World Quests in Battle for Azeroth. Legion World Quests Wow Messenger Quest

Comment from fizo

The turn in point is as the Island directly south of Aszuna-Wardens" Redoubt FP - "Marin Bladewing"

Comment from Steiner14512

This is one of the 7 possible Emissary Quests , one of which becomes available once per day. They require you to complete 4 World Quests in a certain zone or for a certain faction.

You don "t have to accept these, you can simply see which ones are active by looking at the world map on any Broken Isles zone. A new one becomes available every day at 8 a.m. server time (for EU servers, 9 a.m. during summer time) and it stays active for 3 days, so you can do one a day or save them and do all 3 in one swoop.

This one requires you to complete 4 World Quests associated with the faction Guardians, which are scattered all over the 5 zones. If you click on the Emissary Quest on the world map, the world quests that count are highlighted in the zones. You can also use an addon like World Quests List to sort all available world quests by faction. Check marks on the world map will indicate your progress.
Once finished, a question mark on the world map indicates where to turn it in. For this one, it's Marin Sharpwing at Warden's Redoubt (the flight point on the southern island) in Azsuna (48.2 73.9).

The rewards are:

  • 1500 reputation with Guardians . Tip: If darkmoon faire is active, ride the carousel or use Darkmoon Top Hat before completing the quest.
  • Ceremonial Glaive of the Guardian : Grants 400 AP base, increased by Artifact Knowledge (up to 100k with Knowledge Level 25).
  • Guardian Field Pack which contains:
    Either 700-1200 Order Resources (50% chance, ~400 on average) or 600-900 gold (50% chance, ~350 on average).
  • Additionally 1 Blood of Sargeras with a chance of 25%.
  • 1 Curious Coin with a chance of 20%
  • A piece of gear for your class (not your spec, possible to get e.g. agi trinkets as a resto shaman). Base ilvl is 835 (might be less depending on your character"s ilvl), can get upgraded randomly with sockets/war-/titanforged/tertiary stats.
  • 2-4 (avg 3.1) Essence of Aman"tula if you"re on the quest to upgrade a Legendary from 910 to 940
  • Additional items, with a much smaller chance. From doing 314 Emissary Quests:

Legion World Quests are a new type of content in WoW, available to max-level characters.

    At level 110, the maximum level, world quests will appear in all Legion locations: Stormheim, Highmountain, Val'Sharah, Suramar, Azsuna. Local quests with especially good rewards.

    Each local task is valid for a limited amount of time. The longer the task lasts, the better the reward you will receive. They are not updated every day at a certain time, like daily tasks.

    There is no limit to the number of World Quests that can be completed per day. But this does not mean that after completing one local task, a new one will immediately appear.

    World Quests are the same for all players on the server, so it will not be difficult for you to find people to complete group quests.

    There are hundreds of world quests, but only a few of them can be active at the same time. The chance that you will see the same task several times in a row is very small.

How to start World Quests

    When you hover the mouse over a location at the flight manager, you will be shown how many active local tasks are in a particular zone.

    If you zoom in on the map when choosing a route with the flight manager, you can see exactly which tasks can be completed at each flight point.

    On your world map, these tasks are displayed in the same way.

    To start a local quest, simply travel to the desired area, and the quest will automatically appear on the screen, as it did with the bonus quests in Warlords of Draenor.

    To select which World Quest to complete, hover over the quest icon on the map to see a tooltip that lists the reward and difficulty of the quest.

Types of World Quests

On the map, you will see several types of world quests:

    Crossed Swords: Local PvP quest.

    Violet "!" in a frame with a dragon: a task with a local boss.

    Blue skull framed with a dragon: group world quest with a dungeon.

    Blue "!" Framed with a Dragon: Group World Quest killing a rare elite monster.

    Ordinary "!" Framed with a Dragon: A group world quest that kills a less dangerous elite monster.

    Common "!": A world quest that can be completed solo.

    Profession Icon: World Quest associated with your profession.

    Green Paw: Pet Battle World Quest.

Hover tooltips on a local quest display the following:

    Job name

    The difficulty of the task, indicated by the color of its name

    Job type, indicated by the job icon

    The amount of reputation gained

    Remaining time - depends on the type and complexity of the task

    Purpose of the assignment

    Award and Description

Kirin Tor World Quests

Kirin Tor World Quests are different from other World Quests.

    These quests require you to solve various puzzles instead of the usual killing of monsters and collecting things.

    One of the Kirin Tor World Quests will require you to successfully navigate a path that has been highlighted on the ground.

    In another task, you will need to run through all the checkpoints on the mana saber in the allotted time.

    Very few Kirin Tor quests are active at the same time.

    Completing the Kirin Tor World Quests will increase your reputation with the Kirin Tor, as well as the faction related to the location of the quest.

World Quest Rewards

The quality of rewards for completing world quests depends on the difficulty of the quest:

    Gold, items that increase the power of artifacts, 400-500 , equipment for followers, Blood of Sargeras, items level 805+.

    Completing profession quests will also reward you with ingredients, including rare ones like Felwort and Infernal Brimstone. For professional "orders" you can get various recipes of the 3rd rank.

    Pet battle quests can give you gems or pet charms.

    For PvP missions, there is a chance to get level 805 combat equipment.

    World Quest rewards are not unique and can be obtained elsewhere.

Scaling reward system

In order to keep players interested in World Quests, the level of items received from World Quests will be increased based on the level of the items you already have equipped.

    By default, World Quest items will be level 805 (810 for Elite or PvP quests).

    Players with item level above 805 will receive item level 820 loot

    There is a chance that for completing some elite tasks, the level of the reward will be increased by 5 from the original. So you will get item 810 instead of 805 and 825 instead of 820.

In addition, world quest rewards, like any other loot in legione, can get a random item level increase starting at +5.

Messenger Quests and Rewards

Every day you can receive a bonus reward from one of the representatives of the Messengers for completing 4 tasks of one of the factions Legion.

    The active Messenger can be seen by opening the world map.

    Messengers change every 3 days, so you don't have to rush and do all the quests in one day.

    You can only take 3 Messenger quests at a time.

    Clicking on the Emissary's icon will highlight the corresponding world quests on the map.

For completing the Messengers quest, you will receive 1500 reputation with the faction whose quests you completed, as well as a chest with loot:

There is also another Messenger whose reward is slightly different. The Kirin Tor of Dalaran for Kirin Tor quests. Here, as a reward, you will be given a token that gives reputation with a certain faction, as well as a chest of the Kirin Tor.

Can I play immediately after paying for the service?

After paying for the selected product, an email will be sent to the email address you specified confirming that your order has been accepted and is ready for execution. After that, without fail, our operators will contact you to clarify what time of order fulfillment is convenient for you. You can play at any time, except for the agreed upon for the performance of the service. Also, for further execution of the order, you will need to confirm the unlocking of your account.

Account Sharing - what is it and why is it needed?

At the beginning of the content, many artists insist on account sharing. This way, PvE Guilds will be able to complete the dungeon quickly and efficiently rather than having to play with fewer players. We have noticed that many customers want to play on their own, explaining that:

1. I want to get boss killing experience.
Passing the dungeon - loot wounds. Does not include coaching (training), this is a completely different service. After lying dead for the whole fight, you will not gain experience on each boss, but only complicate the passage of the raid or even lead it to a wipe. Thus, the amount of time spent on the passage of the raid can increase several times.

2. I don't trust my account with anyone.
We understand your concerns, your account may contain rare mounts, pets, sets of shooting ranges, a large amount of game currency, or you are simply afraid that the performer will be responsible for you to friends in the chat or in the guild. We work only with the best guilds in the world and guarantee that nothing will happen to your account! We also guarantee the complete inviolability of all your inventory, and of course, our performers will not respond to anyone in chats under any circumstances.

3. How do I know that I have not been scammed with loot?
Everything is very simple. The performers will provide, upon your request, screenshots of the loot from each boss. At your request, the performer's guild can turn on the raid sream. And of course, you can keep track of what loot dropped from the boss with the help of wow-armory.

Can I play PvE by myself?

In very rare cases this is possible, but usually requires an additional fee. With this and other questions, it is better for you to contact our operators via Skype, Live Chat or email.

How to unblock my account for further order fulfillment?

1. After you provide us with your account details, our performer will attempt to log into your account. Immediately after that, you will receive an email to your email (to which your account is linked) with a notification that you need to change your password. The letter will contain an active link, by clicking on which you will find yourself on the official page, where you can change your password.

2. After receiving a notification that the password has been successfully changed to a new one, you must immediately close - exit the page and in no case check whether the new password works or not! If you still decide to check the new password, then you will have to repeat the entire procedure to unlock your account from the very beginning again and again.

3. Next, the new password must be transferred to us, and we, in turn, give it to the performer. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that very often you need to change your password two or even three times to unlock your account.

As soon as our performer is able to log into your account, we will contact you to clarify the next steps.

in WoW Legion full of secrets and mysteries, and although the surroundings of the once great city are now, albeit picturesque, but still ruins, the city itself is still full of life. The adventurer opens the road to the most eventful Legion location only at level 110, but a huge heap of quests, two epochal dungeons, a raid and a lot of interesting things in general are definitely worth the wait.

There is a lot to do in Suramar, and first of all, you can admire the local landscapes - they, as always in World of Warcraft, are simply mesmerizing. But these are trifles, the most important thing begins after Khadgar himself contacts you to ask for help with some interesting business (the quest " Discovering Khadgar") - here the Suramar plot starts.

There is no need to talk about the plot - there are solid spoilers, so just know that the Suramar plot is worth following and going through it completely, besides, there is a good reward for it in the form of reputation, gold, artifact power and even an epic mount, but about all this in order.

This guide will help beginners get their bearings in Suramar, as well as those who just want to make sure they don't miss anything. For convenience, it is divided into several sections.

In general, the plot quests of the Nightfallen do not cause any difficulties, but it is worth mentioning Telemanthe Oculeth. Shortly after you meet him, Okulet asks you to take some things from his old dwelling, and during the task “The Subtle Art of Telemancy”, you find yourself in a teleport system. Finding the right ones is quite simple - the Oculeth tools are in the Distortion Lab and the Telemetry Lab, but a couple of secrets are also hidden here.

The "library" teleport will take you to a distorted space, from which the Oculet will rush to pull you out, but if you examine the distortion more closely, you can find hidden treasures. To prevent the Oculeth from "saving" you ahead of time, you need to quickly get to one of the shining purple circles and follow this way until the end of the distortion. At the exit, a statue of an elf and a reward in the form of a chest with change and the power of an artifact will be waiting for you.

Next, Thalyssra will send you to explore Anor's lowland on the quest "Connecting to the Ley Lines". Valtrois, who is just there, will not be glad to see you, but when she finds out about Thalyssra, she will become much more accommodating. Together with Valtrois, you need to activate the Ley Line of Anor Basin, and the puzzle itself, which is proposed to be solved, is extremely simple, however, after activating the Ley Line, you get the opportunity to activate other Ley Lines throughout Suramaru. It’s better to take care of this in advance, because later in the story you will still be forced to run around all the caches, and it will be better if you don’t have to run so much.

Side quests

Suramar's side quests are as twisty as the story quests, and sometimes even surpass them. The main reward for completing them will, again, be the power of the artifact, but you can’t get the achievement Good Suramaritan without them either.

If you've passed by the vrykul settlement of Jandvik, where vrykul and naga fight day and night, you've probably noticed that both of them don't like you. However, you can become Jarl of Jandvik - you can start the plot of this settlement in the forest near the village, where a vrykul lady named Toril is just waiting for someone to help her drive off the naga.

In addition to Artifact Power, a few stacks of Ancient Mana, and the useless title of Jarl Jandvik, you'll also get the ability to breathe underwater and swim fast in the nearby bay, and since that's where several world quests take place, this reward will definitely come in handy.

In the same place, in the city of the nightborne, you can complete the Blood and Wine quest chain and get the Unshackled Mana Snake pet for the Gift of Balance quest.

One of the local quests in Suramar sends you to train the withered to become useful. The goal of preparing the withered is to reach Telemancer Oculeth at the other end of the ruins and still survive, bringing at least one wither with them. This is not as easy as it might seem, but with the right approach, anything is possible.

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    World Quests in the Broken Isles are an improved version of daily quests intended for max-level players.

    1. World Quests at a Glance

    • Having reached the maximum level, you will be able to complete world quests in all Legion locations: Stormheim, Highmountain, Val "shara, Suramar, Azsuna. Quests with the best reward involve visiting the Eye of Azshara.
    • To gain access to world quests, you need to level your reputation with the 5 main factions of the Broken Isles (to Friendly, Faction Alliance quest). As a reward, you will receive an item for fast movement around the world, Flight Master's Whistle.
    • World Quests have varying durations, with the most difficult quests usually available for a few days. Unlike daily quests, world quests do not "refresh" at a specific time.
    • There is no limit on the maximum number of World Quests that can be completed in one day. However, after you complete one task, another will not appear immediately.
    • World Quest rewards vary.
    • World Quests are the same for all characters in the game world, so you can easily find like-minded people.
    • There are several hundred world quests, so they are very rarely repeated.

    A list of active quests can be found on Wowhead:

    • Go to the main page to see active messengers and their associated quests.
    • All active tasks can be viewed . The list can be filtered by job type and reputation.
    • Please note that the service is still under testing.

    2. How to start a local job

    • When you open the map while standing next to a Flight Master and hover over the map, a tooltip will appear showing the number of World Quests available at that location.
    • When you zoom in on the map, you can view tasks in the immediate vicinity of the flight master.
    • The world map also displays the content of the tasks in each location.
    • To start a world quest, travel to the desired area. As soon as this happens, the quest will appear automatically (similar to additional objectives on Draenor).
    • To choose the right quest, look at the tooltip, evaluate the difficulty and reward, as well as the faction that gives reputation for completing the quest.

    3. Types of local tasks

    There are several types of local quests:

    • Crossed Swords: PvP Quest
    • Purple Exclamation Mark with Dragon Border: World Boss Kill Quest
    • Blue Skull with Dragon Border - Dungeon/Party Quest
    • Blue exclamation point with dragon border: Rare Elite Kill Quest
    • Standard exclamation point with a dragon border: A small group mission involves killing a small elite monster
    • Common Exclamation Mark: A simple local quest that can be completed solo
    • Profession Badge: World Quest that can be completed with Professions (appears about once every three days, the reward is expensive materials)
    • Green Paw Pet Fight World Quest

    World Quest tooltips display the following information:

    • Name of the task
    • Difficulty level (corresponds to the font color in the title)
    • Quest type (indicated by an icon on the map)
    • Reputation (if any)
    • Remaining time (depending on type and difficulty)
    • Purpose of the assignment
    • Awards and Description

    3.1. Kirin Tor World Quests

    Kirin Tor World Quests are different from other World Quests.

    • They offer not just to kill monsters and collect items from them, but to solve a puzzle.
    • In the Riddle task, you need to run through the labyrinth, which flashes briefly on the ground.
    • In the Power Race task, you need to jump on the manopard and run along the route until the time runs out.
    • In the Magic of Flight task, you need to enter one ball, fly in it to another ball, etc., until you reach the goal.
    • The Kirin Tor also gives out dungeon quests that involve killing rare monsters and bosses. Details about these quests can be found in the dungeon guides.
    • Kirin Tor quests appear quite rarely.

    4. World Quest Rewards

    The quality of the World Quest reward depends on the difficulty of the World Quest:

    • gold, items that give artifact power (the amount depends on the level of Artifact Knowledge), 400-500 Order Hall resources , items for defenders, Blood of Sargeras , equipment and relics level 805 and above.
    • crafting materials, including Felwort, Infernal Brimstone, and Bacon Chunk. Order tasks allow you to get recipes (6 in total for each profession):
      • Alchemy: elixirs and potions
      • Blacksmithing: Plate Armor
      • Enchanting: Ring and Amulets Enchantment
      • Engineering: Useful items like Auto Hammer and Pylon for detecting problems
      • Inscription: Vantus runes for bosses in the Emerald Nightmare
      • Jewelery: rings and amulets
      • Leatherworking: leather and mail armor
      • Tailoring: Woven Armor
    • Fish for tasks for anglers.
    • Pet battle quests reward gems and wards.
    • PvP missions reward level 805 PvP equipment.
    • The best reward, as a rule, can be obtained for completing the most difficult tasks.
    • The reward is not tied to a quest, individual items can be found in messenger chests or obtained as loot from bosses in dungeons. The type of reward is not determined by the type of task, i.e. the same item can be obtained as a reward for completing tasks of different types.

    4.1. Reward scaling

    To keep the interest in World Quests alive, the level of rewards depends on the character's current equipment level.

    • By default, the reward level is 805 (810 for elite and PvP missions).
    • As equipment level increases, the reward level increases to 835 (840 for dungeon quests). At a certain point in time, you may have several tasks with rewards of different levels. The average level of rewards depends on the gray level of equipment (including the one in the bags).

    In addition, quest rewards, like any loot in the Legion, can be battle-forged (small level bonus) or titan-forged (large level bonus).

    After receiving an item, its level does not change.

    4.2. Reputation

    As a reward for completing world quests, you can get reputation with the factions of the Broken Isles (from 75 for the easiest quests to 250-300 for group quests to kill rare elite monsters). On average, tasks give 75-150 units. reputation, and you can do them yourself.

    • The faction that gives reputation for completing the quest is indicated in the tooltip. Each location has its own faction.
    • Co reputation can be gained at any location in addition to reputation with the faction corresponding to that location. For example, the quest to kill an elite rare monster is VERY DANGEROUS: Captain Dargan gives 250 damage. reputation with the Guardians and the Valarjar, the scene is Stormheim.
    • Kirin Tor quests grant reputation with the WotLK Kirin Tor faction, as well as reputation with the location's faction. For example, Riddle gives 75 points. reputation with the Kirin Tor and the Highmountain Tribes. In Suramar, Kirin Tor World Quests grant 50 Kirin Tor. reputation with the Nightfallen.
    • Emissary quests grant more reputation (see below).

    5. Missions of messengers and rewards for them

    Every day, you will receive bonus quests from emissaries that require you to complete 4 world quests in the specified zone.

    • The tasks of the envoys are displayed on the map.
    • Each messenger mission can be completed for 3 days, after which it disappears. Thus, players do not need to log into the game every day.
    • You can stack up to 3 envoy quests and then complete them in one sitting.
    • By clicking on the emissary's quest icon, you can view all world quests that meet its criteria.

    Completing an envoy's mission awards 1500 units. reputation with the corresponding faction and a chest with loot.

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