases block chance, increasing the damage of Sanctified Shield and the chance of Punishment (with Roar) being triggered.
    • Allows you to effectively replenish the stock of rage if the crusader attacks a large group of opponents.
  • Zeal
    • Replaces Divine Might .
    • If you only use one-handed weapons, then this passive skill will definitely come in handy.


As noted earlier, this development option is not very demanding on equipment, so you will have enough space to experiment and customize it for yourself. You can adapt it to use existing items or easily find recommended ones.

The basic set of items has been assembled, and the crusader's defense is increased by the equipment he made himself.

Required items:

  • cult attribute
    • Found in Horadrim Treasures in Act II.
    • Guaranteed to provide an increase in block probability in the amount of 11%.
    • Significantly reduces blocked damage (in this regard, the most effective shield).
  • Helm of government
    • Easy to make.
  • Light of Justice
    • One of the few items that increase block chance.
    • A common item that is not difficult to obtain.

Items for this character:

  • Magic fists
  • Ash Tunic
    • Significant increase in fire damage.
    • Reduces the cost of using the Sanctified Shield skill (with the Fire Shield rune).
  • Maximus
    • Significant increase in fire damage.
    • By taking a good position, you can deal impressive fire damage to several opponents.
  • Conquerors of the underground depths
    • The crusader deals a significant part of the damage due to the Punishment skill (with the Roar rune), which replenishes resources.
  • Ear belt
    • Reduced damage dealt by enemies in close combat allows you to operate more effectively in the thick of battle.
  • Blackthorn's Battlegear
    • The good protection of this kit makes it very useful for a melee fighter.
    • The 4-piece set bonus is perfect for tank characters.
  • Cameo of Countess Julia
    • Provides protection from monsters that have the most dangerous property for this development option.
    • Magic sentries are easy prey.

Alternative items:

  • Defender of Westmarch
    • Allows you to deal more damage than Cult Attribute .
  • Yekanborg
    • Useful if you want to deal damage equally with Sanctified Shield and Punish.
  • Akarat Awakening
    • Allows you to almost always keep the most necessary skills at the ready.
  • Last Witness
    • If you are a support character, then this shield will allow you to deal damage to more enemies with Radiant Shield.
  • Curse of the Captives
    • The skill "Rebuke" and "Shining Shield" will allow you to regularly use the increase in damage from this gem.
  • The power of simplicity
    • Punishment is one of the primary damage skills, and this gem pairs well with Underworld Conquerors.
  • Taeguk
    • Increases the hero's survivability when upgraded to level 25.
    • Since this development option uses one skill that replenishes resources and does not consume anger too actively, it will be very easy to maintain the positive effect from the gem.

The main indicators to pay attention to:

  • Adding Block increases both Defense and Damage at the same time, as the amount of damage dealt by Sanctified Shield is based on Block Chance. In addition, the Punishment skill (with the Growl rune) triggers when blocking attacks.
  • The crusader needs to deal fire damage, and any item with the appropriate increase will come in handy.
  • It is also necessary to increase the defensive characteristics (resistance to all types of damage, survivability, + X% to health), since you will often be attacked: this is the whole point of the presented development option. You will not have a chance to pay back the enemy with his own coin if you die from the first blows.

SilverAce is experimenting with this development option on Torment III and IV difficulty levels. It is great for completing quests and completing entry-level Nephalem and Greater Rifts. I used this build on Torment VI easily and I definitely want to use it regularly once I get a couple more items. I'm wondering what the limit of the "Vengeful Crusader" is.

This development option implies a very risky playstyle, so I would not advise immediately using it in heroic mode. If you are confident in your abilities, then, perhaps, a very interesting (and full of adrenaline!) Game awaits you.

What we liked about this development

"Vengeful Crusader" is a breath of fresh air. This development option embodies the essence of the true protector of the Zakarum faith, returning unpopular skills and items to the system and using them effectively. It is unlikely that you will be able to reach the top lines of the rating table, but you will be able to enjoy exciting battles to the full, each time rushing into the thick of the battle. In the end, this development option allows you to achieve good results. Be sure to increase your block chance and you'll turn your opponents to ashes!

Hello, garage! Stop beating yourself up!

To come out victorious from such a battle, where life, it would seem, hangs in the balance, is simply amazing. Previously, when I played melee heroes, I never wanted to be surrounded by monsters with the Flame Chains property. But now I have the Punishment skill (with the Roar rune), and nothing prevents me from wreaking havoc on the battlefield! This is exactly what I wanted!

What do you think of it?

And what qualities does your champion of Akarat embody? Do you fight monsters hand-to-hand, or do you prefer to unleash the wrath of Heaven on them from the other side of the map? Have you yourself used development options that rely on damage blocking? Tell us about it at

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