Empress Maria Alexandrovna Mechanical chair. Beautiful life: Luxurious Empress Empress Mary Alexandrovna

In 1837, Alexander went on a trip to Europe. He traveled Switzerland, Austria and Italy. From Naples through Switzerland, he headed towards his relatives in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. Wanting quickly to return home, he wanted to speed up his trip to London - the last stage of his foreign journey. To do this, Alexander decided to reduce his route, having shutting up the small capitals of such German Union states from him as Darmstadt, Mecklenburg and Braunschweig. Mark. . Especially for Cesarevich, the hotel "Traube" was shot, as Alexander categorically refused to sleep in the castle of the Duke of Hessen (he was very tired of visits to numerous German princes and dreamed faster to reach Holland). However, in the evening he went to the opera, and here in the Hall of the theater, he met all the ducal family.

That evening in the Opera Theater walked "Festival". In the depths of theatrical lodge, the great prince saw a young princess, an almost child, and was so touched by her "modest lovely", which, returning home, immediately declared Zhukovsky that his choice was made that he found his wife who he needed, and what's next He will not go anywhere. Historians argue that at such a quick decision of the Grand Duke could affect the romantic plot of "Vestniki".
Maria Alexandrovna (July 27 (August 8) 1824, Darmstadt - May 22 (June 8) 1880, St. Petersburg) - recognized daughter of the Great Duke of Ludwig II Hessian; The spouse of the Russian emperor Alexander II and the mother of the future emperor Alexander III. The princess of Maximilian Wilhelmina Augustus Sofia Maria Hessian (1824-1841), after marriage received the title of great princess (1841-1855), after the spouse of the Russian throne became Empress (March 2, 1855 - June 8, 1880).
The mother of Princess Wilhelmina Louise Badenskaya left the world when she walked the 13th year from birth and she, together with her prince his prince Alexander (1823 - 1880), for several years, brought up a governess, living in the country Castle Ygenheim near Darmstadt. The August Mother of the Princess for the time of birth, she did not live for a long time with her spouse. Everyone had their own love, and in conversations, the princess was born was from Barona de Granci, the Swiss of French origin, the former Shadmisister of the Great Duke. Husband Wilhelmina, Great Duke Ludwig II Hessian to avoid a scandal and thanks to the intervention of brother and sisters Wilhelmines (the Great Duke of Badensky, Empress of Russia Elizabeth Alekseevna, Korolev, Sweden and Duchess Braunschweigskaya), officially acknowledged Maria and her brother Alexander with his children (two others Relocial children died in infancy). Despite recognition, they continued to live separately in Heiligenberg, while Ludwig II - in Darmstadt.
The daughter of the Duke Maria, which was then only 15 years old, greatly struck Alexander with his beauty and grace. After the presentation, he accepted an invitation to dinner, talked a lot, laughed and, instead of hurrying with departure, agreed to breakfast from the Crown Prince. For this watch, Maria completely fascinated Cesarevich and, going to bed, he said to those who accompanied his adjutants Kaverin and Orlov: "That's what I dreamed of all my life. I get married only on it." He immediately wrote his father and mother, asking them for the permission to make the offer of the young princess of Hessian.
In a letter to your father, the Emperor Nikolay I, the heir-Cesarevich Alexander Nikolaevich on March 25 (April 7), 1839 wrote: "Here, in Darmstadt, I met the daughter of the Great Duke, Princess Maria. I liked it terribly, from the very first time me She saw her ... And, if you allow, dear dad, after my visit to England, I will return to Darmstadt again "
However, consent to marriage Parents Cesarevich and the Grand Prince - Emperor Nicholas I and the Empress Alexander Fedorovna did not give immediately. Some time against marriage they objected due to the mystery of the birth of the princess.
E. P. Tolmachev in the book "Alexander Second and His Time" quotes the secret letter to Nicholas I trustee of the heir - Count A. N. Orlov: "Doubts about the legality of her origin are more valid than you believe. It is known that because of this it We barely suffer at the courtyard and in the family, but it is officially recognized as the daughter of His stand-old Father and wears his name, therefore, no one can say anything against her in this sense. "
However, Alexander Nikolaevich himself knew perfectly well about the secret of her origin, since the same Orlov wrote the emperor: "Do not think, the sovereign that I hid from the great prince about the origin of the princess of Mary. He learned about them on the very day of his arrival in Darmstadt, however I reacted exactly like you ... He thinks that, of course, it would be better, but she bears the name of his father, therefore, in terms of the law, no one can reproach it. "
The heir to the throne experienced the strongest feelings for the princess. In May 1839, he wrote Mother: "Cute Mom, that I am up to the secrets of the Princess Mary! I love her, and I will rather refuse the throne than from her. I only get married on her, here's my decision!"
May month Alexander spent in London, where he was welcomed by the British aristocracy, visited the parliament, at races, in Oxford, Tower, in the docks at the Thames, in the English bank and Westminster Abbey. But the brightest memories were connected with his 19-year-old queen Victoria.
On June 23, he returned to Petersburg and here again became interested in Olga Kalinovskaya: he was very in love, and parents had to be reversed with this. The emperor hurried to give the Kalinovskaya for her husband's deceased sister of the rich Polish magnate Count Irinea Oginsky.
Only then, on March 4, 1840, Alexander went for his bride to Darmstadt. He returned to Russia with her and his parents who met them in Poland in early September.
On December 5, Maria was baptized on the Orthodox rite and became the Great Prince Maria Alekseevna.
Wedding took place on April 16, 1841.

Everyone who wrote about Alexander's wife was given due to her beauty and excellent spiritual qualities. Tyutchev, who got acquainted with her after 12 years, recalled: "Despite the high growth and harmony, she was so thin and fragile, which did not make the impressions of the beauty at first glance; but it was extremely elegant, the very special grace, which can be found on old German paintings, in Madonna Albrecht Dürer, connecting some rigor and dryness of forms with a kind of grace in movements and position, so that in all their creatures there is an elusive charm and, as it were, the glimpse of the soul through the body's shell. I never watched a more Than in Zesarean, it is a lightweight and chaste grace of ideal abstract. The features were not correct. Beautifully her wonderful hair, her delicate face color, her big blue, a little eyes, watching meekly and penetrate ... It was first of all the soul Extremely sincere and deeply religious ... The mind of Tsarevna was like her soul: a thin, elegant, insightful, very ironic ..
At first, not many knew that the future empress Maria Alexandrovna, by the will of God born on the day of the Holy Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon, was incurably sick with a heart and lungs, carrying his heavy cross all his life. But even at that, she made a lot of godly affairs, continuing the glorious traditions of the Soviet of All-Russian.
In Russia, Maria Alexandrovna soon became known to a wide charity - Mariinsky hospitals, gymnasiums and shelters were very common and deserved a high assessment of contemporaries. In total, she patronized 5 hospitals, 12 was rude, 36 shelters, 2 institutes, 38 gymnasiums, 156 lower schools, 5 private charitable societies and with Elena Pavlovna (Widow Uncle Alexanderi - Mikhail Pavlovich) was established by the Red Cross - they all demanded from the great princess of futile attention .
Maria Alexandrovna spent state money, and part of their funds, because she was allocated for personal expenses of 50 thousand rubles with silver per year.
She turned out to be a deeply religious man and, according to the testimony of contemporaries, it could be easily represented in monastic clothes, silent, replenished by post and prayer. However, for the future empress, such religiosity could hardly be considered dignity. After all, she had to fulfill numerous secular responsibilities, and excessive religiousness came to them in contradiction
In April 1865, Alexander and Maria moved a cruel blow. In Nice from the spinal meningitis, their eldest son Nicholas died - the young man, who was just 21 years old, who had successfully completed the education, who had a bride who had intended to start state activities as an assistant and future receiver of his father. The second son of the Emperor, the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, was announced the new heir to the throne.
The most difficult death of the Grand Duke Nicholas affected the Empress. She loved him especially, engaged in his education, invariably invited at the evening to his living room. Between his mother and son there was a deep inner connection. After the son died in her arms, the Empress closed in his grief, her health was even more shaken.
The marriage life of Alexander with his wife has long been no longer laid. Perhaps the death of the Son inflicted her the last fatal blow. In the first twenty years, Mary Alexandrovna gave birth to eight children. Meanwhile, her health from the very beginning did not differ a fortress. Numerous childbirth loosened even more.
We will not forget that none of the sovereign was subjected to such a terrifying terror in Russia. Survive six attempted on the August spouse, living in anxiety for the sovereign and crowded children for a long age of 14, from the moment of the first shot of D.V. Karakozova 4 (17) to the explosion in the Dining Room of the Winter Palace in February 1880, killed 11 lives - to survive Found only a little. According to Freillina, the Countess A.A. Tolstoy, "the weak health of the sovereign finally staggered after the attempt on April 2, 1879, (arranged by the populizer A.K.Solvyev, approx. A.R.). After him, she was no longer recovered. I, as now, I see it on that day - with feverishly brilliant eyes, broken, desperate. "No need to live," she said, "I feel that it kills me."
After forty, the Empress began to suffer with sharp heart attacks. Doctors strongly advised Maria Alexandrovna to refrain from married relations,
And like his father, Alexander in forty years turned out to be straw widow. One after another he changed several mistresses. Among them are called Princess Alexander Dolgoruky, Zamyatin, Labunskaya, Makarov, Makov and Vanda Karotzi. All these were immaculate beauties (Alexander Smoloda heard the connoisseur and a lover of women), but they could not fill the voids, which somehow imperceptibly arose around the emperor.

In the spring of 1865, Alexander began the new, the most stormy in his life the novel, who was destined to become the last. Walking in the summer garden, he noticed a young girl, graceful, fashionably dressed, with a blush to the whole cheek, with big radiant eyes. It was an eighteen-year-old Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukova. The emperor knew her long ago, since 1857, when she was still a little girl. Now, fascinated by her fresh beauty, he began to care for her, getting fond of more and more. He managed to gradually awaken the counter feelings, but the relationship of lovers for a long time remained Platonic, they needed to go through many trials before their attraction turned into a all-consuming passion. The sovereign knew everything, for it was too smart and impressionable for self-deception, but could not do anything ... or did not want? She suffered all fourteen years of this scandalous connection - silently, long-suffering, without moving the eyebrow, without applying. This was its pride and his own tuming pain. Not all understood this and took. Especially matured sons, literally the fellow mother. Later, the princess with children from Alexander moved to live in the Winter Palace. This scandalous story has not only tormented the patient to the Empress, but also caused anniversary of the courtiers. The sons were worried that the side brothers and sisters would ever announce their rights. Count Shuvalov considered his duty to report to Alexander on universal discontent, which arose due to the connection of the sovereign with a Dolgorukova. The emperor was coldly listened to Shuvalov and gave him to understand that he would not allow anyone in his personal life to interfere. From this time, the position of the All-Favorite Favorite was shaken, and in 1874, Alexander suddenly sent Shuvalov Ambassador to London. In the same year, he complained to his side children title of the bright princes of Yuryevsky.
"Two people lived in Alexander II," Prince P.A. Kropotkin, - and now the struggle between them, increasing every year, took a tragic character ... Without a doubt, he retained attachment to his mother's mother, although at that time He was already close to the printed Yuryevsky-Dolgoruk. "The sir once said M.T.Loris-Melikov, the Minister of the Interior:" Do not refer to me about the Empress: I hurt it so much "
In the last years of life, Maria Aleksandrovna led a completely secluded lifestyle. The console was left with many of those who were close to her heart with her youth. With others, as with Tyutcheva, she herself broke up (she was played by Freiline's claims to exclusive position, which led to cooling ).

In 1880, the Empress, accompanied by Liebe - Medica, Dr. Botkin was treated in Nice, but in the end of the spring, it was dragged home.
I dare to urge your imperial majesty not to return to the winter in St. Petersburg and in general - in the middle band of Russia. As a last resort - Crimea. For your exhaust lungs and hearts that weakened from the loads, the climate of St. Petersburg is destroyed, dare to assure! Your villa in Florence has long been ready and expects you. Yes, and the new palace in the vicinity of Livadia is all the services of your imperial ...:
"Tell me, Sergey Petrovich," Liebe Suddenly interrupted - Medik Botkin Empress, - to keep me here, away from Russia, did the sovereign asked you? He does not want me to return? - Thin, disgraced fingers nervously drummed along the windowsill of a high Italian window of the villa, which went straight on the sea coast. The sea behind the glass floated in the morning mooring and was still sleepy - serene. It seemed that it was shattered right at the very feet:
"Nobody would defer your imperial majesty here in Nice, against your august will." But the sovereign, only tirelessly worrying about the priceless health of your majesty, ultimately asked you:
- Throw all these reversals, Sergey Petrovich! From my invaluable health, tiny drops remained, and from the August will - one humility before God's lodge! - The evacuated profile of the Empress was still wrong for some unusual, painful subtlety, it was not earlier, but even on him, the profile seemed to have already lay down the authority shadow of death.
- I dare to argue with your Majesty about the last approval!
- So - with, frequent pulse, wet palms ... you would lie, your imperial majesty, I am now a call of a nurse. It is necessary to observe the mode!
- In Tom, I will leave, Sergey Petrovich, already not long to wait. Meld to gather, tomorrow, in the morning I need to be in Cannes, from there in St. Petersburg, enough, stupid by the sea. I want to die at home, in my bed.
- I dare to constantly insist that your August Majesty remain certainly here! - With a soft hardness, the doctor responded to Queen Botkin.
- the whole course of procedures has not yet been completed, and I do not want to resort, as in the past visit to the capital, to oxygen pillows! Your Majesty, I beg you! I received a letter from their high grade, Tsearevich Alexander and Tsarevna Mary Feodorovna, they also find that you are extremely undesirable to be in the capital and sneak in stuffy winter. Autumn this year in St. Petersburg, as always - not sugar! - Life Medic smiled slightly, the empress immediately picked up this weak smile:
- I know, a cute doctor, I know, but because the reason is not in this! You are just afraid of how the presence in the palace will affect my health, the famous person sacred for the emperor's sovereign! - The Empress slightly grinned. Do not be afraid, I will no longer drop the ridges and beat the cups from the sound of children's steps. (Hint at the princess Catherine Dolgoruky and her children from Emperor Alexander. They were three. They all lived in the Winter Palace and occupied the apartments right above the head of the public! It was dictated by how historians write, princess and children's considerations. At that time, attempted attempts Attempts on the sovereign. But only by this? .. - the author's note).
- As always, I will find such a natural noise. Natural explanation is not to enter into an embarrassment of young Kametok! - The Empress tried to smile, but her face distorted the painful grimace. She lowered his head, trying to suppress coughing attack, pressed a handkerchief to her lips. It instantly soaked in blood.
- Your imperial majesty, I beg you, do not need! - Excited Botkin sharply squeezed in his palms, Mary Alexandrovna's hand.
I understand, I should not! I understand everything, I just want you to know: I have never vinyl anything never vinyl! He gave me so much happiness for all these years and so often argued my immeasurable respect, that this would have enough for ten ordinary women with a straightened!
Not his fault that he is a Caesar, and I am the wife of Caesar! You will objected now that he insulted in me the empress, and you will be right, a cute doctor, of course, right, but let him judge him! I have no right to it. My offense and bitterness of the heavens have long been injured and know. Alexander too.
And my true trouble is that life acquires a full meaning for me and the paint multiweight only next to him, it doesn't matter whether his heart belongs to me or another, younger and more beautiful ... He is not guilty, which means more for me anything else , I just arranged so strange.
And I am happy that I can escape before him. Fear for his life strongly vulled me! These six attempts!
Mad Russia! She always needs something amazing basics and foundations, false shakes ... and, maybe the heartful personal weaknesses of the carp of her only on the hand, who knows? "He is the same as we, weak mortal, and also - the adulterer! Crash His, Atu Him, Atu!" - They shout, forgetting.
Perhaps, his prayer, there, in the throne of the heavenly father, I will drop a quiet death for him, instead of the martyr's crown of an sufferer, drove into the corner of a broken mobile with foam at the mouth, forever dissatisfied. Maria Alexandrovna sighed tiredly and bowed her head on a folded prayer palm. Forces absolutely left her.
-Whist Imperial Majesty, you are tired, take a break, why so harden the soul with gloomy thoughts! - helplessly mumbled a leiba medic, trying to hide that embraced his confusion and excitement.
- Sergey Petrovich, tell me! - The Empress whispered tiredly.
- While there is forces, I want to return and die beside him and children, in my native land, under native clouds. You know, nowhere is there such a high sky, as in Russia, and such warm and soft clouds! - Shadow of a dreamy smile touched against the bloodless lips of the sovereign.
- You did not notice? Tell him the Majesty, that I will show me to bury me in a simple white dress, without a crown on the head and other royal regalia. There, under warm and soft clouds, we are all equal before the king of heaven, there are no differences in Eternity. Do you say a cute doctor?
Instead of response, the Life Medic only pressed to the lips of a small hot palm with blue veins and a feverish beating pulse. He, this pulse, was like a small bird, greedily moving under warm and high, native clouds ... so greed that it did not make sense to hold it more on Earth!
Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Empress All-Russian, Maria Alexandrovna, quietly died in St. Petersburg, in the Winter Palace, in its own apartments, on the night of the second on the third of June 1880. Death came to her in a dream. With her, it was not a king, nor children. "She died in the Winter Palace," Botkin, -The-of the Communication. A well-known Russian doctor spoke to his friends that he, an extraneous man, was dismissing disregard for Empress during Her illnesses. Excellent ladies, except for two Statt-Dam, deeply devotees to Empress, left it. And the entire court world, knowing that the emperor himself requires, imprisoned in front of a long-term.
"This quiet lonely death," Frealin will write fat, "became a harmonious and sublime concluding chord of life, such alien to noise and earthly glory."
According to the will, like all the empress of the house of Romanov, she was buried at the Petropavlovsky Cathedral of St. Petersburg six days later, May 28 (June 10) of 1880. After her death in the box, a letter was found addressed to the spouse in which she thanked him for all the years spent together and for her presented for so long ago, on April 28, 1841 - Vita Nuova (new life).

Mariinsky (State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater) Theater in St. Petersburg, Theater Square, D.1

Empty in honor of the Empress Mary Alexandrovna, Mariinsky has always remained the front and most Western (that is, the artistically advanced) theater of Russia. So it was until 1917: when Marius Petipa erected a "sleeping beauty" Tchaikovsky, foreign guests were broken on the stage, and the king was sitting in the royal bed. In the 1990s and 2000, the theater did not have lost its popularity: for the first time in the post-revolutionary history of Russia, Valery Gergiev performed the tetralogy R. Wagner "Ring Nibelung" and "Tristan".

Maria Alexandrovna. 1859. Tretyakov Gallery

For more than two centuries of its history, the Mariinsky Theater presented the world many great artists: here the outstanding bass served, the founder of the Russian executive opera school Osip Petrov, honed his skills and reached the vertices of glory such great singers like Fedor Shalyapin, Ivan Ershov, Medea and Nikolai Figner , Sophia Preobrazhenskaya. On the stage of the theater shone ballet artists: Matilda Kshesinskaya, Anna Pavlova, Vaclav Nizhinsky, Galina Ulanova, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov. I started my way to the art George Balanchine. The theater witnessed the heyday of the talent of ingenious decorator artists, such as Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Golovin, Alexander Benoit, Simon Virusladze, Fyodor Fedorovsky.

Maria Alexandrovna, in honor of which the theater is called "Mariinsky", was the wife of the Russian emperor Alexander II.

Christina Robertson Portrait of the Great Princess Mary Alexandrovna Romanova

Maria Alexandrovna Romanova was the daughter of the Great Duke of Hessian Ludwig, in the greatness of Princess Maximilian-Wilhelmin-August-Sofia-M Aria. She was born on July 27, 1824. Tsearevich Alexander, traveling in Western Europe (1838-39), to attract the heart I chose Maria Alexandrovna girlfriend of life. In the summer of 1840, she arrived in Russia, and on April 16, 1841 marriage took place.

After the death of a widowed empress Alexandra Fedorovna (1860), Maria Alexandrovna began to show active activities on the field of charity. She laid the beginning of a new period of women's education in Russia by the institution of open all-class female educational institutions (gymnasiums), which, according to the situation of 1860, was decided to open in all cities where the opportunity to ensure their existence. MARIA ALEKANDROVNA MONDERNING ACTIVITICS TRANSFER INTERESTICS: Personal Initiative has been taken to be taken not only to the security of the health and physical forces of children, by eliminating the circle of their classes of everything that has only mechanical, low-performance labor, but also to greater rapprochement of pupils with family and with The surrounding parent house is the environment for which they began to allow holidays to the houses of parents and the nearest relatives on vacation and public holidays.

At the initiative of Maria Alexandrovna began to emerge women's diocesan schools. In the field of charity, the most important merit of Mary Alexandrovna is the organization of the Red Cross, on the expansion of whose activities during the Russian-Turkish war, it put a lot of work and expenses, refusing to even sew new dresses, giving all their savings to the benefit of widows, orphans, wounded and sick.

The patronage of Mary Alexandrovna is obliged to their development and prosperity of the Society "Restoration of Christianity in the Caucasus", "the spread of spiritual and moral books", "Russian missionary", "britative in Moscow" and many other charitable institutions.

Artist I. K. Makarov, 1866. Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife Alexander II

Maria Alexandrovna was well versed in music, perfectly knew the latest European literature. In general, the latitude of its interests and mental quality was delighted with many of those who had happened to meet. "By his mind," said the famous poet and playwright A. K. Tolstoy, "she surpasses not only other women, but most men. This is an unprecedented combination of the mind with a purely female charm and ... charming character. "

Another poet, F. I. Tyutchev, dedicated to the Grand Prince sublime and sincere lines:

Who wouldn't be, but meets her,

Soul pure il sinny

You will suddenly feel live

What is the world is the best, the world is spiritual ...

F. K. Winterhalter Portrait of Maria Alexandrovna

Alexander II, their son, future Alexander III and Maria Aleksandrovna

Empress Maria Alexandrovna committed the most important feat of his life - strengthened the throne of the dynasty with numerous heirs. She gave birth to eight children: two daughters and six sons. She had a chance to survive two of them - the August daughter Alexander and the heir to Zesarevich Nicholas in 1849 and 1865.


Alexandra (1842-1849)

Nikolai (1843-1865), was brought up as the heir to the throne, died of inflammation of the lungs in Nice

Alexander III (1845-1894) - Emperor of Russia in 1881-1894

Vladimir (1847-1909)

Alexey (1850-1908)

Maria (1853-1920), great princess, Duchess of Great Britain and Germany, Alfred Edinburgh spouse

Sergey (1857-1905)

Paul (1860-1919)

Maria Aleksandrovna (1824 - 1880)

In honor of Maria Alexandrovna, three cities were named: Mariinsky Posad, Mariinsk (Kemerovo region), Marienhamen (the main city of the Aland Islands, an autonomous territory in Finland), as well as the Mariinsky (St. Petersburg) Theater and the Mariinsky Palace in Kiev.

Bust Mary Alexandrovna in San Remo. Gift St. Petersburg.

The monument to the Russian Empress Maria Alexandrovna Romanova, Alexander II spouse, opened in 2010 in the Italian resort town of San Remo. Maria Alexandrovna spent several winters there, gave a palm alley and the title of beloved resort of Russian aristocracy. To remind about this historical fact, Petersburgers presented the San Remo Monument. The bust is built on the central embankment of the resort, named after Maria Alexandrovna Empress Boulevard. This embankment adorns the gift of the Russian queen - a thousand palm trees. The author of the monument is Vladimir Gorheva.

There are not many names in history, which only positive feelings cause contemporaries. Maria Alexandrovna, the wife of Emperor Alexander II, is a happy exception. Even the strict beetor Nicholas I, who first was resolutely against this marriage, at the end of the life began letters with his beloved daughter-in-law with the phrase "blessed your name, Maria."

Fabulous Beginning

In March 1839, the young heir to the Russian throne, the son of Emperor Nicholas I Alexander traveled in Europe. The purpose of the trip, as often happens in fairy tales, were looking for a suitable bride. Before leaving, the father even composed a list of suitable girls from the ruling families, on which the young Tsarevich was worth paying attention to. But the case, completely in accordance with fabulous plots, did not glue. All candidates from the father's list seemed to Alexander too manners, chemmers and insincere. However, then luck smiled at him. About this event preserved memories of eyewitnesses in the retelling of the sister of Prince Olga Nikolaevna:

"... the retinue did not stop teasing his unsuccessful brides. One of the suite ... I noticed: "There is another young princess in Darmstadt." "No, thank you," Sasha replied, "with me - pretty, all of them are boring and tasteless." And yet he went there ... The old duke took him with his sons and daughters. In the depths of the taper, absolutely indifferent, followed the girl, with long, children's curls. Father took her hand to introduce himself. She just eaten the cherries at the moment when Sasha turned to her, she had to first spit a bone in his hand to answer him. She extended so little to what will be noticed ... the first word that said to him made him alert; She was not a soulless doll, like others, did not be chemmed and did not want to like. Instead of two hours, which were outlined, he stayed two days in her father's house "

This girl was Princess Hessian Maria. The reason for which it was not in the list of suitable brides was extremely ugly history. Until now, all biographers are convinced that in fact Maria and her brother Alexander were illegitimate children of Baron Augustus Senarklen de Granci. The Great Duke of Ludwig Hessian to avoid the scandal, officially recognized these children, but never participated in their upbringing. They lived with her mother in a small palace in Heiligenberg. Childhood and youth, held in a secluded castle, away from the courtyard, formed the nature of the future Russian Empress. She did not like a noisy court life, always preferring to her a narrow circle of communication with loved ones.

First difficulties

Of course, difficulties began literally immediately. However, they only broke the prince in love. He wrote her mother:

"Cute mom that I am to the secrets of Princess Mary! I love her, and I will rather refuse the throne than from her. I'm marrying only on her, here is my decision! "

Probably the young princess and the truth was charming. Alexander's parents, resolutely rejected this marriage, agreed to him, as soon as they met their future daughter-in-law. For this, Empress Maria Fedorovna even specially arrived in Germany - the case is unique to the Romanov dynasty.

"Marie won the hearts of all those Russians who could meet her. Sasha (Alexander II) was tied to her more and more, feeling that his choice fell on God this. Their mutual trust grew as they learned each other. Dad (Nicholas I) always started his letters to her words: "Blessed Your name, Maria". (...) Dad with joy watched the manifestation of the strength of this young character and admired the ability of Marie to own himself. This, in his opinion, balanced the lack of energy in Sasha, that he was constantly worried. " (Sleep of youth. Memories of the Great Princess Olga Nikolaevna)

Family life

Undoubtedly, the future emperor was not mistaken in choosing a spouse, she became a magnificent wife and government, who left a great memory about himself. The family life of Alexander II and Maria Alexandrovna lasted almost 40 years. However, this marriage was for the Russian Empress with a real test of faith, love and patience.

She gave birth to eight children, of them six sons - the best for the royal dynasty can not be submitted. She made the death of two older children - the daughter of Alexandra and the son of Nikolai, who had to inherit the throne. She had to experience the attempted her husband and his constant treason. At the end, Alexander stopped hiding his connections, and the constant favorite of Princess Ekaterina Dolgoruk was settled in the Winter Palace. She lived together with four illegitious children floor above the entrances of the crowded Empress. Maria Alexandrovna did not make any actions on this issue and did not blame the spouse.

Before death, in a farewell letter, she thanked Alexander for all thirty-nine years of living together. By the way, literally a few months after the death of his wife, the emperor concluded a morganatic marriage with Catherine Dolgorukova. The legitimate children were not able to forgive him to the end of their lives. Less than a year later, Alexander II was killed by the "Peace".

Great Empress

As it always happens in history, family lazies and problems over time are forgotten, but remains in the memory of people just what is really important. Maria Alexandrovna became an empress of 30 years. She did not often intervene in public affairs, although it is believed that her opinion also played a role in the issue of the liberation of peasants. But she fully took over the cargo of worries in matters of art, education and charity.

It was with her in Russia that the Red Cross was established, and the Empress has been the highest patroness of this organization for many years. Under her leadership, he became a socio-state structure that combines funds of philanthropists from all over Russia. In total, the empress patronized 5 hospitals, 12 was virtied, 36 shelters, 2 institutes, 38 gymnasiums, 156 lower schools and 5 private charitable societies. The empress itself spent huge amounts for good things. It is known that during the war she refused new outfits in order to use extra funds in favor of widows, orphans, wounded and patients.

She patronized the great Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky, and it was the efforts of Maria Aleksandrovna in Russia that open all-class women's educational institutions (gymnasium) were established - for the first time in the history of our country, girls were able to massively receive system education. The Poets of Vyazemsky, Tyutchev and Zhukovsky used the help of the empress. The name of the Great Russian Empress is also wearing one of the leading musical theaters of our country and the world - the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

Interestingly, the embroidery drawing on the Mariinsky Theater curtain was created "based on" patterns on the Coronation Dress of Maria Fedorovna (the coronation occurred a year before the opening of a new building). This outfit is a real work of art, covered with silver embroidery, is currently kept in the Greummy Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

not-experienced 14-year-old de Wash-ka in Li-Li-Ki-Koi, pre-la-Guy, that Is-ku-chen-chen prince Nab-Lyu-Laua in Lor-No.
And Is-ku-shen-no-Mu Proshu was 21 years old.

She was very high and so thin and fragile, which captured the Spirit,
and she was extremely elegant, like Madonna Albrecht Dürer ..
The features of her faces were not correct. But beautiful was her wonderful hair, her gentle color, her big blue, a little honeycomb, eyes, looking gently and penetrating. The mouth was thin, with compressed lips, which indicated restraint, and a barely noticeable ironic smile accounted for a strange contrast to the expression of her eye.


Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

After a long random Empress-mother Alexander Fodorovna, deciding "save Russia", revised his attitude to the future daughter-in-law, and, considering that the marriage of his son with Maria Darmstadskaya is the most acceptable of all subsequent options, herself rushed to Darmstadt for the bride for a son.

By this decisive step, the Queen of Alexander Fedorovna made a sensation, personally taking to Darmstadt for the princess Maria Sophia. The envious of all European courtyards forgive you could not forgive the Darmstad Princess of such happiness not by its origin.

In the Saint-Tyab-Rea 1840 year, the im-pert-ri-ri-Ves-La Ma-Riya in Ros-Siaia, in the Tsar-Si-Lo.

Ma-Ria Fisil-la-la-and in Ra-Zhai-Babi-SO-Lyut-But all-Mu, in the go-de, Po-de, Little-ku, Bo-Gats-Your Im- Lea-Toro-Sky Family, Na-Dam and Dram-Prices-Nasta, Svet-di-Da-Ri-Li Neighborne-no-Vienna Bo-Gray dress. In the fact, Soshi-Owl is mole-in-VKA, and whether the MNO-TWO Ba Lov is on this. 5 De-Kab-Rya 1940 SO-Ver-Shi-Elos Mi-Ro-Ma-Usa and Darm Stad-Skya Proches-Ca in Pra-Breed-La Vii Ma La Ma - Alec-san wood. And 16 ap-re-la in 1841 go-da Sas-Sas-Rea-Vi-Cha - Ca-Sa-Re-Vi-Cha Alec-San Dra and Pe Ru-Ru-Puzynoe Laa Knya-Guy Ma-Rii Alec-San Woods.
Ho-cast EOS-LLS-Tweiy Marriage Oca-Hall-Sia Nes-hour-Tlima due to lany si-re-rus-ko-go tsa-rod and infusion -The soup soup, he is still in-Mu, Tal-Sma Gar-Mo-ny.

Majnia Alec-San Woods-on in De-Vic-McI-Si-Li-Ana-Vil-Mi-Av-Av-Gus-T A-co-Fia Maji Darm Stad-Skey, the Swees-Wa-La Sea-Bi is very odd and not, not in the Russian Tsar-Skom, not many know that It's once-Vi-Vasha not-from-May-May Boot of Ser-Dza and Lea-Kih.

And the Tsars-Twain Soup-RuG so in a va-lu, it is no one, in the distance, she is not Oso-Bo-Chi-sculp - her pre-forest Mi, there was an uch-les-chen in Li Ti-Ki and the De La-Su-Su-Dars-Twain-Mines, as well as other friends of women-mi, Ma Lo Udea-Lyaya Vni-Ma and not.
KRO-IU SU-RO LE -TER-BURG-SKY KLI-MATH Her owls not under-ho-dil, in the Tsar-sky, in the same way, would be a sly-kom ho-lod - But, im-pert-rh-ka Majnia Alec-San Fragle-at Vecho, the Pros-Tu-Maly. From her from her because of depth-cii, bo-closer and one-no-cells everyday would be on the IOC ME-Those, she is Plaza-La " Dya-Mi Darm Stad-Ta "Charo, than the Ulya Bah, but that would be a bond-tro-tro-bia in a poin-dock Ti-Ho-go-zop-ro-liya, Majnaya from-Kry-Va La Ok, but in the co-ya, iso-va la to non-Mu, and about -Ha-chi-Vasha Ve-Er. In the re-zul-tha-th, she has a Ukrainian-chil-rum-like fu-rune-kul, which is not a pro-ho-dil, and as a name lo, from such a soul-soul about-tse-ok, she is under-tse-pi-la sleep-cha-la dobu-ry-Ron-her, and for -ham uht-ri-la-rane-smi Tu-Ber-Ku-les-zom.
SA-Ma Maksi-Mi-Li-Ana-Ville-Mi-Av-Gus-T A - Maja-Socy-Fiya Darm Stad-Skya, and in Mu-Muz-Tv IM-PE-RAT-ROS Majnia Alec-San Wood-on Ro-Ma-Na-Wa All Life Swell-Wa-Va-La Dam's Battleship, Neuvu-Renness in Beee, but would be very much bland-gift-on Alec-San Dar II for the fact that he had taken her own soup soup, Ma Leli-ice-outer.

Labor-tiv-tiv, but the Oce-thread of im-Pere Rat-Ri-Tsu Ma-Ria Alec-San Water, well, because of her sov-re-men would be over-Vis-and-ki and non-Vis-Wis-ki and, on-o-mouth, Liu-having her probod-thieves yes, and inog-yes and Li-Go-Liu -. So one-to-part of its OK-RU-Easy considers that, com-plex-suits in Svyazi with his Som-Nom-Tel-I-Hah-de-nym - from his na-na-chi-tel navy, from their own pre-ten-raise to Mu-Zhu and his family, she is Os-Ta-Vasha Ma Lo Vi-That Nao. Nel-Zya Skazz, that her once-vsa-ta-no-wifk in the 14-15-year-old WHO-THAT, COG-YES HERE POLY-MOT-RELA - Tse-sa-re-HIV Alec Sandr. But she is the cut-to-ka-ti-la in the na-mother of his SA-MO-OR-RA-Zo-Va-Ni and Sa-Mo-CO-Ver-Shans-Two Va Ni-EM, COG-Da Sta-la Salu-Twee-to-deploy the Sov-Sing of Oda-Noa and not in the two times. Dru-Gaya part of the DVO-RA, in the hour-tnos, Alec-San Dr. II Alec-This Con Stan-Ti-No-HIV Tol-Sta-Tal: "His mind Ma-Ria Alek- San Ferrov-on Pred-Breed-Ho-Dit is not only friendly Women's Women, but also pain-chins-your husband-Chin. It's not-Wa-Loie Cottage With the number of women both labeled Yani and ... pre-forest ha-cancer-te-rum. " Very Maul Ma-Ria Darm Stad, and Frei-Lina Tyut-Che-Wa and in Et-Chev, who Pos-Vi-Til her strangi. From the weight, that Ma-Ria Alec-San Wall-on Ho-sho-Bi-Rasha in Muz-Ke, Pre-Ras-la - La-Wei -Hy-drink Li-Te-Tu-Ru-Ru, she is once-bi-ram in Li Ti. But the Fran-Cuz-Ski-Ma-Ri-La and Ni-Ma La is not-dos-point - but Ho-Rho, Ve-La Sea-BA Socration Jean-but. Of its in-rep-owls and Du-Shevni Ka-cells at a di-di-to-bargaining many of those with whom to her -The me to meet-smi. In the Ram-kak, BLO-GOT-Ri-Tel-Nesu, she is ne-male with nove-ro-sa-ros-zo-via in Ros-Sii, nove-ro -Sa-Mi-Wi-Tiya Kul-Tuh. But this is all the only light-ski-ring in Nya-Tiya. And from pre-ko-men-tov Nel-Zya to raise, whether it would be-la ini-ati-wa or prominer Rus-Skye and Leu-Lav-Naya Church and Le -Pis-Tsy di-us-Ti-Ma-Na-Pi-Sa-Whether her ve-Li-Lu-giana in the nove-ro-sac times -In in Ros-Siia, whether it was a lot of Pod-de-de-Rat-Ri-Tsa. It's not a hundred-finish, that Majnia Darm Stad-Skya would be in Me-Sha-on on a pre-ka-tel-his-it -Is-horn and on my own non-Metz-com Aris-Tok-Ra-Tiz. IM-PE-RAT-ROS Mauli Alec-San Woods-on-all is up to-free - but a stream-lad-but-but-si to life in Ros-Siia, Muzha His His Alec-San Drah, she did not understand the mother and tse-thread, as well as in-time-smiling about him, ever-Os-Taha -Li-Va-La His Prash-You Strass Your Ho Lod-Nest. Maja Darm Stada-Skye Waja would be in the vlas-their-of-their bo-closet, the gloomy Cape Lei, com-plex-owls and, that would be from-to-fall, She is not a matter of male with all-go-Shi-Wan-EM or Van-Zan-eat yes Split-Mi-mi about probod-thoughts ro-mah, in-three gakh , Wedda-Bach and in-home-nae with dv-rah Ev-Ro-Py. Ho-ka, Su-Dia on her red-kim, a pep and high-ka-zy-va-ni-yam, she is still from-yes-va-la dollars, alec-san that he is-drove her from the bo busy and Usa-Dil-House with a co-battle to Rus-sky Press Tol, so she was La pain-neck of the ure-di pre-sta-vi-les of Ev-Ry-Skiy Di-Tiy. KRO-IU, Alec-Sandr, from-yes-shaft, is non-one-ry duty of the uvy, and not once-dil-Xia with her, yes, having the WTO family.

Once upon a time of the Alec-San Fragh, the Maja-Ni-San Frames-on You-Paul-Ni-Na-Nov-Na-Nie Soup Soup Rho-di-la we-ice-ni-cov for the Ros-Siy Press Press-La. Pos-le Rife of Sesh-Ga Rebu-ka-ki-chi zap-re-ti-whether she is ro-to-press, but she has 8 de-Tay, two Of them died. Daughter - Prince-on Maha would be-Li-Liou Bi-my du-worm. Tsa-Ri-tsya in 1842 Ro-di-di daughter Alec-San Dr. Alec-San Woods-on, but she is Skon-Cha-las in 1849. Since then in the Tsar-Sky Family -As were not on-p. Alec-San Droi.
And yet the Soup-Ru-Ges-Your Alec-San Dr. Worth and Ma-Ria Alec-San Woods was considered to-elk Garm, and, one -Maee, ka-focused that nothing would not be able to make this garme, but all from the middle of them -Ho-on ni-koi in 1865 goa in Nits-Tse. Mauli Alec-San Frash-on Med-Len - But UGA-SA-LA from Bo-Les-her and from Ga-Rya, and could not ... - Gone, nor Rhodes-Twain-Ni-Cove or Vod-thieves.

Following the Ma-Ri-her, Darm Stad-Schoy in Ros-likes, and her young brother Alec Sandre, which is the one, WHO, WHO, was Rozh Not from the Her-Cio-ha Lau-Du-Ki WTO-th, and from his arrival-thief. But the rest riveting of the Row-Guo Bra-Ta is not from Ba-Vil Ma-Ria Alec-San Wood-well from Tos-ki and Odi-No-Chesian, the more that -This-re vital from Ros-Sii according to us, Ni-Ki-Laya I, because of the non-equestrian brand with a Fra-Line of the GA-Code.

From Alec-San Darm Stadt-Ko and Frees-Lina Yulia Ga-Uki (Frey-Lina Pruz-Skoy-Ro-Lev-Dra, and NO-KO-LIAII I) WAS SHOVED AN-GLY-SHIP MA-UN-TBET-TE-NO-NOV, AND ON THE MOK THIS-RO-DA - F-Lipp became Prosh Edin-Burg -skoy, Mu, Pra-Vychy, with CE-D-dye 20 ve-ka on the on-cha-Lo 21 ve-ka-ro-le-you ve-lyri-kob-ri -One-ve-you II.

Beginning of life in the palace

The future empress Maria Alexandrovna arrived in St. Petersburg in September 1840. Alexander Nikolayevich's bride was encountered welcome and took her rest on the first floor of the Winter Palace overlooking the Neva. In letters, the relatives of the guest with delight described the room specifically for her. In them, Maria Alexandrovna had to live before the wedding.

Marriage took place in April 1841. After that, the former Princess Hessian, the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna was located in the rest cooked for her in the Beliesta Palace. White Hall, Golden Living Room, Green Dining Room, Raspberry Cabinet, Boudois and Blue Bedroom from nowend belong to Cesarer. The premises were renovated in the middle of the 20th century and are open to visiting in the main museum complex of the State Hermitage.

Historicism interiors

The famous interiors were executed on the projects of Alexander Pavlovich Bryullov, the older brother of the artist Karl Bryullov. In the 1950s and 60s of the XIX century, Maria Alexandrovna wished to change the decoration, and the famous architects Andrei Ivanovich Shockenshneider and Garald Andreevich Boss took the decoration of the rooms. The interiors were performed in the style of historicism, which at that time reigned in architecture. This direction tried to reproduce the features of the styles of the past, sometimes completely copying the famous samples. Neoroman style in the USA and Canada, Neojeta in England, Neenessance and Neurokko in many other countries - they all appealed to "big styles" of the past. For mixing, many different features, historism often assessed negatively and called "eclectics". In Germany, the masters of this style are considered, for example, Leo Background Klenze and Gottfried Zemmopler, in France - Eugene Viollah-le-Duke, in Austria - Otto Wagner, and in Russia - Nikolay Leontievich and Leonty Nikolaevich Benua.

The features of the historicism in the rest of Mary Alexandrovna are visible to the naked eye: first of all, an impeller is striking. During the time of Baroque and classicism, the decoration of the rooms could vary, but in the end, they still folded into the overall picture. Historism rejected the old rules and offered each room to execute in a special way, regardless of the combination of style, shape, and even colors with adjacent rooms. So each hall had its own decoration, depending on what the future empress was engaged in this room.

Toilet room

The toilet room served Maria Aleksandrovna also the Cabinet. From Alexander's office she was separated only by the library and a room of the chamelner. The chambers were decorated in pink shades, later the upholstery changed to light lilac. The walls were covered with a silk with a vegetable pattern, the same cloth had a comfortable furniture, curtains, screen and drapery were made of it. There were several portraits - Alexander Nikolayevich, Nikolai I and Brother Maria Alexander Hessen.

Bathroom and oxygen

Bathroom Cesarean was performed in blue tones with a floral ornament, the fireplace was decorated with stucco bas-relief and two karyatids. The furniture was made of maple, a table stood on a small twisted column with three legs in the form of lion's paws. Highlighted with its design Shirma, standing under the window: flowers, birds and butterflies were carved on it and stood the name of the Italian master who fulfilled her. In general, when creating a decoration of a bathroom, Alexander Bullylov was clearly inspired by the architecture of his beloved Italy.


The bedroom of the future empress was finished in light blue colors, a little later, the walls were covered with a darker blue tissue. The design was performed in places in the Renaissance style, but many features were also characteristic of the era of classicism. After repair, Maria Alexandrovna was especially admired by a raspberry carpet and a kyot with an extension created in the drawings of Olsufyev, Cesarere's courtyard. Furnished the bedroom was the furniture in the style of "Boule": so called a special decorative style, on the estate of his creator of the French master Andre-Charles. It became famous for the skillful inlays from brass, bronze, turtle shell. Such furniture was often forged using cheaper analogues of materials, but almost all the decoration in the Cesarean rooms was genuine. Near the bedroom there was a small room, which was nicknamed "oxygen": Mari Alexandrovna was treated in her, breathing herbal decoctions and alkaline pairs.

L. Premace, Bedroom Empress Mary Alexandrovna


Most Mary Alexandrovna loved his boudoir, where she often drank tea with his spouse and talked with children. At first it was decorated in bright colors and decorated with blue and gold ornaments. Then the Boudois was redone and designed in the style of the second Rococo: Alcove appeared with arch and beamiids, the pomestic upholstery of the walls were decorated with bizarre plant ornaments.

E. Gau, Boudar Mary Alexandrovna, 1861

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